the cute and rare eevee pt2
pt2 of the eevee story, here things get cute, but look dark
Morning came and I woke to hear no noise, I looked and saw all 4 where still in the bed with mom Absol, I smiled and got up, the Growlithe Pokémon yawned and saw me getting up, I put on some fresh clothes, without looking I dropped my t-shirt onto the floor on top of the little Pokémon. He whimpered as it had gone dark, I then looked seeing my t-shirt move, and picked him up, he yipped happily he then whimpered and I felt a wet patch, he'd wet himself, I placed him on the tray and he finished, I then gave him a treat for going on there. The other woke up too, Absol licked each one giving them a morning clean, she then placed each one on there tray's, she was good at remembering which one was for each Pokémon, they all then went to the loo then they wanted feeding.
I fed Absol first, the little ones tried to eat the older Pokémon's food but failed just nomming it or baiting it around the floor. I laughed as they tried, I then got from the bag 4 collars, each one was a different colour, I placed them on the floor and waited to see which one they'd take.
The eevee bit the green one, so I placed it on him, he smiled cutely. The Vulpix one had to take the orange one, I put it on her, she then jumped around showing it off. The growlithe Pokémon thought it was game of tug so picked the black one and pulled it as I pulled, it was funny, he soon let go when I said "leave" and had a treat in my hand. Poochyena didn't really like his red collar but he wore it and smiled.
After this I sat on my bed reading though a book I'd brought at the store, "so you've got baby Pokémon, basic tips on how to care and look after for happy Pokémon".
As I read though I felt a little paw on my foot, I looked and there was the eevee, I picked him up and put him in my lap, he smiled and curled into a ball and started to sleep. I didn't stroke or touch him, as it said in the book if a Pokémon is sleeping leave it, as they need there sleep.
As I looked I could see the Poochyena sniffing around, exploring his new environment, the Vulpix was grooming herself by the heater, and the Growlithe was playing with the rope toy, Absol watched there every move, she was a good mum, she stretched and pawed at the door, then opened it, closing it behind her.
I looked out of the window keeping an eye on her, I then felt another paw on my foot, then a nibble, "ow" I said lightly, Pokémon maybe cute but there teeth are like needles, I saw it was the Poochyena, I picked him up and put him in my lap, he sniffed the eevee and nuzzled next to him, he woke looking then going back to sleep. The Vulpix was now playing tug o war with the Growlithe, it was funny, Vulpix being pulled along the ground as she wasn't very strong, as I read the book it told me that when they where a bit older about 5 months to take them out side, let them run around.
Absol came back in and flopped onto the bed for her, the Vulpix now very angry at the Growlithe for making her fur all dusty from the dragging tackled her. She let out a howl which woke the Pokémon on my lap, I put them down and went to the Growlithe, it was crying and in pain, I read though the book saying, if a Pokémon hurts themselves or gets hurt from an attack, comfort them.
I picked her up and cuddled her, she sniffed, the Vulpix smiled, she had learned an attack, but at the same time hurt herself as she wasn't use to it. The Growlithe whimpered and then jumped from my arms onto my pillow, she yawned and started to sleep, I just smiled. Absol was now getting into a feeding routine, she would feed them 7 times a day, this was good as she was getting them use to set meals, not just feeding when they want food.
Months pasted and they started to grow, there learning was going great, they now knew if they needed the loo, they'd go on there tray, and get lots of fuss for doing it. They where also learning attacks, Vulpix had learned how to use her tackle and not hurt her self. Poochyena had learned roar, the book said they do this just to scare off other Pokémon, at first he scared himself, but soon got use to it. Growlithe had learned growl, a simple attack, thanks to Absol, who had thought him, he now growled every time someone was at the door. The eevee had learned two attacks, but that was because I was going to train it up, I was spending more time with the eevee so he got use to me. The attacks it had mastered were tackle thanks to help from Vulpix, and it had learned growl from Growlithe and Absol.
5 months past and I put there leads on, I waited for them to get use to them, the growlithe bit and chewed his, same as Poochyena, the eevee and Vulpix sniffed and took to it like psyduck's to water, it was then time to go outside the door.
As I opened the door they all looked, it was big, they sniffed and where not really wanting to go out, Absol lead the way, there first meet was with my mum, she never went into my room, for the risk of leaving the door open, they looked at her and where shy at first, but some treats and a fuss they soon got use to her. Next was the stairs.
They all looked at the stairs, it was very scary from there point of view, the eevee took a jump and landed on the first step, the others followed, the Poochyena though wouldn't budge, he just sat there, Absol lifted him up like a puppy and carried him down, they where then in a very big area.
The lounge had loads of great things, dad was there too reading the Pokémon news, he saw the new ones and made a fuss of them, they loved him, mind you he smelled like me Pokémon. After taking some safety looks in the room, I let them off there leads, the all ran off in different directions, Absol then hopped onto the couch and looked keeping an eye on them.
Growlithe loved the table legs they tasted nice, I lightly hit him on the head saying no, he soon got it. The eevee was more interested in the TV, he'd looked at it then hit a button and it turned on, he looked at it mesmerized. The Vulpix had found the kitchen, she then found an open cupboard and opened it more, the Poochyena followed her, they looked into the dark cupboard, then a pan fell out and made a crash, they ran.
I looked and just laughed, they then got bored and saw the flashing light of the TV; they all sat in front of it, all mesmerized by it. I sat on the couch and looked at dad's paper I then saw the article on the team evil place, a few had escaped, one of them was the guy who had sold me that eevee, if he knew my face he'd know I was the one who took them down, I didn't worry as he would be long gone by now.
The four Pokémon watched the telly liking the nature shows, pawing at the Butterfree, and trying to play with the other Pokémon, I knew that this would be a good time to let them outside. I put there leads on and they all looked sad as I turned the TV off, I then pointed to the door, they looked and ran towards it only to be stopped by the leads.
Absol walked behind me, I then opened the door. They where blinded for a little time by the afternoon sun, they then looked and saw the yard, I had put up a fence to keep them in, they all pulled on there leads. The yard had some nice things, a little pool for them to swim or drink from, a sandy area some rocks to clime on, more toys, bits of old wood and a swing chair.
They all ran around happy, I then let them off there leads and the all ran to the water, then to the rocks then to the sand, then the toys, they had never been so happy, I knew tonight they'd sleep well from all this.
I sat in the swing chair with absol as they explored the yard, there was a little area with some long grass but not too long. Eevee rolled around in the sand pit enjoying the sand on his fur. Growlithe picked up one of the toys and dropped it by my feet, I then lobbed it and she ran after it. The Vulpix had found a nice warm rock to sleep on, watching telly can tire you out. The Poochyena was under the rock chewing on a bit of old wood.
As I watched them little did I know I was being watched too, the guy from the place saw that'd I'd taken four new Pokémon, he looked at them thinking how much they'd sell for, he then looked around my home, he was working out how to get in, how to steal the Pokémon, he then saw absol, he looked and thought more money.
The sun started to set and all four where well and truly tried, so much so the Growlithe was fast asleep in the grass and wouldn't wake, I picked three up as they where able to stay awake, Absol picked up the sleeping Growlithe and carried him inside, he yawned and the others yawned too, they had all had fun, and where now very tried.
As night came Absol feed them before bed, I petted each one saying good night to them before snuggling myself into my bed, I turned the light off and started to sleep, in the moonlight the person from team evil smiled.
It was two in the morning when the Growlithe woke and went to the loo, as he walked back to the bed he heard a noise, he growled at it thinking it was just a Zubat in the loft, he sat at the door and listened. The eevee woke too seeing in the darkness the Growlithe, he wanted over to her and started to talk to him in Pokémon speak,
"What's up Growlithe?" he said "I heard a noise out there" she responded "Yawn, just a noise, why are you waiting by the door?" "To see if its something good or fun, want to wait with me?" she said smiling, "Sure sounds like fun" he said smiling back.
They then heard footsteps; Pokémon hearing is better then humans and trainers. They then saw the door handle go, they thought it was a friend but it wasn't, the team evil guy looked seeing them with his night vision goggles and he grabbed them putting them into a sack.
They both whimpered and cried, the Vulpix hid under mum's leg, the Poochyena roared waking mum Absol, the guy grabbed the Poochyena and put him in the bag.
He then got the Vulpix which before it was bagged let out a very high yelp, mum woke seeing the guy put her babies in the bag, she growled and leaped onto him, he hit the ground the bag hitting the ground, I was still asleep, sadly I'm a very heavy sleeper, not much wakes me.
He got up and looked at the growling Absol, he then picked the bag up, Absol bit him on the bum, he howled, he then kicked her trying to get her off, she bit harder, he then kicked her and she let go, she snarled at him, blood on her mouth from the bite, she then jumped to take him down but he countered with a punch that would knock anything out.
Absol hit the ground, he looked over her, then looked for the bag, he looked in only seeing three, the eevee had gotten free and was at my bed trying to get on to wake me, he grabbed him and put him in the bag. Absol was now very mad, she bit his leg, he howled in pain again, he then got mad, he dropped the bag and got from his pocket a rock, Absol looked at the rock, she then growled going for his other leg, he bit it but all there was, was a very loud clang. He then looked at her, and dropped the rock, it wasn't a rock it was a brick, he hit her knocking her out cold, the room was a mess, he then looked, taking my money and a few other things.
Morning came and I woke to see my room in a mess, blood everywhere white fur as well, I then saw Absol in her basket, she was injured, I then looked seeing no baby Pokémon with her or in the room, I then woke my parents up and they called the police, I just ran to the Pokémon center absol in my arms.
As I ran though the door, Joy saw me carrying a Pokémon, she looked at it and rushed it to the emergency room, I looked as the needle went red, all I could do was wait and hope.
Back at my house, police where there looking over the home, they saw the guy had smashed the door with a rock, then open the door from inside, he then walked up to the bedroom opening the door carefully, where he grabbed the Pokémon and had a small fight with a Pokémon.
Officer Jenny came in to the Pokémon center and asked me who would do such a thing? I had a pretty good idea but I said nothing, I was more worried about Absol, the babies where fine they knew how too look after themselves, it was Absol.
She was a new mum, she had never done this before, this fight and the loss of her young might make her loss the fight for life. She loved to be a mum, to then just seem them be taken away in such way was too much, then the light went out. Nurse Joy came out and put the peace sign up, "Absol is doing great, she is a fighter, not only that but she also got this, she spit it up as I took her into the room".
It was a peace of clothing, from the guy who had taken her and mine babies, I knew what I had to do. I went to her and whispered in her ear to rest then we'd train to get your level up more and more, then we'd go after the bad man. She said her name nodded and went to sleep, I then started to hatch a plan, where to find them, I had a good idea the guy would be at the old factory, as it was a good hiding place to hide. This was going to be one battle I wouldn't lose.
End of part two