Hirsune Pt. 27 - Looking Towards the Future

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt. 27 - Looking Towards the Future

by argouru

Life went on peacefully for the family, and Kylenus watched his son grow to full maturity, becuming a strong, handsome and gentle man. Ky went on to have two more sons, Vanaon by his cousin Salaus, and Cersomal by his second brother Davin, as well as siring Waymenar by Kavarin, and Haneus by Salaus...

Kylenus, now forty nine years hatched, stood nervously next to his dad, looking in through the hatchery window as his son stood there, watching his own egg closely. Ky felt his father's hand upon his shoulder, squeezing gently with pride.

When the boy finally made it safely out of the shell, Ky let out the nervous breath he'd been holding. He watched in wonder as his grandson rose up and began to wine with hunger. Darus knew what to do, however, and let forth some of his milk to lure his newly hatched son to him.

Ky watched his boy with pride, as the man nursed his own son gently. "I'm going to name you... Kirmaynen. You like that, Son?"

"Way to go, Darus," Kylenus said. "I'm very proud of you, Son..."

Kylenus followed his father out of the house, and into a clearing in the woods at the edge of the farmlands, their path illuminated by the silvery light of the full moon, which shown down upon them this warm summer's night. They reached their chosen spot, a clearing in the woods at the edge of the farmlands, and a place where Ardenus liked to cum sometimes, ever since he was a hatchling. They stroked each other affectionately, letting their musk pour free.

"I'm proud of you, Son. First a dad, and now a granddad. You're continuing the family line very well, Kylenus."

"Thanks, Dad, but let's just concentrate on us for tonight."

"Grrr!" Ardenus growled lustily, as Ky bit into his father's furry pec. Out here, they could role-play their shared fetish as much as they wanted without disturbing anyone, and the wilderness setting enhanced the fantasy.

They produced musk and solem, getting high off of themselves and each other, letting their pheromones mix in the normal fashion. The began to growl, first softly, then more and more fiercely as their aggressive tendencies rose more strongly.

They dropped to the grass as the silver light of the moon washed over them, and Ky shivered uncontrollably as his father's fingernails scraped through his fur, raking the skin beneath.

"Ah fuck yeah! Claw me up, Alpha!" Ky snarled savagely, losing himself in his role.

"Fuck yeah!" Ardenus snarled, baring his teeth at his son. "My fucking little wolf pup wants it ruff, huh?"

"Uh yeah! Show me just how much of a fucking monster you can be!" Ky growled back, snarling into his father's face, then biting his parent's shoulder hard, knowing it would drive the elder wild with desire.

Their werewolf role-play fetish had persisted throughout the years, becuming their favorite sexual fetish. Ardenus had amped up the role-play by introducing Kylenus to this clearing, which enhanced the imagery of savage wolves mating ferociously out in the wilderness.

Ardenus spun the lad around and shoved him down to the grass roughly, then dropped down onto him, biting his way down from Ky's shoulder, down his back, and to his ass, chewing on the boy's buttocks fiercely with iron teeth, shaking them roughly in his teeth until Ky's leaking solem drove him to a frenzy, and he leapt up the lad's back with a snarl to drive his twitching meat up the pup's ass with a growl of satisfaction.

Ky growled lustily as he was mounted, pushing his ass back eagerly onto the invading phallus, wiggling it slightly for added sensation. He felt his father's hot breath on the back of his neck as Ardenus began to fuck him on all fours, and he dug his fingers and toes into the grassy turf of the clearing, snarling lustily as he was bred.

The father huffed and puffed as he fucked his son, no, his pup, with savage strokes, tilting his head back to gaze at the fullness of the moon as it hung in the cloudless sky. He looked back down to see Ky's head hung low, and lunged forward, tilting his head and biting hard on the back of the pup's neck, growling into the lad's fur.

Ky snarled in shock, fire filling his veins as his alpha dad bit into him, showing the boy his superiority. Ky's dick twitched in the air, spurting precum in long streams into the grass as it puked it's lubricant copiously. He growled demandingly, ramming his hips backwards into the pistoning hips behind him with an almost insane hunger.

Ardenus took the hint, and fucked harder, making Ky's canal burn despite the liberal amounts of solem he was secreting. Sweat pored from his body, mixing with his musk and excess solem that leaked out around his father's speeding prong which stroked rapidly in and out of his anus with brutal force.

The alpha leaned down heavily onto his pup's back, and raked the lad's underside with his unclipped, almost claw-like fingernails, enjoying the way the pup spasmed with intensity from the sensations, his growls of lust sputtering eratically. His penis spasmed inside the boy, precum squirting out into the canal, making it even slicker, and he fucked that eager hole greedily, wanting to fill it full of wolf spunk.

He slowed down briefly to fill his hand to overflowing with solem, bringing it around quickly to splatter it all over his son's face, then rapidly doing the same to himself. The potent pheromones took affect, and they went wild with lust, snarling, growling and biting any part of the other they could reach.

Ky growled fiercely, almost believing he was actually transforming into a real werewolf as he was mounted by his dad, his alpha wolf. He could just about feel his face push out into a muzzle full of sharp teeth as he was fucked roughly, and gasped when he felt Ardenus' hand wrap around his shaft and begin to masturbate him rapidly.

Ky grunted and growled urgently as his orgasm rocketed along his shaft, and he howled like a wolf as he came, spurting his Hirsune jizz all over the grass, his hands, and lower arms.

Hearing his son's lusty wolf howl of release, the Hirsune dad growled urgently until he came, releasing the lad's neck to howl up at the full moon, joining his son in the mock wolfsong of their sated lusts...

Kylenus walked down the road, and crossed the bridge over the river. He walked along for about half a mile, until he found the place he was looking for. He walked off of the road, approaching the ten-foot high cliff over the river, and carefully sat down on it's edge, looking down into the flowing waters in reflection.

It had been a hundred and one years ago today that he had sat in this exact same spot, feeling as though his life were at an end. He sat there, trying to remember how he had felt back then, but couldn't. The memories and pain had faded away to vague echoes of emotions now long gone.

He took that as a sign, and got to his feet, striping off his overalls and boots, then standing nude before the raging waters. He reached down, pleasuring himself. He called silently to Penis to fill him with lust, and gasped as he came, squirting his Hirsune semen down into the flowing river, where it was swept away. He came for a long time, letting his seed flow freely from him, saying goodbye to the sad human Kyle, who he had been long ago.

He dressed, and made his way home for lunch. He arrived just in time, and stood there silently in the doorway, smiling to himself as he watched his family.

After a few minutes, Ardenus saw him standing there. "Son? You alright?"

"I'm fine," Ky said, smiling wider, and moved to join his family at the table...

Kylenus entered his father's room one summer morning. Ardenus had grown elderly after the two hundred and thirty three years since Ky had first met him, and required aid to get up in the mornings now. He threw open the curtains to let in the morning sunlight. "Cum on, Old Man, time to start the day," he said, turning to his father's bed and pulling back the covers. He reached forward with a smile, seeing the slight smile on his dad's face and gently shook him.

The smile died instantly as he felt the coolness under his hand. "Dad?"

There was no response.

"Dad? Dad?!?"

But the truth was undeniable. Ardenus had passed away quietly in his sleep during the night. Ky sobbed uncontrollably, weeping onto his father's chest.

Markano came in a few minutes later to find him still crying...

The family gathered in the back yard one evening, two nights after Ardenus had passed, all dressed in white for the funeral. White was the symbol of life, lust and the afterlife for Hirsune, and as head priest Agarno spoke, Kylenus looked down as he felt Darus take his father's hand into his own. They looked at each other, and Ky felt his sadness easing. He looked up at the white shroud that wrapped Ardenus' body, which laid peacefully upon the funeral pyre.

The wind caught the shroud, making the section over the body's hips flap rapidly for a brief moment, and Ky nearly choked. He coughed some, causing his son to pat him on the back until it passed. For a moment, it had almost looked as though Ardenus had farted beneath the shroud.

*Why in the holy name of fuck am I thinking something like that now?!?* the Hirsune thought to himself with annoyance that muddled his grief momentarily. *Maybe it's a coping mechanism, or something,* he added sadly. He sighed, then smiled weakly at Darus, shaking his head to show it was nothing.

"We are gathered here today," priest Agarno said, "To release the spirit of one who has passed. Although this portion in his part of the great dance has ended, let us draw comfort from the knowledge that we shall each meet him again someday. We release his spirit back into The Flow, that he may return to the wellspring of life. There, he shall rest and reflect, and meet once more with those who have gone before him. Let us remember him for who he was, and celebrate the life he had, the lusts he sated, and the joys he gave to all who knew him. Through flame we release your essence, Ardenus, Son of Baveyno, and send you on your way. Rest now, and prepare for the time when you shall rejoin us, and dance once again. Through the power of Penis did you cum to be, to The Flow of Penis' blessings, we return you. Hail and Farewell, until we meet again. Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" everyone responded, as the wood was ignited. They watched as the fire spread, engulfing the body of their father, ther grandfather, their great grandfather, their great great grandfather, and their friend. The smoke rose up, stretching up into the sky, rising towards The Flow.

As Ky watched the fire consume the body of his father, he cried sadly, until he turned to look at his eldest son, who looked sad, but nowhere near as much so. Kylenus remembered what Darus was, what he had been to Ardenus, and Ky felt his grief lifting. Not completely, for he was still saddened by their loss... But the pain became bearable as he realized what Darus represented, and they held hands, watching until the fire burned away to ashes...

Kylenus stood on the porch of the farmhouse. It wasn't the same porch that he had once stood on with his father. The old farmhouse had aged to the point of disrepair, and had needed to be torn down so that a newer, stronger dwelling could be built. Ky leaned against the banister, looking up into The Flow, remembering his father, until Kavarin walked out slowly to join him.

"I can't believe he's gone," the third son said sadly.

"Not forever, though," Ky said.

"I don't know," Kav said, leaning heavily against the banister next to Ky's. "I never really put much stock into reincarnation."

"Well, you were never the most religious one among us, anyways," Ky said, shrugging. "But I know he's up there, waiting for the days when we each join him there."

Kav looked over at his sibling in shock, and saw the firm conviction there. "How can you be so sure?" he asked in confusion.

Ky turned to face him, then looked into the house, where Darus was passionately kissing his eight year old son Kirmaynen. "I just really believe, is all," Ky said, smiling slightly.

They had never told anyone else in the family that Darus was the reincarnation of Baveyno. Darus knew, but no one else did. It was Darus' choice, and Ky respected it.

Kav shook his head sadly. "I don't know..." He finally said, sounding skeptical.

"Well then, let's bet on it... If I'm right, I get to be your dad next time around. If you're right, you get to be mine."

"Ky, that doesn't make any sense!" Kav said, smiling at his brother in amusement.

"We've known each other for over two centuries, and you still haven't realized that -nothing- about me makes any sense? You really are slow!" Ky said, chuckling as he walked back into the house.

"Hey!" Kav shouted after him in amused indignation...

Ardenus was gone, but life continued. Kylenus helped run the family farm through the decades, watching as His sons became fathers, and then grandfathers. Hirsune went out into the world, becuming musicians, authors, actors, and even porn stars, but mostly in gay or Hirsune-only pornos. He watched the human world advance in technology, and the first space station becum established on the moon, though no Hirsune wanted to go, seeing as how it would take them too far away from their relatives on Earth. Gay rights, as well as Hirsune rights, reached full development. The humans went to war with North Korea, then Iran, then China, and then Ubenway, a young African country that arose in the late twenty two hundreds. Ky saw it all through the media, as his successors as spokesmen for the Hirsune came and went.

Finally, after over three hundred and seventy years after he had becum Hirsune, he began to age rapidly, becuming a senior citizen. His sex drive began to diminish, as did his energy and strength. Roderal died fifty years to the day after Ardenus had passed on, and Kylenus grieved his loss as much as his father's. Markano died next, followed by Kavarin, then Salaus, and lastly Davin. In the end, Ky became the oldest living member of the family. He wasn't sure anymore how old his father and older brothers were, now that they were all dead and gone. It was good that they had been burned, so that their zombies wouldn't make for awkward family meals, or so he told himself in his more lively moments.

He sat there, watching his great great grandson playing in the living room, until he dozed off, feeling rather tired. He was startled awake by Darus, who offered to take him to bed. Kylenus had taken over the master bedroom of the house, and his eldest boy eased him into bed.

"Hey Darus, can you ask Vaneon and Cersomal to join us in here?" he asked his lad.

"Ok, but why?" Darus asked, looking at his dad.

"Just indulge an old man's fancy, will you?" he said with a smile.

Darus shrugged, and called them in.

"What's wrong, Dad?" Van asked, looking at his father with concern.

"You OK?" Cer asked, cocking his head a bit to the side.

"I'm fine. I just wanted to talk to you all for a few moments."

Kylenus looked at each of them, Darus, who looked nearly identical to him, Vaneon, who with his light brown fur and gentle nature, reminded Ky very much of his cousin Salaus, and lastly to Cersomal, who with his wiry built, and dark fur, seemed to be a hybrid of both Ky and Davin, even though he was always the first to argue, but also the first to calm down and try to reason.

"I know I've said this to each of you before," he said, smiling warmly to each of them, "But I never want you to forget how very proud I am of each of you."

"Dad?" Cer asked fearfully. "What is it? Is something wrong?"

"No, no!" Ky said, waving a hand dismissively. "It's just that I hate putting off saying the things that should never go unsaid. It took me decades to learn how to open up to others, and now you can't ever seem to shut me up when I've got something to say!" He smiled with amusement. "I just want you all to know how much I love each of you, and how very proud I am of you all."

"You sure you're OK, Dad?" Van asked, still sounding worried.

"I'm alright. I'm just feeling a bit nostalgic tonight, is all." He turned to his nightstand, where projected images inside clear pla-steel frames showed centuries old photos of a young Ky with his brothers, father, cousin and sire. "I just miss them more tonight than normal..." He reached over, brushing the image with his fingertips. "Sorry if I'm worrying you boys. I really don't mean to."

They rose some time later, after talking further, Van and Cer exiting the room, but Darus stayed behind.


"I'm fine, Darus," Ky said, smiling.

"Dad? Cum on..." The son persisted.

"I haven't cummed in several years now, Son, but thanks for the offer," he teased.

Darus looked his father in the eyes, but Ky merely shook his head slightly. An understanding seemed to pass between them. He leaned forward, kissing his father on the lips, brushing them briefly with his tongue. "Good night, Dad."

"Good night, Son," Ky said, then snuggled back into his bed as Darus dimmed the lights and closed the door softly.

Kylenus laid there for a long time, staring at the images of his family and smiling, before he drifted into sleep...

Darus was the one who found him there the next morning, his face looking very peaceful, with a slight smile there. Darus cried at the loss of his father, but knew, as his dad had known, that they would meet again one day...

Kylenus rose up, casting his attention sadly back to his sobbing family as he rose up into the night, lifted by the flames that consumed his body. He watched them with a bit of sadness before turning his gaze upwards, and he soared high into the sky, past the stars and onward into the night, until a comforting whiteness surrounded him. It wasn't light... It felt almost fluidic in nature, and he moved through it easily as he traveled.

After several moments of moving forward, he sensed someone approaching him, and felt a deep, all encompassing joy when he realized that the person approaching him was the person he had known as his father Ardenus. They had no arms to hug with, but they embraced in a fashion, and the one who had been the human Kyle, and then the Hirsune Kylenus felt his former father's love surround him. They began to travel together, and others approached. The people who had been Markano, Davin, Kavarin, Roderal, Salaus, Welvayan, Tenaro and Pareus were there, waiting for him, and he embraced each in turn. Then, they traveled onwards together, through the seemingly endless whiteness.

As they traveled, talking without words about their experiences in the last life, as well as many others before, the person who had been Kylenus began to remember long forgotten memories and lives, and learned that he and those around him had shared many lives together. He joked with the one who had been Kavarin, reminding him of their bet, and the one who had been Kav yielded gracefully with amusement.

After a time, he felt a pull from behind. Knowing that it meant, the others waited there for him, as he traveled back. There, he waited patiently, until the one who had been his son Darus arrived, and greeting him warmly, 'Ky' led him back to join the others. He went back two more times, ushering forth the ones who had been his other sons, and they all traveled onwards, going back occasionally for those who had recently passed from life.

After an endless time, 'Welvayan' embraced them all, and sped on ahead into the distance. They watched him go, feeling vaguely sad, but knowing what was to cum. 'Markano' went next, then 'Ardenus'.

Finally, 'Kylenus' said his goodbyes for now to those who remained, embraced 'Kavarin' and 'Davin', then zoomed ahead through the whiteness, until it faded away into darkness...

'Kylenus' awoke in the darkness, hearing someone calling to him, and he pressed hard against the wall the was before him. He dug at it frantically, desperate to break through it. Suddenly it gave away, and there was light and air before him. He coughed, and struggled through the wall, suddenly feeling slightly cold, as well as very tired and ravenously hungry. He looked around, blinking, unable to do more than feel thoughts in the form of images and ideas, although some of his memories were with him still.

He looked around in confusion, his neck and limbs feeling weak, and saw a rectangular hole in the wall with several people staring at him through it, smiling down at him from high up. For a moment, he was confused, thinking that he knew them even though they looked different. The moment passed quickly though, as his hunger consumed him, and he began to look around desperately for nourishment.

Outside the room, Mavaen, who had once been Welvayan smiled down at his newly hatched grandson, his hand on his other grandson, Haerton, who in a previous life had been called Ardenus, as the lad watched his new brother root around for food.

In the room, 'Kylenus" memories began to fade quickly as he hunted for something to ease the hollowness in his tummy. "You hungry, Son?" a deep and kindly voice asked, and suddenly a delicious smell was in the air. He rapidly tracked it to it's source, from the large person watching him in the room, and scrambled desperately towards, him, diving onto the offered nipple, suckling greedily.

He felt strong and gentle arms wrap around him, giving him warmth and keeping him safe as he fed, and he sighed in relief. "How about, Jonaro? That a good name, Son? You like it?" He sighed into the furry chest of the man who held him, feeling safe, and loved. He glanced upwards, seeing the face of the man smiling down at him lovingly. For a moment, the face of Markano smiled down at him. But just as that realization came to him, it was gone. He then remembered 'Davin' and 'Kavarin', his own sons-to-be, in reverse order, who were waiting patiently for their times to return, but that thought also faded away to nothing and was forgotten.

All he knew was that he safe, warm, being fed, and offered love. And that's all that really mattered to him.


Hirsune Pt. 26 - Let Me Take You There

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 26 - Let Me Take You There by argouru Ardenus sat there in the temple's altar room, staring up at the shaft of light pouring down through the urethra of the central...

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Hirsune Pt. 25 - Lessons as a Dad

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 25 - Lessons as a Dad by argouru Ardenus was walking to the barn when he heard the sounds of someone crying softly. The voice was young, and since there was only one...

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Hirsune Pt. 24 - A Pleasure to Meet You

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 24 - A Pleasure to Meet You by argouru "Hey, Son," Ardenus said, two weeks later as he entered the hatchery. "How's it going in here?" "We're doing good," Kylenus...

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