Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 11

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#12 of MW and Kauto - Top Gear American Special

This is just a quick part were we get to know Ula (MW's girlfriend) a bit more :)

After 3 days of sightseeing, gambling and strength testing MW, Kauto, Chet, Ula and the two drivers were all ready to leave Vegas and begin their journey back to Virginia. They decided to wake up early and get a quick start on the road to the Salt Flats. As Kauto went into the shower, Ula and MW stayed in bed for a few more minutes while the huge horse hunk enjoyed his shower. The fem wolf cuddled up to MW and stroked him again.

'Mmmmm......Whoa wow Ula.' MW said as he moved his hands to Ula's midsection. 'You have amazing abs as well, do you like to keep yourself fit?'

'Awe thanks honey *kiss*. I do like to workout and keep myself strong.'

'So have you worked in Vegas for long?'

'I haven't actually, my father moved away only last year and I moved into the house about 6 months ago. I decided to take up a part time job here and make a little money for myself.'

'Oh that's good. So what did you do before you moved to Vegas?'

'I don't know if you'll believe when I say this but, I use to be a commentator in the ARCA and the Nationwide Series of NASCAR. I'm now waiting until the 10th race of the big League that you guys are in, I'll be doing the commentating for Fox from then on hehe.' MW's jaw dropped and his eyes widened hugely.

'No way! You must know Falcon then pretty well he was in the Nationwide Series last year. He drove the orange and black number 45 car and won the championship.'

'Oh yeah now I remember heh, I wondered were I had heard that name before. Wow he was a good driver when I saw him, did he ever tell you what happened to him after he had actually won that championship?' Ula asked.

'Err I don't think so no.'

'Actually I shouldn't have brought that up, he'll probably not like me if I tell you.'

'Hang on a second, I'll go and see if he's awake.' The large wolf hopped out of bed and called Falcon out of his room.

'Hay MW.'

'Hi Falc, do you mind just coming in here a minute. Ula's the commentator on the NASCAR how about that. She just mentioned something that happened to you after you won that championship last season. Would you like to share that at all I'm curious.'

'Ula....Ula...Oh now I remember, MW you should actually listen to some of her interviews and her commentary its amazing. That thing your on about is a bit......err I don't like to think about it too much wolfie. I guess I could tell you though.' MW wrapped his arm around Falcon and sat on the bed with him, while Ula got up and hugged up to MW. 'Well you see after I had won that last race and the championship, my manager thought it would be a good idea and not pay the teams wages or expenses to the racing league. I ended up winning the Championship and paying everything off myself, otherwise I would have been stripped of the championship and the team championship. After that I had next to nothing as far as money goes. My sponsors pulled out immediately because of what he did and I had to use all my winnings for the team bills. *sniffle*'

'Christ almighty, do you mind if I ask who your manager was?' Falcon gave MW the name of his old manager and immediately MW got angry.

'Your joking, tell me your joking Falc.'

'No I'm not, why what's wrong?' MW began to squeeze his fist and looked down at the floor.

'He's Ring Eye's old manager from when he first started racing. He did the same to that poor old guy. Kauto told me about it a few days ago..................Argh! what a complete *******. *clunk*' The huge wolf stood up and gave a thunderous kick to the wall in front of him. A huge gaping hole appeared and Chet and Ring Eye could now be seen through the wall. The two furs in the other room jumped out of bed in fear and shock before they ran through and into the other bedroom. Kauto meanwhile heard the loud bang and slipped in the bath as he jumped. He quickly got out and wrapped a towel around his huge body before going into the bedroom.

'What on earth is going on man! Who made that hole, they scared the living daylights out of me.'

'*huff* sorry hunk, Falc just told me something that's angered me.'

'Well obviously heh I hate it when you get angry hunk. What is it?' The angry wolf explained to them, before Kauto and Ring Eye both collapsed to the floor while Chet couldn't get his thoughts together. After helping them back up, everyone tried to calm down. 'I've got something else you might want to know as well, he's now the manager of two more young drivers in that league and I know which ones.'

'Well as soon as we get to the next race week, we're going to sort him out because every manager has to be at the Vegas meeting for media reasons on the Friday after their race.'

'Yeah that's a good idea he deserves a beating heh.'

'Whoa, hunk we don't have to knock him out heh, just get him out of racing.'

'Oh sorry hehe.' Ula walked over to the large hole in the wall and was amazed that MW hadn't injured or hurt himself.

'How are you not hurt from making that hole honey?' She slowly looked at her hunky wolf and walked over. 'Actually you don't have to answer that question heh I can see what the answer is heh. *kiss*'

'Aha, I need to control my anger sometimes hehe. We'd better start thinking about heading off, we're going to the Salt Flats this morning Ula do you fancy coming?'

'Are they those large places were people go with cars?'

'Yeah, they try and go as fast as possible.'

'Oh I'd love to. What cars do you guys have?' Suddenly they all looked at each other and smiled.

'I think it's be best if we show you, you might be shocked. We'll all get ready and then head off and show you hehe.' After a quick shower and clear up everyone packed up and headed out of the hotel suite and down to the Monte Carlo multi story car park. MW quickly paid for the stay and followed suit. Ula began to get rather excited and encouraged everyone to walk faster. Before they entered the multi story, MW stopped and had an idea. 'Hay guys why don't we go in one at a time and drive out in our own car. Would you like that Ula?'

'Oow, your just trying to make he excited now aren't you heh.'

'Yes icon_biggrin.gif ok who wants to go in first? Go on Chet.' The large chestnut horse walked in and revved up his Shelby.

'Woe, was that Chet?'

'Yep.' He drove out of the exit and Ula jumped upwards in shock.

'OMG! Chet this is yours, wow it's so...........sexy heh.' She walked around the front of the car as the blushing horse got out.

'I guess you love Muscle cars Ula?' MW asked.

'Yeah there my favourite types of car.'

'Well Kauto has a Camaro, but it's not here unfortunately'

'Awe. What do you have then Kauto?'

'Go on hunk, go and get your beast hehe' 'Beast?'

'Heh yeah it's kind of ridiculous what Kauto has.' The large stallion turned on the engine and revved, making an unbelievably eerie squealing rumble.

'Eek, man what was that honey?!'

'That was the sound of...........a Gumpert' MW said as Kauto drove out of the exit.

'A Gumpert..............Wow! What was that eerie squeal Kauto?'

'It's the two superchargers in the engine, they are pretty loud aren't they heh. Do you like it?'

'It's absolutely insane, I love it heh.'

'Ula, Err If you were to pick your most favourite car in the world what would it be?' MW asked.

'Hmm I'm not sure, I like Porsche's but probably Chet's Shelby actually I love muscle cars hehe.' Chet blushed deeply and smiled at the complement.

'Falcon has a Porsche, do you like cars like Kauto's? You know big crazy ones heh.'

'I like most cars honey.'

'Oh good, if we save some time and get the others you can see which one you like the most. What do you drive by the way Ula?'

'I have a few cars actually, I like my E-Wolf E2 heh and my Mazda Furai but that's a concept car I got from my father hehe. *Thud!* Falcon and Ring Eye both clattered into each other before falling to the floor as they fainted.

'Whoa!! I have no clew in the world what those cars are honey, but it looks as though Falc and Ring Eye do.' Kauto and Chet helped the two drivers up, they slowly came around and couldn't believe what Ula had just said. 'Are you guys ok? You obviously know what those cars are then heh.'

'Phew, heh yeah. Ula are you being serious I mean the Mazda is as you said a concept car, you can't buy them I thought.'

'Hehe I get them when I go to different car shows at each circuit with the racing, haven't you guys seen them. They're at every venue, if you see a car you like you can bid and they have all the concept cars at the end of each show. That's when I kind of start to go crazy hehe.'

'I've never seen them before. Hang on, Do you mean to say you have loads of them?' 'Err........yeah hehe, you can come and have a look if you want to, I live in Boulder City, it's on the way to the Salt Flats would you like to come round quickly and have a look?'

'Sure thanks Ula.' MW, Ring Eye and Falcon swiftly got their cars out of the multi story and brought them to the exit, they gave Ula the choice of which car she and MW would like to go in together. She chose to go in MW's Koenigsegg with him and have the roof open while the others all hopped in their own cars and headed off. Ula looked around the interior of the car and raised her arm over her wolf.

'I love the interior, the white trim is really nice.'

'It's nice isn't it. Uh oh hold your ears Ula, Kauto's coming past oh and Ring Eye hold them tightly, unless you want to here them heh.' Ring Eye decided to pull along Kauto on the 3 lane highway and race past the Koenigsegg in sink. As they went past, the two wolves howled loudly in tune with the hyper cars, nearly making as much noise as the superchargers.

'Woooooooooooh heh, man I can't wait to see your place Ula and see your cars, especially that Mazda it sounds pretty menacing heh.'

'Oh it is, I love it. Would you like to know some of the specs of it.'

'Oow go ahead.'

'Ok well the engine is a sweet little 3-rotor Wankel Engine heh. It has 458 bhp and gets to 60 in about 4 seconds. Oh and it's a pretty sexy car as well hehe.'

'Wow a Wankel engine that sounds really good I can't wait.'

'Well put your foot down wolfie, your falling behind heh. *kiss*'

'Oh god hehe, ok hang on.' MW slammed his huge foot on the pedal and raced away to catch up. Ula howled again and fell in love with the speed, as well as MW's driving skills. They reached Boulder City and everyone fell in behind MW's Koenigsegg and followed him to Ula's huge plot.

'Next left honey and then turn in the first driveway on the right.' As they reached the entrance to the property, MW gasped as he looked down the long straight driveway and saw the huge house at the end.

'Man! This is amazing Ula.'

'Thanks, if you head around to the left, the garage is at the back.'

'This is a bit like my mansion, you head around to the back to get to garage heh. Oh my god wow.' MW reacted as he saw the 4 story garage building appearing into view. 'it's a museum not a garage heh.' They got out and proceeded towards the garage plot.

'Wow this is a fantastic place Ula.'

'Thanks Kauto. I think you'll like this bit even more though heh.' They walked through the door on the side, MW, Kauto and Chet all had to squeeze but managed to fit through. Immediately in front of them were a few small race cars. On the second floor there were some more racing motors and a whole host of Muscle Cars while the top two floors were the specialty of the garage as this is were the concept cars were kept. 'Ok guys, try not to get too excited heh.' She cuddled up to MW and opened the door. The third floor was littered with expensive concept cars from many manufacturers like BMW and even Ferrari. Chet swiftly headed over to the Shelby concept in the far corner while Falcon and Ring Eye looked at the Le Mans Raptor in the other corner. Kauto headed over to a BMW X9 concept. 'Would you like to see my favourite one MW? The Mazda.'

'Ok Ula.' They walked up to the top floor while holding each other warmly and Ula nosing the large wolf's arm.

'Well it's behind that curtain hehe, close your eyes wolfie.' She pulled open the curtain and quickly grabbed MW's arm again. 'Ok hulk, open your eyes.'

'Hulk? Heh.' *thud* MW fell to the floor as he saw the amazing Mazda Furai in front of him. Ula fell on top of him as she was holding his arm at the time.

'Whoa, Err MW?' Ula quickly moved up MW's body and lifted his head off the floor. She stroked the back of his head along with his monster pecs. The heavy wolf slowly awoke again and smiled as he looked up at Ula. 'Are you alright honey?'

'Ugh sorry heh I'm ok. I tend to faint if I get a little shock hehe.' He stood up with Ula's help and gave her a warm kiss and hug. 'We should enjoy a night together some time. *kiss*'

'I'll look forward to it.'

'Your Mazda is absolutely awesome Ula, will you be bringing to Virginia with us?'

'Err I could do yeah. But..............'

'What's wrong?'

'I loved being with you in the Koenigsegg, I'd rather be with you than drive on my own, can we sort something out honey?'

'Err yeah sure.'

'Hay wolfie I have an idea, do you like motor homes at all?'

'Yeah I like them.'

'Well I have a rather large one downstairs which can hold up to 5 cars. Maybe we could drive to the Salt Flats and then Virginia with the motor home and we could go in the Mazda together.' Ula suggested.

'Wow that is the best idea I have ever heard hehe. Do you reckon I'll fit in the Mazda though?' Ula looked up at MW and laid her head on his bulging furry pecs.

'I do honey, the car is huge inside heh, just like your huge err..........all over hehe. Go ahead have a seat inside.' He sat in the incredibly large car and fitted perfectly inside. Ula moved in next to him and showed MW the interior. 'Wow this is a sexy car Ula, it definitely suits you.' She moved over to the wolf and stroked him yet again.

'Wolfie, would you like to drive it to the Salt Flats?' his eyes opened widely as he looked down at Ula on his pecs.

'Are you being serious Ula?'

'Yes of course I am honey. I was thinking the others would like to take the motor home and....err maybe we could go down in the Mazda together?'

'Yeah I would love that, I know Kauto and the two drivers love driving round in motor homes, they used to do that from race to race. I don't know about Chet but I'm sure he'll love it.'

'Fantastic. Well go on honey turn the key and drive down to them.'

'Eek, ok.' The hunky wolf turned the key and the Wankel Engine raced through the revs to 9500 rpm. 'Whoa, that sounds like Ring Eye's Zonda, just without the insane supercharger heh.' With Ula still stuck to his arm, MW slowly drove through the top floor and down to the lower level to meet the others. Everyone on the third floor meanwhile had headed over to a very sleek looking Radical. They all turned around suddenly as the wolves came down in the Mazda and gasped in awe.

'JEEZ! Wow Ula what's that awesome beast?' Kauto asked.

'It's the Mazda I told you about Kauto heh.' They got out and explained to the others about the motor home, everyone got excited and headed down to it.

'What the, I thought you said you had a motor home not a house haha. God it's huge Ula.'

'Hehe, hop in guys and have a look around. Hey wolfie, follow me I think you'll like this.' They cuddled up and walked to the rear of the enormous motor coach and Ula pressed a button on the bumper. Suddenly the side of the motor home opened out to reveal an incredibly large space for five cars. MW's tongue hung out and his humungous teeth were shown to the world.

'Oow nice nashers wolfie hehe.'

' icon_redface.gif This is amazing, how does it fit on the road heh.'

'It's just a very big coach really, shall we have a quick look inside as well.'

'Ok.' The inside of the motor home was very large and had a marble floor with plasma TV's and room for 6 very large furs.

'Your motor home is stunning Ula, it even holds our weight tremendously heh.'

'Thanks Kauto, you guys can drive it to the Salt Flats and enjoy yourselves as much as you like.'

'Awe thanks so much. Shall we head off then?'

'Yeah sure.' Ula agreed.

'Ok enjoy yourselves together hehe.'

'Oh we will, don't enjoy yourselves too much will you hunk haha, Ok we'll meet you at the Flats guys.' Kauto decided to drive the enormous motor home while Ula asked MW to drive them down in the Mazda. All the cars were hucked up inside the motor home and they headed off. The wolves also hopped in the Mazda and drove out of the garage, before making their way to the flats.

'Can I give the car a little rev Ula?'

'Of course wolfie, he ya press that orange button and listen to the car as you rev it.' MW pressed the exhaust release button and revved the car. The noise suddenly doubled as the exhausts opened up and screamed perfectly with the engine.

'Wooooh what a noise. Mmmmm.' MW said as he raised his huge warm arm over Ula and hugged her. They all blasted down the highway to the Salt Flats with everyone in the motor home sitting next to a window with the wind blowing through their fur. The Flats were an hour away so they would be there by dinner time and have all afternoon to enjoy some drag racing and top speed challenges before heading home on their long journey.

Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 12

After 50 minutes of travelling, MW and Ula were approaching Salt Lake City. The fem wolf had fallen asleep on the warm muscular wolf's huge arm, as a result MW had driven all the way with one hand on the steering wheel and his other arm wrapped warmly...

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Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 9

'Well guys, which hotel are we gunna choose?' MW asked as they walked back out of the Monte Carlo Casino. 'Lets have a walk around and have a look, it's only 5 o'clock, JEEZ we got here quick.' They strolled along together, taking in the...

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Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 10

Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 10 (O.O) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 'Well hunk shall where shall we go, how about Casino Royale?' MW asked....

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