Love for stallions

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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I love stallions, there wonderful power, there great powerful bodies, there wonderful colours, and there great body's.

I'm just a young male who likes them, I love there soft warm skin or fur, I love their warm noses as it sniffs me but most of all I love there cocks.

It all started about 5 years ago, I was only 14 there was some new fields at the bottom of our house, and there where horsey's, I went down there everyday to make a fuss of them, they loved it, but then they went away, then in the summer they came back with little foals, awwww they where so small and cute, they where very shy at first hiding behind mum while I made a fuss of mum, then after they got use to me they'd come over and be petted, I was careful not to hurt them, they loved being petted, then about August time they where taken away, just the mum's left.

It was sad but then one day some new horses where in the field, but on the other side in the other field on the left, I battled my way though the over grown weeds and trees and got to the clearing, there was three of them, one was a very big horse tall and the boss of the other two, making sure they knew their place, the other two where smaller then him, the other was a black but with bit of brown in there, the other one was brown and much smaller then the others but he was a fighter he wasn't a push over until he was nipped.

I liked to give them names as I didn't know there real names, the big male I named Thunder, as when he troted around the field it would sound like thunder comming, the small one I named Mike, just seemed to fit, and the middle one I named funguy as he was okay but a bit of a bitter.

One day I hacked my way though the weeds and trees then walked to them, Thunder came up and stood there behind the fence and I stroked and petted him, the day was mild warm but with a bit of a cold breeze, he just stand there and let me stroke his neck going up and down he'd rest his head on my sholder, I didn't mind but god was he heavy, the other one funguy would come over, but Thunder would lower his ears and bite him away, I made a fuss of funguy but only when he wasn't wanting to bite me, then Thunder would come over and butt in, Mike was fussed but only for a few seconds before wondering off, after that Thunder came over and he was made a fuss of then he lifted his head up and streched then walked off, that when I saw his cock, so large and round big and long, I felt my pants get tight, I had to let my cock out, I rubbed it looking over to make sure no one could see me then I started to paw off and that's when I wanted to touch it.

I first tried to touch it normaly put my arm over and reach under but there where two problems, one: Thunder would twich then move to face me, two: the eletric wire, that hurt, I'd touched it a few times and some of the other horses had too, they ran off, I just arghed at it, it was a small pain there for a few seconds then gone but numbness was left over, then I knew how to get to his cock, I tried to get Thunder to move to the side, he would then i'd make a fuss of him on his back moving slowly downwards, I touched his ass so he would get close to me then I leaned down and put my arm though the gaps in the metal wire fence then I rubed his underside, he loked and his cock came out, I then rubbed more, being soft amost scraching him, then I took a change and felt his cock.

I got it, it was warm and soft but also hard and then Thunder recolled it into his sheath and turned to face me, I'd touched it and now I was wanting more, I knew the fence was turned off in the night as it was too unsafe to leave on, if a horse touched it then bumpped into another horse they wake everybody up or get hurt, I forulated a plan, wait until midnight or late at night, then grab my touch and head to the field, hop over the fence then, well if I got that far before my consence stepped in I didn't know what i'd do.

It was a Friday night, the light outside was dark, I looked at my watch, midnight or there abouts, I then herd my mum and dad sleeping, I got my clothes and put my thin boots on and then grabbed my touch, I then looked and very carefully made my way down the stairs, I left the lights off so as not to wake mum or dad, I then got to the back door, I opened it and was welcomed by the cold night breeze, I looked out and could only see dark, I turned my light on and looked, I saw everthing at night or what ever my light shone on, then I made my way down to were they where.

The garden was like a maze, I had to tread carefully, as plants and over grown grass might give the game away, I then reached the bottom of the garden, I looked into the first field, no sounds, deathly quite other then the hoot from an owl, I had to be careful, I hopped over the fence so i didn't have to get though the over grown stuff at the side of the field, as I walked though the field I looked with my touch on the ground, I was being careful not to tread in poop I then got to the fence end, I put my hand out and bit into my touch and touched the wire, nothing! It was dead I touched it again, dead, I then grabbed it and jumpped over, then jumpped over into Thunder's field, I put my touch up and looked then I saw him, the other two where lying down away from him, he was standing up.

I glupped mouth dry as anything, I walked over to him, very quitely I petted him on the side, he awoke and looked at me then closed his eyes again, I petted him and then started to stroke his sheath, it was cold and floppy, I then rubbed it and it started to grow, the first bit of his cock came out, I licked my lips, I then felt it warm and soft still, I then rubbed more of his sheath and his cock came out more, I looked at it, it was big, I rubbed it the long shaft and the wonderful smell, I licked the tip, I then got onto my knees and started to suck his cock.

He seemeed to know what to do, he just spread his back legs and let me suck him off, having never done this before I just seen it done on the telly i copy them, I rubbed his long cock my mouth only just able to fit the flared head in, he then strated to thrust in and out, his horse insteant taking over, he thrust into my mouth it hurt but was so nice, I kept sucking then i felt his orbs they where largre and big, I rubbed his cock my mouth only just taking the head in, then he neighed loadly and cummed in my mouth, It went down my trought I gaged at this as there was so much and was almost sick from the amout, then he stopped and his cock went soft in my mouth, I slid it out of my mouth cum leaked off of his tip as it slid back into his sheath, I gasped and sat there still shocked at what i'd done, I looked at my watch, 12:45 I then licked the cum up of his tip and felt full, horse cum was saltly but nice, I then hopped over the fences and went home, I then got inside my house and looked, still quite, I went into the bathroom, and washed my mouth out with water and toothpaste, I then came out and chucked my top which had some cum on it onto the wash pile, i'd watered it down so it looked like i'd spilted something down my front, I then ate something to get rid of cum on my tongue, then I went to bed, my belly full of Thunder's seed.

A few moths later and they took Thunder and the others away, haven't seen him since but i've seen other males, cocks big as Thunders but unlike Thunder I only touch them I never do what I did to thunder.

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