the mare and i

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a story for HybredVigor

he did a drawing of my fursona, and he wanted a story, so here it is, this is the first real, yiff story i've done, it feels good,

The sun in New York City shone, the buildings towered above everybody. People and furs went about there daily lives, they would eat the food of New York, read New York news papers, get on New York buses and trains. But today New York was going to get one new person in the big city.

On a train heading to New York was lad, he was a human about 15, he had long brown hair, was slim but not looking like a rake. He wanted to lose his virginity, he had talks with his mates at college, they said go talk to the birds in college there always up for a bit of fun. The lad was shy; he would talk to girls and chat to them but he could never bring up the subject of sex or that he wanted to do. His friends then said go to New York, that place is full of furs and people wanting sex.

The lad sat on a seat in the train looking out the window as New York came into view. The lad held in his hand 50 dollars, he had been saving it up for this day. When he turned 13 he had always wanted to lose his virginity, he had tried to but failed as most of the girl he'd talk to in school just pushed him away or slapped him. The lad had always wanted to do it with a fur too that made it more complicated, it would just seem great, not to lose your cherry to a human, but to a fur as it seems less the normal thing to do.

The lad gripped the money tight and looked at it, he'd been saving it in pennies and the odd money he found at college on the floor or he found around on the floor. The lad then counted it up and went to the bank where he cashed it into notes; he then got a train to New York with some other money. The lad looked at the big city and wished he'd brought his camera.

The train's breaks hissed and the train stopped, the lad got out and was pushed around by the crowd of people. His friends had told him three simple things to remember when going to a city, One, never go with anyone you either don't know or look very bad. Two, hold tightly onto your money as everybody will want to grab it, seeing as you're a visitor as well. Three, look but don't touch at the ladies, until you get your right prostitute.

The lad looked around and gasped opened mouthed at the place he was in. There where so many great sights he was soon losing sight of why he came here. He decided to do some sight seeing, he went to some of the great places like ground zero, the big shops with price tags so high they out tower the buildings. The lad then looked at the money and remembered why he came here.

The lad asked around for prostitutes, but everyone just laughed and pointed at a club for kids or slapped him as it was rude to ask that. The lad ducked into an alleyway sat on a dis-used chair and cried, had he really come this far and now would be going back cherry un-popped? No, he got up and said, "I will have sex, I will do it and I will lose my cherry!"

The lad said this out quite loud and a bum heard him, "so you're after a girl hmm? Well I know of a place, follow me". He was a skinny man, his clothes where old and ragged, he had a face that was un-washed shaved, and he smelt really bad. He put his boney gloved hand out to the lad, the lad looked then remembered what his friends had said, the lad shock his head and walked away from the bum, the man frowned, "well you'll still a nice lad, shame I have to do this the hard way",

He pulled out a rusty knife and lunged for the lad; the lad dodged and ran down the ally. He looked back seeing the crazed man run after him knife swigging down, he banged on doors hoping one would open, nothing, every door was either locked, or boarded up.

The lad then found a door that opened but only enough for him to get inside; he slid inside moving as far away from the door as he could. The crazed man knifed at the gap hoping to hit the lad then drag him out he wasn't able to fit though no matter how much he tried he yelled some strange words and went away. The lad looked and listened at the door putting his ear to the door listening, only hearing the mutters and footsteps of the bum. The lad sighed and then looked in his hand; he still had the money in his hand, if a bit scrunched up from that ordeal. The lad put it on the floor in neat piles and tried to make it look neat or last look like money and not used tissues but little did he know a dog was looking at him and getting close.

The lad heard something then looked behind him and was meet by a large dog. The dog woofed and barked at him he was on a chain so the lad was safe but the lad went back agents the door hiding his face, he then heard a deep voice, "down boy, its just a person going by!"

The dog growled at the lad more not stopping, the voice then came closer. The lad hid by the door his face hiding he looked though a small hole he made with his arms. The woofing then stopped and it went away more a whimper now. The lad looked unfolding his arms in the dim light all he saw was two hoofs then legs, then a very tall bull, he snorted at the lad getting into his face, "what are you doing in my club boy? How'd you get in?"

The lad looked not saying anything he couldn't, the bull then stepped more into the light, he was a tall bull, about 8'1 black all over he looked at the lad, he then offered his hoof, seeing the lad was shocked, the lad took the hoof and was lifted up. The lad sniffed and cried a little, he was then placed in a seat, the bull then spoke again, "let me guess, bum with a rusty knife?" the lad looked and nodded, "yep that's Pete, he's strange, your lucky"

he walked to the bar getting the lad a drink of water, the lad drank it, then said thank you, the bull smiled, "so what's a young lad like you doing in this area of New York?"

The lad then showed the bull the 50 dollars, the bull took it, held it to the light, sniffed it then handed it back, "I see, you want to pop your cherry, well you came to the right place" he walked over to a area that was for the janitor, he then flicked the lights on, "welcome to the furry hole, we've got the best lap dancers in the whole of New York"

The lad looked around as the lights light up the place. There where tables and stages with poles on them a bar with the furry hole logo, a VIP area and the girls rooms, even bathrooms. The lad looked and stood up, he then looked at the bull and spoke, "are there any mares here sir?"

The lad asked holding the money tightly, he looked away after saying that, the boy had a slight dark side to him, of all the furs of the world he liked mares, their wonderfully soft hair and there great colours and the way they look.

The bull looked at the lad; he then led him into the back rooms where the dressing rooms are. The hallway was dark but had light some basic lights just to see where you're going and to see which room was yours. The bull got to a door and knocked on it a voice came from inside, "boss or business?" the voice was slightly crackled as if she was coming though on the radio, the bull then snorted almost blowing the door down, "oh boss, well enter its open".

The bull went inside and the lad followed, the room was very basic, a bed, on sweet bathroom, and a wardrobe.

The bull smiled and said "this is Misty, she's the only mare I've got, this lad wants to loose his cherry, think you can help him out?"

The mare came from the bathroom only warring a towel, she was tall about 6'4, she was a gray mare with a brown spot on her hind leg. She looked at the lad and smiled, her yellow teeth showing, she then petted the lad on the head, "cute lad, sadly though you know the rules big boss, I can't give pleasure until we open our doors, he'll just have to wait"

The bull nodded, "well in the mean time keep him busy, now lad, you heard her, if you try to have sex with her I'll know", he pointed to a CCTV camera at the corner of the room by the ceiling, the lad nodded and the bull exited.

"Don't worry about him, he's a big softy when you get to know him" the mare took her towel off and the lad got an eye full, her breasts where very rounded, her body was a bit flabby but that was to be expected she looked very nice though. "Tell you what Hun, you can pick out my clothes for tonight, I've got to really wow them".

The lad nodded and went to the draws of the wardrobe and looked though them, he then found some black panties, they had small red love hearts on them, "oh those are no good dear, there missing the bra" Misty started to put on make up, she then light a cigarette and smoked it, the lad just couldn't take his eyes off her body.

"If I'm not allowed to have sex with you, can I pet you, or stroke you, if it's not sexual" the lad blushed and looked away looking at the draw full of bras and panties his pants tightening from the sight of them all.

"Sure Hun, you can bush my lower mane, and even by tail, as for the petting you can do that, just no petting any where sexy", she winked at the lad and held the brush.

The lad took the brush and started to brush the mare's mane, he was very careful doing this, not pulling too hard, not getting any knots out with the brush, just brushing, as for the petting, the lad moved his hand along her long neck and on her exposed back. Misty nickered lightly she felt strange, this was the first time anyone had been very careful with her, not pulling the brush or doing anything sexual, just brushing and putting her she felt wanted.

The lad kept this up, cleaning the brush out with hair; it would be 50 brushes then need to be un-haired, the lad kept this up while the bull watched the lad carefully. Studying his moves, nothing at all, the bull would see little groups but not from this lad, he was just brushing her.

He walked to the dressing room and listened at the door, he the heard noises he knew sex, or touching area's that made Misty moan like she was, he snorted and listed more "oh Hun, you know how to treat this old gal don't yeah?"

The bull snorted and opened the door almost breaking the door handle with his massive hand, he then looked shocked, not seeing anything sexual, the lad was on top of the mare and was giving her a nice back massage. Misty looked at the bull, "well boss, where's the fire? There's nothing sexual going on here, though the lad's hands should be jailed though there really bad" Misty giggled and the bull just looked, the lad was brushing her back as well as messaging her.

"Alright what's going on here? You must be giving her something to make her moan like that!"

The lad stopped remembering what misty had said about the bull, "no sir, I'm just making her feel better, if you want to I can show you"

The bull snorted and removed his top; he then got onto his all fours and looked. The lad came towards him and started to stroke his sides, he then brushed along his back and his chest, the bull looked and felt strange, never had he'd been made a fuss of like this, not since he was a young lad himself girls all over him. He smiled and went a bit silly, he would smile very silly like, the lad then stopped after he saw the bull's daft face knowing he had done enough to get on the bulls good side.

The bull got up and smiled feeling very happy, "that lad was great, I really needed that, my name is bill, please feel free to stay as long as you want", he left almost skipping out the room he was so happy.

"Well Hun, I knew he was a big softy I didn't think that soft" she then light up another cigarette and smoked it, "there bad for you, you know that right Misty?"

She nodded and took a long drag of it; she then stubbed it out in the ash tray and picked up the outfit the lad had picked for her. The lad had picked out a very nice outfit; it was some blue sky almost see though but not quite swim pants and a matching bra. Misty went into the bathroom and changed, she then came out and saw the lad on the bed fast asleep, he was tried, he'd caught this train at 6 in the morning. Misty smiled and looked at the clock, it was 3 in the afternoon, she decided to get some sleep as well 6 hours before she was to perform may as well get some sleep. She got into the bed with the lad and lay there, the lad then moved putting an arm over her and cuddling into her, he smiled and she blushed, she kissed him on the head, "get some sleep Hun, if your going to lose your cherry you'll need your sleep".

The lad was woken up by loud banging coming from the main area where he had meet bill, he then looked and saw misty was still there next to him it was now nine at night. The lad shock Misty and she woke, yawning and looking at the clock, she then got up smoked another cigarette then looked at herself in the mirror and went out the door; the lad just looked at the room he was in.

The room was very small and basic, it was a mess too, he opened the window and looked out, seeing nothing but another building, he closed the windows, they where painted black, it must have been to stop people in the other building getting a free show. The lad started to clean he thought it be nice as he was going to lose his cherry so it'd be nice to see that he was a nice person and not just another human looking for sex. The lad picked up the clothes Misty had and put them in a pile, he looked and saw the mess in her wardrobe, she had a few clothes, they where not very good out doors clothes, mostly sexual ones, tight fitting showing off a lot.

The lad just put them in order, he then sorted though the panties and bra's draw, he found only one odd panties, it was the one he'd picked out first the lad put it to one side for later. The lad then started to clean Misty table, not the little one in the middle of the room, he put the make-up lids back on the right tins, putting the empty pots in a bin, the bin was full of used tampons and comdom's and other things, the lad just crushed them down and put the empty pots in the bin as well as anything else he found that was empty.

The lad then looked at the clothes Misty had, they where very smelly, BO, cum and juices on them, he took the pile that he'd made and the others he'd found that where the worse and opened the door, to be meet by loud music, he then walked with the clothes and looked for the laundry room.

A vixen was near the room, the lad asked "is the laundry room down there miss?" the vixen looked at the lad and petting him on the head nodding. The lad went down the stairs and put the clothes in a pile, he then looked, there was a change machine, he pulled out one of the tens he had and put it in, the machine whirred and clanked then put out five dollars of quitters it then gave him five dollars back. The lad picked them up and looked at the clothes, he then put the bras and panties in the washing machine, he then looked at the washing instructions on the clothes, they where all the same, low wash, middle temperature, warm wash, do not iron, do not tumble dry.

The lad waited and then put the clothes in the washer; he then folded them neatly after they had been tumbled dried. The lad looked around the room, he then saw a machine that was very dusty, it was a machine for doing these types of clothes the sexy ones special made it must have not been used in ages as the dust on it was enough to give anyone a coughing fit he then saw the note OUT OF ORDER on it. The lad smiled and looked it, then he moved it side to side it, hearing a rattle, he carefully removed the top as a layer of dust slid off onto the floor then put his finger in an area and pulled out a load of muck, he kept feeling around and pulled out money, comdom's, and god knows what, he then cleaned the flitter and switched it on.

The bull in the office looked at the CCTV and saw the lad fix the machine, he was also washing Misty's clothes, he was still in happy mood from the petting so he let it swing, if anyone else had done that he'd have given them a beating as they might break the machine father.

The lad walked up the stairs seeing the vixen again now with some other fur he just walked by her, the clothes he carried all neatly folded and smelling fresh and clean he then put the clean clothes on the bed. News soon spread that the lad had fixed the machine in the laundry room, everyone went down and looked it was fixed, they wanted to clean there clothes but they couldn't as they where all on soon or where all busy to do it.

The lad in the mean time was making the bed, airing out the top, and flipping the sheets, he also emptied the bin, he looked out the window and saw a dumpster, the lad then timed the lob and in one lob, throw the bin's contents into the dumpster. The lad then put the bin back to where it was, he had done a good job the room was now looking cleaner, if he could find a Hoover he'd have hovered. The lad was now very thirsty so decided to go have a look at the main area.

As the lad walked out from the girls area, he looked and saw loads of dancers, there where vixens, deer's, orca's, and a few bitches, he just looked enjoying this, this was his first ever strip club or lap dancing club, he didn't care, it was his first he'd always remember this.

He got to the bar and waited for the old guy to service him, he then turned, the guy was an old badger, he was old but knew how to make a good drink, the lad watched as he shook the drinks then served them. "Hello lad, what can I get you? Beer, shoots, or bottle?" "Can of coke please, I'm too young to drink"

The badger was shocked at the please, and his truthfulness anyone else would have lied and said pint of anything. He smiled and dusted off the bit that was only really for kids or young furs that use to come in here when they did trips for kids to learn about bad places. He then got out the can of cold coke and poured it into a glass, he then lobbed a few ice cubes into the glass and slide the glass to the lad, it stopped by the lad, "80 cents" the lad gave the old fur the money then asked if he could get this five into one dollar notes. The old fur smiled and changed the five he had left over from the machine into one dollars, he also put another 10 into one dollars as well. The music pumped away as the lad watched the ladies dance; he was only waiting for one.

"And now furs and Horney old wolfs, here she is, the mare of the club, Misty!"

The lad looked drinking his coke, as a very sexy leg appeared then an arm, then Misty, the wolfs howled and money went everywhere, the lad drank his coke and ran towards the stage to where she was.

Misty saw the lad and she winked at him, the wolfs looked at the lad as he sat by them they just ignored him. They then watched as Misty got down onto the floor her breasts showing up more now, she then carefully inched her way towards the crowd. She then stopped rolled over and kicked her legs while letting her hair drape down the stage, the wolfs howled, the lad just sat there, his pants tenting. Misty then got up and kneeled down backing up her butt getting closer to the lad a few of the wolfs placed money in her blue panties. She then smiled and turned around the lad put a few ones in her bra, the wolfs howled more doing the same, she then started to move on the pole, the lad sat there and watched her, his eyes not leaving her body. His pants started to rip, well they where looking that way, he decided to go and get a comdom, if he was going to do this wonderful mare, he didn't want to feel dirty, or even catch anything.

The lad went into the bathroom, in there where a few moans, a deer sniffing up some sugar then exiting. The lad just looked at the comdom machine, deer, stallion, fox, wolf, human, the human one was full, the lad went to put his money in but then looked, he only had a few cents left not enough and the machine didn't take one dollars he sighed.

A fox then exited from one of the cubicles, he zipped his flies up, a vixen then left the same one, he washed his hands and then looked at the lad.

"What's up lad, looks like you've been sold some duds, need a fix?" he showed the lad a bag full of some white powder. "You do know I could be a under cover cop warring a wire, you've just offered something to a minor". The fox gulped and held the lad month shut, he then checked for a wire, nothing, the fox breathed a sigh of relief, he then looked at the lad. "Why in hell did you half scare me?" the lad just looked at the machine, the fox saw what the lad was after, he then bashed the side of the comdom machine. The human bit started to give, it then let 3 comdom's fall out, the fox smiled in his blue striped suit and matching pants exiting very smoothly.

The lad exited the bathroom, after he'd done his business, he then looked and saw a wolf near a lamb, she was very nice, he then slapped her. The lad was shocked at what had just happened, he took some details of the wolf to make things worse he took her earnings while she sat on the floor crying. The lad looked and saw the bill's office; he went to it and entered.

"Hay lad, welcome to my CCTV hide, what are you after?"

the lad looked on the many screens then saw the wolf, he then told the bull what the wolf had done, bill then checked the camera and saw the whole thing, he got up and exited, the lad looked on, checking each camera looking for bill he then saw the wolf turn in his seat and try to exit as he saw bill go towards him. However the bill stopped him, he emptied his pockets and throw him out like the trash he was.

The lamb got her money back and left bill then returned and the lad watched the camera's for any more wolf's doing that. By now it was very late, one in the morning, the badger was cleaning the bar, the wolfs where walking or going out the door very drunk and emptied pocketed but had seen a load of breasts and had had a good night.

The lad walked into Misty's room and saw her there on the bed, she had nothing on she then looked at the lad and asked, "was it you who cleaned my room?" The lad gulped and nodded, "thank you, I've never been treated so nice before" she hugged him and the lad got a face full of breasts, the lad hugged Misty, she then looked at him.

"well I saw you going to the loo after you gave me five ones, and I see your very happy to see me, so Hun, you want to lose your cherry?"

The lad's nose started to bleed, he then nodded and looked at Misty, she got onto the bed and stood in the position like the lad had told her too on all fours like a normal mare would be.

The lad then got out one of the comdom and put it on, "oh Hun, you're so thoughtful, thank you for using a comdom"

The lad looked at Misty's rear, he gulped un-sure what to do, he lifted her tail and moved it to the side, his cock throbbed he swallowed the lump in his throat; he then put his cock into her. The feeling of this made him gasp, her walls gripped on his cock, he moaned from the warmth of this new filling, misty just moaned even though the lad wasn't big, he was very good. The lad then grabbed her hips and started to thrust.

The lad moaned, holding the mares hips, he gasped at the feeling, her walls where milking his cock he felt great. Misty just smiled and moaned throughout, the lad then grabbed her tail and thrust in a bit more. The lad was now lost in lust, he started to thrust more harder, his hips hitting Misty's butt, Misty just moaned, she was having fun, feeling the lad get rough. Misty moaned from each fast thrust the lad gave she clenched on his cock giving him the best service she could give. The lad couldn't hold on any more, lying on Misty's back and holding her hips he cummed into her the comdom stopping his cum from going into her more. The lad gasped and panted at this, Misty felt him cum and she came not much but enough to show him he had done good.

The lad fell back on the bed and gasped his cock slipping from Misty's pussy as he did this. It was over, in a matter of seconds or minutes his cherry was gone, no more a virgin.

Misty lay on top of him and smiled, "well Hun that was nice, think you can go another round or is that it?"

The lad just gasped, he then hugged Misty and said in her ear "thank you Misty, thank you"

The lad lie on the bed and started to fall asleep, Misty moved a bit and put the lad on top of her. She enjoyed his company; the mare smiled and held him. The lad held the mare and started to drift off to sleep.

The morning sun shone though the blacked windows and woke the lad wiggling from the sun in his eyes. The lad then got up and rubbed his eyes, he saw the clock on the wall say eight in the morning; he then looked and next to him was Misty. He hadn't dreamed it, he had just popped his cherry, and with a fur, or in this case a very beautiful mare.

Misty felt the lad move and woke up too, "morning Hun, had a nice sleep?" she asked screeching showing off her breasts. "Yeah, do we like really do it?" "Well sure Hun, you was a true gentleman, you are now no longer a virgin"

The lad jumped in the air and shouted yes, the lad was very happy, he smiled and kissed Misty, she resounded by Deeping the kiss, she then stopped him, the lad blushed, he then sat on the bed and looked at himself.

He was 15 and had just lost his cherry. "Tell you what Hun, let's go out, I need to buy some items, and I need to get my hair done ready for another night of this"

The lad got dressed then waited outside for Misty; she was very happy at this, she then saw the odd panties on the table. she put them on then put her short jeans which where just long enough to cover her butt, she then put on a thick top which had "eyes up here" logo on, she then stepped out of her room and took the lad's hand.

They both exited the club and walked down the streets, the lad now seeing everything a lot better in the bright morning sun. The big bay windows showing all the stuff they had, Misty went into a mall and brought her daily shopping, just before they got to the hair saloon, she stopped and looked into a window, in the window where lots of ladies clothes and swimming ware. Misty sighed and looked at the very nice cherry red bikini top and bottoms, she then looked at the lad smiling and walked into the hair saloon.

Misty sat in the chair and got her hair done, the lad looked at the last of his money; he then knew he'd have to go back to his home town soon, he decided to spend the last 30 dollars on something nice for Misty. She had after all let him have sex, he walked out the store and into the ladies shop, he then went to the check out, the fur on the checkout was a lynx, she smiled and looked at the lad "hello there young sir, are you looking for something for a certain someone?" The lad nodded and pointed to the window with the cherry red swim suit, the lynx smiled and picked it up, then wrapped it and tied a matching cherry red bow around it.

The lad smiled and then on a bit of paper wrote a note; the note read "dear Misty, you took my cherry, so in re-turn, I want you too keep this cherry", the lynx then said $30, and the lad paid. The lad then walked back into the saloon, he saw a lot of hair on the floor from misty, he just smiled thinking she was molting.

After misty was looking grand, they returned to the club, the lad then said how he had to return, she smiled and hugged him thanking him for a great time. The bull then walked in and hugged the lad as well, he'd never felt so much better, he then exited.

The lad then took from the bag his gift to Misty, she smiled and opened it then gasped at it, "oh hunny for me? That's the sweetest thing anyone's every done for me", she started to cry then hugged him after reading the note.

She looked at it and then told the lad to go outside so she could try it on, the lad exited and waited. The lad then heard some flashes, he wasn't nosy so he didn't look, misty then opened the door, there she was in the bikini looking sexy. She then kissed the lad and smiled, she then gave him an envelope, but she said only open it when you get home.

They walked to the train station and she hugged him, she then give him a goodbye kiss, the lad got on holding her hand. The guard blow his whistle, "I'll never forgot you misty, thank you so much for letting me become a man". The train started to move and she held onto his hand until she couldn't any longer. Misty waved and the lad did the same until she was out of sight.

On the ride home the lad looked at the envelope, he wondered what could be in them? He could feel a soft item and some paper items, but he kept his word.

He got home, hugged his mum who told him he smelled of smoke, sex, and god knows what, the lad went up stairs and showered, he looked at his cock it looked different to him, almost man like, not like a kids any more. The lad then looked in his pocket, he had some odd change left, he then looked and saw he still had two of the New York comdom's left.

As he sat on his bed he looked around checking the cost as well he then opened the envelope. Inside was the black with red love hearts panties, and three pictures. One was of misty kneeling down topless with the panties on, the other two where of her fully nude, and the other one of her in the cherry red bikini. The lad then found a note, it read "dear lad, thank you so much for looking after me and being a gentleman, I understand you might need some evidence of your time to prove to your mates, I hope this is enough, also on the other side of this is the clubs address, please write to me when you can, and thank you for the fun night and gift". She had put a lip stick kiss on the note, the lad sniffed the panties and smelt her sent, he fainted and sighed he would never forget her ever.

The next day at college the lad walked in like he owned the world, his friends looked at him like they knew he'd owned the placed. The lad then said "I've lost something boys, I can't remember where I left it but I've lost it" they all looked at him, he then said "oh yeah I've lost my cherry!"

They all gathered around him, he then pulled out from his pocket the panties, the pictures, and the comdom's. They all smiled and cheered for him, they then wanted details, the lad said he'd tell them at the end of the day, they all looked at the pictures, the lad just smiled. To him they where just memory's the real fun was being with Misty, her warm walls feeling and milking his cock, he sighed. The others all asked questions about it, the lad said when they where older like 18 maybe he'd take them to the club to lose there cherries they all cheered.

Over the next few months misty wrote to the lad, she would just say what has been happening, the last few where a bit off putting though, sick, in bed, feel awful, then one month no letter, next month again not letter.

The lad got worried. The lad took out some money from his account which he wasn't meant to do and went to New York again. The lad got there and went to the club, the bull was there, he smiled at seeing the lad again.

The lad pushed past him and ran straight to Misty's room the bull tried to stop him but failed he entered her room expecting to see her but there was another mare, it wasn't misty, nor was she nice. "OI! You never heard of knocking? You little bug eyed human's are all the same, sex, that's all you want go on get out!" she lobbed a empty bottle of wine at the door, it smashed, the lad looked, he then saw the bull.

"Sorry lad I forgot to tell you, Misty's not with us any more, she is but she became to sick to perform that's our new mare, she's a bit tuff".

The bull said how Misty was looking pale, she was always looking bad, she then one day feel off the stage for no reason, the lad wanted to see her.

The bull took the lad to the hospital, there in a bed was a white mare, the lad looked, she had no mane hair, her face was as pale as the sheets she was on, it was Misty but not as the lad remembered.

"Hunny, you came to see me" she cough badly, she then sighed, the bull appeared behind the lad holding his shoulder.

"You was right, those cigarette's where bad for me, after you told me, I decided to give them up, that one I had was the last one I had" she coughed more.

the lad held her hand, "but we were going to be happy, we was going to soon be together" she smiled, "and we where, the doctors said I have only a few more days but look at it this way, you'll find another mare like me, and you'll be happy".

The lad cried, "But I want you, you took my cherry, I wanted to be with you, but not like this, not on your death bed"

The bull held more onto the lad, "come lad, lets let her get some sleep; I'll buy you a drink"

They left her as she started to drift to sleep, the bull sat with the lad and sipped his coffee, the lad drank his tea sniffing, he then hugged the bull crying. The doctor then came to them he whispered something in the bull's ear, the bull then told the lad.

They walked into the room, Misty was there, she smiled seeing them, the lad held her hand and cried, he tried to show a brave face but couldn't. She then said something to the lad, "lad, you are the first person I'm going to say this too, you was the first to ever treat me nice, you made me feel like a real woman, not just a sex thing, thank you, most of my clothes have been sold, and I'm going to be buried near the club, I just wanted you to know, you where the last person to have sex with me, after that I never had sex, blow jobs and boob jobs yes, but never sex"

She smiled and closed her eyes, the lad watched; she then took three more breaths and was gone.

The once nice day turned to rain, the club closed for the day, all the club members where there, most of the furs that knew Misty, the old badger was there too, the lad just watched the rain getting him very wet. The lad just watched he then waited for the faunal to be over; the lad then placed on the coffin a cherry. The black coffin with fake gold trim was lowered into the hole, the lad waited until they had filled the hole in before he put the last shovel load on her.

The lad returned home and was quite for the next few weeks, he would keep the panties close to him. The club in the mean time, found a wall not really doing much, so the bull made it a wall of memory, to the ones that had either lost there life's, or had just moved on. The lad smiled in a big picture frame was Misty, in her items was a picture of her none sexy side. The lad never forgot her, even now on his death bed, he still clutches the pair of panties he was given all those years ago, he was even buried with them. In heaven he meet misty again, she was looking great, like when they first meet, looking very cute and sweet, her yellow teeth smile, the lad smiled and took her by the hand and went off to live with the one who made her a man, the one who let him become a man, by losing his cherry.

The End

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