the problems of being a herm

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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It's quite alright for some people as they have normal lives, but I have a different life. I mean, it's a nice life, but a very hard one to live.

I'm a very nice horse, about 6'7, very tall but nice and cute looking. My colors are Gray with some darker Gray areas around my butt, I'm very easy going and I like to just hang out with my friends and new friends, being kind to others who aren't like me and helping them get over fears and things.

My age is 16, young and cute, my name is June, the college I go to is great but it's a special college for special furries, for it has all different kinds of furries but every one of them is like me, they are herms.

College for the herms is great, you get to be with other herms and be with others like you or other herms you thought never existed, ether way I'm a herm horse. I have a very long 15 inch cock and under that is a pair of small but large balls and just under them is a pussy, I may look like a normal mare but there is more to me than meets the eye as some have found out.

As I walked to college I wondered who I'd meet today as it seemed like ones of those days when I would meet a new person or persons, as I walked I dropped my phone but I didn't know about this and kept walking to college where I meet my friend, sally the dragoness and yes she's a herm too and my best friend.

"Hay Sally!" I said as I sported her standing by the door smoking away, I never smoked as it's not nice and costs money but no matter how much I try to get her to give up she won't "Hay June" she said as she smoked the end of her fag stamping it out on the floor but there was no point as it was mostly filter, we talked and walked to the café for a bite to eat or in our case a chat from where's we'd left off from this morning on face book, as we sat down I went to get my phone out of my pocket but to my horror it was missing, I looked in my bag only finding the odd bit of work that I needed for class two weeks ago, chewing gum that was mostly wrapper, my makeup but no phone, "My phone it's missing, sally help me find it before class" She sighed and got out another fag and light it up as we got outside she smoked it, we looked alone the road where I walked to college but nothing, "I loved that phone it had all my pictures of friends and other things on it" Sally just looked at me and smoked away, "Told you should have put it in your bag not your pocket seeing as you don't have very deep pockets" I looked at her and glared at her, then jumped on her sending her to the floor we rolled around on the floor and this was normal for us we'd be fighting like cat and dog every day but it was only play fighting, if we really wanted to hurt each other we wouldn't be friends.

After our small play fight I sighed at not finding my phone, we went to lesion as normal, I thought to myself a whole day without my phone it would be like no phone, no texting to friends, and no looking at pictures they send me. I sighed and looked at my emails on the computer and got on with the lesion, after a few hours of boring lesion I got bored so I went to the loo and made sure the cost was clear then went into a loo area and sat down on the seat, it was icy cold I mean it really cold but after a few seconds it warmed up and I started to have a little stress relief.

I rubbed my pussy to start with, my cock got hard while I did this, I then rubbed my pussy more and then rubbed my cock until it was 15 inches at its fullest length, the thing is with herms they are okay at sex but they get very horny easily, as I rubbed my cock I felt my pussy clench up as I pushed my fingers in and out of it, my cock get harder so I stopped rubbing my pussy and started to feel my breasts, I then started to rub my cock harder and I thought on my sexy friend sally, she was cute and hot about 8'8 blue and Gray and is like me has all the items for a herm, as I started to get close to my orgasmic, the door to the loos went and I moaned a little at the feeling and felt myself holding back as I couldn't cum when someone was in there unless it was a friend, I then heard a knock on the door my loo door, it was sally she and I had a knock that was only for us so we knew it either one of us that was wanting in, I opened the door and she came in.

"Couldn't wait for me? That's not nice", "Sorry got a bit carried away" She kissed me and removed her short skirt and then her panties her cock hard but not at it full length, she kissed me and rubbed my cock that was still rock hard and leaking pre everywhere, she then moved over me and put my cock in her pussy and it felt great, then her cock got fully erect, it was about the same size as mine if a little bigger but her pussy was great, she and I loved it.

As we had sex we both felt each other getting close to orgasmic, so I put her cock in my mouth and pushed my cock into her pussy as far as it would go, we then both moaned and cummed at the same time, she came in my mouth and at the same time I couldn't hold on so I let myself go and came into her and it was a load, then my pussy wanted some of the action, so I got up and bent over sally then licked my pussy to make it cum, and it felt great I had to rub my cock as it was still hard then I orgasmic again both cock and pussy we then cleaned up the mess we'd made and headed back to lesion feeling a little less stressed out.

After lesion had ended I was still sad about my phone but happy too as I'd be getting a new one, I then bumped into the cleaner of our college "Look out young miss" "Sorry sir" I walked off and then went to the lost and found, to see if my phone had been handed in I know it was going to be a long short but you never know, I then meet the cleaner again, "hello what you doing here?" "I-I lost my phone this morning" I wasn't very good with others as I'm different "Well I'll have a look what make or model is it?" "Samsung, its silver" I looked away doing the classic school girl think looking down legs tougher and hands behind my back swinging my hips, "hmm well I can't see it I'll bring them all out" He brought out the box with phones in "MY PHONE AHHH YAY!" I got excited when I saw my phone, "Well judging by the sound of you I'd say that's yours" He handed it to me "Thank you" I said "Hang on I need your ID number so you can have it back" I gave him my information and I got my phone back, I started to text away.

As I sat in the cafe with my friend sally texting, I told her that I got a slight hard-on when talking to the cleaner, "It's not new; can we go out for a smoke?" "What do you mean?" "He's fit, I mean c'mon everyone I know fantasized over him, tall dark very handsome and has to clean the mess up" "Oh, so it's not a thing to be ashamed of?" "Nah now let's go".

We walked out to the smoking area, a few others where there too, sally's friend who was a dragon like her but had a pussy instead of a cock, "Hay sally" "Hay dean" They kissed and smoked I just looked texting more, "Sally I'll meet you back at lesion" she waved kissing her friend and getting hard, I went back to the cleaner's place, it was a room full of things, his desk was there but he wasn't, I waited I thought about him and thinking what he'd look like and how I'd talk to him, but then I looked down and saw my cock full hard and leaking pre, then I heard the door go and he spoke, "Oh hello again how can I help you?"

I didn't turn I just looked away, "I came to say thank you for finding my phone" He moved to his desk and sat down lighting up a fag as I moved around to hide my hard-on "Well its quite alright, I found it while picking up rubbish" I blushed and tried to think of things to stop my cock from being hard, he then spoke again, "I see you have a hard on, I can fix that if you want to" I blushed and turned around showing my 15 inch cock, and blushed, "So you're a herm horse, first one I've meet, I know there are others here but I've never meet one" I blushed more feeling rather hot, he then rummaged around in his locker, it was full of things that where all for cleaning but he had other things in there, I looked at him bent over and then I moved towards him, I then felt his ass, it was soft and warm to the touch I then woke up and stepped back hitting a machine for cleaning "I'm so sorry, I'm just going I'm going" I ran to the door and just ran and went to lesion, I moved very fast looking back to make sure he wasn't following, I then bumped into my friend sally and I looked shocked.

"Hay girl watch where you're going, oh something happen?" "No why? C'mon lesion time" I walked to lesion and went inside and took my seat, about half way through the lesion I couldn't help but think of David, I knew his name as it said it on his door, his tallness, his big tough arms and his big cock, while I thought about this my own cock grew and then the teacher said "Miss June kindly put your privets in your pants or I will keep you after college has ended" But I was so far away it was only when sally shock me I woke and tried to hide it but I was already in trouble.

I had to stay behind to get told about a lecture about keeping your urges in your brain and not in your pants, it was dull but after it was done that was it I sighed and decide to face my fear, I want to see the horse, as I knocked on the door I heard things falling over so I went in he was turned away doing something up, "Oh hello again miss June what can I do for you?" "Well I want to say sorry for what I did" He moved from side to side trying to hide something; I looked and pulled his arms to the side.

A coat or cover fell off of him and there where a very nice set of boobs, I backed up and was shocked, David was a she male, he turn and said "Yeah that's why I'm here, for these" "There so beautiful" I started to touch and feel them, he was so nice his boobs where soft and light and round he had to be a least a double D I moaned as I felt his boobs more.

I felt my way around him his boobs where so nice, I felt his hands, he had such big hands but they were soft and nice, his body was thin and muscle, I moaned and he moaned as I moved down more I saw his cock, it was out and floppy, I looked at it and felt it, it pulsed in my hands, I then lifted it up it was so heavy, I then kissed it and tasted it, I then put the tip in my lips I moaned as it got hard in my mouth I then started to suckle more it was so long and warm I knew he was big but he was a gent, he just stood there moaning not pushing my head onto it more like most males I've dated.

As I sucked him off I put my mouth to work, his cock leaked pre in my mouth as my tongue licked it and made it wet and sloppy, I moaned I could feel my own cock growing from this and my pussy wet and dripping, I then gasped as I tried to deep taught it, I gagged as I felt it hit the back of my mouth and go down a bit, as I let it out I gasped to which he said "Are you alright miss June?" "Yes David, now please fuck me!"

I got up and took off my skirt and then took my top off only my panties and bra left on. He loosened his jeans slowly so I could see his balls and his legs, his Gary pants looking worn and used as he lowered them and then he was nude his breasts jiggled as he came back up from taking off his bottoms, I bite my lip and rested my butt on his table, it was strong and solid almost rig edge and tough like him, he then leaned into me and kissed me, our cock's hard and throbbing and leaking pre as we kissed our boobs touched and he places his hands around me and undid my bra, he then stopped kissing me and got down to my legs and kissed my thighs, I moaned at this and then he removed my panties as my balls dropped down, he just kissed then and moved then and I felt his warm breath on my pussy lips.

He held my balls out of the way and with his thumb and index finger moved my pussy lips to the side and he licked my clit, I moaned and trembled at this, he was such a nice person, his warm hand rubbing my balls as my cock twitched more from the licks, I moaned out as he pushed his muzzle to my lips and moved his top lip over my clit while his tongue licked my walls, I clenched and moaned at this holding onto his head wanting more of this but he stopped as soon as I was wet enough, he got up and rub his long thick cock at my lips, I moaned and he said "Relax, I'm big but I'm as gentle as a kitten"

I clenched more as his tip pushed into my pussy but then I relaxed as I felt him stroke my face and kiss me, I moaned as I felt him push into me, he was really the first male to do this so I suppose he took my virginity, as he pushed in more I clenched more, I couldn't help it, he was bigger than sally I moaned and held onto his back wrapping my arms around him like a snake, he push stopped and pulled out, I then relaxed more as he did this he was making me lose I loved it he then pushed in a bit more and then I felt him push agents my womb entrance, I ahed at this and then he said "Do you want me to do it, fast or slow?" I bite my lip and said "Which is quicker? And less painful?" "Fast"

I nodded and he moved me onto the table more pulling out a bit then he thrust into me fast, I screamed at this and hopped no one would hear that, as he took me I moaned and cried at the pain and started to bleed, I then held him more and he just held it there, most males would keep going but he didn't he really was a true gent, I then started to un-clench and relax as I was use to him in me, I then felt my cock peak up and push in-between our boobs, to which he just laughed and kissed me and started to rock me his cock making me feel full.

After a good few minutes of riding his cock I dug my hoofs into him and clenched as I came on his cock, he just moaned and held me as I felt him release his load into my womb, I moaned as it was warm and wet he then leaked out and I felt him on me, I gasped at this then he kissed me and rub my back waiting for his cock to go soft but I was still hard, "Please suck my cock, oh gods" "I will please you with my mouth"

He kissed me and then started to move his boobs along my cock and licking the tip, I moaned and pushed his head down clenching on his softening cock, I then watched him take my cock and go down on it and moaned it took at least 7 inches, more than Sally could take in her mouth, his tongue licking every bit of me in his mouth, I moaned holding on his head clenching on his cock even though it was softening, then I screamed again and came in his mouth about the same as he'd left in my womb, he gulped it down even as some leaked out of his mouth and onto his boobs and mine, I then gasped as he leaned his head up and drank it like it was a drink, I feel back onto the table gasping for air he then pulled his cock out of me and I gasped more, then like the cleaner he was he cleaned his cock then the table then me I moaned as he did this.

After an hour's rest I saw the time I put my bra top and skirt on and left running to class I wasn't late but I sure as hell wasn't going to miss telling sally what he was like.

As I got there I walked in and sat down I then turned the computer on and started to text sally she then text me back then we went on Facebook and talked well I talked sally just giggled and wondered if I was telling the truth or not, "So a she male, bet she wasn't as good as me" "Well, was a true gent" "Most of the time they are until they want sex" "Stop it, he was a true gent, he didn't even talk about the last time" "Oh? The last time?"

This went on for most of the lesion, we talked then it was time to go home, to which I only noticed I'd left my panties there, I knew I walked home so I went to go see him.

As I got there I heard a noise from behind the door, "Ooh David that tongue of yours should be illegal!" "It is in some states"

As I looked though the key hole I saw miss raven, she was a herm but a herm tiger, as I looked he did everything he'd done to me to her, I wasn't special I was just another one, another one who had fallen for the janitor, I cried and ran home, I then went to my room and cried until it was night time.

I then sobbed some more as I went onto my computer and looked on Facebook, saw I had 50 messages from sally saying "where are you?" "Why aren't you on?" And "please talk to me".

I went on and she popped up as soon as I logged in, "Where have you been? You're phones off too I've sent you like 100 messages" "Sniff" "Aw what's up honey?" "David a jerk" "Which one?" "The janitor" "Oh, so you had sex with him went to see him again and he was with someone else" "Yeah but it not that it's the way I felt, I thought I was special but then I saw him doing what he'd done to me on miss raven!" "=O no way!" "Yes sniff it made me want to die or tell the world he's a she!" "Yeah, I know that felling my friend just dumped me, found another male who likes him, I can't help it, your cute and all, he says this, but I need to move on, kiss and thanks" "Men huh?" "Yeah who needs them? <3" "Indeed <3"

This went on for most the night until I was too tried to type or the typing made no since, I then turned my phone on and checked my inbox, over load, all from sally, I just deleted them all sending her a text saying "don't go overboard on the messages LOL!" to which she didn't respond, gone to bed I thought, I yawned and got into be still sad from what David had done to me, as I lay there I got a bit hard thinking about him but I shook the thought away, he was bad, but at the same time so hot, his cock and his tongue, if it please miss raven then how many other girls or guys had it pleased? I turned my light off and went to bed.

In the morning I woke up and saw I had a hard on, I sighed and then found something in my back pocket of my skirt, it was some pills, and a note, it read; "dear June, I'm sorry if you come back to me and see I'm with someone else but again I'm a hot stud, I know this and people want me but I don't give them what I've given to you as I trust you, take one pill and that morning wood will go as well as you're horny, it's something I've been working on for years, and if you want to I wouldn't mind you testing it and telling me the results, oh and next time don't forget you panties David".

I blushed and in the note was some tablets, I looked at, it looked like a pill for the birth control, I looked at my wood stroking it and seeing it would take some time to go down, I shrugged and took it, my body then started to change, my wood started to go down then my pussy felt normal, not hot or wanting something thick in it, my mind then started to think about college and what clothes I wanted to ware and everything I needed I then thought on sex and that was small not a load of things just a simple image of me and a female and a male, I then gasped and looked, I was a none horny herm, the pill worked, but then I thought is there money in this? If there is then I want in.

As I walked to college sally hugged me and kissed me and we talked as we walked to the cafe, I then told her about the pill, she said I was mad but then she thought and looked at my panties, no bulge no cock poking out I was telling the truth, "This is a break though! It could help with herms everywhere!" "I know but after what he did I'm wondering if there's money in it?" "Oh you little money maker you, let go see him them".

We walked to his office and went in, he was there smoking his pipe and listening to some old music, "Oh hello miss June, and who's the friend?" "Sally" "David this pill of yours works, I took it and look, nothing even when my friend kissed me nothing" "This is great finally at last someone's taken it!" "What?" "You're the first person to take most other herms I know just lob it and called me strange, but now I can prove to the world that it does work the anti-herm pill works" "How about, the anti after herm pill instead, anti-herm pill sounds bad" "Good idea, I like that thanks" "Good, now money what are we doing about it, not only am I first to take it but also you up set me yesterday, and I want money for it"

He kissed me and then got from his locker a letter, in there was a blank check with his name, he then got out his pen and then put on the check 50,000 pounds, he then took from his locker a big jar full of the pills I'd tried, "Oh one thing, any side effects?" "I don't think so as I feel fine plus I had another pill and nothing" "Thanks well ladies, I'll see you around"

He left us and I looked at the check it was real too, he'd left on his table my panties and another note, "To person here I'm leaving might return but I might not so bye"

We cashed that check and shared it, 25,000 each, we were now both happy and as for David, he's a rich she male now, that pill of his went worldwide herms everywhere loved it, it was great every herm came out you'd never know unless you asked them if they were, as for me a sally, well David sends us a letter with a small bottle load of the pills for free and in return we send him pictures of us sexing it up and we meet up some times when he has one of his rare days off and like miss raven said that tongue should be illegal.

story done by me.

spell and grammer checked by vokoca

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