Hirsune Pt. 10 - Roles in Life

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt. 10 - Roles in Life

by argouru



Later, as everyone was winding down for the night, Kylenus stood nude on the front porch, leaning against one of the banisters and listening to the crickets chirping away as he stared up at the stars. The cool night air stirred the fur of his body and brought to him the scents of the farm and surrounding wilderness.

There was a heavy creak of the wooden floorboards behind him, but the familiar scent told his sensitive nose without looking that it was his father.

"Man..." He said, looking up in wonder. "I never knew there was that many stars up there. I grew up in the city... Too much light pollution there to really see very much at night."

"Yeah," Ardenus said, joining him, the porch light casting his shadow long across the yard beside his son's. "I always loved coming out here with my father to watch the night sky. We'd just sit here on the steps, gently stroking each other's dicks as we stared up at the sky for hours on end."

"I wish I could've met him."

"Me too, you and the rest of the boys. He was... A very great man. I miss him a lot, especially on nights like this..."

Ardenus sighed, and turned to him. "But we all need to move forward in life, and look to the future, not the past. ...Tenaro called awhile ago, told me everything you told him. You really think it'll work?"

Ky shrugged. "I don't know, but it's the best chance we have of surviving. Humans will come, sooner or later, and we need to be ready for them when they come. Meet them on our terms, not theirs."

"But what if they don't?"

"I don't know, but it may very well get ugly. I don't know what we'll do if it gets violent. There's just not enough of us to go to war with them, if that's what happens. They'd wipe us out easily."

"Could you actually do that? Fight humans?"

Ky looked at his dad, meeting his eyes. "I'm Hirsune now. What I was before no longer matters, except for the experience it gave me to use in dealing with them. I don't feel any sense of loyalty to them, not after all I've been through. If it does come to war, I know what side I'll be on. Ours. But let's just hope that this works. We have to try it, no matter what the outcome. It's the best chance we have of surviving."

"Damn. I know you're right, but it scares the shit right out of me. The world's too different nowadays. Humans change too fast. I never thought we'd have to deal with this during my lifetime, but here it is. But at least we have one thing now we didn't before: You."

Ky shivered with nerves, and wrapped his arms around his chest. Seeing the fear enter his son's face, he moved around behind him and hugged him close protectively.

"It scares me... Hearing things like that," Kylenus said. "You don't know what it's like... I was a nobody among humans. I was unwanted, unloved, alone and treated like a burden. Now I'm loved, wanted, surrounded by the loving family I never thought I'd have... And needed. I feel like everyone's going to want me to become some kind of savior or something. I don't really like the sound of that, truth be told. It's like people are going to start treating me all weird, like a messiah or some such. I always hated those kinds of stories. Things never seem to end well for people like that. They give me the creeps... And I never was the religious sort, as far as human religion went."

Ardenus kissed him gently on the back of the neck. "Well, I'll do my best to just try to treat you like my son, OK?"

He turned Ky around to face him. "I'm proud of you, you know? Here you are, not even having reached your first season yet, and already shouldering the burdens of an elder. It's OK to be scared, Kylenus. But always remember one thing... I'm always going to be here for you, alright? You don't have to face this alone. You'll always have me and your brothers to look out for you... No matter what."

Kylenus didn't feel like contradicting him. Ardenus saw him as a six-year old Hirsune youth, whereas in truth, he was technically thirty five, despite the age regression his transformation had wrought. But as Kylenus had never been truly nurtured as a human child, there were gaps in his mental and emotional development that had never been addressed properly, so who was to say that he wasn't a lad, rather than a grown man, when it came down to it? Perhaps Ardenus was right to think of him that way. And truth be told, he realized he liked being thought of in that way.

He wasn't stupid, not by a long shot, but he had never truly felt like a -real- adult until recently. Emotionally, he was a teenager again, albeit a rather mature acting teenager, and truthfully didn't mind being such. So let his father treat him like a lad just entering adulthood. Deep down inside, he found he really truly liked it. That was one of the most precious gifts he felt he had received from his new father, who to him, was the only parent that mattered to him anymore. Let the human family that had brought him to life originally fade away like dust, for all he cared. His -real- family was right here, and that's all that mattered to him.

Ky hugged his dad fiercely, beginning to cry silently as once more his father showed him how much he truly mattered. Ardenus held him silently, letting the boy work out more of his personal pain.

Ky looked up after awhile and returned the warm smile he found on his father's face, and kissed him passionately until they were interrupted by the growling of his stomach. "Damn... Sorry."

"Don't be, Son. I'll nurse you whenever you want. Even if you are a bottomless pit! Wanna share my bed tonight?"

"Sure... But let's go easy in the pheromones tonight. I don't think I'm really up for another raging werewolf session tonight, no matter how much I enjoy them. Maybe we can just fuck tamely tonight?"

"Alright, Son... Whatever you need, just so long as it's me..."

The father ushered his boy back to the master bedroom, their erections jutting forward proudly in anticipation...



The next day, Ardenus took Kylenus to town hall, where they met with the council in the same room where the trial had taken place in mere days earlier. The tone this time, however, was a bit different... But not by much.

The members of the council sat there staring at Kylenus, his father standing beside him. Of the elders behind the table, only Pareus, Tenaro, Harian and Welvayan looked as though they were willing to consider what the former-human had proposed.

The graying-haired elder Falmaru, who was head of the small builders union of the community stared at the lad as though he'd never heard of something so crazy in his life, and said as much. "This proposal of yours sounds far too risky to consider. What if these humans decide to betray us? What then?"

"Then," Ky said, "We'll have no choice but to go public... Fully. If they try to turn us in, we let humanity as a whole know about our existence."


Ardenus looked furious, as though with the slightest movement from the redheaded elder, he'd tear the man's head from his shoulders. Ky had known that of all the elders, Volnaro would be both first and last to reject this plan. His answer might has well have been carved into the face of the moon eons ago, predictable as it was. Ky himself had to throttle his emotions... Volnaro was raising the lad's new Hirsune-bred aggressive tendencies, and he wanted to joyfully turn this screaming asshole into a bloody mess upon the wooden floor of the meeting hall... But he needed to remain calm and explain himself properly first. The violence could wait... For now.

Counting to ten, he breathed deeply, mastering his emotions before he destroyed everything before it could begin. "Listen to me very carefully-" he began, his voice thick with suppressed anger.



Ardenus pulled him back, surprised at the strength of his boy's anger. He looked over at the council members. "He has a point! At least let him explain why he'd want to do that!"

"I can see where the boy gets his temper from," Falmaru said to the farmer. "He truly is your son!"

Ky glared at him furiously, but the elder held up a placating hand, showing he didn't want to get involved in the argument.

"Loud as his point was made, it -is- a valid one," Pareus said. "Kylenus?"

He held up a fist, turning away for a moment to avoid seeing the source of his rage glaring at him from among that reddish fur. "I'm sorry, but he's just pissing me off! ...I'll ...try To control myself... So long as I'm allowed to speak without interruption!"

"So be it," the mayor answered, giving the lad credit for trying to control himself. He turned to the guardsman. "Volnaro! One more interruption, one more threat(!) and your rights within this council will be suspended, and you will be removed! Do I make myself clear?"

Volnaro looked furious, but didn't want to lose his position, so he nodded curtly.

"Very well," Pareus added, turning back to the lad, who slowly turned back to face them, looking grim. "Explain, Kylenus. Why should we expose ourselves fully if betrayed?"

Ky began to relax, and spoke clearly: "Because not all humans are alike. There are those who do care about the wellbeing of all peoples, regardless of their differences... Yes, it's true that the more people who know a secret, the harder it is to keep that secret. But conversely, the fewer who know that secret, the easier it is to make that secret vanish. The more people who know the truth, however, the harder that truth becomes to hide. There -are- humans who will be willing to help us, but how can they help to save us if they never even know of our existence? How can they help save us if we're already gone before they ever have the chance to learn that we ever even were?

"When humans learn of our existence, life -will- change for us. There's no way to avoid that," the lad said, shaking his head slowly. "But if we take an active roll in the process, we can help to control -how- we are changed. We won't have complete control of the changes that will occur, it's true, but we can have a good measure of control over the process. We can keep our cultural identity and way of life intact, as well as survive as a species.

"But if we don't try? If we just admit defeat? Then we might as well kill ourselves right now, because that's basically the same thing. Please... Let us try this way first! By seeking help in protecting our rights and culture, we stand a much better chance of surviving discovery than if we wait for soldiers to come rolling in here one day and decide to turn this place into a smoking crater because of narrow-minded prejudice."

Falmaru sighed, looking very tired. "He's right. We all knew that the day will eventually come when the humans discover our existence, assuming they haven't already done so. At least this way, we won't be caught off guard. I approve of the proposal."

"All in agreement?" the mayor asked.

Everyone except Volnaro raised his hand. He stared deeply into Kylenus' eyes, which had lost their anger, and now looked sadly up at him.

"Hate me all you want, Volnaro," Ky said quietly. "But I -am- Hirsune, and I wouldn't change that for anyone or anything. My place is -here-, among my kind. My -loyalties- are here, among my fellow Hirsune. And if worst comes to worst, and we end up going down fighting the humans, I'll be fighting as Hirsune, -against- the humans. -That- is where my loyalty lies... Here with you... All of you! The Hirsune -are- my people...now And forever!"

Volnaro stopped, struck speechless once again at the sincerity of Kylenus' words and pledge of loyalty. He looked down, unable to meet the strength and determination on the lad's face.

"I..." He began, then paused. "Will abide by the majority."

"Then it's decided," Pareus said with a sigh. "We will try Kylenus' plan... And hope for the best..."



That evening, after dinner, Ky was standing at the kitchen counter, drinking a glass of hot lemongrass tea his free hand resting on the counter. He drained the cup, then set it down, lost in thought. A hand on his furry ass made him jump with a shout.

"SHIT!!! Dammit! Don't do that!" he all but shouted, turning to see Markano laughing at him lightly.

"It wasn't intentional. You were just sticking you ass out, so I took that as an invitation. Didn't mean to give you a heart attack."

"Sorry... I'm just so stressed out right now," Ky said, turning back to the counter.

"Well," Mark said, pressing his strong nude form up against Ky's naked body from behind, "I know a good number of ways to help you relax..." He nibbled in the back of Ky's neck, making the youth sigh in contentment.

"I don't know..." Ky said. "I'm afraid I wouldn't be a very good mate at the moment."

"We don't have to fuck, at least not yet. I could just give you a massage... Help you unwind that way. Come on, Ky... It'll give us a chance to bond some more, brother to brother. Come on... Come share my bed for awhile. We don't need to mate until you want to. I just want to spend time with you... In whatever way you want."

"Ok. Lead the way."

He followed his eldest brother up the stairs, and through the first door on the right, seeing Mark's room for the first time. As Mark brought the lights up low, Ky saw that the room was decorated in a Japanese style, with a weapons rack mounted on the wall above the dresser, holding a pair of black wooden-handled nunchucks and a samurai sword in a smooth black sheath above it. The bed was made almost painfully neat, and a Japanese flag bearing the rising sun hung on the wall above the pillows. The closet door was covered up in wood and rice paper to make it look authentically Japanese. The room looked like a dojo, except for the bed, dresser and carpeting.

"Please tell me you're not a rice queen." Ky asked in exasperation.


"Nothing," he said quickly, and Mark guided him down until Ky was laying face down on the bed. "Won't we mess up your sheets?"

"That's OK, I'll just straighten up in the morning."

"You're gonna hate my room, once I break it in. If my habits are anything now like they were before, mine'll look like a rat's nest. I always hated cleaning."

"No worries. I don't hold others to my stringent rules on neatness. I just like everything to be in order is all."

He began to slowly massage every part of Ky's furry body, one part at a time. He went slowly and tenderly, taking his time with each body part, moving gently, yet firmly as he kneaded the muscles, and Ky slowly felt the tension drain from his body.

Well over an hour later, Ky laid on his back and Mark had finished, now petting him gently. Ky felt himself relax further, and he gazed up at Mark's strong body above him, stroking his chest fur sensually. Their eyes met.

"You're the only one left," Ky said softly.

"Hmm?" Mark asked.

"I've mounted everyone in the family. And I've been mounted by everyone... except you," he said, sliding his hand down slowly as he spoke, until his hand reached Mark's phallus, which was partially stiff. He took it into his hand, and began to stroke it, feeling the length of flesh harden and lengthen as his hand slid along it. "Do you wanna?"

"Yeah? You feel up for it?"

"Umm hmm. It's been hours since I last mated. My hole is way too empty, Mark. Slide on in, and let me know what it's like to mate with you. Let's get to know each other, and how we mix together..."

Mark leaned in and kissed him long and gently. "I should warn you," he said. "I sometimes get very religious when I mate."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, how much do you know about our beliefs?"

"Dad explained a bit, but not a lot. I've prayed to Penis some, his specifically during the Great Rite, but I don't know. It's kind of strange... Sometimes, I feel like my dick is almost separate from me in a way. Like I'm two people at once sometimes. Him, and me. It's kind of strange, but I like it."

"Well, there's two parts to all Hirsune's minds. There's the mundane person, and the Penis. Well, Penis is the part we refer to, as it's the main, outwardly visible manifestation of our sexual expression. However, we also mean the testicles, the anus, the egg canal, the nipples... all the parts of our reproductive systems are collectively referred to as being connected to Penis, and as Penis is the most prominent part of our bodies, that's the part of it all that we worship.

"In religious practice, we sometimes surrender control of the body to the Penis. In essence, merging with Him, becoming Him. In a form of role-play, we let Him speak through us, giving voice to His desires and feelings. The most holy union of all is two or more Hirsune, who each unite in the sacred act of indulging their lusts. We each channel Him, allowing Him to speak through us, and in the process, gain an even greater connection with our bodies, and reach new levels of heightened awareness of ourselves. That's the form of mating I always enjoy the most, but Kav's too aggressive... Dad too. So I have a hard time achieving that level of awareness at home, except for Davin, so I visit a friend in town who's like-minded. Only Davin can help me get there at home, but I want to see if you can do it too. Would you like to try, Ky?"

"What do I do?" he asked, feeling intrigued.

"Just focus all of your awareness on your phallus... Become Him... imagine that all you -are- is your Penis, and there's nothing else of you that exists. Keep to that state, and let your mouth become His instrument, speaking to my Penis as He fucks you."

Ky realized he had already done this, in part, before, when praying to Penis before while being mounted... But that had been his mind speaking, and not his phallus. The difference seemed small, and intrigued, he wanted to try playing along. The thought was actually getting him even more aroused, so he was open to trying.

Mark closed his eyes as his penis reached full mast. "Penis," he called. "Most Holy Penis, I hunger for release. I stand erect in all my splendor, for I am the Sacred Penis! I long to sate My hunger. To gush forth My seed. I long to bury myself deep within warm, dark depths, and feel it wrap around me. I long to pour forth my power... The power of my masculinity!"

Ky had opened his mind, indulging his lust, and imagining he was the throbbing Penis hanging stiffly from his loins. When Mark spoke as his Penis though, Ky suddenly felt his own conscious slip sideways, and his awareness of his surroundings faded until he could only feel a deep throbbing force thrusting forward from the core of his being... And then he suddenly WAS that pulsating tube of flesh, a masculine shaft of hungry meat, eager to spew forth that was calling out in deepest need, as it churned deep within his testicles.

A surge of testosterone flooded him with fierce strength, and as he became lost inside the most penetrative part of his body, in essence becoming it. He felt a deep masculine pride and hunger, wanting to show how tough and strong he was, He knew he could drain Himself dry, and wanted to do so. Moved by the strangely masculine sense of power flowing through him, he called out through his body's mouth.

"Penis, Penis, Most Sacred Penis. I welcome you, Brother, for I am the same; the throbbing erection longing to gush forth My hot spunk along with you. Let us unite in brotherhood and spray forth the Sacred Cum, and anoint each other in our essence!"

Mark-Penis moaned in lust, as he slid Himself along the length of Ky-Penis, feeling the masculinity of his kin. Ky-Penis moaned in lust, wanting that long rod of manflesh deep inside him.

"Beat yourself, Brother Cock. Stroke yourself inside me, and join me. Let us descend together into the dark depths of our lust."

Mark-Penis shivered with need, moaning lustily as he leaned down onto his fellow Penis-Brother. He rose up the ass attached to his Brother Penis to position it properly, and thrust deep within the waiting hole, shuddering in lust as he felt that erotic warm darkness wrap around him.

He began to make deep, long, slow strokes within that sacred passage, focusing all of his awareness into his phallus. As he did so, all he became was that thrusting shaft, the Holy Penis, stroking Himself sensually in and out. His senses focusing so intently upon that portion of his anatomy, that Markano began to almost feel the sensations along the entire length of his body, the smooth, warm canal sliding over his bearded face. His mouth fell open, and he began to drool with lust, his inflamed mind playing tricks on his awareness and making him think that his head was the tip of Penis, drooling precum as he slid back and forth, lost in a deep trance.

Kylenus was in a similar state. His conscious narrowed until it focused entirely upon his rear passage. He, in essence, became his egg canal, until all he was, was that warm tube of flesh that sucked in his Brother Penis, and he felt the other phallus thrusting rhythmically inside him. His senses seemed to heighten, until he could swear he was able to actually taste his Penis Brother as well as the sweet, musky tang of His precum. Ky hung his physical head back, open mouth drooling, and his senses imagined it was the solem that oozed copiously within his insides, making a warm, wet path of ambrosia to ease Brother Penis on his journey within. He began to believe that he could feel the head of Mark-Penis thrusting up his throat and slide along his tongue as they fucked.

They moaned deeply as they fucked, lost in trance, each feeling the other's sexual presence using their entire bodies, which now felt as though all that existed of each of them was their sexual organs. Their bodies poured forth sweat as they continued to fuck for minutes on end, passing five, then ten, then twenty. As they mated, they found themselves unable to form coherent words due to the intense feelings running through their bodies. They primarily moaned, grunted and sighed, gooning out on the pleasure they felt. Words weren't necessary anyways... all they were, was sensation, and the vocalizations they made served purpose enough to convey that they each felt unending pleasure from their deep mating.

All things come to an end, however, and they began to groan more and more urgently. Mark began to snort roughly, feeling the power build to a crescendo. Finally, he found his voice as he channeled the mind of Penis. "Behold, for I am the thrusting Penis! I plunge deep into the depths to bestow my liquid blessings... I surge with power... I thrust... And thrust... Until I explode!" Mark-Penis cried, filling the tight passage with sperm. "I am the gushing Penis! Receive my Blessings into the core of your being! Feel My POWER!"

Ky-Penis, driven into a deep religious fervor, called forth. "I am the Sacred Penis! I feel and acknowledge your masculine power. I drink deeply of your blessings, Brother Penis... And pour forth my own!" he cried, as his dick exploded forth its own fountain of sacred semen. "Be anointed in the evidence of My lustful power, for I am the Gushing Penis!"

Their mouths molded themselves unconsciously, their heads raised upwards on ther necks, which thrust forward rhythmically as they orgasmed, mimicking the tips of their phalli, and they could almost feel the cum gushing up out of their throats as they each poured forth hot cum from Penis.

The two continued to groan and call out to each other for several minutes, until their orgasms faded slowly, and rational thought returned as the cock-trances ended. Mark fell forward in exhaustion, splatting into the wealth of his sibling's spunk, which drenched their bodies.

"Hail Penis," he breathed.

"Hail Penis," Ky responded.

"Hail Penis."

"Hail Penis."

They praised Penis several more times until they feel asleep, Markano's shaft still hard and buried deep up Kylenus' canal...


Hirsune Pt. 11 - Gaining my Religion

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 11 - Gaining my Religion by argouru ? ? Sunlight poured in through the window, stabbing Kylenus in the eye. Groaning, he turned around, pressing himself into the hairy...

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Hirsune Pt. 9 - Somewhere out There

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 9 - Somewhere out There by argouru ? That evening, everyone was eating dinner calmly when Ardenus cleared his throat. "Kylenus?" "Yeah, Dad?" "Tenaro requested a get...

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Hirsune Pt. 8 - 'Tis the Season

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 8 - 'Tis the Season by argouru Kylenus groaned in pain, rolling onto his back. He was back in his bedroom, with no memory as to how he'd gotten there. Late morning...

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