Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body Chapter 1

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#1 of Chakat Universe

Luke Harter gets into an accident that changes his life forever. Note this is a parallell universe to Bernard Doove's

Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body By Admiral Q Chakat Universe by Bernard Doove Proofread by xdedge

Minneapolis, Minnesota U.S.A. 2040

Luke Harter was walking down a hallway. He was an average human height and figure with brown blown hair with green eyes and 40 years in age. He walked proudly walked through the hallways wearing his uniform. He was chief of security at the Globaltech labs in Minneapolis and took the job seriously checking the various rooms. It was late at night and not his normal shift but this was hardly a normal day. Making sure the various rooms were secure and empty he heads to the main lab. All the scientist and technicians still in the lab complex were there. Luke wasn't sure what they were doing in there but that wasn't his job. As he walked through the labs doors he sees organized chaos as they prepare for the experiment. In the center of it all a large sphere with prongs sticking out of it silently observing those below it like an overseer. Luke finds the head scientist Dr. Xanatos by one of the computer readouts. "Dr. Xanatos, I just checked the complex and besides my guards it's just you guys are here. You can proceed with your test." "Thank you Mr. Harter. I'm glad you stayed to help out." "If your experiment is as important as they say then you need the best security present. If you don't need anymore things done I'll head for Security Control." Xanatos dismisses Luke and he heads over to Security Control. A couple minutes later he heads in and finds a couple of his guards manning the stations. Dominating one wall was a large screen divided into smaller pictures showing various parts of the complex. Dominating the screen though was the camera view of the main lab. "Anything unusual to report?" The female guard Miss Sanders responded. "All quiet except for the scientist and whatever they're working on." "Very well, they should be starting soon so keep alert." And the three of them wait for the show to start. Meanwhile in the lab Dr. Xanatos prepares to activate the device. If it worked as planned it could be a new cheap source of power for the country. Using new physics and alloys this reactor can generate power output equivalent to the most powerful nuclear plants but with less space and no fear of radiation. After checking with his top assistants that everything was good to go he goes to his station and looks around to his fellow scientists and technicians. "Ladies and gentleman, let this night be the start of a new era." He then pushes the big red button (yes he wanted a big red button). The reactor starts to hum and pulse as it powers up. A technician reads his displays and reports. "Power levels look stable. It's starting to generate power." Xanatos smiles as his dream comes to fruition. Luke watched as the experiment runs its course and Xanatos looks as happy as a clam. He pours himself some coffee to help him keep awake. "Uh, Chief!" One of the guards says with a twinge of fear. Turning around to the screens he sees the device to start shooting lighting bolts around and the scientists are rushing around in a panic. Luke goes over to the intercom and activates it. "Doc, what's going on?" "WE'RE HAVING A HUGE POWER SPIKE! WE'RE TRYING TO BRING IT UNDER CONTROL!" Luke continued to observe a disaster taking place. Turning on the sound for the lab as lighting bolts increased as from the sounds the scientists are trying to cut power to turn it off. After five minutes things get worse and the Security Control was sending out warnings about power surges. Not likely what was happening Luke reluctantly but with determination goes to the intercom and selects the hear all option. "Now hear this Evacuate the complex. ALL PERSONEL EVACUATE THE COMPLEX!" The computer hearing this order activates the klaxon that everybody can hear and knows what to do. Guards throughout the complex abandon their posts as ordered grab a vehicle and head into the city. The lab it self was in an abandoned suburb of the city thus innocent casualties were not an issue. Going to the guards in the room he orders. "Go on get out of here. I'll make sure the eggheads get out." "Be careful chief." They say as they head out. Looking back at the screen most of the eggheads have left getting into any vehicle they can find. Luke leaves the room for the last time never to see it again. Upon getting to the main lab he sees that only Xanatos and a few of his aides were still there. Luke goes to each of them. "Come on we have to get out of here, NOW MOVE!" He forces them from there posts and the reluctantly follow his orders. "Come on doc you to." Xanatos's hands fly over the console as he replies. "Wait I can get this under control to shut it down I just need a few more minutes." Luke frowns at the doctor but he goes to his walkie as the bolts continue to increase. "Bill is everyone out?" "Except for you and Xanatos sir, hurry up!" Turning it off tell the doctor. "Okay doc I'll give you a few more minutes before we go." The doctor absently nods and he tries to reclaim his dream. After a few minutes it appears he's not making much Progress as the bolts hit things making them disappears. Then a bolt narrowly misses Luke. "Okay doc that's it we're leaving." He grabs the doctor and forces him to the door. As Luke pushes him through the doors a bolt hits the security chief. Xanatos watches in horror as Luke screams in unimaginable pain as the bolt arcs through him before he disappears in a white light. Xanatos looks to where Luke was for a minute before slamming his fist to the wall. "I'm sorry Luke. I'll make this right some how." He then races to the vehicle bay honoring Luke's last command. As he races away the complex explodes leaving only a crater to Luke's memory.

New Minneapolis, Minnesota, G.N.A. 2332 An alarm wakes Medallion up from a very restful sleep. Well another day has arrived. Shi gets up and stretches. Shi's a lion pattered chakat of thirty years with deep gold fur red human like hair and what's unique to any chakat, red eyes. A chakat like hir is a unique taur species. Created to be the ultimate survivalist by Institute of New Generation Genetics, they have incredible healing and senses. To help with survivability they'll need to reproduce fast so all of hir kind are hermaphrodites which Medallion thanks the Makers everyday for. She stretches in a way only felines can and proceeds to hir bathroom to have a shower. Shi then has breakfast enjoying the meal and the house shi lives in. Until a few months ago shi lived with hir parents till shi earned the money to get hir own place. While shi has enjoyed the decent space to hirself shi does have plans to share it with future mates, heck already a good companion of hir's Coaldust wanted to move in loving the place and the nice backyard behind which is better than hir apartment. They've discussed it and Medallion wouldn't mind hir companion sharing the place. Medallion believes it's only a matter of time before they become denmates, so probably in a month shi'll have company. After breakfast she puts on a halter top and belt pouch for work. Shi gets into hir personal transport vehicle or PTV for short and heads to the spaceport. She worked at a small store on the gateway station for Earth and as such needed to use the transporter to get up to it. Shi says hello to the transporter operator Carol Longfoot, a female wolf morph. The previous group just finished beaming and Medallion was heading towards the pad when strange bolts appear. Both shi and Carol are confused to as what's going on. Carol looking over the controls not initially seeing anything wrong but reading a power surge. The bolts increase until one huge one appears and from it emerge a figure. The brightness fades and Medallion sees a human male in some kind of uniform, his face showing signs of pain and energy arcs through his body. Without thinking only feeling his pain through hir empathic senses shi rushes to him and as shi touches him the arcs increase and shi feels intense pain and shi, the human disappears as the transporter activates without command. Carol calls for help as she tries to figure out what just happened. In minutes other technicians and some medics arrive and try to go over things. The bolts have stopped since the transport and they go over the device. "Okay I've got Medallion and she finishes the transport which reacts normally and soon a dazed Medallion chakat emerges. The medic rush up to hir scanning hir vitals as shi walks off the pad. "Medallion you okay?" Carol asks. "Yeah just a little dizzy, what about the human?" Carol looks back at the controls. "Well I'm reading another mind in the matrix but I'm not seeing any other pattern but yours." She and the other techs spend more minutes trying to find solutions to the problem. At one point Carol slams her fist on the edge of the controls. "There's just no other pattern in here and we're running out of time!" Medallion who stayed partially for the medics has been watching what's been going on and decides to interrupt. "Carol what's the problem?" "We don't have his body's pattern in the memory and if we don't finish his transport soon we'll lose him." "So you need a body pattern?" Carol nods. "Then use mine." "WHAT?" "You still have my pattern right?" "Yes, but the big problem is the mass. You have more mass then him." Still Carol checks the controls again and is surprised. "Weird there's more mass in there than I thought." "Enough for my idea?" "Maybe." Carol looks at the chakat "Are you sure about this? If this works you'll basically have a twin." "If it's the only way to save him then yes." Carol nods and takes a deep breath. "Okay people I'm beaming him out using Medallion's pattern get ready." She finishes the second transport and a second Medallion appears and collapses to the floor of the pad clearly unconscious. "Okay let's get him..eerrr hir to the hospital." Meanwhile Medallion comms her work place saying shi'll not be showing up 'family emergency'.

Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body Chapter 2

Luke groans as he wakes up and sees a ceiling. From the looks it's a ceiling of a hospital. 'The doc must have gotten me out.' He closes his eyes as he tries to sit up before a voice says. "Easy you've had a rough time already." He opens his eyes...

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Debbie Chapter 3

Debbie groans and rubs her head. What a weird dream I had, Biff being murdered, captured by a werecat, saved by a werewolf with Jezeca's voice. Must have eaten something bad last night. Surprisingly she doesn't feel the usual aches and pains that come...

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Samantha's Third Chance Chapter 10

Samantha enters the barracks and is meant by one of the young mages a human male. "Mage Master, welcome back." "Thank you young one. I want a meeting held in two hours to get an update on what has been going on." The mage bows and replies. "I shall...