War Hound Chapter 5

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#5 of War Hound

Tyria lives with Samantha as Rebirth receives a shock to her system

Tyria wakes up from a very restful sleep and stretches. She doesn't feel nor hear the cricks in her back. Another sign of what she now is, with a frown she gets up and heads to the shower. She probably doesn't need this, but she doesn't care it always feels good and Rebirth has never complained about it. After her shower she dries off then imagines her outfit for today. She feels shifting and sees black rubber go over her body before changing color and form her outfit. She smirks thinking there's is at least one perk at being a war hound, clothes that always fit.

As she walks through her works doors to hear Leo cursing up a storm. After waving to Nick she heads into the garage to see Leo Finishing his rant staring at the driver side of the car.

"What is it this time?"

"Those darn custom stereo guys. Can't even put in a new sound system properly. The darn thing was draining the battery even when the car was off."

"Send them the repair bill then." Tyria suggests with a smirk. The proverbial light bulb goes off in his head.

"Yes that's a great idea. Gives them incentive to work better." He calls the stereo place to inform them of the bill before making the repairs to the car as Tyria works on another waiting car.

Two hours later there wasn't enough jobs for both of them today Tyria makes a decision. "Hey Leo, I'm heading out to get a new project car." From under a hood she sees his hand emerge and wave. She then heads out to the nearest junkyard to see what she can find. After a couple hours she hasn't found anything worth restoring. Depressed she starts heading back to the gate when she sees something under a large metal roof remains. Using her new strength she pulls the metal away to reveal an old air car. It was a Stratos 20, a four door air car at her best 50 years ago. While not the best car it was decent and judged the damage it has it was worth restoring. She goes to the yard owner and bought it as well and paid for it to be towed to the garage. Seeing the sun starting to set she decides to call it a day. She heads to Samantha's place and when she arrives she knocks on the door and Samantha opens it for her. "Come in Tyria and here take this." The anthro fox hands Tyria a key, clearly the key to the apartment for her to use.

"Thanks Samantha." Tyria then sees Jackie playing in the living room. She walks over and rubs the kits hair. "Hey fluff ball." Jackie bats Tyria's hand away then looks up and smiles.

"I'll continue with dinner." Samantha interjects and heads to the kitchen.

"What's for dinner?" Tyria asks.

"Steaks and fries."

"MMMMMMMM! Sounds good." Tyria says with a hint of a growl, since her change she's gone almost completely carnivore. She thinks it's do to how the war hounds were programmed. They take a lot from wolf packs. While Samantha cooked dinner she silently watched Tyria play with her daughter. She notice how happy both were, how comfortable they were with each other even though this was just their first night in the same house. Jackie soon was sent to bed and Tyria and Samantha chat and watch tv for hours before heading to bed. Tyria pulls out the bed out of the couch and her clothes reform into some PJs, she has not sleeping nude here. She falls asleep quickly dreaming of tomorrow.

Meanwhile Midnight has returned with a few members of the pack. They head to Tyria's place and enter the same way Midnight did. After a bit of searching the find the place empty. After sniffing around they meet back at the living room. "Midnight Rebirth hasn't been here for hours." Says one and another war hound interjects.

"I see signs of repair work and the dents you made Midnight." That draws a chuckle from the other Hounds much to the embarrassment of Midnight. "Rebirth may have to move somewhere while the repairs take place."

"Then we'll search the city. My child will be around here somewhere so find it." They nod and split up to search the city.

The next morning Tyria wakes up with a weight on her chest. A red furred grinning fluff ball. "MORNING!" Groaning Tyria responds.

"You're a kid fluff ball, you should hate being up in the morning."

"Tell me about it. She's been like this for a year." Samantha interrupts. "Anyway you have worked to get to the same as me so get and I'll make breakfast." Breakfast was eggs and bacon with chocolate milk or coffee. The week goes by well and Samantha notices well Jackie has bonded with Tyria and vice versa. They were practically family and Samantha was really warming up to Tyria despite her hidden nature. A big help in that happened midweek as the trio return from a restaurant they are intercepted by a wolf in front of Samantha's apartment building. "Hey Sammy, who's this furless female beside you?" Tyria notices how Jackie hides behind them and even Rebirth wants to growl at him. With disgust in her voice Samantha replies. "This is Tyria Dragon a friend who's staying with me as her place is repaired. Now what do you want Jack?"

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight."

"How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not interested in what you have to offer."

"You need a male to help take care of your daughter."

"I'm doing just fine on my own thank you very much."

"And if she does need help she can come to me." Tyria says with determination. Jack looks at the two of them with growing anger until he finally says. "Didn't know you swung that way Samantha, I'd figure since you've had a kid that you would be straight but I guest not. Enjoy your lover." He turns and stomps away. They head up to the apartment and as Jackie heads into her room to play Tyria turns to Samantha and asks. "Who was that?"

"Jack Silverback, he came calling a year ago and occasionally he comes back."

"You would think Jackie would chase him away. Most males like that run at the first sight of a child."

"No he considers her the price to get me. He's will to care for her which puts him a step above most but I'm just not interested in him and Jackie isn't either."

"And now he thinks I'm your lover." Tyria sighs.

"Well admittedly I could do worst then you even with your passenger." Tyria was a little shocked by that but Rebirth takes great notice and Tyria can feel the hound actually look at the vixen and liked what is sees. <What's with you Hound? You're a female like me.>

<Actually I can be either, neither, or both. I look your form to fit in thus during such times I'm female but my true form has no sex but that can be changed easily.>

<You mean if I wanted to I could have a cock and impregnate someone?>

<Have a cock yes but siring a child no. We do not have semen to do it with since it was your body that was used to make this one. My kind grows from the process you went through but we could absorb a male to make it possible.>

<Not going there.>

<Just letting you know what's possible.> This mental conversation is interrupted by Samantha.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Tyria scratches the back of her head.

"It was just unexpected. You're one of my close friends and it seems Rebirth likes you to. I just don't know how to respond to that."

"I admit a little bit myself that it is for me as well. I'm sorry that your condition made me fearful of you. You have been a true friend and that's enough for me."


"Hey let's go play some pool downstairs." Grateful for the chance to get rid of some nervous energy Tyria agrees.

The next day was an average day for Tyria as she works. She heads for a fast food truck for lunch and fails to notice a black dog looking at her. That dog was none other than one of the War Hounds. It follows her back to her work and observes her then follows her to Samantha's place. That night while sleeping Tyria thought she heard an arroo hoot. The next day Tyria didn't work but decided to take a walk. She did say hello to her coworkers and as she neared an abandoned construction sight she felt something hit her on the side causing her to fall into the old sight. Quickly getting up she finds herself surrounded by War Hounds. <Rebirth it is time for you to return home and treat your illness.> One says in their language.

"I'm not Rebirth I AM TYRIA DRAGON."

<You are an illness that needs to be dealt with so come quietly or we will force you to.> Taking a fighting stance she responds.

"Take your best shot." One war hound leaps and Tyria hits it square in the muzzle sending it flying as the others jump in. Tyria tries her best but five to one odds are not in her favor and she starts feels cuts that take a while to heal. While Tyria fights for her life Jack walks by and notices the fight. "HHmmm, tyria attacked by a pack of wild dogs. This should be entertaining but what's with her blood it black?" Tyira herself feels a bit dazed and even Rebirth feels threatened by the actions of the back. This joint feeling causes them to change forms back to the hybrid and with a surge of energy they counterattack. "Whoa! She just changed!" Jack is shocked by what he sees but it also starts his wheels turning.

The War Hounds were a little surprise at the form but recover quickly. While they are taking more damage they still dishing out more due to experience and numbers than anything else. Tyria knows she's in dire straits becoming exhausted when she notice a large propane tank. With a punch she gets an opening to leap towards it. She manages to land on top of it and looks around. There! She finds an old torch twenty feet away. She leaps over and grabs it and looks over her shoulder and sees the war hounds near the tank. She flicks the torch on and threw it at the tank. With the strength that war hounds have the torch penetrate the tank. BOOOOOMMMM! The blast reaches Tyria and consumes her before she goes flying. Upon landing Tyria passes out but Rebirth remains awake and now in control. The first thing she does in condense into Tyria's form since it takes less to maintain be she still is weak and leaking black and keeping a rubbery surface. She manages to crawl into an alley and then hears clapping. Looking she finds Jack there with an evil smile on his muzzle. "Well done Tyria quite a feat." He gets close to look her in the eyes. "Now you have giving me the key to have Samantha. If you don't want your little secret revealed, you will let me have her. Heck I might enjoy you to." Rebirth's eyes glow Red and she now smiles evilly.

"You will not Jack. I have a better purpose for you." She then turns black and launches herself at Jack quickly gagging him before he could scream. She feels as he melts into her replacing lost mass and replenish energy. In minutes he's gone physically and after a check he's gone mentally, only his knowledge and memories remain. Rebirth sighs in thanks, she can endure Tyria easily but Jack no way. But she's still rather weak and the fact that her pack has nearly killed her was shocking. Right now there's only one person she can trust. Thankfully their cell phone was deep within their body. She takes in out and dials Samantha's number. "Samantha I need help I'm hurt bad."

"Where are you Tyria?"

"Three block from the old construction site in an alley."

"I'm on my way." Samantha hangs up and Rebirth sits against the wall conserving energy.

It's ten minutes till Samantha's aircar lands and Rebirth limps over. "Holy Crap! Tyria get in I'll take you to a hospital." Rebirth collapses into the passenger seat and replies.

"No just take me to your den a hospital would ask too many questions."

"Alright, how you feeling Tyria?"

"She's asleep right now but it was her idea that saved us."


"Yes I'm Rebirth." The war hound smells the scent of fear rising from the vixen. "Please Samantha do not fear me. I won't harm you. My pack nearly killed me today the only person I can trust other than Tyria is you." The fear didn't completely cease but it didn't get bigger either. They fly on to Samantha's apartment.

Meanwhile the War Hounds retreated to a small park. Many carried by others as they were ground zero in the explosion. They find a couple of homeless people and the weakest hounds were launched at them. In minutes those homeless people were used to heal them and were no more. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?" Midnight yells with rage. "You nearly killed my child then us with that. We're to capture Rebirth not kill my child!"

"We have to capture Rebirth Moonlight at all cost."

"Yes, CAPTURE NOT KILL, WHICH YOU NEARLY DID!" Midnight turns away. "Everyone we'll rest a bit then head to our hideout plan again." With Midnight not looking one of the healthier War Hounds leaves to report to the elders without Midnight knowing.

War Hound Chapter 6

Upon landing Samantha helps Rebirth out of the car. Her friend felt rubbery and light and that concerned her. When they got into the apartment Samantha puts Rebirth on the couch and she asks. "You need anything?" "Meat to further recover my...

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Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body Chapter 2

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Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body Chapter 1

Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body By Admiral Q Chakat Universe by Bernard Doove Proofread by xdedge Minneapolis, Minnesota U.S.A. 2040 Luke Harter was walking down a hallway. He was an average human height and figure with brown blown hair...

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