Samantha's Third Chance Chapter 11

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#12 of Samantha's Third Chance

The Unity Kingdom deals with a great threat and Samantha's and Tona's relationship changes.

The next day there was a knock on the door and Tona goes to answer it. She opens it to fine a human male with Brown hair and brown eyes wearing a simple but well made tunic, pants and boots with a cape hiding a very shiny blade. With a smile on his face he asks. "Is Samantha home?"

"Yes she just gave birth yesterday."

"Oh, who's the lucky father?"

"Not so lucky man name Malachor. He raped her."


"Can I tell her who's visiting?"

"Admiral Q." The two heads up the stairs to the second floor. Tona walks to a close door and opens it slightly and peaks hir head inside.

"Hey Samantha, there's an Admiral Q here to see you."

"OH, send him in." Tona lets Q slip past and into Samantha's room. He found her sitting up in bed and in her arms her baby.

"How are you Samantha?"

"Overall better, this" gesturing to her baby "was completely unplanned. And no dramatic entrance?"

"Decided to go low key this time." Q leans in to get a close look at the child. "It's beautiful, boy or girl?"

"Boy. His name is Bluestar." Looking at the child's fur Q comments.

"Looks like he takes after his mother." With a snap of his fingers something flashes into his hand. It's is a tiger plush toy with Samantha's coloring. "A birthday gift for him." He places the toy on the bed. "Now another reason I'm here than to check up on you is to give you a warning. When I arrived I felt something. Something big is coming, not sure what or when but something is coming. So get your rest then train hard."

"Thanks for the warning though I wish you had more."

"So do I Samantha." The door opens again and Jackie races in but stops at the site of the Admiral.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Paul, a friend of Samantha's."

"Oh, okay." She then looks at Samantha's kid with clear affection then she notices the plush toy. "Oh cool." And she hugs the toy.

"Jackie that's Bluestar's."

"Awwwww." Jackie's ears and tail droop.

"Don't worry Jackie." He snaps his fingers again and a fox plush toy appears and hands it to Jackie. "Here you go Jackie." The kit cheers up quickly and hugs the toy before hugging him.

"Thank you."

"No problem. You've been helping my friend so thank you." A weird sounding chirp comes from Q's belt and with sadness he takes out a hand size device and flips apart of it open. "Q here."

"Sorry sir but the Freedom Council requests your presents on an urgent matter." Q sighs and replies.

"Okay I'll be there Q Out." He closes the piece and returns it to his belt. "Sorry I can't stay longer." Samantha nods in understanding. "A pleasure to meet all of you, see you around." With a gesture he opens a portal and transforms in a ball of energy and flies through with it closing behind him. It's silent for a minute before Jackie says.

"COOL!" Samantha then comments.

"I'm starting to get use to that." Everyone looks at her and Glade who snuck in unnoticed until now.

"You know interesting people Samantha." The Catrai just shrugs at the comment.

Glade left for the Tower later that day and over the next couple months Samantha return's to duty and leads the mages. She finally took on apprentices and giving them a stern warning of the dangers of taking certain paths. The mages show some improvement and the King was impressed with Samantha's work with the mages. Samantha is eventually summoned to a meeting in the castle. She enters the assigned room and she sees Sir Ganfree and several of the king's generals in attendance. Ganfree notices her and nods. Minutes later the king and the prince come in with serious expressions on there faces and it's the first time Samantha has seen the prince. He was young, probably in his mid twenties by Samantha's guess. The king directs everyone to the map table in the center of the room. "My knights and mage we have a grave problem. A large Neko army is heading our way with clear intentions to attack us."

"My king, forgive my ignorance since I'm relatively new here but what is with these Nekos? I thought it was an isolated thing with Jackie's parents?"

"Mage Master Reborn, this Neko clan fears are growing influence in the area. Before I became King the area wasn't really organized and the Neko clan could run rough shod over the towns. I've been talking with the nearby towns to add protection and hopefully and them to my kingdom. I formed this town and eventually this Kingdom as a place where all thinking beings could live peaceably with each other. It has been more successful than I hope. Now where should we meet this threat?" For the next few minutes the various knights give out suggestions or problems with some of the suggestions. Samantha remains quite since she didn't know the area as well as them.

"Sir here." A female knight points to an area on the map. "If we place they army here we will have a lake on one side and the Chudor mountain range on the other. They would not be able to flank us and we would have an easy route to retreat if we have to."

"Anyone have a problem with this idea?" No one did so Samantha and the knights were dismissed to ready their troops.

Three days later the King's army numbering 5000 troops in total marches out to the planned battlefield. 1000 troops and a knight are left behind to guard the city in case of trickery. A week of traveling they near the chosen are when one of their scouts return with bad news. "My king the enemy has past the chosen area."

"Darn, scout any good areas to make a stand?"

"Sir there is a clear area with two heavy forests around it."

"Then well head there. Size of enemy force?"

"About 10,000 troops my King." The King looks at Samantha.

"I'll be relying on your mages."

"Yes sir." The head to the selected area just and the enemy army appears. Both groups rest for a meal though the king does have some of his troops start a make shift wall. In an hour both sides ready for battle. Quickly archers unleashed a rain of arrows from both sides. You here cries from those who were unlucky. After a couple of volleys the Neko army charges the Unity position. That's when Samantha had her mages come into play and several spells hit. The Neko halted, retreated a bit and charged again. The mages strike again but the Neko pile on through. Soon the clanging of metal can be heard. For minutes both sides bashed against each other. The neko forces break off and both forces lick their wounds. In minutes a new wave of Neko arrive and hammer the Unity positions. Samantha and her mages desperately cast spell after spell to assist the out numbered force. The fighting breaks off as the daylight ends. The king gathers his knights and Samantha again. "It doesn't look good does it?" The king says with deep sadness.

"We've done a good accounting of ourselves your highness, but the had a two to one advantage despite the good work of the Mage Master." The Kanin knight nods to Samantha. "Sire we're down to about 3200 troops. We can't hold here." The king looks around the group.

"Anyone disagree with Sir Redtail?"

"No sire." Sir Ganfree replies. "We have tried to prevent our people to suffer directly from this. We have failed but the defenses at home are strong. He have a chance there but only if we retreat sire. The forces we left are not enough on there own."

"Yes but how?"

"Sire." Samantha interjects. "I can create the illusion that makes look like we are still here. You can gather the army and retreat."

"Alright thank you Master Reborn. You have your orders, lets get this army home." Samantha heads towards the edge of camp facing the enemy's camp. And she casts her spell. Through out the night the Unity army departs carrying their dead with them. As the last of the troops begin to leave the king goes up to Samantha who hasn't moved since they began the spell. "Everybody's out except for the final wagon. You can drop the spell now." Samantha shakes her head.

"The more time they think you're here to more time you have to get home and prepare defenses. Just leave me Radia." The king just looked at her and she pleads. "Please sire." He sighs and does as she asked and they leave her alone minus her horse.

She held there till just before dawn. She drops the spell and quickly mounts her horse just as and arrow whizzes by. She looks behind them she sees the Neko army approaching. Looks like they try to surprised the Unity Kingdom army but her ploy has spoiled it. More arrows whiz by as she commands Radia to gallop away. She feels sudden pain and practically passes out on her mare's back.

Three days later the king completes his defenses but was concerned for is master mage. She has yet to show up to town. Her friend Tona always appeared near the city wall hoping to hear word of Samantha. Tona hirself had big thoughts through hir head. Samantha has become very precious to hir, been there to support through every thing. And know with hir new gender it just may be possible... hir thoughts are interrupted by a shock from one of the soldiers. "A horse approaches the gate." Being a civilian she couldn't be on the gate in wartime can't see a thing. "Open the gate it's the master mage and she's hurt!" Tona's hear when up into hir throat and she raced to the gate as they open. Shi sees Radia gallop through before finally stopping with her sides heaving from her effort. Samantha laid oh her back with an arrow sticking out of hers. Tona immediately raced over as a healer got to the horses side. She checks both the horse and the catrai and reports.

"She is still alive, barely. The horse is exhausted some feed her and rest her." Tona helps the healer dismount Samantha and take her to a wagon nearby which they both get in and head to the nearest hospital.

Samantha awoke with an ache in her back. She opens her eyes and sees an unfamiliar ceiling. Raising her head a bit she finds Tona and Jackie with her. Jackie was lying by her side fast asleep while Tona was reading a book. Weakly Samantha says.

"Good morning." Tona looks up from the book, smiles and closes it as shi goes to Samantha's side.

"Actually it's late night." Tona looks at Jackie and pets the kits head. "She will not leave your side except for bathroom breaks so we've been staying here."

"Here I'm assuming is a hospital?"

"Yup you had an arrow deep in your back. The healers said it was a miracle that you survived to get here consider that they guess you had it in there a while."

"So that's what it was. The city was three days away when I took flight." Tona cringes upon hearing that as Samantha continues. "So what's going on?"

"Well it sounds like the Neko army is starting to arrive." Samantha starts to get up trying to ignore the pain.

"I have to get to the wall then." Tona then holds her.

"No you don't, you're in no condition to fight."


"No, they will all be concerned with your condition rather then the enemy. Your duty is to rest and recover, and to take care of Jackie." Samantha slumps in defeat, Tona know the one low blow that works against Samantha. Samantha then looks at Jackie and puts her hand on the kits head. The two close friends waiting for the battle to come.

The neko siege the city for three days, spending that time assembling catapults that they brought in pieces. In hours they're assembled and they quickly start lobbing rocks and other items at Westwood. Some hit the walls which hold for now while others hit the city itself. Soon the mages send energy balls at the catapults and managed to destroy some. The neko respond by have a bunch focus on one area of the wall. It manages to hold for a bit but the sheer number was too much for it and the area collapses. A section the Neko army rushes to the opening while others take the recently made ladders to scale what's left of the wall. The Unity Army does its best to counter this move. The bulk of the army reserves heading towards the opening with the king among them. The two armies clash with great energy and this is a defining moment for either group. In the hours that pass the ladder forces are forced back while the bulk of the two armies clash in the hole. The catapults firing away into the city directly with the mages too occupied with the army to counter their actions. As the battle raged the King began to worry, though they have held so far it has been at a cost. One they can't maintain for long. "Sire!" The king looks up to see a feline female archer on the wall. "There's activity on the enemies flank!" The king separates from the main portion of the army and heads up to the wall. There the archer points out what she saw and it did you like something was going on. Looking at the nearby mage he was lucky. She was a Unicorn female that he knew had a far seeing spell.

"Mage Tamira, cast a far seeing spell." Pointing in the direction of the activity in the enemy forces for the unicorn mage. "I want to know what's happening over there." Nodding the mare takes out a mirror and chants a spell. The mirror then shows that the Neko army was under attack by a force of humans on their flank. "My soldiers the enemy is under attack by allies stand firm!" The nearby soldiers cheer and the press on their enemy. As he turns to head down into the battle an arrow strikes him in the throat and he collapses.

"HEALER! THE KING HAS BEEN HIT!" The Unicorn cries.

The Unity army slows its assault till the prince's voice rises over the sounds of war. "PRESS ON SOLDIERS OF UNITY! THAT"S WHAT MY FATHER WOULD WANT!" He then charges forward forcing the army to follow. Being hit on two fronts the Neko army starts to fall back. The fighting leaves the gap in the wall as the Neko army starts going on the defensive. In hours the Neko army was forced to retreat after taking heavy losses and the lost of the catapults. The Prince shakes hands with the general in charge of the human army as their armies meet and the aftermath of battle begins.

The next day the Prince meets with the General in the castle. "Prince how is your father?" The general asks. The prince looks down.

"My father is dead."

"My condolences your highness on your lost."

"Thank you, my coronation well be in a few days after we put my father to rest. But thank you and your town for aiding us General Melar."

"We saw an opportunity to hit the Neko clan and we took it. Helping you was a bonus."

"Well you have our thanks anyway." The men separated to take care of their charges.

Tona looked around the devastation the Neko wrought. Many homes and stores were destroyed. Shi has spent the last couple of days split between helping Samantha recover and helping the rebuilding. Of course also mourning the passing of the King since shi was born in the town he was the only ruler shi has ever known. Another great thing on hir mind is Samantha. Shi nearly lost her in this battle and it has brought feeling to the fore front. Shi decided tonight shi will asks Samantha an important question.

Due to the seriousness of her injury Samantha was still in the hospital Jackie as always by her side. She heard of the kings demised and wished she knew him better. She pets Jackie's head as the kit hugged her back. Tona arrives with dinner. "How are you feeling Samantha?"

"Sore but getting better, how's my son?"

"My mom has been taking care of him since the battle. I think they like each other."

"You know I haven't met your mother."

"You might soon." Tona took Samantha's hand and looked at the Catarai with a serious but hopefully look. "Samantha these past few days have made me realize something. I love you more than a friend should so Samantha Reborn, will you take me as a mate?" Samantha lied there speechless and soon tears start coming down her eyes.

"Someone willing to dear with all my problems how could I not say yes. Yes Tona Brighttail, I will be your mate." The two of them hug each other as best they could given their conditions. "Great, now I have a mother in law to deal with." Tona laugh at the comment. Yes life will be interesting with hir new mate and hir mother.

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