Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 10

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#9 of MW and Kauto - Top Gear American Special

MW has a new girlfriend possible hehe and everyone enhoys a great night out in Vegas. I want to say quick thankyou though to Chester Chester's page for suggesting some amazing ideas for this part :D

Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 10 (O.O) _____________________________________________________________ 'Well hunk shall where shall we go, how about Casino Royale?' MW asked.

'Err Falc told me that place had low ceilings and we'll be ducking all the way through it heh. He did say though that Planet Hollywood is a good one and has four story high roofs. Maybe we could try there?'

'Yeah ok hunk.' As they strolled down the strip towards the casino, the two muscle tanks noticed the lights on all of the buildings were beginning to turn on. 'Awe wow look at that hunk.'

'Wow that's amazing. There's Planet Hollywood lets go in quick.' They walked up and in to the casino were they found a whole host of roulette tables and slots, with a large poker room in the back. 'Oow nice' They walked around the casino, looking at all the different games available. They were easily the tallest, and biggest furs in the building, which resulted in a few more stares. But these stares were slightly friendlier as nearly everyone greeted the two hunks in nothing but a large pair of shorts each. 'do you want a game of poker?'

'Yeah ok.'

'Ok I'll just go and gets some chips for us and meet you at a table' MW walked over to the Chips desk and looked at the offers on the board. The wolf decided to get the Hollywood card which aloud 300,000 chips for $350. He returned to Kauto who was sitting at one of the Poker tables with an incredibly large amount of chips.

'Jesus wolfie, are you planning on a big game heh.'

'Oh yeah. Be careful hunk when you sit down, don't break the chair hehe.'

'Hay don't give me that, you weigh close to what I do so keep quiet hahaha.' They sat down together with a female wolf fur dealer and began there game. MW got a few glares from the dealer next to him as she looked at him, the huge wolf nodded in appreciation at the pretty wolf with a smile. _____________________________________________________________ Chet and the two drivers meanwhile were in the 24 hour fitness centre, walking into the gym. The gym was littered with machines and weights suitable for fitness athletes and beginners. The weights also suited furs ranging from beginners to elite competitors. But would it be suitable for the three enormous furs, especially Chet.

'Ok shall we have a quick warm up and then blast this gym heh.' Falcon said as he headed towards the large running machines.

'Err yeah ok, but will those machines hold our weight?'

'Lets find out, if can't hold my weight it's certainly not gunna hold your awesome weight Chet heh.' Falcon stepped onto the treadmill, the machine buckled slightly and moaned as the large horse stepped on. 'No is the answer heh, I'm just standing on it and it's making noises. I think we'll have to just use some weights instead.' Eager to start they're workout the furs couldn't find any weights that presented a good workout for them. 'Ugh this sucks, what are we going to do? Whoa!' Falcon suddenly jumped backwards slightly as Chet began tossing the weights on top of each other. The huge horse grabbed a thick metal bar and placed it on a bench, before he began placing large 100 Kg weights onto both sides.

'Right, shall we see how heavy this is?'

'Jeez, what's that 8, 100 Kg's on both sides wow 1600 Kilograms ok now I want to see you lift this Chet heh.' Falcon said with his eyes wide open.

'Pretty much heh, this is light though guys come on.' Chet grinned.

'Well the bar may snap, but go ahead Chet you first hunk heh.' Ring Eye and Falcon both gave a tap on Chet's back as the Chestnut horse walked up to the bench and lowered himself under the bar. Placing his meaty hands around the bar, he gave himself a firm grip and easily lifted the bar off the rack. His biceps bulged as the bar rose into the air and then down to the large plaques of muscle on his chest. With little ease the bar rose up and down several times and the chestnut horse showed no signs of tiring. After placing the bar on the rack he sat up feeling fresh. His body was not fully pumped and even showed signs that he was only just starting. The two drivers moved closer and ran their hands over the impossibly hard muscle on Chet's chest and back, making the stallion moan slightly in pleasure. Going along the rocky landscape on his body, the two drivers ran their hands through every deep groove and over every solid mound on his upper body, with Falcon stroking his back and Ring Eye doing the same on his perfect abs and pecs. As Falcon moved over Chet's shoulders he dug his hands into the trapezius muscles, or at least tried to. The muscles were so hard and strong that the driver had to use both of his hands on one muscle, With Ring Eye using two hands on his other shoulder.

'Man Chet you're the hardest fur I've ever massaged heh.' The equine driver said.

'Ngh, why have you done this before Falc?'

'He used to be a sports massager Chet heh.' Ring Eye commented.

'Is....mmmm......is that right Falc?'

'Yeah, before I was a racing driver I spent 5 years as a physiotherapist, doing sports massage and helping other drivers with injuries they happened to get during the races.'

'Ngh, wow so how did you become a driver?'

'Oh I did racing in the evening, and then gave up the job to prolong my racing.' After a 10 minute period of hard squeezing and nuzzling, they went back to there workout.

'Chet you can probably lift that 1600 Kg with one hand heh.' Grabbing the huge bar with one hand, Chet playfully tightened his grip and lifted the bar off the rack. His bicep literally bulged with power as the bar rose into the air. His wide back, grew even wider as his lats and rhomboids worked with his pecs and deltoids. Ripples and bulges began to cover the whole of the horse's upper body as he effortlessly hoisted the bending bar over his head, switching hands to get an even pump.

'Good god! Chet your awesome heh.' The two drivers quickly moved towards him and felt his impenetrable muscles again. As Falcon tried to squeeze one of Chet's lats, his hands didn't budge the muscle an inch as it seemed impossible to even squeeze now they were tensed. The amazing sinews and bulges grew bigger and even more defined every time the bar was lifted up and down. 'Jee...sus!'

'Ok Chet let's see if its as easy as your making it out to be heh. Obviously though, I think we'll lower the weight heh' Falcon said as they took off some of the weights and left the bar at around 700 Kilograms for the very young horse driver. He walked up to the bar feeling slightly nervous and placed his hands gingerly around.

'Would you like some help to start of Falc?' Chet asked kindly.

'Oh yes please, thanks Chet.' The equine driver stepped up to the bar with his fellow horse behind him for support and his fellow wolf driver in front.

'Ok Falc don't strain yourself to much, remember we have a race in a few weeks. I can't enjoy it unless your there mate.'

'Awe shucks heh, I'll try not to.' With the help from Chet and guidance from Ring Eye, Falcon tightened his grip on the bar and slowly lifted the bar off the rack giving a soft grunt as he did so. With gritted teeth, the driver curled the bar up to his shoulder with Chet's hands and arms under his own, before he lowered it back down, with his stallion hood making it difficult to get his arms straight.

'Ok Falc?'

'Wow that was awesome, thanks Chet.'

'Heh, no problem do you want to continue?'

'Yeah sure.' Falcon followed the first rep with Chet's help for another 5 curls before he asked the huge horse to let him have a go without him.

'Ok Falc, just be careful. You seem to be able to lift the bar quite easily, but can you curl it? Hehe.' Chet said as he moved away slightly. With a determined look, Falcon raised the bar into another curl, his biceps began to work hard showing real strength in his athletic arms. After another 8 reps, Falcon began to sweat as he put every last ounce of energy into the last few reps. He placed the bar back on the rack and felt an unbelievable tingle feeling run through the whole of his upper body. 'Whoa!'

'Are you ok Falc?' Ring Eye asked.

'Yeah, I just got a huge wave of......energy run through me then when I put that bar down. I feel great after that.'

'Heh, well you look great now with that shine on your fur. You look ready for some more, but first let me have a go hunk.'

'Ok, you should be able to lift that bar, you're a bit stronger than me.'

'Have I got the determination that you have though heh.'

'Well lets find out, would you like a bit of help as well Ring Eye?' Chet asked kindly again.

'Err yeah thanks Chet.' In a similar, nervous fashion the wolf driver gripped the bar and lifted it off the rack, again with Chet behind for support. With the bar leaning against his large lower body and his back straight, Ring Eye slowly curled the bar upwards. His biceps bulged as he seemed to be able to lift the bar with less effort to Falcon. The chestnut horse moved away as he felt Ring eye was able to curl the bar without his help. This was good judgement as the wolf managed 10 reps with somewhat ease.

'I think you need to raise the weight Ring Eye heh. Shall we add another.........100 Kilograms?' Chet suggested.

'Err Ok.' Ring Eye replied nervously. After a swift addition of another weight, Ring Eye stepped up once again, with Chet giving full support and Falcon encouraging his fellow driver. Gripping the bar again, Ring Eye could feel the extra weight on the bar and started grunting to lift it of the rack. 'Ok this is going to be a good challenge heh.'

'Heh, ok ready?' Chet asked while standing behind the wolf and holding his arms up.


'Ok 1....2.....3 lift.' With a loud grunt Ring Eye put every ounce of effort in, the bar rose slowly up to his shoulder making his biceps bulge and pulsate hugely. The determination that ran through Falcon earlier, had obviously put a similar effect on Ring Eye as he began to sweat and sometimes gave the odd howl as he raised the bar. Chet slowly moved away from the almost angry wolf as he completed another 8 reps without any help. By the time he returned the bar to the rack, his upper body had become incredibly pumped and was dripping wet.

'JEEZ! I can see why your so good at racing now with anger and determination like that heh. You should be a formula 1 driver.'

'Well I could have been actually.' Ring Eye replied while shaking off the sweat on his fur.

'Huh, what do you mean?' Ring Eye suddenly looked down in disappointment.

'*huff* well when I had my first offer to come into NASCAR, I also had another offer from a small team in F1.'

'What happened?'

'Well my old manager declined the offer before I even had a chance to look at it.'

'What no way! Why did he do that?' Falcon asked.

'I really don't know, I sacked him a week later because I also found out he was a tax fraud. In the end I had no choice but to enter NASCAR.' Chet and Falcon walked up to the very unhappy looking wolf and wrapped their arms around him.

'I don't believe what I just heard, I know how much you like Formula 1 as well, I can see why you never told me that before its awful.'

'*sniffle* Well I guess I wouldn't be here with you guys though if I had gone to F1.' Ring Eye suddenly began to cry as he hugged Chet and Falcon and began thinking about his life.

'What's wrong Ring Eye?' Falcon asked.

'*sniffle* Oh I'm just thinking about how awesome my life is with you guys, if I had gone to formula 1 I wouldn't have had the life I've had so far.'

'Well it's not ending any time in the long future is it heh. Come on lets continue our workout hunk.' After an hour long workout for Ring Eye and Falcon, Chet began to get bored as there were no weights for him. 'Chet we need to find you something decent to lift heh. Shall we find another gym?'

'Ok, this place is boring heh.' ____________________________________________________________ By now Kauto and MW had been joined by a few racing fans at their table and were both at the peak of concentration. MW had gotten more chips for them both. The huge horse now had 1.3 million chips while the hunky wolf had 1.6 million having won 5 hands while Kauto had won 3 hands. The seven racing fans around them all had chips ranging from 500,000 to 1 million. The next deal was dealt by the female wolf dealer, MW received an ace and a J of clubs while Kauto received a pair of Kings with a heart and Diamonds. The crazy huge horse was wearing a pair of circle sunglasses which went perfect with his Ozzy hairstyle and long mane. MW decided not to wear any glasses as he was a master at not making facial expressions during a poker game. Throughout the game the racing fans had gotten to know MW and Kauto pretty well and now knew what they did for a living. This made them rather excited at first until they began the game.

With an opening bet of 1000 chips, the two large furs both placed down there chips while all the other players did the same. The flop was dealt and immediately Kauto and MW were in charge of the game as a King and ten of clubs came out along with an ace of hearts. The best hands of the other players was a pair of 10's for the panda sitting next to Kauto. The betting began with a 1200 chip bet from a tiger on the opposite side of the table to MW. Everyone called up until Kauto who cheekily raised the bet to 1500.

'Ugh, hunk that was pointless heh.'

'Shh. There's a game going on here. Hahaha I'm joking.' Kauto quickly hugged the wolf and the bet was called around the table, except for the wolf next to the tiger who folded with nothing. The next card was drawn and a Queen of clubs appeared. MW showed no signs of being excited and kept his cool. Kauto placed a rather large bet of 3000 chips on the table, but the panda quickly raised it to a large 10,000 chips. 'Christ heh.' everyone folded apart from MW and Kauto. The hunky wolf began to slow the game down slightly and thought about how much he could raise that would not be too obvious. As he placed his 18,000 chip bet on the table, the 58000 chip pot was split equally in two. Kauto called while the panda stupidly called as well. The pot was now a 47000 split and the final card was drawn with MW looking calm and Kauto anxiously waiting for the card to turn over. The panda seemed to not care one bit at what was happening. As the card was turned by the wolf, she quickly turned to MW and kissed him on his cheek and winked at him. A final King appeared with Kauto quickly going through his chips and MW blushing at the busty fem wolf.

'I think she likes you heh' Kauto whispered down MW's ear. He turned to the large horse and raised his eyebrows.

'she might do heh.'

'What are you going to do?'

'I dunno yet. Lets finish this game first.' MW placed a 20,000 chip bet down, the panda folded immediately and Kauto crazily raised to 100,000. 'Whoa! Calm down Kauto heh.'

'Hehe well what are you going to do?'

'Err I might do this.' MW raised the pot again to 500,000 chips with the fem wolf moving closer to MW while she quickly sorted out the 357 000 split pot.

'Christ! Hmm.' Kauto looked over his chips again and had 1.1 million left. 'Do I dare go all in.' Kauto thought to himself as he looked at the pot and the cards on the table. The calm wolf once again not showing any emotion as he was teased slightly by the fem wolf next to him as she waggled her large fluffy tail over MW's face. 'Yeah she like you heh. Well I don't blame her, you are a hunk.'

'Ha, she smells pretty.' MW blushed again. As he got caught up in the atmosphere, Kauto quickly called 'All In', everyone around the table suddenly gasped.

'All In! what are you trying to do, bankrupt me heh.' MW said. 'Well I guess I'll err have to err....................call.'

'Oh bollocks.' Kauto reacted. The fem wolf smiled as she grew more and more fond of the hunky wolf. The pot was now worth 2557000 chips, which had been split into 4 with 500,000 on the left, 300,000 on the far right and 878500 in the two middle pots. A small crowd gathered around the table as the winnings were about to be given.

'Man I wonder how this'll go heh.'

'Ok you may show your cards.' Kauto revealed his cards feeling very confident that he had won the most, but as soon as he looked at MW's cards and then the deck his head quickly fell backwards. 'OMG! A royal bleating flush, you had to do that didn't you hahaha.' Kauto said as he rubbed MW's head with his knuckle. Everyone around them began clapping as the pot was split.

'Hay hunk you've got a four of kind with kings so you've won some as well remember, the pot was split.'

'Oh god yeah I forgot heh.' The fem wolf looked at the hands and began to give the winnings. She grabbed the 500,000 pot first and slid it to Kauto and gave him a wink.

'Told you heh.'

'Oow, I wasn't expecting that pot heh. Thanks.' She grabbed the rest of the pot and moved it over to MW before she kissed him again and hugged him.

'Whoa, ha thanks.'

'Awe your cute. Would you guys like to meet me after for a drink perhaps, this is my last game for the night.' The Fem wolf asked.

'Err sure we'd love to. We'll just check on the others before hand and come back.'

'Oh thanks guys.' They continued there game for another hour with Kauto and MW knocking out everyone on the table and having over 4 million chips each.

'Shall we leave it there hunk, this game will go on forever if we don't heh.'

'Yeah, thanks guys for the game and thanks Ula for dealing, your amazing with the cards.' MW said as he and Kauto stood up. Ula the fem wolf gasped slightly as they stood up. As she only stood at 7 and a half feet she was considerably shorter than the two hunks but she was a well built wolf herself.

'Wow guys your large. I'll finish up here and meet you at a table in Koi's?'

'Ok Ula sounds great, we'll be about an hour or so.' She hugged and kissed them both before they headed out of the casino and headed back down the strip.

'Wow, how about that then MW, you seam to have a lover after you.'

'Yeah yeah, what ever.'

'No really, didn't you see any of that, that just went on in there.'

'Do you really think so?'

'Yeah of course.'

'Hay maybe your right, well maybe. Come on lets get back....................Whoa! What was that bang?'

'JEEZ I don't know, it sounded like it came from the back of that large Wal-Mart. Come on lets get over there quick.' They ran around the Wal-Mart to the lorry park at the back.


'Oh hay guys.' Falcon said as he turned around.

'JESUS what are you doing?'

'Well we got kinda bored in the gyms as they had no weights for Chet, so we came out here and looked around for some things hehe.'

'Are you sure its ok to do this?'

'Yeah everyone's in the casino's and bars. Anyway maybe you guys could do with a quick workout?'

'Ahh we can't, but we'll watch though heh.' MW said. 'Awe why not?'

'Oh MW has a date heh.' Kauto quickly commented with his arm around the wolf.

'Oow really, fairdoose well don't let us spoil it for you hunk.'

'Oh we have an hour its ok.'

'Ok, Chet's just looking for something to lift I think. Yeah there he is the hunk haha.' They headed over to the stallion and helped him look for a large enough trailer. Kauto headed around the far side of the Wal-Mart building and found a 15 tonne super carry Wal-Mart lorry. The door was open, so Kauto decided to squeeze himself in and hot-wire it to start the engine.

'What's that noise? Whoa!' MW reacted as the huge lorry came around the corner with Kauto hanging out of the door. 'Jeez, what are you up to Kauto heh?'

'I thought Chet wanted a challenge, well I have a great idea. Chet grab those large chain straps over there that they use for towing vehicles and you can use them for a little game of tug of war hehe.' Chet gasped at the suggestion.

'How are you going to do that.'

'Well we'll strap these chains to the back of the lorry and you can hold the other end while someone accelerates away hehe.' Chet suddenly jumped and squealed in excitement as he finally had the chance to test his strength against something, or that was what he thought. Falcon jumped in the lorry as Chet grabbed the chains firmly. He pushed his hoof down onto the accelerator and the lorry pulled away down the lorry park. Chet steadied himself and gripped the chains tightly, before they pulled tight. The chain literally snapped from the lorry as Chet's tremendous strength was too much for the heavy cargo lorry. 'Whoa! Wow Chet heh. Maybe we should try and accelerate when the chains are already tight.' Kauto swiftly picked up another set of large chains and connected them to the lorry, while Chet held the other end again. This time as the lorry accelerated with the chains already tight, the wheels struggled to find grip as the chestnut stallion grunted slightly and yanked the huge vehicle back towards him. His biceps pulsed and bulged greatly, the definition increasing further with every tug of the chain. His lats spread widely while his back became deep with striations and grooves, the chestnut fur stretched to accommodate the huge power spurt. His thighs also bulged out widely along with his teeth like calves which provided awesome support for his hooves. The deep lines in his upper body became even more visible as the muscles became impossibly hard.

Kauto moved around to the back of Chet and rubbed his hands over the hard muscle tissue and nuzzled up closely to his Chestnut friend. 'Go on Chet one hand each heh.' Kauto grabbed a chain off Chet and the two stallions each pulled the lorry towards them with there muscles bulging hugely.

'Awe that was easy Kauto, surely we can find something bigger.' 'Hmm well we've only got 40 minutes so you'll have to find something for yourself for now, unless you want to go on your own MW. Or then again you guys could join us maybe?'

'Oh no hunk, I want you with me, I'll get really nervous otherwise heh. Maybe yeah do you guys want to join us?'

'Where are you going?' Chet asked as he placed the lorry back down on its wheels.

'Oh wolfie here has a wolf girl friend he's meeting and were having a drink with her.' Chet suddenly blushed slightly.

'Do you mind if I stay here, I'm err not really fond of..........female's' Kauto warmed up next to Chet.

'No problem hunk we understand.'

'Thanks. *smile*'

'Yeah Chet we'll stay with you we want to see more of that tug of war awesomeness again heh. Hay I have an idea, guys do you mind if we err use your cars.'

'what for?'

'A tug of war.'

'Ugh, ok but be careful won't you don't damage them.' Kauto nervously tossed Falcon the keys along with MW and they headed off quickly to the hotel room to sort themselves out for the evening. As they entered their room, they looked out of the large wall window and looked over the vast lights down below. 'Wow look at that horizon. I wish we lived here heh, ugh I don't mean Virginia is horrible MW it's just I love Vegas.'

'Ha don't worry I know what you meant hunk.' MW said as placed arm over the large horse's shoulder before he noticed the dogs cuddled up together on one of the beds. 'Awweee. Maybe one day in the near future we could be living here, you never know. *kiss*' MW walked into his bedroom and through to the en-suite with a confused Kauto walking behind him.

'Hay hang on a minute, what do you mean by that?' MW swiftly turned around with a cheeky smile on his face.

'What heh, we could live here if you wanted to. I mean here and Virginia of course, the houses around here are pretty cheap and I'm getting a rather large amount of money in the next few weeks from various things.'

'So you mean you've already been planning this?'

'Err........well kind of yes. Do you mind?' Kauto moved closer and nuzzled and hugged MW.

'No of course not, it's just a bit of a shock that's all heh. How much are you getting if you don't mind me asking?'

'Err.............let me think, about.................a......few...............hundred..........million. *clunk*' Kauto fell hard to the floor as he fainted. 'Awe god, why do I keep doing that heh.' The large wolf picked up Kauto and rubbed the back of his head warmly were it hit the floor before giving him another kiss and placing him on the bed and headed back to the bathroom.

After a quick shower MW walked back into the bedroom to find Kauto sitting at the side of the creaking bed. 'Are you ok hunk, you took a nasty fall there.'

'Ugh, I'm fine. I just lost it when you said that. How are you getting that much anyway. Racing?'

'Yeah it is actually, you see my team are doing incredibly well at the moment and whenever a team wins a race or championship they get a huge bonus, including the owner heh. Also my gym has had incredible rise in memberships lately so that's a bonus too.'

'Awe that's fantastic, well done on that heh.'

'Actually don't tell Chet or the others this but I'm actually going to offer them free memberships if they want it, I think Chet will like the new building being built at the moment it's going to have a special area with trains and other large vehicles for a little mess around hehe. Oh and hunk the membership money you gave me a month back is here. You can have it free as well heh.'

'What on earth MW, What's gotten into you lately. Thanks so much and your right I'm sure Chet will love that heh.' Kauto hugged MW once again.

'Awe shucks.......well hunk if you have a quick shower we'll then head out and enjoy the rest of the night.'

'Ok, but only if you join me.'

'But I've just had a shower.'

'Awe come on another one won't harm you haha. I get lonely in the shower hehe.'

'Oh ok *kiss* lets go then.' ____________________________________________________________ Chet and the two drivers meanwhile had found a few oversized cranes which looked suitable for Chet to test his strength.

'Ok ready Chet?' The stallion put up his thumb to Falcon in the cockpit. The equine driver pressed the button and Chet gripped the huge crane hook and pulled slightly with one hand. His left bicep bulged even larger than before as he effortlessly pulled against the huge crane in the deserted building site across from the Wal-Mart towards him. Falcon slowly increased the power to full before he lunged out of the crane next to Ring Eye. As the crane reached full power, Chet grunted slightly and gave the crane one big yank, which was a bad idea seen as the crane suddenly raised up onto two wheels and began to fall towards him. Trying to think quickly, Chet looked around to find cover but had no time to run as the crane tipped towards him. Bracing for the catch, the stallion planted his large hooves into the ground and raised his pumped arms up. As the metal impacted his hands it bent and groaned from Chet's impeccable strength.

The two drivers flinched slightly before they looked back up and noticed Chet standing with a smirk on his face holding the large crane with one hand again. They ran over to him and cuddled up tight to the cannily strong horse. 'Man Chet how strong are you?' He blushed slightly and tossed the metal crane back upright, leaving a gaping hole in the side where his vice grip had punctured through the metal. 'Shall we try the cars now hunk?'

'Err ok, are you sure the guys don't mind?' Chet asked looking for conformation.

'Yeah they wouldn't have given us the keys otherwise hunk.'

'Ok.' They walked to the Monte Carlo Hotel car park and selected the 3 most powerful cars. The Koenigsegg, Zonda and the Gumpert.

'Right shall we head out of Vegas and just head towards Route 66 it's quieter there and we'll be able to do this properly.' Falcon suggested.

'Ok good idea.' They raced out of the car park and out of Vegas to begin the tug of war contest with Chet. _____________________________________________________________ After a sexual 20 minute wash down together in the shower, MW and Kauto headed out of the shower and fixed up themselves for the night. Kauto redid his Ozzy style more vigorously while MW shook his fur and let it go all frizzy making him look extra sexy. 'Oow you look good like that wolfie heh. Ula will love it I'm sure.'

'Oh be quiet haha.'

'Don't you like her hunk?' MW blushed deeply as Kauto asked him this.

'Aha I..........might, but I may never like her as much as you guys though.'

'Awe thanks *kiss*. Well come on then lets go hunk.' The hunky pair wrapped up closely together and headed out of the hotel and back to the Planet Hollywood casino to meet Ula again. The strip was now littered with furs and each casino was packed to the brim with betting gamblers. They squeezed through the door and headed to the Koi restaurant bar to wait for Ula. 'Oh there she is MW, coming down the bar.'

'Oh hello guys, would you like a drink?'

'Oh thanks Ula, what do you fancy Kauto how about a large special fruit smoothy?'

'Awe that's sounds great.'

'Yeah we'll have two special fruit smoothies please Ula' The beautiful busty wolf fixed up two large tropical fruit smoothies with Bananas, Pineapples, frozen passion fruit, silken tofu and a sliced kiwi.

'There you go guys, there on the house.'

'Awe thanks Ula.'

'No problem I'll get my drink and come and sit with you cutees hehe.' MW and Kauto headed over to the empty table next to the large open window overlooking the strip and sat in the seats opposite the large TV Screen with the NASCAR on.

'Wow they have the racing on, I think I'm gunna enjoy tonight even more now heh.'

'Awe man MW your so lucky, I mean how pretty is Ula.'

'Hay we've just got back here hunk heh. Look you won't do anything stupid or crazy will you, I'm nervous enough as it is.'

'What, no. look MW I want you to enjoy this night as much as possible, so I'm here for you ok.'

'Thanks.' Ula walked over towards them. 'Oop here you go Ula have this seat, we'll sit here.'

'Actually guys I noticed you both like the racing on the TV, I was wondering whether we could maybe watch it together. I kind of like it as well.'

'Really, awe fantastic. Well you sit in the middle.' They sat down together with Ula curling up close to MW and Kauto while she rubbed MW's abs.

'Wow guys your so warm and cuddly. So where are you from?' Ula asked.

'We're both from Norfolk in Virginia.' MW explained.

'Your not. I'm from Virginia as well, I live here in Vegas now but I was originally from Richmond.' MW and Kauto both smiled widely.

'Awe wow, well we're heading back to Virginia in a few days would you like to come with us for a visit?' MW asked with Ula snuggled next to his arm.

'Oh I'd love to.'

'Your not working or anything are you?'

'I can take a holiday heh.'

'Err Ula...........can I ask you a question?'

'Sure MW.'

'Well....how can I put this.............your not bothered by err..........how large we are or anything are you?' MW asked nervously.

'Erm no not at all, I think your both cute, and your obviously both well endowed which I like hehe.'

'Awe shucks thanks.'

'Oh can I ask you a quick question guys? I don't want you to be offended by it at all.'

'Err yeah ask away.'

'Well.....I was wondering whether you guys are............err bisexual? Please don't be offended by that, I actually like big hunky guys who like each other heh. It's a weird fond of mine.'

'Err yeah we are. You don't mind?'

'No in fact I love it. You guys obviously have a passion for each other, that's what I like about it.' They all snuggled up together and watched the racing on the large screen while continuing to get to know each other more and the two wolves becoming more fond of each other as the night went on. Ula also grew very fond of the large black stallion as well. She continued to stroke MW's abs with Kauto cuddled up next to her as well. *Kiss*

'Whoa, thanks Ula.' MW replied as Ula kissed him on his cheek, she gave another kiss to Kauto who blushed slightly and nuzzled Ula.

'So you guys race yourself?' Ula asked.

'Oh no we run our own teams, MW owns his own gym.'


'Yeah, we live together with a couple of other guys who are out and about somewhere in the city heh.' 'Wow you must have a large place were you live?'

'Err yeah, wolfie here is pretty rich hehe.' MW suddenly looked at Kauto with a soft grin on his face, he laughed slightly and shook his head.

'Thanks Kauto for mentioning that.'

'Sorry heh.'

'Is that true MW?'

'Err yeah, you won't say anything though will you I don't really like many people knowing that.'

'No not at all, maybe...........na.'

'What is it Ula?'

'I just got a thought in my mind then, but it's probably too soon to comment on anything like that heh.'

'What do you mean?'

'you're not the only wolf around here that is rich actually heh. I inherited my father's estate a few months ago here in Vegas, and I hear you guys have a race in the next few weeks or so maybe you'd like to stay over for the race week?'

'Err ok thanks Ula. *kiss* you'll have to stay with us until we travel back over here then.'

'Oh I'd love to thanks guys.' Ula looked down MW's huge rocky body and stopped at the humongous bulge in his large trunks. 'MW, do you mind if I ask how big you really are?' she asked as her hand moved lower towards the wolf's trunks.

'Huh, err you can feel if it makes it easier .'

'Are you sure honey?'

'Yeah go ahead.' Ula slowly moved her hand along MW's solid abs and into his trunks. As she reached his huge furry orbs, Ula suddenly gasped in shock at the size of him. The pretty wolf kissed MW again and complimented him.

'Wow you're a proper wolf aren't you, how did you ever get so big hunk?'

'Thanks Ula heh, if you think I'm big, take a look to your left honey. There's a little horse next to you who's even bigger heh.' Kauto suddenly blushed.

'Huh, really?'

'Aha well only just hunk heh.' Ula moved close to the black stallion and felt his huge body before she moved her hand down his abs like she did to MW. 'Whoa. Man your hands are tender heh.'

'Hehe. Awe wow Kauto you're a large stallion. You guys are so huge, but also so cute at the same time how do you manage that heh.' Kauto and MW both blushed and hugged Ula once again. 'So are you guys staying in a hotel?'

'Yeah we're in the Encore down the strip with the others.'

'Oh wow I like that hotel, the views are awesome. Who are your friends by the way?'

'Oh our two drivers who race for us, Ring Eye and Falcon and a cute stallion called Chet we met at a show a few weeks ago. If and when you meet him, just be careful he's a shy fellow sometimes heh.'

'Awe, well I hope he's not too shy I'd love to meet him.'

'Well shall we finish our drinks and maybe head to the hotel, the race has finished so we may as well head there and catch the next one.' MW suggested.

'Ok I'd love to. Let me just clear these up for us and I'll meet you by the exit.'

'Ok Ula.' The two hunks walked towards the exit and waited for Ula. 'Wow, she's awesome Kauto, thanks for being yourself tonight.'

'No problem hunk, she's a wonderful person your really lucky that you met her. I don't really know what'll happen though when she meets Ring Eye, he's not the biggest fan of fems.'

'I'm sure he's going to enjoy her company, I mean she loves motor racing. How many girls do you know that like that? she's awesome.'

'Yeah perhaps you're right. Shall I text them quickly to say when they're coming back to the hotel?'

'Yeah good idea.' Kauto got his mobile and sent Falcon a text, he replied with a confused ok. Ula returned and kissed them both before she cuddled up to MW and rubbed his abs again, MW meanwhile stroked Ula on her back. They walked out of the Casino and headed back to hotel were they remained for the night and watched the final NASCAR races on the plasma. ____________________________________________________________ As Chet and the two drivers reached the deserted Route 66, they all stopped and got out. 'Right which one do you want to go up against first? How about the Zonda?' Falcon asked.

'Ok.' Falcon and Ring Eye both hopped into the Zonda while Chet grabbed the chains they had brought with them and connected them to the rear titanium clips on the bumper. 'Ok guys, don't rev too much or the chains will snap the bumper heh.'

'Ok Chet, I'll put it into the uphill gears so the tyres don't skid, it'll give you more of a challenge and put every last bit of power from the engine to the road.' Chet jumped in the air in excitement before Falcon slowly accelerated until the chains became tight. He changed into the special uphill gear and revved the car. As the car continued to accelerate, Chet suddenly lost his footing and slid a few feet down the slippery road. But he was able to establish his stance and pull the Zonda slowly towards him with one hand. The car put up a fight though as the traction control worked more and more, finding more grip and using it to push the car forward again. Chet wasn't going to let the car win and gave a firm tug on the chain again making his arm bulge hugely. 'Man this thing is powerful heh, but not powerful enough.'

'Christ he's awesome heh. 920 horsepower and he's using one hand the teasing horse haha. I think we need to use the Koenigsegg as well. Chet I'm going to slow it down ok hunk, we'll use the Koenny as well.' Chet's ears perked as he let the car go. They connected another chain to the Koenigsegg and the two drivers both hopped in a car each. Luckily all three cars had the special gears for going uphill so Chet would get the full power outage from the cars. He gripped the two chains firmly and prepared for the blast from the two cars, as the chains tightened his muscles bulged hugely again along with the rest of his body. He gave quick grunt and slowly pulled the cars towards him. Falcon looked out of the window and looked back towards Chet who seemed to be effortlessly pulling the cars towards him. 'Gods Chet is there any limit to your strength hunk heh.'

The chestnut stallion winked back at Falcon and pulled the pair of 900 horsepower monsters towards him until there was no more chain left to pull. The two drivers hopped out and walked over to Chet in shock as they looked over the hot feeling muscles on Chet's body. 'Man your solid Chet, you could provide more support than building column. Would you like another vigorous massage?'

'Hmm can we do it after another strength test though please.'

'Ok, how about the two most powerful cars, the Gumpert and the Koenigsegg. This could be good since the Gumpert has an unbelievable traction control system, you'll get a real test with that hunk. Well I think you will anyway heh. Oow hang on I just got a text, "will you be able to tell us when your returning to the hotel?" Eyy what does that mean?' A confused Falcon asked.

'Awe do you think she has taken to MW? Maybe they've taken her back to the hotel, just reply with an ok Falc. We'll head back to the hotel after Chet's power show here hehe, I'll give you a massage in the hotel ok Chet?'

'Ok thanks Falc I'll look forward to that.'

'Yeah me too hehe. You deserve a nice massage, those muscles of your need to relax a bit they're too hard and strong *nuzzle*' Falcon hopped into the Gumpert while Ring Eye went in the Koenigsegg. 'Ready Chet, this is the real test now hehe I'm gunna give it the full beans for you.' the chains tightened again and Chet's hugely pumped muscles got to work. The Gumpert provided a great challenge for Chet as the traction control and the amazing limited slip diff started to work in sink. The tyres remained in contact with the road without spinning or even sliding backwards.

'Man you were right Falc, that car is a challenge. But I'm afraid it's going to lose like the others unfortunately.' At that, Chet gripped the chains firmly and gave one big yank on both cars. The Koenigsegg slid backwards towards Chet while the Gumpert found even more grip and stopped him from pulling it all the way back. With a loud snort, Chet began to get angry. 'Oh so it wants a fight does it heh.' With his muscles being over the top pumped, the chestnut horse gave an angry yank on the chain, causing the titanium metal to snap. The Gumpert suddenly found grip on the road and shot forward a few yards, giving Falcon the shock of his life. The Koenigsegg remained next to Chet while the Gumpert stopped a few hundred yards down the road.

Falcon jumped out while breathing rather heavily. 'What on earth happened there?'

'The chain snapped hehe.' Chet giggled. Falcon and Ring Eye both looked at Chet's impossibly huge arm muscles and jumped back in astonishment at the power in them.

'Holy S**t Chet, you do realise you just pulled more than 2700 horsepower there, with your biceps alone. They must be rather hot at the moment?'

'I'm err pumped a little yeah heh. I could go for that massage now I think.'

'Well then shall we head back to the hotel, you deserve a massage now definitely. Chet you go in the Gumpert big guy.'

'Oh thanks Falc.' Chet hopped in and had a quick nose around all the buttons inside. As Chet was feeling rather hot from the incredible exertions, he decided to lower the roof down and catch the night breeze through his fur. But as he had not seen Kauto press the button earlier in their trip, he was unsure as to which button it was. He looked over the vast buttons and suddenly remembered Kauto saying something about a red button. But there were several red buttons in the car, all for different uses ranging from the electric roof to various missile launchers.

The night was clear and there was nobody within sight of them, so Chet thought if he pressed the wrong button it wouldn't cause any harm. He decided to press the red button next to the radio, this was a rather dodgy decision as he had pressed a rocket launch button. Suddenly he herd a noise coming from the top of the car. Falcon and Ring Eye both peered towards the car and noticed a metal turret like shape coming out of the car's roof.

'Chet what have you pressed haha.' The chestnut horse perked his ears back and held his hands to them. The rocket launcher shot a large explosive towards the mountainside in the distance. 'HOLY CRAP!' Everyone ducked in the cars as the explosive landed in the middle of nowhere with a huge explosion. 'CHET! What did you press hahaha.' They jumped out and swiftly headed to the horse in the Gumpert.

'I was looking for the electric roof button.'

'Well whatever you pressed wasn't the roof release haha. Is the manual in here, yeah there it is.' Falcon opened it and read through. On the opening pages, he noticed a few offers available to the car owner. 'Hay listen to this, when ever this car runs out of explosives or needs to be fixed a link is sent by the car to the Gumpert garage and they'll send someone to fix it and reload the car with explosives......for free!'

'WHAT! JEEZ, well all I want at the moment is the roof down, how do you do that heh.'

'Oh it's the red button on the steering wheel. Try not to send anymore missiles through the air hunk haha. Actually I'd better text Kauto and tell him were coming back.' _____________________________________________________________ Back at the hotel, MW, Kauto and Ula had all fallen asleep and were tucked up together on the large couch in front of the plasma. Suddenly everyone awoke from the noise of Kauto's Bark at the Moon Ozzy ring tone.

'Whoa what the, Oh its my phone haha.'

'Nice ring tone Kauto, I see you're a fan as well.'

'Thanks, you like Ozzy as well?' Kauto asked kindly.

'I like his music, especially that song for obvious reasons. I like that period of music you know all the big bands like Sabbath, I like Wolf....the band from Sweden they're my favourite.' (How convenient LOL)

'Haha I would never have guessed heh. MW likes them actually.'

'Are you going to read your text hunk or leave it on your phone heh.' MW chuckled.

'Oh sorry, that's funny it says here that Falc sent the message 40 minutes ago and that I received it now, how bad's the signal around here heh.'

'Hang on that means they'll be here literally any minute. *knock* Oh god they're here now. Kauto you go and answer the door and explain hunk.'

'Ok.' The large horse walked to door and opened it.

'Hay Kauto.' Falcon greeted. 'Hi guys, you two look a bit........shaky.' Kauto said as he looked at Ring Eye and Chet.

'They're a bit nervous about meeting MW's err friend.'

'Oh you guys don't have to be nervous Ula's a really sweet girl. She wants to get to know you as well so come in.' They walked in and saw Ula stood next to MW looking very pretty. Falcon walked towards Ula and MW greeted them together before doing the same with Chet and Ring Eye. As Chet walked slowly towards Ula he became increasingly shy but kindly held his hand out. Ula held her hand out as well and greeted the nervous stallion, while looking over his still overly pumped body.

'Hi Chet. Wow you're a fit looking stallion.'

'Awe no heh.' MW quietly said as Chet blushed deeply. Ula looked at Chet worryingly as if she had done something bad.

'Err have I done something Chet?'

'Oh no don't worry Ula, Chet's just being his cute shy self hehe.' MW said as he placed an arm over the stallion. Chet looked up to MW with a smile and warmly greeted Ula. 'and this is Ring Eye the other driver.' They finished the greetings and set about there different ways for the rest of the night. 'So have you guys got anything planned for the rest of the night.'

'Err yeah we do actually, Falc's going to try and give Chet a warm massage heh. He kinda needs one after tonight.'

'Yeah I noticed heh, well you guys go and enjoy yourselves, we'll be in here if you need us.' MW explained. 'Ula do you like snooker at all?'

'I don't like watching it, but I like playing it though.'

'Kauto? Fancy a game?'

'Sure.' They swiftly set the table up and began there game with Kauto breaking off.

'Kauto's a pretty damn good player, so watch out Ula heh, we'll have to be careful hunk that we don't lean on the table or hit the ball too hard heh.' Kauto's break was literally perfect, the reds had barely split while the white had tucked up on the balk cushion. 'Awe thanks a lot hunk heh. What am I supposed to do with that now.'

'How about this MW.' Ula set up to the table with her very deep cleavage showing clearly. She almost looked like a professional when set, she hit the very top of the white, the ball skimmed a red and winded its way back behind the balk colours.

'Whoa! Wow Ula, what a shot! Have you played before?'

'Erm yes, I used to play for my local women's team in Richmond.'

'Awe great, I'm going to get a right pasting here aren't I heh.' Ula walked up to MW and kissed him.

'Well take your shot wolfie, lets see how good you are and then we can make judgements hehe.' MW looked around the table and chalked his cue before he set up for the shot. 'Oh your left handed like me MW, that's awesome.' Ula said before MW hit his shot, the white once again came back to the balk cushion. 'O...k I think this is going to be a long game heh.'

'I didn't know you were good at snooker hunk.' Kauto asked.

'Neither did I to be honest heh. I played a few times for fun in Norfolk but that was years ago.' Kauto took a walk around the large table and spotted a gap though the brown and blue to a red above the pink spot. The large horse set up to the table and hit the shot, he cued the white perfectly as it smashed the red into the bottom right pocket and stopped perfectly for the blue. Ula walked up to Kauto and kissed him.

'I think we'd better sit down MW, this game looks like it's over haha.' Kauto blushed and took a look at the reds before he set up for the blue looking to smash the white into the pack and split open the reds. The shot was played perfectly and Kauto made a lovely break of 33 before making a slight mistake where he had to hit the white up the table for safety. 'Nice break Kauto *kiss*' Kauto sat down next to MW while Ula looked around the table and began her break.

'Well done hunk, Ula likes you eyy heh.' MW said as he tapped Kauto with his elbow.

'Ha, she's wonderful. Not very happy though about that shot I played, I was on for a good break there.'

'Hay 33 is a good break, I'd be over the moon with that haha. Lets see how Ula does, she looks like a very good player.'

'Nice safety Kauto.' As Ula stood behind the white, she set herself for the shot and gently tapped the white into a red close to the side cushion, the red rolled towards the pocket and fell in, while the white finished perfectly on the black. The two hunks on the couch suddenly gasped in shock at the amazing shot she just played.

'What the, I thought you said it was a nice safety haha.'

'It was Kauto, that shot wasn't meant to go in hehe.' Ula set up for the black and continued her break until she missed a shot on 29. Kauto and MW's jaws had by now hit the floor as Ula's tremendous break had finally come to an end for them. The reds were split open widely while all the colours were available.

'Man Ula your amazing. *kiss* I feel a nice break coming here though the balls are spread nicely.'

'If you clear up here, you'll get at maximum 54. Good luck wolfie.' MW set up his first shot and played a nice shot to leave himself on the black. He continued to pot red and black together until he reached the final red.

'That looks like a tricky red to the top pocket hunk. You won't be able to get to the black from there.'

'Oh no, just watch then.' He set up to play a shot with backspin and hammered the red up the table into the pocket. The white ball spun like crazy and ended up curving around the blue and down to the black.

'Shysus!!! Look at the spin on that baby, great shot MW.' Kauto complemented.

'Ready for some more?'

'Err go ahead.' MW set up for the black hoping to get on the yellow. Playing the same type of shot to the previous one, the wolf cued the ball sweetly and curved the white once again around the blue perfectly for the yellow. He continued to play exhibition shots all the way to the black were he absolutely leathered the white and potted the black. 'Holy cow!!! Where did you learn to play those shots hunk?'

'Err at a club in Norfolk, we played little games were we just potted the colours with crazy exhibition shots heh.'

'Wow I love that curve shot you play.'

'oh the banana shot yeah I love that shot heh. How many did I make?'

'54, you cleared up the table with all blacks honey. So your good at poker and Snooker, anything else your good at?'

'Oh he's good at lots of things hehe.' With a soft yawn Kauto stretched his meaty arms upwards. 'Phew, man I think I might call it a night.'

'That sounds like a good idea, shall we hit the sack Ula?'

'Ok honey, can we all sleep together?'

'Err sure we can. As long as the beds hold up ok hehe.' After a quick shower each, they all hopped into a bed with Ula snuggled up warmly in the middle. 'Oh hang on I'll just say were calling it a night.' MW walked through and popped his head through the door. The others had already fallen asleep, and were lying next to each other on the bed. 'Awweee, never mind.' The wolf returned and squeezed himself up to Ula and Kauto. As they snuggled closer Ula began to rub both furs solid abs again. 'Mmmmm, do you like rubbing our abs Ula? Heh.'

'I love it, you both have perfect, sexy bodies and Chet does for that matter. Can I?'

'If you want to Ula.' She lowered her hands once again to there bulging furry orbs and began to stroke them with tender care. They all sank further into the bed and slowly began to drift off.

Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 11

After 3 days of sightseeing, gambling and strength testing MW, Kauto, Chet, Ula and the two drivers were all ready to leave Vegas and begin their journey back to Virginia. They decided to wake up early and get a quick start on the road to the Salt...

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Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 9

'Well guys, which hotel are we gunna choose?' MW asked as they walked back out of the Monte Carlo Casino. 'Lets have a walk around and have a look, it's only 5 o'clock, JEEZ we got here quick.' They strolled along together, taking in the...

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Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 8

Kauto and MW - Top Gear American special Part 8 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ After a long 5 hour journey along the Autobahns the flashing furs were now on...

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