Kauto and MW Race 6

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#1 of MW and Kauto Race 6

Wow this is a bit extreme, silly and funny at the same time. This is basicly the journey down to Vegas

'Look Mr smarty pants, you're not going to win that competition just because you're a little bit bigger than me, you have to know how to show out properly.'

'Hay I can show out pretty well. I just make the odd mistake from time to time.'

'And that's why you won't beat me hehe. I've noticed you can't control your arousal when you're on stage, yes you look undoubtedly sexy and powerful but its not ideal when your in a major competition and you have over 100,000 furs watching and then millions worldwide does it. If I was a judge and I saw you do that I'd up the marks ten folds but obviously I couldn't do that. The judges there would probably drop some marks for the lack of professionalism hunk.'

'Oh thanks for putting my hopes down.'

'Well you do need to work on some things Kauto like your powerful arousals heh, and maybe just work on your routine a little so you don't make anymore mistakes.'

'*sniffle* are you trying to make me feel down and bad about myself because you're doing a great job of it. Thanks a bunch Maiden. *SLAM!!*' Suddenly the bedroom door slammed and almost came off the hinges as Kauto walked through furiously.


'WELL YOU NEED TO F*****G! SWEAT LESS YOU WORKAHOLIC!' Kauto shouted from the bedroom.

'HAY DON'T SHOUT TO ME YOU AROUSED BEAST!' Suddenly Kauto burst into tears on the bed while Maiden walked over to the kitchen and slammed his fists on the table, making it crash to the floor. 'F**k sake, aarrgghhh!' before causing anymore major damage inside the house, the huge wolf strutted outside to the large garage and opened up the bonnet on his Koenigsegg. Whenever he got angry or bored, fixing or tampering with his engine was one of the few ways to calm the large, muscular wolf down without him causing any damage. 'That bloody horse drives me up the F*****g wall sometimes.'

Kauto meanwhile had calmed down a bit and was now peering out of the bedroom window were he saw the large two footed wolf working endlessly as usual on his car. 'JEEZ doesn't that bloody wolf ever stop working.' Suddenly Maiden turned and looked at the window. Kauto quickly ducked under the window, the large wolf gave an angry look before continuing his work on the engine.

'Aarrgghh! I can't work like this while I'm going crazy in my head. Oh F**k this I'm going for a drive, I think I'll go in Falc's Porsche as they're away at the moment.' As the two drivers and Ula had gone away early for the race meeting, all of the cars were parked up in the huge garage lot.

'Where's he going? Oh great now he's leaving me here on my own, bloody wolf. I guess I'll have to find something to do then. I know, those rocks in the back need moving maybe I can have a bit of fun with those for a while. It'll take my anger out of me anyway.' Kauto said to himself as he walked out of the house and trotted to the far side of the lake. Looking at the first boulder in front of him, he suddenly got a reminder of their argument earlier causing the stallions rage to build fast inside him. *SMASH!* The huge black stallion unleashed a colossal punch to the rock, smashing it to smithereens. The punch would easily have knocked pretty much anyone a few hundred feet through the air. The angry horse felt absolutely no pain but his knuckle fur had been damaged slightly and was cut open. But this didn't stop him from unleashing a few more punches and kicks to every single boulder near him. Before smashing the last boulder, Kauto decided to pick it up and launch it as far as possible into the woods on the far side. 'AAAARRRRGGHHHHH! F*****g useless piece of ****!!!' The boulder rocketed over the trees and crash landed somewhere in the distance. 'I don't give a damn were that thing landed. S**t my hands are rather messy heh, Ngh I don't care though, I need something to get a workout from, I feeling.......strong heh.' Kauto said to himself as he flexed his monstrous body hard causing all the muscles to bulge and almost penetrate through his thick fur.

The large wolf meanwhile had given up on his drive and had stopped in a local café for a quick breather 20 minutes away from the house. While sitting in the Porsche with a large hot drink, Maiden looked out of the window and noticed a large fellow wolf walking past, but obviously this wolf was a heck of a lot smaller than himself. The smaller wolf looked over and gave a quick wink to Maiden, suddenly the large wolf had a thought pop into his head. 'Hang on a minute where have I seen that wink before? Of course Kauto does it. Awe what have I done, the poor horse is my best mate and I've had yet another pop at him *sniffle*' Maiden stared at the air freshener which had a picture of him and Kauto on it. He quickly finished his hot drink and raced out of the car park before heading back to the house.

Kauto had found a small area in the woods with rusty old tractors parked up. 'What the, I've never seen these before. Well I guess they're not being used so I'll get rid of them hehe.' Looking over his huge body, his arousal was now beginning to build quickly, making him feel more and more pumped. 'Oh I know I'll smash these tractors up while having a little drink heh. I want to get bigger anyway, a lot bigger.' he moved over towards one of the large tractors and hoisted it above his head before squeezing the metal inwards with only his arms. The rusty metal simply crumpled under the pressure and fell out of Kauto's hands. 'Oh for f*** sake, what a useless piece of crap, maybe I'll try lifting two of these things then.' Moving over to the next two tractors, he got a firm stance and gripped the bottom of the metal. Squeezing tightly he lifted both tractors in each hand, causing his biceps to explode in size. 'Mmmmmmmmmmm man that feels so nice. But these rusty old things are so light.' Suddenly Kauto's member sprung into life and bounced onto his chest, while still throbbing and growing quickly. 'Mmmmmmmmmmm that also feels nice heh. I can't resist that really.' He lowered his large muzzle over his cock head and violently began sucking it hard. His seed gushed out and into him at lightning speed, Kauto closed his eyes as he went into pure erotica and didn't realise the two tractors above him were being crushed in his hands from his growing strength. He dropped the tractors to the side and grabbed his still growing length, and took in every gushing amount of seed that came out. His body began to rumble as the cum rushed through his body, making the muscles bulge and grow insanely. 'Awe, Mmmmm Mmmmmmmmmmm.'

Maiden was now driving up the driveway and stopped in front of the house. He got out and looked around the acreage before spotting a very large rubble mess near the woods. 'What on earth.' He scampered over and looked at all the small pieces of rock on the floor before hearing a few moaning pleasure sounds coming from the woods. 'Kauto?' Maiden slowly walked into the woods feeling rather nervous and noticed the sounds getting louder. 'Kauto is that you, please don't scare me hunk. Whoa! Kauto!' The outrageously large muscular horse opened his eyes and frowned to Maiden while still gushing down his seed.

'Look, Kauto I'm so sorry about earlier will you forgive me hunk?' Kauto took his muzzle of his monster cock head and moved to Maiden before offering him some seed.

'I forgive you wolfie, here lets pump up a little bit shall we heh.'

'It looks as though you already have hunk heh, Jeez you're huge.'

'Well don't waste it and get huge wolf.' Maiden grabbed Kauto and sucked hard on his hugely thick and long pole. His own muscular member bounced into life as well and started growing up Kauto's monstrous upper body. With his huge jaw full of meat Maiden moved his hands to Kauto's boulder pecs and gently squeezed on his nipples. 'Awwwweee nnnnnnggggghhhh.' With Maiden's muscles bulging and growing and Kauto feeling high on pleasure, both furs had completely forgotten there earlier falling out. 'Aaaarrgghhhh! your teeth are so sharp!' Kauto shouted as Maiden dug his teeth into his member.

'Ugh, I'm so sorry Kauto, my teeth are growing again.'

'Oh no I didn't mean for you to stop biting heh. Lets see your teeth hunk.' Maiden opened his mouth again and showed Kauto his teeth. 'S**T! They're like dinosaur teeth, now that's what I was on about wolfie. Wow your sabres and so huge and sharp, hay bite into that metal tractor.'

'Eyy, but it's solid metal!'

'Yeah I know, but look at those 4 inch thick sabres wolfie they'll shred it to pieces. And you now have a set of dinosaur nashers heh, now shred that metal.'

'Err ok.' Maiden growled and dug his humungous teeth into the metal and pulled backwards. The metal tore off the tractor and shredded to pieces. 'S**t, you were right Kauto.'

'Christ heh, you're so strong Maiden.'

'Awe thanks Kauto, but your still stronger and bigger than me hunk.'

'Nnnhaha, but you have the bullet sabres and the sexy thick fur which I love.'

'Awe shucks, err Kauto do you reckon I could make them a little bigger, I really do want them to be really big heh. Maybe until they're 20 inches long or so Kauto what do you think.'

'And you thought you would look like a monster heh. You can have them as big as you want hunk, you're really becoming a special specimen Maiden your body is absolutely huge heh.'

'Awe aha, why do we have those arguments Kauto we always seem to be loving each other after them heh. I'm sorry about what I said earlier and I may have said to myself that you drive me up the wall sometimes, well I am so sorry and I didn't mean any of it and err I also want to remind you that I'll always love you hunk.'

'*sniffle* Awe, I'm sorry to for everything I said too.' They both leaned against each other and hugged with them both still overly aroused. As they warmly hugged, they both gingerly moved their heads towards each others monster member and took in more of the thick, sweet goodness. Bulging and growing even bigger all the time. After another 30 minutes, they both kissed each other and felt on top of the world.

'Erm...............Maiden, your teeth are bloody monstrous. And you just kissed me as well heh.' The large wolf touched his sabres and rummaged around his mouth with his tongue.

'S**T! they are aren't they. Man it feels awesome though, thanks Kauto.'

'Your welcome heh, I think you'd have no trouble surviving in the outback with that body and those unbelievable teeth heh. How long and thick do you reckon those sabres are hunk?' After feeling them again Maiden estimated they had to be at over 20 inches long and 5 inches thick. 'Wow! Oh man look those claws as well they're huge haha.'

'Ahh, they're so sharp. I've turned into a monster Kauto.'

'What? No you haven't you're a sexy wolf not a monster now stop calling yourself that or I'm going to throw you in the sticky lake heh. Look these are something you can be very proud of Maiden, how many wolves do you know with huge claws, fantastically large nashers and the body of a god? I only know one.'

'You do?'

'Yeah you, you dope hahaha.'

'Oh sorry heh. Anyway Kauto, look at your own body, you've got boulder muscles all over you which......................heh which are bloody solid.'

'*nuzzle* hehe but I don't have any claws or nashers like you.'

'No but you're a damn site better looking than I am, I mean look at my teeth and jaw, they're huge.'

'Right that's it.' Kauto hoisted the large wolf over his shoulders like a baby and walked to the lake.

'What are you doing?'

'This. *Splash*' Kauto launched Maiden into the sticky lake before jumping in after him.

'Ugh, what was that for?'

'Well you keep putting yourself down and I don't like you doing that. Anyway the lake needs freshening up again heh.'

'Oh man your so right, that's just made me feel very horny haha. NGH!' Maiden reacted as he exploded more seed out of himself and into the thick water. 'Actually hunk, would you mind err coming over here and filling me up with your meat?'

'Sure. You don't mind if it hurt you at all or if you get even more muscled up?'

'No come on man I'm gagging.'

'Ok, ok I won't fit all the way into you hunk.'

'Yes you will, you'll be forced into ramming me as hard as possible.'

'But I'm nearly 9 feet long at full length, which I am now. How on earth is that going to fit all the way into you?'

'By shredding my insides and cumming as hard as possible that's how. Now get inside me you muscle god.' Kauto swiftly moved himself through the water and behind the wolf who was already shooting his own seed high into air like a water cannon due to his high arousal levels. Kauto picked the incredibly heavy and aroused wolf up and placed him on top of his monster member. 'Awwwweee man! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!' Maiden screamed as he slid down Kauto's member.

'Ok hunk?'

'Awe, I'm great. You feel so much bigger and stronger in me Kauto. Man I love it though heh, can I have a kiss as well, it'll take my mind off the tremendous pain heh?'

'Sure, just try not to bite me hunk.' Kauto leaned towards the lowering wolf and connected his warm muzzle tightly to Maiden's teeth filled jaw. His colossal Sabre-teeth had punched there way through Maiden's inner mouth and allowed him to close him mouth with them tucked up inside or sticking far out of his mouth due to his adjustable jaw. 'I never knew you could adjust your jaw hunk?'

'Yeah I've always been able to do it, I've never had the need to though until now heh. Now stop talking and f**k me hard and kiss me like the lover I know you are.'

'Awe, Mmmmmmmmmmm' Kauto moaned as he snogged the wolfie again. With Kauto's member seeming to never slacken, Maiden continued lowering and sliding further down the humungous pole with his insides becoming stretched absurdly. 'Man Maiden your insides feel so..............muscular heh and tight. But man you can take a lot.' Maiden wriggled around on the huge muscle meat while continuing the kissing and loving. After another 5 minutes, Kauto's huge cock had slid three quarters of the way up the large wolf and was now shooting his load inside violently, making Maiden moan loudly while still kissing. 'OUCH!'

'Oh god I am so sorry Kauto, I didn't mean to bite you.' The wolf reacted as Kauto touched his lip. He wasn't bleeding but gave the wolf an evil look.

'So you want to play rough now eyy.'

'I'm sorry, they are still growing don't forget heh. And you were the one who wanted me to have them overly large heh.'

'It's ok you didn't do any damage heh. Well not like I did earlier hehe.'

'Kauto your hand, how did you do that?' Maiden said as he gently grabbed Kauto huge hand which was busted open in several places but not bleeding.

'See that bunch of assorted rubble over there.'

'You didn't, did you take your anger out on those huge boulders that were there?'

'Hehe, yeah.'

'Man how strong are you heh. We should get that cleaned up hunk, it could get nasty. Or....I wonder?'

'What is it?'

'Put your hand over your cock head and shoot some seed out.'

'Eyy, err ok...............Holy cow!' Kauto reacted as his hand was coated in a huge layer of his thick, sticky seed. The seed seem to also be an amazing heeling aid as well as a muscle growth medicine. 'S**t how did you know it would do that Maiden?'

'I just figured that, you've been tearing my insides for the best part of 15 or 20 minutes and it hasn't hurt one bit, in fact it felt unbelievable as usual heh. And err I wondered what would happen that's all heh. I don't know why I've never realised it before but hey there you go a healing aid haha.'

'Awe man that's amazing. Lets see your nashers again hunk, I love looking at them, and you hehe.' Maiden's Sabres were no longer getting much longer but instead kept getting stronger and a tiny bit thicker. His regular teeth had become huge and sharp as well, easily capable of destroying any material with a bite. His trap and jaw muscles had also become insanely strong to accommodate his teeth. 'Its kinda scary how strong they look heh. Lets have a little feel. OUCH! Man they're sharper than tungsten needles haha. I guess my seed has a high level of calcium as well hahaha.'

'Yeah and what ever else haha. Can you take me off you hunk I think I've had enough of your powerful meat in me now. And I've certainly had enough of your seed for now heh.'

'Ok hunk, man this lake is proper thick now hehe. *slurp*' Kauto lifted the monstrous wolf off of his hugely stiff pole and looked over Maiden's body. 'Jeez your as big as me now hunk heh.' They both flexed hugely and walked out of the sticky lake hugging each other lovingly. 'F**K OUCH! What was that?!' Kauto shouted.

'Whoa wha........Oh S**T! are you ok Kauto?'

'I'm fine what was that?'

'It was my claws, you touched them heh.'

'God they're sharp as well.'

'Sorry hunk. Shall we head inside and have a sleep ready for the trip back to Vegas tomorrow?'

'Yeah good idea.' They walked inside while still being wrapped around each other, and decided against a shower and instead slept together with their amazing musky smell covering the room. The reinforced bed groaned slightly, and the two hunks snuggled very closely before they stroked each other's abs. 'ah, ah chew!!!'

'Oow bless you hehe.'

'Thank you, man your tail is big and bushy heh.' As Kauto took another glance over Maiden's furry body, he suddenly realised something. 'Err Maiden, do you reckon you'll still fit in your Koenigsegg?'

'Well I'm pretty much the same size as you now and you fit in it don't you?'

'Err yeah. I guess you'll be ok for now, anymore seed though and neither of us will hehe.'

'Haha, I'll need to modify my car. Speaking of which, are you still happy about Falc and Ring Eye going into Formula 1?'

'Yes of course hunk, in fact I'm actually rather excited about it now I've had time to think about it. The only thing I'm worried about are the contract negotiations, I hate doing things like that, especially towards the end of the season.'

'Well I'll be with you all the way hunk, and I tell you something we're going to get Falc and Ring Eye into Formula 1 and we're all going to love it. We'll be at every race with them and make sure they remain in the championship for the foreseeable future heh.'

'Yeah haha. Hay Maiden how about we drive to Vegas in the Gumpert together. That way we're together for the whole journey and we can do some cuddling hehe.'

'Awe that's a great idea, your sure the Gumpert will hold us both?'

'Yeah, there's loads of space and you've seen what the suspension is made of so it'll hold us both.'

'Ok. Lets get some sleep then and we can get an early start in the morning.'

'Yeah that sounds like a good idea. *kiss*' They both rolled over to face each other and started mangling and touching every part of one another. 'Awe that smell is so powerful. Especially when it comes from these imposing babies hehe.' Kauto said as he stroked Maiden's huge furry orbs.

'And yours hunk, man they're heavy heh.'

'Yours weigh the same and are furry hehe. I love your abs though hunk, can I sleep on them?'

'Haha, err I guess so.' Kauto lowered himself down the bed slightly and placed his head on Maiden's rocky abs, stroking them in the process. The muscular sabre wolf moved his hands onto Kauto's mane and lovingly stroked him until they both fell asleep. _____________________________________________________________ After an 8 hour sleep, Maiden woke up at 7 am and opened his eyes. He looked down his body and noticed Kauto still asleep, but was now lying up close to him on his pecs. 'Awe I love him heh. Kauto.' MW said timidly as he stroked Kauto's forehead gently. The black stallion slowly opened his eyes and looked up to Maiden. 'Hi hunk heh, how are we this morning? You're looking.....comfortable heh.'

'Hi Maiden, I have every reason to be comfortable on your furry pecs heh. *nuzzle* Do we have to leave this morning, we have 2 days to get there. Can't we stay here for a while and stay with the dogs, they've been stuck in here since this morning with nobody with them.

'Yes of course we can stay here hunk. Can we swap places maybe?'

'Awweee do we have to, you're so warm and sexy wolfie. I don't want to get off you.'

'Oh ok heh. We'll stay here for an hour and then go and get breakfast somewhere hunk ok?'

'Yay, thanks Maiden.' After an hour of snuggling, stroking and some kissing, Maiden and Kauto finally decided to get up and shower together. They scrubbed and cleaned each other, and got ready with Kauto doing his Ozzy look and Maiden frizzing his fur.

'Phew, that was a nice shower heh. Well a shower is only worth while when you have a big cuddly horse with you.'

'Awe thanks, it does help to have a big furry wolf with you as well. *nuzzle* I think we need some new shorts Maiden, these are getting very, very tight on me and you haha.'

'Yeah I noticed haha, we'll pop into Norfolk and get some new ones and then I'll take you out for breakfast hunk.'

'Actually, Err Maiden I want to get you breakfast this morning. You've bought everything over the last week or so for everyone so you can keep your wallet closed for now hunk heh.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yeah, we'll get the shorts and then have a big fur breakfast together in the Gumpert.'

'That sounds wonderful Kauto, have you got any ideas of were to go?'

'Err........how about D'Egg Diner?' Maiden's tongue suddenly fell out of his mouth.

'Awe that's a fantastic idea. Shall we have a look at the menu on here?' Maiden asked as he grabbed his I-pad with a Carbon Fibre cover and a Senna Helmet on the back so it didn't crumble under there grip.

'Wow I didn't know you had an Ipad Maiden? I love that helmet picture on the back.'

'Heh it's good isn't it. I haven't used it for about a week, it might need updating soon.'

'Oh it's a Senna helmet isn't it, I wondered where I had seen it before. That's a nice little tribute actually, but I must say Maiden your going to scratch the cover and the screen with your claws.'

'The screen's made of a see-through piece of metal don't worry heh.'

'Yeah but your claws have become as sharp as your teeth.'

'Oh it's ok hunk. Come on lets go out and I'll search for the menu while your driving.' _____________________________________________________________ While heading into Norfolk in the screaming Gumpert, Maiden found the menu and had a look at what they offered. 'Ok Kauto, what do you fancy?'

'Oh I know what I'm having hunk, the Norfolk Favourite heh.'

'Oh right. Well lets see, hmm Eggs Benedict. God I'm starving now heh, you know what, I'm going to have something very large.'

'Well you are a wolf after all, and a big one at that heh.'

'I know 3 Egg Benedict's heh.'

'3!!!! Are you sure you can eat that much?'

'Oh I can eat loads when I want to heh. I'll have the healthy version obviously. Hay hunk do you reckon there's one of those clothes specialists shops like there was in Daytona?'

'Yeah there is, it's actually across the road from the D'Egg. I think its actually bigger than the one in Daytona.'

'Oh fantastic.' After there big breakfast together, Kauto and Maiden walked out and headed into the specialists shop across the road. 'Mmmm thanks for the breakfast Kauto, that was really nice. Now to buy some clothes heh.'

'Your welcome Maiden, you had a few stares in there didn't you heh.'

'Oh I've got used to it now don't worry. Whoa!' Maiden reacted as they squeezed through into the building.

'Wow, it's exactly like the one in Daytona, just bigger heh. I wonder why I've never been here before.'

'God knows but I don't care lets head up to the motor racing section again.' They ran up the stairs, creating a few creaks and bangs along the way and looked around the racing section. 'Awe wow look at this section, F1!!' Maiden dug his hands into the clothes and searched around while Kauto dug into the NASCAR section. 'Err Kauto, you know how much you and I acknowledge Ayrton Senna.'

'Err yeah.' Kauto replied as he searched through the clothes.

'Well there's a section over here with all of his racing wear.'

'What! Awe forget NASCAR then heh. What do they have?'

'Caps, shirts, shorts and trainers.'

'Well I don't think we'll fit into the shirts or trainers so lets just look at the shorts and caps.'

'Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy, Holy cow! Kauto look at that!!!!'

'OMG!!! Is it a replica?'

'Yeah, it's a replica of his 1990 helmet. Awe we've got to get it Kauto.'

How much is it?' Maiden looked at the tab and gave a passionate smile.

'That's a fantastic price, $800.'

'Well get it then before it's gone, I've got a few huge shorts for us, would you like a cap?'

'I'll pick a visor and meet you in the car hunk.'

'Ok, don't be too long will you wolfie. Actually, shall we get the others something?'

'Yeah that's a good idea, get them some Senna racing gloves and a shirt, then we'll be off.'

While waiting for Maiden in the car, Kauto moved into the passenger seat and started messing around with the radio. Maiden suddenly came out of the specialists shop with the helmet and walked up to the passenger side door. 'Oh hay Kauto, aren't you driving?'

'Na I want you to drive so I can cuddle up to you.'

'Awe I wanted to do that to you. Ah well, we need to put this in one of the bags to keep it safe and then we'll go.'

'Hehe, ok pass it here and hop in.' Kauto placed the Senna helmet in a case and placed it in the suitcase before he wrapped his arm around Maiden and raised the volume on the radio.

'Oow is that 'Lightning Strikes' Kauto?'

'Yep. Lets get going because we can put the cruise control on, on the highway and snuggle more. Maiden suddenly turned the loud engine on and raced out of Norfolk and onto the highway. The huge wolf turned on the cruise control and the car drove itself on the highway. 'Ok, take your hands of the wheel hunk.'


'Take your hands off the wheel, it'll drive itself as long as you stay in this lane.'

'How does it do that?' Maiden asked.

'With a bunch of amazing computers and sat-navs heh.' Maiden took his large hands off and nervously let the car drive itself.

'Wow, man what a car I love it. But not as much as I love you Kauto.'

'Awe, *kiss* Shall we go to the airport Maiden and take a jet over to Vegas. We can take the car with us and it would save time while also being together and not worrying about driving.'

'Hmm sounds interesting, How about we buy one?'



'Yeah, we should buy one.' Maiden suddenly became incredibly confused by Kauto's reaction.

'You usually faint when I say something like that Kauto.'

'Hahaha well I've gotten used to your surprises I guess. Anyway are you going to Richmond Airport, they have free travel around America in Jets.'

'Ok hunk, hang on.' Maiden switched off the cruise control and the TC before shifting down and accelerated up to 140 mph on the empty highway to Richmond.

'S**T! Man Maiden your crazy heh.' They reached Richmond Airport and sorted out there flight to Vegas with the car going into the Jet with them. With the car loaded in the Jet and their luggage safely on, Kauto and Maiden looked around and settled down as they flew to Vegas. 'This is nice, it holds our weight pretty darn well too. And it has enough height for us to stand up straight heh. I would love to own one of these.'

'Yeah me too. Lets have another look on here and see if we can buy one on the internet.' Maiden took out his Ipad again and searched for private jets with Kauto once again wrapping his huge arms around the wolf.

'Whoa, look at them heh.'

'They're pretty sweet, a Boeing 727 hmm that looks very tidy.' Suddenly a thought popped into Maiden's mind. 'Err Kauto how about we go all the way and go a little mad.'

'What do you mean?'

'Well, we could buy a private jet for us, and I was wondering whether you would like to buy a house near Ula in Vegas. We can do it now seen as we both have an unbelievable amount of money coming through in the next few years.'

'Hang on just a sec, I'm in a confused but excited mood here heh. I like the sound of that, I've got to say though we are sounding a bit flashy here haha.'

'Hay Kauto come on, we have an amazing life ahead of us right. I mean we both have an unlimited amount of fun together, not bragging but we're both very rich and help out with charities. We're both going to be involved in a racing business which puts out the end of the world amount of money and we've got an amazing family in me, you, Falc, Ring Eye and Ula. And then we have our friends, not putting any names forward but one lovely chestnut stallion springs to mind heh. I mean we must be aloud to flash off a little bit hunk come on.'

'Well when you put it that way Maiden, I suppose your right. So what shall we get then?'

'How about a Bombardier Challenger 604 heh.'

'Lets see. Oh that's looks so cool, but it's an air force plane wtf haha.'

'It was an air force plane, it's been stripped out and made into a private jet heh. It's 4.5 million dollars.'


'Shoot, I got him there heh. Come on Kauto.' Maiden lifted the humungous horse off the floor and held him like a baby in his arms. The wolf moved his lips to Kauto's muzzle and being careful not to bite him, kissed the beautiful equine to wake him up.

'hmmm, Mmmmm.' Kauto reacted as he woke up and noticed the warm feeling around his muzzle.

'Better?' Maiden asked as he slowly released the kiss.

'Much better heh. Can I have another maybe?'

'Sure steed. You can have a massage after it as well if you want.'

'Oh thanks Maiden. Mmmmm, wow you're a great kisser even with those awesome teeth heh.' Kauto said as he rubbed the large sabres of Maiden.

'Awe shucks thanks Kauto, you're lips are so tender and soft hunk I can't get enough of you heh.' Maiden stood up with the hefty weight of Kauto still in his arms and sat on the couch so he could give the muscle bound horse a back rub and a massage. 'I wonder whether you're as hard to massage as Chet is heh, well I'll give you a back rub first though Kauto.' Maiden started off by stroking Kauto's neck and shoulders, making the horse feel warm.

'So what do you think of that private jet then Kauto?' Maiden asked as he moved down Kauto's bulging upper back and handed him the Ipad.

'4 and a half million quid, Jeez. Your not buying this one on your own Maiden heh, are you going to buy it off of your Ipad?'

'Yeah I'll do it after I've given you a massage heh.'

'I do think it is a fantastic idea though. It would help us travel around the world and we'd all be together were ever we go. Hay speaking of which, shouldn't we start preparing for the Olympics hunk. I need to go through routines and stuff.'

'Yeah that's a good idea, I'll help you out again with the routines when we get to Ula's after. Do you reckon we need to be any err bigger or anything because I must say I'm feeling so good at the moment.'

'Yeah I know what you mean heh. We can always become bigger, it just helps us with our chances in the competition. I'm just worried about going up against Chet, especially in the definition stage man he'll blow everyone in that heh.'

'Hay Kauto come on you need size as well.'

'Yeah that's what worries me he's got the definition and the unbelievable size to go with it heh.'

'Yeah it's almost scary how powerful he looks heh. We are really defined as well though, I mean if you cut your fur so it's a little shorter, those muscles will really bulge through the skin. You'll look fantastic with your black fur.' Maiden said.

'I don't like cutting my fur really but I guess I can do it for the Olympics. You'll have to do the same though hunk I mean your fur is incredibly thick at the moment and your muscles are still bulging through.'

'Thanks Kauto. I might cut it because right now it's probably the thickest I've ever had it. Your seed seems to really bring out the colours and makes it so thick it feels wonderful.'

'It does, but not as wonderful as this massage heh. God you're good with your hands, can you do a little scratching hunk?'

'Are you sure? What if I hurt you?'

'It's ok I have an idea if you do.'

'Oh what's that?'

'We can have a seed bath heh.'

'Awe what an idea that is, we can have one anyway. Shall we mix our seed and see what it feels like, I bet it'll be really thick and hot heh. Hurrrr man that sounds so nice.'

'Awweee it does. Eeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!' Kauto reacted as Maiden scratched his back. 'Man they're sharp.'

'Are they as sharp as these?' Maiden asked as he gently dug his humungous teeth into Kauto's huge back muscles.

'Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Nnngghhhh that actually feels so nice.' Kauto suddenly turned over and looked up to Maiden with doggish eyes. 'Can you do my pecs hunk?'

'Err sure *kiss* Mmmmm they look delicious hehe.' Maiden moved his mouth full of dinosaur like teeth to Kauto's boulder sized pecs and bit gently into the muscle tissue.

'Aaawwwweeee, Hhnngggghhh.' Kauto reacted as his member bulged hugely from the squeezing sensations of Maiden biting into his muscles. This also caused Kauto to flex his pecs furiously, making Maiden's jaw open widely.

'Man your pecs are so hard. You look ready for that seed bath Kauto.'

'I am, are you?'

'Yep. There's a Jacuzzi in the back shall we fill it up?'

'Oow yeah, we'll fill that up and then ourselves hehe. *kiss*' They snapped they're trunks off and ran through into the large Jacuzzi room and looked at the very large Jacuzzi. 'Oh this looks really nice, lets get filling heh.' Within a minute the large Jacuzzi was full with steaming hot, thick cream. 'You first wolfie.'

'Thanks Kauto, Awwwweeeee man that is soooooooo nice. Quick get in here hunk.'

'Mmmmmmmmmmm, wow that's really nice and hot.' As Kauto sunk in and moved close to Maiden, he moved his muzzle to the level of the seed and licked the hot thickness.

'Hay don't drink it yet Kauto, we need to sooth and let it work heh. We can drink from each other.' The hungry stallion swiftly moved his muzzle to Maiden's growing member and sucked gently on the head. The seed in the Jacuzzi meanwhile was working its magic and soothing them both while also making their skin and fur stronger. 'Awe Kauto this is soooooooo nice, lets keep refreshing it though and keep it hot and thick hunk.

'Ugh, no problem, but I'll have to do that as your busy feeding me heh. Mmmmmmmmmmm.'

'Hay you can feed me as well you hungry horse.' Maiden grabbed Kauto's monster cock and bit gently into the meaty head. The stallions member burst with thick cream and filled the starving wolf as much as possible while the cum in the Jacuzzi soothed and moist them ever more. The two monstrous furs stayed in the Jacuzzi together for the full 4 hour journey, drinking and refilling it every 10 minutes. 'Man I love feeling so full heh.'

'Man Maiden look at your fur, it's so thick.' Kauto said as he ran his meaty hands through the colourful fur.

'Mmmmmmmmmmm wow I feel so warm and its not just this wonderful hot seed heh. It's you as well hunk hehe. Whoa, you're bulging Kauto.'

'I feel really full of energy and full of seed, it's so nice. Punch me hunk.'


'Punch me, punch my abs as hard as you can.'


'Because I feel so strong, and I want to see how hard you punch heh.'

'I don't want to hurt you though hunk.'

'Awe stop being awkward Maiden, just hit me now.' Kauto stood up and showed his diamond hard abs to the wolf who licked them.

'Ok then if you insist, get ready because I won't be holding back.'

'I'm ready.' Maiden prepared himself and unleashed an unearthly thwack to Kauto's abs. 'Nnghh! Wow nice punch wolfie. Ok?'

'Yeah haha, man your abs are f*****g like concrete. Go on do the same to me.'


'Yeah.' Maiden stood up in the full Jacuzzi, while Kauto nuzzled his thick furry stomach muscles. 'UGH!' Maiden reacted as Kauto's vicious punch connected with his abs. 'Oh that felt good.'

'Ouch, my wolfie is so strong hehe. *kiss*'

'He is hehe, and so is my horsey. We need to have these baths more often, they're so refreshing.'

'We do, but do you reckon Ula or the others will think it's......well weird?'

'Noooo, even if they did, they would soon change there minds when they sink into one heh.'

'Your right.' They both slowly sunk deeper into the Jacuzzi and aloud the hot seed to soak them even more. 'Huuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!'

'HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!' Maiden reacted as Kauto suddenly pounded the interior of the jet with seed. 'KAUTO!!! You've flooded the room, and we're nearly at Vegas. Now we've got to clean it up in like......shit 15 minutes.'

'Well get drinking then heh.'

'Man, it's a lot thicker than normal hunk, and aaawwwweeeeee its so hot and tasty.' Within 10 minutes all the seed in the Jet was drunken up including the load in the Jacuzzi.

'Boy we are both so hungry hahaha.' Kauto suddenly moved down to Maiden's overgrown orbs and began kissing them.

'Hay hunk, we need to tidy up we're landing now. Where are the dogs?'

'They're were they've been since the beginning of this flight, asleep on that chair in the front. Its ok hunk, we'll just pop into some shorts and hop into the car quickly before anyone comes in here and notices this heaving musky smell heh. I am surprised the pilots haven't heard us hahaha OMG! Maiden your teeth.'

'F**K!!!! My sabres, they're monstrous, and my nashers. Wow man I love them. *Snap!*'

'Aahhhhh!' Kauto reacted as Maiden swiftly turned around and snapped his teeth together in front of the equines' face. The large equine suddenly ran and hid behind the couch.

'Kauto what's wrong, I didn't mean to scare you hunk. I'm sorry.'

'You didn't try to bite me?'

'What, noooo of course I didn't it was just a tease that's all. Which obviously didn't work, I'm so sorry Kauto.'

'Oh it's ok wolfie I should have known you wouldn't try and bite me *kiss*, we're landing so lets jump into some shorts, if they fit heh. Oh these Senna ones only just fit. Hay we're not going to fit in the Gumpert now are we?'

'Hay you're right, but didn't you hold the seats together with heh your seed?' Maiden replied.

'Yeah, it's bloody sticky stuff though hunk. And if we slide the seats anymore back, they'll be inches from the engine heh.'

'We'll have to modify it quickly and get out of the Airport fast, or someone's going to be asking a lot of questions about what we've done in here hahaha.'

'Man that was nice though, and weren't you going to buy that private jet hunk?'

'Oh god yes, I'll do it when we've landing and left the airport.'

'I suppose that means I'll have to squeeze in the driver seat and drive us heh. Are we meeting them at the track?'

'Yeah they're all staying there throughout the week so we should find them heh. Ok the jet's stopped Kauto lets grab our things and go quickly.' They grabbed all there luggage and the dogs who hung onto Maiden's back while they raced out and to the car which had already been driven out of the jet. 'Aahhh be careful you guys.' he said to the dogs on his shoulder. Looking at the large seats inside the car, Kauto snapped them both back and they jumped in before anyone suspected anything suspicious in the jet and belted out of the airport. A few miles down the road they stopped on the side and sorted out the seats. 'Phew that was a close one, some of the pilots, were about to go inside haha. Well we're away and gone, now lets get these seats fixed and head to the track shall we Kauto?'

'Yeah, err you or me with the gluing haha.'

'Heh well our seeds are both pretty darn thick now hunk it doesn't really matter, maybe if we mix it again because that bath was unbelievably thick and sticky hehe.'

'It was haha, but it didn't last long with us in it heh. Ok.' After placing the seats in the correct position they secured it down with a thick blob of their seed and sat with the dogs on a bench for a few minutes. *Crack, Snap* 'Awe s**t! what a useless bench heh.'

'Ok Kauto?' Maiden asked as he pulled Kauto up off the floor. The dogs too also trying to help the poor equine up.

'Yeah I'm fine thanks. Man these guys are strong heh *nuzzle*' Kauto said as he lifted the two wolf-dogs into his arms and nuzzled them. They stood in the hot sunshine and took a breather from the journey down. 'Hay get that private jet bought Maiden.'

'Crap, I keep forgetting. Right shall we get that Bombardier then Kauto?' Maiden asked with the dogs on his lap in the car and his Ipad in his hands.

'Err I guess so, it looked pretty sweet. We've just got to make sure we fit in it and that there's plenty of room for the others.'

'Hay Kauto come on, it's an air force jet for crying out loud heh. I have to fill out the application for one first and then I can buy it off here. If you want to drive now Kauto I'll do it while we're on the move.'

'Yeah ok, you will snuggle up to me won't you?'

'Of course I will, and the dogs will. Man it's nice today, you've got that sweltering sun with a freezing cold breeze which is weird heh.' Once the seats were secured, they raced to the Vegas speedway to meet up with the others while Maiden sorted out the buying of a Bombardier Challenger 604 Air Force private jet. 'Mmmmmmm man Kauto you're warm heh. I've filled the application out and am about to buy us a private jet. What do you think about the look of it hunk?' Maiden asked as he stroked the horse's mane.

'I love it, but we won't be shot down or anything because it looks like an army jet.'

'Hahaha, we have a large sticker on the outside that shows it's a private jet. And anyway we're going to put our own livery on it aren't we, maybe a wolf and horse livery like the F1 car next year.'

'Oow sounds great. Boy I can't wait for these next few months they're going to be ace together. *kiss*'

'They are, Hay Kauto smile.' Maiden said as he moved his head next to Kauto's and took a picture with the camera he built into the Ipad. 'Awe look at that for a picture. That's definitely my new wallpaper heh.'

'Wow that's a fantastic picture. But get that darn jet bought haha.'

'Oh sorry heh.' 20 minutes later Maiden had sorted out the payment and had bought them all a Bombardier Challenger 604 private jet, while they had also reached the track. 'Well that's done Kauto it'll be taken to the Vegas Airport by Sunday after the race and we can fly back to Norfolk in our own private jet.'

'How did you pay for it on there?'

'I filled everything out on here and the money will go through in stages in the next 2 months.'

'You haven't paid for it on your own have you?'


'You have haven't you. What did I say, we were going to pay for this together.'

'Woe woe woe hang on a minute Kauto, I've put my details in so if you feel so bad about us paying it together why don't you just put the 2.25 million into my bank and then it'll go out with the payments.' Kauto suddenly looked stumped for a moment while he thought it through.

'Err ok I guess we could do that. Sorry I didn't mean to raise my voice to you.'

'Oh it's ok I understand why you did, I should have told you. *kiss* anyway we're at the track now so lets leave that for now it's sorted. Lets go and find the others and see what they're up to, I know Ula's in the press room a lot this week and the commentary box heh its her first time doing that as well here.'

'I wonder whether she'll be interviewing anyone?'

'Yeah she is all week, this is kind of her getting to know everything race week so she'll be interviewing all of the drivers and some of the pit members during the race while giving a little bit of commentary.'

'Oh fantastic. Do you reckon she'll.....'

'She'll?' Maiden replied.

'well maybe be a little scared of me or you, I mean you've changed quite a bit. I don't mean that in a horrible way, I mean since the last time you saw her and since we left Norfolk we've both had well a heck of lot of fun and you've changed quite a bit.' Maiden looked in the rear view mirror and tried to remember how he looked before the journey.

'Hay you're right, I have told her about our you know what and she was pretty upbeat about it. I don't think she would mind, or at least I hope not anyway heh.' As he looked at himself in the mirror, Maiden only just realised how big his teeth had become and how sharp they now were. 'Crap! you know what, I feel so good with my teeth the way they are and the way they look but I'm not sure what other people might think about me.'

'You know what I think Maiden, if you're happy with the way you look then don't worry about it. I absolutely love the way you look and actually wish I had teeth like that heh. But I'm a horse so I don't need them haha. Anyway we're in the Vegas Speedway stadium so keep an eye out hunk.............are you ok?'

'Yeah I'm fine, I just fell in love with what you just said, thanks Kauto.'

'Heh your welcome. Huh hang on a minute where is everyone, this place is................closed! What?'

'What time is it? 3 o'clock, and it's what, Thursday shouldn't they be here for practice?' Maiden asked all confused like Kauto.

'Well I thought so to. Awe S**T! I forgot, it's practice tomorrow.'

'Huh, why?'

'Because there was an awful crash yesterday in the support race. I found out yesterday and totally forgot about it bollocks.'

'Oh man you can see them still rebuilding the side wall and cleaning everything up, man that must have been one hell of a crash.'

'Oh it was, one car ended up on the opposite side of the wall after flipping off another car and 13 other cars smashed into the wall. No one had been hurt though, miraculously. It just goes to show how strong the cars are nowadays. So what do we do now?'

'We can either go to Ula's and stay there, or we can stay in the car and stay together.'

'Can we stay in here and maybe sleep together again wolfie?' Kauto asked as he hugged Maiden.

'Sure, I'd love to. The dogs need a walk I think so if we go for a nice long walk and maybe feed them hehe, we can come back and have a sleep together. Shall we feed them now?'

'Err........they look happy and hungry, yeah ok. Go on hunk, they'll love your wolf seed.'

'Ok.' Maiden moved the dogs slightly and fed the dogs with as much seed as they liked until they stopped taking in his thick fluid. 'Man they are hungry, hahaha awe they're awesome. Holy cow look at them.' the dogs started to build incredibly strong, lean muscle under there thick fur while also becoming a little larger overall. 'man they're so heavy. Actually Kauto lets snuggle up now and have a sleep.'

'Ok hunk, lets just move down the road and park in that quiet lay by and then we can get in the speedway nice and early seen as first practice is at 10 am.'

'Ok good idea.' As Kauto parked up in the lay by, Maiden wrapped himself around Kauto with the dogs lying on him and within minutes, they both fell asleep. The large stallion had moved over slightly so his huge arms were warmly around the wolf's shoulders while Maiden had snuggled himself to Kauto's hard midsection.

Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 13

'It was a Formula 1 team looking for sponsors and two drivers for next season.' Ring Eye explained. 'It was what?! Not being mean or anything Ring Eye, but why did you get that call and how did they get your number?' MW asked. 'I'm not sure...

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Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 11

After 3 days of sightseeing, gambling and strength testing MW, Kauto, Chet, Ula and the two drivers were all ready to leave Vegas and begin their journey back to Virginia. They decided to wake up early and get a quick start on the road to the Salt...

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Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 12

After 50 minutes of travelling, MW and Ula were approaching Salt Lake City. The fem wolf had fallen asleep on the warm muscular wolf's huge arm, as a result MW had driven all the way with one hand on the steering wheel and his other arm wrapped warmly...

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