a roll in the hay

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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story written at night, this is uselly what i do before going over it again

It was a stormy night the rain pounded down on me and made my clothes wetter then wet.

As I walked home to the farm, the lightning like a light show flashing though the sky and lighting it up for all to see.

I ran to the nearest barn I could find or see, I'd been hanging out with some friends, they where okay with it, I was a farm hand, more use to the farm life not the city life, but today they asked me to join them so I did.

The rain had washed away the track to the farm so they dropped me off at the top of farm entance rather then drive up and get stuck.

As I walked the rain started, I was now seeing a barn, I ran to it, not caring what was inside.

As I opened the door another strike of lightning, it hit the ground with a bang that woke most of the farm, as I closed the door the rain pelted on the barn, it was made of metal so it ehcoed.

As I sat in the hay I light up one of the old gas lartens, I was in the animal barn, the animals where awake and where looking around mooing, clucking, quacking, everysound possible, I just went over to each of them and stroked them, they soon seleted down as for the rain that didn't.

As I watched it rain though a small window I heard a nicker, I looked and there was the black mare, we or dad called her, black, as she was, just a very nice black mare, she came over and rested her head on my shoulder, I smiled and petted her as another flash went pass.

I was quite tried from the running so I found some of the hay for feeding and rested on it, the mare just watched me, she was nice but for some reason I have a feeling she liked me more then I thought, at this time as well she was in season, the stallion was away on another farm, while she was this way.

Dad didn't want another mouth too feed, she just stood there and every so often just nickered a bit and peed, it was a white ish colour, when you live on a farm there isn't much to do other then check on the animal's toilet behavour.

As I lie on the hay she came over and stood over me, almost like she was protercting me, she then starterd to lower herself onto me.

I looked and felt her weight on me, she was heavy, for a daft mare too she was, she then stopped, she was just keeping me warm, I smiled and petted her, I then yawned and closed my eyes just as another flash of blue lightning when pass the small window in the barn.

A few hours later I woke up feeling cold, the barn is old and has holes everywhere, no matter how much dad meds it, he's given up now, just covers it with somthing, old rag, hay, or just fills it in with a bit of tin foil.

As I looked I saw black moving, she was no longer arcoss me she now covering me full with her body, again she lowered herself, I moved a bit and she then stopped just enough of her on me to keep me warm but also so as not to crush me.

I stroked her and she leaned down and kissed me, well it felt like a kiss, it was with her lips, I blushed, I then thought nah, she's just grooming me, I sighed and started to doze, the rain now pouring down out there the light show stopped it was now just rain and the distance sound of thunder.

Again she moved, she was moving a lot on me, she then got off and pulled at my jeans, she then tryed to rip them off, I stopped her and removed them, it must be the button hurting her, she then pulled at my pants, i gasped and took them off too, she then looked at me and I think if she could she'd have blushed, the heat and her moving had made me a bit hard, she then moved over me again and tryed to sit on my hard-on, I stopped her.

"Lets not do it like this, lets do it like a couple"

Again she looked like she was blushing, she then moved and lifted her tail and peed again, I just looked at that rear and said well its better then nothing I serpose.

As I walked to her I felt her butt, it was warm and soft, I felt her over, her sides, her legs, her butt, I then looked at her pussy, it was so big, she then showed off her clit, it was pink, I then moved her lips aside and saw her pussy walls where pink, not black like her.

Her clit kept flicking, it would hold it's position for a few seconds, then go back inside, I looked the rain comming down, I then made my move.

She flicked her clit out and I moved to it, I then licked it, her taste was normal, like wet and creamy, I licked her more gasping at the taste, it was so sweet, no wonder stallions like her, as I did this I could hear her nicker and gasp, she was liking it.

As I licked her clit more, I moved onto her pussy walls, I licked them and moaned, she was so nice, she spread her legs and flicked her tail, she then started to move, wanting more i thought, she then neighed and she peed on my face.

I got a face full of her cum, I gasped and gaged from it the taste was bad, she then sighed, with my hands I brushed my tongue, I then saw the water tough I put my face in it and licked with my tongue.

Black just looked and smiled, I then looked and saw I was hard from all that licking of her pussy, she looked at me again, same blushing type face, she then moved towards me and lowered her head, she then put her mouth to my cock, I gasped, her top lip moving to get it harder, it throbed then went still, she lifted her head up top lip on her nose, she then put it in her mouth.

I gasped at the felling, her equine tongue on my cock, she moved it around, she then took it all, I was quite big about 8 inches, compaired to a stallion though I was little, not that she was making that assumson in her head, she started to bob her head, I moaned and held her head as she did this, I then moaned and came, she just glupped it down, she then moved to me and kissed me, I felt her move her tongue around in my mouth, at that point after the kiss she and I locked eyes, I looked into her blue eyes and she looked into mine, we wanted the final part.

I lay on the hay like I had before, she then moved over licking my cock as she did to make sure it was hard, witch it very much was, she then moved so her backside was about level to mine, I looked down her and said when to stop by petting her, the rain had stopped and it was getting light, she then lowered herself and I felt the warmth from her pussy on my cock, she moved a bit more then I was rubbing her pussy lips with my cock.

She lowered herself more as my cock entered her, the heat was warm, much more then what i'd felt with my mouth, she then sat more, she startered to crush me, I gripped onto her, she felt me do this and stoped, getting up, I gasped, being intween her legs wasn't a good idea, I then looked, as she lay down, I tried to get her to roll over onto her back, she did this, she looked at me with a dumb face, she did look strange, I then kneeled down and pushed my cock to her lips again, she nickered, and lay her head back, I then pushed into her.

The feeling we both got was amazing, I felt her soft warm hot walls on my cock, she felt for the first time when she was in heat a cock in her, we both moaned, I know it seems strange but she moaned with me I heard her, I then pushed into her fully, I didn't care I was breaking the law, or going agents gods back, if this was the only pussy I would be getting until my sister, or a farm girl comes, I was going to take it.

As I thrust into her, I moaned, the feeling of her mucsles clench onto my cock, I gasped, checking on her making sure she was fine, its not good to put a horse on there back, she would move her head every so often to say she was okay.

As I kept going the morning sun started to come up, I looked at her and started to thrust like a real stallion, not a farm boy, as I lay inbetween her legs I felt her tits and started to thrust more, more harder like a true stallion, this was my mare, I was going to show her i'm the best at matting.

As I did I started to feel myself wanting to cum, I then thrust in as far as I could 7 inches was max just incase she peed on me and then I cam in her, she neighed out and I just moaned from it, she then let out more of her juices, which where mostly mine, sadly unlike a stllion, my cum didn't go far, even if it had, I think her body would have fought it off.

As I pulled out of her she rolled over and got up, shaking herself from the hay, I gasped and feel into the hay where she had been, it was warm, she then lay next to me, putting her head on my cheast, I smiled and held her, we then heard the roaster crow, I knew i'd have to work for the day, but for now i'd get some sleep, hiding behind my mare.

As the day went on I thought about her, all the day, had what I done been wrong? Was i going to hell? Would my dad find out? What would he say?

Those questions kept going though my mind, but when I looked at her in the eyes, I knew our little roll in the hay on that wet and stormy night was safe, only me and her knew about it, and that's the way it'll stay.

The End

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