Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body Chapter 2

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#2 of Chakat Universe

Luke wakes to find he has a new body

Luke groans as he wakes up and sees a ceiling. From the looks it's a ceiling of a hospital. 'The doc must have gotten me out.' He closes his eyes as he tries to sit up before a voice says. "Easy you've had a rough time already." He opens his eyes again and sees an image that shocks him. A small lion face in front of his face. "Aaahhhh!" He tries to back away but his body feels weird, longer and with too many limbs. As one of his arms comes in front of his face he receives another shock. His arm has gold fur on it with claw like nails and besides from some muscle definition was feminine. He takes both his hands ignoring the voice trying to calm him down and puts them both to his face and he feels a muzzle and hair. He then sees his lower torso which looked a lot like a feline body until it gets to the neck area were it goes to a more human like torso but covered with fur. Then he felt bumps high on his chest and sees....... breasts. Medallion watches as hir new double faints after seeing shi possessed breasts. A nurse finally came in and asked what happened. "Shi woke up and didn't take the change well." The nurse goes over and checks out the new chakat. "Well the vitals are normal for a chakat so I'll let you be." Medallion nods and the nurse leaves Medallion gets up and strokes hir doubles hair away from hir face. "Well your reaction will mean this is going to be hard but I can't blame you." Luke wakes up again and sees that face again and groans. "Please don't freak out again." That voice asks. "Wha appen tho me?" Medallion could barely understand hir but shi had a good guess what shi asked. "There was a transporter accident and your body's pattern was gone. Left with no choice we used mine to save your life." "Wha? Oo compely los me. Wha's a ansporer?" Medallion frowned. Hir double has having trouble speaking, obviously not use to a muzzle. Then shi notice a notepad and pen. Shi grabs them and hands them to hir double. Hir double's look need no translation as it says 'thank you' and shi begins writing. Medallion sits on hir haunches patiently as hir double writes. A human Star Corps commander comes through the door causing hir double to pause and looks. "Don't mind me continue." The new chakat returns to hir writing. To Medallion he asks, "What's going on?" "Shi's having trouble speaking, not used to a muzzle so to avoid some frustration for the moment shi's writing down hir questions." When hir double finally finishes shi hands in back to medallion and it reads. Who and what are you? _ Where am I?_ _ And what's a transporter in layman's terms please?_ _ And who's that you just came in?_ "I'm Chakat Medallion, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze. I'm a chakat a feline taur species. Stramge you haven't heard of us, you must be from a very isolated area." "And I'm Commander Rand Antilles of the Star Corps. I'm in charge of the spaceport near here and you're at the North Memorial Hospital in New Minneapolis. And a transporter is a device that coverts people into plasma and data to be sent to a ship, station, or ground. What's your name?" Medallion hands back the pad and the double writes again beofre handing it back. _ I'm Luke Harter._ _ You're transporter sounds like something out of Star Trek and New Minneapolis, Star Corps? Are you pulling my leg there? I never heard of those cities. I live in Minneapolis and as far as I know there's no new in the name._

Both Medallion and Antilles look at each other with confused looks. The commander recovers first. "Um, what date is it today?" August 20th, 2040 " Shir it's May 1st 2332." If it was physically possible Luke's jaw would have hit the floor.2332! That's nearly 300 years in the future. He bites his hand much to the surprise of Medallion and Antilles. Ouch! That hurt but it didn't wake me up. Which means this isn't a nightmare. At least not one from a dream. The cat rush to his side and checked his hand. "Are you okay?" "Am I okay? Am I Okay!? Ib been ransformed ino a animal and sen ino tha future. How woub you feel?" Medallion winced at the animal bit but bearing that this has to be shocking to Luke and the fact that if shi's to be believed shi's from the time were morphs were just coming around so shi would have a different view. Luke down to the floor trying to come to grips with what's happened to him the door opens again and a nurse came in. "Oh good you're awake. We can do your physical now." Looking at the commander she continues. "Sorry commander but that was the doctor's orders." "I'm not going to argue with the doctor. I'll Continue this another time but I can start looking in the records for your family Mr. Harter." "Thanks sir." One of the few clear sentences to come out of Luke's mouth yet. Luke then tries to climb out of the bed but his extra limbs cause him trouble and he falls off the bed. Medallion and the nurse help him up and he tries to walk but keeps stumbling. He's keep up right by Medallion as the nurse leads the way. Luke then spends a couple hours going through a physical therapy session with some success. He doesn't stumble as much anymore but he isn't graceful either. Commander Antilles meets them afterwards. "Well we haven't found your family yet Mr. Harter but still looking. Meanwhile the doctors think you should stay here for further examination." Medallion snorts at that. "All they'll discover is that shi's a healthy chakat. Not what shi needs right now." "What do you suggest then?" "Well until we can figure out how to get hir body back shi needs to learn how to be a chakat and who better then the one he got the body from?" "Well we still need hir to have some psychiatric help and more therapy for hir body." "They can do it at my place." Antilles nods then looks at the transformed human. "How do you feel about this idea?" "I goch nowher else cho go. Ich be becher than schaying here." Thankfully his speech has gotten better so they no longer need the notepad. Medallion then takes Harter's arm. "Come on let's take you to my place." Medallion slowly leads hir double through the hospital Luke barely paying attention to the surroundings but on walking. Thus to his surprise he felt something get squished and yelped in pain before trying to twirl around causing him to fall. Growling more from the frustration than the pain he and Medallion look to see his tail caught in the door causing Luke to facepalm. "It's okay Luke." Shi frees his tail and hands it to him. "Here hold this for now." Shi then hands him the tail and he has his first good look at it. Most of it has the pure gold fur than most of Medallion's body has but at the tip it's a bright red. Medallion helps him up and they walk to an interesting looking car. As big as an SUV but looking a lot more stable. It reminded him of the old Hummers that were famous when he was born. A very large door opens up to reveal some cushions instead of seats. Clearly this car was designed for four legged beings. Medallion helps him into the passenger cushion. "Comfy?" The strange Feline asks. He just nods and she shuts the door and heads to the driver's side. Luke gets to check out the dash as a result. The Dash had a small screen various buttons which one said radio. It had a standard steering wheel and a black area behind it where the speedometer and fuel gauge usually are. Medallion gets in and starts the car and they finally leave the hospital grounds. Luke checks out the few and is saddened. He doesn't recognize one building in the skyline but he does spot the famous double arcs of McDonalds and feeling hungry he turns to ask Medallion to stop there where he receives another shock. HER HANDS WERE OFF THE WHEEL! She was playing with what appeared to be a tablet. "Aren'ch you supposed cho be DRIVIN!" She looks and smirks at him and replies. "Don't worry the AI's got it. We're completely safe." Luke continues to stare at her with a dropped jaw then looks at the dash board again. It was light up with numbers representing speed and a battery icon with an F and E at both ends. Above it all flashing was the words Auto pilot engaged. Remembering his question, he asks her to stop there. "No problem that would hold us till supper." She disengages the AI and they get their meals. They eat it as the PTV heads home. Although he got his favorite order and it felt good and thankfully tasted the same, if anything else better but it wasn't as filling as it use to. Finally the trip ends in the suburbs of New Minneapolis to a decent size single story house. "Nice house." "You haven't seen the inside yet." Medallion opens the door and Luke gets his first looks at the inside. He notice a large number of couches then normal and significantly less chairs most of them around a dinning room table. Medallion takes the remains of their lunch and heads to the kitchen to toss them. Luke was checking out the entertainment system when he heard a door open. Figuring it was Medallion entering another room he continued his examination when furred hands wrap around his shoulders and a feminine voice that WASN"T Medallion's spoke. "So what music are you in the mood for honey?" Luke immediately turns his head to see another feline head, this one covered with black and dark gray pattern fur with blue eyes. "Give us a kiss honey." And before Luke could object the other feline passionately kisses him. Luke couldn't help feeling something stir within him. After a long minute the feline breaks the kiss and steps back a bit. "So I heard you skipped work for a family emergency...?" Before she can continue Medallion steps into the living room. "What the HECK! Dallie, there's two of you." The real Medallion answers hir. "This was the family emergency. There's was an accident at the spaceport and Luke Harter here lost his body and my pattern was still in the memory so we used my body to save his life." "Oh, you poor dear." The other feline hugs Luke. "Sorry for earlier, I bet that stressed you out." "Ich's alrighch an easy mischake." The other feline breaks off. "Well let me introduce myself. I'm Chakat Coaldust, Child of Snowboard and Nightsky." " Please cho meet you Coaldusch and for the fuchure for you both I'm schraighch." With a confused look Coaldust asks him "What does that have to do with anything?" "Well you chwo are obvioussly lovers and since your female I jusch wanched thach ouch in the open." "Medallion shakes hir head. "Luke hon, we're not females we're hermaphrodites." "Huh?" The two chakats look at each other and nod. They then face each other and lift their hind legs to revel their sheaths. Luke stared in wonderment at the sight as Medallion explains. "Our kind was designed to be survivalist and among those features was to make us herms to we can quickly reproduce." Luke proclaim his amazement and the trio spend the next couple hours going over what chakats can do. During that Luke finally got a hand on his speech and he could be clearly understood. Eventually a significant question was asked by Coaldust. "So Luke tell us your experience with morphs. I want to see if the history books have it right." "Morphs?" Luke asks totally confused. "You know genetically engineered species like us. Morph is a term used for all the beings scientists made. They were around during the 2040's." Luke shakes his head. "I never heard of anything like you and as a lab security chief I would have heard something." Their stomachs start to grumble and Coaldust comments. "Looks like it's dinnertime. I'll get right on it." Shi gets up and heads to the kitchen leaving the new twins to themselves. "I guest Coaldust is the cook in the house." "When she visits you bet. I get a great cook for only the cost of the food and some sex." "Visits? You mean she doesn't live here?" "Not yet, we've been planning on it but it hasn't happen yet." "Oh, well why is a guest cooking?" "Well I'm a decent cook, but I'm no match for a profession restaurant cook." "OOOHHHH." Luke understanding completely. They have a hearty meal where Luke learns that Coaldust is one of the cooks for a independent restaurant and he defiantly sees the talent or more correctly tastes the talent. "I noticed Medallion that you and I like the same stuff." Commented Luke. "Well your in a copy of my body so we would have the same taste buds." "Right so I'll have to see if my favorite foods still are." he says downcast. Being Empathic both chakats sensed his depression. "Um, where's the bathroom? I have to go." "This way I have to go to." And Medallion shows him to a bathroom with the larges tub he's ever seen as well as the largest toilet. Luke sits down on the toilet when he discovers he has a new problem. He can't get his penis to extend. Knowing Medallion was outside the door he swallowed what pride he had left. "medallion could you help me a bit?" The door opens and Medallion peaks hir head through. "With what?" With a sheer look of anguish he answers. "I can't get my penis to extend." Medallion winces when shi hears that then comes in and reaches underneath his lower belly and puts pressure on a couple of points. Luke feels his penis extend as Medallion says. "Okay let loose." And Luke did sighing in relief. After his business was done he gets up and turns to Medallion. "Thank you." "You're welcome, but we better make that among the first things to get train on." "Defiantly." Luke leaves to let Medallion attend hir business. The three of them take care of the dishes until Luke started yawning. "You've had one heck of a day Luke." Medallion comments. "I'll take you to your room." Shi leads him down the main hallway and puts him in one of the spare den rooms. Luke sees a mattress, shelving and a decent closet. "I don't see a blanket." Luke comments. "You have fur, you don't need one." "Can I at least keep the shirt on?" Luke grabs the t-shirt that was also copied during the accident. Medallion nods and starts to close the door when Luke says. "Medallion, thanks for putting up with me." Medallion smiles and replies. "It's my pleasure Luke, good night." Shi finally closes the door. Medallion meets Coaldust in the living room. "How is shi?" Coaldust asks. "For now hanging in there, but who knows if that will last." Coaldust nods to that and looks in the direction of Luke's room. "The weirdest thing is that he has no knowledge of morphs. Us I can understand but morphs? He was around ten years before the Gene Wars and it took longer than ten years to get that insanity started." "I'm afraid that the answer to that will mean more trouble." "I better start moving in tomorrow Dallie. Luke and you are going to need help." Medallion could only nod at that. Meanwhile Luke tries to fine a position that comfortable. What a day! Start it as a human in 2040, end it as this chakat in 2332. Not to mention awake for at least 18 hours really took a toll. Sleep final overcomes Luke as he starts dreaming of home.

Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body Chapter 3

Medallion stretches and yawns from a restful sleep. Shi looks over to find where Coaldust slept empty. "Must be cooking breakfast." Not bothering with a top shi walks out and heads towards the kitchen already smelling a great breakfast. Peaking hir...

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Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body Chapter 1

Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body By Admiral Q Chakat Universe by Bernard Doove Proofread by xdedge Minneapolis, Minnesota U.S.A. 2040 Luke Harter was walking down a hallway. He was an average human height and figure with brown blown hair...

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Debbie Chapter 3

Debbie groans and rubs her head. What a weird dream I had, Biff being murdered, captured by a werecat, saved by a werewolf with Jezeca's voice. Must have eaten something bad last night. Surprisingly she doesn't feel the usual aches and pains that come...

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