the cute and rare eevee pt3

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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the 3rd part of this story its getting exciting too

The evil guy walked towards the old warehouse where he once worked, it was all bordered up and had police tape all over it, as he walked he sort of looked like Santa, but this was a Santa that would steal your Pokémon toys not give them away and would do it everyday of every year of every month then just one night.

The four Pokémon yelped and barked and mewed in the bag, they where being pushed around a lot, they then stopped and feel to the ground, then light, only a small amount but enough to see the evil guy.

"Ahh my new breeders, I'll start again, I'll become rich, I'll make millions"

He closed the door of the cage and locked it he then walked away putting the key on the nail away from the cage.

The four Pokémon huddled tougher wondering what would happen to them, this new master was mean and was talking about breeding, the young Pokémon had no idea what that meant was it good or bad?

Night rolled in the ware house was dark and scary, the 4 pokemon huddled and whimpered as it was cold, all they could hear was the calls of zubats and other pokemon.

Later that night the eevee watched the moon, it was so nice and round it was the only light he could see by, she looked at it and sighed, she then looked at the others the Poochyena just slept not really caring too much while the growlithe and Vulpix played.

"Look at you, your all acting as if nothing has happened!"

The eevee looked at them and they looked at her confused.

"We've got to get out of here and get back to our real master, not this guy, he's not our master, our master would never do this to us, lock us in a cage".

The eevee said

"Well it would help if we knew where we were, before we do anything"

The Poochyena woke saying and stretched,

"First we are in a cage, that means we need the key, 2nd we need to find the way out of here and 3rd we need to know where we are, and how far away from home we are"

He said scratching an itch and looking at the eevee,

"Hay over there, that shiny thing on the wall!"

Growlithe pointed out with his paw,

Eevee looked and saw the shiny thing too the moon light reflected off it, but was it the key to the cage?

"Good work growlithe, now we need to find a way of getting it and getting out of here"

All the pokemon looked for weak spots in the cage.

"I've found something!"

Shouted the Vulpix,

The others ran over and looked where the Vulpix was pushing down,

"Here the cage is lose, if we all pounce on it, it should brake and then one of us can get though"

She said pushing on it as it bent down showing a bit of the wall under the cage.

"it's a good plan, well done both of you, you two make a good team, I think you two should be the ones to go and get the key as you two work in good sync, in the mean time me and Poochyena will stay and keep guard, if we spot him or anyone else coming we'll yip,"

The three others nodded and then moved to the cage front pushing there back agents the door, then with a big pounce they jumped onto the lose bit of the floor in the cage, it broke and clattered to the floor.

Vulpix looked though the hole seeing how far down it was, then with a jump, she jumped down and landed with a soft thud.

The Growlithe followed but with a loud thud as he'd messed up, the Vulpix then looked around the darkened room, the only light was from the moon.

Eevee and Poochyena looked on at the two as they went towards the key.

Vulpix moved towards the key, growlithe looked around, sniffing the air the place smelt bad, the smell of evil and bad, also blood and other smells that he'd not smelled, the growlithe whimpered, and stopped in plain view, whimpering.

"What are you doing?!"

Vulpix asked,

"I can't go on, I'm scared, it smells bad here"

He started to turn to head back to the cage tail tucked under his legs.

"Wow and thought you was brave, c'mon I'll hold you paw if you need to"

She said with a smirk,

"I'm not that much of a baby!"

He pouted and ran towards Vulpix.

They both stopped at where the key were, they looked up seeing the key was out of jumping height even though growlithe did try jumping high then landing and trying again, but this just made him very tried.

"Give me a leg up"

Said the growlithe

Growlithe got onto the back of the Vulpix and she lifted him up,

"Almost, just a little more..."

The Vulpix lifted up more but slipped on the wet and damp wall and feel, Growlithe then felt and looked down not seeing a Vulpix under him, he fell on top of her, and she yelped from the landing as growlithe was heavy, this noise made the evil guy come from out of his office.

Eevee yipped like crazy so did Poochyena, the evil man came out from his office seeing the two pokemon yipping loudly the evil man grabbed one of the whips and used it to make them be quite, he then looked and found the two Pokémon outside of the cage, he then looked and saw the hole in the cage and placed all 4 into an opened area with a tall fence.

"Looks like I can't leave you four on your own, okay then come out"

He threw a poke ball and out came an Arbok, it hissed; the four Pokémon looked at the big Pokémon and huddled each other scared of the pokemon in front of them.

"If they try to run, eat them"

He smiled and went back into his office

The Arbok hissed and nodded, looking at the little ones, eyeing them up for size, thinking which one tasted the best.

The moon light shone though the window lighting up the room a bit, the four pokemon sighed, they where trapped, the Arbok would eat them if they tried to escape even though the fence was easy to clim, it was the Arbok that was the new problem, but the eevee wasn't ready to give up.

"Hay don't worry, I have a plan, look that Arbok's been guarding us for hours now, he must be tried here's what we do"

She whispered in there ears and they all got into a line, they then started to sing, the song was made up from very cute and soft noises it was so nice relaxing and would make any one feel sleepy.

The Arbok yawned looking tried his eyes started to close but he opened them quickly but soon lost control, he rested his head on his coils and started to sleep, little did the pokemon know, it had also sent the evil man to sleep there voices had echoed though the building sending everything to sleep except themselves.

They all stopped once they heard the Arbok sleeping, they then climbed the fence and went to the nearest door, they all crashed into it, hoping it would just open like the door did back home but it didn't.

"We need to find another way out, but how?"

Said the eevee

All of them looked around looking for an exit, the growlithe sniffed and found an air vent, he wagged his tail which everyone knew was good, instead of barking or calling, you wag your tail to signal the others it was something they said to do so as not to wake the other big pokemon.

"What you found growlithe?"

Asked the eevee,

"Up there"

He pointed up

The other came over and they all looked up at the air vent, it was a way out, but no way of getting out unless they stood on each other and then jumped, then the Vulpix found something wooden near the air vent or almost next to it.

"Hay what about this?"

She asked climbing it a bit

The others walked over and saw the ladder; they looked at it, then the eevee cilmed up it and looked down, then jumped down landing lightly.

"Prefect, it'll work, but to get it over there only one will be able to go for outside help, by the time we move it'll be day, so who wants to go for help, and look"

As the eevee spoke the sun was coming up, it was getting near morning.

"I'll go"

Said the growlithe,

The group looked at him and they all smiled,

"Okay then, good luck Growlithe, get to the top of this and we'll push you to the air vent then run and get help"

Said the eevee

"Why are you doing this?"

The Vulpix asked as he started to clim

"Well it's for you, I really like you, and I want you to know that if anything happens, I will always like you"

She smiled and licked him; she then got with the others to push the ladder to the vent.

The growlithe blushed a little from the lick he then cilmed to the top of the ladder and held on, all three then pushed and pulled the ladder as quickly as they could, it made a scraping noise as it was moved the growlithe held on reaching out for the vent.

The noise made by the ladder made the evil guy wake.


Eevee said pushing it into place as the door to the office opened

Growlithe then lifted the air vent up and crawled out, wagging his tail to say "I'm in", the evil guy came out of the office and saw the three of them by the ladder as the eevee started to clim up it.

He ran over to the sleeping Arbok and whipped it

"You stupid snake you, I told you to watch them! Now one of them is missing!"

The Arbok hissed and want away from the evil man

The evil man ran to the ladder and grabbed the two next to it but the eevee ran wanting to see if they might be able to escape from another area.

She raced around the warehouse looking but then was meet by Arbok, it hissed at her.

"Well, it appears, I'll be having an early breakfast"

It hissed and the eevee looked backing agents a wall.

But before the Arbok could eat the little eevee, he was grabbed and got a whipping, the eevee looked as the evil man kept whipping him with such force, the pokemon hissed and was saying sorry in pokemon voice, but still he whipped him, eevee looked on in shook.

"Don't you ever try to eat my money again!"

The Arbok hissed nodding and looked away

He dropped the three into a taller cage but it had an earthy base.

The evil man then put the Arbok away and brought out another pokemon to guard the three, this time it was a gray pokemon, it was ryhorn, he roared at the little ones, making them fear him, the all just stood there scared.

"Try to escape now, if you do, this pokemon will turn you into pokemon pillows, by which I mean he'll pound you flat"

He left laughing and got his net and food to get the other pokemon that had escaped.

While all this was going on, the growlithe had worked his way though the very dusty and confusing air vents, it was like a maze but soon he found day light.

It was now day, he exited and landed on the grass and shook himself to get the dust off, he then ran into some woods wanting to get away from this place, as he entered the woods he shouted, "help, help".

The others looked at the pokemon that was now watching them the then all turned talked in baby talk, it was a pokemon langue you learn to talk to other younger pokemon, like a new code or langue it wasn't understood by other older pokemon, then the eevee, growled at the bigger pokemon while the other two went towards the back of the pen.

"Let us go, we belong to another person, not your owner!"

The eevee growled at the bigger pokemon

"He is not owner, he is master, I had owner but was traded, or I think that's how it was,"

The ryhorn looked at the eevee as he spoke

"Huh? You wasn't traded?"

Said the eevee now sitting wanting to hear the pokemon's story.

"Oh yes, I was in a battle then lost and then woke up again with him looking at me, I thought it was because he'd traded me, but he didn't seem right"

The ryhorn looked away thinking back to that day

"Like he was bad? Or didn't seem right?"

The eevee said looking over her back to see what the other two where doing.

"Yes but the bad that makes you fear them, so I listen to what he says, and I don't get whipped"

The ryhorn then noticed the other two moving a lot in the back, and sounds of digging.

The other two pokemon where in the mean time digging like crazy to escape from this place.

The eevee was to distract the big pokemon while the Poochyena and Vulpix dug there way out.

But the gray pokemon caught onto this and roared alerting his master.

The evil man came over hearing the roar he looked and saw the two pokemon digging he saw the eevee looking cute at the front.

Vulpix had her tail in the air digging like crazy, so was Poochyena, the evil man smiled and moved his arm, then both pokemon felt a sharp burning pain on there butts, they stopped what they where doing to yelp in pain, then they saw the evil man.

"Looks like I can't keep you lot in one place, that's alright I have plenty of cages for you".

He picked everyone up and put them into a single cage, they looked at him with there cute faces but he just smiled, knowing that there smiles are pure gold dust, the more they look sadder the more money they'll bring in, he then locked the cages and smiled.

"I'll be back with the other one soon, ryhorn, keep guard, if they talk or escape, hurt them, but not that bad, as for you lot, well lets say you'll be in new hands soon, to pokemon trainers who pay the most"

He exited locking the door, the ryhorn looked at the pokemon guarding them, the eevee sighed and looked at the window where the light was coming though, the Poochyena just licked his wound, as the Vulpix just cried in a small ball she had made.

In the mean time, the growlithe outside was tried, he had been running for ages, he was tried, he gasped and feel to the ground still trying to call out for help he looked and gasped only just being able to say "help", though it was more a yelp.

He gasped and then saw something block the light, he closed his eyes and feel asleep not really caring who it was as he was too tried to fight.

When he woke he was moving, he woke up more and tried to fight what ever was holding him off, but he was too tried.

"Put me down, I need to get help"

He started to kick and growl

The bigger pokemon put him down and he turned then looked, there in front of him was a bigger pokemon, it was like him but more bigger, it was an arkanine, she smiled and looked at the puppy, she then talked.

"Little one, you must be very tried, please, feed to get your strength back"

She lie on the floor and let the little pokemon suckle on her, the growlithe looked and turned away, but his belly rumbled he then turned suckled on her gulping down the nice warm milk.

He then stopped, and remembered his friends, he then spoke,

"please you have to help me, I've escaped from that warehouse, my friends are inside, I need help, there going to be sold or used for something called, breeding there the same as age as me just different pokemon",

The arkanine looked shocked, she then howled and a load of pokemon appeared, she then looked at the little one and said, "now then little one, how can we help?"

In the mean time, tom was training like mad, absol was much better and was fighting, she had a load of rage in her, she used her attacks and got more stronger, growing more and more, then tom looked at the setting sun, tonight would be the night he'd get his pokemon back from that evil man.

End of part 3

the cute and rare eevee pt4

As night time came, the three pokemon looked at the setting sun, the door then went, they looked and saw nothing in the net, he'd not captured growlithe, they all smiled. The evil man then walked over to an area of the warehouse, he then opened a...

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pet dragon PT4

So here I am, stuck in a army base, my best friend Lexus dead and carrier hurt from being hit in the head and from hitting the wall, the other dragons with me too, one dead the other one alive but weak. As I cried I held little Lexus in my arms, he...

the cute and rare eevee pt2

Morning came and I woke to hear no noise, I looked and saw all 4 where still in the bed with mom Absol, I smiled and got up, the Growlithe Pokémon yawned and saw me getting up, I put on some fresh clothes, without looking I dropped my t-shirt onto the...

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