pet dragon PT3

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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here it is, pt3 of pet dragon the story really gets going now!

(if you can please add tags)

It was a wonderful morning, the birds signing some morning song, the morning sun shining though the tree's leaves, and the cool morning wind blowing a cool breeze to cool you off.

I was awoken by the wonderful smell of cooking though, not the beautiful morning but the smell food, not just any food breakfast food the best kind of food.

I woke up and yawned and rubbed my eyes and stretched then looked, their was carrier and Lexus, Lexus came over to me purring and rubbing agents me, he was happy I was awake.

"Carrier, how'd you get this?"

I asked unsure and still half awake, but it smelled so good, my belly rumbled from not eating for a good few hours and the taste of fish still in my mouth Lexus growled at my belly for growling.

I didn't care what egg it was or what it was I was hungry that egg smell was too much, I took some from the pan carrier held over the fire and ate.

My month watered from the first bite, it was like the eggs where taken from angel's, I ate them very fast there where that good, tasting so nice and wonderful, like the first time you ever had egg.

I then tried the bacon, or what I thought was bacon was actually chicken, I munched it until it was just the bone of the chicken.

I put the bone down on the ground, Lexus pounced it and crewed and munched on it like a dog it made me chuckle.

"By the looks on your face I can tell you enjoyed that, I just hope the farmer doesn't mind, I left him a coin"

Carrier said eating some of the left over's, the bits of the chicken no one would eat.

"A coin?"

I said still loving the taste that he had just given me.

"Yes, a coin from earth, pure gold, with some person's head on it"

He said looking away not liking to give up items to people who shoot at him.

"Can I see these coins? Or coin?"

I asked curios as I wondered what type of coin they'd be.

Carrier got from what looked like a punch under his belly like a kangaroo and handed me a coin, I nearly fainted from looking at it, it was a pure gold coin, a roman or older coin, I wasn't a coin person but I knew it was worth money and was way out of date of our now a days money.

I looked at carrier shocked that he had more; he had a whole sack load, just a small money bag, the kind you see in olden films where the king is counting his coins and putting them into bags from the poor village people.

I got up and looked at the morning day, it was great but I was wondering, wondering about the other two dragons if they were okay and if they where still alive, I put that thought aside as I noticed Lexus had gone.

Carrier looked and so did I, in the small time I was looking at the coin, he'd wiggled free of his lead and had gone for a walk, I called his name and so did carrier, I then saw the grass move and he appeared from it smiling, I sighed and picked him up hugging him and saying don't wander off again.

I then put him down and went behind a tree to do my own business and thought of a way to get the two other dragons out from the base they where in.

As I sat under another tree thinking of a way to get them out I could hear carrier playing with Lexus, I knew that I would have to give him up as he wasn't really mine, he had a family just like me they where worried about him as much as parents do, I'd be okay with it he wasn't mine and I mean I can have a dragon, but I can have one that's going to grow to the size of a car or bigger.

I sighed and looked into the sky from under the tree; I then got up and thought of a way to get in I then walked over to carrier and Lexus to tell them the plan.

The mid morning sun shone as we flew over the base where the other dragon's where, I looked down looking for exits or looking for weak points in the base, the bas was huge it was made of concert thick stuff too it was small in size though, tall enough to fit tanks into and planes in but anything bigger no, we then landed near by but just far enough away from the base and I told the plan to carrier again.

"Okay, I'm going to hand you two over, but here's the thing, carrier I want you to grab the guards keys, then when you have it give it to me, you'll go to the other dragon's and I'll be in another room, to be tested on or something, after that I'll get free and go after you, then hopefully if the roof is metal or light concert I want you to fly and crash though the roof, I can put the others in my bag or into your pouch, you got it?"

Carrier nodded understanding the plan, I put a rope over his neck, he then made a knot that looked hard but was so easy to un-do just in case anything went wrong and he needed to get away.

Lexus then cried and I petted him and hugged him, I tried him up and he growled and moved it took a while to tie him up but he soon stopped and he was tried up lightly, I then gulped and walked towards the base carrier on the end of my rope and Lexus tied up and in my arm.

The base was big bigger then from the air, it was very big and was full of army people and weapons, as I walked to the gate everyone ducked or ran away seeing as I had the dragons.

I just walked in lifting the gate up, I then thought to myself, "hmm maybe I can just go in and get the dragons then walk out", but then we where light up by blinding lights, "HOLT DROP ANY WEAPONS!"

A loud man shouted this, I had none so I just stood there, the army guys had there guns locked on me, one of them came over, he was in a full over all suit and he took Lexus from my arms guns still on me and carrier.

Lexus howled and cried for me, I just stood there waiting not crying or wanting to run after Lexus, another person then came over and took carrier's rope same outfit as the other person, carrier was then lead away, he then looked back and winked, he had gotten the keys.

I stood there as the guys with the guns put them down as two guys from either side walked me into the base.

I was lead into the base, I could hear Lexus cry from inside, his howls where very high pitched, it made me sad but I kept a though face.

We then got to a door way the guys there typed in some code on the door, as they did I turned and carrier lobbed me the key I caught it and hid it in my mouth, I was then shoved into a room and the door was locked.

A light flickered over me, the room was gray, it had one door and an air vent in the top, I looked too see if the cost was clear, I removed the key from my mouth I then tried it in the door but it didn't work, carrier had grabbed the wrong one!

I panicked, I tried it again just to make sure, no, it wasn't fitting, I tried it everyway, but nothing, I then got a message though my mind from carrier,

"What's taken so long?"

He asked

"The key isn't the right one"

I said sad.

He went quite, I did too, I sat on the floor and cried, I thought of what I'd done, I'd pretty much lead Lexus and carrier into the base, I sighed and wiped my tears away.

I then got mad, I got up and charged the door, CRUNCH went my body agents the door, I slid down hurting, I then got up and hit it again, CRUCH again I hit it again same thing it wouldn't break, I then kicked it with my foot, nothing, it looked like a normal wooden door, but it wasn't only when I bit fell away I was it was a wooden look a like door but under the thin wood it was covered in steel, I sat down and cried.

I thought of what I could do, how to get out, how to get Lexus out, how to get carrier out, I sighed and looked though the little bars in the door.

I looked and saw Lexus, Lexus, he was outside the door, he was sad and crying, he then nodded his head and I watched him.

He lowered his head and then scraped his claws on the floor and looked at the door, he too thought it was a wooden door, I tried to stop him but it was too late.

He charged full pelt at the door then hit the door thudding hard into it like me nothing, he cried out in pain from the hit.

I got my arm though the small window and he held onto my arm crying still from the hit, I then pulled him up, I was so happy just to see him, I cuddled him and he licked me we where both just happy to see each other.

We sat there as the light flicked dimly, Lexus was asleep in my arms sleeping off the pain from that hit with the door.

The room was so dull, I thought this is how prison would be, just a small room, mind you in prison you get a bed and a bucket, in here there was nothing, just a light and an air vent, AIR VENT?!

I looked though the slits and could see it was giving me air, or taking air away, I pulled hard it and it came off.

I then looked, it was too small for me but not for Lexus!

I picked him up he yawned and looked at me sleepy, I then talked to him in whisper just in case any ears where listening in, he then nodded and I put him into the air vent, he crawled away I looked until all I could hear was the air, no more crawls on metal, just air.

As I waited I got hungry, I must have been on here for hours or longer, I then wondered on how to get out of here, the roof wasn't metal it was pure cement the doors at the front where the only way to get out, fire exits where too small for carrier.

I thought more on our escape then I heard crawls on metal, I got up and looked though the air vent, there was Lexus, he had a whole load of keys in his mouth, I was so happy I pulled him out and found something attached to his tail.

Little Lexus had escaped from the other holding bay though the window that was in the door, like mine just two bars, he then sniffed the air and looked for me, he found carrier and churred, carrier then told him where to go to find me and he had found me.

Little Lexus had crawled to the room for the staff or army people, he had gone thought the vents very carefully not making too much noise, he then found a room full of them, they where celebrating the fact they had got all of the creatures.

They cheered as the news played, there boss or major said how easy it was to get the dragons, he lied saying we just used a net; it was so easy he also said a boy was taken in after touching the little one that got away from the basket we recovered.

Lexus growled at him softly for saying that about him, then crawled down the wall and grabbed a big set of keys the first set he could find, he then also munched on some food he was hungry too from looking though the vents.

He put some food in a small bag for me he the crawled back up the wall and back into the air vent the re-traced his steps.

I munched on the food, it was a sand watch, just a simple cheese and ham one but it was good.

After that I looked at the keys, I noticed each one had a number on them, room numbers? Or a code, I then looked at the number on the key carrier had given me, it was 236, 236 wasn't this key's room, I then found 237 and tried it in the lock, click, the door opened and we where free!

I looked and was very quite, Lexus then sniffed and told me with his nose which way to go, if I made a wrong turn he'd growl, I then found carrier and the others, he looked sad.

I opened the door with another key from the set and saw the two other dragons, one was dead, a wonderful yellow, she was beautiful, yellow with gold in her scales, the other one was alive but weak shaking and cold, only just alive, they hadn't been feed, I then saw my bag in the corner of the room I grabbed it and got out the steak, he sniffed it and bit into it, he then chewed it, like a child with some food its not use to does, he then gulped and started to perk up eating more and purring happy.

As he ate I looked over the little yellow/golden one, she was dead, either from the cold or just from lack of food, she was a great golden or yellow it hard to tell when there young, carrier was looking keeping an eye out for any body, he had stood in front of me to hide the fact I was there.

All of a sudden red lights flashed and warning sounds went off, I looked as Lexus growled, the army people came in and I looked at them, Lexus growled in front of me, carrier moved to the side.

They surrounded us carrier was pushed or forced up agents a wall as Lexus stood in front of me, I was keeping the other dragon safe, then a big block walked in and looked around, he then bent down and looked at Lexus.

"What a cute thing, too bad you're going to be put in the zoo"

He said with a chuckle

"Leave him alone!"

I shouted at him.

The person stood up fully, he was a very powerful man, he had loads of medals on him all looked old and new, shined everyday warn with pride.

He was very tall at least 5'8, he looked like the kind of person who could easily take down carrier if he wanted to, he walked around me,

"you know your breaking a load of rules boy, first of all keeping an ill-legal item, 2nd taking a dragon from a site, 3rd breaking out of your confinements, and now 4th murder"

I clenched my firsts but turned and just said,

"No you're the one for murder, one killing a dragoness, two not feeding them, three shooting down a carrier, and four, assaulting a minor shoving me into a room"

He looked at me and then laughed, this really made me mad, Lexus could feel my rage too, he then looked at both of us and just bent down a bit to eye me,

"Boy, I've gotten away with so many things you won't want to go to sleep at night if I told you"

He just chuckled as he turned to walk away, Lexus then without warning jumped up and bite the major on the butt and dug his teeth in, the guys there held there guns but didn't fire, I just laughed as he danced around swatting and trying to get the small dragon off him, Lexus then pulled back and ripped off some of the army major's trousers showing his blue underpants.

I laughed so hard I thought I was going to explode, but it was the army major who was going to do that he was red faced and looking like a mad person.

They held me and pointed guns at carrier, he then picked up Lexus taking the bit of cloth from his muzzle, Lexus being cute and small just smiled and tried to look cute as if to say; me, no it wasn't giggle, the army major more angry then when a TV show goes to ads just before they say who was done it gripped tighter onto Lexus, Lexus let out a lizard/reptile gasp when you hold them too hard.

"Boy, you know what, you should really see me at the cricket matches, my bowling is so good, its killer"

He looked at me and got into a bowlers position.

And with that he swing Lexus around like a ball getting faster until it was almost like a blur he then aimed for a wall and let go, Lexus went flying and hit the wall with a solid thud, he then looked and smiled still in pose as if to say HOWZA?! As Lexus just slid down the wall lifeless he slide and just hit the floor this really pushed me over the edge.

"NOOOOO!" I screamed and moved trying to get free tears in my eye but the army guys held me.

Carrier roared it must have been herd by the whole base, the army guys there just clicked there guns and took aim, he roared again so loud the guns if it was a cartoon would have run away, but it was the guys holding the guns that did that.

Carrier then looked at the major, he just stood there, like the final boss of a level on a game, I could see carrier's eyes glowing red with rage the two guys held onto me, they where wetting themselves but stayed.

Carrier got face to face with the major, he then looked right back and before carrier could do anything, the major griped his head and head butted him so hard even a ram would have fainted.

Carrier roared and feel backwards and lie on the floor, the army major then looked at me, he was bleeding from the impact of that hit, he then smiled at me and left to be sad.

The two guys then hit me in the gut to make sure I couldn't run after the major, they then left locking the door.

I hurt in my gut, but my will power was more stronger then anyone's, I got up and fell, I then crawled over to where Lexus was.

The other smaller dragon had hid away until now, he was the same colours as carrier but more faded and dull but his colours where the same colour as carrier for sure.

he crawled over to carrier licking him as carrier just lie there hurting from that hit, he smile and licked the little one.

I got over to Lexus, he was covered in blood and was lifeless his head was smashed in from the first hit on that door and then this terrible hit from that what I can only say as an arse hole major I cried and held him in my arms.

Carrier roared like mad, he then flapped his wings and moved back wards until his back was at where I was, he then charged full dragon speed and hit the wall hard, it cracked but the hit from the major had really made him tried, I looked as he fell, tried and panting from the hit of both the wall and major.

I just sat there and cuddled Lexus, the little dragon I'd found in the bushes as an egg, the little dragon I'd helped to get big and strong was now no more, he was dead.

I cried and now more then every I wanted someone dead, I know two wrongs don't make a right but this time it was different that major was going to pay, even if it meant me going to jail.

End of part 3

pet dragon PT4

So here I am, stuck in a army base, my best friend Lexus dead and carrier hurt from being hit in the head and from hitting the wall, the other dragons with me too, one dead the other one alive but weak. As I cried I held little Lexus in my arms, he...

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