a winters tail

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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this was started on here as basic but the time wasn't right so I put it onto a word doc and this is it enjoy

It was a nice winters morning with the snow white and fresh on the ground, when I herd my Christmas alarm clock go off, it was in the shape of a reindeer leading the others over the earth, I got up out of my bed, I rubbed my eyes from the night of great sleep, I made my bed making sure it was neat and tidy, and got ready for today's fun and games.

Who am I? You might be asking, I'm one of the extra reindeer that helps everyone here and there, and I'm here in case I'm needed, but my main job is too look after the other reindeer and today that was going to be hard as tonight was Christmas eve, and all the reindeer needed to be ready for flight.

As I got out of my stable and looked out onto the great morning, I was welcomed by a snowball in the face by one of the elves! he giggled and said "sorry David" he ran off lobbing more as he went to catch the other elves, as you might know by now my name is David, I'm a 7'6 reindeer, I look after the other reindeer all year round as well as the elves, when it isn't Christmas I look after them so they don't get ill or fat over the days that it isn't Christmas the 365 other days.

As I walked though the snow to the stables some of the elves had taken the reindeer out for a test run, this was making sure that everything fitted, everything was okay nothing was too tight or lose, they where fit and ready to go and that they where in great shape for the big night, I looked in the stables and then saw the one who is the laziest of the reindeer, still in his bed dreaming of things that are sweet, dasher, he was like me tall handsome and very fit but he didn't like to show it, he was lazy and was a right pig to get out of bed.

"C'mon dasher time for you to be up" he yawned at looked at me in the a kid looks at you on a school day "ugh not today I can't be asked, besides I don't have to be ready until oh about 15 hours time" he pulled the cover back over himself and dozed off, I sighed and left him there, I had a plan though.

I grab a load of snow from the top of the stable roof, I looked at him in bed I felt sorry for doing it, but it was going to get him out of bed, I rolled it and lobbed at him hitting him in the back of the neck, the area you can't quite cover up with the quilt, it hit him and he jumped out of bed socked and looking at me, "mutter I'm up now okay?" "Good now get dressed its time for you to get checked out", he muttered and looked at me in a not very nice waking up way, he yawned and get his towel for a shower, he joined the other reindeer and then jigged merrily to the showers, where they get washed, brushed, and ready.

While they went off for that if was left to me and a few other elves to clean the stables out, I cleaned the stables out while the elves cleaned the reindeer and made the toys and the sleigh work, as I cleaned, I would find the odd thing under there beds, it was mostly left over bottles of egg nog and the little metal trays that come on mince pies, but when I cleaned dashers out I found a magazine, I had a look though it and noticed it had some great stuff in it very rude but nice, I mostly read though it and it was good awful but good, I cleaned up and then made my way over to Santa's workshop, the big guy always needs help and I love to help.

"HO, HO, HO! Hello there David, have you come to help me with my list?" I just nodded and sat next to him, he was fat and jolly his big breed all bushy and white, I looked up and down a shoot came a whole load of letters, he opened about 5 in a go, I opened 1 at a time, well having hooves doesn't help, we have two piles, the good pile which is what Santa sorts though and the naughty pile that my pile, as we sorted the elves where getting the reindeer ready, as me and Santa looked though the letters as they came down by the mountain load, thankfully, Santa has a machine that can translate even the worst hand writing into the best for reading, its very easy to use, he can read anything from a small furry's writing right up to a very posh furry's letters with me though I can't read posh or poor, I only use it if I get a under 3 year olds letter.

After hours of looking though piles and sacks of letters we where almost done, I left Santa with the last sack and went to help the elves with the toys making, I love helping and they needed help with the rocking horses, they needed painting, I can multi task, I can paint two at once so that's what I did the detail is there even if it looks like I'm rushing, I took my time making sure the paint looked ace, not rushed or done fast, the after that I moved onto making toy solders, they needed to be packaged, I can pack better then I can un-wrap or open letters.

At the stroke of 11 it was time, Santa ready himself, the elves then got the reindeer up and ready as I helped load up Santa's sack of goodies and then on the under side put the sack of none burning coal for the naughty children.

The coal was a lump of blackness, mined out here as it didn't burn and it's not lead as we tested it on paper nothing.

I hopped onto the sleigh sitting on the toys and then we set off, the sleigh started to move as Santa shouted out the reindeer's names, I then looked and we took off, we were flying, over the clouds that where soft and fluffy, we looked and down below where all the homes of all the furry's tucked up in there warm beds, Santa then pointed and there was our first stop of the night, we landed on the roof quietly even though if you saw it, it looked bad and loud, we then started to make our way down the chimney's, Santa went down the good girls and boys furry's chimney's giving them presents for eating all there greens and helping around the home, and I went down the naughty furry's chimney's to drop off the lump of none burning coal, after a few more trips we stopped and it was down good street, everyone had been good that's why it was called good street, Santa went on down the chimney's as I checked the reindeer over, giving them some food and water, they munched the food and drank the water, I just tucked into some more simple things, a nice warm mince pie and a bottle of red wine, Santa had 10 plus so I took the cheapest one there, he didn't mind and after about 10 bottles he was ready for bed, as I drank I noticed a gift on the roof top it had fallen from Santa's sack, I picked it up and then looked who it was for, it was for a naughty furry on our next stop, Santa only checks the good lists, if I get a good list I give it to him, I must have let it go though thinking it was a good list, I looked and then told Santa, he just laughed and said "we all make mistakes, but its alright it happens, don't worry where'll give this to him but if he's bad next year it'll be no present only a lump of old coal that doesn't burn".

We flew onwards throughout the night, why the snowman walking though the air came to me I have no idea, it just did though and it fitted, we then saw the northern lights they where beautiful I then looked, the sack was getting low only enough toys left for good furry's the sack for naughty furry was still full it always was, we then made our last few stops, the coal was gone in my sack even though it looked full and as I looked at Santa's watch it was almost 7 in the morning the reindeer had done there good, we then hit the ground back home and then Santa gave us our presents and said "I'll see you all at the ball", he then gave each a present, it was something simple but nice, a warm mice pie and a drink of very nice magic water, the water was life giving water, it made us feel young and great instead of old.

At the ball it was great the music was making great sound playing all the Christmas hits but for some reason I didn't feel happy, that one gift I'd left off, I felt bad, I looked in on the party and grabbed some nice mince pies and the plate and then saw the drinks table, I looked and grabbed a bottle, I didn't know what, the bottle of red wine I'd left on that roof top, I sat in the snow as it fell and made everything look like the top of a cake, it was evening for us, but all across the land it was Christmas morning furry's waking up and opening there presents and playing with there toys, I wasn't happy though, I looked and saw the moon get up and brighten up the night and the lights the wonderful lights, I munched on the warm mince pie and then looked at the bottle I'd grabbed, it was a nice bottle of jack Daniels I smiled at this, a nice bottle of the worlds greatest drink, I undid the top and sniffed it, oh it was grand I then looked and noticed dasher round the back, he was doing the same drinking and having a smoke, I looked and then confronted him as he was smoking!

"You shouldn't smoke, dasher" he looked and dropped the bottle he'd got "aw my jack", he looked and picked it up it was empty, "sorry dasher here have some of mine", "thanks man", he said this and drank from the bottle he then dropped the cigarette on the floor stamping it out, he then looked up at the night sky and said to me, "so what brings you out here round the back?" he asked me as we sat in some snow, "well I'm thinking of the present, that one naughty furry on Christmas getting something when the other naughty furry's get a lump of none burning coal, it just makes me sad" he put a arm around me and said, "nothing to worry about, look its simple, one naughty kid gets a present, he then see that the others didn't get anything, he sees the light and thinks maybe its a sign that I should do good from now on, no more bad, no more frogs in other furry's clothes, no more sink bombs to be made in science class, no more snow balls in another persons face", "that is true, wait what?" As I said that I was meet by a snowball in the face from dasher, I looked and he laughed in the snow, I then looked at him and he drank some more of the jack I then lobbed more at him, he jumped and dodged all that I lobed, I then had a plan.

He ran off towards his stable, I then saw him go inside I looked and saw the snow above his stable roof, I then rolled up a snowball and said "dasher eat snow" I lobbed it, it missed hitting the roof, dasher looked and just laughed "c'mon" I said, then a rumble and the snow on the roof moved dasher looked up and then said "oh nuts" as a load of snow fell onto of him not enough to cover him but enough to get him back, but then I saw that more was going to fall and it might hurt him, I dived into the snow fall and pulled him in, just as a pile of snow fell blocking the door up.

I lie on top of dasher and he looked at me and then said "that was the dumbest thing you have done!" we started to argue about what had happened still on top of each other then I stopped and felt something poke me in the belly, I lifted myself and saw dasher getting hard.

He looked at me and I looked at him, we where both close our breath hitting each other's faces, I got off him and looked at the door, it was no good we were snowed in, I looked and saw dasher on his bed he was still hard but not sable, he looked at me and said "look its nothing, but well I've not had sex in so long, as I'm gay, I'm the only gay reindeer, the others would laugh at me if I told them that's why I stay in here" I looked and sat at the end of the bed, "so that why you have these", I pulled one of the magazines it read STAG MOUTHLY, "give me that" he pulled it away and hide it behind himself I giggled, "nothing to be ashamed about, besides I like that magazine too, only I like there's and there sisters as well DOE MOUTHLY" I blushed redder then Rudolph's nose, "really?" dasher asked now crawling near me, "I always like mister summer and winter, as there great, I mean there body's so bulky and fit, able to lift things far heavy then me" I felt warm then I saw dasher he was rubbing himself trying to hide that though.

"What's you fave in here dasher?" I asked as he looked "well err its mister new year" he blushed and I got off the bed, "you mean this pose?" I got onto my all fours and tried to look like I'd dropped my list of resolutions "yeah that's the one" dasher looked on his cock out and show, I looked and said "well it seems to work" I looked and dasher looked he then hid it and sat in his bed, I just said "it happens, don't worry about it" I kissed him to say sorry for getting us trapped in here then he kissed back there was no turning back now we both kissed and where loving it.

We kissed, our tongues loving each others moths, we then stopped and looked into each others eyes, his wonderfully blue eyes and my very dark brown eyes, we looked and our cocks touched, it was strange, his warm member up agents my member, we looked at each other, time almost stood still, "you know" I said with a sexy smile "the elves won't find us or be able to dig us out till later maybe even not until boxing day, you want to roll in the straw?"

I asked him still starring into his light blue eyes, "well seeing as where not going anywhere yeah why not, but please, could you do one wish for me and keep this a secret" he blushed I smiled and zipped my lips and kissed him, he smiled back and we kissed feeling our body's tougher, it was warming us up.

We kissed and felt each others body's, touching one another kissing, then dasher broke the kiss a lone stream of Silva joined us, "why you stop dasher?" I asked him looking at him, he then looked down his cock hard and leaking pre he smiled and just said "that's why", he then rubbed it a bit and rubbed mine, "so you want to like, do what they do in the magazines or just rub it more?" He looked at me and said, "I've done the things in the magazine thanks to a friend, but I've never given a BJ before" he looked at me redder then red I looked blushing red as well, "well I've always wonder what that feels like so lets do it" he started by rubbing my cock lubing it up with the pre I was leaking.

He then went down and started to lick at my thin long cock, I looked and he was doing great, his moth taking all 9 inches he licked the base with the tip of his tongue that sent shivers up my spine I moaned pushing him on more, he deep toughed me and began to lick and suck, his tongue so warm smooth and soft, I felt his tongue, it was great I held onto his antlers as he started to go faster, I moaned out as I felt him lick more he then came off, and licked the tip, tasting the pre, his tip getting just inside my cock tip making me moan at this, I was close I tried to hold it back but when he started to rub my balls and massage them I couldn't hold on much longer, I grabbed his antlers and shouted "dasher cum, Cumming!" I came in his mouth, he just murred lightly as my reindeer seed leaked out the sides of his moth I gasped and let go of his antlers he just got up and licked his lips.

I gasped and he just looked at me, his cock hard and leaking pre he almost came too, "thank you David that was great" he hugged me and he licked his lips, I kissed him back and said "its not over yet" I said, I licked his tip and he shuddered I then stopped and he looked "what are you doing?" I turned around and showed him my tail hole, I raised my tail and he looked, "well I've had my Christmas treat now its time for yours" I winked at him and he looked at me his cock did the taking by throbbing a couple of times.

I stood on my knees and waited for dasher to dash me, he then sniffed my hole, his hot breath on my hole made me warm he then licked my hole, I shivered at this then he pushed in his was teasing me! "stop doing that" I said but he just kept licking and licking, I felt great my cock would go again if this didn't stop, I then felt him stop, his tongue leaving my hole then I felt dasher's chest next to my checks, he rubbed his cock in between my hole, god this was so nice his 10 inch cock rubbing my checks, I moaned more he then stopped and petted my ass that felt good he then leaned over and with his body on mine whispered in my ears "I'll be gentle".

I felt him, his cock tip at my hole, I clenched up as it was my first time then dasher started to rub my ears and I started to un-clench, I then felt his tip entre me, it was warm and soft he then pushed in more I moaned as he was now going in more, but he kept rubbing my ears in between my antlers, I relaxed but felt strange, his cock in me he then thrust into me, I gasped and he moaned, he was in me, fully in me, all 10 inches, he felt warm he then just lay on top of me, my ass clenching onto this new comer in my hole, I then felt him start to hump, he then trusted in and out being rough but somehow gentle, I moaned and groaned, he kept this up, I just kept saying "on dasher on" he would thrust in hard when I said that as I think it made him angry, I started to clench more harder as he was getting close.

I felt him thrust into me more harder, I then felt him hold my antlers like I'd done with him, I then felt him thrust into me once, twice; and the third time he said "Cumming!" he came in me, I felt his warm, hot, sticky cum go into me, I clenched and milked him for his wonderful seed, he then held onto my antlers as he was tried, he then feel on top of me, I hugged him and he then rolled to the side, I rolled onto my back, we panted and gasped for air, that was so good I was breathless, I looked at dasher who was now almost asleep he then turned and kissed me but it was more a lick, "thanks David that was wonderful" he then pulled from under his bed another bottle of jack, I looked and said "you sly old reindeer you" he just smiled and un did the top, taking a swig, he then handed it to me and I did the same, he then looked at me and said "hay I mean it about this being a secret" I smiled and said "I won't tell anyone I have many more secrets" dasher smiled and then rolled over and went to sleep, I took a swig of the jack and then placed it on the floor, I kissed dasher on the check then covered us up, I could still feel his cum in me warming me up as it leaked out.

In the morning I woke up and looked, the morning sun shinning into the stable, I then got up and yawned, then I looked dasher was still in bed sleeping, I then looked at the door we where still snowed in, I looked at dashers clock of a doe and a stag from the magazine, it read 10:30 in the morning, I yawned and looked at the snow by the door, more had fallen in the night, but then I herd shovels working, the elves where digging, I then saw morning they then came in with food and cups of warm coco, me and dasher drank and eat that lot in a few seconds, we then got out of the stable and looked, Santa was there, "I was very worried about you two, you didn't show up for breakfast, when I looked out towards the stables I saw you'd been snowed in, but at least your okay now" he hugged us and we both said "its was a fun night" we looked at each other and then winked, we knew that we'd have to get "snowed" in every Christmas day.


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