pet dragon PT4

Story by mugman on SoFurry


the final part to pet dragon, i hope you enjoy,

So here I am, stuck in a army base, my best friend Lexus dead and carrier hurt from being hit in the head and from hitting the wall, the other dragons with me too, one dead the other one alive but weak.

As I cried I held little Lexus in my arms, he was so sweet, how could that big bully just kill him, my eyes where watering like a waterfall.

I cried more then I herd a noise, it was carrier, he was singing, as I listened it soothed me, it was sad but at the same time so beautiful.

"What are you singing?"

I asked him, my ears loving the dragon's song.

"I'm singing the death song, when one of our young doesn't make it or is killed or another dragon dies we sing this song to let them pass into the dragon afterlife easier"

He sang more, the little one I'd now named mini carrier sang too, the song must have been so nice to listen to, it was soft and angel like, it was like a churl had been brought down from heaven and placed into carrier's voice, he sang into the night.

I felt sleepy from this song, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, the song was so nice I herd it in my dream.

As I slept I dreamed I was in the dragon's afterlife place, it was full of little dragons, all of them happy to see me, then there was little Lexus, he was smiling and churred at me as he smiled, the other dragon flew or crawled over to me, I cuddled them all, I was just happy to see Lexus again.

As I walked though this heavenly place I looked and saw other dragons, from eggs that never hatched to the most oldest dragon.

I then got to a bit that had a door, on the door which was covered in jems and shiny items and bones of animals, I knocked on the door and a voice came like an old man specking.

As I entered, it was full of wonderful shiny items as far as the eye could see books as well all kinds from small to old to dusty.

I then saw a tail; I followed it and then was meet by a face.

The face was old, very old, wrinkles and gray hair as long as the roads.

As I looked I gulped, I stood my ground, he just smiled and spoke even in an old voice, it was graceful.

"Welcome to my kingdom, young Fred"

He said smiling,

"You know my name?"

I asked thinking how this was possible.

"Why yes, I know all dragon's names, and I even know of the humans that either care for us or treat us like a peace of dirt, if you'll excuse my langue"

He said this while cleaning his month out with something.

"Why I'm I here sir?"

I asked unsure and still in the same area as I had been not moved at all.

"A very good question young Fred, well every time a person wants a dragon, either as a pet or to meet one, I look over them on this, oh here hop on"

He put his big paw on the floor, I got on it, it was warm and soft he then lifted it up to an area.

I held onto his claw hand and watched as the ground went fetcher away, he then placed me on an area and I saw a big orb, it was of earth.

When I looked closer I could see it was like CCTV, you could see everything on earth, it was amazing, I then saw myself and carrier.

"That's me!"

I said happy that I'd found myself in this orb.

"Yes it is, now then the reason I've brought you here is so I can see, ooh now where is he? Where'd he go?"

The dragon looked around for something in the base, he looked around the army base with a camera, it was invisible to everyone.

He then found what he was looking for, the army major.

"Him, that's who I'm after, now then let's see if I can get sound, ah there we go sound on"

He pushed a few buttons by the side of the orb and all of a sudden the voice of the major came on.

"Right boys, this is great, we can at last win our war on terror, I mean, we have two dragons and a person who knows them, we can at last win angst our others, now then who's for drinks?"

The sound turned off and I clenched my firsts from hearing this, the old dragon could feel my anger.

"He is the one who killed your little friend called Lexus, he is also a known person to me, I think I have history on him just give me a second"

He moved around like a snake, he had feet but he was so old that it was easier to move like a snake.

As he looked for a book I could see carrier and mini carrier singing still, I then saw that mini carrier was now in my lap singing still.

I moved my hand over my lap while looking though the orb and lightly petted him; it was as if from here I could control myself from here.

"Here we are, major green, yes I remember him, at the age of 6 he was into dragon's, he was like you wanted a dragon, but his father was mean and said there are no such things, he would then make dragons, but in secret, his father then found this out and burnt everything he had dragon wise, it really broke him, after that he was sent to the army, he had the rage from his father destroying his items, I think this is what made him bad, so sad as he was such a good dragon maker, he made this, I got it from the fire, it was the only thing left, it's a dragon made from stone"

I looked at it, it was made from a big stone cut down more and shaped to make it look like a dragon, even for someone of the age of 6 this was good.

I put it in my pocket, I had a plan, the old dragon looked at me and put the book away he had read my mind he knew what I was thinking.

I then left him in his great are, I woke up still in the army base but with a plan.

I woke up and got up, I put Lexus and yellow in the basket, I then looked at the wall, it was damaged, but weak, I asked if carrier could crash into one more time, he nodded and got up, I put mini carrier up by the door, he poked his head out and wagged his tail, meaning no one here, carrier charged and hit the wall braking it down, he feel back on the floor.

I put mini carrier in my bag, and then got from my pocket the stone dragon to make sure it was there then put it back into my pocket, I then looked around the room we where in, I found smoke grandees, and a bullet proof shield, I picked these up and ran out, I knew the way to his office.

The alarms wailed and flashed, I just kept going, I was then found by them, I lobbed one of the smoke bombs towards them, it went off and I went though the smoke coughing but only a little, I was then shoot at but it was from shock of the smoke they missed.

I then ran and got to his door, I hid as others exit to help and to see what was going on, I then went in and he was at his desk writing, I saw him and he saw me, I then closed the door and locked it.

"Well boy, you sure have got guts, I'll give you that, it's a shame your now going to die, don't worry we'll look after the dragons"

He looked at me and got up from his seat.

"Only if you don't kill me, you need me, I know how to control them, you don't"

I looked at him as he started to sweat.

"WHAT?! That is my information, how do you know of it?"

He looked at me and tried not to panic but he really was.

"Because I meet someone, and I think he's watching now, major green"

I said this and the major nearly wet himself.

"No ones called me that ever, that was my fathers name for me if I ever did get to this rank, it's a trap, your just bluffing, you don't know any more, you could have paid someone, or your working for another company WHO? THE FBI PTA? WHO!"

He was now getting mad and red in the face, I then looked at him and said,

"No one, oh and if you don't know, I know a lot about you, you wanted a dragon like me when you was 6, you wanted one but your father said its not real"

He went white in the face after that, I said this and he was now shocked that I knew so much.

"Oh and major green, I think this belongs to you as well, it was all that was rescued from the bonfire your father had when he found out that you where making dragon items behind his back"

I placed on the desk the stone dragon, the major looked at it, he was white, he then picked it up and looked it, hands shaking, his eyes watering.

"I, I called him stoney, he was my friend, how did you get hold of this? I haven't seen this in 52 years; I thought the fire destroyed all of it, I looked though the ashes for this but never found it"

"My friend gave it to me, now major, you have killed my friend, and for that I shouldn't let you near this one but, seeing as you're now calm, and now trust me as I know you, would you like to touch and pet a real dragon?"

His eyes welled up as if he was just given a medal for something brave, as he looked I got from my bag mini carrier, he looked at the major and hissed, I just said "no" and he sat there on the desk not growling but looking happy, major green didn't know what to do, he moved his hand over to touch mini but then pulled it away.

I took his hand and placed it lightly on mini's head, he looked and gasped, he was touching the dragon, he then looked and stroked it's back, he then tickled under his chin and picked him up, mini licked his face and he laughed, I was happy, I looked up at the sky and smiled letting the master dragon as I called him know it was going well.

The army bods then came in breaking down the door, guns aimed at me and the dragon now in the major's arms.

"Sir are you okay?"

They asked guns aimed at me and the dragon.

"Yes, at ease boys, I've decide to let the dragon's go, I'm very sorry, boy, only now do I see the greatness of them, my father was a rotter, but now I see there kind creatures"

He stroked and cuddled mini in his arms, mini purred enjoying this from someone who had killed another dragon.

He held mini carrier and we walked to the area where carrier was, he was now looking better, he had an ice pack on him and was eating some meat, the major looked so happy, he then walked us out to the front of the army base, I saw my parents there, they cried out, I then looked up into the sky and herd something.

In the sky were wings, big wings, flapping wings, then 3 dragons came into sight.

All 3 landed in the base, the first was a golden yellow so wonderfully golden and yellow, she was just like the little yellow golden one, she cried for her young, the major looked sad.

The other one was Lexus's mum and dad, they cried too, then all of them sang that song again, but this time it was different.

As they sang light orbs came floating down from the sky, they danced around the dead dragons which where being held by there parents, they glowed whiter then blinding light white, then they faded away dancing off as the dragons kept singing.

Then Lexus moved, and so did yellow, they'd brought them back to life, I ran to Lexus and cuddled him, he churred and purred and rubbed agents me, his parents looked on at him and me, I then looked at the major.

"Thank you major green, you have done the right thing"

I was so happy I didn't think anything bad could happen.

"Indeed I have boy indeed I have"

His voice had changed he now sounded evil again.

He smiled evilly and then shouted "NOW!"

Heavy chained nets came from no where and captured the dragons, I then looked and he looked at me.

"Did you really think I was going to let them go? You are a stupid boy!"

He laughed at me.

He laughed and I just lost it, this was the last time I couldn't bottle it up any more.

I ran over to him and hit him hard in the chin, he fell, I caught mini carrier which he flung into the air from the hit.

Lexus then charged and bit him again, I then kicked him, he then ran away.

I chased after him, the other dragons roared and broke free, our chains are no match for there powers.

As I ran into the base, I could hear OWS and ARGHS coming from a room Lexus wasn't letting him go easy.

I then saw Lexus, he had another bit of cloth in his month, I then walked around as he crawled around, we where now in the smaller bits of the base the dragons couldn't fit down here.

As I walked Lexus crawled onto my shoulder and sniffed, I walked and then herd noises.

"Its over major, give yourself up, I thought you was happy"

I said keep calm but really just wanted to hurt him.

"yes, I am happy, I've now got enough dragons to take over the world, there'll back down now, I'll breed more dragons, and then take on other planets, I'll be a king ha-ha"

The voice came from somewhere but where?

He was mad, I then walked more, I then saw a door open, it was the gun store, I saw a gun missing, I grabbed one as well, I then walked on more.

I listened, nothing, we then exited though the back escape door, I then looked, it was foggy, I shouted.

"Major its over, let the dragon's go, they won't listen, there a peaceful race"

I said this hoping he'd just give up


He shouted

He then fired and it missed but not much, I then herd carrier, he landed behind me, he flapped his wings and the fog went, I then saw the major hiding behind a truck, I shoot at him, missing but only because I'd never held a gun before, he gasped and ran.

I walked after him, he then shouted,

"Lets be men, no guns okay? We can come to something yeah?"

I thought about it and saw him get up, he then tossed his gun aside, I did the same.

We stood there, it was like a western but no guns, we looked at each other, he was mad, he then looked and said,

"No gun?"

He looked at me eying me all over

"No gun"

I said putting my hands up Lexus now behind carrier for his safety.

"You stupid boy if I can't use them then you won't either!"

He pulled a gun and fired, the bullet flew though the air in slow motion and hit me in the chest, I gasped and fell backwards, I stumbled, I held the area I was shoot, it bleed.

The major laughed, he's laugh was fading; I held on, he looked as I got up; I then saw the other dragons, the landed and looked very angry.

He fired at them, until his gun clicked empty, he tried to reload, but the golden yellow dragon picked him up and then dropped him, the drop didn't kill him but her foot on him did.

I held onto carrier, I then fell to the floor, it wasn't going to make it, I gasped the pain from the bullet now really hurting me.

I then felt my little friends on me, I could feel Lexus licking at my wound trying to make it better, I could feel mini carrier licking my face trying to keep me awake, I then saw yellow look at me and I felt her lips on my head, I then felt my body feel lighter and then I closed my eyes.

It was dark, all I could hear was that song again, I listened to it and then opened my eyes.

I was somewhere, it felt like I had been here before, I couldn't put my finger on it, but when I opened my eyes more I saw I was in the master dragons place again.

I looked and got up, I then ran over to where the earth orb was, I looked and saw myself there, I was dead or in a comer, I then saw the master dragon in the orb.

"Your not in a comer, you are dead, you did very good though, you where brave and great"

He said soft as he looked with me.

"Why am I here though?"

I asked trying to think why, so many questions no answers

He didn't answer he just looked at the orb, I then saw Lexus on me still licking the wound, it made me cry, his parents then picked him up and held him.

He tried to get away but just howled, the dragons sang on, my parents held me in there arms, the army guys put there guns down and took there hats off for respect.

The dragons then flapped there wings and flew off still singing, the singing faded and the base was quite, I looked on as my body was taken away.

I was buried and given the highest award, the purple heart, for stopping the evil major green, he had wanted to take over the world forever they just couldn't prove it, he was well I would say buried although you could have just washed him down the drain, but no he was given a funnel, and put out to sea.

As for me, well after all this, I'm now in my best place, I'm in dragon's afterlife, I look after all the dragons that come here, I watch on earth too to see if any other people out there are dragon fans too or like dragons I keep a watch on them, and if there good, they get a dragon sprit, as for Lexus?

Well after this he went on to live a happy life, growing to his full size of a 4x4, he then died of old age of 346, which in dragon age is old, he then saw me waiting for him and he licked my face and purred, he was so happy to see me, I was as well.

We are now at peace, the government now allows dragons to fly over earth but only at night, as it is more easier to not been seen, if a dragon lands on earth, it is known as watch out are everywhere, but they are good, they ask what is wrong its just tiredness most times.

As for me? Well I hope you've enjoyed this little tail, but now I must be off to see the little dragons.


the cute and rare eevee pt2

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pet dragon PT3

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