Hirsune Pt. 9 - Somewhere out There

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt. 9 - Somewhere out There

by argouru


That evening, everyone was eating dinner calmly when Ardenus cleared his throat. "Kylenus?"

"Yeah, Dad?"

"Tenaro requested a get together with you tomorrow. I want you to sate your lust thoroughly before I take you to meet him."

"Who is he? And why do I need to get pleasure before I meet him?"

"He's the community elder in charge of education, as well as town historian. He wants to make sure you have your mind focused on what he has to say, hence the need to make sure you won't get too horny while you're with him. I think he's rather curious to meet you. Not only because you're from outside, but also because of your human background. Be ready to go by ten, OK?"

"Don't worry, Dad," Kavarin said, gazing lustily at his younger brother. "I'll make sure he's properly drained before then."

Ky smiled across the table at Kav, feeling his penis begin to stir in anticipation...



Kav invited Ky to his room for the night, and the youngest sibling followed, his erection bobbing in the air, leaking pre as he kept his gaze on Kav's furry posterior. As they entered, Kav closed the door. There were posters of human rock bands like Nine Inch Nails, and AC/DC on the walls, and an electric guitar on a rack over the long, low-set dresser, beside which was the equipment to power it. In one corner, there was a workout set bolted to the floor, with a weight bench. In the open doorway of the closet, a chin-up bar was mounted across the door frame.

"You like working out... And music too?"

"Yeah. I'd love to be in a band, but I seem to be the only decent player in town. Other guys try, but I have a good ear, most of them don't. Not much sense for rhythm outside of sex. I wrote a few songs, but no one except family gets to hear them. I'll play for you sometime if you like... But for now, I really should be a good son and do as Dad told me."

He walked forward, and ran his fingers through the fur on Ky's stomach as their lips came together. They kissed and petted each other for some time, before Kav pulled back slightly. "So... what'd you want to do? I'm pretty versatile and openminded. But we should see how our hormones mix and affect us before we go any farther. Here," he said, lifting his armpit to let forth a whiff of musk.

Ky leaned down to the offered region, and inhaled deeply, feeling the rush of popper-like endorphins enter his system through his nose. He rose up, and offered his own furry pit to Kav, baring down to let forth a squirt of his own musk into his already sweaty underarm hair. Kav bent down, taking a long draught of the heady secretion, moaning in pleasure.

"Not bad for a start," Kav said, as their eyes glazed over from the drug-effect of each other's musk. "Let's go for broke, though." And he moved his hand back to his anus, cupping it beneath him. "Come on," he said, "you too."

Ky mimicked him, and they let out near simultaneous wet squishes of solem into their palms, bringing them up in offering to each other.

Their eyes locked together, boring deep into the other's depths, as they first sniffed, then slurped up the potent goo. Each saw the other's eyes dilate in bliss, and they came together, kissing again.

Kav wrapped his arms around Ky, and lifted him off the ground slightly as they continued to kiss, showing the power of his muscles before setting him back down.

Not to be outdone, Ky followed suit, Kav sighing into his mouth in satisfaction.

As his feet hit the floor, Kav broke the kiss and pushed him away gently, feeling a strong need to show how powerful he was. Once Ky was a few steps away, He rose his arms, and flexed, showing the strong muscles covered in fur, displaying his power to his brother.

Seeing that this was a competition, Ky flexed his arms, showing the muscles there. While they weren't as detailed as Kav's, the brother watched in appreciation. Each had a massive erection, growing more and more aroused my the display of might from the other sibling.

They posed for each other, displaying their masculinity and their virility through the movements of their strong bodies. They flexed and posed, recharging their high with more musk and solem as they went, feeling their testosterone rising as they showed each other their prowess.

Finally they came together, giving smug, macho smiles as they continued to flex for each other.

Ky struck like a snake when Kav flexed his bicep, moving his mouth forward and squeezing the bulging muscle hard with his teeth, setting Kav's blood on fire. He bared his teeth, continuing to flex and relax his muscle as Ky bit it again and again, growling softly.

"Fuck yeah, Bro! Can you feel it? Can you feel the might in my muscles? Feel how buff I am!"

"I wanna feel your real muscle, though," Ky said, lifting his head and grabbing Kav's straining meat in his hand. I wanna feel you on the inside."

"Yeah? You wanna get fucked?"

"Yeah man, bury that big dick up my ass!"

Kav moved him over to the chin-up bar in the closet doorway. "Grab it!" he commanded, and Ky seized the bar, lifting himself off the ground. Kav lifted Ky's legs, and knowing what was wanted from him, the younger sibling hug from the bar and lowered himself slowly onto Kav's throbbing boner, impaling himself on it in midair.

Sighing in a guttural hiss of pleasure, Kav began to fuck, as Ky began to raise and lower himself, adding to the pistoning motions. They got into it, glaring fiercely into each other's eyes, feeling the need to prove their masculine power to each other.

They fucked up and down for some time, grunting and moaning, boasting to each other of their own strength and complementing that of the other, and egging each other on.

Finally though, Ky's strength began to wane, and Kav, seeing this, grabbed him, spun around, and while still sunk deep within his bro's strong ass, dropped them to the bed and resumed fucking him.

They stared deep into each other's eyes, mouths open lewdly, a slight snarl in their faces and a fire in their eyes as they fucked. Kav pursed his lips, and spat in Ky's face, and Ky's mind exploded in fierce joy. He spat back, hitting Kav in the well-muscled chest. They began flexing their muscles, spitting on each other in masculine affection and machismo, until Kav let out a moan, and shot his load deep up Ky's ass, gritting his teeth in fierce joy as he emptied his balls up inside his bro.

As Ky grabbed his dick, Kav grabbed his wrist, stopping him. "Wait," was all he said, and Ky, feeling somewhat cheated, could only lay there until Kav finished and pulled out.

Kav knelt on the floor, flexing his arm upwards across his chest, and motioned Ky to approach.

Confused, Ky complied, but understood once Kav placed Ky's throbbing dong into the crook of his elbow, and squeezing hard, moved the arm forward and back, stroking his brother's erection with his arm muscles.

Excited, Ky began to thrust, using the looseness of his uncircumcised skin to piston, trapped within Kav's arm, which acted like a masturbation sleeve as the older bro stared up at him with a scowling smile, which Ky returned with gusto.

It wasn't long until Ky came, spraying his seed all over Kav's massive, furry pecs, turning them slowly white with spunk...



The next morning, Ky got another mating in with Kav, who let his younger brother mount him as he laid on his back. The potent musk and solem drove them to another scowling and smiling display of their butchness, each glaring with fiery passion into the other's eyes as they fucked, flexing their muscles, baring their teeth, grunting in encouragement to the other, and spitting gruffly on each other's torsos and faces.

"Ah fuck! Feel the masculine power of my penis, Bro!" Ky groaned in a deep gravelly voice as he orgasmed, bringing his fists together in front of his stomach to display his strong muscles to his bottoming sibling. "Feel His fucking power! Fuck yeah Penis! Fill his ass!"

"Fuckin' A Bro! Flex those guns! Pour all of that hot-ass Penis power into me! ...I can feel Him squirtin' and thrashing around up in there! Ah shit, yeah!" Kav groaned in encouragement as he masturbated his own prick fiercely. "Ah yeah... I can feel it. Penis is gonna gush His sperm!" he cried huskily, looking down at his boner as it bobbed and thrashed around as he stroked it. "Ah fuck! Fuckin' A! Watch him, Bro! Watch Him pour out His power all over the place! Cum for us, Penis, show us Your power! Ffffuuuuuuuucccckkkkkk!!!" He groaned loudly as he came, spewing punk all over the pair of them, and each Hirsune stared with inflamed eyes and fierce scowls full of machismo as they watched the cum pour forth.

"Fuckin' man-dong, spewing cum!" Ky growled lustily at the gushing phallus. "Pour your fucking masculine power all over us! Drench us both in it! Hail Penis!" he cried.

"Hail Penis!" Kav replied passionately. "Hail Penis!"

"Hail the masculine power of Penis!" Ky growled, then grabbing Kav's biceps, hauled him up into a fierce bearhug, which was matched by one of Kav's own. Their lips came together, chewing away at each other's mouths as they glared deeply into each other's eyes, the two continuing to spew man-cream from their meat...



Two hours later, Kylenus entered an office at city hall, having passed through the hallways where several other Hirsune slimed at him warmly, taking in his transformed body in looks of naked desire as he passed, with him responding in kind.

Tenaro was there waiting for him. Ky stepped forward, his hand held low to explore the crotch of the elder in the proper method of greeting, but the elder moved quickly behind his desk. "Good, Kylenus. Please be seated," he said, gesturing towards the chair in front of his desk as he took his own seat behind it. Disappointed at Tenaro's cold, professional manner, he sat down.

The elder kept his gaze focused upon the desk before him as he spoke: "Kylenus, I wanted to meet with you for a few reasons. First, as town historian and educator to new hatchlings, it will be my duty to To instruct you on our history, and how things work around here; especially in relation to our isolation from the human world beyond this community. We will meet together once a week, for six hours each day. You will be loaned history books that you will be required to read, and I will be testing you on the knowledge that you gain."

"Alright," Ky responded. He understood this, and had no objection. There was only one thing that had bothered him so far during this meeting. He understood that all Hirsune were very sexual beings, driven by their lusts at all times, as his own experience so far had shown. The elder's refusal to acknowledge his desirability bothered him deeply, as with the exception of Volnaro, every other Hirsune he had met had gazed upon him with a look of at least mild sexual interest.

That Tenaro wasn't doing so... ...irked him. It made him feel unsettled that he wasn't found to be attractive. He knew this was a business meeting, but his Hirsune instincts were perturbed at this blatant display of rejection from the elder, who continued to ignore his presence as a sexual being. Feeling that this was a challenge to be overcome, Ky found himself determined to get a reaction from the elder. For while it was true that he had fully sated his lust with Kav only two hours ago, his ever-present Hirsune sexual instincts took the older person's lack of interest as an affront to his ego.

"That sounds reasonable," he added, and lifted his arms slightly as he discharged a small amount of musk, trying to trigger a reaction.

"The lessons should only take a few weeks, and the workload will be kept down, so as not to interfere with your farming duties."

Again he refused to react, and feeling annoyed, Ky bore down harder, producing a stronger wave of musk, which began to fill the room. "Dad wouldn't like it if I spent all my time studying, rather than learning the art of farming, I suppose," he added, watching Tenaro closely for the slightest reaction.

"True. Excuse me," the elder said, and turning around, opened the window wide to let in the fresh air of springtime before turning back to the lad, who used every once of self-control not to show his reaction outwardly.

*HE'S BRUSHING ME OFF?!?* the boy thought in disbelief, both hurt and offended at the same time.

"Yes, your father will allow you enough time to finish your homework, which you will turn in to me at the beginning of your next lesson each time."

"Right," Ky replied briskly, annoyance creeping into his voice.

"Now for the other matter. There's a very important reason I wanted to meet with you... something that may well be the most important thing ever asked of you in your life."

Ky had begun to pout inwardly, but as the elder's words sunk in, he blinked in surprise. "What do you mean?"

"Let me show you," he replied, turning to the computer set on a side desk to his left. A few clicks of the mouse, and he pulled up a planetary mapping program of the earth, showing North America. He began to click inward, zooming in towards the northwest, then closer into Montana, then even farther towards the upper portion of the state, just below the Canadian border. As the satellite view of trees became more distinct, a small town began to appear. Tenaro stopped when the town became clear on the screen. "Do you know where that is?" he asked.

Ky's mind worked furiously, all thoughts of sexuality gone as the truth hit him. "That's here, isn't it?"

"Yes. You're looking at a birds-eye view of our town... On a human controlled network. That can mean only one thing: the humans know we're here."

"Wait, ...I think you're reading too much into that. It's only a small part of a satellite map. The people who took that image and added it into the mapping program probably aren't aware of the town's nature. They may very well just think that it's only a small town in the middle of nowhere. That's not enough to base any suspicions on."

"Normally I'd agree, but there's more evidence to support our concerns. Bertha was met at a truck-stop about a hundred miles west of here by some people who showed a very unhealthy interest in where she was going with a truckload full of supplies."


"One of our few human contacts with the outside world. She's the regular driver who brings in everything we need from the outside world. Things we can't make or grow on our own. Fortunately, she wasn't followed all the way here, but the strangers saw which way she was heading, and there's few routes one can take heading in this direction. Because of that, we can only assume one thing... That the humans have learned of our existence, and are beginning to grow curious. We may not be able to remain in isolation for very much longer. It is the belief of the council of elders, that we will be discovered in full very soon."

"Can't we leave? Just pick up and move elsewhere?" Ky asked with concern.

"Where would we go?" Tenaro asked, spreading his arms wide. "The humans have developed their technologies so rapidly within the last few decades, and continue to do so. In this way, the world is growing smaller and smaller, and we have nowhere to run where they will not eventually follow. We came to this continent over four hundred years ago, seeking escape from our persecutors, but they have followed us across the oceans. Even if we did run, we would still eventually become trapped. And then the humans may very well destroy us as we always feared."

He sighed, and rose, turning to gaze out of the window sadly. "Only the council knows of this besides you. You were the first outsider to find their way here, but you will not be the last. We don't want the townsfolk to panic. We want to protect them, and give them what little peace we have left... What time there remains until the humans come for us should be filled with happiness... Not dread."

"Why me?" Ky asked, shocked by this revelation. "Why tell me all of this? I'm not an elder... My dad is, yes, but me?"

"The council agreed... Well... -most- of us agreed... That if anyone can help us to prepare... To find a way to save us from the wrath of the humans... It would be you," he said, closing the window tightly.

"What?!?" ME?!?" he stammered in shock. "But you don't even know me!"

"I think I do," Tenaro replied, turning to stare deep into his eyes. "I was there, the other day when you spoke to Volnaro. I heard the passion in your heart, ...and The pain. You spoke a very deep truth, one that made us begin to think that perhaps not all humans think the same way. You were willing to die for the sake of one of us, after barely beginning to know of our kind. You have shown a wisdom and kindness unlike any we had ever thought capable of from your kind... er, your -former- kind, that is. You have taught us that not all humans are evil. That there may well be many more who think and feel as you do. Bertha is one of the very few humans we've ever had contact with, and we thought that she was a rarity among her kind. But if you, a stranger, were willing to shield one of us from harm's way, then there may be more. That is why I'm trusting you with this, Kylenus. The secret of our deepest fear, in hopes that you can help us avert a disaster that may wipe our people from existence."

Ky flopped down in his chair heavily. "How am I supposed to help? I'm nobody. I was a shut-in among humans! I had two friends, a crappy small time job at a liquor store and a family that spent all their time screaming profanities at each other! I don't have -anything- that could possibly help!"

"Yes you do," the elder countered. "You have lived as one of them for three and a half decades. You know their ways, as well as what they're likely to do, and may well know who among them may be willing to help us. Now think! Isn't there anyone you would turn to for help in protecting yourself from those who would oppress you for being different? I'm certain there must be some humans, somewhere, who feel as such. I refuse to believe there aren't such people among them."

Ky thought hard. Who would he go to? This would be the ultimate act of discrimination, so- ...discrimination! "Wait! Maybe there is a way... If we treated this as a discrimination case. There's organizations that specialize in anti-discrimination cases, 'Equality National', for one."

He stood up and began to pace the room, rubbing his bearded mouth thoughtfully. "Our differences from humans are primarily sexual in nature, as well as religious. If we treated the matter like a form of GLBT discrimination, we could get support from them."

"G.L.B.T.?" Tenaro asked.

"Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered. Basically humans who are attracted to others of the same gender instead of, or in addition to, the opposite gender; and people who undergo medical procedures to change from one gender to the other."

"But we don't have genders! We simply are what we are, with no such distinguishments among our kind."

"I know, but when I first got here, I kept thinking of Hirsune as gay men who could get pregnant. Plus, we use masculine terminology to describe ourselves."

"Only out of habit. It was originally meant as a form of social camouflage, which we continue more because we've done so for so long that it's become automatic for us to do so, than anything else."

"That might actually strengthen the GLBT angle of our case. All of them are discriminated against because of their sexuality. It's basically the same for us, as far as they'd be concerned. We'd be treated unfairly because we live our lives differently from the way they do. I'm not sure about the religious angle, since worshiping sexual expression is a lot different from the mainstream human religions, but if we can tie that in too, it might possibly gain us even more support."

"How can we do that, though?"

"We'll need to establish contacts with an anti-discrimination firm, one that specializes in GLBT cases. We'll want someone very high up in the chain of command... One with a high success rate in lawsuits involving GLBT issues. Also, we'll need proof to back up what we tell them. Humans are the 'show me' people. If you can't give them hard evidence, then they won't believe us."

"What kind of proof?" the elder asked, leaning forward.

"Do you have any original copies of historical documents? Old ones? The older the better."

"Yes... why?"

We need to prove that the Hirsune have existed for a very long time. We need time-aged documents that can be carbon-dated to verify their authenticity. If we can do that, then the humans will have evidence they can prove are of authentic origin and have been around for ages. I saw that Doctor Harian had an old medical book, one that looks like it's hundreds of years old. That would be an ideal choice, if he'd be willing to loan it out. Medical records including detailed descriptions of our anatomy will help verify that we're physically different from humans. Also, that bald priest... He's the head of the clergy here, right?"

"Welvayan, yes. He's the holder of our oldest traditions."

"Perfect. Religious leaders often have old histories and records, so I'd recommend talking to him as well. Any old documents he's willing to provide will help greatly. The more verifiable proof we have to show we've been around for centuries, the better. ...There's One more thing, too, but I'll have to ask... If that's enough for now, then, I need to get going, Sir."


"Home. I need to talk to my brother and Dad." He turned to leave.


He stopped at the sound of his name, and turned back to the elder. "Yes?"

"Thank you. I knew I was right to trust you. You see, though? How much you've been able to help us already?"

"Yeah... I guess I do. ...Oh, once we find reliable contacts who'll hear us out, I'd recommend a meeting in person... And also, ...once We're sure they can be trusted, of course... We should invite them to come here." He bit his lip nervously at that last part.

"Here?" the elder asked in shock. "Why?"

"They'll need to see us as a people. Once they see that we're an entire community, and not just a small handful of freaks, they'll be more open to supporting our claim, I'm thinking. They need to see us as an actual community, maybe even meet a hatchling, to see with their own eyes that we really are a people. Seeing a non-human child will definitely have a beneficial effect. Humans are real suckers when it comes to kids."

"I can try to talk to Almaran. He's about to drop his egg soon, and if he's willing to let his hatchling be exposed to the humans... You'd want them to see a young hatchling?"

"Yes, one who hasn't neared maturity would be more believable. Also, there's that thing I want to ask my family, so I should go."

"Very well, I'll have to make sure the rest of the council hears your proposal, so you'll need to appear before them to state your case properly; but I have a lot of pull, and will do my best to convince them to see the wisdom of your plan."

"Great! I'll be waiting for your call then." He turned to leave.

"Oh, and Kylenus?"

He stopped, looking back.

"For the record, I do find you very desirable, but we needed to concentrate on this meeting without being distracted by lust, so... Temple services are the night after tomorrow. Ask your father to bring you. I think it's time you got to know the religious side of Hirsune culture." His eyes traveled hungrily down the lad's body. "I'd very much like to see you there."

"Count in it!" Ky replied, smiling slyly at the elder before he left, his lustful ego feeling vindicated...



Kavarin stared at his younger brother in shock. "You want to show humans the videos Dad took of my laying and hatching?"

"Well..." Kylenus said, wincing. "Yeah."

Davin leaned forward on the living room couch towards Ky. "Why?" he asked, as Markano sat frowning next to him.

"Humans won't simply take our word that we're egg-laying people. They'll need to see proof with their own eyes. We can't guarantee that someone will be able to lay their egg while the humans are around, so a video is the next best thing."

"I don't know, Son," Ardenus said slowly, stroking his beard thoughtfully. "Humans can do all kinds of funny things with images nowadays. What's to stop them from just saying the video is a fake?"

"The medical records from Doc Harian... And a medical examination of one of us by a human doctor," Ky answered. "I'll volunteer for that if it comes down to it. All of that combined will be more than enough to prove to them that we are what we say we are."

"Wait!" Mark said, leaning forward with a worried look. "You can't let them cut you up like a side of beef just to see what your insides are like! We won't let you!"

Ky held up a placating hand to his eldest sibling. "There's all kinds of medical equipment they can use, like cat scans and sonograms to see images of my insides without resorting to exploratory surgery. I'll be OK. But... Thanks." He smiled at Mark.

"Good," Mark replied, "Cause nobody's gonna hurt you, not if I have anything to say about it!"

The rest of the family added their words of agreement.

"Thanks guys... That really means a lot."

They all got up, gathering him into the center of a group hug.

"I just hope you're right about all this, Ky," Kav said as he hugged him.

"Me too," he replied...



Hirsune Pt. 10 - Roles in Life

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 10 - Roles in Life by argouru ? ? Later, as everyone was winding down for the night, Kylenus stood nude on the front porch, leaning against one of the banisters and...

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Hirsune Pt. 8 - 'Tis the Season

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 8 - 'Tis the Season by argouru Kylenus groaned in pain, rolling onto his back. He was back in his bedroom, with no memory as to how he'd gotten there. Late morning...

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Hirsune Pt. 7 - One of the Family

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 7 - One of the Family by argouru "No way!" Davin said that evening, as everyone sat gathered in the living room. "Fuck! I'd give almost anything to have been there to...

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