Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 12

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#11 of MW and Kauto - Top Gear American Special

Salt Flats :D (by the way I do mean to end this part in the middle of a conversation)

After 50 minutes of travelling, MW and Ula were approaching Salt Lake City. The fem wolf had fallen asleep on the warm muscular wolf's huge arm, as a result MW had driven all the way with one hand on the steering wheel and his other arm wrapped warmly around Ula. As they reached the outskirts of the city she began to wake up.

'Oh hi Ula, tired honey heh.'

'Oh sorry honey heh how long was I asleep for?'

'Only half an hour. We're just heading into the Salt Lake now, the Flats are about 10 minutes away.'

'Oow fantastic, wow it's hot today. What's the temperature.............48 degrees wow! Aren't you hot honey? Hang on, you seem....bigger, or is it me?' Along the way MW had sneakily had a few nibbles on his member to cool off causing his muscle to grow slightly.

'Err.....I'm fine Ula, actually I feel great and you think I look bigger?'

'Heh err yeah honey I do, you look like you've had a very hard workout and not sweated one bit, and you look even more cuddly.'

'Hehe well shall I let you in on a little secret between me and Kauto? Well and the others as well.'

'Ok honey.'

'Well you see me and Kauto were not this big until we actually got to know each other a bit better and had some fun together. You know we are err.......bisexual?'


'Well we have had our own little bit of mischief together you know and some time ago we found out that we both have a little special gift.'

'Oow this sounds interesting wolfie, what did you find out?'

'Err you won't laugh or get scared will you?'

'No go ahead you can tell me.'

'Well our err fluids are very thick and we produce quite a lot heh, it kind of makes us quite a bit bigger and stronger. Also the more we err drink the more we produce heh and the bigger and more muscular we get.' Ula suddenly gave a very happy expression.

'So you mean to say that you produce muscle seed?'

'Err yeah heh.'

'Awe wow, that amazing wolfie no wonder you and Kauto are so huge and sexy, actually now that I think about it I think you need to get bigger heh. The bigger you are the more cuddly you'll be. Has Chet got the same special gift.' Ula curiously asked as she leaned against MW's pec again, and got stroked by him.

'Ah well you see I think Chet is slightly different from us, he seems to have a high protein kind of seed and when he has some of ours he doesn't necessarily get bigger, but he doesn't half become more densed up on muscle and more defined. That's kinda why his body is so hard heh, he's a really powerful stallion I must say, and he loves to play with trains heh.'

'Awe wow, he is a really nice stallion. So how about the two drivers they look really athletic, kinda like the dogs you have.'

'Oh Ring eye and Falc are incredibly athletic anyway but they have a different effect once again. They become more muscular, but there bodies produce what's called fast twitch muscle which makes them unbelievably fit and athletic perfect for driving a NASCAR heh. The dogs have the same effect as well, that was rather funny as we had our little bit of fun and they suddenly came into the room and began to taste our seed on the floor heh.'

'Hahaha, wow I must say they look like an incredibly rare pair of athletic machines heh. Well the drivers and the dogs actually hehe.' Suddenly a thought popped into Ula's head. 'Err......wolfie you know it's really hot today, would you be able to share some of your seed with me I'm kind of thirsty heh.'

'Whoa are you sure, I don't know what will happen.'

'I'm sure, I'd really like to taste you hehe.'

'O.k. go ahead honey.' Ula lowered her hand down MW's abs and into his shorts, before slowly lifting his huge member out, stroking his orbs at the same time.

'How long does it take until you err.....produce some.'

'I can produce as much as I want instantly honey.'

'Awe wow' She lowered her mouth to his expanding pole as it started to elongate slightly.

'Ready honey?' Ula nodded and the huge wolf started producing a good amount of seed for Ula to drink. The spooge was really thick and incredibly warm and sweet.

'Mmmmm wow your so tasty wolfie and thick. Awwwweee!' MW suddenly stopped on the side of the highway and turned off the engine.

'Are you ok Ula?! Don't worry honey your just going through your first change, the more you have the less it'll hurt.' MW wrapped his arms around Ula and hoisted her onto his lap. She grabbed her abs with her large bust beginning to rumble. Her arms and leg muscles slowly began to bulge slightly while her abs became more visible through her fur. Her large bust also began to grow as she went through the transformation. 'Whoa! Your growing Ula.' After 10 minutes, Ula's body had finished its transformation and she looked like a whole new wolf.

She had now grown to around 8 feet tall, similar to Chet and her body had turned into a super strong and super busty powerhouse. Her abs had bulged and hardened while her biceps and triceps had doubled in size. Her shoulders and neck had widened while her back had bulged out slightly to support her tremendous new bust size which had stretched her sports bra to the limit. The striations and bulges in her legs were very large and her sexy bussom had turned truly incredible. What MW didn't know however was that her nashers had also changed just like his. She hadn't grown a set of Sabre teeth but her wolf teeth had become very big and razor sharp.

'Ula? Are you ok?' MW moved his hand over her eyes and stroked her hair as she began to awake.

'Ugh, where......where am I? Wolfie?'

'Hi Ula heh, how do you feel?'

'Err incredible, and strong. Whoa what's happened to me I'm huge?'

'Don't worry Ula, you've just grown remember you just drunk some of my seed.'

'huh oh yeah heh.' She stretched off and shook her face. 'Phew you were right wolfie, your seed is amazing. I feel so fresh and full of energy, and I'm no longer feeling hot either.'

'Hehe, well do you like your new look.'

'I love it, hang on my jaw feels funny.' She opened her mouth and turned to MW who suddenly gasped in shock.

'Oh my god! Ula look at your nashers!' She looked in the rear view mirror.

'Wow! Can I look at yours a second honey.' MW opened his wide jaw and showed his humungous razor teeth. 'Oh man haha. How come I didn't get those amazing Sabre teeth though?'

'Well I didn't get mine until we came on our little road trip. Man we've had so much fun coming all this way. We've kind of flooded 2 hotel suites and a cave heh, destroyed a train museum and I've met an amazing wolf hehe.'

'Awe thanks MW, wow you have had some fun. Well you've still got the Salt Flats so lets go honey the others will be there before us at this rate heh.'

'Oh god's yeah heh. Ok strap in and we'll blast off.' 10 minutes later they reached the Salt Flats and met up with the others in the Motor home. Ula stayed in the Mazda for a moment while MW headed over to the motor home to meet the others. Literally everyone at the Flats were looking at the two monster wolves and the humongous motor home as MW was about to enter. 'Hay guys! How was your journey?'

'Fantastic! It's forty odd degrees outside and 17 degrees in here its wonderful. You should check this place out properly, it has a mini kitchen and everything. We've just been relaxing and playing a bit of music while enjoying the sun.'

'Obviously you found this beast easy to drive Kauto heh.'

'Ha yeah in the end. Where's Ula?'

'Oh she's still in the Mazda.'

'Isn't she coming out?'

'Oh err I have something to tell you guys, she was rather eager to know how me and you got so huge heh and I told her about our, you know, and it ended up with her actually trying some of mine hehe. I can't believe how well she actually took the news to be honest heh.'

'Oh god, has she changed at all?'

'Yeah, I tell you what there's some power in that girl now heh. Oh and she's gotten rather large if you know what I mean. Try not to stare or make her feel too alarmed will you she's still getting used to it heh.'

'No of course not. Shall we meet up with her and then get the cars out? These guys can stay in here they love it heh.' Kauto said as he stroked the dogs.

'Yeah ok.' Everyone jumped out of the motor home and headed over to meet Ula while Kauto got the cars out. 'Ok Ula? I've explained to the guys so don't worry.'

'Ok, are we going to race then wolfie?'

'Yes we are honey. Will you use your Mazda today?'

'Of course I will, but I'm not sure whether it can go up against your cars though wolfie.'

'Actually I think you'll have a good chance, this salt doesn't grip very well so with the power we have it'll be really difficult to accelerate quickly.'

'Oh ok, that makes me feel better heh. So who's going first?'


'MW why don't you and Ula have a race with the Mazda and maybe the Koenigsegg and see how well it does grip on the Salt. You can show off in front of all these onlookers heh. Oh and hunk can you please keep calm and not get angry at them staring at you heh.' Kauto suggested.

'Ok I don't mind these kind of furs too much because they love cars. While we do that why don't you guys sort out the next race and line up after us and keep rotating between cars ok.' MW jumped into his Koenigsegg and drove to the start line with Ula in the Mazda. 'Ready to be thrashed Ula hehe.'

'I am wolfie haha, you have too much power under you and your going to just spin those tyres hehe.'

'Ah that's were your wrong honey, I have a special racing traction control so the wheels won't spin at all hehe.'

'Awe wolfie that's not fair.'

'Shall we have two races then, I'll use the traction control on the first race and I'll turn absolutely everything off for the next one heh.'

'Ok hulky, let me just change something quickly hehe.' Ula moved her hand forward and pressed a red button under a little flap, suddenly a hissing noise came from the Mazda.

'Oh no you haven't?'


'Oh thanks a lot, when did you put nitrous in that?'

'After I bought it, I installed it myself heh, it has 900 horsepower when I use the nitrous. icon_biggrin.gif'

'It won't blow up will it?'

'Nooooo I changed the cooling as well heh. Ok are you ready honey?'

'Yeah.' MW held his hand up to the fur on the left and he set the lights for the start. The 5 red lights started to light up individually until the final light lit. All 5 went out at once and the two wolves slammed on the accelerator to blast down the mile long strip. The almost ridiculous traction control in the Koenigsegg aloud the tyres to find grip immediately and accelerate as though it was on tarmac. The Mazda meanwhile put up a good fight and was just a cars length behind him after 500 yards. 'Wow you were right wolfie that traction control is perfect heh.' Ula said as she ever so slightly pulled along side MW. 'Can you flex for me honey?'

'We're doing 150 miles an hour on salt and you want me to flex. Ok hehe.' Even though they were bombing along doing over 150 miles an hour MW took his left hand off the steering wheel and raised it up into a perfect bicep flex. The muscle bulged high while the thick fur stretched to accommodate the size. Striations and veins appeared all over the monstrous muscle as it slowly hardened and bulged bigger and bigger until in was in full flex. While in full flex MW's bicep was virtually impenetrable. Suddenly the back tyres began to slide and MW had to steer into the slide and drift the car on the slippery surface. But amazingly he managed to drift the car for a few hundred metres and keep his left arm flexed to Ula.

'Holy cow honey how did you do that?!'

'That was the traction control Ula, not me heh' MW pulled a rather embarrassing face as he said this.

'Awe you shouldn't have said that haha. I reckon you could do it though without the aids.'

'You do?'

'Yeah of course. Actually why don't have a go later honey?'

'Oh ok that sounds good, we are still doing 180 mph here Ula and the finish line is coming up while we're having a conversation across two cars haha.'

'I know it's fun hehe.'

'Who's going to win this race we're still neck and neck.' Approaching close to 200 mph, the two wolves were 200 yards from the finish line and were still swapping and changing closely between the lead. The nitrous in the Mazda was now at full strength and making the car produce 910 horsepower while the Koenigsegg was still sliding around slightly even at 200 miles an hour. With his tongue out and an evil look his eyes, MW shifted into the last gear perfectly and nosed ahead. With the line in sight MW was half a cars length in front but was still moving about on the salt, which allowed Ula to slowly grind down the gap. However as the line approached the nitrous in the Mazda had stopped working and the car slowed slightly. MW looked to the side and watched as he pulled ahead and over the finish line. 'What the?'

'Awe no way! Wolfie my nitrous has stopped!.' MW suddenly pulled the handbrake and skidded to a halt before he hopped out and ran over to Ula who stopped in front. 'Damn!'

'Are you ok Ula?'

'Yeah I'm fine, the nitrous somehow ran out. It's supposed to produce it's own in the engine but something has faltered. Well done though on the win heh.'

'Thanks, but I think you might have snatched it on the line there. Let's open the bonnet and look at the problem I'm sure it's just a wire or pipe that's come loose.'

Meanwhile, Chet and Kauto decided to have a race with the two drivers starting at the same time. They would be in the Porsche which would be set to 400 horsepower and the Shelby, while the two drivers would be in the Zonda and the Gumpert. Falcon jumped in the Zonda and Ring Eye jumped into the Gumpert allowing Chet to drive his Shelby with Kauto in the Porsche. While lining up at the start with Kauto and Chet on the right and Falcon and Ring Eye on the left, the red lights signalled the start. They went out and the four cars roared off the line with the Gumpert making the most noise from the two huge superchargers. The hyper cars shot ahead together leaving the Chet and Kauto neck and neck behind. As the two horses were driving rear wheel drive cars, they struggled to find the traction they wanted on the salt. But as they both reached 60 miles an hour they found good traction and raced away. The Porsche pulled a slight lead until Kauto once again began to slide around.

'Oh S**T!!!' The Porsche slid towards the Shelby before Kauto turned the wheel in the opposite direction to compensate. But the car gripped again and flipped around to face backwards. 'Crap!' Chet suddenly stopped and drove back to Kauto and got out of his Shelby.

'Are you ok Kauto?!' He popped his head into the driver's window to check on Kauto. 'Ngh' His muzzle was suddenly covered with a fellow muzzle as Kauto kissed him in appreciation.

'I'm fine Chet hehe. Thanks for being so caring though big guy.'

'*Blush* Hehe, what happened?'

'Oh I didn't have the traction control on or any of the computer aids for that matter and well you can probably work out the rest heh.'

'Oh haha, it is very difficult on the salt. Shall we try again with the TC on?'

'Yeah I think I need some of them on heh, man this car is so twitchy. Falcon has actually set it up like that, he must be so fingertippy on the steering wheel.'

Falcon and Ring Eye were now approaching the finish line with the Gumpert ahead by 2 cars length and both cars doing over 220 miles an hour. With them both very focused and looking forward instead of towards each other, they were able to instantly react to any squirms the cars had on the salt. As they crossed the line, the Zonda was no match for the incredible Gumpert and ended up losing by nearly 4 cars length.

'Man that thing is crazy heh.' They stopped by the two wolves looking in the Mazda's bonnet and hopped out. 'Is everything alright MW?'

'Yeah I'm just fixing Ula's nitrous pipes, they came loose that's all.'


'Heh yeah it was a shock for me. Hay I tell you something this engine looks absolutely awesome. You have the big blue lit block in the middle with navy blue pipes and there's the nitrous in pink heh. As Ula moved closer to MW she pointed down the mile long drag strip as Chet and Kauto were heading towards them. Kauto had turned the TC on half way so it stopped the sliding but aloud for a bit of drifting while the computers sought out the traction. As they approached, it was Chet who was the one sliding around a bit. The big Shelby muscle car had good traction up until it reach 100 miles and hour where the tyres were gliding on the salt instead of gripping. 'Wahoho! The Shelby's wiggling about a bit. But Chet is winning though it looks like.' They crossed the finish line with the Shelby weaving in front of the Porsche by a car's length.

'Man! This thing just wouldn't put the power down. At least it looked like you had fun Chet?' Kauto said as the got out.

'I........won! icon_redface.gif'

'Yes you did haha. *hug*' They headed over to the others in front of the Mazda and peeped into the engine. '*Whistle* wow that's a sweet looking engine Ula'

'Heh it is isn't it. Do you like Wankel engines?'

'Oh don't ask me that heh, I love them especially in the RX8 Mazda.' Kauto replied.

'Well this is a really supped up version of that engine hehe.'

'I've fixed it now for you Ula, what shall we do now then?' MW asked. Everyone looked around the Flats and noticed a little competition happening on the far side by the mountains.

'Hmmm, is that a drifting competition guys?' Falcon asked.

'I think it is shall we head over and take a look?' Everyone agreed and the bonnet was lowered before they raced to the dust in the distance. They stopped by the other cars waiting for there chance on the drifting track and walked over towards the organisers. 'Hi err how much is it to enter?' MW asked.

'It's absolutely free mate, just head out onto any of the five tracks that have been made and drift as much as you want.' MW looked at the organiser with a menacing look with his tongue hanging out and his teeth sparkling off the bright sunshine. The tiger in front of him stared at the wolf's large jaw and shivered slightly at the sight of the powerful long teeth. MW turned to the others.

'shall we go on these dirt tracks or make our own guys?'

'Lets go and make our own hunk, there's a nice bit of ground over there.' Kauto said. They jumped back into the cars and quickly headed over to the new patch on the salt were they would make a track for themselves.

'Ok guys, does anyone want any certain types of corners that they like?' MW asked.

'Lets make a hairpin here, and maybe a left right chicane here.' Kauto suggested as he and the others look around the area. Falcon walked over towards the hillside and noticed a little left right kink in the hill, he ran up and around the top until he came back to the others at the bottom. 'God Falc what are you doing heh'

'I was just looking at something up there. How about making a little corkscrew or Eau Rouge corner?'

'Eyy?' MW confusingly replied.

'Well there's a little hill over there which as you go up it goes left and then right. If we went up it, it would be a bit like Eau Rouge at Spa, and if we went down it, it would be like the Corkscrew at Laguna Seca heh.'

'I thought we were drifting not racing? I suppose actually we could do both, I'll go and get some drinks while you guys finish the circuit.'

'Ok hunk' Ula and MW walked over to the nearby snack bar to pick up some drinks before heading back for a little surprise.

'Whoa! Wow what's this guys?' MW asked.

'We've added a few more corners and Eau Rouge or the Corkscrew whatever you want to call it looks pretty good. We've had a couple of people come over and ask what we were doing and have wished us good luck which was weird. But nobody has actually had a go at us or anything so lets get racing heh.'

'Ok hunk lets get used to the track and see what your Eau Rouge is like. I'll call it that, I prefer Eau Rouge to the corkscrew heh.' MW jumped into the Koenigsegg and slowly went around to see what the circuit was like. The first two corners were sweeping bends instead of a hairpin which led up to the little chicane Kauto had made. The chicane then led to the Eau Rouge like bends up the hill and then a long sliding bend all the way back to the finish at the bottom. 'Wow this is tidy. That hill bit is awesome, so are we drifting first?'

'Yes we are, but if anyone doesn't want to then they can just go around as if they were on a track. Shall we go first hunk?' MW agreed and decided to take the Koenigsegg and the Porsche as they were rear wheel drive and perfectly set up for drifting. 'Well here's were those lessons from Falc and Ring Eye come in handy heh.' MW raced away first in the Porsche and perform a neat little drift through the first 2 bends, but nothing major as the Salt was very slippery. 'Oow not bad, lets see if I can remember what Falc told me about keeping myself committed in the corner heh.' Kauto raced away and steadily let the back end of the car come round and held it together for the majority of the first corner before he did the same again for the second corner. MW had reached the nasty little left right chicane were he held the handbrake and let go quickly to bring the back of the Porsche around. He flicked the steering wheel back the other way and flipped the car in the opposite direction before carrying on. 'Wooooohhoooooo wolfie that was.......ridiculous heh.' Kauto approached the chicane and didn't use the handbrake, but instead braked and turned at the same time. The back tried to come out but didn't as Kauto compensated too early, instead he drove out of the chicane as if he was on a track. 'Oh ok I'll just race through it not drift haha.'

'Uh oh, your Eau Rouge Kauto.' As the Porsche approached the banking, the large wolf bravely decided to take the corners flat out at around 90 mph instead of drifting. 'Aaahhhhh!' the Porsche wiggled and slid its way up the hill before the backend stepped out and spun the car around. But MW was quick enough to counter steer and J-turn his way back around before heading around back to the finish.

'Holy shit!' Kauto also took the hill chicane flat out at around 110 mph, the Koenigsegg seemed much more stable however through the turns and aloud Kauto to maintain the speed right around to the finish. 'Phew, man what a circuit that is heh.'

'Jeez MW how did you do that............whatever it was at the top there.' Falcon asked all surprised.

'I kinda learnt that from you Falc.'

'Oh you did heh, when did you learn that?'

'Oh a while ago heh.'

'Did you have the TC on in that car?' Kauto asked.

'Err no.'

'*GASP* What! How on earth did you control it as well as that with the TC off?'

'Hay I did flip around hunk heh.'

'Yeah but you somehow managed to spin the car around and carry on. You have some good car control I must say.'

'Well we can't dwell on that now can we, we've got some more racing to do. Chet are you going to have a go?'

'Err do you reckon I could get a few lessons first icon_redface.gif'

'Oh of course, actually you should because these two are amazing at the whole drifting lark especially Falc heh.'

'Ok, you won't go too crazy will you Falcon?'

'No not at all, I think you'll like it. Would you like a lap with me in the Porsche first?' Chet agreed and they popped into the white Porsche and Falcon took Chet out for slow lap before he started to do some small drifts around the corners.

'Eek!' As Falcon slid the Porsche around the first corner and flipped the car gently into the second corner, the large stallion next to him in the passenger seat began to get nervous. As they approached the chicane, Falcon gently stepped on the breaks and turned into the first part, before quickly flipping the car to slide out of the second corner. '*Gulp*'

'Ok Chet?' Falcon asked as Chet's ears folded backwards. The stallion just looked at Falcon and gave a smile. 'Hold on, here comes our Eau Rouge sequence heh.' the car turned left before the rear of the car stepped out and drifted slightly up the hill.

'Jeez, honestly why is he in NASCAR heh. I wonder how Chet's feeling?' MW asked.

'He doesn't get sick or anything does he?' Ula asked feeling slightly worried for Chet.

'I'm not sure, but he's a super horse I'm sure he'll be fine heh.' MW replied. Seeing the large horse next to him looking rather nervous, Falcon decided to go slowly around the last corner to the finish.

'You don't look very well Chet?'

' icon_redface.gif that was really nerve racking heh.'

'Surely a big stallion like you wasn't nervous, that was just a few small slides I didn't do any huge drifts or anything.'

'*gulp* you weren't actually trying then?'

'Err no not really. Once you get the hang of it, it's not too hard. You've seen MW and Kauto, me and Ring Eye only err taught them about a couple of weeks or so ago before the competition were we met you heh. All you have to know really is that when you feel the back end of the car coming around, just counter steer with it and hold it a bit of throttle. Or you can just counter steer and do a small slide heh. Oh and you don't have to push too hard on the pedal or you'll spin ok.'

'Err ok heh.' Suddenly, Kauto and MW popped there heads inside and asked how they were doing. Chet blushed slightly while Falcon filled them in on the news of the muscular stallion being slightly nervous of his driving.

'Awe no way, Chet you can't be nervous of Falcon's driving he's a professional racing driver heh.' MW said as he rubbed Chet's mane.

'I know heh, I'm just not familiar with the whole weaving of the car around haha.'

'Well if you hop into your Shelby, Falc can help you out and make you feel less nervous. Hey Kauto fancy a top speed challenge, err the Gumpert and the Koenigsegg and Ring Eye in the Zonda?'

'Oow ok. Were is Ring Eye?'

'He's buying another drink with Ula heh. We can now use the full 4 mile long strip they create for late afternoon. Put your TC and launch control on and we'll blast down there, enjoy your drifting Chet heh.' As Ring Eye and Ula came back, MW and Kauto filled Ring Eye in on the top speed challenge and headed over to the hyper cars while Ula jumped into her Mazda and drove to the end of the four mile strip. Chet and Falcon meanwhile were going around the salt track with the stallion getting to know a few tricks from Falcon.

'Have you got the Launch Control set Ring Eye?' MW asked.

'Launch Control?! Since when have you used that heh no no, just rev up to four thousand rpm and hold it until you set off were you take your foot or hoof off the pedal and race away it's a little bit easier haha.'

'Oh ok I'll try that heh.' They lined up together with Kauto using the Gumpert's LC and the others using Ring Eye's method. 'You have an advantage here Ring Eye, you know that don't you.'


'Well we're considerably heavier than you especially Kauto heh.'

'Yeah I suppose but your cars have more power so it should equal it out. Remember this a top speed run not a drag. Oh and MW can I have a quiet word with you afterwards maybe over a quick break? It's about something me and Falcon were discussing before in the hotel in Vegas.'

'Sure, ok ready guys the lights are coming on' As the last light went out, everyone stamped on the pedal. The launch control in the Gumpert aloud Kauto to pull away perfectly on the salt with no sliding while Ring Eye also had a perfect start. MW meanwhile stamped on the accelerator with his humungous foot and revved the Koenigsegg, making the rear tyres spin like crazy. 'Crap, how does he do that?' MW said to himself as he wondered how Ring Eye managed to pull away so well. The Zonda also had a little trick up it's sleeve as Ring Eye pushed a small lever under the steering wheel which took the speed limiter off the car.

'Hay Ring Eye I saw that haha, you sneaky wolf taking the limiter off. Well guess what I can do that too.' Kauto said down the radio. MW also quietly took off the limiter without them knowing and the top speed challenge carried on. With the large wolf a few cars length behind, the Gumpert and the Zonda accelerated up through the gears reaching nearly 200 miles an hour as they passed 2 miles. The Koenigsegg's grunting engine still managed to reach the 200 mph mark as it reached 2.4 miles and was now beginning to show it's top end acceleration through 6th and 7th gear as it honed in on the others until it slowly went past Kauto doing 245 miles an hour. The traction of all three cars seemed amazing and each car kept accelerating past 250. 'Christ this is scary!' Kauto shouted.

At the end of the 4 mild strip there was a speed trap box which flashed as the cars went past it. As the Zonda went past it first Ring Eye gently pressed on the brakes and slowed down while the others did the same and headed towards the small box to pick up there pieces of paper with the top speeds on. They all picked them up and hopped out of the cars near Ula. Kauto looked at his first.

'253 Holy S**T! What did you get Ring Eye?'

'Err hahaha 269. MW?'

'CHRIST! it's the weight advantage haha. Err.......................do I have to say mine?'

'Yeah come on wolfie.' Ula said.

'Well I got two hundred and fifty...................four! hahaha.' MW began jumping around smugly before putting the piece of paper in front of Kauto's face.

'WHAT! 254 miles an hour no way, how can you beat me by one mile an hour?'

'Well believe it hunk it's in black and white heh.'


'Heh sorry guys I kinda like winning sometimes.' MW hugged and apologised to Kauto. 'Shall we have say 2 more runs at that with us driving the other ones and see who can get the best top speed out of them all. Oh and then we'll head back and discuss what you wanted Ring Eye.' After the second run, MW achieved 259 miles an hour in the Gumpert with Ring Eye reaching 279 in the Zonda and Kauto somehow managing to reach 263 mph in the Koenigsegg. The black stallion seemed very happy and scared with that run and was looking forward to maxing the Zonda on the final run as much as possible. On the final run, Ring Eye had his best shifting through each gear and managed to max out the Gumpert doing 288 mph as he past the finish line. MW thrashed the Zonda but only managed to reach 250 mph while Kauto had messed up his final run in the Zonda and only reach 229 miles and hour. 'Awe what happened there Kauto?'

'Messed up the shifting heh, ah well drink anyone?'

'Yes please heh. Holy cow look at the tyres they're cooked, look at the steam coming off them heh I think that might be the last bit of driving we do today we'll have to find a service station later and change tyres. I wonder how Chet's getting on.' _____________________________________________________________ 'Heh right lets not try and spin this time Chet shall we hahaha. I know your incredibly strong and we can't really feel anything through our hooves heh, but try and press gently on the pedal and turn the steering wheel ok.'

'Ok, its rather difficult to get the right pressure on the pedal with large hooves heh.'

'And amazing leg muscles like you have haha.' As Chet blushed he also pulled away for a final lap and tried to put everything Falcon had told him into play. On the first two sweeping curves, he managed some small neat slides with the Shelby. 'Oow nice Chet, I think your starting to get the hang of it.'

'Thanks Falcon' Chet drove smoothly through the chicane and headed up towards the Eau Rouge replica. As he approached, the unforgiving slippery surface suddenly gave way and the rear tyres slid around. With lightning quick reactions, Falcon grabbed the steering wheel with Chet and turned it to the right to counter steer. The car straightened out and they carried on up the hill and around to the finish. 'Phew thanks for that bit of help heh.'

'Ha this surface is very weird.'

'Would you be able to show me how well you can drift?' Chet asked.

'Are you sure Chet? You won't feel nervous or anything if I do go mad heh'

'I'll stand and watch from here heh.'

'Ok, I'll hop in the Porsche and show you big guy. *nuzzle*' Falcon jumped out and into his white Porsche before he lined up next to the standing Chet. 'Ok, I'll do some small drifts on the first lap and then do some proper ones on the next. Oh and Chet, no TC heh'

'Ok I'll be watching on in interest and awe heh.' Falcon pulled away and drifted slightly around the first lap before turning up the revs and raced to the first corner again. With a quick tug on the handbrake, the back of the car swung around to 45 degrees before Falcon buried his hoof into the floor and counter steered through the first 2 turns. Chet's ears perked as he gasped, the Porsche approached the chicane and turned sharply into it before sliding furiously out. 'Wow!' Falcon took the complex up the hill flat out so he had the speed to slide the car around the whole of the last corner to the finish. The engine roared and the tyres spun endlessly as he caught the slide perfectly and drifted around back to Chet. As he got closer to the huge stallion he suddenly spun the car 360 degrees.

'Woooooooooh! How about that Chet?' The large horse stood in front of the Porsche clapping and with a large smile on his muzzle.

'Wow that was amazing. Where did you learn to do that?'

'I used to practice endlessly at a small track I knew back in Wales, I did drifting and actually track racing there when I was a..............err wiener haha. Fancy a drink and something to eat at all, there's a vegetarian bar over there.'

'Ok Falcon, I think the others are back. They look like they're having a rather serious conversation.' They walked over and bought a drink and a small snack each before joining the others.

'Oh hay guys how was your drifting Chet?' MW asked.

'Great, I need practice though heh.'

'I'm sure you'll get it soon, Ring Eye didn't you want a quick conversation?'

'Oh yeah, can we maybe sit in your car it's kind of important. Actually Falc if you come with us as well.'


'We'll only be a few minutes guys.' They headed over to the Koenigsegg and sat in. 'Ok go ahead Ring Eye.'

'Well first of all remember back in Vegas when you got rather angry over what happened to Falc.'

'Err yeah heh.'

'Well it's kinda related to that. You see when we were in Ula's motor home coming down here, I got a phone call from someone rather interesting.'

'You did? Who?' MW asked.


Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 13

'It was a Formula 1 team looking for sponsors and two drivers for next season.' Ring Eye explained. 'It was what?! Not being mean or anything Ring Eye, but why did you get that call and how did they get your number?' MW asked. 'I'm not sure...

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Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 11

After 3 days of sightseeing, gambling and strength testing MW, Kauto, Chet, Ula and the two drivers were all ready to leave Vegas and begin their journey back to Virginia. They decided to wake up early and get a quick start on the road to the Salt...

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Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 9

'Well guys, which hotel are we gunna choose?' MW asked as they walked back out of the Monte Carlo Casino. 'Lets have a walk around and have a look, it's only 5 o'clock, JEEZ we got here quick.' They strolled along together, taking in the...

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