Hirsune Pt. 15 - Working Towards the Future

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt. 15 - Working Towards the Future

by argouru

Life at the temple had was very interesting. Much of Kylenus' time was spent learning the ways of sex, which the Hirsune treated as the highest form of art. Numerous positions, techniques, and methods were taught to him as the days progressed. He became more and more proficient at the arts of pleasure, becoming eager to try them out on his family. Fortunately, they kept their promise, visiting him singly or in pairs each day, as did Roderal, and Ky enjoyed seeing the lustful looks of appreciation at his improved level of skills as they mated.

"Ah fuck, Son!" Ardenus exclaimed shuddering with residual sensations as Kylenus swallowed the last of his sperm from the father's still twitching penis. "And I thought you were a great cock sucker before!"

They laid in the large bed of the temple's sleeping chamber, hugging each other closely. Ky moved up to begin nursing on his father's milk, having missed the sweet musky taste for too long.

"I'm so proud of you, Son," he said, petting the lad's head tenderly as he fed him. "Hang in there a few more days, and you'll be ready to cum back home. Then we'll go to our own family temple, and have a nice welcum home orgy to celebrate your return to us."

"Ummm," Ky vocalized happily, smiling up at his Dad around the nipple that nourished him...

One thing about temple life that wasn't enjoyable was the cleaning duties. Kylenus stood there with a small bucket of water and a toothbrush, gently scrubbing the results of the previous night's services out of the detailed carvings on the west wall of the altar room. It was painstaking work, as he had to make sure he didn't damage the carvings as he cleaned them. He was frowning, working away at a rather detailed image of two Hirsune rimming each other, his penis only halfway hard as the level of concentration distracted from his arousal that the image gave him.

Suddenly, hands encircled his nude body, making him jump slightly with surprise. He had been so lost in his work that he'd failed to notice that anyone had entered the chamber.

"Working hard?" Davin purred in his ear, nibbling it gently, "or working -hard-?" he finished, his hand closing around his sibling's shaft, making it stiffen fully. Ky moaned softly, feeling his older brother's engorged phallus press against his back.

"Hey," Ky breathed, "What're you doing here? Wasn't last night enough for you?"

"I can't -ever- get enough," he chuckled, loosening his grip as Ky turned to greet his brother properly, their tongues diving eagerly into each other's mouths.

After a few moments, Davin broke away, his gaze moving to the carvings. His face wrinkled in disgust. "Oh crap! I -always- hated cleaning the carvings after services! Way too much effort, and way too time consuming!"

"Yeah, this isn't the kind of sucking I had in mind when I came here!" Ky replied, making Davin chuckle.

"Well, I wanted to pop in on my way to Xovarkam's, see how you were doing and all that."

Ky nodded in understanding. Xovarkam was Davin's Sire, a very handsome Hirsune with black fur who shared his Sireling's lithe build. He also had a rather sexy son of his own named Funaras. It was customary for Sirelings to spend one night of each week at the home of their Sire, when the Sire was someone outside the immediate family, that was.

"Oh," Davin said, smiling at him. "I heard the good news about Roderal. Happy Sire-ing... err ummm, no, um... Sireling... Sireling-ing... You know what I mean!" he added, waving a hand dismissively.

"Thanks. He's been by a few times now, and wants me to cum over after I get settled in back at home." His gaze drifted downward, still smiling. "It's nice, having someone I can relate to... With stuff, you know?"

He looked up to see David smiling sympathetically. "You know, until your surprise party, I never knew you were struggling so much Ky. Dad sat us all down and told us about how you have a difficult time opening up to others."

He placed his hands on Kylenus' shoulders, looking him in the eye. "You know we're all here for you, right? I can see it's not easy for you, after all you went through as a human, but we're here for you. Don't shut us out, OK? Even if we can't understand what you're going through, that doesn't mean we don't want to help in whatever way we can. Let us be there for you."

"I'll try to remember that. Feel free to remind me, from time to time."

"Always," Davin promised.

"Well, I'm glad you decided to cum in for a visit." Ky stopped then, realizing something. "That's odd, ever since I came to the temple for study, I've noticed something. Every time I say the word 'Come' C.O.M.E, I keep thinking C.U.M. Why is that?"

Davin lifted his arm, letting forth a wave of his musk. "Must be something in the air," he replied, smiling at Ky's lustful expression as it affected him. "I'll take the blame for you ditching work, if you promise to show me those new skills of yours everyone else's bragging about."

Ky dropped the brush. "Cum on," he said with the urgency of his needs, and quickly led the way into the back of the temple as his raging phallus bobbing in the air before him...

Kylenus held the firm erection of the priest as he knelt before him on the white leather cushion before the priest's throne, set near the back of the altar room. Welvayan sat upon the throne, wearing his traditional robes cut erotically for the greatest display of his Sacred form.

Ky stroked the Holy Phallus of the priest slowly, admiring every detail of it as he pleasured the most masculine part of the furry priest's body. Precum oozed slowly, keeping the member slick and allowing the farmer's son to glide his hand up and down it's length leisurely, enjoying the heady scents of the meat in his hand.

"Your time at the temple has cum to an end, Kylenus. Although you will leave us tomorrow, know that you are always welcum within this Holy Temple at any time... Unless we're all asleep, of course. In which case you can piss off 'til morning!" The priest finished, grinning.

"WHAT?!?" Ky responded in shocked amusement, and they laughed together for some time.

"Well that's certainly nice!" the lad added, still laughing. "I thought I was the smartass in town!"

"Oh don't be surprised, Kylenus! You have several folks in the community who could easily challenge you for that title!" Welvayan said with a smile. "But for tonight, something more serious! You shall share my personal bed once more, and display your full prowess to me, to make sure that your training was successful. I want to see just how talented you are now in the arts of lust after all our efforts to enlighten you in the ways of Penis..." His breathing became erratic as his orgasm built. "But for now, be anointed in His Holy essence..."

Ky moaned softly in pleasure, pulling the shaft down until the piss-slit faced him as the priest's divine cum bathed his face, and began to drip down through his beard...

The next morning, Ardenus arrived at the temple just as dawn hit the horizon. Kylenus was waiting there for him, fully dressed and embracing the two temple acolytes passionately. Ky pulled free reluctantly, and turned to embrace the temple priest.

"I know you've already spent so much time with us, Kylenus, but I'm hoping to see you for services next Friday."

"Definitely!" Ky said, smiling and kissing Welvayan passionately as his father joined them.

"Ah, Ardenus! Your son has proven to be a very adept student. I'm sure you will deeply enjoy the benefits of my tutelage upon him."

"Thanks, Welvayan, for everything," he said, embracing the priest passionately for a few moments before turning to his youngest boy, greeting him in kind for several minutes, Ky feeling the hungry lust his father had for the lad. "Ready to go home?" he asked huskily as he slowly pulled back from his son's lips.

"Yeah!" Ky said, eager to hurry home to mate with his father.

"All rested up, I trust?"

"Well... Yes," Ky said, gaining a sudden suspicion.

"Good! We'll put you to work right away on planting when we get home," his father said with a smile.

'Can I live here instead?' Ky mouthed silently to the priest, making Welvayan laugh.

Chuckling, they got into the truck and headed back towards the farm.

"Don't worry," Ardenus said, hugging the lad close. "We'll start you off easy!"

"Good," Ky said, smiling at his parent, who turned his attention back to the dirt road leading to the farm, and Ky reacting in shock at the sudden, wide-eyed look of terror on Ardenus' face, who hit the brakes hard, grinding the truck to a stop.

Ky was thrown against the dashboard roughly before he could react, and he pushed himself away from it gingerly, his shoulder stinging, and looked out the windshield to see what had scared the older Hirsune.

Blocking the road was an army hummer. Four human soldiers stood there, assault rifles aimed at the truck.

"OUT OF THE VEHICLE, NOW!" one of them ordered.

Ky saw with fear that Ardenus was recovering from his shock, looking angry. "Dad, don't! You'll just get yourself killed! Please, just do what they say!"

Ardenus saw the look of fear on his son's face, and relented. They exited the truck, hands raised high.

The soldier who'd spoken touched his headgear, speaking into it. "Sir! We've got two more... Yes, Sir! Bring in the wagon."

A large army transport rolled up, and they were forced into it.

"Dad! Ky!" Markano shouted, reaching forward and pulling them in, Kavarin helping.

"What's going on, Ky?" Kav asked, looking around fearfully.

"I don't know," Ky said, shaking his head, then seeing that several others were already there in the back of the transport, all looking to be the farm hands from town. "Is anyone hurt?"

"No, we were all too shocked," Mark replied. "They just came out of nowhere and started rounding us up. I heard them say they were gathering everyone into town."

"Son?" Ardenus asked, turning to Kylenus. "Why are they doing this?"

"I'm not sure... Maybe they think we're terrorists or something... I just don't know."

"What can we do?" asked a scared farm hand, as everyone turned to Kylenus.

Ky sighed, looking apprehensive. "Well, for now we just do what they say. Don't give them any reason to hurt us..."

Tenaro was in his office at town hall, when he heard vehicles roaring up to the building. He ran to the window, and with a feeling of ice-cold fear, recognized them as the human army.

He knew what to do, and ran to the phone, dialing rapidly...

Lilly's cell phone awoke her with a nasty jolt, and she groaned with a curse, rolling over in her bed. *What asshole is waking me up at... five thirty in the morning?!? This better be good!* Grumbling, she reached over for it.

"Lilly Mathers speaking," she said groggily.


"WHAT?!" she shouted, bolting upright in bed.


The line went dead.

"SHIT!" she swore, hitting her speed dial feature.

"Uhh," Larry's tired voice on the other end answered. "Lilly! What's the deal calling me so early in the morning?"

"Larry, I just got a call from Tenaro, government soldiers are rounding up the Hirsune!"

"What? Why?"

"I don't know, but the line suddenly went dead on us. We have to do something, and fast!"

"Yes, right! Ok, I'll meet you at the office in thirty minutes!"

"Ok," she said, hung up, then dialed Ted, throwing the blankets off her as she scrambled out of bed...

Pareus was dropped to the ground hard, his son falling down next to him. "Dad! What's going on?" Evarni cried, looking around in a mixture of fear and shock.

"I don't know, Son... Just stay close to me," the mayor said, watching helplessly as more and more of his people were rounded up in the center of town, made to squat in the middle of the town's main road by human soldiers with guns.

"LET ME GO YOU FILTHY HUMANS!" Volnaro screamed in rage, thrashing in the grip of several soldiers as they dragged him forward, trying to kick one of them. "GET YOUR STICKING HANDS OFF OF ME!!!"

"Volnaro, no!" Pareus cried.


"You're not helping anything! Just look around you! What do you expect to accomplish acting like this?"


"Volnaro! I'm ordering you to sit down right now!"


"Then you leave me no choice, Volnaro! As head of the council of elders, I hereby revoke all of you rights and privileges as a member of the council, and head of the community guard!"

"ARE YOU INSANE?!?" Volnaro screamed in rage. "YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO ME!!!" He lunged for the mayor.

A soldier dashed forward, slamming the butt of his rifle into the back of the redheaded Hirsune's skull, knocking him out.

"Please!" Pareus pleaded with the humans. "He doesn't speak for the rest of us. He's acting out of blind prejudice from a loss in his past."

"I believe you," the soldier said. "But we'll have to lock this one up."

"I won't object," the mayor said, hugging his son to him protectively, as they hauled the unconscious Hirsune away.

A few minutes later, he saw a large vehicle pull up, and soldiers ushered out several more of his people, including Ardenus and his sons.

They were brought over to join them, as Tenaro was pulled out of town hall and brought over to join them all.

"Kylenus," the head elder said, turning to him. "What is all of this?"

"I don't know," Ky said, shaking his head. "Maybe it's a government crackdown, or something..."

"What do we do?"

"I don't know! If only we'd gotten a chance to call for help!"

"I did," Tenaro said, making everyone turn to him. "As soon as I saw the humans, I knew something was wrong, so I called Lilly. I didn't get to say much before the phone died on me, but I hope she heard enough."

Ky sighed, relaxing slightly. "Ok then. All we need to do is buy her the time to get some kind of intervention going on our behalf. We need to make sure we're still here when help arrives. No one do anything to antagonize the humans! Just stay meek, and do what they say."

"That's it?" a Hirsune Ky didn't know exclaimed.

"For now that's all we -can- do. Our goal is to stay alive, and hope Lilly can work fast enough..."

Lilly drove frantically, hoping that no cops spotted her speeding along the way. She hung up her phone, having made the final plans, and made her way to the office to put it all into motion. She turned on the radio in the middle of the morning news report.

"...And In regional news, The US army has released a statement that a chemical spill has polluted a section of the Montana wilderness approximately one hundred miles east of the Idaho border. The area has been quarantined, and the public warned away, until cleanup operations can be completed. In other news-"

Lilly shut it off, her stomach falling as she realized what it meant.

She arrived without incident, and ran into Larry's office where Ted was waiting with him for her arrival.

"The shit just hit the fan!" she said, winded.

"What do you mean?" Ted asked, looking worried.

"The army's trying to cover it up! They're claiming it's a chemical spill, and have the whole area locked off!"

Larry looked online for the latest news updates. "She's right."

"Well what do we do?" Ted asked.

Lilly closed her eyes, bracing herself. "We go to plan B..."

"I saw him come running out of the store, holding a big bag," an elderly woman was saying on CNN, describing how she had acted to stop a gang member from robbing the gas station behind her. "So I-"

"We have to interrupt this report for a breaking news story," the blonde newscaster said, interrupting the video and staring at the camera before her, "Of an apparent US army cover-up over a currently happening invasion of a small, isolated community in Montana known as River's Bend. The human rights organization Equality National is claiming that the members of this community have been arrested without explanation, and say that the reasons, allegedly, are due to religious and sexual discrimination. Equality National claims that the alleged cover story about a chemical spill in the area is a hoax, and seek a halt on all actions by the army in that region as they prepare to offer proof of both the community's existence, and the reasons for discrimination of those people..."

The private starred around at the prisoners, frowning slightly. He looked over the strange, hairy men, noting that there didn't seem to be a single woman in the lot. "What's going on here?" he asked his platoon mate, who shrugged.

"Don't know," the fellow private replied. "All I know is that the Col. gave an order to round these people up, and keep them under guard.

"But this ain't right," the first countered, glancing at them nervously. "I mean look at 'em! These are civvies! Just a buncha small town folks, like the kind I grew up around. Granted, they all could use a good shave, but come on! What's the deal?"

"I don't get it either," the first private replied, looking down at the prisoners apprehensively...

Some time later, the first private was walking along the line when he saw one of the townies clutching his son to his bare chest, patting his head. The private saw the kid's face pressed to his dad's chest, making suckling noises. He knelt down before them, smiling in a friendly manner at the kid, when he saw that the small boy looked very well developed for a kid, looking more like a very small four-year old. The private was startled by the boy's strange appearance, as well as the fact that he was trying to nurse on his father's nipple.

He recovered slightly, feeling sympathetic. "Poor little fella. He miss his mom?"

"His what?" the parent asked, looking confused.

"His mom," the soldier persisted. "He just looks hungry is all."

"Well yes, that's why I'm feeding him," the man said.

"You're what?!?" the private asked in shock.

Kylenus, who was two people away from Almaran and his son Gavahan, leaned over to explain. "There are no mothers here, or any women at all. We're not human, you s---"

Col. Alistare was walking down the line, taking in the freakshow before him and looking at them with open revulsion. He saw one of his men kneeling before one of them, holding it's demon-spawn, and strode forward rapidly. As he approached, he caught the thread of conversation, and became enraged. As the thing talking to his private reached the part about their abnormal nature, he lashed out with his fist, slugging the creature hard in the side of its face and sending it sprawling.

"Be quiet, you!" he shouted in fury...

Ardenus listened to his son explaining to the human why Almaran was feeding his son, when another human dashed up from the line and struck the boy hard in the face. Enraged, he went to leap up, but was restrained by his eldest son.

"No, Dad! No!" Markano shouted, trying to drag his father back down.

The human who'd struck Kylenus pulled his gun, aiming at the enraged father. "Give me a reason, freak!"

"Dad, stop!" Ky called out thickly, rising slowly with blood in his mouth. "I'm OK! Just don't do anything, please!"

"Dad, please!" Markano pleaded, and Ardenus relented reluctantly, glaring with open hatred at the human.

"And as for you," the human said, turning to Kylenus, "I hear you say one more word to my men, and I'll shut your mouth! Permanently! You hear me, sasquatch?!?"

Ky nodded mutely, showing he understood.

The Col. rounded on his man. "You breathe one word of what you saw and heard, and I'll have you scrubbing latrines for the rest of your days! Now get out of my sight!" he shouted, holstering his pistol.

The private took off, and Col. Alistare looked down on the bleeding creature with open hatred, pulling out his handkerchief to his hand to wipe off the filth he imagined was there...

Kylenus was afraid. He knew at least some of what was happening, and his fears filled in the blanks. How could the government have set such an operation into motion without anyone being aware? The town was completely cut off from the rest of the world. It would be very easy to make a small town of about two hundred people vanish without anyone being the wiser. He was afraid, and guilt-ridden. Wasn't he the one who was supposed to stop this very thing from happening?

Ky felt powerless, as well as useless. He couldn't help but feel responsible for what was happening. They had counted on him to save them from the very thing now happening. The pain in his face was horrible, but nowhere near as much so as the ugly, self-destroying thoughts that festered within him. He remained silent, tasting blood in his mouth, afraid to do or say anything more, for fear that he would only make things worse for the Hirsune he had already failed...

Col. Alistare sat in his tent, waiting for the last of the vermin to be rounded up. He thanked his lucky stars that he'd managed to discover this den of evil buried in the Montana wilderness. He'd stumbled upon it by accident, while playing around with a satellite map, looking for good places to go camping in the deep wilderness. When the town had remained unnamed on the map, he became intrigued, and tried to learn more about it.

But when he could only find minimal records of the town, his curiosity grew stronger. It took a lot of clout to get access to the Air Force's satellites through his connections within the AF, so as to get a closer look at the town, and the images had alerted him to the fact that he was dealing with something very odd. When he discovered that supplies where sent in, and food came out, he grew wary.

He'd used his vacation time to drive out there, and when he approached a farm on the edge of the community, sneaking up on it from the woods, and spying with binoculars, he saw the true nature of the 'townsfolk'. He watched in horror as two of the foul, hairy things indulged their perversions shamelessly out in the open field, rutting like beasts.

He had returned at night, moving by stealth through the sleepy town, and reached a window into the living room of one of the houses. There, he was horrified to discover two more of the things fornicating shamelessly on the floor... As one of their mis-shapen and hairy offspring sat reading and talking with them conversationally as they rutted. They were all treating the act as though it were nothing, like taking a leisurely stroll. They had not the slightest shred of decency or restraint. Not only that, but they were corrupting their own young by behaving so revoltingly right in front of them!

He then saw several pictures upon the mantle, showing the two fornicators standing side by side, one with a bulging stomach. The next had the two with a large white object that resembled a large egg. The one after that showed a misshapen creature emerging from a broken egg, and lastly, a final picture of them standing again, with the same youth who was reading, standing beside them, smiling at the camera.

It was then that the true horror of his discovery filled him. Not only were there amoral monsters fucking shamelessly in public in a hidden community within the borders of his own country, but they could reproduce, and spread their blasphemous ways to their young, like a cancer. He had to do something!

He could see that the things were unnatural. He saw them for what they were: a threat not just to the American way of life, but a blight upon the entire earth, and a severe threat to humanity.

He then snuck out of town, and began to build up his connections and resources to put the necessary plan into action. He had worked for months to set up this operation, and soon, the world would be safe...

Hirsune Pt. 16 - The Round Up

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 16 - The Round Up by argouru Several hours later, the last of the Hirsune had been rounded up in the middle of town, Lt. Maven walking down the line, feeling very...

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Hirsune Pt. 14 - Never Alone

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 14 - Never Alone by argouru ? ? Kylenus awoke alone within a bedroom located at the back of the temple. The large king-sized bed he had shared with the temple acolytes...

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Hirsune Pt. 13 - Growing Pains

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 13 - Growing Pains by argouru ? ? For over three days, the family tended to Kylenus' need to be fucked non-stop. Each of the family taking several turns with him, going...

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