Ageless Cougar

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#3 of Unia's Birth

Ageless Cougar

By Admiral Q

Thunder was a nervous stallion as he walked in the woods. He heard rumors of the dragoness you lived in these woods and the nearby town essentially confirmed what the rumors say, but he had no choice. His daughter needs this to happen so thus here he is. Soon he sees a tower in the distance and he continues on.

A half an hour later he's at the door to the tower. Gathering his courage he uses the door knocker. He can hear the loud thunk of the knocker and in a minute the door opens a bit. A strange head peaked out to greet him. Judging from the size and location of the head this was a child he was dealing with. It was a strange head with dragon scales of silver color in the shape more suited to a horse like himself and instead of a pair of horns that face back it had a single horn on the forehead and was golden in color. She also had a gold mane. "I'm here to seek the dragoness's business." The young being nods and runs to a crystal ball in stalled on the wall.

"Mom there's a horse here to see you." It says in a feminine voice.

"Send the horse up Jewel." The child turns back to Thunder. "Follow me sir." Jewel opens the door more and Thunder sees the young female's body. She was about five years old judging from her body size. Her body was covered with silver scales except for her belly area. From her neck to her crotch is covered with white short fur. She had full dragon wings and a dragon tail with a fluff of gold fur on the tip. She had no claws on her hands but a wicked set on her feet. He follows her up the stairs till about the tenth floor. Once there the child opened a large door and gestured to him to go in. He steps through and finds himself in a large room. At the far end he sees a throne with a naked silver, grey dragoness sitting on it. She had a pair of naked guards standing to either side of her. One's a unicorn the other a cougar, both herms with aroused cocks and well muscled. Thunder bows to the dragoness and says.

"Dear Lady I am Thunder of the Great Plains herd. I have come to ask for your skills."

"What do you required of me?" Thunder draws the second of two swords causing the guards to grab theirs until Thunder puts in a presentation pose.

"My daughter is becoming a warrior though I'm against it. Outnumbered by my daughter, mate, and sister I could not stop her so I come here to ask you to charm this blade for my daughter." The dragoness gets up and takes the blade and studies it. Glancing at him she asks.

"What kind of charms to you want on it?"

"For it to able to cut anything and deflect spells launched at my daughter."

"If you're so against her dream why are you helping her?"

"She's my daughter. I may not agree but I can support her."

"Well I can't do the cut anything but it will be able to cut most things and the spell deflect I can do. This will cost you one hundred gold." Thunder takes of a bag and hands it to her. She counts out the gold and continues. "It will be done tomorrow Chaka will see you to your quarters as are guest." The dragoness walks away with the sword while the cougar with the large cock approaches him.

"Follow me sir." They leave the room and walk down the stairs. Thunder tries to start a conversation.

"Why is your cock erect?"

"Mistress Kelley likes to have us aroused at all times and since she is the mistress she gets what she wants."

"You didn't like it at first?"

"Yes, but I've grown to love it."

"I'm guessing you're more than just bodyguards?"

"Yes we are her lovers and becoming hers was the best choice I ever made. You already meant our child Jewel."

"I did, beautiful for a hybrid but I didn't notice and cougar traits on her?"

"By blood she isn't mine, just Unia and the Mistress's baby but I'm still a parent to her and I love her like a daughter." They're two floors down when they enter a hall with many doors. Chaka went to the first one on the left. "Here you are, Jewel will handle most of your needs and will bring you dinner."

"Thank you." She nods and closes the door. He's in a decent room with a desk, large bed, a bookshelf, and a bathroom. Thunder decides to check out the books.

Unia was inspecting hir blade when Chaka returned. Unia smiles when she notices that Chaka is playing with herself again. How she walks while hir cock is teased in hir mouth Unia will never know. "Hey Chaka I have a better spot for that then your mouth." Chaka let's go of hir cock.

"Oh?" The cougar says playfully.

"Yes a perfect spot." Unia walks up to the smaller cougar who only goes up to hir breasts. Unia seats Chaka down on a seat near by. "And that spot is HERE!" Unia impales herself on the cougar's large cock. She moans as the cock goes in. It was a good thing Unia was so big, she can fit Chaka's large cock in without magic. She starts riding the cock causing both herms to moan in pleasure. You can see and indentation of Chaka's cock move Unia's belly while both herms have their eyes close. In minutes Unia cums from her pussy but hir cock throbs in denied pleasure as does Chaka's since Kelley didn't loosen the rings and was busy. The two pant there loving the feel of eachother as they rest. This Chaka thought was another good thing about hir choice. Unia was born from the body of her mentor Lyndis. While Chaka was in love with Lyndis, Lyndis was very straight so was never interested in a relation with Chaka. Chaka admits Unia isn't Lyndis she is close enough, having the same figure that Lyndis had though with a different race, breasts, and personality. Chaka has even come to love Kelley making the trio inseparable. Soon Chaka gets out of Unia and impales herself on the unicorns cock while she put hir's in hir mouth and they begin again.

Kelley walks up into the dinning room and finds Chaka setting they table and she hears Unia in the kitchen. She leans on the cougar and slyly comments. "You and Unia have fun while I was busy." She strokes the herm's cock. She feels it perk up a bit as Chaka groans. "Well I guess it's okay. Neither of you can cum without my permission and I was busy." Kelley leaves the cougar to finish a she washes her hands. When she returns she sees Jewel coming in as Unia comes out with a tray full of fruits and veggies. Seeing Jewel brings warmness to Kelley's heart. That was her child. Unia hands the tray to Jewel and says.

"Take this to our guest and return honey." She pets the girl's mane before letting her head down. Being the only omnivore in the house she has the most unique plate in the house. The meal was quiet minus the sounds of eating till Unia asks. "Kelley how's the sword coming?"

"Good, thankfully it's a good quality sword so it's taking the enchantments well." Kelley looks at her daughter. "Unia will teach you some more magic after supper."

"Yippy." Over the last couple years Unia learn how to use hir magic, so she can teach Jewel the basics. Two more figures come down the stairs. One was a herm who had the body figure of a horse but had dragon scales, horns, and tail. The other had a dragon figure but fir covering most of hir (it was a herm as well) body except for hir neck to crotch area with she had gold scales. She also had a unicorn horn as well as a silver mane and tail. Both were wingless.

"Alexis, Randy you're late to dinner." Kelley says sternly to her children.

"Sorry mom." Both say in unison. "We were exploring and lost track of time."

"Well tell Chaka what you found after dinner. If it doesn't meet hir par then you two will be punished. Now come and eat."

After dinner Alexis and Randy passed Chaka's test but were told to stay in the tower for the rest of the night. Unia taught Jewel some more spells with her sisters watching. Kelley went back to work on the sword. After dealing with the two sisters Chaka played with hir cock again. Late night after the 3 kids were in bad for a while Kelley finally comes up from the lab and plays with her two lovers before going to bed. Thus a nearly usual night passes for this strange family.

Thunder wakes the next morning and heads out of the room hoping to find the kitchen for some food. While searching he runs into Chaka. "I'm looking for the kitchen Chaka."

"Follow me." They head down a couple of floors to the kitchen dinning floor. Thunder sees Alexis and Randy already eating eggs, bacon, and a handful of carrots. They finish as Chaka brings out a plate of food for Thunder and start to run out of the room. "ALEXIS! RANDY! You forgot to greet our guest. The two stop, run back and bow saying.

"Good morning sir."

"Good morning." The two then raced out. "Those two are full of energy aren't they." Chaka rolls hir eyes.

"We won't see them for hours, Jewel is the most controlled of the trio." Thunder takes a bite and asks.

"How's the sword coming?"

"Kelley called Unia down so I say they're doing final test to be sure the enchantments stick and work as you want." A couple hours later Kelley and Unia showed up with Kelley holding up the sword.

"Thunder of the Great Plains here is the sword you requested. If you ever have problems with it return and I'll fix it." Thunder drew the sword and inspects it. The enchantments were like an engraving on the sword making even more beautiful than before. He puts the blade back in its sheath and bows to Kelley.

"Looks excellent I am ready to go."

"Jewel escort our guest out." Thunder followed the unicorn/dragon hybrid down to the door.

Months later it was a quite night in the tower...well almost quiet. Kelley and company were at it again, Chaka going up her butt while Unia in her pussy. As the trio of lovers continues their love making not everything was quiet, at the bottom of their tower a figure is barely seen. The figure has a form fitting clothing that is completely black as well as a belt that holds a short sword and a package. The figure was female by the shape of her body which was lithe but fit, someone who spent most of her time being active in many fields. The female also did not wear any footwear, gloves, or hood. Her feet where digigrade with small claws on the toes, perfect for climbing hence why no footwear. Her hands also had the miniclaws for climbing as well. As for no hood well ego is responsible for that. She plans to use her nose ears and of course her training to get by unnoticed. After all she is a rat and they get everywhere almost unnoticed. She starts climbing up the tower hoping to find what she wants. After seeing that mare's sword she started asking questions that led to this remote tower. Anyone who can make that beautiful sword has got to be loaded! She kept climbing till she reached a window 20 feet up. She peeks in the room looking for any traps, not seeing any she jumps through the window. She sees nothing of real value in the room so she quietly leaves it and starts looking around.

An hour later she opens a door and finds Randy playing in one of the spare room. Looking up the Unicorn/Dragon hybrid sees her and yells. "DADDY!" The thief runs out of the room hoping to find a window. 'Great' the thief thinks, 'Now I have to get out of here without a thing.'

Jewel was walking the halls and stairs trying to tire herself out so she could sleep. Suddenly she here's her sister call out. "DADDY!" Jewel races up the stairs and sees a black clad grey furred rat heading her way. Not knowing what this intruder has done to her little sister the young hybrid gathers herself as the intruder just notices her. The rat tries to jump over Jewel but the little hybrid jumps up with assistance from her wings and collides with the rat. The two tumble for a couple of steps leaving both dazed. By the time the rat recovers a large unicorn approaches her. In desperation the rat grabs the child near her and draws her blade leaving it next to the child's neck. The unicorn and the dragon racing up behind it pause.

The unicorn gives the rat a cold stare and says with surprising calm. "You harm her and I will kill you."

"Don't do anything foolishly brave and I won't. I'm going to leave now and I'm taking her with me. This lovely little thing could fetch a fine price in certain markets." The growls from both the dragon and the unicorn were surprisingly the same. "Lucky for you even I don't stoop that low. I'll let her go when I feel safe." She starts stepping down the stairs. Jewel then opens her mouth and blows flames out. The rat drops her sword from the intense pain in her hand from the flame. Jewel quickly heads up the stairs to her parents as the rat clutches her hand and turns around, and sees a cougar with a staff heading towards her. Ignoring her pain the rat ducks and sends Chaka flying. She then grabs her sword and stabs the cougar in the chest. Chaka cries out as hir mate swings hir sword and nicks the rat in the muzzle as Kelley tackles the rat. The pair tumbles down a few stairs before stopping with the rat hitting her head hard against the stone wall. Kelley shakes her head a bit before racing to Chaka.

"Watch the rat I'll take care of hir." She hisses to Unia. The Unicorn nods and stands over the unconscious rat while Kelley checks the damage. Thestab is deep and Kelly closes her eyes and begins a chant. Slowly the wound heals and eventually disappears. Chaka falls into unconsciousness but shi breathes easy allowing Kelly to breathe easy. The dragoness looks over and sees Unia Rasing hir sword up for a killing blow. "UNIA STOP!" The unicorn herm stops in mid blow and looks back at hir mistress in shock.

"Mistress! She threaten our child and nearly killed Chaka. She must Die!" Kelly gets up and approaches the unicorn and the rat.

"No, that would be too easy. I have a better fate for her. Now let's get the kids to bed and put the rat in the dungeon While I put Chaka in bed." Unia sighs and does as ordered. In an hour everyone is asleep after a stressful night.

Chaka awakes the next morning with a groan. Shi opens hir eyes to see sunlight on the ceiling. Hir mistress's head appears before hir and with a weak smile she asks. "How are you feeling?" Chaka then remembers last night and quickly sits up and checks where she was stabbed. Shi feels no scar with hir hand. " I heal you but it was a close thing last night."

"Hurt like crazy though."

"I bet, I plan to fix that though."

After breakfast the trio head downstairs to the dungeon and find the rat now naked trying to get free. "Don't bother Unia here couldn't break through those chains so you have no chance." The rat just glares at them. "Well lucky you, you get to be my test subject for my latest creation." Kelley looks at Unia. "Go to my lab and get the jar with gray liquid." Ten minutes later Unia return with a large jar with strange gray and thick liquid. Kelley opens the jar and chucks it towards the rat. It hits her in the chest and sits their for a minute before it starts spreading in all directions on her body. She moans as it covers her breasts and massages them. She really moans when it reaches her pussy causing her mouth to really open and allows the liquid to gagged her easily. In minutes her entire body is encased in it, even the chains have been absorbed by the liquid which fascinated Kelley. Thankfully it goes no farther leaving a quivering female form that compresses a bit to the trio.

"What is that stuff and what's it doing to her?" Chaka asks to which Kelley smirks and replies.

"An experiment goo I'm testing. It feed off of sexual energy so the rat is getting the sex of a lifetime and if it works as I hope she'll endure it forever." Unia snorts,

"Doesn't sound like much of a punishment."

"Well if you notice the muscular striations and nipples the goo is now skin tight and the teasing will never end. It will ensure that she will not age and now only exists as its food. Both of Kelley's slaves/lovers cringe at the thought. Even they know when it's too much. Kelley gestures for them to leave so they head out leaving the would be thief to her fate. For the rat she can't see or hear and the liquid feels REALLY tight and the pleasure OOOHHH it feels really good.

In the weeks that follow Kelley spends much of her time in the library looking through various books obvious looking for something. Unia and Chaka were a little concerned as though she has been known to spend a couple days like this only coming out to eat, this long was unheard of. Then after that she headed down to her lab and spent another two days there before coming up to eat and rest. A day later Chaka gets the guts to ask. "Mistress what's all this about?" Kelley smiles are hir and pats hir muzzle.

"It's all about your future." And she said nothing more.

A couple days later Kelley approaches Unia. "Follow me." And the pair head to an unused room in the basement. Pointing to a set of chains Kelley says. "Snap yourself in Unia."

"Am I being punished?"

"No there to prevent you from messing up what I plan." Unia does as hir mistress ordered and Kelley pulls a lever raising the unicorn herm off the floor. Kelley then takes a large clear tube and attaches one end to a large jug the other she has encase Unia's cock. Nervously Unia asks.

"What are we doing mistress?"

"We nearly lost Chaka in that fight so I want to give hir better endurance and longer life and for that I need your sperm. You might have mixing feeling about this process." Keley then closes her eyes and begins chanting quietly. After an hour of doing this Kelley eyes open and start glowing as they yells the final incantation and green energy tentacles appear then dive towards the unicorn. The unicorn gasps as shi feels a great deal of pleasure go throughout hir body. Hir cock strains against the tube encasing it and in seconds shi's spurting sperm in the tube stopping in the jug. Shi must have spurted for a couple minutes at least in hir mind. The dragoness walks up to her slave/bodyguard and lover and pats hir cheek. I'll be back to feed you later. As she leaves and Unia feels another wave of pleasure and she cums once again.

Every few hours Unia got a break for food and waste but otherwise shi was cumming every few minutes for a week before it was full. After helping Unia back to their bed where the herm promptly fell asleep Kelley brings the jug into her lab. She then begins a series of incantations and potion on the sperm. Hours later she approaches Chaka and asks the herm. "How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good but I am afraid of how weaker I am compared to you and Unia, heck both of you will out live me just do to aging."

"Then drink this, my love." Kelley reveals a large vial with glowing white liquid. Chaka eyes it with a near disgusted look.

"Are you being serious?"

"Completely my love, this is what I've been working on the past few weeks." Kelley offers the vial again. Chaka eyes it some more before taking it and drinking. Didn't taste good and Chaka didn't feel any different for a bit. Then shi's sudden hit with pain in hir stomach and it quickly spreads and shi collapses on the floor and enveloped in a white light. Kelley shields her eyes from the blinding light for a minute or so before it fades revealing a cougar sprawled on the floor with white fur with gold highlights. Chaka groans as shi gets up and sees hir new appearance. Looking at hir self for a minute shi with a shocked look then turns to hir mistress with new eyes that were all gold with black slits.


"Hopefully make you as endurable was a unicorn." Kelley answers unable to take her eyes of her lover. Chaka looks back at hir hand in awe.

"Really?" Shi asks.

"Only time will tell my love." Grabbing Chaka's hand she continues. "Your new look is making me hot. Let's go into a spare room and celebrate." Smirking at hir mistress Chaka asks.

"Why a spare room mistress?"

"Unia is sleeping in the main bedroom and shince shi helped get most of the ingredients for the potion shi deserves it." She leads the herm to one of the spare rooms and stats kissing and groping the cougar herm who soon responds in kind making Kelley wet. Soon Kelley uses her spells to shrink Chaka's cock to an endurable size and deactivates the cougar's cock rings and breaks off enough to push Chaka onto the bed. She then impales herself on the cock moaning with the filling pleasure. After a couple of seconds just sitting there Kelley starts to ride it causing more moaning from both lovers. Chaka gropes Kelley's breasts as shi starts to thrust into hir mistress. In minutes they both orgasm and Kelley collapses on top of her cougar as they rest for a few minutes. The two will continue for hours before losing to exhaustion.


One hundred years have past and Kelley Unia, and Chaka are lounging on the main tower enjoying the beautiful day. Chaka stretches in the chair feel good. Very good for a hundred thirty year old, shi hasn't aged since shi took that potion. The taste and the pain was worth it and shi has come to love hir look. Shi looks over to where one of the children was exercising. Giftia was hir and Kelley's first child, a herm shi had pure gold fur over most of hir body while hir belly was white scaled. Hir tail was dragonic in form but had the gold fur over most of it with more white scales on the under part. Shi has no wings and a cougar head but hir ears are a furry dragonic style. She was one of many children the 3 of them have had. Heck Chaka is pregnant with Unia's kid right now as she strokes hir belly. Both Unia and hirself have talked about making more potion for Kelley so they will all be AGELESS.

War Hound Chapter 3

A couple months pass and Rebirth was really able to pull off being Tyria. After some of Tyria's friends commented how odd her skin felt rubbery. This distressed Rebirth so much that after feeling the skin of Tyria's friends that rebirth could finally...

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Unia's Birth part 2

Chaka finally arrived into the town after a long journey. Chaka was a cougar female in her late twenties with a fit body. She looked a lot more feminine that her old mentor Lyndis and wore a more form fitting leather armor with metal plates and...

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Unia's Birth Part 1

Unia's Birth By Admiral Q Kelly sat on her throne thinking. Not that she actually had a kingdom to rule but she can't think of any other name for it. She did rule this tower and the woods around it so that will have to do. She was a great magic...

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