the cute and rare eevee pt4

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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the final aprt of this story, phew, it was hard to do

As night time came, the three pokemon looked at the setting sun, the door then went, they looked and saw nothing in the net, he'd not captured growlithe, they all smiled.

The evil man then walked over to an area of the warehouse, he then opened a box, and made some noises.

The three looked and heard a noise they knew, food; he was getting ready to feed them.

They all yipped and looked happy, he then walked over, he whipped them,

"Get back, not having you escape again, and then leaving for good"

He put in a tray of food, it was just enough to keep them happy, the eevee ate the food then stopped, it was off, stale, and hard.

The other two didn't touch it, the Poochyena was sleeping, he took one sniff at the food and just pushed it away, the Vulpix in the mean time was too scared to even eat, she held her tails and was still in a ball crying.

The evil man looked at them seeing they didn't eat,

"Well tough luck, that's all you're getting, now eat it or stave"

The eevee looked as he went away then barked at the man, want to get him here.

"What is it you annoying runt?"

The eevee with her noise pushed an empty tray to the front of the cage then backed away, the man looked and got a hose pipe and put some water in it, he then did that to the other two.

Outside, tom was looking on, he'd seen the man go into there, he then looked and saw a hole load of pokemon go near the place, lead by a very small growlithe, absol looked and wanted to run over, she could see it was her little growlithe, tom grabbed her and said no, we must wait, he looked and wondered what they where doing.

The growlithe looked at the arkanine, then he sniffed and saw the air vent, he then whispered into the ears of a few pokemon.

"okay Pidgy's I need you to fly me up in the air, one of you go first so you can catch me, then the one holding me go back after putting me in the vent then load in the bug pokemon, I'll then look for the man's room and you bug pokemon tie him up with your string"

He then looked at the diglets and Ratata,

"Okay, I need you to dig under here, when you get in sent back one of yourselves then make it big enough so the ratata can get in and bite the metal or wood holding them"

Everyone nodded, the arkanine looked at the little one, and told him good luck, he was very brave doing this.

Tom looked and saw the door, he walked over there and opened it, the man had forgotten to lock it, he then hid away to see what the other pokemon where doing.

A Pidgy lifted the growlithe up as another Pidgy flew into the air vent, the growlithe then remembered the way he'd come from pushing the Pidgy on, he then stopped and told her to wait there, he turned and saw the other Pidgy, it started to load in the bug type pokemon, six of them crawled in and followed the growlithe, he then found the office where the man was, he was sleeping the bug pokemon crawled into the office and started to tie the man up in there string, all while he dozed.

Growlithe then came back out and nodded to the diglets to dig like crazy, he then went though the air vent and crawled out, the Pidgy held onto him and put him on the ground, he then sniffed and with his nose found where his friends had been, he then dug a bit and patted the ground, the diglets heard this and then popped there heads up and smiled, one then left, a few seconds later the ratata appeared, he smiled.

The bugs had tied the man up, he wasn't going anywhere, he then remembered the Arbok, he told the Pidgy to bring back a Butterfree, the Pidgy nodded going though the air vent and a few minutes later returned with a Butterfree.

The growlithe sniffed the air, he smiled his friends, he walked over to where they were, he gasped and ducked back behind a crate, he then told the Butterfree to use sleep powder on the big gray pokemon, the Butterfree nodded and flew up, then started to shake its wings and make sleep powder fall.

The eevee saw this and looked, she then saw the Growlithe, she smiled and watched as the gray pokemon started to yawn but not fall asleep, the Butterfree then fell to the floor by the Growlithe, it was tried out.

Eevee then started to sing again, the Growlithe heard this and started to sing as well, the ryhorn closed his eyes and started to sleep.

The Growlithe then walked over, he then told the Pidgy to fly up with a Ratata and for it to chew away the wood around the lock, six Ratata where ready, one by one they nibbled the wood around the lock, first the eevee was free, the Growlithe grabbed the lock, so it wouldn't make a noise hitting the ground.

Next the Poochyena was free, then the Vulpix, she only un-balled herself when she heard the biting of wood, she looked and saw the little Growlithe smile at her, she blushed, then she was free.

The Pidgy dropped the Ratata's and they ran to the hole the diglets had been digging, they helped to make the hole bigger.

The man woke up and looked, he then tried to move, he roared, this woke up the ryhorn, it roared too, the Pidgy went flying, same as the Butterfree, all four where then faced with the ryhorn.

"I hate you four so much right now! No, I'm not selling you; I'll sell your pelts for money".

"No you won't, you'll be the one being made into a pelt"

The little ones knew that voice, they then saw on a crate there master, they wanted to run to him but the ryhorn stopped them, the growlithe looked.

"You four, go, I'll be alright, wait for us though"

All four then ran to the hole, they each went in and crawled though the dirt until they saw the night sky, then sniffed the fresh air, and the soft grass, they then looked and saw a arkanine, eevee growled at her, she then just smiled, lying on her side to let then suckle, the Growlithe then went over to her and suckled, the others followed.

In the ware house tom looked at the evil man, he just smiled.

"So I see you back, well at least I'll be able to make some money on your pokemon, looks good too Abols sell very well on the black market"

The Absol growled and snarled at the evil man, her face looking like she wasn't going to give up easy.

The man put his finger up and told the ryhorn to go, it stepped up and the fight was on.

"Ryhorn, use stomp"

The ryhorn got up and pounded the ground,

"Absol, dodge it then use hyper beam"

"WHAT! An absol can't learn hyper beam"

The man said looking shocked

"It can if you give it the TM for it, now absol, hyper beam, make that man pay!"

The Absol opened its mouth and a beam of powerful light came out hitting the ryhorn and KO it in one hit, the ryhorn roared and feel to the ground not moving

"No! Well I still have this one"

He lobbed the pokeball and out came the Arbok, it hissed at the Absol, it was still weak from the whippings but it was ready to fight.

However Absol wasn't, that hyper beam had tried it out, she gasped waiting.

"Arbok, use wrap"

The man smiled as the Arbok coiled around her, the Absol tried to get free but couldn't, she moaned out in pain, letting a howl go, the Growlithe heard this and raced towards the hole.

As he entered he saw his mommy being coiled by the snake.

He growled and woofed at the Arbok, but instead of a puppy woof this was a full grown adult woof, the Arbok let go, Absol feel to the ground, the Growlithe ran in front of her, she was weak but licked the back leg of the Growlithe, he stood there.

"Absol return, okay then Growlithe, I hope your ready for your first fight, go!"

The Growlithe leaped into the air, the other pokemon watched from the hole, the Vulpix watched very big eyed, the growlithe landed on Arbok then bit hard into its scales.

The Arbok screamed out from this,

"Arbok use wrap"

The man said watching on panicking looking for a plan B.

The Arbok did this but the Growlithe started to run around the Arbok, soon the coils had tied themselves into a knot, the Arbok fell, the Growlithe then looked as a small flame came from his mouth.

"Growlithe, use flame thrower!"

The Growlithe opened its mouth and a big jet of flamed roared its way towards the Arbok, it screamed in pain, the Growlithe then stopped, the Arbok was nicely roasted.

"No, I won't loss, but I still have this"

He took out his whip and used it, it hit the Growlithe and made him whimper, but he wouldn't step down, he kept standing there, the man whipped more, the Growlithe stood its ground, the man then looked.

"Well that's doing nothing, what about this?"

He pulled from his pocket another whip, he whipped the Growlithe and he went flying, on the whip end where three very hard rocks, the Growlithe yelped in pain from this and feel to the floor, just then the door opened there growling like a mad bear was the Arkanine, followed by the other pokemon.

The Arkanine looked at the young one on the floor, the man just smiled, the Arkanine turned and with a leap pinned the man down, she then started to rip away at him, he cried out in pain, she then stopped after he ran away from her.

He ran to a corner and hid there.

She walked over to the little Growlithe, it was just lying there, body was full of whip marks, the last one was on his mouth, the man looked he grabbed his whip and with a massive hit, he hit the backside of the Arkanine, she was now more annoyed then she was before, she then breathed fire and used fire spin, at its most powerful.

She then blew it towards the man who ran, but the flame got him and it kept going blasting the building side, he was never seen again.

Tom walked home, with the pokemon in his hand, he looked at the warehouse as the diglets did there damage to it, making it fall to the ground, he walked into the pokemon center, nurse Joy looked and saw the pokemon following him, she then saw the poor Growlithe in his hands, she took it and rushed it to the medical bay.

Tom sat down on a chair and hugged his other pokemon, they where very happy to see him again, they then looked at the doors where nurse Joy had gone, Absol came from her pokeball and watched the doors, the wild pokemon on the outside waited as well, some left as the morning sun rose, only one stayed out by the door, the Arkanine.

The people of the town saw this pokemon and looked inside, there was tom waiting, then Jenny came in and talked to Tom, she took a full statement that the Arkanine outside blew that evil man away, the light on the door shone still.

Hours past, the three where fast asleep, Absol was awake waiting, same to was the Arkanine, she waited.

The light then went out and joy came out smiling,

"Your Growlithe will be fine, he used fire for the first time and that did more damage then the whipping, he'll be okay in a day or two"

The little ones woke up and cheered, they then saw the Arkanine leaving; she knew the little one was okay, the eevee then ran out, stopping her.

Tom then appeared and leaned down, the Arkanine looked at him,

"Thank you, thank you for all your help, he'll be fine don't worry"

She nodded and took off, at very quick speeds, the others waved bye to her as she ran off into the woods.

A few days later Growlithe returned home, the others really thanked him for what he'd done, the Vulpix then kissed him and blushed, to which he blushed as well.

They started to play with each other.

"Well Absol, I know I said I only wanted the one, but I think I'm going to keep all of them, they've grown on me"

Tom walked and sat down with them and then said this;

"hay there little ones, seeing as you are all part of a team, I'm not going to get rid of you, you'll be mine, I'll train you up then one day, we'll take on anyone and be the very best"

They all yipped and barked happily, Absol just smiled.

Oh, and you remember that ryhorn who was supposed to have been traded? Well Tom took care of it, he put up posters saying, is this your pokemon?

Few months later a trainer came to his door and looked, he called the ryhorn a name and it turned as it knew that name, they where re-knighted and went off happy.

As for the pokemon that Tom had?

Well the eevee went on to win some great contests, she was great,

The Poochyena became very close with Tom's mum she would take it with her everywhere, as all it would do is sleep or look cute.

The Vulpix and Growlithe become more then best friends, the Growlithe went on to win loads of battles, where as the Vulpix became a star of the pokemon screen pictures of her are everywhere, but a few level ups later, she and the growlithe had an egg.

All of them are happy with Tom; they enjoy it, as for the pokemon bad guy? Well he was blown right into a pokemon camp that has all the bad pokemon, and they really knew him, let's just say, he's not very popular there.

Each night as tom lies there on his bed with his five pokemon friends, he thinks to himself, this would never have happened if I'd not bumped into that bad guy at the pokemon center.

The end

the cute and rare eevee pt3

The evil guy walked towards the old warehouse where he once worked, it was all bordered up and had police tape all over it, as he walked he sort of looked like Santa, but this was a Santa that would steal your Pokémon toys not give them away and would...

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pet dragon PT4

So here I am, stuck in a army base, my best friend Lexus dead and carrier hurt from being hit in the head and from hitting the wall, the other dragons with me too, one dead the other one alive but weak. As I cried I held little Lexus in my arms, he...

the cute and rare eevee pt2

Morning came and I woke to hear no noise, I looked and saw all 4 where still in the bed with mom Absol, I smiled and got up, the Growlithe Pokémon yawned and saw me getting up, I put on some fresh clothes, without looking I dropped my t-shirt onto the...

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