Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body Chapter 3

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#3 of Chakat Universe

Luke's second Day as a Chakat

Medallion stretches and yawns from a restful sleep. Shi looks over to find where Coaldust slept empty. "Must be cooking breakfast." Not bothering with a top shi walks out and heads towards the kitchen already smelling a great breakfast. Peaking hir head around the corner she spots hir companion in front of the stove with an apron on. "You know you don't have to cook all the time Coal, though it does smell good." Coal looks over, smiles, and replies.

"But I like cooking especially to lovers." Before the conversation can continue the house AI interrupts.

"Call coming from local Star Corps Offices." Medallion heads for the vid phone. Shi activates it.

"Hello Chakat Medallion here." The screen reveals Commander Antilles.

"Hello Medallion, how's Mr. Harter?"

"Sleeping right now and talking better. I am worried about hir though. I have work to get to today as does my Companion so shi would be alone."

"Good thing I called now. I've been talking with your work and worked out a deal. You will stay home to assist Mr. Harter as you can while we pay you the same salary as your work while they hire an intern to take your place."

"Thanks a lot Commander."

"Well you're helping us with this. I also called to say the therapist and a counselor are heading over this afternoon to look at Mr. Harter unless that's too early?"

"Nope I'll be sure shi's up for it."

"Good I'll stay in contact then, goodbye." And the vid goes to the end call screen. Medallion heads to the dinning room as Coal places the meals down.

"Heard the conversation I say that makes things easier."

"Oh yes it does now we just have to help hir through hir change."

"Speaking of which when's your next heat or rut?"

"My rut's in a few weeks why?"

"Shi has your body remember so if your in rut..."

"Shi's in rut." Shi faceplams. "How could I forget that?" Coal pats hir hand.

"You have a lot on your plate right now. You just got a new sister. Good thing I'm going to start moving my stuff in tonight."

"But what about your place you still have a couple months let in the lease?"

"I'll continue to pay. Luke is more important." They finish their breakfast in silence before Coal left to get some of hir stuff. Around eleven Coal tells Medallion. "Dallie I'm going to check on our guest before I head out."

"Okay." Shi heads down the hallway to the guest room and opens it to get quite a site. Luke sans the T-shirt Medallion gave hir staring at hit reflection while shi holds hir breasts. Coal notices through the reflection that Luke's nipples were erect and it took a lot of will for Coal not to giggle at Luke's look. Luke then turns hir body and lifts a hindleg. Obviously to view hir malehood.

"Well at least I still have that and it's even bigger." Luke mutters even more understandable than before.

"It's certainly given me pleasure in the past." Coal finally says. Luke rips around around to see Coal standing the doorway with a surprise look before remembering hir bare breasts and moves hir arms to cover them causing Coal to giggle again.

"HAVEN"T YOU HEARD OF KNOCKING!?" Luke says with anger. With her empathic talents Coal senses that she might have gone too far and loses hir amusement.

"Sorry Luke. We Chakats are very informal in are nature so it's common when at home not to knock and such unless it's the bathroom. Now I'm about to head for work and wondered if you wanted brunch first?" Lukes anger fades from hir features and a loud rumble comes from her stomachs. Coal couldn't help but laugh. "I'll take that as a yes to get ready and head to the dinning room." Shi turns to leave and make a large but quick brunch.

Luke watches hir go and couldn't help but notice good her lower torso looked, having a fondness for cats this reaction wasn't hard. Shaking his new head he mutters to himself. "Snap out of it man shi already has a girlfriend with Medallion so no stealing. Besides she wouldn't be interested in a klutz like me especially if I get to be human again." Donning his shirt he heads to the door with a hand on the wall. While doing the morning stretch somehow helped him feel the body better. Slowly he makes his way to the dinning room antil Medallion notices him and gives him a hand the rest of the way. Thanking hir for the help he sits down as Coaldust sets out plates full of eggs bacon and pancakes. Shaking his head at the amount he says. "I still have to get use to the fact I have a bigger stomach." He then chows down.

"Well I'm off to work see you both tonight." Shi lick-kissed Medallion on the muzzle and heads out. Medallion watches hir leave before looking back at hir twin. "Commander Antilles called while you were asleep. He sending some people over to help me with your adjustment." Luke looks down at his now furred hands.

"I'm reduced to the helplessness of a child." He feels a hand on his back and looks to see Medallion there with a sympathetic look on her face.

"Not permanently Luke, that's why I'm here." Feeling a call from his bladder he smirks at her and says.

"Well since you're here to help, mind helping me with the bathroom again?" Medallion groans but soon both of them are chuckling as they head to the bathroom.

The two then sit in the living room watching tv, mainly the news for Luke's sake. After a bit Luke just had to ask. "So the United States no longer exists?"

"Hasn't since the start of the Gene Wars where it was split in two."

"Maybe you should start at the beginning."

"Well the 2020's saw the start of the morphs combining human and animal DNA successfully. It quickly lead to the making of slave morphs especially sex slaves. By the 2040's a growing rift was happening in the human race, those for slavery and those who thought morphs as these hybrid beings were called should have the same rights as humans. In 2050 the war breaks out with the battle of Hoover Dam and in days the US government as you would know it ceased to exist. The war was brutal and lasted for 40 years before ended in favor of the Pro morph side and everyone began rebuilding. We live in the Greater North America which consists of most of the old USA and Canada."

"Most of the US?" Medallion nods and continues.

"Most the south eastern part calls itself the Holy Christian Kingdom of North America. Its government is a version of Catholic theism that for the most part believes that because we morphs were created by man we have no soul so essentially treated as second class citizens there." Luke interrupts.

"I prove that idea false."

"Yes you do. Quebec is also independent of GNA no different than here. The GNA and the other nations are all part of the United Nations of Terra World Government which is based in New Zealand since it and Australia were in the best condition after the war. In 2111 the project that created chakats was started."

"Why are you called that?"

"For our creators Charles and Katherine Turner using the first part of their names you get cha and kat thus chakat."

"Makes sense."

"We were design with survival in mind so we heal fast. With the right conditions we can regrow a limb. We can eat things that are poisonous to humans and other morphs. We were made hermaphrodites so we could populate fast. Imagine a couple producing two children with in months, hence why we are preferred for colonizing. The first of us was born in 2129 and we been growing since. Also we began exploring the stars during this time. In 2135 we meant the Caitian race. They're a cat like race with more paw like hands and average around 5 feet. In 2141 we meant the Voxxans who are in essence anthro foxes. In 2158 we meant and nearly went to war with the Raskani. A race made up of 7 feet tall felines resembling tigers. While we have meant other races these 3 plus us terrans form the core of the Stellar Federation. A generally peaceful power we've been a part of since then. And that's history in a nutshell." Luke shakes his head.

"I don't get it. I come from 2040 and have never heard of morphs or anything like them and as a security chief for a lab complex I would have. Scientist's gossip is only beaten by women's gossip." Medallion laughs at that comment before going serious.

"I know what you mean and I'm afraid of the implications." A knock on the door interrupts them. Medallion opens the door to see a human and a chakat. The human wore the stereotypical white coat but no glasses. He smiled at medallion and offered his hand. "Hi I'm Tony Clauson and this is Chakat Breaks-A-Leg."

"I'm Chakat Medallion, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze. Please come in." The chakats hug each other in their traditional greeting. The three of them walking into the living room and they see their charge.

"So this must be Luke Harter, Hi I'm Chakat Breaks-A-Leg, child of Cliffjumper and Riverswimmer."

"Please tell me that name is a joke?" Luke asks.

"Nope I broke a lot of limbs when I was young so it stuck and thus got into physical therapy."

"Oh great." he says dejectedly as the human approaches.

"I'm Dr. Tony Clauson a transporter researcher." Looking back to Medallion. "Is there a place where we go do are thing in private?"

"Follow me." Medallion leads them to a vacant room shi planned to use as a kids room in time. "How's this?"

"Great." Breaks-A-Leg answers. Dr. Clauson goes first unpacking his computer and scanner. He scans Luke for a minute before heading over to his computer and connecting the two. In couple of minutes he frowns and shuts it down.

"Sorry Mr. Harter no quick fixes today. None of my theories work but I haven't given up yet."

"Thanks for trying doc?" The doctor smiles.

"No problem it's a new puzzle for me to solve though I wish you did have to suffer for me to have it." The docotor says his goodbyes and leaves with Medallion showing him the door. When shi returned shi asks if Breaks wanted hir out of the room for this.

"Nope." Breaks answers. "I might need help and Luke can always use the moral support. So Luke what should we start with?'

"How about being able to walk on my own and..." He pauses and actually blushes.

"What is it Luke?" Breaks asks.

"Well also ...to be able to use the bathroom on my own." His blush gets redder.

"That's nothing to be ashamed of Luke that actually common in my work so lets be gin with..." The three of them spend the next few hours going through the therapy.

Coal returns home with more of hir stuff about six o'clock and sees a female deer morph approaching the house in a T-shirt and dress shorts. The deer notices hir and greets hir. "Hi is this Medallion's residence?"

"Yes it is, I'm Chakat Coaldust, child of Snowboard and Nightsky."

"Dr. Whitetail." Coaldust unlocks the door for them both. "Dallie I'm home." They hear a door open and Medallion comes out with a more stable Luke followed by Breaks.

"Good timing Coal we were about to have dinner." Shi looks over to breaks. "you're welcome to join us."

"Love to." Breaks answers. White introduces herself and joins them in the dinner which medallion makes for a change. Whitetail observes Luke during the meal seeing how he reacts to things. After dinner Breaks heads home and Whitetail and Luke head into his room for their session. Medallion and Coaldust watch tv till two hours later when Whitetail emerges.

"How's shi's doing?" Medallion asks.

"He's trying to rebuild himself. What would help is if you two refer to hir as him. Body wise he is a herm but up here." She taps her head. "He's a male so until he's given a his body back or accepts his new body it will help his image which is heavily damaged."


"Buy I think this session went well but I won't be surprised if he's asleep. You two have a good night and here's my number." After trading numbers Whitetail leaves the house and Coaldust checks on Luke. Shi finds hir..erm him sprawled on the mattress clearly asleep. Coaldust walks over and pets Luke's hair. "Sleep well Luke."

Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body Chapter 4

The next day Luke woke up and stretched and yawned. He felt a little more in tuned with this body and the therapy help. While defiantly not graceful yet at least he didn't have to use the walk as a crutch...much anyway. Walking into the dining room he...

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Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body Chapter 4

The next day Luke woke up and stretched and yawned. He felt a little more in tuned with this body and the therapy help. While defiantly not graceful yet at least he didn't have to use the walk as a crutch...much anyway. Walking into the dining room he...

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War Hound Chapter 5

Tyria wakes up from a very restful sleep and stretches. She doesn't feel nor hear the cricks in her back. Another sign of what she now is, with a frown she gets up and heads to the shower. She probably doesn't need this, but she doesn't care it always...

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