A car called FURR3

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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It was unlike any other day as today was the day I fell in love with a car, but not any car, my car, that I restored from a rusty piece of junk.

It was 20 years ago that I found a car I wanted, but I was only 5 years old so it wasn't possible to drive but I liked it, but only after my late father picked me up and out out of my push chair and put me behind the wheel, my eyes went very big at this, I giggled and said "vroom" and tried to turn the big wheel in front of me, but asIi was only 5 I couldn't, then my dad picked me up from the seat of the car and said "if you are good, in years to come you can get your own one of these".

I was now into cars more then anything else, I'd look though boxes of cars when I was 7 just to find the one I wanted, sorry let me introduce myself, my name is Robin, which you'd think "oh a bird" but nope i'm a fox, normal fox colours, orangey red with a white front, age now 25, hight about 6'6, tall I know i'm the tallest fox in our family even taller then my dad who was 6'0.

Anyways, after that day all I wanted to do was own the same car, a very nice 1987 Cadillac, it would be in beautiful ocean gray, and have a plum interior and all the work work had been done by me, but at the age of 13 that died beacuse of school and college, at the age of 18 I got my liance, so I started to look for a nice car for day to day use or my dream car either one would do.

So i started to look for a car, my dream car was a 1987 caddy, but those cars even as spares still cost upwords $5000, plus inport fees and then finding the right parts it was a nightmare, so for now I got a nice peugeot 106 1989, blue, nice 17,565 miles, 3 owners from new, it was nice but not what I wanted, but for now it would do.

I started college and it was nice, driving to college, learning about cars and other things, it was very hands on and that was great, if my car went wrong I could fix it, my dad helpped loads as he was a great help giving me tips and showing me how to do it or or pointers in the right direction.

He passed away aged 67, he liked to smoke, sigh I gave that up the day after he died, but then I found her, FURR3 a 1986 Cadillac, it was in poor shape, rusty, old, non-runner, but i fell in love, and it was my dream car or dam near close enough! It was at a great price too £250 ONO! I went out and got it!

I hired a low loader for the day and drove there the whole 50 miles to get her, but boy was she bad! When I first saw her it was "wow!" She was white but rusty more rust then white, the interior look like a screen from a western, dusty and dirty, but she was a jem, the engine was bad too but a V12, I louded her up and hit the road for home.

When I got her home it was dark and cold, it was emprt, the house that is, as it was late, it was about 23:00 at night, I was half awake, half asleep, I went to bed it was too late to unload her, i'd unload her in the morning.

I awoke and looked out my bay windows at the white but rusty car i got, I called her Betty, as she seemed like a nice car name, and she was old, like in a past life she had lived though the 50's, I unloaded her and put her in my garage, then I made a plan of what I was going to do, first have a good look around, parts, where any missing or damaged? Other then the radio it seemed nice and complate even the crome was there.

After this is had a look at cars or parts for cars, panels and stuff, it seemed okay price started from £100 upwords, I had a look around her, other then the main area's where car's rusted the rust was on the wheel arches she seemed solid, I then started to strip her and that was no easy task!

Being a USA car, everything was simple, slot in or bolted in, in the later years everything was held in place with welds or joined in a special way, this was now hard as most of the original body was rusted out, but I kept going no matter what, rain, snow, blazing heat, I was out there fixing, welding, re-pairing, re-placing, it was hard but soon every rusty panel was now rust free or had no more rust on it everything else just needed to be pached.

Next I started on the interior, it was hard as it was just dusty and going soft, so I replaced a lot of the padding and gave the seats to my mom, she'd love it and she be great at this, as she works in a place that made seats for homes but they did do car seats and at a nice price, well my mom would get a discount.

With the seats at the re-pair shop I hit a major snag in the project the engine, it wouldn't fire or even work.

I looked over in the manuel's but there was nothing just how to mantane them, to make things worce my college work got behind, the hands on work was great, the paper work wasn't, plus money was getting tighter so I stopped on Betty, the other thing was a girl I'd meet in college, she was my age bit shoter then me, but she was cute she was like me a training machic, she'd seen me working and asked me over to help her on her car, a very dull and simple Nissan Mirca, it was in fine condition but the engine sounded rough, we poked around, did a few things, and after a day of work it sounded fine.

Then it hit me! Where the pistons jammed? A quick look into Betty and sure enough one of them was locked up, after freeing it and putting in some fuel, she fired!!

Her V12 purred if a little spilter then and now and a load of smoke, but after a few minutes she was as good as new now I could get on with her and college.

After firing the engine up I really started, patching and welding stuff up that I'd missed, then coating it in loads of rust proffer it looked great, a few weeks later the seats came back from mom's shop in plum red they looked grand.

After a year of on/off work it started to look like a new car, I then got the V5 in my name, but my lady friend had left me when I was only into my car, but now I had nothing to distract me from Betty who was ready for her first coat of paint in ocean gray.

Ten coats later, she looked great, now it was time to put the trim back on, lights, wires, and the one missing bit, a 1986 radio from a friend in the US, who had spares he even shipped it over at his own cost, then it was ready for a test run.

I put the keys in hands oily but clean, spanner in my pocket and then I turned the key, she started up first time the noice of the engine was great she was ready, I checked the brakes, lights and horn and then reved the big V12 my little car looked scrade at the beast that was BETTY, I put some music on and put my foot to the floor, after I was out of the garage, she was a sweet ride and in good taste and colour.

I drove until I got to a road that went nowhere, I listened to the music , turned it down and drove down the dead road the time was seven in the eveing.

Ireached the end of the dead road and looked out of the back window, then the front, as the stars started to show, I then turned the engine off it was a shame but I had to, I reached in the back and got out a can of ice cold beer, it was now getting dark so I decided to drink it "to Betty, for being the best car I ever had" I drank and sighed and petted her dashboard.

It was cold but lovely, all cleaned and new looking, as I sank the cold beer I got out of the her and looked up at the night sky, I then got onto the bonet/hood of Betty and looked up at the sky, the stars shone like diamonds and only a cold breeze made me shiver.

I looked at her from a distance, she was beautiful and then I remembered a T.V. show on some people falling in love with there car and having sex with them, I finished the can and thought for a few seconds and rubbed my cock, just thinking about her and me made me horny, plus no one was around so I losened my pants and looked at her.

She looked like a dream in that night sky and then I took her, I undid the feul cap and put my cock in, that was cold and wet I then thrust into her, she creaked as I did her, I pounded my cock into her and then felt my knot swell, as I moaned Betty creaked I was enjoying this so much, then I trust in one more time before cumming in her tank!

I painted and took my cock out of her, I felt strange but at the same time I felt alive!

I opened another beer and a can of oil for Betty and she drank it down by the bottle, after I'd finished the four cans I got into the back seat and pulled the door shut and rested my head on her other door, I looked up and I felt warm and cozy, then I fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up and banged my head on the roof, "OW" I said with other words, I got out off the car and looked at the morning I then drove home and looked at Betty and bblue bird that was the name for my 106 car.

I cleaned them both and got a very high grade in college, and soon afterwords I got a job in a classic car garage it was great.

Every day working with 60's 70's 80's and the odd 90's car, but every one loved Betty but no would be allowed to drive or touch her.

One night I drove home and parked Betty outside my house, blue bird was in the garage, I was giving the engine a tune, I left Betty outside on the driveway, kissed her and then went to bed.

During the night I was rudely woken up by a smash of glass, I looked out of my window and saw someone stelling Betty!!!

I ran down the stairs still in my PJ's and he saw me, he paniced and took Betty!!

He drove out and raced the V12 down the road, I called the ploice and they took details, they said "thank you sir, we'll look for your car".

That night I cried, looking at the pictures and listening to the music I played in her, I woke up the next day and looked out of the window but no Betty, I got dressed and put the engine back in bluebird it was easy to do as i'd only removed it yesterday, I sobbed as I drove into the yard of the garage and tried to put the crying away, but I couldn't the guys there simpfied me.

As I worked on other people's cars, I kept thinking of Betty, her back end, her redness, that V12, and what the crooks where doing to her!

I took a month off work so I could find her, I looked at sites EBAY, CARBID but no Betty then on earyth maps and i found her! In a scarp yard of all the places! I took the address down and drove.

I drove all the way there and saw her in the scarp, she was there in the rusty metal I parked up blue and looked into the yard.

I climed the fence and hugged her, I had the key, I took it out but then I herd growls, I looked and there where two doubermen's, there teeth shone in the dim light and I looked and then they attacked!

One chraged me and bite my arm, the other one chagred me, I punced him hard and he fell, but he was back up in a second and he bite my other arm, he bite hard, I lobbed him off, "ENOUGH!" I looked and a big douberman came up out of the light.

"Your on my property and your going to die", I looked and showed i was 6'6, he looked and looed, he then pulled out a knife I looked around and grabbed a crow bar.

"If you beat me you and your car go free, if you lose i'm going to crush you and your car!" I looked and saw Betty, I then lobbed the my crowbar hitting him in the face he fell I ran for Betty, I got in and drove! I smashed the gates down as I did, but he followed.

He followed me in his 89' camro, he was 5'7, his camro was old, raced, and rusting in some easy to repair area's, I drove fast and he he followed.

He hit me, hard! I put my foot to the floor but he kept comming, I dodged his hits, but he kept comming, I then pulled over but i had a plan, it wasn't much but it might buy me some time.

I looked as he got out of his car, knife and crow bar in hand, "boy that wasn't a good idea running", he growled as he smoked a cigar half way though by the looks of it, he spit it out and walked near me.

He petted his crowbar in his hand, I just gluped, he then lunged at me, I grabbed him and stopped him with ease, he looked at me with puppy dog eyes and i lobbed him onto his car.

He flew though the air and smashed the glass of his car, he blead but it didn't stop him he just got ip and chaged me again, I stopped him and did the same thing, he stopped on the 5th time and i asked "why?"

He coughed and said "the other bidder on that site was me, I watched you re-store it, buy a part for it, and it was meant for me!"

He lunged again but this time he had the knife, he stabbed me in the arm, I felt it and walked to Betty and got in and drove, he fell to his car after this.

He followed hitting me again, I took it he then pulled up next to me and said "why don't you stop and give it to me?" I just looked and put my foot to the floor, he hit me again but I knew this road better then him, I knew what was comming.

He hit me again and I kept going, as I did I was comming up to dead man's crive, it was a hairpin turn and it over looked the sea and under it was a 50ft drop.

The sign came up up 5 miles to it then another hit, "boy i'd stop or slow down dead man's up there!" I put my foot to the floor and then he followed not hitting, waiting but for what?

2 miles to go, he hit me again, I looked at Betty and then sighed, as he hit me again 1 mile.

500 yards to go then I saw it, the sunrise was great, he slowed to a stop I put my foot to the floor if he wanted her then I kill myslef, as I wanted her to myslef.

As the turn came up I looked and then Betty played a very nice track called were'll meet again some day on the radio, I cried as the other car stopped I just kept going, though the barrier and into the sunrise.

I closed my eyes and looked, we where flying! Then I looked down by the drop, there we where roof on the ground then the car went BOOOOOOOOM! Gas tank was leaking thanks to him.

As I drove into heaven the music changed again to I will always love you by Whille Nelson, I cried as we headed into the sunrise, I maybe dead but at least i'm with my car! My 1986 cadalic elwood called Betty!


Sorry it ended like it did but it does, I wanted it to be sad but happy so eiher way it was.

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