Hirsune Pt.5 - A New You

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt.5 - A New You

by argouru

Ardenus grunted, stroking his full length deeply in and out of the warm, wet tunnel that hugged his meat lovingly, his loose balls slapping that youthful ass rhythmically. He groaned as his nuts firmed up, and he came deep inside the boy, who groaned in pleasure as his own orgasm dwindled, his spent shaft oozing thick white cum into the kitchen sink. Ardenus' anal muscles clenched rhythmically, squeezing the other shaft that was buried deep inside his own anal passage, milking it to orgasm, and felt the seed of his other son splash deep inside him.

"Fuck yeah," he said, nuzzling the ear of his second eldest boy in front of him lovingly. "Thanks, boys, I really needed that."

"Umm, hmm. Always Dad," Mark said behind him. "It's nice to know we're still desirable to you." He reached forward to give his father's torso a bear hug, his arm-hair mixing with those of his father and middle sibling, who was in front of their parent.

Ardenus sighed. "I'm sorry if you all have been feeling neglected. Kyle has just needed me so much that I've been focused entirely on him since he came here. I don't mean to make you boys feel left out."

"It's OK, Dad. We understand," Davin said, rubbing his bearded chin along his father's left shoulder affectionately. "He really needs you. Besides, we got a new brother out of it, didn't we?"

"Yes, but how much of a brother still remains to be seen." He sighed into the second son's hairy upper back.

"What do you mean?" Kav said, walking into the room to join his family, unconcerned that his fellow Hirsune family members were still fucking each other. "I thought he agreed to accept the Gift?"

"I want to make sure he still wants it," their father replied. "I want to make sure it's what he really wants, once his head clears up from the effects of the solem. I need to see if that's really what he wants, or if it was just the lust talking... Damn, I need to piss."

"So go ahead," Davin said huskily, looking back into his parent's eyes.

Ardenus smiled, and let go, bathing his boy's rear passage with his hot golden fluid. He smiled in satisfaction at the lustful look of bliss on Davin's face as his insides were washed in his dad's hot urine...

Ardenus knocked gently on the door of Kyle's bedroom. "Umm... Come in." He heard from within.

He entered to see the boy laying nude on his back, the thin bedsheet partially covering his groin, but nothing else. Ardenus thought he looked very sexy for a human, and he smiled as he entered the room and sat on the edge of the bed. "How you feeling?"

Kyle groaned. "Sore... I never fucked like that before! It was amazing..."

"So, what do you think? You enjoyed that?"

"Hell yeah! I can't wait to do that again! I felt like a savage beast, and loved every fucking second of it! Is it always like that for Hirsune?"

"Not always, but you seem to love animalistic behavior, and I was partially responding to it. The pheromones you were putting out triggered my wilder tendencies, and I just went along for the ride. So... You really want this then... To become Hirsune?"

Kyle turned his head to look at his reflection in the mirror attached to the back of the closet door. "You know... I never really liked the way I looked... I hate being like this... So hairless and scrawny..." He turned back to his father. "I was always so jealous of all those hairy guys out there, wishing I could be all buff and hairy too, but genetics dealt me a crappy hand. I don't like being human... Not at all. Now I know there's an alternative, and it's what I want. I really do want this. I want you to change me. Then you'll be my dad in every sense of the word, and I'll have the body I always wanted, along with everything else there is to being Hirsune. Who knows? Maybe someday I'll be a father too."

Ardenus smiled down at the boy in pride, "So how quickly do you want the change to take? Seems like we can go as fast or as slow as we want."

"The faster the better, but I don't want to burn you out. How often can you cum?"

"Well," the Hirsune said, scratching his bearded cheek thoughtfully, "Last time I went all out, I came for five days solid..."

"Whoa! Seriously?" the human said in disbelief.

"Well yeah. But I had to prepare myself properly in advance of course." He turned his head and shouted. "Davin!"

"Yeah, Dad?" the son said, running up the stairs and appearing at the bedroom door.

"I want you," he said, his eyes locked with Kyle's, "to make me the biggest meal you can."

"Alright, but why?"

"I'm going on a marathon!" the father said simply, smiling at the human in anticipation.

Smiling, Davin left the room, calling to his brothers for assistance.

Smiling still, the Hirsune moved closer to the human. "Get ready to have your brains fucked right the hell out of you." Ardenus then raised an eyebrow as the human's stomach growled loudly. "Well," he said, chuckling as he moved to lay down beside Kyle, "Harian -did- say you should stick to a liquid diet during the changing..." He said, offering his chest to the hungry human...

Kyle and Ardenus moved the The parent's room, which had the bigger, king-sized bed. The father fiddled with something, his back turned to the human, then turned to face him. Kyle smiled, his gaze lowering to the Hirsune's massive member, and blinked. "Um... What is that?" he asked in amusement.

Ardenus looked down at the restraint that covered the back half of his shaft. "Don't laugh. That's what will keep me from penetrating too far. If I did, it could seriously hurt you. This way, I can fuck you safely without hurting you, even if I loose control and go feral again."

He climbed onto the bed, and spread his legs slightly. He reached his hand to his ass, and bore down gently for a moment. Solem squelched onto his hand, and he raised it up in offering to the boy, who took it to him, first inhaling deeply, the gulping the fluid into his mouth to swish it around so that the potent pheromones could be absorbed into his bloodstream through his tongue.

They came together, kissing passionately as their hands each explored the other's body. After a few moments, Kyle began to moan lustily. Knowing the boy was ready, Ardenus turned him around and shoved Kyle face down onto the bed. He positioned himself carefully, his piss-slit oozing lubricating precum, and slowly worked his way into the human's arse.

He waited for the anus around his shaft to loosen up properly, then began to stroke gently in and out, mounting the human carefully despite the presence of the restraint. Ardenus tenderly kissed the boy's ear, nibbling on it, and breathing affirmations of fatherly affection and pride into Kyle's ear until his orgasm approached, and he began to breed the boy with his seed, letting it continue to flow freely for a very long time...

They fucked nearly non-stop for the entire day and night, sometimes twisting around so the boy could suckle his father's milk, sometimes laying together in silence and petting each other affectionately, other times talking, sharing details of their lives, their interests, and generally getting to know each other better. Occasionally, one of the Hirsune siblings would come in to check on them, offering water or protein shakes to keep their strength up, other times, trying to join in, but Ardenus was resolute. This was a task for him alone. Sulking, the sons always left with their heads hung low in disappointment and their eager erections fading with sadness.

As they talked, Ardenus began to get a better understanding of the boy, and liked what he learned. Kyle was smart, quick-witted and funny. He liked board, card and video games, and was an avid fan of TV including comedy and scifi, animation and Japanese anime'. Ardenus also finally learned the boy's age, which was thirty five. He'd been a bit shocked at that, having not realized the human was so old, by their standards at least. Thirty five was nothing to a Hirsune, though, and he explained as much to his new son.

"Wait... You're a hundred and twenty six years old?" Kyle asked in shock. "I thought you were in your thirties! At least that's what you look like to me! How did you manage to live so long?"

"Well," the Hirsune paused, grunting in pleasure as a short wave of orgasmic bliss flowed through him as he continued to ooze cum into the human's insides, "We Hirsune are very long-lived. I basically -am- the Hirsune equivalent of a thirty year old human. There's some who've lived up to three hundred and ninety years, so I'm roughly thirtyish now, from a human point of view."

"Wow!" the human replied in amazement. "Wait. What does that mean for me then? Will I age like a human, or a Hirsune?"

"A Hirsune," Ardenus replied, grunting in pleasure again. "Harian told me when he called to tell me more about Gifting. Your aging process will slow down to match your new Hirsune nature. I figure you'll live about three hundred more years or so."

"Huh..." Kyle said thoughtfully, then his thoughts broke off as his stomach growled.

Ardenus chuckled, offering his milk to the boy yet again...

Kyle awoke sometime later with a grunt of pain. His entire body was aching, as though he'd sprained every muscle in he had simultaneously. Even his face ached. Remembering that the doctor had said when he'd called to explain the changing further, he moved stiffly to his father's chest, and began to suckle once more. Harian had said that Ardenus' milk would not only nourish Kyle, but the enzymes in the milk would act as a pain reliever. As the hot milk flowed into him, he started to feel better.

Ardenus awoke soon after, ready to mount him again...

For two days and nights the pair mated, and Kyle's discomfort grew stronger as his insides began to cramp up. They were forced to take breaks, to give Kyle time to recover, but the intervals between fuckings grew shorter and shorter...

It was night again, the third, if Kyle recalled correctly, when he awoke yet again. Has he laid there, scratching a deep itch on his stomach, he realized that the cramping pains were nearly gone. There was only a residual dull ache in his torso and face. That wasn't what had awoken him though. The itching wasn't just confined to his stomach, but seemed to be coming from everywhere, and he began to scratch every part of his body he could reach, grumbling in annoyance. It was as he was doing so that he finally noticed that he'd grown hairier, way hairier.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ardenus asked, turning on the bedside lamp. He turned as he heard Kyle gasp in shock, and turning, let out one of his own, but his was a gasp of pleasure.

Kyle's entire body had begun to sprout thick, dark body hair. His arms, legs, neck and entire torso were covering with a dense thin layer of Hirsune body hair. The skin could still be seen beneath, but it wouldn't be much longer before the thick pelt of man fur would cover him completely.

Kyle was too busy scratching furiously at the growing hair to properly enjoy it though. Ardenus got up and went to the dresser, returning with a thick, stiff-bristled brush, and forcing the boy to lay down, began to brush his entire body thoroughly, both front and back.

"Ahhh... Thanks. That was driving me crazy!" the boy sighed in gratitude, rolling over onto his stomach so that his father could get the back half of his body, then rolled back over once his parent was finished.

Ardenus stared down at the boy, and smiled in pride as he took in the full extent of the changes to his son. The boy's phallus had changed almost completely. Whereas he'd been very short before, he now had a proper length to him. The father took the boy's new penis into his hand, stroking the flaccid length. As he stroked the boy, Ardenus noticed that Kyle had grown taller, having gone from just under six feet tall, to just over seven in height.

Kyle looked down at himself as his father manipulated his shaft, and stared wide-eyed at his penis, which now looked completely different. It was now about seven inches long despite still being flaccid, and was at least two inches across in thickness. The most shocking part of all, though, was the tip. He watched his father pull down the newly restored foreskin of his once circumcised penis to reveal a narrow, pointed head, which began to leak precum in a slow, steady trickle. Kyle saw that the head was growing redder as the shaft stiffened. Kyle glanced beneath the shaft to see that his testicles had swollen in size, and were now almost as large as Ardenus', roughly the size of oranges.

The proud father worked his son's transformed shaft to full erection, admiring the way it now curved upward gracefully, and was just short of a foot in length now. It seemed to be growing longer and thicker as he stroked it, and soon reached a length of thirteen inches. He looked up to his son's face, smiling to study the changes to it, then stared in shock, sucking in his breath in surprise.

"What? What's wrong?" the boy asked, panicking.

"Nothing," the father said, recovering with a smile. He gestured to the mirror on the closet door with his nose.

Kyle turned to see, and his eyes bugged in shock. Before him was a face he no longer recognized. Gone was the plain, rounded face on a head that seemed too wide for it. Instead, his face now closely resembled his dad's, with strong, squarecut features, firm jaw, and slightly prominent brow. He now resembled a cross between himself and Ardenus, and as he ran a strong hand over his now thickly bearded face, liking what he saw. After a few moments studying his reflection, he realized something else. Not only had his appearance changed, but it had a much younger look to it. He now looked like he was barely eighteen, despite having a full beard.

Ardenus rested his chin on the boy's left shoulder, comparing their reflections with a swelling of deepest pride. "There's my boy..." He breathed in his son's ear.

"Look at me," Kyle said in wonder... "I'm fucking gorgeous!"

"Not to mention modest!" Ardenus said, laughing quietly.

There was a soft knock at the door, and Markano entered, "Everything OK in here-" he started to ask, then stopped dead in shock at the transformed person before him. "Kyle...? Is that you?" he asked in wonder, his eyes bulging with a mixture of shock and arousal at the being before him.

"Hey," Kyle replied, smiling at his eldest brother who stared at him.

"Look at you!" the eldest son said. "You're amazing! You did it, Dad. He really is one of us now!"

"No, not quite, Son. He still has a ways to go yet, and he hasn't had the onam yet, either."

"Well..." Mark said as he studied the changes in Kyle. "His fur hasn't grown all the way in yet..."

"He's almost there. Just a bit more breeding and he'd be fully changed." Ardenus' erection had risen again, and feeling safe to do so, he finally removed the restraining chamber from his erection, tossing it aside and looking at Kyle eagerly.

Seeing the lust and determination in his father's eyes, Kyle laid on his back and raised his legs in anticipation, his anus dilating eagerly and a clear substance trickling from it.

"Fuck, you can control your hole now! ...And produce solem!" the father said, sniffing the air and moving forward as Mark watched them both with a smile. The father moved closer on the bed, positioning himself, the slid into the waiting boy's rear, who suddenly gasped, a glazed expression of deepest pleasure on his face as his father impaled him gradually with his massive meat. Ardenus felt a great joy fill him, as he realized his penis was entering the boy's new egg canal and not the rectum. He could now fuck the boy the right way, and he continued to slide in slowly.

Kyle sniffed the air, discovering that his sense of smell had increased drastically, and the scent of his own solem that he felt leaking from his widened anus, and the musk seeping from his hairy armpits made him horny. He joyfully accepted his father's shaft, the one that had opened a whole new world to him, and gasped in pleasure as Ardenus sank into him. Suddenly, he could feel every detail of that mighty phallus, every bump and vein, even the very texture of the shaft disappearing slowly inside of him.

Then he felt his father's tip pressing against something solid inside of him, and he gasped in sudden pain. "Ah, ow, ow, ow!" Reacting in pain, he shoved against Ardenus' chest to stop him from going deeper.

Shocked, Ardenus withdrew quickly, fearing that he'd pushed too far, even though he was no farther inside than he had been before, only about four of his twelve inches. "What is it? What's wrong?" he asked sharply, afraid he'd damaged the boy. Mark drew close to them in concern.

"I don't know. It felt really good, and then it started hurting when you pushed against something," Kyle gasped as the pain faded.

A dawning suspicion came to Ardenus, who had felt something solid inside the boy's passage, and he gently moved his hand to his son's entrance. "I want to check something, relax yourself."

Kyle did as he was told, and Ardenus' nimble fingers disappeared up his son's canal until he found what he was looking for. He looked into Kyle's eyes in wonder. "You have a naro!"

"A what," Kyle asked in confusion.

"He does?" Mark asked, surprised. "He's a virgin?"

"Yes," Ardenus answered, becoming visibly excited, "He does. Go get your brothers. It's time for Kyle to become an adult!"

Mark hurried from the room in, shouting for his brothers in excitement.

"What do you mean?" Kyle asked his father.

"A naro," Ardenus explained, "is the wall that keeps out semen until a Hirsune is mounted for the first time. It'll hurt as I spear through it, but after that you'll be an adult, from a Hirsune standpoint. It's a long standing tradition among our kind. The father is always the one to take a boy's virginity and initiate him into manhood. This is the single most sacred and holy rite of initiation for us, just like a test to prove one's worthiness of being a grownup. This is our most sacred tradition, one I never expected I'd ever get to share with you. You have no idea how happy I am to be able to give this to you, Son." Ardenus began to tremble with lust at the act he was about to perform.

The three brothers entered, the younger two gasping as they took in the changed appearance of their youngest sibling, who now looked very much like them. Davin and Kavarin looked upon their newest sibling with joy, pride and wonder, feeling their lusts arise at the sight of how handsome a Hirsune he was becoming.

"Is it true, Dad?" Davin said, stepping forward. "Is he really a virgin, like we were?"

"Yes, he is, my Sons. Will you all bear witness to this holiest of all rites?"

Each son spoke in confirmation, shedding their clothes. Ardenus, meanwhile, turned back to the boy laying before him.

"My Son," he spoke lovingly, "Are you ready to become an equal among us? To experience the truest expression of lust and become one of us in adulthood? This is our most sacred rite, the most holy of all... The Great Rite is the loss of your virginity, and your entrance into lust. With this, you will truly become an adult among Hirsune."

Somehow, on some instinctual level, Kyle knew just what to say and do, and spoke clearly and strongly: "I do, Father of mine. I accept this gift from you with pride and lust. I eagerly await your entrance into me, which will bring forth my entrance into manhood." He turned to face his siblings. "Brothers of mine, bear witness and rejoice, for I am to join you in the journey of lust, and become an equal among you."

"Come to us brother," they said in unison, stroking there own erections feverishly as they gazed upon him. "Become one of us, as we bear witness. Become our equal, in pleasure and masculine power."

Kyle turned back to his father, who rose up and presented his erect penis to his son. "Pray to him, my Son. Pray to my Phallus, which will be the instrument of your deliverance into manhood. Pray to Penis, and ask for his blessings..."

The boy reached up to stroke the long, thick tube of muscle, caressing it lovingly. "Penis. Penis! You, oh mighty Phallus of my Father. You, the symbol of my new existence, and giver of my virginity. I offer that very virginity up to you as a sacrifice. I pray to you, oh mighty dong of my recreation, to thrust deep within me, taking from me that which I do not need, and make of me a man! Trust deep, and gush!..." He said with passion, his mouth imitating the actions of a penis spraying it's seed, "gush!... GUSH! The sacred semen deep inside of me! Spray your seed deep into the core of my being, and bless me with your orgasmic fury. Bring to me the fullest depths of lust, and enter me into your mysteries... Make of me an instrument of lust, passion, pleasure and masculine power! Please thrust into me... I need you, Penis! I want you deep within! Enter into me! I welcome you!" He kissed the piss-slit of his father's shaft lovingly, which pulsed, and a wad of precum splattered onto the lad's face, making him gasp in pleasure.

Ardenus stared in shock. He hadn't meant to do that, but his Phallus had acted on its own, and the proud father took this as a true blessing from Penis to the boy. He could feel its hunger. It needed that willing hole, and he surrendered to his passions as the power of Penis filled him with its holy lust.

He pulled back and positioned himself. "Receive the Penis of your creation, Son, and feel his power deep within you!" he cried, thrusting fiercely onto the boy, who screamed in pain as the head stabbed through his naro, ending his virginity and driving deep up his egg canal towards his womb, touching him in a place no one had ever entered before.

"Penis! Penis!" Ardenus cried, losing himself in religious passion. "Thrust deeper and deeper, my penis! Take the virginity of this boy you sprayed forth, and fill him with your masculine power! Shoot your holy semen into the heart of my son and fill him with the lust of phallus! Make this boy a man!"

He began to thrust back and forth, as Kyle groaned in agony for the searing pain within him. But he didn't want it to stop. Kyle wanted that penis to spray it's spunk inside him. He wanted to bear through the pain and show how strong a man he was that he could endure it. His furry face screwed up into a grimace of agony, he growled as his father pounded his insides, his hands twisting the bedsheets in his clenching fists. "Ahhh Fuck!"

The sensations and knowledge that he was able to truly initiate his new son into the ways of lust was too much for Ardenus, as he proudly watched his son bravely bearing the pain of his first true mounting. He noticed the fur on Kyle's body finish growing in, and the boy began to moan as the pain turned into pleasure. Ardenus felt his orgasm building, and looked deep into the boy's eyes as he saw the first stages of orgasm building within his offspring. This sent him over the edge, and he thrust all the way in, hilting himself in the boy, who gasped, looking up to his father with lust-glazed eyes, his passage beginning to spasm and clench around the spear thrusting deep within him.

"Of fuck, it's coming!" the father shouted. "Get ready Kyle! NO! ... KYLENUS!!! That's your name know, Son! You're mine now, and I hereby rename you as you become an adult! Prepare yourself to receive my seed, Kylenus, and become a man! Praise the power of Penis! Welcome to adulthood, Son!" He cried, gushing his seed deep into his son from his pulsing erection, filling the young man with the jism that had remade him, and ushering him into adulthood.

"Fuck, yeah!" the new Hirsune cried in passion. "Fill me with your power, Penis! Oh fuck, oh fuck yeah...." He cried, feeling an orgasm of immense power building up from within him, racing up his erect phallus as his body began to convulse as if he were having a seizure. "I am Kylenus! Son of Ardenus... AND... I... AM... A... MAAAANNNN!!!" he screamed, as his semen sprayed forth from his penis in a torrent of thick, hot white seed.

The new Hirsune finished his initiation into adulthood as his transformation concluded, and the power of the onam poured through him, making his body convulse wildly as the most powerful orgasm he'd ever experienced filled his body.

"It's the onam!" Kav cried, rushing forward to spray his seed onto his thrashing brother, the other siblings following suit. Their seed mixing with the almost literal torrent of jizz gushing from Kylenus' phallus, their father watching in pride as his sons coated their brother in their seed, everyone becoming drenched in the youngest member of the family's sperm, which splattered everywhere, soaking the bed, walls and his fellow family members for nearly an hour before it finally began to fade...

Ardenus looked upon his three elder sons with pride as they indulged their lust, writhing together upon the floor like oil wrestlers, using the massive amount of semen from their youngest brother for lube as they squirmed against each other, trading positions with one another as they moaned loudly in lustful abandonment, mounting each other. The proud father returned his gaze to his son... Kylenus... Who had passed out from sensory overload brought on by the strength of the onam orgasm. Exhausted, he slumped forward, his massive organ still leaking spunk up the boy's- No!- the Young Man's! - rear passage, and he dropped off into slumber, fueled by euphoric bliss...

Hirsune Pt.6 - There's Got to be a Morning After

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt.6 - There's Got to be a Morning After by argouru Kyle, - No, Kylenus! - awoke slowly, aching deep inside, but only in a single place. He realized that spot was where his...

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Hirsune Pt.4 - A Change for the Better

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt.4 - A Change for the Better by argouru Ardenus awoke to the pleasant sensation of being nursed on. He smiled sleepily to see his newest son suckling milk from his left...

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Hirsune Pt.3 - Trial and Error

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt.3 - Trial and Error by argouru Ardenus reached town square, panting heavily from exertion, and saw the boy's bike abandoned on the steps of city hall. \*Little punk...

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