Hirsune Pt. 7 - One of the Family

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt. 7 - One of the Family

by argouru

"No way!" Davin said that evening, as everyone sat gathered in the living room. "Fuck! I'd give almost anything to have been there to see that! That shit canal Volnaro finally got taken down! I'm really impressed!" he said, turning to his youngest brother in appreciation.

"You should've seen him, he left Volnaro speechless!" Ardenus said, his voice thick with pride. "All he could do was hang his head in shame and walk away," the father finished, using his hand to illustrate the redhead departing.

Everyone congratulated the youngest member of the family, then stopped as their father cleared his throat loudly to gain their attention. The boys fell silent, as their parent slowly stood up.

"We have some family business to attend to now. Kylenus. The room you've been using is yours now, and I hope to be kept up late rather often from the sounds of the bedsprings as you make good use of it." (the boys chuckled.) "But while you are officially my son, and officially an adult, there is one thing you are not... Not yet, anyways..."

Kylenus' face fell with shock.

"You must be initiated into the family properly, and because of recent events, we never had a chance to do so. But Doc Harian says you're perfectly well now, and recovered both from your transformation as well as from the Great Rite, so... I hereby formally lift all restrictions upon your sexuality. You are now free to fuck who, when, where and how you wish, as long as it doesn't interfere with your duties to the farm. You will learn the farming trade, unless you feel more suited to another job, and are free to live here for as long as you wish. This home is now officially yours, and we are your family by heart and by seed. We offer you the Rite of Union, which will be your formal initiation into this family. It is the second of the three Great Rites of the Hirsune. If you accept, you will henceforth be known as 'Kylenus, Son of Ardenus.' That will make you formally a member of this family and a true equal among us... Do you accept us as your family, and all that it entails?"

"Yes," Kylenus answered proudly. "I want you all as my family, my sexy Brothers," he looked to his siblings, "And my gorgeous Father. Make me one with you."

Eagerly, they all descended upon him, stroking and petting him, nuzzling and kissing every part of him they could each get to, what with all of the others in the way. They continued like this for several minutes, before Ardenus called a halt. His sons looked at him mutinously.

"We can't do the Rite properly here. Come my Sons, to the family temple."

Smiling, they all followed their parent to the stairway, heading down to the house's basement. As they went, Kylenus became curious. He'd heard passing mention of it, but he had assumed they meant the temple in town, not a privately owned one here on the property. Kylenus was intrigued as he descended, for he hadn't been to this part of the house before.

At the base of the stairs, Ardenus opened a double set of carved wooden doors, each bearing the image of an erect, spurting phallus.

Inside, Davin and Markano lit torches attached to the walls ever few feet by iron brackets, and which provided a high level of flickering light that filled the room and illuminated everything clearly. Looking up, Kylenus saw vents in the ceiling that channeled away the smoke.

The room as roughly twenty feet square, and ten feet high from floor to ceiling. The walls were made of blocks of pale grey stone, with a large stone altar table standing about waist-high in the center of the room. It was made of a six inch-thick slab of the same stone as the walls, and sat upon a massive block of solid, matching stone. The altar was twelve feet wide, and eight feet from front to back. There was a tapestry of white cloth and gold detail hanging on the back wall behind it, showing a mural of a massive Hirsune orgy in progress. The walls were hung with similar murals.

The floor was slanted lightly inwards to a point a few feet towards the door from the center of the room, with a covered circular drain set into the stone where the floor was lowest. Surprisingly, it was rather warm in here too, and Kylenus noted a radiating warmth coming up from the stone floor beneath him.

The room reeked of cum, sweat, musk, solem, piss, and other heady scents, all of with made the former-human's penis begin to rise in anticipation.

Walking up to the altar, Kylenus saw it bore only a single bronze chalice upon it, and the surface as carved with suggestive images. Ardenus pulled him back, though, and made him kneel upon the floor of the chamber, centered over the drain.

"The first step, Kylenus," the father said huskily, looking down upon his nude furry son as he stood there in all his naked, masculine and hairy glory before the boy, "Is for each of us to mark you as our own." He aimed his penis at the kneeling Hirsune.

"Receive this gift, Son, and know that you are now mine!" Ardenus growled lustily, and hot, golden urine gushed forth from his piss-slit, soaking the youth in his sacred fluids as it poured down his torso and covering him with his father's scent.

Kylenus lowered his head, opening his mouth, and took the musky fluid down his throat, swallowing greedily. He then bent his head low, letting it soak into his hair and flow down his back, literally bathing in the golden shower as his father smiled lovingly down upon him.

After several minutes, the flow trickled to an end, and Ardenus sighed. "Be welcomed, my Son." Then he stepped away as Markano approached.

The eldest brother took aim. "Make one crack about Mark marking you, and I'll slug you," he mock-threatened.

Kylenus bit his tongue, for that very thought had just occurred to him. He almost managed to keep a straight face as he nodded his agreement.

"Receive this gift, Brother, and know that you are now mine!" Mark said, then proceeded to drench the young Hirsune sibling in his piss, adding his scent to that of his father upon the lad's body.

Davin and then Kavarin repeated Markano's words, dousing him each in order with their own urine, until Kylenus was positively reeking from the combined fluids of each of his other family members.

When they were all finished bathing Kylenus in their sacred piss, Ardenus motioned him to rise, and then the father himself knelt down, the brothers following suit. "We offer ourselves to you, Kylenus. Mark us, as we have marked you."

"Receive my gift, Father," Kylenus responded, aiming at his dad's chest. "And know that you are now mine!" He groaned in satisfaction as his piss gushed free to splash onto the parent's chest. He didn't piss long, though, wanting to save some for his brothers.

His cockhead still dripping, he moved to Markano. "Receive my gift, Brother, and know that you are now mine!" Again his urine poured freely, anointing his eldest brother for a few moments.

He proceeded down the line, marking Davin and then Kavarin, until his golden cockwine was upon them all, marking each of them with his scent.

Once he was finished, they all stood up. "And now," the father said with a smile, "it's time for you to unite with us in lust." He turned to his three older sons. "I've had Kylenus many times now, and it's only fair that you all have a turn with your new sibling. However," he said, walking past each son in turn, inspecting them, "the question is... Who goes first?"

"Dad?" Mark's shoulders trembled slightly as he spoke up, only to be interrupted by protests from Davin and Kav.

Ardenus raised his hand for silence, and approached his eldest hatchling. "Well... You -are- the oldest, and therefore have first claim-"

"No, that's not it," he said, interrupting his father. "I... I owe him." Mark hung his head, unable to look his parent in the eye. "When he first came here, all I could think about was what would happen to us if he got caught. I didn't take Kylenus' feelings into consideration. But that's not all..."

Ardenus stared at his son in shock, afraid he knew where this was going. "Go on," he said with effort.

"I... Started to consider turning him in..." Mark said with effort. "I didn't, though... I couldn't go through with it. As scared as I was, I realized that maybe you were right, Dad, and I was wrong. I was going to tell you, but I was too ashamed. I didn't know what he was like. I judged Kylenus without even trying to get to know him. And then, when I heard that the guard took you, I didn't care what happened to him. I only cared about you.... And then... What he said... What Kylenus was willing to do to protect you, even though he barely knew you... I've never been more ashamed of myself in my life..." He looked up at Kyle with damp eyes. "I'm sorry."

Kylenus looked away, deep in thought. His gaze went to the altar, but his eyes were unfocused, his mind elsewhere. "I think I can understand where you're coming from," he answered quietly.

The rest of the family was silent, Ardenus' eyes on Kylenus, Mark staring at the floor as he listened intently. Davin and Kav stood motionless, their glaze flicking back and forth between the two siblings.

"Back when I was human, I didn't have anyone I cared for enough to want to protect. But then I came here, and met Dad, and then you guys... What I said in that trial... I meant every word of it. Dad is the first person I've ever been willing to die for."

He turned, and walked over to Markano, placing his hands on his eldest brother's shoulders. Mark looked up at him.

"But the same goes for the rest of you. All of you are my family now. " Kylenus said, looking at each of the before turning back to Mark.

"We all have dark impulses, Mark, even the best of us. Trust me, I wanted to take Volnaro's head off back there, but I didn't. Sure, it would've made me feel better, but I was able to control myself. You did the same... And you didn't know me. You were scared for your family, and I respect that. But there's one more thing that impresses me about you: You feel ashamed for it. That's better than me... I -still- want to go back and beat the shit out of that bigot, truth be told!"

Mark looked his brother in the eyes, lost for words.

"I forgive you, Mark. I just hope we can get to know each other better."

"But I still owe you, though. I want to make things right between us, so I want you to take me. I'm offering myself to you first to pay you back for what I almost did."

"Ok, but I don't understand how letting me fuck you will be repayment. I want to, and I accept your apology, but I don't exactly understand..."

"Dad's the only person I ever let inside of me, besides Priest Welvayan. I don't get fucked very often; I'm always the one mounting others. It's kind of a... Dominance issue with me. By letting someone else take control, I have to surrender myself to them, and that's not an emotionally comfortable position for me. I know it shouldn't be like that, but it makes me feel... Weaker... Like I'm not masculine enough, or strong enough... It's one thing with Dad. I don't mind with him as he's the head of the family, and can bring out the aggressive side in me... But no one else can make me feel... Right... Being mounted. So by making myself submissive to you, it's the best way I can make it up to you for thinking the things I did: submitting to your dominance."

"So, you're saying you want to be my first?" Ky asked him.

"First? I don't get it... Didn't you and Dad...?"

"Not yet, we didn't," Ardenus answered. "Kylenus needed me to mount him to receive the gift, and Doctor Harian mounted him in order to inspect his egg canal, but so far, it's only been him that was being penetrated. I was going to get around to letting him mount me, but it hasn't happened yet. I don't mind, though. If it means that much to you Markano, I'll yield his siring virginity to you. Besides, it's his choice to make, not mine."

"Virginity?" Kylenus asked, confused. "You said I wasn't a virgin anymore, Dad. I thought that's what the Great Rite was all about."

"Receptive virginity is the only type that counts towards adulthood. Receiving a phallus within you is what makes one an adult, but there's no specific standard towards adulthood when it comes to siring. It's considered one of the lesser Rites, and more an act of friendship or family bonding than anything else."

"Well, being the oldest son," Mark added, "I've always felt I had to be strong, so I could always look out for my brothers. Being mounted... Makes me feel lesser than I should be." He shook his head. "I know it's silly, and being mounted is perfectly natural, but... Well... It's always been a quirk of mine. So this really means a lot to me... Letting you inside... I'd be really honored to be your first."

Davin and Kav stood mute, seeing the depth of their brother's need to make amends, and silently withdrawing their protests as they allowed Mark to go first.

Kyle leaned in, kissing Mark deeply, pressing his body against that of his eldest brother. After several minutes of kissing, he pulled back at bit. "Well... If you insist," he said, kissing Mark again. Then, still kissing, he pushed Mark over to the altar.

Seeing what they were doing, Davin dashed forward silently to snatch the chalice from the altar before they could knock it to the floor, then backed away with it.

"Good thinking, Son," Ardenus said with a sigh of relief. "That chalice is the most expensive thing we own!"

Meanwhile, Kylenus pushed Markano back onto the altar, their lips chewing away at each other as they got awkwardly up onto the sacred stone table. Ky stroked Mark's chest hair eagerly, as Mark moved onto his back and spread his legs for his brother. He reached down, and let out a loud squelch, covering his hand with solem. He then brought it up in offering to Ky, who groaned in lust and did his best to swallow the offered hand whole. Their phalli hardened to full erectness as they kissed, petted and explored each other's bodies with their hands. Their musk rose in the air, mixing with the fumes of the solem and the piss that still covered them.

Ky moaned in lust as the solem heightened the experience for him, and he reached back to his own anus, discharging a handful of his own solem, giving it to Mark, who sucked up the clear aphrodisiac with relish, "Mmmm! Mmmm! Mmmm!" Mark became eager despite himself, and began to thrust his hips upward against his brother, the solem making him feel a desperate emptiness within.

Feeling Mark's urgency, Ky moved into place, and slowly sank his penis deep inside of Mark's egg canal, entering another Hirsune for the first time... He thought he was going to pass out from pleasure. The sensations were beyond belief, as the sensitive nerves of his massive phallus picked up every detail of Mark's interior. Ky sighed in wonder... He could feel the warm wet tightness wrapping around his shaft, detecting every bump, every vein and blood vessel, even feeling the rhythm of Mark's pulse deep within his body as Ky slid deeper and deeper inside, until his hips pressed firmly against his brother's furry buttocks as he hilted himself inside his fellow Hirsune.

He looked into his brother's glazed eyes, who began to buck his hips, and Ky took the hint. He pulled out several inches, then slid back in, spasming with joy at the intense sensations flowing into his body from his penis. Shuddering, he worked himself into stride, stroking long and deep, his testicles slapping against Mark's ass with a steady beat.

The other three came close, watching them mate, enjoying the show and baring witness as Ky lost his final form of virginity.

Ky lost all track of time, losing himself in the intense feelings he experienced. For how long he stroked inside of Mark, fucking him long and slow, he had no idea. Their hairy bodies became slick with sweat as they fucked. He was too lost in bliss to pay attention to anything else around him, not even the discomfort in his knees as he humped the willing ass beneath him.

"Fuck," he sighed. "This feels so incredible! No wonder you always like to be the one mounting, Mark." He then lost himself in the feeling of power, being the one in control of the fucking, and feeling his masculine power throbbing through him as he rode his brother's hole.

Finally, some time later though, he looked down into Mark's face to see his brother laying there with eyes closed, a frown of concentration on his face. Remembering what Mark had said earlier about this not being easy for him to submit to emotionally, his enjoyment flickered. He then got an idea. Still impaling the older brother, he motioned gently to his side.

Opening his eyes, Mark looked up at him questioningly.

Grabbing Mark's shoulders, Ky rolled carefully sideways so as not to injure his sibling, yet forcing Mark to roll with him as he remained impaled deep within the older sibling. They rolled sideways across the altar until Ky was on his back, Mark on top of him and still riding the younger brother's phallus.

Mark was surprised, but became confused when Ky pulled up Mark's hand, and placed his wrist into it. It wasn't until Ky took his other hand and closed Mark's fingers around it, then placed his other wrist into Mark's other hand, that the older sibling began to understand. Ky was giving him back his sense of power and control. Growling lustily, Mark slammed Ky's wrists down roughly onto the altar, pinning the lad's hands down and slowly discovering how much control he had in this new position.

Mark had only explored a little with various positions, but never one where he was on top while being mounted. He experimented, discovering he had full control over how deeply Ky could thrust, and with the younger sibling's hands immobilized, he looked rather helpless. Mark growled in primal satisfaction, now moving his hips up and down, stroking Ky's shaft with his canal. He stopped, then teased Ky with partial strokes, and the boy grunted in irritation, trying to thrust deeper.

But Mark denied him, shoving his hips down and restricting Ky's movement, who moaned in fustration, bucking his immobilized hips futilely, unable to thrust.

Mark smiled grimly down at his helpless, desperate brother, who looked up at him, begging with his eyes for release, a release that Mark enjoyed not giving him.

But the older brother could see the pleasure in Ky's eyes. He was enjoying every second of this. Mark looked at him with gratitude in his eyes, and fierce smile on his lips. For the first time, he was enjoying being mounted by someone other than his dad... And for the first time, even though he was the one being penetrated, he was in complete control. He reveled in the experience.

Finally, Mark felt an orgasm building, stimulated by the thick penis stroking his insides, who's base had been grinding away against his prostate the entire time. Me moaned rhythmically as his orgasm approached, and just before it hit him, he released Ky's wrists, rolled them onto their side and began to convulse has his sperm burst forth from him, bathing both brothers' chests in semen.

Freed from restraint as they rolled onto their side, Ky bellowed like a bull and humped his brother's insides rapidly, his climax racing up his member until he screamed in triumph, breeding another Hirsune for the first time in his life. Finally, was truly no longer a virgin.

They came for several minutes, before recalling that there were other siblings awaiting their turn, and they reluctantly willed their orgasms to end by working muscles at the roots of their phalli to stem the flow of their seed. They looked deep in each other's eyes, feeling a deep brotherly bond form between them, the errors of the past washed away.

"Thank, you," Ky said, sighing in contentment.

"No," Mark countered. "Thank you... For everything." Mark felt a gratitude so deep he couldn't describe it, for now he had discovered a way to take the penises of others without sacrificing his sense of control. He then nuzzled Ky's neck, and clamped his teeth against the younger sibling's throat, growling softly in a quick display of dominance, Ky staying perfectly still, submitting to Mark's will.

Mark let go, and motioned for freedom. He gasped as Ky slowly withdrew from inside him, his penis glistening with a mixture of cum, precum and solem. Mark gently rolled into his back to see his family surrounding him, each showing love and forgiveness in their eyes as they smiled down on him.

"Next!" Mark said to them, gesturing towards Ky, who smiled, as the rest of the family chuckled.

Exchanging glances, Davin and Kav nodded in agreement. They had both waited long enough as it was, and moved forward as one to tag-team their younger brother, climbing up onto the altar as Mark vacated his position.

Ky rose to his knees as his brothers embraced him, kissing him passionately and stroking his hairy body. Ardenus stood there stroking his long meat as Mark joined him, stroking the hair of his own front, smearing his spent seed into his stomach fur to mix with the sweat and piss already there.

Each brother upon the altar was different in technique. Davin slowly explored Ky's body, whereas Kav went right for his penis, licking the spent member clean of the mixture of fluids on it before peeling back the foreskin and swathing the sensitive glands in his saliva.

Ky groaned at the attention, his arousal rapidly restoring itself. Davin moved his lips to Ky's chest, and licked and chewed at his nipple, before pressing his lips to the nub and sucking rhythmically. Ky gasped at the sensation, as he was nursed on for the first time. He could feel the milk flowing out through his nipple into his brother's mouth, nourishing the Hirsune with healing, protein-rich fluid. It was now that he finally understood why Ardenus had always enjoyed feeding him. It felt so blissful and relaxing, filling him with lust and pride.

The trio continued in this fashion for some time, before Kav pulled away. He turned away from Ky, resting on hands and knees, looking back pleadingly as his anus dilated, oozing a trickle of solem. The others saw this, and Davin pushed Ky encouragingly towards the waiting orifice. Already erect, Ky climbed onto Kav's back, grunting in pleasure as he sunk his meat all the way inside the eager hairy arse. He barely got settled, however, when he felt a weight on his own back, and a hardness poking at his buttocks. He sighed in pleasure, and opened himself, baring down to release his own anal lubricant in preparation. Davin found the hole, and dived in, causing Ky to groan in satisfaction as he was filled.

Sandwiched between his siblings, Ky moaned in lustful abandon and began to fuck Kav, feeling Davin begin to thrust in and out of his rear passage. But as he continued, he found it difficult to find a good rhythm. He wanted to stroke in and out of Kav in long, deep strokes, but there was Davin's shaft to attend to as well. He found it impossible to thrust back and forth properly, trying in vain to please both brothers simultaneously as they fucked.

Davin sensed Ky's fustration, and leaned forward. "Don't worry about me," he breathed into Ky's ear. "Just concentrate on mounting Kav. I'll take care of the rest." And sighing in relief, Ky stopped trying for the impossible, and devoted all of his effort to screwing Kav's brains out, who groaned in appreciation of the improved performance.

It didn't take long for them to achieve a sweaty climax. Davin, feeling the joy of fucking someone new, lost the battle first, and moaned long and deep as he sprayed his juice deep inside his brother's furry arse.

Hearing that long moan of release, Kav went over the edge, his seed spurting forth onto the altar stone beneath him.

Feeling the pulsing shaft deep within his insides, and the delicious tugging on his shaft as Kav climaxed around his maleness, Ky grunted in satisfaction as he orgasmed again, breeding Kav deeply. They all orgasmed for several minutes before pulling out of each other, and Davin and Kav climbed down from the stone altar as Ardenus approached.

The room now positively reeked from the scents of sex. Sweat, piss, cum, precum, solem, and musk: all mixed together in a heady perfume of passion that mixed with the scent of torch smoke and poured into Ky's newly heightened nose, making his head swim in euphoric ecstasy.

As he reached the focal point of the table, his youngest son still kneeling upon it, Ardenus saw the effect the various smells were having on the lad, and he smiled at the boy. "Feel up for one more time tonight?" At Ky's nod, he climbed up to join him, as the three older siblings observed, each feeling well spent, but able to go farther if they still wished.

Ardenus kissed the boy deeply, then looked at him. "With this final mating, you will be formally initiated into this family."

Ky nodded eagerly, bending backwards.

"No," Ardenus said, stopping him with a hand to his wrist. He then turned and laid face down along the length of the altar, raising his butt up suggestively, looking back over his shoulder at his son.

Kylenus looked down at his father, his lust rising once more as he realized what his father was doing... What he was offering... Growling lustily, he descended on the furry figure, nuzzling Ardenus' back and slowly working his way downward until his face reached the musky, hairy globes of flesh, the hair damp with sweat from the heat of the fire from the torches, and rubbing his nose deep into the crevice between them inhaling the musky scent of his father's insides that worked their way out of his anus.

Ardenus moaned in lust, having expected his son to merely climb on top and plunge into him without ceremony. This was far, far better though. He suddenly gasped in surprise, however, as the boy's tongue began to lick his anus, then bury itself inside his hole, licking and thrusting passionately into his anal ring of muscle, his face pressed hard against the man's furry buttocks.

Ardenus growled lustily, thrusting his hole back onto that probing tongue, clenching and unclenching around the invading tongue, squeezing it, and discharging copious amounts of solem with the intent of driving the boy wild with desire. It worked far beyond his greatest expectations, and the boy went feral, growling fiercely with lust, biting into those fleshy, furry globes deeply, stopping just short of breaking the skin, and Ardenus' mind exploded as his son snarled savagely, biting and chewing on every square centimeter of his father's furry buttocks for several minutes.

The three siblings were shocked and aroused simultaneously at this display of feral desire. The boy had gone wild with testosterone-fueled savagery. Whether he had merely held back with his brothers, or it was something about their father's body chemistry that triggered the change, they didn't know, but each began to masturbate as they watched their youngest brother begin to behave like a lust-crazed beast, their dicks becoming rock-hard with arousal. They realized now, that Kylenus hadn't been joking earlier. He probably -had- wanted to kill Volnaro earlier. That he had managed to avoid doing so, now that they knew just how aggressive their youngest brother could become, as a testament to the lad's self-control.

When Kylenus finally pulled away, the father felt a deep disappointment, but then cried out suddenly in shock as Ky unceremoniously stabbed into him, thrusting deep until the lad hilted deep inside him. As Kylenus began to thrust into him, fucking his father savagely, He growled, snarled and snorted, sounding like an enraged werewolf as he pounded away at his parent's insides.

Ardenus had never experienced this level of savagery before. While he'd had aggressive sex many times before, even as the bottom, this was the single most intense mounting he'd ever had in his life, and he loved every fucking second of it; pushing back eagerly onto the invading tube of fucksteak that was nearly shredding his insides. His own grunts, growls and snarls of lust filled the air, mixing with those of his boy.

Mark, Davin and Kav looked on in wonder as they masturbated. While they knew well that their father had a stronger than normal aggressive side, it had only come out occasionally before. Now they were witnessing the true depth of their dad's savage side, the darkest part of his lust. This display of masculine ferocity was far beyond anything they had ever witnessed before, and as their parent growled in lust, snarling in a deeper, gravely, sexy growl as he begged Kylenus for more, the son's libidos went into overdrive, and they felt their own aggressive tendencies rise up, as if summoned up from the depths of their subconscious by the actions of the two fucking aggressively before them. They grunted and growled lustily as they beat their meat harder and faster.

*SHIIIIITTT!!!* Ardenus thought silently in wonder, deep within the small part of his mind that was still rational. *I've created a LITERAL monster here! ... FUCK YEAH!!!* "Ah shit! Do it! Pound my ass boy!" he growled aloud in lust, snarling so deeply as he spoke that his words were barely understandable. "Tear me up! Slam my fucking hole! Pound the fucking shit out of me!!!" Ardenus surrendered to the full depths of his deep-seated savage nature. Something about the boy's pheromones was awakening a level of aggressiveness he'd never reached before, and he surrendered to it in fierce joy, loving the monster he was becoming as his canal was brutalized mercilessly.

Kylenus felt his mind almost dissolve into an animalistic state, and relished the experience. All that mattered was giving into that ferocity, and he embraced it joyously, slamming the body that enclosed his meat with long, hard thrusts that nearly broke his father's pelvis. As his father growled his words of lust, spurring the boy on, he abandoned all pretense at rational thought, letting his aggression rule his thoughts and actions. "FUCK YEAH!" he snarled deeply, his own speech nearly unintelligible. "TAKE MY FUCKING DICK!!! GIVE ME THAT FUCKING HOLE YOU FILTHY BEAST!!!! TAKE MY FUCKING COCK UP YOUR ASS!!!"

Just then, the level of savage passion overloaded him. "YEAH!!! YEAH!!! YEEEEEEAAAAARRRAAAWWWWW!!!!!!!" and he spasmed violently, roaring in triumph and filling the beast-like Hirsune beneath him with his hot spunk as he spasmed violently, then bit hard into his father's right shouldercap drawing forth a small trickle of blood as he continued to gush violently within the very core of his father's body.

The son's loss to orgasm was too much to take, and Ardenus exploded with a cry of release, roaring at the top of his lungs. He soaked the altar as well as himself as his seed poured from him like a raging river, roaring until his lungs screamed in protest.

As if the dual roars of achievement commanded them, the three moved quickly to the altar, where they came nearly in unison, each growling and snarling like their father and brother, who they drenched in their sperm as they orgasmed all over them and the altar stone...

Hirsune Pt. 8 - 'Tis the Season

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 8 - 'Tis the Season by argouru Kylenus groaned in pain, rolling onto his back. He was back in his bedroom, with no memory as to how he'd gotten there. Late morning...

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Hirsune Pt.6 - There's Got to be a Morning After

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt.6 - There's Got to be a Morning After by argouru Kyle, - No, Kylenus! - awoke slowly, aching deep inside, but only in a single place. He realized that spot was where his...

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Hirsune Pt.5 - A New You

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt.5 - A New You by argouru Ardenus grunted, stroking his full length deeply in and out of the warm, wet tunnel that hugged his meat lovingly, his loose balls slapping that...

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