Hirsune Pt. 11 - Gaining my Religion

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt. 11 - Gaining my Religion

by argouru



Sunlight poured in through the window, stabbing Kylenus in the eye. Groaning, he turned around, pressing himself into the hairy pecs of his oldest brother with a groan of protest. The chest reverberated as its owner chuckled.

"You're gonna have to get up sometime, Ky."

"Uhg! Don't remind me!"

"Well, get used to it, 'cause life on the farm means getting up by sunrise at the absolute latest. We've been letting you sleep in, but it's time you start to adjust to living here. Farming is hard and long work. It takes more time than it should, because of all the fuck-breaks, so we need to make the most of all the daylight hours. Come on, lazy bones! I need to make my bed."

"Alright," Ky grumbled, rising and stretching, taking in the room a second time. "So," he asked, taking in the weapons rack once more. "You like martial arts?"

"Yeah, I always wanted to learn how to protect myself, and so for my twelfth Hatching day, I asked Dad for permission to built a dojo onto the back of the barn. Kav's workout-slash-music room is built right next to it."

"Hatching day? What is that, like a birthday, or something?"

"Hatching day is the day we come forth from our egg and enter the world, so if birthing is for humans something like animals who give birth, then yeah. It's a day of celebration, and we use that day to indicate that we've become a year older. There's usually a party, and gifts for them. Mine's April sixth, Kavarin's is two days later on the eighth, Davin's is May tenth, and Dad's is May twentieth. Let's see... You took three days to change, and some hatchings -have- been known to take that long... Since your transformation finished on March twelfth, then I suppose that'll be your hatching day."

"-My- Hatching Day? Really?"

"Well sure... If you want it, that is. Humans have birthdays, so if you still want to use that day, I guess I can understand-"

"Aw fuck -that- day!" Ky said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "It was November thirtieth, and I always hated having it fall then. It was too close to the December holidays, so my gifts, what one's I never got myself, that is, were rather shitty. No... I like the idea of a Hatching Day instead. I -am- Hirsune now, after all, so why not?"

"Good!" Mark said with a smile, striping the sheets from his bed.

"Want help?"

"No, I got it. Thanks anyways, though."

Ky shrugged, and his gave was drawn once more to the sword. "That looks nice... kinda expensive too."

Mark followed his gaze, nodding. "Yeah, it was over $300. Dad got it for me last Hatching Day."

"I don't get it," Ky said, frowning thoughtfully. "How can you guys afford these things? Almost everything here is human-made, and that costs money. Where does that money come from?"

"Well, Dad made a lot of investments in the stock market. True, he lost a hefty sum early on when it crashed in the nineteen twenties, but he recovered rather well... Better than most humans did, that is. Before that, he and his father shaved themselves enough to pass for human, and traded between the Indians and the European settlers, slowly working up a sizable fortune. Dad does a lot of online trading, mostly technology-oriented, which is handled by one of the few humans we can trust. He's a lawyer, who handles all of the taxes, legal issues and such so that we don't have to worry or get directly involved. We also have one other contact: a farmer we sell our excess crops too for cash, which Bertha, our supplies-transporter, runs to the bank for us out in Columbia Falls. Everything else, we order from online, and have Bertha bring it in from the Columbia Falls post office for us once a week along with the rest of the supplies she brings."

"That's quite the setup!"

"Well remember, this town is over four hundred years old, and we've been here since before the human settlers came to conquer here. We've kept a very close eye on their civilization, working carefully and making contacts so as to make sure we could continue to operate as an isolated community without interference. The only thing we didn't plan on, was just how fast the humans would expand their own communities. We honestly never thought we'd have them breathing down our necks, but we blinked, and suddenly they're a lot closer to us, distance-wise, than we'd realized. That's why having someone like you, who has some experience with their ways, among us is so valuable. You know how humans think and behave, and that's the edge we've lacked up 'til now."

Ky groaned. "Please don't get into that! I'm still not sure how much help I really can be. The last thing I need is for everyone to start treating me like 'The Chosen One' or something."

"Come on," Mark said, looking at him with compassion. "It won't be that bad. Dad told us what you said to Tenaro, and that's more to go on than we've ever had before. It let us know what to look for, and now that we do, we can prepare ourselves. The elders are right. It's only a matter of time before the humans come. We need to make sure our rights as a people are protected."

"I thought only the elders knew all of this. How do you know?"

"Dad tells me everything. As the eldest, it's my responsibility to be ready should anything ever happen to him."


"We're not immortal, Ky. We can get sick, have accidents. We heal much faster than humans, true, but we can die almost as easily as they." Mark walked to the window, staring out across the field waiting for the end of the Springtime thaw. "Farming's a dangerous business. I almost lost a finger just last Autumn, trying to fix the thresher. Dad wants me to be ready... Just in case. He wants me to succeed him on the council some day, as well as take care of you guys."

"I... Never thought of that. When Dad told me how old he was, I was shocked. He still looks fairly young to me."

"Well, while we -are- long-lived, we do age and die eventually. With luck, we'll have Dad another two and a half centuries or so... But then he'll be gone." He turned back to Ky, smiling, which confused the youth until he spoke further. "But that's tons of time. Far more than most humans ever get, so no worries."

"Yeah," Ky said, thinking about that. "I guess it is. Thanks for last night. It... was really intense."

"You liked it?"

"Yes. I'd definitely be up for that again. I still want to see how our pheromones play off each other though..." He began to approach his sibling.

Mark stopped him with a hand on his chest, looking sorry. "I'd love nothing more, Ky, but Dad told me to send you to the barn ASAP. He's waiting there for you." He stroked Ky's chest fur affectionately. "But if you want to sleep together tonight again... My bed'll be here."

The elder sibling frowned then, noting the stickiness on Ky's chest. "You might want to rinse off, before you start matting up."

Ky groaned. "Man... bathing's such a pain now."

Mark shook his head. "Just rinse is all. We only bathe once every week or two. Haven't you noticed that we like to keep our scents free of artificial chemicals? We like to keep the way we smell natural."

"Yeah, I guess so. I actually prefer natural scents, truth be told."

"It's the same for all Hirsune. Just go scrape off the big chunks!" he said, and laughed at the look of revulsion on Ky's face as the younger brother headed to the bathroom...



Ky rinsed himself thoroughly, then, not wanting to take long, dried himself as best he could using several towels before going back to his room to get dressed. He pulled out jeans and a flannel shirt, slipping his large feet into the legs of the jeans, noting as they came out the ends just how much they had grown. As a human, his feet had been a size ten. The transformation of his body into a Hirsune had made them balloon out to a size thirteen wide. *Well,* he thought. *There's the old saying about the size of a guy's feet...* He took his massive manhood into his hand, giving it a few loving strokes, then sighed with regret as he tucked it down the left leg of his pants before buttoning them closed.

A few minutes later, after stopping by the kitchen for a hurried breakfast Davin had saved for him, Ky gave him a quick peck on the cheek of thanks and headed out to the barn.

His pace slowed as he neared the entrance, hearing grunts of pleasure. Smiling, he entered quietly, wanting to not disturb them and enjoy the show of watching his dad mate... probably with Kavarin, as Kylenus had yet to see the third son today.

He entered the barn, and approached the stalls at the back, the scents of the barn mixing pleasurably in his nose with those of lust. But the scent of Ardenus' mate was confusing to Ky's nose, and he didn't understand until he came around the retaining wall, his eyes bulging in shock.

Ardenus stood bent forward with his shirt rumpled and his jeans around his ankles. There was a look of satisfied pleasure on his face, his eyes closed as he was fucked.

The one fucking him was what was shocking. It wasn't Kav... It wasn't even Hirsune, or human either, for that matter... It was a male horse, humping his dad's furry buns rapidly, stomping on it's hind hooves and it's front ones over the low retaining wall on the far side.

Ky had heard rumors, back in his human days, of farmers having a rather kinky side when it came to animals; but here was proof positive of the concept. His mind reeled slightly in shock. He wasn't horrified, but rather, strongly surprised at the older Hirsune's actions.

As he stood there watching, though, the scents of Hirsune and stallion lust found his nostrils, and began to arouse him. Sighing and feeling the hunger of his yet-to-be-sated lust, which had been denied two times already as Davin had gently declined, saying Ky was needed by Ardenus in the barn, he opened his pants as his dad turned to face him and opened his eyes to smile at the boy.

"Enjoying the show?" Ardenus asked, as Ky pulled his swelling phallus free and began to stroke himself.

"Uh huh," Ky said, moving closer. "Fuck that's hot," he said, his lust overriding his shock. He had always been openminded as a human, and had even tried to suck off a dog once unsuccessfully. The dog hadn't been interested though, and respecting his feelings, Ky had stopped. Seeing that his Dad was far kinkier than he'd thought, he moved forward, climbing underneath his parent and kneeling in the straw to take the twitching Hirsune penis into his mouth.

Ardenus moaned as his boy's mouth wrapped around his pulsing dickhead, the tongue roving in slow circles around the glands that poked free from his foreskin, making him moan in pleasure as he was serviced from both ends. "Oh fuck yeah, Son," he moaned. "That feels so fucking good. Worship Him, Son, worship the dick that bred you. The Holy Phallus that re-hatched you as my boy. Worship Him... That's it... oh fuck, Kylenus! Your mouth... your tongue... You really know how to worship with them so well! Don't stop... keep going... He wants to bless you with His cream, Son. Suck Him until He bestows those blessings within your mouth. I want you to drink the sacred seed of His lust."

Ky sucked gently, his tongue doing a ballet across his father's meat, worshipping it in gratitude for what it had given him. He found his parent's words of religious passion invoking his own lust further, and he masturbated as his father rode his mouth with the tip of that mighty phallus.

Ky was finding that the more religious his family members were becoming about sex around him, the more he liked it. If this was their religion, then it was one he could gladly accept as his own. Each verbal passage of lust spoken to him by them made him horny, without any trace of shame, guilt or humor. Sexual worship was a very serious business to the Hirsune, yet also one of deep joy and passion. As his mind slowly adjusted to the Hirsune way of thinking, he was finding himself wanting to become more and more religious, and his thoughts echoed these feelings.

His mouth full, he spoke within his own mind, knowing Penis would hear him. *Penis! Oh mighty Phallus of my father! I thank You for the gifts You have given me, and the lusts You fill me with. I thank You for all that I have, and all that I feel. Bless me, Penis! Anoint me with Your white hot spunk. I offer my throat as a vessel for Your sacrifice, and beg for You to bestow your liquid blessings upon me... Let them spray across my tongue, and fill me with Your essence! Sate Your lust within me, and let the sacred joy of the Holy Orgasm course through me!*

Ardenus was lost in lust. The combined pounding of the long equine meat within, the sexy mouth of his hatchling... It was too much for him, and he loved every fucking second of it! That Ky wasn't bothered by this act of bestiality was a relief. Humans had a funny way of thinking when it came to sex, and there had been a chance the boy, who might've still been holding to his human ways, could've been offended. That he wasn't brought Ardenus satisfaction that the boy was truly learning to trust in his lustful feelings.

"Oh yeah, Buck," he sighed, pushing back onto the stud's prick, "Fill me up. Sate your lusts within me, fella. Pump me fulla horse sperm!"

The stallion grunted repeatedly, almost whinnying as he pounded the Hirsune's ass furiously, his eyes closing as he got close.

Feeling the stallion begin to twitch, Ardenus moaned, and as the stallion came, filling his rump with equine spooge, he felt his own orgasm approach. "That's it, Buck! Fill me up! Feel the power of Penis sated! Uh yeah... yeah, prepare yourself Kylenus. He readies Himself for you! ....Uhhh, uhhh, uhhhh! Receive His blessings, Son. Hail Penis!"

As his dad's spunk burst free and filled his mouth, Ky lost control. *Thank you, Penis! Thank you! Hail Penis!* He thought as he moaned, and his mouth received those blessings of Hirsune seed. With that burst of semen into him, his own phallus exploded, covering the hay between his legs, as well as his dad's legs, pants and shoes, with sperm. He greedily gulped down the offerings from Ardenus' phallus, letting it course down his throat. As he finally felt the orgasm of the Penis that had recreated him in the image of Hirsune wane, he kept the last of the blessings in his mouth, and pulled free. "Hail Penis," he moaned thickly around the seed within his mouth.

Seeing this, Ardenus bent towards him. "Share His blessings with me, Son." He kissed Ky, and their tongues danced, spreading the gift of Penis around in their mouths.

Ardenus pulled back with a gasp of shock, as the horse exited his hole and stepped away. "Ohhh," he shuddered, his eyes closed. "Ohhh fuck!" he moaned, rocking forwards and back, lost in bliss.

Finally, he got up and hitched up his pants, tisking at the boy for soaking them. "You need to work on your aim," he chuckled goodnaturedly.

"Sorry," Ky said sheepishly.

"Don't be, Son... I'm just teasing. So you're OK with that?" He asked, nodding his head back to the horse as they moved out of the stall.

"It was surprising... I mean, I've heard stories, but never thought they were true."

"Buck doesn't have much company. There's mares he breeds sometimes, but I like to help him blow off some steam now and then. Keeps him happy."

"Fine by me... Who knows? Maybe I'll give him a try sometime, myself."

"He's pretty good... But so are the sheep." He smiled at the boy as he led him further towards the back.

"Now," he came to a stop beside something large under a tarp. "You need to decide what we're gonna do about this." He pulled the sheet off to reveal what it hid.

"My car!" Ky exclaimed, looking at it in shock. "I'd given up on it. In all the excitement, I'd lost track of time. I thought it would've been towed or stolen!"

"Nope, I made sure we saved it. Mostly for secrecy, but once I took you in, I was glad we kept it. It -is- yours, after all. Everything's there... except the letter... I hope you don't mind, but I burned it. You didn't want it, right?"

"No, that letter was written by a person who was washed away in a river of cum. It's something better left gone." He turned and smiled gently at his dad. "Besides, I have all I could ever want, now." He turned back to the car. "Pity it doesn't run anymore."

"Yeah... your brothers gave me merry abstinence for having to drag it all the way here, but of course, that was before you joined the family."

It took a moment for Ky to work that statement out. Then he realized that for hyper-sexual beings, abstinence was the closest thing to Hell for them. "Thanks," he said simply.

Ardenus held up the keys, which Ky took, and unlocked the car. "YES!!! MY GAMES!!!" His heart swelled with joy as he saw all of his video games and equipment were still there. He ran to the trunk and unlocked it to see that the rest of his gaming collection, including rare and out of print board and card games were there as well and still unharmed.

"Your brothers had a fit when I wouldn't let them take these out. They seem to love them almost as much as you do." Ardenus smiled, seeing how happy Kylenus was at finding his possessions safe. "You'll have a war going if you don't share! But if you want to keep them to yourself, I'll put my foot down."

"No, no! That's OK. My friends..." A shadow pasted briefly across his face. "Well... They never liked to play games, so I just collected them, hoping I'd someday find someone to play with. If the others wanna play with me, then I've got no problems with sharing," he finished with a smile.

"Good!" the father said with a sigh and a smile. "One less thing to hear them fight about. They've been wanting at these for awhile, but I've been beating them off."

"With a stick right?" Ky asked, laughing.

"That too," Ardenus replied, laughing. "Come on. We'll bring them in later. I want to give you the grand tour first..."



The grand tour took quite awhile, and included the barn, yard, tool shed, a quick fuck break, the well, the chicken coop, the farming vehicles, another quickie, and a drive out to see the fields and wind turbines, where Ardenus bent his son over the tailgate, their moans of lust intermixing with the grinding sounds of the rotating blades that provided electricity to the farm.

"Damn," Ky said, panting as they finished, and Ardenus pulled out of him. "I can't believe how horny I always am nowadays!"

"Hirsune have much stronger sex drives than humans, Son. We replenish ourselves every few hours at most, even if we completely drain our balls. I'm fucking you more often in order to get you used to how we live our lives. I went easy on you at first, so as to get you used to it; but as your sex drive matures as you've entered the final stages of Hirsune puberty, your sex drive has increased, true?"

"Yeah, I'm always horny, even right after I cum, and the need's growing back up in intensity faster and faster after each time. How the fuck do we ever get anything done?" he asked, laughing.

"Don't worry. Son." Ardenus chuckled. "You'll cool down a bit in a year or two, after you have your first heat, then finish passing through puberty. Once that happens, you'll start to get a better handle on your sex drive; enough so that you'll be more able to restrain yourself somewhat, when you want to, that is. That doesn't cover going into season, of course, but anyways... I still feel the need almost all the time, but unlike you, I've learned how to push it aside when I need to. In time you'll develop that same level of control. But, I'm mostly getting you mentally ready for tonight..."

"Why? What's so special about tonight?"

"Friday is the most sacred night of the week, and that's when we go into town, to the temple for services. We've missed them the last few weeks, helping you to get adjusted, as well as dealing with Markano's season... So everyone's really looking forward to going. You'll be coming with us. Welvayan really wants to meet you, and I'm sure he'll love getting to know you."

He saw the lad's face fall. "Hey now, none of that. You've never been to our services. They aren't like in human religions. In case you forgot, Sex is our religion. ...You're gonna have a blast!"




That night, the family all climbed into the truck, with some bickering among the boys as to who would have to ride in back until Ardenus lost his temper, and decreed that choice of seats was to be determined by age. Ky and Kav grumbled as they were forced to ride in back, the other three in the cab, and they reached town later than they'd intended.

As they entered town, they stopped at a large white, square-shaped building that looked like an enclosed, windowless meeting hall. Passing through unadorned, gold-painted doors, they found an entryway with a second set of intricately carved doors - also in gold - which bore the images of Penis in many shapes and states of arousal. There was a strong smell of sex in the air, as well as piss, and Ky began to grow slightly aroused. On the side walls were cubbyholes, and each of them took off their clothes until they stood nude, placing their clothes into empty slots they found there. They then stood facing the doors, and Ardenus spoke for his benefit.

"We stand at the threshold of lust, ready to plunge deep within the dark depths, to embrace our passions. Penis! Bestow your blessings upon each of us!"

He motioned for Kylenus to copy him, his siblings moving automatically as they already knew what to do, waiting to do it in unison with Ky so he wouldn't feel awkward in being behind them in speech and action.

Ardenus pulled back his foreskin, and touched the palm of his free hand to his cocktip, then his forehead, his heart, then his ass. "Penis! We are one with you always, in mind, in heart, and in canal." Ky followed, doing and speaking in kind, then raised his palm like theirs to face the doors. "Hail Penis!"

"Let us enter the sacred realm of lust!" Ardenus finished, speaking in solo, then opened the doors, granting his sons entry to the temple within. The scents of sex grew stronger as they opened, arousing him further. They entered a large room that took up most of the building's interior. Ky had been expecting something like a human religious building, with rows of benches facing an altar and podium.

This temple was much different, though, with light, almost white gray stone walls carved intricately with scenes of sexual expression. Carvings of Hirsune in pairs, groups or solo, indulging their pleasures in three-dimensional images that covered all of the walls and ceiling, and torches in bronze brackets blazed on the walls, their smoke rising through vents in the ceiling. The effect strongly reminded Kylenus of the family temple down in the basement back home.

There were mattresses and cushions covering much of the floor, winding pathways between them; and couches, slings, padded benches and chairs around the outer walls. Near the center of the room of worship, stood a much larger version of the same altar in the family temple back home. This one was wider and longer, but also bore many carvings of Penis, and had upon it a large bronze chalice. The altar was made entirely of the same stone as the walls, and rose only about two feet up off of the floor.

The temple was filled with several dozen Hirsune of various ages from six upwards. Ky looked to a six-year old, who by human standards, appeared to be of sixteen or seventeen years of age, and just entering the bulk of puberty. He was looking around eagerly, stroking himself and eyeing everyone with naked lust and anticipation.

Kav stepped forward eagerly, but Ardenus snatched him back by the neck. "Etiquette, Kavarin. You know the rules! Wisdom, -then- pleasure!" the parent said, turning them towards a table near the door they had entered through. On this table were warm and cold pots of lemongrass tea, and upon plates, cookies and cakes made with lemongrass, and formed into the shapes of erect phalli.

The family ate and drank mildly, so as not to cramp up later, and then turned and walked into the room. The other Hirsune weren't engaged in sex, they all merely sat and talked, some cuddling with close friends or relatives. They all seemed to be waiting, biding their time until services began.

Davin, seeing a friend and waving, started to move away, until Ardenus stopped him.

"Dad!" the second son said in annoyance.

"You can go say hello later. You know that families stay together until after the priest gives the verbal portion of services. Once he's done, you can go greet your friend."

Grumbling in annoyance, Davin did as he was told, waving apologetically to his friend.

There was a large, circular cushion near the altar that was empty. Ardenus moved towards it, as though he'd expected this, and they all sat down in a circle. As they sat there, talking with others on the cushions around them, introducing Kylenus to them, they waited until a young man peeked out another set of golden doors at the opposite side of the room. Looking over the altar and seeing them, he ducked back in, closing the door.

Ardenus leaned close to Ky. "Arouse yourself, but don't cum... Just bring yourself to full erection."

Smiling as he watched them, he followed suit with them, stroking himself gently until his phallus was fully erect, then slow stroked it, keeping himself hard.

He looked around at the others gathered for worship, recognizing some of the faces. He noticed that the mayor was here, as were all of the other elders who were supportive of him. Only Volnaro was missing, but Ky wasn't too surprised at that.

A few minutes later, the head priest entered, bald head shining from the light of the torches on the walls. Ky noted that he was wearing the same robe as the day he'd intervened on Ky's behalf when Volnaro had confronted him on the street. The robe was white, sleeveless, and cut so that it was open like a leather bar vest, his nipples exposed. The robe was almost ankle length, and covered in gold embroidery depicting erect penises gushing their fluids. He was fully, gloriously erect, and wore a white cockring around his genitals. He smiled warmly to everyone as he walked towards the altar, followed by two nude and stiff-penised acolytes.

He moved towards the altar, stepped up onto it, grabbed the chalice from one of the acolytes, and rose it high over his head to a large carving of a cockhead on the ceiling that was aiming downwards and positioned directly above the altar, as though awaiting the carving to gush forth its fluids into the vessel. As he stood, the acolytes knelt at each of his feet, until, with the priest's bald head, they resembled an erect phallus and testicles. Ky realized this must have been intentional.

He felt hands on his penis from both sides, and looked down to see that Ardenus on his left, and Markano on his right, had reached over and grabbed his phallus. "You too, Son," Ardenus smiled, nodding at his own penis. Ky reached to his sides, and embraced the phalli of his family, until they all were united, each clutching gently the phalli to either side of them. He felt Ardenus' meat throb eagerly in his hand, and Mark rubbing his thumb along the top of Ky's length. He began to pet those objects of worship, and turned his gaze back to the altar.

"Oh Sacred Penis!" the priest cried out, "I invoke your lusts once again! Enter into this Holy Temple of Lust! Penetrate deep into the minds, hearts, and asses of us who worship you, and grant us everlasting lust! Gush forth the sacred fluids, and inflame our passions, that we may honor that with brings us both life and pleasure, for You are the The true wellspring of life and joy! Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" everyone cried, Ky included.

The priest spread his arms wide, smiling joyfully at all of them, turning to sweep the room with his gaze of lust and welcoming. As he turned, Kylenus saw that the back of the robe was cut upwards from the floor, leaving the backs of the legs and the buttocks uncovered, giving the effect of a robe-like version of white chaps.

"I greet you all warmly, and eagerly await your lust, my friends. But before we begin our worship in earnest, I ask for your patience this night, as a very special matter needs to be attended to...

"Ardenus," he said, looking to the farmer, "you bring before us something Sacred, for you have gifted us with a new vessel of Penis and Hirsune lust."

"I have," Ardenus said, rising to his feet, his erection thrusting forward. "My brothers, my friends, my comrades," he said, turning and gazing warmly around the temple interior, "I give to you my newest son, Kylenus!" He held down his hand to his son, and taking the offered hand of the boy, helped him to his feet before sitting down. Ky rose an eyebrow at the smiling parent, knowing that this must've been planned out in advance without his knowledge.

"Kylenus, Son of Ardenus, come forward," Welvayan said, smiling warmly.

Feeling his boner pulse with anticipation, Ky walked slowly forward, and stepped up onto the altar table to join the priest and acolytes.

The priest took Kylenus' phallus into his hand and spoke. "We offer you one of our most important Rites as you are initiated into this community. With this act, you will be welcumed among us as an equal of your fellow Hirsune. Through the sating of lust, you shall be forever known as one of us." He turned to the gathered people who were watching and listening.

"My friends," the priest said, as one of the acolytes took the chalice and moving to the floor at its foot, knelt and held it up at the level of a standing person's crotch. "Who of you will give your offerings of Penis in welcum? Who will becum vessels of lust and help to anoint this one into the joys of lust everlasting? Cum forth, and make your offerings."

He then turned to Kylenus and embraced him, their hands exploring each other's groins, kissing passionately.

One by one, starting with Ardenus and then his sons, Ky's family came forth and oozed precum, then ejaculated lightly into the offered chalice, following that with urine, then squirting small amounts of milk into the chalice from their nipples, and lastly small amounts of solem, which they wiped onto the rim of the bronze vessel.

Once they had finished, most of the Hirsune worshippers came forward, and added their own offerings to the chalice. Some merely urinated, others only came, but a few, including the town elders who supported Kylenus, came forward and offered both fluids, then reached back for a small amount of solem, which they wiped upon the rim of the chalice.

Once everyone was finished, The acolyte returned to the altar, where he and his partner offered precum, urine, cum, milk and solem, then touched the priest's thigh to gain his attention.

Showing reluctance, the priest broke away, and motioned for Kylenus to kneel. As the acolyte held up the chalice, the priest added his milk to the chalice, then the rest of his fluids, saving piss and cum for last. The vessel was held low, and Ky watched, his eyes riveted to the piss-slit of the priest, as his urine flowed forth.

"Behold the Sacred Wine of Cock. Let the golden nectar pour forth, and bestow the Blessings of Penis. May Kylenus never thirst!" The flow filled most of the remaining portion of the vessel, almost making the metal ring with sound as it was filled further, coming out clear and pale, and stirring the contents as it poured in and mixed with them.

He grabbed his penis, and began to stroke, masturbating before them all. "Oh Most Holy Penis! Fill me with your lust! Make of me a vessel for Your blessings, and pour forth the very essence of lust and passion! Channel all of Your masculine power through my being, and bless this lad with the substance of Your might! May Kylenus never hunger! Hail Penis!" he cried, his cum squirting forth into the chalice to mix with the contents already there.

"Hail Penis!" everyone responded.

Welvayan let his cum flow for several moments, babbling incoherently as he came, lost in the pleasure of his Holy Orgasm, until the flow of sperm finally abated. He leaned heavily upon one of the acolytes, recovering from the intensity of his orgasm. Finally, he stood, took the chalice in both hands, and held it up to the penis carving in the ceiling once more.

"Behold! This is the combined manifestation of our lusts and passions! The very essence of Penis!" He looked down to the kneeling lad, and held forth the chalice for Kylenus to see. "Breath deep, young Hirsune, and open yourself to the power of Penis."

Ky breathed deeply, and the fumes of the contents, primarily the solem, made his head begin to swim.

"Pour forth your Musk, and partake of your own solem, Kylenus. Surrender yourself to the full might of your lust!" the priest called out, and Ky complied, lifting his own arm to breath deep of the secretions of his underarm, then reaching back, he spurted his anal juices into his palm, bringing it up to breathe deep of it's fumes, and suck it off of his palm.

His head swam with the potent mixture, and he swayed slightly as they took affect. As he did so, the priest took a swallow of the contents of the chalice, letting it fill his body with the offered Blessings of Cock.

"Pray to Penis, Kylenus, pray for His power and blessings. Open yourself to Him."

"Penis! Penis!" Kylenus cried out. "I offer myself to You, the embodiment of lust and joy! I offer my body as an expression of Your Power and Passion! I welcum You into myself, and long to feel Your Might flow through me! I long to pour forth the sacred fluids of Piss, of Precum, of Cum, of Solem, of Musk and Milk, and revel in the heady, erotic pleasures You bestow! I am Yours Penis! To bestow your blessings upon myself and others! To feel You coursing throughout my being, to feel You thrust deep within my egg canal! Thrust deep and cum inside me! Anoint me within and without with all that You are! HAIL PENIS!!!"

"HAIL PENIS!" everyone called forth in passion.

"Kylenus!" the priest said aloud. "Receive these blessings; the offerings of your kith and kin, your fellow Hirsune. I baptize you in the name of Penis, that you may know His pleasures and power for all of your days!"

And with that, he lifted the chalice high, and began to slowly pour it's contents onto the waiting youth, who gasped in pleasure, bowing forward, then leaning back, and letting the fluids soak his body back and front, drenching his furry body in the combined fluids of fuck. As the fluids continued to pour forth from the bronze vessel, he laid on his back, and wiggled like a dog, grinding the spilled fluids on the altar into his back, then rolling onto his stomach and doing the same. He lifted his ass high, opening his anus wide, and the smiling priest poured the final portion down into his canal as the chalice emptied.

Welvayan, driven to the depths of lust, tossed the chalice to an acolyte, and crouching, plunged his phallus deep into the young Hirsune, proceeding to fuck him with long, firm strokes. "Receive the blessings of Penis, Kylenus, accept His offering of lust deep within, and feel His power bind you to him. Feel the power of Penis! Hail Penis!" He cried, cumming deep inside the boy, and feeling the sloshing anointment of the worshippers mix with his fresh load of sperm within the center of the lad, filling him with the most sacred essences of the Holy Phallus.

The priest withdrew, and gestured the boy to rise to his knees.

Smiling, the priest lowered himself to all fours and lifted his ass in presentation.

"Kylenus, Son of Ardenus, let your passions flow through your penis. Let the power of Cock consume you, and bring forth your blessings to Penis itself. I offer of myself, to be a vessel to carry forth those blessings. Plunge your Mighty Phallus into me, and spray forth the Sacred Seed, that I may give it unto that most Holy Force of Fuck, and your initiation into this community of Hirsune shall be complete."

Still reeling from the heady mixture of before, Ky moved forwards and buried his face within Welvayan's hairy ass, munching on his anus. Solem splatted forth, covering the face of the young Hirsune, who gasped in a mixture of shock and pleasure.

He moaned desperately, as it quickly took effect, driving his passions further as it flooded his nose and mouth. He scrambled up the elder's back, and stabbed into that eager hole with his aching dong, his fur-covered balls slapping the priest's backside rapidly, pistoning frantically until he came, shouting loudly as his seed burst free from his phallus.

"HAIL PENIS!!!" he screamed in passion.

"HAIL PENIS!!!" the Hirsune cried their own passionate responses.

"The rite is done, my fellow Hirsune," the priest called out to all as he was mounted, feeling and smelling the impatience and rising lusts of the townsfolk who waited eagerly. "Now spread your lusts, and revel in the Power of Penis!"

That was all anyone needed to hear, and the inflamed Hirsune fell upon each other in an orgy of lust, stroking, kissing, licking, biting and vocalizing their passions. Musk and solem poured freely from their bodies, and the room quickly swam with potent pheromones, driving the townsfolk wild with desire. The scents of lust and sweat became nearly overpowering, as they all enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh.

Welvayan pulled free, then turned and offered Kylenus his erection. He was curious if Ardenus' boasts were true. They were. As Ky took the priest's cocktip into his mouth and began to pleasure the elder, the priest swooned at the feelings being generated in his phallus by the lad.

"Oh Kylenus! Oh yes that feels so wonderful! Truly you are blessed! What prowess. What a gift! Truly you are touched by the greatest power of Penis! Ahhhh..." He stood there, enjoying deeply the talented mouth and tongue, unable to hold himself back. He came, spewing deep into the lad's mouth. "Receive the blessings of Penis! Be anointed once more with His blessings, for truly you are a Son of Cock!"

He came for some time, Ky eagerly drinking down the gushing sperm that was shot into his warm mouth, until the priest pulled free to finish his Holy Orgasm upon the youth's beard.

"Thank you Kylenus," the priest said, kissing him deeply in gratitude. "I hope to see you here often! I must leave you now, though I wish I didn't have to. But I must tend to the others, and bare witness to the sating of their lusts. Hail Penis."

"Hail Penis," Ky responded with a joyful smile at being praised, a surge of pride swelling within him at the priest's praise and gratitude.

As Welvayan rose and walked away, Ky went to rise, but hands fell on his back, forcing him back down. "Not yet," a slightly familiar voice said to him.

He looked back to see Tenaro smiling down at him. "I may not have actually promised anything," the historian elder said, "but I did want to see you here. So... Hi!" Without warning, he thrust forward into Ky's anus, making the lad gasp in pleasure, which melted into a satisfied, goofy smile of bliss as the elder began to fuck him...

All that evening, Ky was mounted and offered the chance to mount his fellow Hirsune, reveling in his lust. He came repeatedly, enjoying the sensations of his gushing phallus, his well-filled interior drinking in the hot white spunk of others, and losing himself to the power of Penis.

Services lasted the entire night, everyone sleeping occasionally. And each of them smiling in satisfaction, the family made their way home...


Hirsune Pt. 12 - A Helping Hand

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 12 - A Helping Hand by argouru ? ? The next day, Kylenus had his first lesson with Tenaro, where he began to learn the history of his new people. The Hirsune had...

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Hirsune Pt. 10 - Roles in Life

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 10 - Roles in Life by argouru ? ? Later, as everyone was winding down for the night, Kylenus stood nude on the front porch, leaning against one of the banisters and...

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Hirsune Pt. 9 - Somewhere out There

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 9 - Somewhere out There by argouru ? That evening, everyone was eating dinner calmly when Ardenus cleared his throat. "Kylenus?" "Yeah, Dad?" "Tenaro requested a get...

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