Hirsune Pt. 26 - Let Me Take You There

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt. 26 - Let Me Take You There

by argouru

Ardenus sat there in the temple's altar room, staring up at the shaft of light pouring down through the urethra of the central phallus, lost deep in thought. He'd wanted to get away from the farm, and sought the comfort of the holy shrine in order to sort out his conflicting feelings.

Was Darus really the reincarnation of his father, Baveyno? Did it -really- matter when it came down to it?

He'd meant what he'd said to his own son, Kylenus. That man he had known was gone. Darus might have some of the same memories and traits of the man Ardenus had been hatched and raised by, but there were also some strong differences. Baveyno had been stubborn, opinionated, and firm, yet still loving. Darus was open, inquisitive and sensitive, somewhat like his dad, Kylenus. It wasn't the same person, that was for sure, despite the memories and occasional personality quirks the boy had now.

In a strange way, it was comforting. Ardenus had always taken the concept of reincarnation with a grain of salt, not truly believing that it happened. But here, now, was proof to him that it did. He remembered looking up into The Flow one night, several years ago, and wishing his father would cum down out of it and smack some sense into him.

*Guess he took me up on the offer,* the farmer thought, smiling slightly.

"Ardenus? Feeling any better?" Welvayan asked as he entered the room from the back of the temple.

"Yeah... I think I'll be OK," he said slowly.

"Still dwelling on the past, though?" the priest asked, sitting on the edge of the altar next to his long-time friend.

"A little," Ardenus answered, staring up at the sunlight through the carvings in the ceiling. "But he's not my dad... Not anymore..."

Welvayan nodded slowly, his friend having told him the events regarding his newest grandson. "I've never heard of someone returning from The Flow during the same lifetime as those who had known them before, but anything's possible. My understanding of the process, however, is that we loose most of who we were before while we are up there. Perhaps he still possesses more than a normal amount of his past life because he returned so soon."

"So..." Ardenus said with a slight smile, "If I understand you correctly, Darus is possessed, and we have to destroy him?"

"What?" the priest asked with shock.

Ardenus shrugged. "That's just the kind of thing Kylenus would say, I suppose, or maybe an exorcist joke instead. I guess I'm spending too much time around that boy," he said, shaking his head sadly as he chuckled.

"Yes," the priest said slowly. "He does have a rather disturbed sense of humor, doesn't he?" the priest replied with annoyance, remembering how one time he'd entered the altar room during the lad's month of training to see him laid on his back on the altar, eyes open and covered in ketchup as he laid splayed over the sacred stone table like a ritual sacrifice. Welvayan had rushed forward in shock, shaking the lad with fear, who'd snapped out of the pose saying: "Can't a person get any rest around here?"

Needless to say, the priest hadn't been very amused. He came out of the memory with a sigh.

"Well, Ardenus," he said with a shrug. "The dance you had with your father has ended. Let it go, and enjoy this new dance with your grandson."

"I will," the farmer replied, smiling slowly...

Kylenus poured feed into the trough for the egg-laying chickens for the farm, lost in thought. Did it really mater if Darus was the reincarnation of his Hirsune grandfather? He'd never even met the man, who'd died decades before Kylenus was ever even born into this world. While it was interesting, how did it affect Ky personally? He didn't know what to think or feel.

He was worried for his father, who had known his own parent well, and seemed to be the most bothered by the revelation. *I hope he can learn to deal with this,* Ky thought, slightly worried. He sighed. *So what if I did lay my own grandpa,* he thought finally. *That doesn't really change the past, does it?*

"Oh, just what we need!' His memories of Futurama answered, as he recalled the episode he'd described to his dad, the character of Dr. Hubert Farnsworth shouting at him as though he were the main character Fry. 'A lesson in not changing history from Mr. 'I'm my own grandpa!''

His face spasmed in amusement at that, and he realized that to him, personally, it didn't really matter at all. Darus' past life was something Kylenus'd never been a part of. Their time together had begun the moment Ky had conceived his son, and that's all that mattered, that the boy was his son. Nothing else was important to him.

Ky returned to his work, feeling that to him, at least, the matter was finally resolved...

The family kept a covert eye on the grandfather for several days after that, but Ardenus had seemed to make peace with himself, and stopped acting strange around the youngest member of the family. He began to teach the boy about mechanics, which Darus showed a great passion and knack for, and it gave them something to bond over.

Things returned to normal at the farm, as Darus became old enough to help out in the fields, and Davin resumed control of the house as his sibling and nephew began to help out with the farming chores, teaching the youth the ways of the farm.

For the next many months, Darus grew, and his body began to grow the fur that would one day cover him completely like the adults. He stood there, late the following April, on the bench his uncle Markano had brought over to the window of the breeding room so that the boy could see what was going on inside.

Darus watched as his father laid there on his stomach, his face in a stupor as Ardenus fucked him roughly. The boy stared at his father's face, as the parent was lost in the depths of his season, moaning softly, then seeing the boy watching and made a fainted attempt to wave to him as he was mounted. Ky moaned and moved his head slowly upwards to face the wall behind the top of his head, gasping in pleasure as he was bred.

"So that's what going into heat is like?" the boy asked his older brother, who wore a gas mask on his right.

"Yep," the sibling said, rubbing his crotch slowly as he eagerly awaited his turn at his uncle, seeing as he was next in line to assist the older Hirsune with his season. "He was the same when he went to conceive you."

"But I don't have a sire, like you do. Who's mine?"

Markano chuckled to his left, and he turned to see Mark looking down at him, also wearing a gas mask to protect himself from the Hirsune-in-heat's pheromones, just in case. "Your dad bred himself. He took his own penis, and used it to mount himself. We had to lock him alone in the room, and sneak in whenever he passed out to feed him protein shakes to help him keep his strength up until his season passed."

"You know about your uncle Kav, right?" Avaran asked the lad, who nodded. "You're just like him. Your granddad is both dad and sire to Kav, and your dad is also your sire. Ky wanted a boy that was wholly his own, so he bred himself until you came along. He had to try for three years just to have you. He got lucky that it happened as easily as it did. But now, he wants to wait to make any other offspring, so you'll have to make do with just me for a brother, at least for now..."

Darus shrugged. "How cum I don't have to wear a mask like you guys?"

"Well," Mark answered. "You're not old enough yet for the heat pheromones to affect you, so you don't need the protection that we do. If we weren't wearing these masks, we'd be in there fighting with Dad and each other for the right to mount your father."

Darus looked back into the window, seeing the look of fulfillment on his dad's face as he as mounted. *At least he looks like he's happy,* the lad thought to himself...

It was late one night when Kylenus was shaken awake by his son. Groaning, he turned over to look at the boy, who was three months past his fifth hatching day. "Dad? Dad, wake up."

"Ummm... What is it, Kiddo?" he asked, tiredly.

"It won't go down," Darus said, sounding confused.

"What won't?" he asked, rubbing sleep from his eyes as he rose up slightly on his side, and stared at his son. "Oh wow!" he breathed, staring with wide eyes.

Darus sat there, looking down at himself, as his ten inch long penis rose majestically from his groin, fully erect.

Ky felt a surge of lust and excitement that drove away his grogginess has he gazed upon his offspring, who sat there looking nervously at himself. He moved closer, inhaling deeply, and shivered in excitement as his nose wrinkled slightly, The boy's pheromones were changing... He smelled nearly ready to mate.

"Is this your first time?" Ky asked softly, and the boy nodded, his eyes glued to his phallus. "Can I?" the father asked, his voice quivered with need and excitement. Once more, Darus nodded silently, and gasped in surprise at the sensations that came from his groin as the parent gently took the hard length of flesh into his hand.

"This is it, Son. The power of Penis has awoken within you. You're well on your way to becuming an adult now. Wanna learn how to use Him?"

Darus nodded, then frowned slightly as his father released his shaft. He watched as Kylenus rose up into a sitting position, his back resting against the headboard, and motioned for the lad to copy him. "Do what I do," Ky said huskily, taking his own erect manhood into his hand.

Darus mimicked his father, and they each began to stroke themselves slowly. Ky cleared his throat, looking intensely at his son's penis as the youth stroked it slowly. "Penis is a part of you now, Son. Let us call out to Him, that He may bestow pleasure everlasting upon you. Penis!" he called out firmly in a low voice so as not to disturb the rest of the family as they slept. His inherited memories from his father told him what to do and say, and he complied eagerly, wanting to initiate his boy into the ways of lust. "Penis! Another vessel awaits Your power and blessings. The penis of my creation stirs with lust, awakening to Your call, Enter into him, and rise up within..."

Ardenus rose slowly, not wanting to disturb Markano as the younger man slept. The elder wanted a drink of water, and slowly made his way down the hallway from his son's room, past those of his other boys, towards the bathroom. He stopped when he heard a voice, calling out in prayer.

He smiled to himself, wanting to check in on Kylenus, who's voice he recognized through the partially open doorway, but realized the lad might want some privacy... Until the actual words being spoken reached him, and he realized that Kylenus wasn't praying for himself. He recognized the meaning of this prayer, and his excitement arose, as did his erection, and he crept silently to the doorway to look inwards at his son and grandson.

He felt a surge of excitement and pride as he peeked in, seeing that his grandson sat there sporting a throbbing boner of his own, and he stood mutely as he stroked himself, bearing unseen and silent witness to the rising of his grandchild's lust for the first time...

Darus moaned softly as he stroked himself, not understanding until now why everyone had always looked so happy when they did this to themselves. He gasped, as his prick spasmed in his hand, and then he groaned softly as he rubbed the head of his penis the same way his dad was, reveling in the intense sensations flowing through him.

Ky, meanwhile, was staring at his son, watching with deep pride as the boy pleasured himself. He stroked the fur of his stomach sensually, watching Darus stroke his shaft until a burst of precum squirted out, splashing onto the boy's stomach, which was very hairy now.

The proud father gasped, seeing the clear fluid gush forth, and knew that Darus would soon cum for the first time in this life. "Watch Him closely, Son. Watch Penis as you pleasure Him. See what He does as you stroke Him, building Him towards orgasm... Can you feel Him, Darus? Can you feel His power rising within you?"

Darus nodded rapidly, not speaking. He moaned blissfully as an intense sensation arose within him, slowly building in strength.

"Arise, Penis, Arise!" the proud parent spoke huskily, his own lusts fully arisen. "Claim my son as Your own, and bring to him, Your Holy might! Fill Darus with Your pleasure everlasting, and awaken his lust for You. Make my boy a man! Cum, Penis! Gush Your sperm through his boy, and let him know You..."

Ardenus stroked himself rapidly, savoring the scene before him, moaning silently as he pleasured himself, feeling a deep sense of wonder and pride for them both as he watched. They were so lost in themselves that they never looked up, or even smelled his presence. He squeezed his sack, putting delicious pressure on his testicles as he masturbated silently...

"Don't take your eyes off of Him, Darus," Kylenus said, seeing that the boy's breathing was becuming irregular. "Keep watching Him, Son. I want you to see the moment that He first bestows His liquid blessings upon you."

Ky masturbated as he watched his son stroke his length, his orgasm building slowly as he bore witness to his son's first exploration of lust.

Darus began to gasp rapidly, his sense of urgency rising rapidly.

"Penis! Bestow Your blessings upon Darus, and usher him onto the path that leads to manhood. Pour Your power through his balls, and along his shaft, and gush forth Your essence, that he may embrace You. Cum, Penis! Cum! Cum! Cum!"

Darus convulsed, shocked at the intensity of what was happening to him, his eyes wide with shock as he looked at his cock, with twitched in his hand, and suddenly he felt an explosion within him, as his phallus orgasmed, and his semen shot forth from his piss-slit as he stared at it in wonder. He groaned loudly as he came, caught in the throws of his very first climax.

"Yes! Yes! Ah fuck, Son! Hail Penis!" Ky cried out, as his own orgasm hit him, triggered by the sight if his son gushing his spunk all over himself for the first time, and they both rode their climaxes in wonder, watching the lad's shaft disgorge it's hot white spunk onto his face and torso.

"Hail Penis, Son! Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" Darus cried out, as he smiled goofily at his spunking rod...

Ardenus gasped with joy as he watched his grandson cum for the first time, his heart swelling with pride as he bore witness, and he sighed softly as his own orgasm burst free, spraying into the door to his son's bedroom. He gazed at them through half-lidded eyes, smiling with pride as he watched them...

Ky watched with pride as Darus writhed upon the bed, his eyes wide and glued to his erection as it discharged the seed from his balls all over him, and Ky sighed has his own orgasm began to fade.

Once his ended, he reached forward, and scraped some of his son's jizz off the lad's chest and brought it to the boy's mouth. Much as Ky wanted to swallow it himself, this was his son's essence, and the lad deserved to be the first to taste it. "Here, Son. Partake of the essence of Penis. Taste of His blessings, which He has granted onto you."

Darus leaned forward, sucking on his father's fingers, moaning as the heady flavor danced upon his tongue. "Wow! That tastes great!" the boy breathed, scraping up some more of his own and gulping it down greedily. Ky took a handful from the lad's torso himself, and brought it to his mouth, savoring the seed he had created. "Yes, Son. That is the essence of who and what we are as Hirsune. Embrace it."

He opened his eyes as he felt a hand on his torso, and he looked to see Darus scooping some of his father's cum off of the parent's chest. He raised it to his mouth, but Ky placed a restraining hand on the boy's arm. "Before you eat of my seed, gaze upon it, and thank Penis for it. Look closely at it, Darus, for that seed is the very same seed that created you within me. That seed is the same essence as you, and by consuming that Holy Sacrament, you are embracing the very source of your existence within this life. Partake of my sperm, and receive the blessings of the penis that created you, Son."

He shuddered with lust as Davin slowly brought the mouthful of his parent's spunk to his mouth, and ingested it. Ky gasped, his lust arising further at the mind-blowing realization that his son was eating that which had created him, and the older Hirsune gasped as a second, spontaneous orgasm flowed through him.

Still cumming for the second time, he took it as a sign, and rolled up and on top of his son, kneeling over the boy who laid back beneath him, and Kylenus bathed his son in the blessings of Penis, the very penis that had brought the lad forth.

"Hail Penis! Receive the blessings of the phallus that ushered you into life, Darus, my Son! He bathes you in His hot white spunk, that you may swim in the very wellspring of life from which you arose! Be one with His essence, and praise Him for bestowing you upon the world, and gracing us with your presence! Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" Darus cried passionately, rubbing his hands all over himself as his father covered him in the very same sperm that had made him, the boy driven to religious fervor from his own lust...

Ardenus gasped as he witnessed this, his knees almost buckling at the display before him as he continued to stroke his spent member. He finally came out of his revere several minutes later, and slowly crept away, not wanting to disturb the two in this most Holy moment of cummunion between father and son...

Kylenus finally felt his orgasm fade, and he moved to lay beside his son, who was covered in liquid white man juice. He leaned in to his son, gazing at him lustily, then moved forward, pressing his mouth to the lad's, and pushing his tongue into his son's mouth to kiss him passionately.

Darus felt his mind explode with passion as his father pressed against him. Up until now, the kisses the boy had received had always been platonic, a quick peck on the cheek or forehead, or a gentle pressing of lips to his head.

But this was different. This was a man's kiss, and he responded in kind, exploring his dad's mouth with his tongue, scraping the hairy mouth with his teeth, and enjoying his first ever kiss of passion, their eyes locked together to see the pleasure each felt with the other.

They kissed for almost fifteen minutes, and Darus felt a deep joy and gratitude to his father, who kissed him long and deep, exploring his son's body gently with his hands, until they grew sleepy, and drifted into slumber in each other's arms...

Everyone was very happy for Darus, who became very embarrassed at all of the attention he was getting. He kept flushing red every time someone congratulated or teased him.

Kylenus sat Darus down alone that evening, and explained to him about the Great Rite. "But it's gonna hurt, huh?" the son asked nervously.

"Yeah," Ky said, looking apologetic. "But if we do it fast, it'll be over with quickly. Then we'll let you recover for as long as it takes for you to heal up. Once that happens, it won't ever hurt again. Trust me, Darus, being mounted is a perfectly normal part of Hirsune life, and I don't want you to miss out on that. It'll have to happen someday, if you want kids of your own, but I'd be very honored to be the first..."

Darus thought about it. He'd broken his arm falling out of a tree last year, so pain wasn't too scary for him. "Ok, Dad... Let's do it..."

Everyone, including Roderal and Salaus, gathered in the family temple, and everyone gathered close to bare witness as the youngest member of the family became an adult. The rest of the family stood there, stroking themselves as they silently observed the most important moment of Darus' life.

Leather cushions were placed upon the altar, and Darus joined his father on it. Kylenus kissed his son deeply, letting the boy feel his father's love for him, as their phalli began to stiffen. Ky shuddered in anticipation as he stroked his son's body, feeling the hair growing there. It was mostly grown in now, and the skin beneath could barely be seen. Soon, the boy would be cumpletely covered in the furry pelt that would distinguish him outwardly as a grownup.

Ky broke the kiss, and gently guided his offspring down until the lad was laying on his back. He smiled down at Darus, seeing the boy's nervousness. "Don't be scared, Kiddo, I'll be quick. Thank you for letting me be the one to usher you into manhood." He placed his hand low on the lad's stomach. "Here is your solem gland, located towards the back. Relax your anus, then bare down on the gland to produce solem. It'll lubricate you and make the experience more pleasurable. Produce enough to cum out of your canal."

Ky held his hand to his son's opening as the youth did as instructed. The proud father gathered the secretion into his hand, and brought it up to Darus' face. "This is the substance of lust, of masculine power. Take it back into yourself, and feel the flames of lust engulf you..."

Darus licked the solem from his father's palm, and Kylenus leaned forward to watch his son's eyes closely, seeing them begin to dilate as the pheromones of the boy's solem went to work on his system, and the boy sighed in wonder as it took effect. Ky moved his hand to his own entrance, and discharged some of his own lubricant, then offered it to his son, letting the stronger and more developed solem of the parent add to the mix, heightening the young Hirsune's pleasure.

Kylenus willed his penis to full erection as he watched, and began to leak precum slowly in preparation. When he felt that Darus was ready, he rose up, presenting to the lad the erection that had given him life. "Darus, behold the Penis that brought you this life, the phallus of your father and sire. This same cock shall take you to the next step in life, as it shall claim from you your virginity, and make you an equal among us. After life itself, this is the second most sacred gift He can give to you, Son, and I offer it to you with pride and lust. Pray to Penis, Darus. Pray to the penis of your father, that He may bestow upon you the first experience on the journey of lust that is to cum for you."

Darus took the erection of his parent into his hand, feeling it pulse within his grip, and stared into the eye of the shaft that had created him. "Penis! I pray to you, throbbing phallus of my dad, and thank you for the life you gave me. I am ready for you to take me further, and welcum you within, that you may make me an adult. Take my virginity, as you gave it to me, and bred me long and deep... Enter within me, Penis. Please... Give me Your blessings." He leaned forward, kissing the tip of his father's prick, which drooled precum onto his chest. He sighed in anticipation as he released it.

Ky pulled back, and positioned himself against the opening that led where no one had ever gone before, pouring precum copiously. "Darus, my son, with this act, you shall becum a man. Prepare yourself." He waited until Darus nodded his readiness. "HAIL PENIS!" Kylenus shouted, thrusting all the way into his son, and ripping through the lad's naro, and continuing to thrust inward until his hips slammed against his son's buttocks.

Darus screamed with sudden pain as he was violated, nearly sobbing as his naro was pierced by the quivering rod that impaled him. He felt mild relief when he realized his father was holding still, looking down at him with a mixture of pleasure at the act, and apology for the pain he was causing the lad.

Seeing Darus writhing in agony wounded the father, and he held still for as long as he could, maintaining his erection while allowing his son to recover as best as he could. Ky moved his hand to his ass, and then offered Darus more solem, which helped to dull the pain. He waited for several minutes, allowing Darus to find some relief from the pain, and has he saw the lad start to relax, he began to fuck with long, hard strokes, making the boy moan and groan with a mixture of pain and pleasure.

As he fucked his son, Kylenus looked down at the lad with pride and lust. "Fuck yeah, Darus... Look at you. You're a man now, taking my big dick up your canal... I'm so proud of you, Son! You feel so good around my cock! Feel the power of Penis as I fuck you... You feel it, Darus? Can you feel how incredible it feels to be mounted by another Hirsune?"

"Oh yeah, Dad!" Darus cried out, feeling an incredible bliss mixing with the deep pain he still felt within. "Don't stop! I can feel all of you inside of me. Oh fuck it hurts! ...But It feels so good too!"

"Don't worry, Son. This'll be the only time it will hurt. We'll let you heal up properly before you're mounted again... Oh fuck... Thank you, Darus. Thank you, Son! You have no idea how amazing this is for me! I brought you into this world. You're my son, and now I'm the one fucking you for the first time! Oh yeah, fucking my own son! Oh yeah, oh fuck yeah! Oh shit this is so hot! Take me, Son! Take my thick penis up inside you! I'm gonna fill you up, Boy! I'm gonna cream my load deep inside you, and fill you with the same spunk you're made of! Oh fuck!!!"

"Uh yeah, Dad! Do it! I want you to breed me! Fill me up, Dad! I wanna feel Him spewing up inside me! Do it, Dad! Cum! Cum!"

"Yeah?" Ky asked, as his penis began to spasm in preparation deep inside of the lad. He felt it building up to explosion. "Oh fuck yeah, Son! Yeah! Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh! Ah yeah! Oh fuck! FUCK YEAH! TAKE IT, DARUS! TAKE YOUR DAD'S SPUNK UP YOUR ASS! FUCK YEAH!!!" He came long and hard, spilling his semen deep inside of Darus' canal, ending his virginity. "YOU'RE AN ADULT NOW, SON! HAIL PENIS!!!"

Darus' mind and body overloaded with sensation, and his own phallus erupted without him even touching himself, coating him in his own ball juice, which poured freely all over him. "FUCK YEAH! HAIL PENIS!!!"

The rest of the family cried out in kind, letting their own sperm fly with lust as they welcumed their youngest relative into adulthood...

Darus was allowed to recover for two days in order to make sure he had enough time to heal properly from the trauma to his egg canal from losing his virginity. Once he had done so, Kylenus began to teach his son about sex, helping him to explore the various methods of pleasure he could give to and received from others.

It was nighttime, and Kylenus and Darus were together in the father's bed, kissing and fondling each other.

"You feeling OK, now?" Ky asked.

"Yes, It doesn't hurt anymore." Darus said, sighing in relief.

Ky noted just how much his son had grown, as well as how the lad's voice was deepening to a sexy baritone. He smiled at the lad.

"Sorry I did it so rough, but I thought that it might be better if we got it over with quickly. Now that you're all healed up though, you can be mounted safely without any pain. ...However," Ky said, taking his son's swelling penis into his hand, "Who says that you're the one who always has to be mounted?"

"You mean-?" Darus asked eagerly.

"Wanna try it?" Ky asked with a smile. "There's technically two forms of virginity for Hirsune. Being mounted is the formal way, and there's no Rites for siring, but it's still an important part of becuming a sexual being. I'd be honored to be your first, Son..."

"Really? Ok..." He leaned over, kissing his father passionately.

Darus seemed to love kissing, and Ky felt the same, so they spent time exploring each other's mouths with their tongues. As they did so, Ky began to produce musk to heighten the experience. Darus broke away and moved his face to his father's armpit, lifting the arm to get to his dad's secretions and breathing deeply.

Ky moved to his own son's underarm, which was only mildly damp. He placed his hand just beneath it along the ribcage. "Bare down here," he instructed. Darus did so, and Kylenus moaned as he buried his face in the lad's dampening pit, getting high on his son's musk pheromones. He growled softly as he began to chew on the damp, fur-covered flesh there, reveling in the taste and smell of his offspring.

Their bodies began to sweat, and they slid against each other, the perspiration mixing with the musk and swirling headily in their noses. They tasted each other's sweaty fur and flesh, their tongues tingling from the flavors of the other's body. Ky produced solem, and the scent of it inflamed both of them further, Darus moaning and growling with need.

Finally, the lad couldn't hold back any longer, and he moved backwards, took his firm phallus into his hand, aimed at the open orifice that led into the most sacred part of his father's body, and thrusted in, moaning blissfully at the hot, wet, slickness of his father's canal that wrapped tightly around his length. Darus gritted his teeth, feeling a fierce savage joy as he entered his father, and their mixing pheromones triggered a change in his personality, making him feel more aggressive.

Ky looked up at his son, snarling with fierce joy as the lad entered another Hirsune for the first time, wanting to see the look of erotic discovery on the young man's face. Darus' eyes were closed, his mouth hung open as he was lost in sensation. Then he began to move, and Ky let out a growling sigh of satisfaction as he felt the penis he had created begin to piston within his canal. He pushed upwards rhythmically, meeting the lad's strokes within him in contentment. Kylenus gritted his teeth, his ferocity rising just like with his own father and youngest brother, as their pheromones mixed, triggering his aggressive side.

"Darus..." He growled, and his son opened his eyes to look down at his parent. "Look at you, Son. You're a man now. Look at you, fucking another Hirsune... Sliding in and out of his canal... Fuck, your dick feels so good inside me! Mount me, Son! Breed your dad! Feel the force of your lust, the power of Penis! Fuck me, Son! Fuck your dad! Keep fucking until you blow your load inside me! I wanna feel your hot spunk gushing up inside me! Bestow the blessings of Penis deep inside the man who gave you life! Give back to me the seed I gave you!"

They moaned, snarled and growled as they mated, Darus feeling that hot tube of flesh sucking him in and squeezing his throbbing dong as he fucked that hot wet hole, Ky reveling in the intense sensations as he felt every detail of the hard boner thrusting in and out of him. Darus' furry balls slowly drew upward as he fucked, slapping Ky's furry butt with a steady beat. The bedsprings squeaked in time with their motions, adding a background beat to the rhythm of their mating.

Darus leaned forward, kissing his dad passionately as they continued to fuck, then rose up. Ky saw his son's sweaty chest, and lifted his upper body, taking one of Darus' nipples in his mouth. As he began to nurse from his child, tasting the lad's milk for the first time, Ky growled in satisfaction. Darus gasped as he was fed from for the first time, and snarled fiercely as he felt his orgasm begin to build.

"Oh fuck, Dad. It's cuming! I can feel it building! Ahhh..." Darus pistoned rapidly as his climax neared, his breathing growing urgent, his feral vocalizations becuming more and more desperate.

Ky released his son's nipple. "Look at me, Son. I wanna see it! I wanna see it happen in your eyes!"

Darus stared into the depths of his father's fiery eyes, seeing the excitement and desire there, along with the pride.

"Do it, Son! Spray it! Pour that hot liquid spew up my ass! Breed me!"

Darus growled again and again, the pitch and sense of urgency rising each time, then he roared in triumph as he came, and spunk out of Penis washed his parent's canal in his creamy essence. Their eyes were locked together, sharing this most Holy moment of union, their faces frozen in silent, bestial snarls of triumph.

Seeing the moment when his son lost his final form of virginity was too much for the adult, and he grabbed his raging phallus and masturbated furiously, his hand a blur of motion until he came, gasping with release as he poured his jizz all over the lad's torso, covering him in the same egg gravy that had made him, staring deeply into Darus' eyes and gritting his teeth from the intensity of the moment.

They both came for some time, before collapsing in sweat-drenched exhaustion... And fell asleep in each other's arms...

Kylenus looked down at his boy, who knelt before him in the family temple. He took aim with his penis, and let forth a long gushing torrent of piss, marking the lad with his cock-wine. "Receive this gift, Son, and know that you are now mine!" He growled lustily as he bathed his son in his golden flow.

Darus gasped as he was drenched, then moaned in pleasure as he was anointed in his dad's hot urine. The flow ended, and Kylenus backed away, his piss-slit still dripping, and smiled at him with pride as Ardenus moved up to him, brandishing his own soft member.

Four days later, they all went into town for temple services, where Darus was offered the blessings of Penis from his family, the council of elders, and many others in the community.

The following year, in early April, Darus went into heat for the first time, and Kylenus was both the first and last to help the lad sate his hormone-driven need to be bred...

Hirsune Pt. 27 - Looking Towards the Future

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 27 - Looking Towards the Future by argouru Life went on peacefully for the family, and Kylenus watched his son grow to full maturity, becuming a strong, handsome and...

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Hirsune Pt. 25 - Lessons as a Dad

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 25 - Lessons as a Dad by argouru Ardenus was walking to the barn when he heard the sounds of someone crying softly. The voice was young, and since there was only one...

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Hirsune Pt. 24 - A Pleasure to Meet You

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 24 - A Pleasure to Meet You by argouru "Hey, Son," Ardenus said, two weeks later as he entered the hatchery. "How's it going in here?" "We're doing good," Kylenus...

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