Samantha's Third Chance Chapter 10

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry


#11 of Samantha's Third Chance

Samantha enters the barracks and is meant by one of the young mages a human male. "Mage Master, welcome back."

"Thank you young one. I want a meeting held in two hours to get an update on what has been going on." The mage bows and replies.

"I shall relay it at once." She then heads to the main practice room and grabs a chair to sit in and observes the mages practicing as she waited unknowingly rubbing her belly. As the deadline approached the other mages slowly walk in. Samantha was glad to see some of them up and about since a group of them were badly injured in the Malachor incident. Eventually all arrive on time and she begins.

"Hello all, as you can see I'm back. While not fully cured yet I will be in time, meanwhile I can resume my duties and would like a general update on things here." One of the older mages approaches her and states.

"I've been running the group since you left. We've recruited some low level mages in an attempt to replenish our losses. Sad to say to truly replace the mages we loss will take a long time since they were among our top mages." Samantha nods in agreement.

"Okay well I should report to the King I'm back continue training and we shall rebuild ourselves to better than before. You with me on that?"

"YES!" A chorus of mages shout.

Samantha then heads to the castle and arranges a meeting with the King. After waiting a half an hour she final gets a meeting with the King. She enters the throne room and sees him sitting on his throne. Bowing she begins, "My Lord I have returned."

"Rise mage Reborn." As she does so he continues. "It is good to have you back. I assume you are cured?"

"Not yet my lord the dryad responsible for my treatment need to be here and gather energy. I don't know how long that will take so I'll resume the duties you forced on me." The King winces a little at the jab but moves on from it.

"Well I hope it's successful and you will lead our mages to a new golden age."

"I hope so as well my lord. The Gods help us if you're wrong." That that their meeting was over and Samantha heads back to observe those now under her charge wish her life could be simple again.

Meanwhile at home Jackie heads into the back and check out Glade. "Hiya Glade how you doing?"

<I'm doing well Jackie and you?> Glade replies mentally with a slight purr in her mental voice.

"Glad Sam's home again, I missed her. Hey did you just speak in my head?"

<Yes I did as you can see my mouth is occupied at the moment but the tree allows me to speak mentally with who I want to. It was very clever of you to figure that out.> The vixen grinned at the complement.

"Why does you mouth have a tree root in it?"

<It helps keep me alive while I'm bonded with the tree.>

"Okay." The young vixen gets closer and touches Glade's body feeling its smoothness and lack of fur. "Hey aren't you cold without fur."

<Not like this I'm not. The tree helps to keep me at my peak so the tree has to die before anything bad happens to me. But not bonded I would be cold, but I'm more comfortable in the summer time than you.> The two chatted for awhile before Jackie headed in for lunch. Tona had Jackie do some chores while she went to Glade.

"Glade I'm sorry if she bothered you."

<She didn't bother me I enjoyed it so don't worry. I find her fascinating.> Tona shrugs and replies.

"Okay if you're fine with it. I have to go to work so see you later."


A month passes and Samantha's belly has bulge out more and has the appetite of a horse when she receives a call from Glade. <I'm ready for you Samantha. Bring Jackie.> Samantha does as Glade requested and the two head out to the back yard as Tona first heads out to tell the mages not to expect Samantha today before rejoining them, thankfully she had the day off. Upon returning she finds Samantha facing away from Glade while the dryads arms and some the tree's roots wrap around the Catrai while Jackie looked at both of them. The roots that gagged the dryad was gone and she was chanting in a language Tona didn't know. Slowly a green aura appeared and envelop Samantha. For a while there didn't appear to be any change to the Catrai, but that soon changed has she started struggling and her blue stripes disappear and when she opened her eyes they were glowing red. "FOCUS ON JACKIE SAMANTHA! FOCUS ON HER!" The Catrai growls and struggles some more before complying. After looking at the Kanin kit her features soften a bit. "Jackie focus on Samantha, think on what she means to you." Jackie nods and looks at Samantha, focusing on how much she loves her. That Sam is her mother now and will do anything to keep her. Jackie's figure brightens a bit that only those with really sharp eyes could detect it. Unconsciously she projects to feels to Samantha and the Catrai has a reaction. She throws her head back a roars to the sky. As she does so a blackness erupts from her mouth and slowly her real colors emerge again. After five minutes the blackness stops coming out of her mouth and disappears into the sky as she slumps into unconsciousness as Jackie races towards her mother.

"Sam, Sam, is she okay Glade." The dryad weakly smiles at her and replies.

"Yes she's free of the darkness now but it exhaust her. Tona Can you help carry her that spell wiped me out as well?"

"Of course." Tona grabs one arm while Glade separates from the tree and grabs the other as Jackie leads them into the house. One in Tona and Glade put Samantha in bed. "Jackie you'll be sleeping with her tonight okay? Glade needs your room again." Grinning the kit replies.

"No problem." After making an meal for the three of them Tona lead everyone to bed after an exhaustive but successful day.

Samantha wakes up with something holding her large belly. A couple of sniffs revel that it's Jackie and she opens her eyes and looks down and sees the kit sleeping with a smile on her muzzle. Samantha herself feels a great weight has been lifted off of her. She felt she didn't have to fear Siana ever controlling her again, that is such a wonderful feeling. But she also felt exhausted and had no urge to get up. She here's the door open and she sees Glade come in. The Dryad smiles at what she sees and she quietly walks over to Samantha and leans down to whisper in the Catrai's ear. "The spell was a success but it was draining. I recommend you stay home and preferably in bed most of the time till your baby is born." Samantha frown at that and replied.

"But what of my duties?" With the weight gone she does have the fear of leading the mages that she had before.

"No, you want to risk your baby more? It will only be a few more months so take it easy." The Catrai winces as she forgot about that, heck they should have waiting till the baby was born to try that but it's too late now.

"Okay, the King has to know though."

"Don't worry the elder's wanted my to pay a visit to the king anyway so I'll relay. You get some rest Tona will wake you when breakfast is ready." Samantha nods and snuggles closer to Jackie as Glade leaves. Eventually Samantha falls back to sleep and remains there with Jackie until...

"BREAKFAST!" Tona's yell makes it to the bedroom easy waking the two sleepers. After yawning Jackie looks over to Samantha and asks.

"You okay Sam?" The Catrai smiles and hugs her.

"Much better than before but a little tired, but the darkness is gone. Now let's get breakfast." Their stomachs growl in agreement. They both head down and see Tona wearing an apron keeping hir almost modest. The Kanin herm made a large helping of bacon and eggs for Samantha.

"You're eating for two and yesterday took a toll on you so eat up." Samantha huffs but complies leaving Tona to nod and return to the kitchen giving Samantha a nice view of hir bare butt. Samantha purred appreciatively at the sight. The Kanin soon returns and as the meal goes on Samantha asks Tona how hir house was doing.

"Still gathering money to build it, being a cashier doesn't pay as much as my old job but at least I have one. So you're stuck with me awhile longer." Shi smirks a bit at hir jest.

"Honestly we both enjoy you being here and I bet Jackie here will be sad when you left, isn't that right Jackie?"

"Yup, I want you to stay." Tona blushes at their comments. After breakfast Tona heads for work as Samantha sits comfortably in the living room and spends time with Jackie. Eventually Glade returns and Samantha asks.

"So when are you heading back to the tower?"

"After your child is born, I want to observe it. And the King understands your absence and congratulates you on the baby and the success of the purging." The feline nods in understanding and the rest of the day went well.

Two months later a very pregnant Samantha was in her bed with Jackie, Tona, and Glade around her. Glade kneeling between Samantha's legs ready to catch the child as Jackie and Tona look on. "Alright Samantha, PUSH!" Samantha groans as she tries to do as asked. "Come on push, PUSH." The Catrai growls and she feels shifting down her belly. "Alright I'm seeing a head keep going, that's it." Samantha pushes again letting out a roar as her baby finally pops out. She collapses on her bed as glade cleans her baby and cuts the umbilical cord. "Samantha, it's a boy." Glade hands the baby over to his mother and she has her first look at her son. He had blue fur with blond spots and blonde hair and plantigrade feet. Putting him up to her bare breast he begins feeding she thinks of a name for him. Looking at his chest she sees that instead of white is was blonde as well except for a patch blue fur in the shape of a four pointed star.

"I'll call him Bluestar." She says finally before falling asleep with her first child still in her arms.

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