milk me

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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okay this was being checked by someone but i haven't herd from them in two months so here it is.

It was one of those days as I awoke to the noise of my alarm clock, it's ringing sent me into a daze, I hit it with a pillow to quieten the noise it still rang, I then hit it again and it feel off the bed side table still ringing, I sighed and fell out of bed with a thud and looked for it, and turned it off with a sigh "that's better" I said as I bushed my hair as it was in bed hair mode and I wanted flat hair mode, as I looked into the mirror I found another spot on my face right on my nose, ugh I hated that so I started to pop it and it went all over my mirror with the puss, it looked yuk! I cleaned it up with an old rag or a few days old top and put my alarm clock back on the side table and yawned.

I should tell you who I am I'm daisy a simple minded person, about 6'9 maybe 7'0, my age is none of your business as its 17 and a half if you must know! My colours are brown and white now your thinking; oh she's a horse well you'd be wrong as I'm a Bovine or a cow to be more normal and to make it more easer on your mind.

I looked out onto the day as I finished brushing my hair and looked at the nice warm day then checked my clock, it read 8:00am, I looked again then shock it wondering if when I knocked it off it had gone forward but no it hadn't, I only had half an hour to get ready for college, I looked in my wardrobe and took out some simple items, some lose fitting jeans and a nice top and some cute shoes for the day, I then started to get dressed this is a great skill for some women, but with me I get dressed at college or on the way if I can, I put on my panties and bra and then my clothes and grabbed a quick bit of breakfast, before running to the bus stop at full cow speed which was about 10 MPH, as I looked at my pink girls amoo watch, it read 8:30 "please bus wait", I said as I rounded the next corner almost mowing down a sign post, I'd always said that was a daft place for one then I saw the bus and jumped on just as it left the stop.

Catching my breath I walked down the hall bit and sat next to my best friend since I started school all that long ago, marry was her name she was a mare little shorter than me but still had a nice taste, she was 6'7 and wore simple clothes, a top with something silly on this time it was an orca holding two mugs of tea saying "chill in the sun!" And a nice mini dress, this was her mark it was always either shorter on hot days or longer on cold days, her colours where white with a mix of gray and some brown spots on her chest.

As we talked I ate my breakfast which was a cold piece of toast with no butter "I see some one didn't get a good breakfast in" marry laughed and looked in here college bag, she then got out from her college bag a nice packet of custard creams and she opened them, then we stopped at very high speed as it sent the creams flying as a new furry stepped on the bus and cached them, he showed his ID to the driver and then handed them back to us he had opened it and taken a few, we just looked and swooned at his power, he was a male stud a horse 7'6 at least and wore a dark leather jacket with the USA notes on the back he also had four white hoofs but he was also wearing black jeans worn but nice fitting he just walked to an empty seat and sat down his ears where plugged into a music device and he was listening to old music.

As we got to college he stepped of and we set about him following his every move "thanks for saving our creams" marry said "yeah here have some more" I said he just took a few more and kept going he said nothing but that was hot, we then headed to the cafe to eat the rest of the creams and get some more food, both cows and horses eat a lot.

About half way though lesion I started to get hot, even with the air con on full I was sweating and feeling un-well, then I felt my breasts and they where bigger and leaking, that's when I thought I hadn't milked my self this morning! Now they needed to be, not wanting to look like I hadn't done it I asked to leave but I couldn't our teacher mister peter was mean, he was an elephant about 9'1 he towered over us it made us feel small, he was gray but wore a suit sorry tweed suit he had enough of it to make a home out of it he also wore black trousers so every time he walked pasted I put on some of my white hair to make him notice it and he get out his brush and brush it off, me and marry and the rest of the class would laugh our heads off as he did it, "Miss Daisy you may not go to the loo, you should have gone before class" I moaned and sat in my seat getting hotter and more horny even sir looked hot but I put that away and did my work even though it was going every where my milk that is.

At the end of lesion I ran full cow speed to the loo, I nearly mowed down two young kids (goats) as I ran but I missed them, I then got into the loos, in college, well this college to save on money the loos where unisex anything could go in there but to stop the sex if a teacher found you doing sexual acts he/she could join in that really made people think before doing it, but they still did it but it was kissing or a quick BJ, as I got in I went into a cubical and waited for the others in there to leave so I could do it, as I waited I took my top off and let my breasts get some air or in this case leak out over my body and into the loo.

I waited until it was about 10:15 only a bit into my next lesion when I looked out it was clear, no one in sight I put my breasts on the sink and let them drain, it felt good but I wanted to be milked I couldn't do it myself I could but it would hurt as I'd miss or something, but then the door went I didn't care who it was as I was needing help, if it was a fur I didn't know then I'd let them milk me but to my delight it was the stud who saved my friends creams.

He came in, looked and raised a single brow and then went to the loo, he then looked over at me still leaking and moaning now as it was really hurting now then he just looked and then came in from behind and put his front onto my back, I tightened up and he just said in such a nice relaxing voice "relax and I'll milk you the right way", I started to ease up and he put his warm hands on my breasts, it felt great as they where warm not icy cold like some furry's where and he started to tweak my nipples until they where erect and then he started to milk me.

It felt so good, I mooed loudly and liked it, it was like losing your belt after you've had to much to eat but this was much better, if it was any one else they wouldn't know what they where doing or wouldn't even know how to but this stud knew how to please me or in this case milk me.

I moaned more as he milked me I then managed to say after a long moan "what's your name stud?" he just kept going his hands doing a great job, and he said "my name is David if you must know, and this is dangers", I looked at him and said "then stop and walk away", he just said in his soft silky voice "and leave a nice girl alone after milking her? No way", he milked me more and it was so good I wanted it to last but it would have to wait, as he milked me more the door went! We had no time to run or get our story's right he was still in his pose and so was I.

In walked peter and he looked at me and David, who's cock I hadn't noticed get hard as he milked me, it was as he leaned off of me I felt it agents my lips, they where wet but that cock was hard and it made me shiver as it lightly passed over my panties, "right miss daisy you know the terms for having sex in the loos", "but sir I wasn't he was", "wait!", David said "it was me who was doing it, leave the young lady alone and pick on me, as I'd bet your cock would destroy her pussy", I looked now cleaning up the mess on my breasts and on the floor where sir had come in, sir looked at the horse and said "very well master David if that is what you want", he took off his black trousers and his pants which where gray and showed his none hard cock it had to be 10 inches at least! I said to my self "how does he hide that in his pants?" then I looked at David who had taken his jeans off and was lubing himself up, he looked at me and I stayed as I had to watch to make sure I never did it again but it did turn me on a bit.

Peter got fully hard with a few rubs he was now 20 inches or more, he ran at David and shoved his cock in his ass without lube or anything, he then trust in and out of David's ass he was rough and really hurting David, he didn't care though, he then looked at me and then pounded David's ass again, David looked at me and I looked at him, he was taking all of it if it was any longer it would broken him in half, I could see peter holding onto his arms and not letting go, David was now taking a beating and he was looking like that's it no more, I had to do something as I could see peter not stopping, it was only meant to last a few minutes, then stop just to show them a lesion but he wasn't stopping he was enjoying him self the sick elephant.

I ran to the staff room and got the top teacher mister gray he was another elephant more bigger then peter and when I told him he went in and stopped it, making sure peter felt it by pulling his cock out of David's ass and then hitting it with a rubber mallet it hurt but it severed him right, peter picked him self up got dressed and went away he looked at David and me as I helped David up, David just dusted him self off and put his jeans back on even though his ass had been pounded into nothing he just limped to the fast aid room with my aid.

I sort of carried him to the first aid room as he couldn't walk but this was only in case he fell down on the way their as his ass had been hurt, he got treated as I waited outside, he was hurt but after some cream was put on his ass and he'd had a relaxing rest he was told to go home but he said "no" and stayed and I was with him most of the day.

He sat on a cushion and then ate some food he looked at me and said "you okay?" he was not hurting? He was sore but seemed nice "no I'm alright but what about you?" "I'm okay, its nothing I've had longer he was small" I giggled and looked at him and he looked at me and I felt hot again and he looked at me and gave me a kiss, he then got up and went to his lesion I had been kissed I felt all a flutter.

On the way home on the bus I told marry about the whole all deal she was shocked and said the same thing of how does he keep it hidden? I didn't know and we came up with ideas on how he did it, they where all silly idea's though, tucking it into his ass hole made us roar with laughs, I then got off and waved to marry and went home for some reason feeling happy and better, but all though out the rest of the afternoon I couldn't stop thinking about David and his large cock, after I'd only felt it for a beef few seconds on my pussy lips.

As I thought about it more I got more hotter and my pussy felt like it was going to wet its self as it would go mad every time I thought of his cock, I listened to some music and then had to get some fresh air get my mind off his cock, I walked to the park the only place where it was quite and peaceful.

It was a nice warm summer afternoon and the birds where tweeting away happy and I sat on a park bench listening to some music on my pink music player, it was okay it got my mind off of his cock but then I thought what would it feel like its length its width and its size, it made feel really horny I really wanted him now, plus he was so cute he was tall dark handsome and milked me like a pro, as I thought this my pussy went red and I had to rub it but this was in view of everyone so I decided to go to my privet place in the park.

The park had some dis-used climbing equipment it was hidden by big old tree's and only a few people know how to get in, I was one of them, it was my little area from the world a place where I could go and have a quite think of in this case has a nice little privet time, as I climbed I made sure no one was looking even though its hidden people can still see you go in, I then got in and sat down pussy red-hot and wet, I then sat down and brushed away the leaves that had fallen and I started to feel myself up.

Before I had a chance to even start to rub my pussy or take off my panties I herd the rope go it moved and I thought "shit!" I looked on and looked for something to attack them with I found a glass bottle and waited as he/she it climbed up.

I then saw a hand reach over and it was white then the other one and I looked then I saw David's head, "oh looks like I'm not the only one who come up here to relax", he looked at me and I looked him bottle still in hand I looked at it and dropped it.

We sat there looking at each other and it was now getting cold I shivered a bit as he took off his jacket and put it around me I felt warm and snuggled next to him he wrapped it around me and him, we looked over the park it was so nice but I was still horny I then looked at him and spoke.

"How's the butt?" I asked shyly "its alright bit sore now but the drink helps" he then took out a bottle of drink and I looked at him and then he handed the bottle to me, having never tried it before I pushed it away "oh well more for me", he said as he drank the last of it lobbing the bottle to the side where a few others of the same brand where.

I sighed lightly and then felt myself get hot so I took the jacket off but I was still hot and I knew why, I needed to be milked again "David would you milk me again please?", He looked and my breasts where out and he got an eye full he looked and started to milk me again god it felt so good I could feel him being so soft and gentle but then he kissed me and stopped.

I leaned into the kiss and he leaned back I was now on him on top of him, he felt my ass it made me moan in the kiss he then removed my jeans with his soft hands, I then felt his hand rub my wet panties, I moaned loudly as we still kissed, he then moved them aside and poked a finger into my pussy, it was warm and felt nice, I then leaned back onto the finger and mooed loudly as I wanted more.

He then pushed in another two fingers into my pussy I moaned loudly braking the kiss as I did, I moaned more then kissed him again then trusted faster on this three fingers, as he did this he was so gentle not rough he was a true stud, I moaned more then he pulled his fingers out and stopped the kiss as well, "why did you stop?" I asked almost out of breath he just looked down at his sheath I then saw his cock and I was shocked at its size!

I turned around and touched it, it was soft and warm and wet on the top with some pre from the fingering I bet, I then gave it a lick having never done this before I just licked it like I'd seen on the late night telly channels, I licked it and bobbed my head while David rubbed my back and felt my plump beasts, I moaned as he did leaking more milk on his body and mine, I moaned as I went down on the monster, I then came up and said shocked "how big are you?" he just said "14 inches", I moaned and said "enough of this please lets do it!"

He just looked at me and kissed me and then got out a comdom I looked and he said "I'm not sure but you might be" I just looked and nodded as I put it on and lubed up, it was cold and I then I put myself on his tip, my pussy lips wet and soaking like mad, I then pushed down, gods he was big he then stopped me and said "ease your self onto my cock dear its going to hurt but the pain will go away", I almost cried when he said that as he was a true gentleman, I started to ease my self onto his cock he then got to my point and he popped my cherry, oh gods it was filling me up better then any dildo I had!

As I neared the base of his cock I started to shiver, he then wrapped his jacket around me it felt warm and warmed me up, he then slowly rubbed my sides and I felt so safe and calm, I then moved up and then down his large cock losing me up and I felt great his large cock filling my pussy and it was making me feel great! Nothing could stop me no peter, no marry, no one!

I moaned more as he let me trust up and down on his cock I moaned and then felt something sucking on my breasts I looked down and saw him sucking them it was like milking but more warmer I mooed more at this as he swapped from one to the other I couldn't control my self and I started to rub my clit he was making me feel wanted and he was so nice but then I thought would this be it thanks for the shag and now I must go, but no I knew this was something.

I moaned and he started to trust into me I was now very lose and now I was feeling much better then I felt my body tingle and start to tremble then I felt my pussy clench on his cock and I pushed his head onto my tit and I orgasiumed, I moaned as it hit me like a tidal wave, I moaned and then he let go and said "coming!" I then felt his hot warm stallion cum entre me, even though it was in the comdom it just felt great, the warmness of it and the amount he filled the comdom up and then we just lie there I was still on top of him and he moaned and so did I.

I fell onto him and he moaned as I did he then light up a fag he offered me one but I pushed it away and I just lie on him feeling warm and his cock still in me but softening up, I moaned as it left my pussy with a wet slop, I felt it leave and then I felt it in my hands so soft and warm I loved it and for the first time I loved someone.

As I lie on top of him he just kissed me every so often and then I looked at the time on my girls amoo watch and it read late, well it was late for me and it was getting dark, "do you want me to walk you home?" that almost made me want to marry him! "yes please yawn" I was tried after that and he was still going, as we got down he opened another bottle of jack Daniels I then looked and said "may I just try some?" he then got from his jacket a small shot glass and put some in, I sniffed it and then dipped my finger in and tasted it, then I drank it, it was yuk but at the same time warming I then drank the rest, he then took the glass and said "no more as its a man's drink" that was the only nasty thing he'd done but that I could live with.

As we reached my home I kissed him and said "thanks for this I really love you" he then kissed me held my hand and said "so do I my love", I waved him good bye as I got in and then went onto my computer and talked to marry, I told about what we done she was tried and so was I, we talked and she said "tell me on the bus", I looked at the time a decided to call it a night, as I put my head on the pillow I could still feel his warm hot cock in my pussy.

The alarm clock went off and I sighed getting up again bushing my hair and putting on some clothes then milking myself on the machine, but it was so cold and felt dull no thrill or anything just a machine there to do it job, I sighed as it finished and then got some breakfast and went for the bus.

I was very early today as I waited for the bus I texted on my phone to marry and then the bus came as I got on marry was there and we talk mostly about last night then we stopped again and on he stepped this time he had the creams, he sat behind us and said "ladies would you like my creams?" we looked and I said "no thanks after yesterdays I'm full" I winked at him and marry looked, "so this is the guy you had sex with? You are one lucky cow!" David looked as I blushed as she said this out loud David just kissed me and whispered into her ear which I herd "yep and if you want I can do the same thing I did to her to you my dear" marry looked and blushed and then turned taking a cream and munching on it.

We got to college and I kissed David and we went our ways, in lesion after yesterday peter wasn't happy he was bad to me all day saying "get off facebook" blocking my internet and making sure I did my work, if I talked to another furry in the room he'd make sure it was about work, he was being a right ass.

After lesion had ended I went to see David he was in the cafe enjoying a nice slice of pizza, he smiled when I sat down but I wasn't smiling, "what's up babes?" I looked and huffed he then put the pizza down and said "come on tell me", I looked and said, "mister peter is being mean to me, ever since yesterday he's been bugging me" I looked and David drank some bottled coke "okay then where'll get him in a room and ask him how he feels about yesterday" he munched the pizza and then I thought about it and said "okay then I know a room that's open because the keys missing".

After college had ended mister peter went to the open class room and I was there and so was David, we sat down and talked, but that got out of hand it was only when some other teacher herd us going at it with guns that he walked in and stopped us, after that we stormed out mister peter was told off again.

Out side college we'd missed the bus for the meeting but that didn't matter I could walk into college anyways but the bus is more safer mum and dad say then we herd the ground shake as mister peter came out his blood was at boiling point and I hid behind David "David you have got detection every week until terms ends" that's crap that is sir and for what?" David stood his ground as mister peter cleaned his glasses, "for having sex in the loos" "but we never did!" David started to argue again but this time a CCTV camera was on us, "look David enough's enough you have it so take it like a man" then David said something that no one should say to a teacher, "okay sir but if I'm to lose my lunch then your to lose you job for sexual assault!" I walked back as I saw mister peter's top explode he turned and looked at David, David just shrugged his shoulders "its only fair seeing as" his sentence was cut short as he was punched in the face by peter!

"DAVID!" I cried, he was hit so hard his face moved off his neck I herd the click, he then feel to the floor, but he then got up and that wasn't a good idea, mister peter picked up his case and then he was tapped on the shoulders he turned and David hit him hard! He let a first print in mister peter's head! He stumbled and then charged David which David did the same I couldn't look!

The two large furry's charged each other and hit each other head on sending them backwards, David got up and was still going even though he was brushed he wanted to fight, mister peter got up and then looked at David he then picked him up as David tried to get free he then put David down, grabbed him by the neck and charged full elephant speed at a wall, I looked on as David hit the wall and went limp, at this point the police showed up and I ran over to David he was limp and not moving, mister peter still wanted to fight even the police had a hard time trying to get him into chuffs, I then looked and saw red I then bellowed and charged at him and hit him in the chest with my stubby horns that cows have, he went down and just to really make a mark I kicked him hard in the nuts that was the final blow.

The police took him away as they kept an eye on David he was in bad shape he'd be punched in the face then rammed into the wall, he was limp like a doll I was at his side as they rushed him into the hospital, I then waited and waited and waited.

For hours I wanted there to be news but nothing then a doctor said "miss daisy?" I looked up and ran to him he then led me to David who was in a bed and was bandaged up and still not moving, "he alive but only just, he will need loads of rest", I looked from the glass and cried, he'd been there for me and now I was helpless, all I could do was sit and wait with him.

I waited for days, I held his hand and feed him on my milk it was the only thing I could do I was a cow and pure cows milk heals, I waited as the mouths rolled on, then one day he awoke and spoke "daisy, daisy" I was there I held his hand and said "I'm here David please don't die I love you too much for that to happen!" I held him and he chuckled, "I'm not going to die OW! But I might be in bed for some weeks so I want you to do something for me".

I made sure that mister peter got what he needed he got life in prison, he was put away but only after I made sure he went there, in my place I'd sent marry to look after David she was now getting hot for him but she knew he was mine but then she thought about a threesome but only after David was better.

A mouth later David was back on his feet and walking he then kissed me and I hugged him, he moaned as it hurt but he didn't care, I then took him home my home to meet my parents, they talked and even my mum liked him, my dad loved him as he was into his kind of music old stuff, then my mom talked to me about how I'd meet him I told her and she said "that's nice dear but a bit strange" I then said "I don't care mum if you where touched by him you'd feel the same way".

Later that night while I was sleeping David was awake then in the spare room my mum came in and she was a cow she had big breasts and they needed to be milked, "David I know this may sound strange but well my husband says its okay so I was wondering if you'd milk me, seeing as my daughter says it was so good", "David got up and said "okay if your husband says its okay", they went into the bathroom and mum removed her top her breasts wobbled as she did this, then David got be hind her and started to milk my mum.

He did the same thing he'd done to me, he slowly got her nipples hard and then started to milk her tits, mums milk was thicker then mine but she was in heaven, "oh David! I see what my daughter sees in you now moo! This is so much better then that machine!" she mooed more and it woke me up then watched as David milked my mum, "just remember mum he's mine" mum just moaned loudly as she was like me in heaven she moaned more and then looked at David after he'd milked her, "that was so great thank you David" she just walked into bed and went to sleep I kissed him and said "so what do you think of my mum?" "She's alright been some time since she was milked that way though" I hugged him and we went to sleep.

College went on as normal, David and I saw each other every day and we still loved each other, then after college we got jobs and then we got married, I loved him so much even when we where older and I'd had kids he'd milk them and they love it even if it was a bit strange but I will always love David as he was the first person who ever showed love he could have just left me there in that loo to be caught by mister peter, but he showed some love and milked me and he was great and ever morning he will milk me and every day when I wake up I look forward to it.

lovely and lovable

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A car called FURR3

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