MLP luna's fun night

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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my first MLP story, thought i might as well do it with some sex

It was a nice afternoon in equstria; the ponies had cleared the skies, no clouds.

The ponies where gathering at a stand area, where Luna stood they all looked at her wondering why she had called them all out here, she was now more confident about going solo to places and not being with her sister all the time.

As the ponies looked on and talked wondering why she would want them to gather, Luna appeared, the ponies cheered and stamped there hoofs on the ground as there great night princess appeared.

Luna walked to the podium, she stood there coughed looked and spoke.

"Hello ponies, I have to say this is quite a turn out, thou wasn't expecting such a big crowd, I would like to announce that one lucky pony will win a night in mine and my sisters castle, to watch the night sky and have a small party thanks to pinkie pie for the party"

The ponies cheered and then looked as a few of Luna's guards walked around holding a ticket machine on there side.

Each pony took one ticket on it was a number that was there number.

Pip was there too he liked to see Luna as he had a small crush on her; he picked a number it was 78, he then moved to the front to hear the winning number.

"Dose every pony have a number? Good thou shell pick a random number pinkie,"

At this point pinkie pie came on with her cannon and fired it, out flew confetti ball the numbers and some sweets where in it.

Luna then took flight into the shower of confetti and numbers falling from the ball, her horn shine in the afternoon sun as she charged towards the ball.

She then smashed into the ball sending confetti and numbers and sweets everywhere, she then turned and again flew though the remains of the ball then landed with grace on the stage.

Every pony looked some cheering at the display, others eating the sweets; they then looked at Luna, there on her horn was the winning number along with some bits of confetti.

"The winner of the trip to my castle and my sister's is..."

One of the guards removed the number from her horn with his teeth then held it to her and she read it out.

"Number 78"

Pip looked at his number, number 78 he was the winner.

"That's me Princess Luna! I've won the trip!"

The other ponies cheered and clopped there hoofs on the ground, they lifted pip up and onto the stage, he bowed to Luna like a true gentle colt meeting royalty and then Luna spoke,

"Well done little one, tonight at 11 you will meet me at the castle, thou will party like its 1000 again! Please have this with you, otherwise no party"

Her horn shone as she did some magic and produced a blue ticket on the ticket was a picture of Luna with the words "winner of my prize" pip grabbed it with his mouth smiling.

The ponies cheered and clopped there hoofs then Luna took flight and flew off her guards next to her and close behind her, pip watched as she left until she was no longer in sight thanks to the night clouds, he then hurried home ticket in mouth.

As he galloped home all excited he crashed into his home door, his parents looked at him shocked from the loud bang,

"Pip, why the rush?"

Said his mum

"Yeah son, where's the fire?"

Said dad

Pip then put the ticket on the table too out of breath to speak; mum looked at it and read it out loud.

"This is to say that this pony is invited to a night of fun at Princess Luna's castle, he will be staying the night, it's not a sleep over more a stay awake all night over".

His parents smiled saying he was a very lucky pony, Pip ran upstairs to get ready he dug into his costume box looking for the costume he'd worn the first night he'd meet Luna.

He found his patch eye popping it on, his bandana which he wrapped around his head all by himself, his fake rubber sword, but not his peg leg that was missing.

As he looked he couldn't find it, it wasn't under the bed, it wasn't in his costume box, and it wasn't in his wardrobe, or in his cupboards.

After looking though his bedroom for his peg leg his bedroom was in a mess, toys everywhere clothes as well all thrown about looking for the peg leg.

Pip then thought of where it could be it would be his only last looking place.

Pip looked at his bed and there it was, it was one of the legs for the bed he removed it.

The bed moved to the floor now missing a leg, pip then looked at the time it was 8 at night he knew if he was going to make it to the last cart to the castle he'd have to hurry.

Pip kissed his parents and set off for the last cart to the castle ticket in mouth.

As he walked he yawned after all the running and looking and being slowed by warring the peg leg he was quite tried.

Pip looked up at the sky and could see the castle his eyes started to close he was feeling very tried, he'd not eaten anything either he was in such a rush.

Pip started to slow to a plod, he sat down gasping feeling tried like he'd been on a running machine and gone no where fast.

"Maybe a quick nap won't hurt"

He thought to himself.

Pip lay on the soft grass and started to go to sleep,

"Just a quick nap to regain some energy"

The night air blew though his mane as he slept.

As night came he was fast asleep, and out in the open the worse place for a little colt to be.

When pip woke he was warm no longer a cold cool breeze on his fur, but now a warm feeling all over like a fire.

Pip rubbed his eyes and saw loads of strange masks and potions, he then saw he was next to a big cauldron, he then gasped, he was in Zercora's hut.

"Ah I see little pip is awake, that wasn't a good idea taking a nap out in the open, big dragons like easy to see pray, and so do most monsters and at night your an easy target"

She said while pouring something into the bubbling cauldron.

"What time is it?"

Pip yawned and rubbing his eyes now a bit more awake,

"Way past your bed time little colt, but if you most know it is 11",

She said putting more sticks on the fire

"Oh no the princess!"

Pip got up and rushed to the door almost tripping over things in the hut.

Zercora more faster then him stopped him just as he was about to rush out the door.

"Why the rush little colt, and why do you want to see the princess? And at this time?"

Pip trying to get past her said

"I need to see her I won her contest! I was on my way there; I was only suppose to sleep for a little time then catch the cart too oh no"

Pip sat down thinking, he had missed the last cart to the castle, he started t cry.

Zercora smiled and went to her cabernet of positions she then looked and pulled out a small pot,

"this will keep you up, its too late to walk and the last cart is long gone, even if you was a wonder bolt you'd be late, take a drop of this and you'll stay awake for 5 hours, here child."

She said some words as a purple smoke appeared around Pip, Pip gasped as this happened Zercora then said something and poof, pip closed his eyes as the smoke engulfed him.

When he re-opened them he was in front of the castle.

He ran up to the door, the guard there looked at him, pip then looked for the ticket he looked but no ticket.

The guard just looked at him, not moving he had been told not to let anyone in after 10.

Just then pip's ticket appeared, it had a note with it, "thought you might need this Z"

Pip showed the ticket and the guard let him in.

As the door opened Pip walked in and was amazed at the big castle all the wonderful windows, the big lights and doors.

Pip then heard a noise coming from a door, the guard walked with him as they got to the door, he opened there was a party.

Pip looked as the party wasn't in full swing.

Then Luna flew to him landing near him, "thou are late, but thou are here none the less now then lets party, pinkie, hit it"

As Luna said this pinkie pie hit the record deck and the music played the party was underway.

Pip was then walked with Luna onto the dance floor he showed her his moves which was a bit hard to do with a peg leg clomping, Luna laughed and showed Pip her moves, they where a bit out dated but nice to looked at, princess celrtia was there too, keeping an eye on things she parted well eating nice party food.

It was now one in the morning and Pip was eating the food he then returned with some food for Luna, she smiled and eat it, they where quite tried so let some of the night ponies' dance.

At 3 in the morning Pip was feeling tried the portion Zercora had given him was warring off, he then pulled out the bottle, he took a sip and felt awake, like he had a coffee.

The guards yawned and talked to each other while eating cake they too where tried.

Princess celrtia had gone to bed but at midnight, she never would go to bed any later, Luna then told pip to follow her as the party died down, only the cleaners left to tidy up the mess.

Pip followed as he was led to Luna's room, Luna opened the doors and walked to the open window on the balcony and smiled.

Pip looked up at the sky, she then closed her eyes and her horn glowed, it started to shower but with meteorites.

Pip watched as they zoomed about he then looked at the stars as they started to move, they shone into a message, it read "thanks for coming Pip"

Pip looked and smiled, he hopped about really enjoying himself, Luna just smiled, then asked him a question.

"Pip dose thou like the party?"

"Yes Miss Luna, it has been fun, pinkie pie really knows how to party"

"Indeed she dose, thou knew to send her for this sort of thing, thou can't even pull off a simple prank"

Pip looked as Luna's smile went; he then thought of an idea he knew a few pranks.

"Well I know a good prank; we'll need a bucket, and a victim,"

Luna found a bucket in her bedroom, pip then filled it up with water, Luna then using her magic placed it over the door,

"So what happens now?"

She asked looking as she placed it just enough to make it balance on the door top.

Pip told her to call a guard in,

"Oh guard!"

One of the Luna's night guards walked in, as he did he pushed the door open and the bucket feel onto him, making him very wet, he frowned, Luna then smirked then laughed very loudly,

"Oh pip thou knows a good prank"

She said looking at not very happy royal guard,

"Indeed but you did that princess, you made the bucket fall on him, all I did was fill it up with water"

Luna looked at the guard still dripping and with a bucket on his head.

"Thou is right, I did that, all you did was fill the bucket, thou can do a prank, got one for my sister?"

Pip thought, the guard lowered his head the bucket dropping to the floor he then left, pip then told Luna in whisper about the next prank.

Luna took pip to her sister's room; there she was in bed, no guards not even at the door.

Luna using her magic again she placed the bucket by her sister's bedside; Pip then moved his hoof to hers.

Celrtia said something in her sleep but didn't wake, Luna watched from the door keep an eye out just in case.

Pip lightly placed her hoof in the bucket, he then ran to the door Luna watched wondering what would happen.

As they watched celrtia said something in her sleep then Luna saw her bed sheets getting very wet,

"She's wet her self, how is, oh thou sees it now!"

Luna and Pip ran off back to her room they closed the door resting on it and laughed.

Luna was having so much fun; it was now 4 in the morning after all that pranking.

Luna and pip feel onto the bed gasping for air as that joke was funny.

Luna's eyes then meet Pip's they looked into each other eyes staring at each other.

Luna's beautiful blue eyes and Pip's wonderfully dark brown eyes.

They looked then Luna moved in and kissed him on the lips.

Pip gasped at first but moaned as he knew what was happening.

Luna explored Pip's mouth, pip just sat there letting her he was in a new world.

Luna then broke the kiss, a line of drool in-between them.

Luna then blushed from what she had done, pip did the same that he hadn't said something to stop her.

Luna then saw Pip's little friend.

"I see thou liked that a lot"

Pip looked down and saw his member out and throbbing he then covered it.

"Oh god sorry Luna, I it well its was so nice, I I'm sorry"

He looked away trying to think of something else but that kiss was still in his mind.

Luna smiled and then took a hold of Pip's head, she then moved it down to show him her area, it was wet and it too wanted one thing.

"Thou also liked it,"

Pip blushed; he could smell her sent.

Luna blushed seeing Pip's pony hood throb from her smell.

Luna and pip walked and got onto the bed.

Luna then reached into her bed side table and pulled out something she then looked at Pip and said,

"Would thou like to plunder the royal pussy?"

Pip's nose bleed as she said that he looked at Luna as she smiled with the packet in her mouth.

Pip's pony hood answered the question, throbbing like crazy.

Luna opened the packet and put the item on pip's pony hood getting it on as he was small.

Pip looked it was like a bag but wet and rubbery it fitting nicely and didn't hurt.

As he looked at it Luna got up she turned around sitting down, she knew pip wasn't able to mount her like a true colt, but he was able to mount her.

Luna smiled at pip as he played with the condom making it flex and move.

"Is thou going to play with that, or play with me?"

Pip looked as Luna moved her tail showing her royal pussy.

Pip looked at her he moved to her sniffed her wet pussy and jumped onto her back.

His pony hood throbbed; he then put it to her soft warm pussy lips.

Luna smiled, pip then pushed into her, he moaned at the feeling so warm soft and wet and it was so nice.

Pip's pony side took over as his cock went into her; he started to thrust into her like a true colt.

Luna moaned with each thrust, even though he was young his 5 inch cock thrusting into her un-touched 1003 years pussy was quite nice.

Pip moaned him mating with Luna he thought it was a dream but no it wasn't.

Pip's cock throbbed his moaning making Luna smile, she just smiled at him, her inner walls clenching on him as he thrust into her, pip then gasped feeling something a feeling he'd not felt before.

As he thrust his pony hood started to get bigger but only at the top, he then gasped thrusting into her more but only a little bit, he then neighed out loud, Luna neighed as well from the Cumming.

As pip gasped from this new feeling Luna felt his cum in her even though it was in the condom.

Luna smiled and he looked it was now getting near day time her sister would wake soon to rise the sun.

As Pip pulled out from Luna's pussy he heard the wet slop, it was nice to both of them.

Luna then nuzzled Pip; he smiled and cuddled into her.

"Thou enjoyed that, and thou would like to thank you for coming to thou party"

Luna removed the condom from pip putting it in the bin pip just moaned still loving the fact he'd plundered the royal pussy, now though he was feeling tried he smiled and rested her head on Luna's rump.

Luna smiled and let him, Luna then rested her head on his back.

In the mean time celrtia woke up and felt wet, she then took off her sleeping mask and saw her hoof in a bucket of water, she then saw her bed wet, she got out of bed and shouted "LUNA!!!"

Celrtia walked to Luna's room very angry with what had happened she knew it was Luna, no one else knew where her bedroom was not even the guards.

As celrtia got to Luna's room she walked in, she then saw Luna and pip they looked so cute fast asleep and cuddling each other.

She smiled and forgot about the little prank after all it was quite funny and she'd get them back sometime.

She smiled and covered them with a sheet to keep them cosy.

She then turned and stepped on something, she picked it up with her magic and saw the wrapper, she then looked back at those two and said "nah, he's took young it's a sweet wrapper."

She left them to sleep and to go rise the sun.

As Pip slept he cuddled Luna and dreamed about her, he was now older and they had a family he smiled dreaming about it.

Luna just dreamed about yesterday and how in 1003 years she had her first stallion and what a fun night it was.

The end

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