is the tough guy gay?

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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I hate starting at new places, there are always new people to meet, no friends that you've known for 3 years to run off with or to joke with, or any where you know to hide from people you're hidey holes and secret places, what am I talking about? I'm talking about college, I started it today.

I'm a nice simple road deer, the normal colours, light fuzzy brown, snow white underbelly with some white spots on my back and little stubby horns I'm only a kid, I'm 5'8 but I'm small for my age of 15, and I'm a nerd, I look like I've just come from the comic book store with a load of comics to read and trade, but I haven't instead I've got the empty folder which will be full of work and certificates by the end of the year, a very nice pen and pencil and other things a pencil case, it has a nice picture of a smiley cat on it and a bag full of things I needed for college.

As I walked into the new place I was meet by loads of other deer's and furry's, I didn't know where to go in this new place other than a bit of paper that came in the mail saying "go here on this date", so I did, it was nice to start with, we had a guided tour of the college and then told that we would have sports every Friday and lots of other things but there was a problem, I wasn't into spots I'd just watch from the side lines or try to get out as quickly as possible like I'd done in school, today though was Wednesday and the start of a new year, I went in the class as normal as I could be and decided to be clam and quite type only talking when talked to or ask to answer like I'd been in my school, this was going okay until some other older deer came in, there was three of them, one was a big one and the leader of the other two, he was joking around saying things about female's privet parts and how much he could drink before he dropped, he then waved by to his friends and sat next to me.

My heart raced like a car I was too scared to talk to him let alone ask him to move as he was on my bag of books, he looked over at the board, got up and wrote on the board BIG TITS! He laughed and sat back down; when he did this I got my books safe, the teacher came in and looked, she was shocked and then asked who had written this? He stood up and said "it was me miss", the teacher was still in shock asked "why?" she asked "Well because I like big tits and I cannot lie" he danced a little as he said this he then laughed over that and so did the others in the room, I didn't he looked at me and laughed "good joke huh?" I just nodded he then got out his phone and started to play music all modern stuff "yuk" I said to myself and listened to a bit of jazz on my music player, after an hour of lesions of which I was listening to his music as mine decided to give up the ghost but only as he was playing it so load, we were given a break, I walked out grabbing my bag he was there looking at me I moved quickly down the hall way and went to find somewhere to hide or just go away until next lesion, I found nowhere that I wasn't told to "run along" or "get up not allowed".

Back in class he was there again but his friends weren't, I walked in and sat down next to him again my heart still racing and now I was sweating, it wasn't even a hot day he was dawning on a bit of paper he then screwed it up and lobbed it t another class member, he looked at me and said "may I take your order?" he laughed again, "what is your name" I managed to say, he looked and said "hmm Tom or Tim not sure oh I know its killer nah its Tom" he laughed again he was very big about 7'1 at least, he was very hot and muscle, he was same colours as me if a little faded, but that happened as you got older you colours start to fade, he then said "and yours my shaking friend?" I stuttered and said "b-b-Billy" he looked and then said "put it there b-b-Billy", he offer his hand, a friend I've made a friend, the other students from the class before walked in and I shock his hand, but then I was shocked, for real! He laughed and so did the others "a hand buzzer!" he laughed I just looked sad feeling like it was school all over again being the butt of every joke I sank into my chair and wanted the day to end.

At the end of the day he was going home in a mate's car I had to walk home it was ok, as I walked home I couldn't get him out of my mind, he was nice but just had a bad ass look but I bet there's softer side to him I just have to find it.

In the morning I woke up and got dressed and got my books, I then walked to college, Tom was there with his friends smoking in a non smoking area, he was so bad as I walked past him and sighed as he blow a cloud of smoke in my eyes, I coughed like mad he just laughed with his mates, the other thing I don't like about college is two types of loos, ones for tall furries and one for little furries, I decided I was a big furry and went into the big furry's loo that was a big mistake, the loos where very big and the wall mounted ones where very high up, I undid my flies and tried to pee but I only just got the bowl standing on my toes then Tom came in, I looked as he was undoing his flies I looked and saw his cock, it was huge mind you he was a stag he saw me looking and said "you like big cock gay boy?" I looked up and didn't know what to say my little cock on show as well.

He just laughed and then left but as he left I looked at his ass it was round and looked soft and would feel great in my hands, but then I shook my head and finished off, I then walked to lesion it was a Thursday and that meant only one day away from PE, I sighed and sat down, Tom sat next to me again and the lesion started, he listened to music more of the same from yesterday, I looked at his crouch and then sighed wondering if I was gay, I then felt him pass me a note under the table I unrolled it and it read "lunch time meet me in G block males loo" I didn't know if I was going to be killed or beaten up, I gulped and looked at him he just winked at me as if to say "it alright".

Lunch time came and I wondered over to G block, not knowing what was going to happen I just walked then found the loos, I looked at the note again and went in checking to make sure no one was looking.

As I went in the smell of smoke was over whelming I coughed and Tom stepped out of the loo and he had a fag in his mouth "hay gay" I looked and then walked to the door "wait!" He said, I stopped just as I got to the door and looked "what?" I said quite loudly and with confidence, "I'm sorry for saying gay boy and all those silly things" he went back into the loo, unsure of what to do I went in, the smell was powerful and he sat there on the bog lid looking sad and un-happy, I went in and closed the door locking it as well not knowing why though, "why did you want to get me here?" I asked and stood as best as I could to make myself look big but when he stood up he over looked me, I gulped again he stood tall and his jeans where black his smell was of some sent for males the stuff I'd use but it set me off in tears, he just stood there and I looked.

For about a minute he stood over me and then sat back down he sighed heavily and looked at me "I like you" he got out another cigarette and light it up, I held my nose as it was powerful and smelled unlike any cigarette I'd smelled, he then looked and knocked my arm away from my nose and then kissed me, out from the blue he kissed me.

I didn't know what to do I just took it, and murred at his taste, his tongue in mine fighting and I'd push back but not doing very well he was more stronger and he soon got my tongue to be his bitch as he'd say, he just kissed more his tongue going mad inside my mouth and then he stopped pulling away as the saliva made a line, I felt strange and at the same time great I felt like I was going to have a friend by a nice friend, "was that okay?" he asked, I was still dazed at this and said "yeah it was great!" he smiled and then got up putting the cigarette in the bog and flushing it he then left just walking past like I wasn't there.

I felt sad after that as I felt used he used me for a kiss, if I was a girl then it would have been okay but this was another guy was he gay? I had to find out, as I sat in lesion he sat next to me and I made my move, I moved my hoof to his area and gave it a touch not knowing if he punch me or just do something silly I kept it there, he looked at me and then looked over at the others in the classroom, then opened his legs a bit to give me a better feel, my heart was in my mouth when he did this, I then touched right where his cock would be but I felt nothing, he then rubbed it a bit to make it go out a bit, I went down looking like I'd dropped my pen or was getting something from my bag, as we where near the door nobody could see what we were doing so I got back up and gave it a squeeze, he looked at me and I let go, feeling silly and not knowing if he'd let me do it again but he then put it back on there and left it there, being nervous I left it there too I then felt it move it twitched, it made my heart race I couldn't keep myself from it I then moved my hand to his zipper, he stopped me and with his spare hoof shook it as if to say wait until were in privet.

After class I didn't know what to do, was he just leading me on and then leave me again? I just walked to next lesion then I saw him and he saw me and he headed to G block, I followed and made sure no one else did manly his friends that he was talking to as he walked.

He walked fast I couldn't keep up with out looking like I was following him so I just walked normally, then I got to the G block loos, I looked then went in but there was another furry there he was smoking a cigarette I coughed and he just looked and then left he was a horse and that's all I knew, as I looked in the fog I called out as well as coughing "tom!" "Cough tom", but nothing, I then un-did my flies and did what I needed to do, then I herd his voice "I knew you'd follow".

I turned around only just stopping peeing on his hoofs, I then looked and he kissed me and held onto me and went into the loo, I kissed him who cares if he used me this was probably going to be the best I get seeing as lady's didn't like me, he then stopped kissing me and then sat on the seat and took my jeans off, I tried to hide my little cock but he moved my hands out of the way and my cock was on show all 8 inches of it and it was fully hard, deer cock's aren't thick but are thin and are great to look at, he looked at mine and I just stood there, his bulging out of his pants so he got up and I took his jeans off, we both stood there nude waste down, he pulled me close his cock agents my chest and I moaned, he then touched my ass and I felt him touch me, I felt him he was warm and he felt nice and cosy.

He then pulled away and pulled his jeans up and then left, I was sad again but on my cock was another note how he'd done that I've no idea, it had written on it "tomorrow's gym please stay behind after and where'll do more", I didn't know what to do but I did have a quick rub on my cock to make it go down, I then put my pants on and walked out coughing only a little at the smoke.

The next lesion I sat next to him again feeling he was safe, he then started to touch my cock, I didn't know what to do so I just let him touch it seeing as I'd touched his, it was nice his soft hands slid down into my pants and onto my cock, I then whispered after he stopped feeling me "what do you mean about tomorrow?" he then said "just wait and I'll show you", I looked and started to touch his cock like he'd done to me but he pulled it away and just said "wait".

It was Friday and I woke up to having morning wood which I took care of in a few seconds with a few rubs as I was thinking of Tom and what he'd have us do, I wondered if it would be sucking his cock or even letting me fuck him I moaned as I came, I had something to eat and then set off for college and for sports for the first ever looking forward to it well the end anyways.

I never liked sports for two reasons; one, is because of my size I get picked last as I'm not very tall or tough, two is that I'm more use to playing by thinking not charging and hitting other people, and today we'd be doing that yeah we'd be playing rugby, it was a cold morning too as I stood there in my shorts and shirt and shivered a few others did too but they soon forgot and then started to run around to warm up I just waited back at the start and then coach de-sided I was going to be a great tackle, yeah right I can't even tackle my friends back at school let alone a lad 10 times the size of me, but coach said "it'll build you up for the real world", "how?" I asked but before I could get a response I was lobbed this bag thing and was told to hold onto it, I held onto it and herd the hoofs coming towards me.

I waited for the beast that was charging me to hit me, then as I braced for impart nothing, I though oh he's stopped I'm safe then I herd the hoofs again and I got hit, it sent me to the ground, I got covered in mud and I coughed as I was hit hard, I then limped over to the side lines with a few others who had managed to stay up but where hit very hard and where tried because they'd only had a light meal, I then saw Tom, he looked and then took up the bag and managed to keep the bull who hit him at bay, then coach said "great work Tom but can you stop me?" he charged Tom and I looked he just took it up and got hit hard.

He fell to the floor but only after being pushed back at least 50 matures, at the end of the lesion we looked on the paper to see who was going to make it for the championship, I didn't look as I knew I wasn't on I never am, but Tom was he head butted his friends and I just hit the shower, I waited until the others where gone, most came in and got changed without having a shower just spraying on loads of smelly stuff then leaving as the they'd forgotten there towels and college towels don't give much cover, mine was very large but I hid it as it was on power rangers.

I looked and then went into the shower area as everyone was gone, it was steamy and hot, I found a shower that was working, I hit it on cold and it was just right most of the others where on hot but I liked cold or warm not burn your skin off or turn you into an ice man, I then washed everything, I was very muddy after being tackled so many times by others then I herd the patter of hoofs, I didn't know who it was, I didn't care though as I was the only one there but I soon did know who it was when he kissed me.

I looked and there he was Tom all nude and looking like a true stag, he got down and kissed me, I just moaned as we kissed I felt his cock push up agents my front and I'm sure he felt mine pushing on his well I can't say his chest it was more in between his legs.

We must have kissed for at least an hour or it felt like it, he then stopped "that was so nice, but your going to leave now" he just sat down on one of the benches for waiting when there are no showers free his cock hard and said "nope" I looked and he turn the shower on above him his body got wet and he started to shower, I didn't know what to do so I just shower next to him.

I started to wash again and then he watched me he just watched me like he was enjoying it, then he dropped his soap and bent over to get it, as he did he lifted his tail up and made sure I saw his hole his tail and his beautifully cast ass, I could feel the heat from him then without thinking I could help myself I gave it a lick I leaned in a gave it a lick his hole.

With out knowing what I'd done until I'd done it I licked his ass more, he seemed to enjoy it as he moaned, my soft tongue pushing into his hole and then going in and out like a cock only more wetter and softer, I couldn't get enough of him his warm ass his insides so hot my cock went mad it was dripping pre and I was wanting to rub it but my hands where all over his legs and his rod just the feel of it, it was so warm and soft and his balls so warm and beautiful like two orbs.

I then stopped after coming round and I looked my mouth was on his ass, I stopped and pulled back, "please Tom, I'm sorry I don't know what came over me" he said nothing but then he turned and held my hands and said "shh its alright I love this kind of stuff any ways".

He then went down licking my nipples which made me shudder and then I felt his tongue on my belly and then on my sheath and then at the base of my cock I moaned and felt his mouth go onto my cock and I moaned and pushed his head onto it more I could help myself, this was great his tongue on my cock just felt great.

The shower that we where under poured down, cool water on my body as I moaned as I felt his tongue working on my cock, it was like he'd done this before, I could hold on "Tom going to cum please don't s-stop" I managed to say as he kept going and sucked more I moaned not knowing what to do I just let him then I held onto his horns that he had and said "Tom Cumming!" I moaned as I shoot my small but warm load into his mouth, I felt him drink it and he loved it, I heard him murr as my cock left his mouth he licked it clean.

The shower poured down still as I stood there and gasped at what he'd done, "that was so good" I said as I leaned on his head my cock softening and he then put a finger up my ass, I gasped as he did that then I moaned as he pushed in two more, "what are you doing?" I asked moaning in pulsar and pain, "losing you up" I then looked down and saw his cock all 11 inches, I then got that version in my head of him fucking me.

I slowly got off his head and turned around he was still on the floor his cock throbbing and leaking pre, I then lifted my tail and he gave my hole a lick, moaning at this my cock started to get hard again, I then felt him move his tongue over my back all the way up my spine, moaning more I then felt his cock tip at my hole, I gulped not knowing if I could take him, he then pushed in, his tip was thin but it got a little thicker, his cock then pressed in more, I let out a gasp he then lifted me up with ease as I was light and then sank his cock onto me more.

Moaning was the only thing I could do as he sank his cock into me more he then trust in a bit that hurt but at the same time felt good, I moaned as he pushed in until he was 11 inches in he then turned me around on his cock that was hurt but felt so good, he then kissed me and started to trust in and out of me, his cock trusting in and out of me I didn't know what it was like until now.

I moaned as he trusted in and out we'd kiss and that was so nice, his tongue fighting for my mouth I then started to rub my cock which he stopped and said "let it come to you" I stopped and kissed him more, his trusting getting more harder as I loosened up more, then I felt my ass clench on his cock and he then moaned in my mouth and I felt his cock explode into my ass, his hot deer seed filling my ass, it was filling me up well, I moaned as it stopped and I kissed him more he then lifted me up and his cock slopped out of my ass, I felt him hold me I was tried and out of breath my cock hadn't cummed but I didn't care I could die now I was happy, the showers still pouring water down.

After cleaning ourselves up I then noticed the sheet of paper it had a wanted under the names that had made it into the team, it said "wanted one ball boy for team, must be able to carry loads of balls and also be able to keep our kit clean apply within the PE room", I looked and then went to the PE staff room, most people only go in there to get first aid or their mobile back or something else.

I knocked on the door, then tried the door it was locked, "what's up small fry lost your inhaler?" the person behind me had made that terrible joke, I turned and bumped into some shorts "hay watch it" it was the coach mister bull, I looked not knowing what to say "I come for the job!" I said that out load not in my normal tiny head voice, "Well we need a ball boy and seeing as you're the only one who has applied for the job you're in, here!" He lobbed me a bag of boots, "clean them and make sure their ready for next week I'm going for a shower".

He left and went into the showers, I then got out the boots and started to clean them and sort them into their right size, which ones had knots in and which ones needed repairing, I then cleaned the ones that had pairs and put them into order just as mister bull put his head around the door "kid you're going to need these" he lobbed some keys and the one that was off the others was the one to the boots locker, I then finished cleaning them and then cleaned the others that needed to be un-knotted which was easy, then I fixed the ones that needed to be fixed, after that I locked up and then smelled myself I stank I smelled like a footballers sock I decided to have another shower.

As I walked in it was still steamy then I noticed another pair of shorts they were bigger than mine, I then thought is sir okay? I went in nude as it said to be as you got in, and he was on the floor our little fun had not been cleared and it had made sir slip but then I saw soap on the floor and thought oh good not my fault, "ah ball boy help me up ugh I would get up myself but an old injury has come up" "not until you say my name right my name is Billy not ball boy!" I was now getting more confident with my words "okay sorry ARGH Billy, please help me", I helped him up and started to rub his side where he'd fallen, a few years ago not many people know this but I'd taken a after school study on massaging, I was very good plus my dad trained a lot so it would come in handy one day.

I sir washed I couldn't help but look at his cock, it was so much bigger then Tom's but it was sorter more bulk then length, as I rubbed sir's side I though wait sir I can't keep saying that "sir seeing as you now know my name what's yours?" I asked as I kept rubbing and feeling his leg it was very tense, "its bully" "oh cool" he just grunted and I kept rubbing then he turned and my mind as elsewhere I was now rubbing his cock but he didn't notice, it was only when I looked that I was touching it, I looked and started to feel its length, its bulk and its softness, "hay Billy I know I'm hurt but I don't think I'm hurt there" he gave a small chuckle under his breath as I stopped rubbing.

After words he then said to me "so I presume you want to job as ball boy so you can keep seeing Tom" he looked at me as he showered his self off under another shower, "I only took it as I'm good at that sort of thing" "don't tell lies kid I can see right though you I've been a PE teacher for 10 years now and I can spot a gay person", I looked and hid my slight cock, "why do you think I let you rub my cock?" he chuckled more and I looked back to him, "you're going to get rid of me now aren't you?" he looked at me and said "no, as your be great at the side giving them messages, plus it's nice to know I can let you touch me without telling" he then started to feel my cock I pulled away "no bully, I'm sorry but first I must do it to you".

I got on my knees and started to lick his cock, he moaned as I sucked I was copying what Tom had done but it wasn't very good but I made him feel good, bully started to cum in my mouth I then stopped him and turned lifting my tail I really wanted him in me, he just smiled and pushed his tip into me, it was thick and big I let out a cry as he trust in I then felt him lick my neck and he then pushed it in more I couldn't help but cum as he trusted into me and then he let his load go, I felt it in me, his hot warm bull seed filling me more than Tom did I couldn't help but cum again after he let it out of my ass, I moaned and kissed him, "Billy you're going to be a great ball boy".

After that I felt great okay I was gay but who cares this is an open world well open ish there are still the odd few who think gays should be stoned, any way it was another Friday more PE, more ruby, as I walked in I got the balls and then walked out onto the field and then went back to get the tackle dummy's, but I was followed by another student Larry, he was a fox but was sly and witty about 5'6 more taller then me that's for sure and his colours where normal fox colours orange and white, as I picked the dummy's up he came from behind and said "so your the new ball boy?" I turned and looked, "oh Larry it's you, for a minute there I was thinking you where another student wanting to beat me up" "well some of that sentence is true" he grinned and creaked his knuckles but then Tom walked in, "I leave now Larry unless you want to be drinking though a straw" Larry turned as I hid behind one of the dummy's my size so I hid well, "ah Tom my old buddy, you wouldn't beat me up would you?" he laughed and put a hand on Larry's shoulder, "I would never hurt you, but if you hurt Billy then I might change my mind", I looked and he winked at me, "oh I see gay boys friend are we? Well in that case I hate gays! And I hate friends of gays take that!" he pounced Tom in the gut Tom went down, he coughed hard, smoking hadn't been good to him; Larry turned and lobbed the dummy away.

I looked and tried to hid behind anything but found nothing then I herd a voice, "leave him alone!" it was Tom he'd gotten up and he looked mad, "or what you're going to bum me?" Larry laughed as he raised his fist and was about to hit when it was stopped by Tom's hand, "no but I might just have to do this" Tom pinned Larry to the wall, his horns holding him, then he kneed him in the gut Larry was only 5'6 Tom was more taller by about 2 matures, he kneed him and Larry started to cough "Tom enough!" I said, he then stopped and Larry feel to the floor coughing and not moving much, he then hugged me and I hugged him, then I saw Larry move he was mad and he was raging!

He charged Tom and me, I moved Tom to the side and he lunged for me pinning me down, his mouth on my neck his hot breath on my fur, I looked as I was pinned, Tom looked and then Larry made his move, he bit into my neck only lightly just enough to make it bleed though it felt hard though like piecing though paper, Tom then ran towards me "ah, ah, not a step feather, other wise the kid gets killed" Tom stopped I was lifeless I couldn't move, I daren't move in case I was killed, then I felt him loosen up I moved but he didn't let me go his teeth gripping me hard.

He held me and I thought he's done I'll be okay he's done but he let go and lobbed me I went flying and then hit the wall very hard with a bone crunching thud, Tom looked and then Larry looked wiping away the blood, I went limp falling to the side very lifeless, "Larry that was the line and now your going to pay!" Tom changed at him horns out and Larry charged Tom and they fought! In the mean time bully was looking at his watch we'd been gone for at least 5 minutes, he then went inside and saw the blood on the wall and then saw me on the floor looking dead blood coming out from my neck and then he saw Tom and Larry fighting tooth and claw, he ran in a grabbed them both, "all right you two that's enough", but Larry was so mad that Tom was gay that he hit sir in between the legs sir went down, bulls do have very big balls, Tom and Larry kept fighting as I came round from the hit seeing sir on the floor in pain holding his meat and veg and Tom fighting Larry and losing badly, he was weakening his cigarette level was low, I then looked in the cupboard where we kept the dummy's there was a sword, the sword that had won our grounds so that this college could be made I picked it up.

I looked as sir groaned on the floor still holding his pants and Tom bitten again in the arm, I looked at the sword in my hand and shouted "HAY LARRY!" he turned around and I trusted the sword into him, seeing as I knew the body well I hit him in the side going though his ribs and missing the organs only doing some damage to stop the fighting or to make him think he'd been hurt, then miss tiger came in and saw the mess, she called for the ambulance and police.

Larry was taken away and was told to never come back to this college, mister bull was given some ice as he was fine it was me and Tom that went to the hospital, I was alive but Tom wasn't, he had been bitten bad, the teeth marks went in more deeper then I thought, his breathing was shallow and was very slow, but he held on little did I know the last few seconds he'd seen me stabbing Larry for him, he was fighting but fighting off death.

After I was patched up, I went to see Tom he was okay but was in a bad shape, his kidney was the worst, Larry's teeth had gone in and ruptured it, as I looked on the surgeons did all they could but a new kidney was not working, I then walked in, and said "cut me open he can have one of mine".

They looked and sedated me as I was put on the bed I moved my hand and touched Tom's I then went to sleep, when I woke up I was in a room, and I looked more my parents where there they hugged me and kissed me and then I looked for Tom, "Tom where's Tom?" I asked trying to get out of the bed then one of the doctors came over and told me everything, "Tom's in the resting place he's doing fine thanks to that kidney you gave him", he went away to tell my parents what I'd done and what they'd done, I got up and looked though the doors my dress only just covered all, my ass and tail where cold but I still went looking Tom then I found him, I went in and sat next to him, nobody had come to see him, I looked at his chart he had on one left, mom died and dad left him when he was 13, his uncle looked after him until he died, 3 years later, he was paying for the course and now was fighting for life, even though my kidney was okay he was still weak from the fight, I held his hand and I felt it hold me, I rested next to him and sighed "please don't give up Tom".

A few hours later bully came in, ice still on his balls and now he had a bottle too for his leg to kill the pain, "how's he doing Billy?" he said as he sat down "he's alright sir but I'm worried" sir put his hand on my shoulder and said "he's a fighter he'll pull though after all on the pitch he's a fighter" little did I know Tom had been going to after college practice to get better, he had cuts and marks on him but he was a fighter and when he opened his eyes he saw me and said weakly, "Billy", before going back to sleep.

A couple of mouths later Tom was back fighting and fit, the first thing he did was give up smoking, and he was now ready to go back on the team as he was getting better all the time, bully helped loads to get him back on the team and I was there too, we went to all the big games over the city's winning and losing, but Tom always had a smile on his face when I cheered him on, plus the after shower was great as me and him would kiss and make love, bully told Tom that he was gay too and that he'd done me to which he said "that's cool but Billy's mine now" bully understood and kissed me and said "good luck with this stud" he then left and me and Tom made love, after words I would always say to him "I will never leave you" to which he would say "I'm never going to leave you" and after that we stay with each other until the end.

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