Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 13

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#13 of MW and Kauto - Top Gear American Special

Ok here we are this is the last part of the Top Gear Special :'( The cliffhanger is answered, i don't know if anyone will like it but I hope you do heh. I kind of get angry at Kauto :'(

A very big thank you to Chester for allowing me to add him to the story and making it amazing heh

'It was a Formula 1 team looking for sponsors and two drivers for next season.' Ring Eye explained.

'It was what?! Not being mean or anything Ring Eye, but why did you get that call and how did they get your number?' MW asked.

'I'm not sure really, they said they had seen me during my early racing days and he was the one that offered me that contract which got turned down by my old manager. Well they've come back now and asked me if I'm willing to accept their offer again. I was wondering..............if I was to except the offer, whether Falc you would like to be the other driver with me and MW maybe err................' MW and Falcon suddenly panted and wheezed.

'*gulp* what is it Ring Eye?' MW asked.

'Well.......would you and Kauto like to be our err......sponsors?' MW and Falcon began coughing and panting even more in shock.

'Huh, god what?!'

'Let me explain, if everything worked out it would be me and Falc as the drivers, Frank and the others will still be our pit crew along with a few more of there own and you and Kauto as the investment and sponsors, with other sponsors as well.'

'Err you do realise how much it is to sponsor and invest in Formula 1?' MW asked.

'Yes I do actually, they said if I can get a sponsor or two, then the whole team would be able to get huge payouts and bonuses throughout the season.'

'Err how much?' Falcon quickly asked.

'Well they said they could get up to the best part of 100 million pounds over the season. And that's just between the drivers and the team. The sponsors get an even bigger bonus of around double that.'

'*thud*' MW and Falcon both dropped there heads onto the car doors as they fainted.

'Err guys can you come here quickly!' Kauto, Ula and Chet quickly ran over to the Koenigsegg.

'What's wrong. Oh god what have you done Ring Eye haha.'

'I kinda gave them the shocks of their lives I think.' Kauto and Ula helped the large wolf up while Chet help Falcon up off the car door and into the seat again. 10 minutes later they slowly awoke and looked at the tall figures standing by them on the outside of the car.

'Wha.......Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! God Kauto don't do that haha. What were we on about?'

'The offer MW.'

'Oh have you told them about it yet, you may as well now everyone is here.'

'Ok, try not to faint please heh.' Ring Eye filled them in on the discussion.

'So they offered you a seat in their car for next season, along with a fellow driver? I've got to ask, since when does an F1 team offer that kind of contract to a driver?.' Kauto asked.

'Apparently they've created a new Toyota team and are looking to build for the future. All they need are two drivers and sponsors. Awe come to think of it, how amazing would the car look if you had a wolf fur livery on one side and a horse fur livery on the other.'

'Or just a full wolf fur livery heh.' Kauto commented.

'Oow that would be good heh, but what about your NASCAR and our team?' MW asked.

'I've been thinking about that for most of the day, you see I absolutely love the NASCAR world and meeting everyone involved. But.....'

'What's wrong?' Falcon asked.

'Well you know how much I love F1, and how much I despise my old manager for rejecting that first offer I had. Well this might be an opportunity for me and all of us actually to see the world and actually go to the races while getting one back on him. Come on MW I know you are a huge fan of Formula 1 you told me you are.' MW quickly looked down.

'Is that true wolfie?' Ula asked as she cuddled him.

'Aha err yeah, I'm rather crazy on racing full stop. I'd love to help out with the sponsoring but I would need some help from you Kauto.'

'MW........is it me or am I right in saying you are being really serious about helping Ring Eye with this?' Kauto asked.

'Err...............yeah I am.'

'Thought so, but how are we going to afford it?'

'Well with your help Kauto it'll be ok, I won't be doing it without your help hunk. Come on what do you say, are we going to do this for Ring Eye and Falc or not?' The black stallion stood for a couple of minutes and thought about the whole situation before ducking back into the Koenigsegg.

'Aren't they bringing back the old V10's again next season, the one's with the amazing high pitched noise?'

'Yeah they are Kauto'

'Well then it looks as though I'm in heh.' Kauto shook MW's hand along with Ring Eye's and Falcons.

'Awe fantastic! They also have the bigger wings and aerodynamic plates coming next season as well.'

'They do? I can't imagine what they'll look like then, well Ring Eye it looks as though you two have a seat each in the Formula 1 next season. But what are you going to do about this season?'

'Well were going to give 100 percent until the end and try and win the title. Whether it's me or Falc nobody can take it away from us.'

'That's awesome, so how are you going to go from NASCAR racing around an oval to racing an F1 car around loads of fast twisty tracks, I mean Falc have you ever raced in those types of car?'

'Yeah I did Formula 4 racing for a season and a half until I got so wound up of not being in a reliable car that I moved to NASCAR heh.'

'Yeah and I had the period before NASCAR were I raced in single seaters for 5 years or so. As far going to that kind of format, I think me and Falc will be at a few tracks over the next few months getting used to the single seat car.'

'Why have you got a single seater car?' MW asked all confused.

'Yeah we own one as a team.' Kauto commented. 'Err Frank and me, we kept it in a Manufacturer's depot in Virginia.'

'Awe wow, so you mean you can use it when ever you want?' MW asked.

'Yeah, we ring up the manufacturer and they send it to whichever track we want with their own version of a pit crew with spare tyres and parts. It's pretty sweet.'

'It's not a Caparo T1 is it?'

'*Gasp* How the hell did you know that?' Kauto asked.

'Well it's kind of the only F1 style single seater that I know haha. I always thought those things were faulty?'

'Well you're right heh, but we modified it so every part is stronger and more reliable.'

'Oh nice. so Ring Eye did they say when everything would happen, you know like testing and contract signings etc.'

'Yeah I wrote some things down, it's in my car.' After fetching the piece of paper quickly, Ring Eye explained. 'If we were to accept the offer and got sponsors, which we have, then testing would be a month after the NASCAR season finishes in October. The contract signings are in September and if everything goes to plan we have a race in March at Melbourne in Australia hehe.'

'Fantastic, but there's one thing that worries me. You're not worried by the dangers at all are you?' MW asked.

'MW I know you're worried about that, but if you look at Formula 1 now it's a hell of a lot more safer than it used to be and the cars are a lot more reliable.'

'Yeah I suppose your right, but have you two considered your err height, I mean Falc your 9 feet tall and ring Eye your as tall as us at 10 feet tall, how on earth do you expect to fit into an F1 car?!' Kauto asked.

'Oh don't worry about that, most of the drivers are between 8 and 11 feet tall anyway. You see since about 8 years ago the cars were only good for smaller furs, but they've been changed dramatically over the last few years and taller and bigger furs are now driving heh.'

'Oh right, ok this sounds pretty good then. We'd better get a move on and head home it's getting late and we've been here for 5 hours heh. As the cars are pretty hot and the tyres are shredded shall we head back in the motor home together?' MW asked. Everyone liked the idea and quickly hooked the cars back into the motor home and headed off with the large black stallion driving with MW and Ula next to him in the front along with the dogs and the others enjoying the evening sun next to the open windows.

'So are we going to stop somewhere or just keep driving?' Kauto asked with MW wrapping his arms around him.

'Oh we can keep driving, we'll swap around from time to time so we get a break each. Do you reckon we can make it really cold in here Ula?'

'Err yeah, the air con will go as low as -5 so we can make it cool if you want.' MW leaned forward and switched the air conditioning to 3 degrees. 'Woe how cold do you want it in here?'

'Very it's sweltering in here heh. Oh man that's nice'

'Phew that is nice. Are you guys ok back there?' Kauto shouted.

'Awe it's fantastic in here heh. Ring Eye's on the phone again talking to someone, it's sounds pretty important.' Falcon replied.

'Oh we'd better be quiet for a minute then.' After 10 minutes of blabbering on the phone, Ring Eye finally came off the phone and gave a quick sigh of relief.

'God almighty, they really want to sort this out quickly. The Toyota team will meet us at the next NASCAR venue in Vegas to have a proper chat about it.'

'This whole situation is generally exciting heh. I hope it works out for everyone.' Chet commented.

'So do we Chet it could be really exiting for everyone. I think we may as well leave it though for now, I'm starting to get fed up thinking about it heh.' Ring Eye said.

'Good idea, I'm actually getting tired from this sun do you mind if I had a sleep Ula?' Falcon asked.

'Why are you asking, you can do whatever Falcon. There's 2 beds in the back and 5 in the middle by were you are take your pick heh.'

'Oh thanks.'

'I think I'll join you Falc, shall we go in the back?' Ring Eye asked.

'Yeah ok, we'll see you guys tomorrow probably.'

'Ok, coming over here Chet?' MW asked before the chestnut stallion walked to the front and sat behind the 3 in the front while the drivers fell asleep in the back beds together with the dogs on them after running through the motor home.. 'so Chet I was wondering, err what will you do when we get back?'

'Well I'll need to sort everything out on the farm heh, I think it's going to have some very long grass and stuff that'll need cutting and then maybe just enjoy myself.'

'Oh nice, you know this competition we qualified for. Well it's only a week after we come back from the Vegas race so we'll be leaving for the race in about 5 days and be back about a week after that. Before heading out to Australia for the competition so don't forget to prepare for that will you, even though you don't heh.' MW said as he gently squeezed Chet's bicep.

'Heh, oh I'll have all the preparation I need don't worry hehe. I don't know about going up against you guys though.'

'What! Were more afraid of going up against you big guy. I mean look at the definition in those muscles, your abs and upper body are awesome. As well as the rest of you hehe.' MW said as he began to rub the blushing horses' ridges on his pecs and score his claws through the striations. 'Man, Chet your sexy heh. *nuzzle*' The stallion then moved his own hand over the large wolf's traps and squeezed them hard. 'Awe!'

'Oops sorry MW.' Chet apologised with a small blush.

'Why are you apologising Chet? That felt wonderful.'

'Oh I thought I hurt you.'

'Oh no, it felt awesome and actually relieves tension when you do it. Turn around a sec Chet.' As the stallion turned, MW placed his large hands on Chet's traps and squeezed tightly. 'Hay stop tensing Chet you're muscles are hard enough as it is haha.'

'Hehe sorry........................Ngh, Mmmmmmmmmmm. Wow your right it is wonderful, Falcon was going to give me a full body massage in Vegas, but he kind of lost the will to squeeze once he had done my legs hehe.'

'Well would you like one now Chet, I'll try and give you one while were heading back.'

'Err yeah ok thanks MW.' After lunging over the seat and into the back, MW sat on the large couch in the motor home with Chet lying on him with his back facing upwards, while Ula moved closer to Kauto. For a minute the large wolf went into a trance as he took in all the bulges and ridges on the horse's back.

'Awe man, now that's a well worked back heh. Right I'll start at your shoulders and work down your back ok Chet.'

'Ok.' To begin with, MW stroked Chet's shoulders to get some more heat into the muscles before he started digging his palms into the large trap muscles again. The huge bulges didn't budge at first until MW began to squeeze hard. 'God almighty, your solid Chet heh, I'm going to have to put a little bit of effort into this massage haha.'

'Ngh!' Chet moaned as MW clutched and compressed the large bulges on his shoulders. Chet continued to moan in pleasure as the large wolf worked very hard on his neck and shoulder muscles, while sometimes giving soft gnaws on his neck being careful at the same time with his 10 inch sabre-teeth. MW moved down to Chet's large lats and performed a few effleurage strokes and cross fibre rubbings to liven up the muscle tissue. He then pushed his knuckles into the tissue instead of his claws as he thought they might hurt his stallion friend. 'Jeez, this massage is hard to perform on you haha.'

'Oh, I'm surprised you can actually give me a massage, most people aren't able to squeeze or massage my muscles.'

'Well I'm struggling here heh, they're like diamonds. Actually they're harder than diamonds, and your not even flexing. Man that makes me feel so horny when I think about that heh.' Chet playfully waggled his tail over MW's face while he stroked and squeezed his lower back. 'Turn over Chet.' As he turned over and showed MW his huge, and amazing front image the large wolf gave a loving smile. He then began to get increasingly aroused by the feeling of Chet's crazy hard muscles. After gazing at the perfect cut set of abs, he tried to push his wolf paws hard into the blocks of stone. 'holy cow, they're not budging are they heh.' Moving up to his hard pecs, MW once again tried to squeeze the powerful tissue, but once again Chet's muscles wouldn't budge. 'Awe come on this is not fair, is your whole body made from large pieces of granite Chet?'

'Hehe, your no slouch though MW.' Chet replied as he looked up at the wolf's upper body and moved his hand over his furry abs. 'How did you get that colour by the way?'

'What, Red, Green, Black and Grey?'

'Yeah it's a very err strange mix for a wolf.'

'It is isn't it, I actually don't have any idea were I got it from to be honest. I was actually only black and grey during my very young days, and then suddenly I started to turn green and red as well.'

'Oh that's strange heh.' Chet replied as he sat up next to MW.

'I know heh. Oh err Chet would you like this?' MW asked as he handed the stallion a plastic card from his luggage bag.

'What is it?'

'It's a membership card for my gym, it's yours for free heh.'

'Wha, are you serious?'

'Yes of course.'

'Wow, err thanks so much MW. Have you got err..........'

'Big enough weights? Haha yes there's a line of weight rooms that go from light weights up to tonne weights. Oh and Chet there's a brand new speciality area with trains and large machinery you can have some fun in heh..............whoa' MW reacted as Chet suddenly hugged him.

'Haha, it looks like MW has told Chet about the gym membership heh.' Kauto said as he quickly looked back at the two hugging. _____________________________________________________________ 'Kauto you've driven 280 miles, do you want to swap and have a rest?' Ula asked.

'Err ok Ula I think I'll join Falc and Ring Eye in the back. Man they sleep like babies heh.'

'Awe stay in the front Kauto with us.' MW said who was now back in the front with Chet.

'Oh ok, are you having a sleep guys?'

'Err yeah we can do. You'll be ok won't you Ula?'

'Yeah I'll be fine wolfie.'

'Ok, if you get tired just stop somewhere and we'll carry on tomorrow.' Suddenly MW yawned revealing his huge jaw and teeth.

'S**T! god you can at least tell me when your going to yawn next to me heh.'

'Ugh, oh sorry Kauto I'm tired that's all.'

'Actually open your jaw again hunk.' As MW opened his large jaw again, Kauto peered inside. 'I reckon you need some bigger and sharper nashers in there.'

'Did you just say what I thought you did, why would I need bigger teeth aren't mine big enough already?'

'Well...the thing is you have a very large jaw hunk and I just think you need to accommodate that space with some very large and sharp teeth. You should have some of my seed, your claws and teeth seem to get bigger and a hell of a lot stronger when you do. When we go down for the race week, I want you to have a set of hugely sharp teeth and I want you to show them to the world as well.'

'But I'll look like a monster, and people will be staring at me.'

'Nonsense, you need to have a set of monster teeth that can rip through anything to follow that huge body of yours heh.' MW looked down at himself before gawking in the rear view mirror.

'Look, if they get any bigger I won't be able to move my mouth or even eat anything never mind ripping through stuff.'

'Rubbish look at your jaw, you have huge traps and a hugely powerful jaw with loads of room in there for bigger teeth. Anyway your sabre's need thickening and strengthening some more to make you look like a proper wolf, they look a bit small I think heh.'

'What! Oh thanks a lot Kauto.' Suddenly MW got up and jumped into the back before setting himself angrily onto the couch on the far side, somehow without waking the two drivers up.

'Oh bollocks why did I say that, I know how much he loves his sabres and I just go and say that. I'm such a goof' Ula and Kauto both turned around and looked back to MW lying on the couch looking incredibly angry. 'MW I'm sorry.'

'I think you'd better leave him for now Kauto he looks.....well just let him have a few minutes to calm down. You didn't say anything nasty, I just think he misunderstood what you meant that's all. You two have a sleep and see how he feels in the morning.'

'Yeah perhaps your right, I didn't mean to offend the big wolfie.' Kauto replied as he stared at the angry wolf sadly. 'Well I guess we'll see you in the morning Ula.' After another 2 hours of travelling Ula stopped in a service station at midnight in Kansas and quietly hopped in the back to check on MW, he raised his arm so Ula could snuggle up to him.

'Are you ok honey?'

'*huff* Man I can't sleep because I feel so bad now, Kauto didn't even mean anything horrible and I just flipped for no apparent reason. I really need to sort out my anger sometimes, as soon as he wakes up tomorrow I'm apologising to the big guy and buying him something for breakfast. He's my best mate and I just go and have a pop at him like that, *sniffle*'

'Awe wolfie, don't worry about it you two love each other I'm sure you'll sort it out within a few seconds with a chat.'

'I hope so, I just misunderstood what he said that was all.'

'Come on, lets leave it to the morning and gets some sleep.'

'*sniffle* ok.' They snuggled up together and slept through the night until 8am the next morning.

'Nnngghhhh, phew how are you Kauto?' Chet asked as he woke up and stretched off.

'Fantastic, sleep well Chet?'

'Yeah it wasn't too bad.' Suddenly MW walked out of the shower with a large towel around him. Kauto gave a worried stare to the wolf as he walked towards them.

'Err before you say anything Kauto I want to apologise for my horrific attitude last night, I was a complete idiot the way I reacted to you, especially since you didn't even say anything horrible and err I would like to buy you breakfast this morning hunk.'

'*sniffle* awe shucks, come here.' Kauto grabbed the large wolf and they hugged warmly. 'I knew that wasn't really you last night heh, I also want to say sorry for what I said it wasn't the nicest thing in the world to say. Shall we forget the whole thing and move on.'

'Ok, the thing is though I had a little think about what you said and after a while I finally managed to see it through your eyes. I think it's a swell idea and I'd love to have a bigger set of teeth heh. But we'll do it on the way back to Vegas hunk, that way we can have as much fun as we like heh. Whoa!' Kauto swiftly moved his muzzle to MW and gave him a big fat kiss.

'You're the best MW. I'll take a shower and we'll go and have breakfast.'

'Ok hunk.'

'Well the falling out didn't last long haha. Can we join you MW?' Chet asked.

'Definitely in fact I'll buy everyone's breakfast for this morning, oh err Chet I just want to say sorry to you as well for acting like that in front of you. I mean Kauto didn't even do anything really.'

'Oh don't worry, everyone's made up now heh.'

'I know but I just feel so bad because of the way I acted over nothing.' MW replied as Ula and the two drivers walked out of the mini kitchen towards them.

'Hey MW we just heard what happened last night, you seem pretty sad now just let it go you can't say sorry anymore than you have can you.'

'Yeah Falcon's right, just let it go. I mean your paying for our breakfast this morning right, lets leave this and enjoy the rest of the journey back ok.' Chet said rather seriously.

'Yeah your right. Ok I'll dry off and let you guys get ready.' 15 minutes later everyone was ready and they headed off to get their breakfast. _____________________________________________________________ 'Mmm, thanks for that MW it was wonderful.'

'Your welcome Kauto. Right shall we head off?'

'Yes, who's going to drive today then?'

'We will if you want guys, we'll swap and change.' Ring Eye commented.

'Ok.' MW replied. _____________________________________________________________ After a 2 day journey in the motor home and a few visits to some cities to find tyres for the cars they finally reached Norfolk in Virginia. 'Well guys we're back in good old Norfolk, Virginia. Man what a trip that was.'

'Wow that was the best trip I have ever had.' Kauto replied as they headed up MW's driveway. 'I don't know whether it was a top gear trip but who cares it was fun heh.'

'Wow MW this place is huge.' Ula shouted.

'It is isn't it. Hay speaking about Top Gear, I've just thought of something, which cars did each of us like the most?'

'Oh god, err well it's got to either be your Koenigsegg MW or Chet's Shelby for me. I'm more leaned towards the Shelby as it's a muscle car heh. What about you?'

'Oh I like your Gumpert, but then again I've fallen in love with the Mazda as well but none of you guys have driven it have you. I'll have to say the Gumpert then, the noise from that engine is the best sound I have ever heard and then obviously all the gadgets and missiles in the thing heh. Chet?'

'Oh err I really don't know, because I like all of them.'

'That's ok it just means there's a vote for every car then heh, err Falc?'

'Oh mine is definitely the Zonda, I just love the looks of it and the noise is fabulous, what about you Ring Eye?'

'Oh I'm going to be awkward here and say your Porsche haha I can't get enough of that twitchy handling and the white looks are awesome.'

'Which one do you like Ula?'

'I agree with Chet I like all of them heh.'

'Oh great so we have a tie haha.' MW said.

'Well then lets just say that they are all the best and leave it at that heh.' Kauto suggested.

'Yeah that's good idea. Well then, its what 6 o'clock. Shall we enjoy the rest of the evening and whine down?'

'Yeah sounds good, will you stay for tonight Chet and head back in the morning?' Kauto asked.

'Err..........yeah I won't get much done today so yeah I'll stay for the night.'

'Fantastic.' Everyone sat down together on the grass bank next to the sticky lake which was still somehow sending wafts of musky sent into the air and reflected on the amazing tour across central America before falling to sleep again.

Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 11

After 3 days of sightseeing, gambling and strength testing MW, Kauto, Chet, Ula and the two drivers were all ready to leave Vegas and begin their journey back to Virginia. They decided to wake up early and get a quick start on the road to the Salt...

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Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 12

After 50 minutes of travelling, MW and Ula were approaching Salt Lake City. The fem wolf had fallen asleep on the warm muscular wolf's huge arm, as a result MW had driven all the way with one hand on the steering wheel and his other arm wrapped warmly...

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Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 9

'Well guys, which hotel are we gunna choose?' MW asked as they walked back out of the Monte Carlo Casino. 'Lets have a walk around and have a look, it's only 5 o'clock, JEEZ we got here quick.' They strolled along together, taking in the...

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