Hirsune Pt. 8 - 'Tis the Season

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt. 8 - 'Tis the Season

by argouru

Kylenus groaned in pain, rolling onto his back. He was back in his bedroom, with no memory as to how he'd gotten there. Late morning sunshine came in through the medium blue curtains covering the window. *I'd better be careful,* he thought to himself, bending his legs in order to reach his sore knees so he could massage them. *I'm starting to make a habit of this.* There was a knock on the door. *And that, too.* "Come in," he said aloud.

Davin poked his head in. "Good, you're finally awake. This is the third time I tried. I would've woken you up before now, but Dad said you might need some extra rest after last night, seeing as how you're not used to going on a bender like that."

He came in and sat down on the bed, nude as they usually were at home. "How you feeling?"

"Good," Ky replied. "But really sore in the knees." He turned to look at his sibling. "Would it be sacrilegious to throw a mattress up on the altar next time?"

Davin chuckled. "We tried that. It soaked up so much of our fluids that it started to mold, and we had to throw it out."


"Yeah..." Davin looked around the room. "We really need to decorate this place," he said, taking in the Spartan nature of the room. "Don't worry, we'll see about setting you up nicely, though it may take awhile."

"I'm not worried; Doc Harian basically said I've got decades ahead of me. He thinks I've regressed to the point of being a six year old, at least from Hirsune standards, that is."

"So you really are my younger brother then. Good, cause I'm only thirteen, myself."

"Huh," the former-human said, studying his brother. "You look to be in your early twenties, from a human standpoint. Oh shit," he thought, "I'm sorry, I'm keeping you from working... me too, for that matter. I suppose they need in the field, right?"

Davin shook his head. "Nope. Dad's not going to start putting you to work until next week. He said he wants you to have plenty of time to adjust to being Hirsune. As for me, I work in the house. I'm not as strong as the others, and have less stamina than them, so I run the house."

Ky noted that unlike himself and the rest of the family, who were all well muscled, Davin had a lean, thin look to him, giving Ky the impression of an otter to everyone else's wolfish appearance.

"I'm pretty caught up though, and lunch isn't for a few more hours, so I'm just relaxing at the moment." He placed his hand on Ky's furry shin, and began to stroke the furry leg sensually. "Wanna relax together?"

"Sure." he moved over a bit, making room for his brother on the bed.

Davin cuddled up next to him, and brushed his face up Ky's torso, inhaling deeply with a shudder of pleasure. "Fuck... I can still smell us all on you."

"I know, I don't want to shower. I want your scents on me forever."

"Well, we don't bathe often; only about once every week or so, or for special occasions where we don't want to be distracted by being too musky. Don't worry though," he said, moving up and brushing his lips against Ky's. "Any time you want a recharge, just ask."

They began to kiss, gently exploring each other's mouths sensually. As they broke the kiss slowly, Davin smiled. "One thing I should warn you about me: I have a major milk fetish." And he took Ky's nipple into his mouth and began to suckle, drawing forth the nourishing liquid from Ky's body through his chest.

Ky sighed in contentment and watched as his brother fed from him, loving the various sensations of tugging, warm wetness, and the steady trickle of manmilk from his nub. "Now I know why Dad loves feeding me.This feels so fucking good..." He laid there, petting his big brother's head as he was nursed on for awhile.

Finally, though, a thought occurred. "Hey Davin?"

"Hmm?" the sibling said, pulling away slightly from his brother's chest.

"One thing I don't get... We give milk, right? So why do we have male-shaped chests? I'd've thought we'd have boobs. Not that I want them, mind you!" he added hastily, seeing the shocked look on his brother's face. "It's just that I don't get why we don't, is all."

"What're you talking about?" Davin asked in confusion.

"You know... tits." He saw Davin looked at him blankly. "Sweater Meat. Major League Fun Bags. Built-in Flotation Devices.... Breasts! Those big lumpy things on women's chests."

"Oh, those!" Mark replied, finally understanding. "Why do they have those anyways?"

"Well that's were the milk bladders are... On humans, anyways."

"That's weird. I don't really know anything about women. As for Hirsune, though, our milk badders are here," he said, placing a hand on Ky's furry side, just below the ribcage. "We have one on each side, you see, each connected to the nipple above it. They wrap around your inner organs like this," he said, cupping his hand horizontally along Ky's torso. "See? I always wondered why human women had such deformed-looking chests. Personally, though, I like this better." And with a sly smile, returned to Ky's nipple to resume nourishing from him.

After a moment, though, he twisted upward onto his side as he switched to the nipple on the far side of his sibling's chest, then used his hand to pull Ky's head up to his lithe chest. Ky took the hint, and moving forward, took Davin's offered nipple into his mouth and began to suckle, drawing from his brother as he was drawn from in turn.

The two fed deeply from each other for awhile before breaking free. Each had become erect, and Ky looked from his hardened dong to Davin's face. "Hey Davin," he asked. "You're the only one I haven't mounted yet... Would you be OK if-"

Davin smiled and rolled away onto his side, facing away as he bent his upper leg forward to bring his posterior into a better position. Then he twisted his upper body to as to look at Ky with a lustful expression. "What took you so long? Slide on in, Brother," and he let out a wet squelch of solem.

Letting out a moan of deep need, Ky moved into position, and entered Davin for the first time, sliding in slowly. "Fu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-huck!" he groaned long and slow, gasping at the intense sensations coming from his schlong. "Oh shit that feels so fucking hot!... Thanks, Davin... Uh... You feel so good inside... I can feel every inch of you..."

"You're really getting to like mounting, aren't you? Good, cause I love to get fucked... And my ass is always here for you, Ky."

The younger sibling stroked long and deep, enjoying the sensations of his hyper sensitive phallus pistoning within Davin's canal, feeling peaceful and relaxed. "This... this isn't - uhh! - anything like with Dad. I feel so relaxed. I'm not acting all crazy and rabid. I love it... -ummm- ...but I don't know why it's so different this time..."

"It's our pheromones. Yours and mine are mixing together to make us feel this way. Each Hirsune's pheromones act differently on different people. Yours and Dad's seem to trigger an excess of testosterone, making you both go feral. With me, they seem to be having a sedatative effect instead. I always was told I was a very relaxing fuck. I like it though... Let's us be able to just lay here and enjoy it quietly. Go ahead, Ky. Breed me."

"Fuck yeah... I wanna squirt deep up inside you so bad..."

They fucked long and slow, taking their time, and it was the most peaceful mating Kylenus had ever experienced. It was quite some time before he came, spilling his seed far up inside Davin, and he sighed in relaxation as he came for over fifteen minutes, enjoying the tugging sensations of Davin's tunnel, which contracted and released rhythmically as he let forth his own juices quietly onto the sheets.

They laid there quietly for some time after, lost in the peaceful afterglow, Ky's head on Davin's shoulder.

An itch at Ky's torso suddenly made him aware of the consequences of having so many sexual fluids cover him for over a week without doing anything about it. He felt a matted chump just below his ribcage, and his face wrinkled with distaste. Reeking of various fluids was nice, but this was a bit too much for him.

"I feel really, really skuzzy right now. Much as I hate to get up, I think it's finally time to take a bath."

"Umm. Let me up," Davin said, and moaned in pleasure as Ky slowly slid out of him, the long penis flopping out of the older brother's hole wetly as it softened. Davin got up slowly, stroking his anus lovingly behind himself to savor the last tingles of intercourse. "Come on," he said, turning and offering a hand. "Let's go shower together..."

The bathroom was of a fair size, with a shower bath large enough to comfortably fit the whole family simultaneously. Ky noted an enema hose hanging from the wall below the shower head. "Why do we need this?" he asked, holding it up. "I thought solem came out with the shit in order to keep the anus clean for sex and egg-laying."

"We don't use it for that. It's for flushing hair down the drain."

"Oh," Ky said, seeing the sense of that. Without something high-powered to blast loose hair down the pipe, their furry Hirsune body hair would clog the drain very easily.

They stepped in, and as Davin fiddled with the knobs, Ky looked around to see many bottles of shampoo and conditioner, and long scrub brushes hanging on hooks.

"You like hot, cold, or middle?" Davin asked.

"The hotter the better," he answered.

"Good! Mark always wants it cold, and I can't stand it. Might as well jump in the river- Oop!" he turned quickly to Ky, looking alarmed and apologetic as he suddenly remembered what had happened to bring Ky here in the first place. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't've said that!"

"That's OK," Ky said with a shrug. "I'm over that, so no worries."

"Ok, good," Davin said, sighing with relief.

It took quite awhile for them to get clean, as Davin showed him how to make sure he cleaned himself fully by shampooing his entire body, rinsing, then using a separate conditioner for his hairy body.

"Why not just use a two-in-one? That way you can save time."

"Yeah... If you want to be a savage!" Davin teased.

Getting out, they dried themselves thoroughly with towels, then used some of a small army of blow-driers in the drawers to finish drying off.

"You know anything about cooking?" Davin asked as they finished, smelling handsomely from the herbal shampoo and conditioner.

"Not a lot, but some."

"Good, 'cause I'm drafting you to help..."

Several minutes later, Davin was pulling pots and pans down from hooks set into square frames hanging over the central island countertop as he called instructions to Ky as to what foods to pull from the pantry and refrigerator.

They then set to work, cutting up massive amounts of meat and veggies.

"Hey," Ky asked. "Where do we get all this meat from?"

"Oh, there's a big ranch on the other side of town," Davin answered. "They raise lots of cattle, pigs, sheep, and chickens. It's the biggest business in town, even bigger than us. Hirsune physiology requires a high protein diet, so we trade fruits and veggies for meat. We raise some chickens and pigs of our own, but beef and lamb come from the ranch. We also hunt deer and moose out in the wilderness, from time to time."

As they worked, Ky began to notice that while the two-story house had a slightly different style of built than any home he'd ever been in, every one of the appliances were of human origin.

"Mind if I listen to the news?" Davin asked, and at Ky's shrug of indifference, switched on the radio, which picked up in the middle of a continuous news stream. After a few moments of listening, he realized it was a human news cast, then realized that there could hardly be a public Hirsune news cast, what with the need for secrecy.

As Davin stood there motionless, looking wistful, Ky asked "What's wrong?"

"I just hate this," Davin answered with a sigh. "I hate having to hide our existence like this. What I wish, more than anything," he continued, turning to the window, "Is to see what's out there. I want to see the Grand Canyon... The Statue of Liberty... Go out to a theater..." His expression turned sad. "But I probably never will."

"Why not? If you shaved your neck and the back of your hands, and wore clothes over the rest, you'd pass for human well enough."

"But what if it wasn't?" Davin said, turning to him with a look of fear. "What if something happens? What if I make a mistake and people found out? No," he finished, shaking his head. "It's safer here than out there. The risk isn't worth it. I haven't even laid any eggs yet."

Ky looked at his brother in interested.

Davin shrugged, more to himself than Ky. "I guess it's OK if you're the first to know. Just don't tell Dad I told you first, though... I've decided I want to become a dad. I've thought a lot about it, and when my next heat comes in March, I'm gonna start trying."

"Wow! Really? That's great! Can I be there... when he hatches? I've never seen something like that."

Davin looked at him with pity. "Actually, the hatching is a very private moment between father and son-to-be. Only the parent is there for the actual hatching." He saw his brother's face fall. "But I want you there for the laying. I want everyone in the family to seed the egg after it comes out."

"Seed it?" Ky asked in confusion.

"Once an egg is successfully laid, the father seeds it first by ejaculating upon it. Then the rest of the family comes forth to anoint the egg with their semen to mark the hatchling to come as bonded to them by seed. It's a very important religious rite among our kind."

"I'd be honored."

"We'll probably have to turn the storage room off the first floor hallway back into a hatchery. Dad used it for each of us, so that'd be the ideal place... Maybe we can put in a window. I've seen that there's this plastic stuff that turns glass into a two-way mirror. If it was light enough in the room, and completely dark in the hallway, then everyone could watch the hatching without interfering with the initial dad-son bonding. That's why we don't let others into the room during the hatching, you see, to make sure the emotional bond the child forms is with his parent."

"How long does that take, usually?"

"About two days or so, then the hatchling can be safely introduced to the rest of the family."

"Wow... I can't image what that's like, watching a Hirsune hatch..."

"Ask Kav. Dad set up a video camera to record both the laying and the hatching of him."



Ky lapsed into silence. To bring forth a new life... He'd never considered the possibility before. To have a child as a human, he would've had to mate with a human female, which had been impossible for him. The female anatomy had always been very repulsive to him, and even if he'd just donated sperm, it would've been the woman giving birth, so he's position in the child's life would always be secondary. Meaning he would've had to share the child with her. But now, a whole new world of possibilities were open to him. HE could now give birth -in a fashion- if he so chose. The child he would create would be truly his own, to be shared with the sire, but primarily his first... But wait... Wasn't Kavarin a self-seeded child? That meant that it was possible for him to breed himself, and create a child that was wholly his own, with no need to share with anyone...

But no, at least not yet. He was barely Hirsune now. He had yet to fully recover from the trauma of his human life. He had decades of pain to still work past. And it wouldn't be fair to the child to bring him forth to deal with a parent still dealing with his own issues. He hadn't told anyone in the family yet, but there had been a time or two still when he'd awoken to find himself crying in his sleep from nightmares where his old human family was still tormenting him for the 'choice' - as they had put it - of being gay. He needed to heal properly in his heart and mind before he would feel worthy of raising a son of his own. And time was on his side now. His father had brought forth Kav only eight years ago at the age of one hundred and eighteen. There was all the time in the world to do this right, so Ky was more than willing to wait.

Besides, he himself had only just begun to understand what it was to be Hirsune, so bring forth a son now would be unfair. He wanted to be able to raise his son the right way.

He came out of his thoughts to see Davin cracking eggs into a frying pan. "Um... No offense, but isn't that a form of cannibalism for us? Eating eggs?"

"No, not really. When you were human you ate animals that gave birth rather than laid eggs right?" (Ky nodded) "So this isn't really any different. Birds and reptiles come out of eggs, but you wouldn't compare them to us, right? That's how we view it. Besides, Hirsune eggs are much larger and a different color than chicken eggs, so we don't get bothered by it."

"Oh, OK," Ky answered with a shrug. "I can see your point..."

The family came in from the field awhile later and rinsed themselves off in the shower to remove the dust and dirt of the field. After drying themselves, they entered the dining room still smelling slightly of earth, which complimented the musky scents of them, making Ky desire their bodies. He managed to behave himself, though, as each looked ravenous. Food clearly being the only thing on their minds at the moment. As everyone sat down though, Davin cleared his throat for attention. Everyone turned to him, and Ky quickly shoved a small tomato into his mouth to hide the smile building there.

"Everyone," the second son said, clearing his throat. "I've been thinking about something for awhile now, and I've made a decision." He tured to look into Ardenus' eyes with a smile. "I want to become a father."

"Really, Son? You sure?" Ardenus said, and Ky could see that his father's heart was swelling with pride and excitement.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it for the last few months, and I've made up my mind. I'm thirteen now, and well old enough to raise a hatchling properly, with all of you to help, of course. So when my next heat comes, I want to start trying."

Ardenus leaned forward to kiss his son deeply, smiling as he did so. "You're gonna make me a granddad?"

"Yeah," Davin said, kissing his father deeply once again as everyone offered their congratulations.

Everyone smiled at him, Kylenus included, and then they settled down to eat.

Markano ate ravenously, as though he was starving to death, going as far as finishing seven plates of food before anyone had finished their third. Then he sat there, motionless as he chewed listlessly on the remains of a carrot, staring at the center of the table without seeing it. Everyone was too excited at the news that Davin wanted to get pregnant to notice his odd behavior.

After awhile, though, Ky grew a bit worried. "You OK?" he asked quietly, not wanting to subtract from the joyous news from his older brother's earlier announcement.

"Fine..." Markano said vaguely, almost as if in a trance.

*Maybe he wanted to be the first in the family to get pregnant.* Ky wondered silently. If so, he wasn't clearly wanting a child yet, or he wouldn't've wanted to drink lemongrass tea tonight at dinner, which would counteract any possible pregnancy. Ky shrugged off his eldest brother's moodiness and continued to eat....

But near the end of the meal, Ky began to notice a strange, musky scent in the air, which steadily grew stronger. The unusual scent aroused him, making his penis arise into a state of full erection. He noticed his need to mate was growing stronger and stronger, and he didn't understand why.

Conversation faltered, and everyone went silent. "Markano?" Ardenus asked, looking to his eldest, who sat staring forward blankly in a trance.

"Mark?" Ardenus asked, his voice taking on a lusty, excited quality, and his son looked up into his eyes.

Mark looked at his father with a naked hunger, his eyes glazed and his mouth hanging open slightly, not answering his father. Slowly, Markano began to rise, and Ardenus responded by rising quickly from his place at the table.

Suddenly a powerful arousal hit Ky. He had to fuck Mark. NOW! Nothing else mattered except thrusting his penis deep inside his eldest brother and cumming deep inside him! He rose in preparation.

But Ardenus beat him to it, dashing around the table as Markano let out a deep, trembling moan of desire. The father flung him around and bent him forward over the island counter, and as Mark turned his head back to his father with an insane hunger in his eyes, Ardenus thrust into him, hilting himself within Mark's eager and dilated hole, then proceeded to fuck him rapidly, as Mark groaned in a sound of relief, his eyes rolling back in his head.

Ardenus thrust rapidly, grunting feverishly as he pounded his deranged son's ass until he roared in triumph, blasting his load far inside the moaning Hirsune man who pushed back eagerly to receive the gushing sperm.

Ky and his other two brothers came forth, each beginning to jostle aggressively for position, each determined to be next. Ky slipped ahead of them though, and shoved his aching erection roughly up Mark's egg canal, then fucked him fast and hard, obsessed with the need to cum deep inside him. He quickly reached a screaming climax.

He had little time to enjoy it though, as Kavarin seized him by the shoulder, and yanked him away roughly, ripping his penis from that hungry orifice, then plunging his own deep inside, humping his older brother rapidly.

Ky stumbled back, and would've fallen to the floor if not for his father standing behind him. Kav groaned as his orgasm hit, and his brother Davin followed suit, moving forward and impaling Mark just as Kav vacated the wet, sloppy anus. As he reached his own climax though, the door to the kitchen burst open, and a dark-haired Hirsune Ky didn't know came in, grunting like a bull. To Ky's fevered brain, he looked slightly familiar, but he didn't know from where.

The stranger looked at the Hirsune in heat, and bellowing like a bull, grabbed the front of his slacks in both hands and tore it apart, freeing a raging erection from within. He rushed forward, and roughly flung Davin to the floor to free the well fucked orifice of the waiting Hirsune, and eagerly stabbed into him, fucking long and deep, slamming the hairy ass around his shaft with savagery until he, too, reached a noisy orgasm.

Ky watched on disbelief as the stranger came deep inside his brother, and his senses cleared partially... Enough to form lust-fuzzed thoughts. "Wh-what's wrong with me?" he asked his father, who help him up with trembling arms.

Ardenus groaned in lust before answering with extreme difficulty. "Mark's in heat. Aw fuck! I knew it was coming soon, but it happened so fast! W-w-w-we n-need t-to get to-oo m-my bedr-roomm." He added, Mark's altered scent making him lust-crazed, making it difficult to speak.

As the stranger finished his climax, Ardenus staggered forward. "H-h-help me." He asked the room in general. Davin lumbered forward, his eyes glazed, but showing a vague level of sense, and grabbed Mark's arms as Ardenus grabbed his legs from behind. They quickly moved the half-conscious Hirsune in heat to the hallway, Ky noticing Mark had cum all over the counter as he'd been fucked - but by which one of them as it happened was a mystery - and moved towards Ardenus' bedroom, which was on the first floor, and not incidentally, had the largest bed in the house.

They were only halfway down the hallway when Ardenus groaned like a bull in need, and claimed by that very need, stabbed into his helpless son again while still holding him up by the legs, trying to fuck him as they moved down the hallway. He groaned in orgasm as they reached the door to the room, everyone else shoving each other roughly, each desperate to get into the room first and be the next to fuck Markano.

Kavarin won the tussle, and leaped onto his brother, thrusting deep within his sibling's rear passage. A moment after he screamed in orgasm, Ky shoved him away, fighting the stranger in the process, and plunged deep within, gasping in pleasure as he fucked Mark 'til he orgasmed, before being pulled away by another, he wasn't sure who, who took his place in mounting the nearly catatonic man who could only moan in lustful abandon as his aching hole was mounted again and again, his numerous partners driven by heat pheromone-crazed lust...

Sometime later, he didn't know how long or even how many times he'd mounted Markano, He found himself fighting the others for the chance to fuck his brother once again, and in fustration at being blocked by another, he lost his temper and punched the person trying to get in his way, hitting them hard in the face. Ky's new aggressive tendencies were rising, and he grew angry at having to compete for that willing ass.

The person (he didn't know who) that he'd hit cursed in a deep voice, and there was a smell of blood in the air. Then he felt strong hands seize him and drag him, kicking and screaming in protest, from the room. It wasn't until he was blinded by sunlight that he began to come to his senses, his head finally clearing.

Shielding his eyes from the sun, he finally realized it was his father standing above him, sporting a bleeding nose. "Wh-wha-...?"

"Deep breaths, Kylenus! Clear your lungs! Get it out of your system!" his father said, breathing deeply through his own mouth to clear his lungs of Mark's heat pheromones, his hand to his nose. "Shit, that hit fast! You OK?" his dad asked, looking at him in concern as he pinched his nose to stop it from bleeding.

"Yeah... What happened to you?"

"You did. You punched me."

"I did?!? Oh shit! I'm sorry! I-I don't even remember doing it!"

"It's OK, Son. You were lust-crazed from Mark's season. I don't blame you. ...Actually, If you hadn't done so, I wouldn't have had some sense knocked in me... Enough to get us two out of there, or we'd still be in there now, and you'd most likely be breaking all our faces for the right to hump him again!"

Ardenus checked his nose to see that the bleeding had stopped, then with a "Wait here!", he ran into the barn. He came back a few minutes later, wearing a rebreather gas mask over his face, covering even the eyes.

"I'm going in after Davin and Kavarin," he said, his voice muffled by the gas mask. "You wait here. If I'm not back out in five minutes, run to town and bring back Doc Harian. He'll know what to do. Take the truck - there's a spare key under the driver's side of the seat. Whatever you do, don't come back into the house. Your aggressive tendencies can be dangerous, and another fight might break out. Remember: five minutes!"

With that, the father stepped back into the house, Ky beginning to worry. Before the deadline, though, he returned, carrying a struggling Davin with him, who kicked and swore fiercely as he was manhandled. Once they got outside, Davin struggled, wrestling with his father, who slapped him hard across the face.

"Get a hold of yourself!" his dad commanded, and the second son seemed to come to his senses, breathing deeply. "Stay out here with Kylenus. I'm going back for Kavarin."

"W-what about (pant) Lamaren?"

"We'll trade off with him later in shifts. He's been through enough heats to have gained some level of self-control, your brother is too young to be able to handle it well enough yet. Stay here," he directed, using his palm to emphasize the command, and disappeared back inside.

He came back a few minutes later, a furiously struggling Kav in his arms. Ky was shocked at the viciousness his youngest brother was displaying, who, as Ardenus struggled, sunk his teeth into the man's arm, making the father yelp with pain. He threw Kav down, who struggled back to his feet, trying to make back for the house. Ardenus punched him hard in the stomach, driving the air out of the lad's lungs, and bringing the boy gasping and coughing to the grass of the yard, standing over him as Kav struggled for breath. Finally Kav showed signs of coming to his senses as his lungs cleared of pheromones.

"Is it always like this?" Ky asked Davin.

"Pretty much, but usually we have a bit more warning. Don't worry, you'll get another go or two at him before he's done this year. I saw him drinking lemongrass tea, so it'll be a full heat this time."

"Will I get like that when my time comes?"

"Yeah, but don't worry... You'll barely remember it. It's only bad in big families like ours, where there's lots of competition for mating rights. We'll only go back in one at a time, to avoid violent conflicts." He sighed. "Come on, there's a few beds in the loft," he added, nodding at the barn.

"There was someone else there, right? What about him? Who is he?"

"Oh, that's Lamaren... Mark's Sire... Come on, we'll need our rest."

"What about Kav? Dad didn't have to be so rough with him!"

"Actually," Davin said with a sigh, "He did. Kav can be really... determined... when it comes to servicing someone in heat... He'll be fine, so don't worry..."

Kylenus awoke sometime later to find that his father had joined him on the bed in the barn's loft. The low light level coming in from the open supply doorway where goods were winched up in a rope-crane assembly, showed it was dusk. There were only two beds up here, so the family had to share them in pairs. Looking over to the other bed, Kav and the stranger... Lamaren, if he recalled correctly, laid deep in sleep next to Kavarin. He felt a sigh on the back of his neck, as his dad roused from slumber and stroked his arm fur gently.

"You awake?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah. You OK?"

"I'm fine. I had another go at Markano a few hours ago, then came up here for some rest. We'll tackle him in shifts. You up for another go soon? We'd thought it'd be good for you to get used dealing with seasons, so you'll get at least another two rounds with him before he peters out for the year."

Ky shuddered, causing his parent to become concerned. "What's wrong?"

"It's just... I don't know how to feel about this. It's kinda scary, but at the same time... I really like it. I... Just don't understand all of this."

"Turn around," he said, and Ky did so to face his dad, who took him into a gentle, protective hug. "There's nothing to be afraid of, Kylenus. Going into heat is a perfectly natural part of being Hirsune. It's as much a part of us as our fur. It is the most sacred, holiest time of the year for us, when our lust becomes all-consuming. Never fear it... embrace it, and the joy it brings. Trust me, right now Markano is having the time of his life, and enjoying every second of it.

"True, it can be rather unsettling, surrendering all control, but it's also very liberating. Trust me, I speak from experience; I've gone into heat a hundred and twenty times now. It's a perfectly natural thing, and something that can't be avoided, no matter how much you try. But it's wonderful, Kylenus, oh so wonderful. When I go into heat next month, I want you to pound my ass through the floor!" he growled lustily. "Don't hold back, and don't run from it. Embrace the power of your masculinity and welcome each and every heat, yours and ours. It's our deepest gift to each other, it's the important time of the year for us."

A thought occurred to Ky. "Wait, you said you're a hundred and twenty six, but you've only gone into season a hundred and twenty. That means that it didn't first happen until you were six, right?"

"Yes, at age six, we reach our sexual maturity, and enter our breeding cycle at that time. After that, we go into heat that same time of year, each year, for almost all of the rest of our lives. Each year, around the same week, usually. I was going to tell you last night about Markano's upcoming heat, so as to prepare you, but it hit him sooner than ever before, and took everyone - him included, I'm sure - by surprise."

"But if Doctor Harian is right, and I'm six years old by Hirsune standards, then I might very well go into heat at any moment!"

"That's why I'm rarely from your side for very long. I want to keep watch over you, so I can see when it's going to happen. Oh Kylenus," the hairy father said, shuddering in anticipation, beginning to produce musk as his penis stiffened, trapping itself against Ky's own shaft, which responded in kind at the touch of the hardening meat. He hugged the boy close, nuzzling his ear affectionately, chewing on it gently and breathing hotly into it, making his son shudder in lust. "I can't wait. I want to make sure I'm there with you, when it hits you." He growled sexily into the lad's ear. "I want to see that naked, all-consuming, hunger of deepest lust within your eyes as you stare at me... begging me to screw your brains out without even saying a word. And then as your pheromones hit me, I'm gonna slam you down, bury my raging phallus up your quivering hole, and dig us a fucking tunnel to China using your hips as the sledgehammer to pound our way there! I'm not gonna stop until you're so bruised from fucking that you won't be able to walk right for a week!"

"Don't wait!" Ky moaned in lust, and throwing his upper leg over his father's hips, freeing the parent's erection. He eagerly grasped it with his hand, guiding it to himself.

Ardenus groaned in anticipation, and as he felt a mild spurt of solem splash onto his cockhead, he impaled his son, who sighed deeply in satisfaction as Ardenus began to piston rapidly within his canal.

"Why now?" Ky asked, panting in lust. "Why am I wanting sex now, even though neither of us is in season? I'm always horny, ever since the change. It's always there, even though I can't get pregnant except once in heat. So why be so horny all the time if I can't reproduce except at certain times? I love it! But I just don't understand..."

"I don't know..." Ardenus replied, panting heavy as he mounted the lad. "Maybe it's our low birthrate that keeps us like this, trying to make us breed out of season to compensate. Maybe our heat never really goes away... maybe it's always with us, but only spikes once per year. No one knows. It just is... It's who we are... It's what we are..."

"Ah yeah! I fucking love it! Let it come then. If this is nothing compared to being in heat, then I can't wait! I want to feel the full power of penis, the full force of my lust! ...When It comes Dad... rape me... rape me hard!" And with that, he bit hard on his Dad's furry shoulder in savage lust.

"AW FUCK YEAH!" Ardenus growled, going feral until his voice was barely intelligible for all of his snarling and growling. "YEAH!!! YOU KEEP FUCKING DOING THIS TO ME! BRINGING ME DOWN 'TIL I'M NOTHING MORE THAN A RAGING ANIMAL!!! I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!"

"YEAH, LOOK AT YOU!!!" Ky said, snarling fiercely into his father's own snarling visage, their noses only an inch apart. His own voice taking on that barely distinguishable growling and snarling quality. "YOU'RE LIKE A WEREWOLF! A FILTHY, SNARLING FUCKING WEREWOLF!!!"


"FUCK YEAH, DO IT! ...LOSE YOURSELF IN YOUR BEAST!!!" Ky snarled, nodding savagely at his dad. Then he gasped in lust as Ardenus lunged forward and fastened his teeth onto Ky's throat, growling lustily. Ky snapped hard at the air repeatedly like a wolf as he was held in those powerful teeth and his ass pummeled mercilessly. He rammed his hips frantically into his parent's thrusting loins, unable to get enough of this brutal treatment on his insides.

The stimulation as too much for Ky, who growled louder and louder, his snarls coming faster and more urgently until his cock spewed forth his seed, bathing both of them in hot cum. He snarled once more as his orgasm hit and his father released his throat, and sank his teeth savagely into Ardenus' hairy pec, sending the father over the edge, who came into his feral boy, snarling and roaring like the proverbial werewolf his son wanted him to be, roaring into the boy's face, who chewed fiercely at the muscled chest, their eyes locked together, blazing with sexual fury.

Lamaren and Kavarin had bolted upright, midway through the pair's mating, awoken sharply by the loud vocalizations of the two. Markano's sire sat there in shock, his eyes bulging and mouth open slightly at the sight. He'd mated with Ardenus many times, and knew the elder liked it rough, but this was far beyond anything he'd ever seen from his longtime friend. He knew of Ardenus' feral traits, but not once in all their years of living in the same town and fucking each other regularly had he ever imaged that such a monster laid deep within the beefy Hirsune he called friend.

"What's happening to him?" he asked his bedmate.

"They always seem to get like this," the third son explained to him. "It seems Ky has a really strong feral side too, and each of their aggressive tendencies feed off of each other sometimes. Dad always did like to be rough with me, but not like this. We normally just cuss each other out and spit on each other as we bare our teeth. Ky's like some kinda wolverine or something, and pulls the same behavior out of Dad, especially when they're excited. It's fun to watch, but kinda scary at the same time..."

"Damn!" was all the mature Hirsune could say, as he watched them snarl and growl as they continued to cum...

Over the next two days and nights, each of them had a chance to be alone with Markano for a few hours, enjoying the effects of the eldest son's pheromones, which drove them to mate with him non-stop. The rest of them would stay outside the house, killing time by chatting, mating and playing card games as they each awaited their next turn. When the time came, they would take in the gas mask, wearing it until they entered the room, then place it onto the one mounting Mark; letting the mask clear their head as the trade-off would let the heat-lust consume them, until they eagerly plunged into his ravenous hole...

Kylenus came back to his senses to find his penis spurting deep inside his eldest brother's ass as he continued to thrust back and forth, and as his conscious mind returned, he continued to fuck, enjoying the sensations on his dick, willing his orgasm to continue.

He looked up to see Markano smiling at him, the afterglow of sated lust still on his face, and the look of sense and awareness once more present in his eyes.

"Hey, Ky."

"Hi," he answered, still thrusting gently. "Oh," he said, looking down at himself. "I'll stop."

"No," Mark replied, with a smile. "Keep going. Don't worry, I'm always more agreeable when I first come out of season."

"Ok... Man that was intense! The look in your eyes... That glazed, insane hunger. It scared me at first, but after awhile I got to liking it!"

"Well enjoy it while it lasted. You won't see it again until next year."

"I know... Umm, I love fucking you. Pity you don't always enjoy it this much."

"You know," Mark said thoughtfully. "I think I'd be willing to experiment some more. I'd like your help on that... I never did properly thank you for what you did. You didn't have to, you know. I mean it. My hole was yours to use as you wanted. You didn't have to worry about my feelings. I did it out of submission."

"I know, but I wanted you to be happy too, and see that I had no hard feelings... Well, not that there wasn't something about me that wasn't hard, that is..." He smiled lewdly.

"Well, if you want to help me experiment more later, then sure... Besides, I still want to try your hole... I haven't gotten the chance to fuck you yet."

"It's just you and Kav who haven't. I've gotten to mount all of you already, so it's only fair to let you all inside me too."

"Ummm... I can't wait... We need to experiment with you... all of us. All I know about you sexually so far is that you like it when Dad acts like he's got rabies!"

"Fuck yeah! That's just so damned intense! I've never experienced something like that before. Davin said it's how the pheromones interact between two guys. With me and Dad, it seems to bring out our feral sides. With Davin, it was sedate... almost meditative. I still can't seem to figure out how yours and mine work together yet, though."

"We'll figure that out later. There's no way to tell right now, as my hormones are all still wonky after being in heat... Hey, that's right! I was your first heat, huh?"


"What'd you think?"

"It... was scary at first, once I got away from you and got my head clear. But when I came back, and then again once more... I started to like it. I started to relax and let the power of Penis consume me, and I wasn't afraid anymore."

"Don't ever worry, Brother. Penis always knows best. Let Him guide you, and you'll always feel joy. Hail Penis."

"Hail Penis," Ky responded, and gasped as his orgasm increased, painting Mark's passage more vigorously in white goo. "Oh fuck yeah! Hail Penis!" he moaned, smiling goofily at Mark.

"Hail Penis, Kylenus... Hail Penis..."

There was a tapping at the door, which opened slowly, and a gas masked figure peeked in. They turned and waved hi lazily.

"Ah shit!" Kavarin swore, tearing off the mask. "You're done? Dammit! I wanted another go at you!" he whined in annoyance.

"Sorry." Mark said.

"The only time of the year I get to mount you, and I didn't even get a good amount of fucking in..." He pouted. "Now I'll have to wait 'til next year."

"Maybe..." Mark said, smiling knowingly at Ky. "You'd better pull out," he continued, glancing with concern at Kav, "Before he really gets pissy."

Ky pulled free slowly, his boner twitching while Mark's canal gurgled wetly around him as he withdrew. As he pulled free, Mark's hole sputtered loudly, splattering Ky's groin and thighs with spent seed and solem.

"Uh, sorry," Mark said, frowning. "Didn't mean to flack all over you."


"Post-sex air expulsion, it usually has juices in it... Basically the egg canal's version of a fart."

Ky winced, scooping the mess off himself, then smiled wickedly. "No worries," he said, and flung the mess forward, splatting it against his older brother's face.

"Oh you dirty-!" Mark exclaimed, rising quickly, then froze in place, groaning as his insides gurgled loudly and wetly. "Urgh! I'll pay you back later, Little Dick!" He swore, dashing across into his father's private bathroom. He sat down on the toilet, and with a wet continuous farting sound, expelled what sounded like several gallons of cum into the bowl.

"You OK?" Ky asked, concerned for him. He peeked into the doorway to see Mark straining on the toilet. "You probably want some privacy..."

"Nah, come in." Mark said, grunting with effort.

"But... You're on the toilet!"

"So? It's just cum. It's not like I'm shitting or nothing." He grunted and strained again. "Hey, we were safe right?"

"Yeah," Kav said, casually walking in and leaning against the towel rack, treating his eldest brother as if he was sitting at the table or on a couch, rather than expelling three day's worth of spent jizz into the toilet. "I made sure we popped you some extract pills every twelve hours. We all took some too, just to be sure."

"Good. Uh! Let Davin be the proud dad. I'm not ready to be a father yet." Suddenly, with a alarmed look, he began to gasp. "Ah damn! Ky, help...!"

Panicking and wondering what was wrong, Kylenus ran to his brother who strained, and rose up partially, clutching his ass in shock with his far hand.

Ky grabbed Mark by the free arm, trying to help him up, when suddenly the hand at Markano's ass flung upwards, splattering a large amount of discharged cum into his sibling's shocked face.

"Told you I'd get you back!" Mark grinned, sitting back down.

Kav roared with laughter as Ky, sputtering in disbelief, began to stumble over to the sink, a look of disgruntlement on his goo-covered face.

"What's going on in here?" Ardenus asked, peeking into the room. "You guys making a mess of my bathroom?"

"Just a bit of horsing around, Dad." Mark said with a grunt, still draining his egg canal of semen.

Ardenus smiled with relief, first at seeing that his eldest was OK, and then noticing how well Kylenus was getting along with his brothers. *He fits into the family so well... I'm glad he came along...*

Hirsune Pt. 9 - Somewhere out There

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 9 - Somewhere out There by argouru ? That evening, everyone was eating dinner calmly when Ardenus cleared his throat. "Kylenus?" "Yeah, Dad?" "Tenaro requested a get...

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Hirsune Pt. 7 - One of the Family

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 7 - One of the Family by argouru "No way!" Davin said that evening, as everyone sat gathered in the living room. "Fuck! I'd give almost anything to have been there to...

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Hirsune Pt.6 - There's Got to be a Morning After

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt.6 - There's Got to be a Morning After by argouru Kyle, - No, Kylenus! - awoke slowly, aching deep inside, but only in a single place. He realized that spot was where his...

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