Unia's Birth part 2

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#2 of Unia's Birth

Chaka finally arrived into the town after a long journey. Chaka was a cougar female in her late twenties with a fit body. She looked a lot more feminine that her old mentor Lyndis and wore a more form fitting leather armor with metal plates and carried a staff. The cougar hasn't heard from or of her mentor in months and was quite worried. She started looking for Lyndis and discovered she meet someone in one town and then head ed for a tower near this one. If the older mare needed rescue maybe she'll finally be open to Chaka's advances. After being raped by her ex-boyfriend she has shunned all males. Yes she'll work with them for to be profitable merc she must but in romance she is only interested in females. She sought Lyndis out to train her because she was a successful female and eventually grew in love with the mare admitted old enough to be her mother if she were a mare but that didn't matter to Chaka. Lyndis was a strict but caring mentor and Chaka knew Lyndis' toned body didn't attract males but it did her. Chaka heads into the towns tavern and goes up to the inn keeper. "What do you know about the tower in the woods?" She asks him. He looks at her with fear.

"Why do you want to know it? It's better to leave it alone."

"I'm looking for a mare who's about forty years old. I was told she had a mission in that tower and hasn't come back yet."

"Then she probably never will. For your own good consider her dead. A powerful dragon mage lives there and thankfully she doesn't bother us much and we can sure she doesn't have a REASON to bother us. Go back to your life for your own good. None of us will try to rescue you if you try."

"I have no choice and I never expect help from males anyway. Thanks for the info, it will help." Chaka left the bar and went shopping for magical items to help combat a mage. Sadly she had to leave town to do it. She looks into the woods where the tower was with regret. She wants to get Lyndis out of there now but doing so she would ignore her mentor's teaching. 'Never rush into a situation for you may not have what you need to win. Gather information then get what you need, then go in.' "I will return soon Lyndis." She said as she left. Days later she returned and approached at night to the tower. She assumed Lyndis tried using one of the windows to get in. Chaka will try the roof. The grappling hook catches and Chaka spends the next half hour climbing the wall of the tower till she reached the roof. Showing her predatory nature Chaka silently walks across the roof to the hatch and sneaks in. This floor was filled with treasure. Something to consider as she leaves with Lyndis. She heads down the next floor and she catches the scent of a dragon female and the scent of Lyndis nearby though something was odd about it. She opens the door and sees a bedroom taking the entire next floor. The scents were really strong here. The dragon was raping her mentor. THAT COULD NOT STAND! She sees a lump on the bed. Too small to be two beings or Lyndis so it must be the dragon. Drawing her staff she walks over to the bed. A white blur charges to her from the shadows and Chaka swings her staff over to block a swinging blade. Chaka's opponent is surprised by how effective the staff was in blocking the sword. Chaka had it enchanted years ago for using it against blades. Through the moon light Chaka sees her opponent. It was a young unicorn mare with a katana sword. Just the type Lyndis would use, the unicorn's face also seemed familiar but Chaka couldn't place it. Fully looking at the mare she was fully toned like the cougars mentor but had bigger breasts. She could tell for the unicorn was completely naked. And she wasn't just female either. The unicorn had a cock which was surprisingly erect. Maybe she got off on fighting. Well that was a weak point. She fakes an attack to the shoulder and the unicorn predictably blocks it and Chaka uses the lower end to hit the erect cock. It connects.....and it does nothing to the unicorn. A fist connects to Chaka's cheek sending her back and she swings her staff back at the unicorn who has her sword ready. For the next couple of minutes the two trade blows and Chaka has a sense of deja vu, like she had this fight before. Maybe she fought this unicorn in the past. She uses her staff to block another blow from the sword and suddenly the unicorn spins and the back of the sword hits Chaka on the side of her neck. She drops her staff and hold her neck and then she sees a fist head hit for her. Then she knew pain and then darkness.

Unia watches the cougar fall to the ground passed out. Unia prepares to deliver the final blow when hir mistress says. "Halt."

"Mistress she's still a threat, let me remove her."

"No. I want to know who sent her hear. She will live for now. Take down to the special room" Unia sighs "As you wish mistress." Unia looks back down at the cougar. A part of the reason she wanted her dead was she was afraid. The cougar's appearance and fighting style felt so familiar to hir. But she's only known hir mistress and hirself. Nothing else besides the town where they get supplies. She's now afraid of what that could mean. She strokes hir cock with hir hand feeling the pleasure of the the stimulation and the even more pleasure of being denied the final result of orgasm. It relaxes hir and she picks up the cougar and the scent she gets from her once again seems familiar and Unia is once again scared wishing she had a hand free to stroke hir cock again.

When Chaka came to she found herself in the same room Lyndis was held in. In front of her she sees a naked and some what pregnant gray and silver dragoness and the unicorn herm with hir cock still erect. "Now my young cougar who sent you to kill me?"

"No one, I came to rescue Lyndis and when I smelled her scent in your bedroom I new you raped her and I hate rapers, so where is she?"

"Lyndis was never raped and she no longer exist either. She has become Unia behind me."

"What!" Chaka looks over to the unicorn and the unicorn also appears surprised. "How? Why?"

"I'd admit I was lonely. The town nearby respects me they also fear what I might do so no one ever visited or was interested in being a mate for me. I was also afraid they might try to harm me out of fear. So I search for a bodyguard to protect and love me. No one seemed worthy until I saw Lyndis. Though she was getting up there in years for a horse and female I could fix that and I did. Sadly she didn't like it so I had to remake her into Unia. Why does Lyndis matter to you? Truthfully I will not tolerate lies." Chaka looks at the dragon then over to what used to be her mentor than she lowered her head and replied.

"I guess it doesn't matter now. After a traumatic experience I wanted to learn to fight and I found Lyndis. She taught me everything I know about fighting and I came to love her. I repeatedly offered her my love but she always said she didn't swing that way. When I heard of her coming here I had hoped if I rescued her she may change her mind. Now she is gone. I have nothing to live for now, to what you will to me." Kelley was thrown back by the admission. She just stands there for a few minutes before leaving the room signaling for Unia to follow leaving Chaka hanging there.

Out in the hall Kelley looks at her pet and asks hir. "What do you think about what you heard?" Unia looks at her with a seriousness Kelley's never seen before but then again Unia has become more expressional from the time of her birth when she was nearly a drone.

"I admit mistress that I was shocked at my origins. When the cougar seemed familiar I was afraid of what I might find out. I was right to fear." Unia turns her head away. "I'm nothing but a toy." She says with extreme sadness. Kelley puts her clawed hand on Unia's muzzle to pull it so Unia's look at her in the eyes.

"Though I may treat you like a toy which I can't help, it's in my nature. You are more than just a toy to me. You are my lover, the father of my future children." Kelley rubs her slightly bloated belly. "I created the perfect mate for me in you. I will admit I wish Lyndis accepted the changes but she didn't so you were giving the chance to live in her stead. I may not have know much about her but I sensed the loneliness I felt in her was well. I could erase you and recreate you if I wanted to but I won't. Can you still love me now?" Unia look into hir mistress' eyes and saw the fear there. The fear of rejection. Unia closed her eyes and sighed.

"I am Unia now and forever Mistress, Lyndis who ever she was is gone. What are we going to do about the cougar?"

"Well how do you feel about her?"

"Well she came to rescue her mentor for no goal or reward except maybe love and..." Unia looks over to the closed door to the room holding Chaka. "Lyndis maybe gone but I care about what happens to her."

"Then you won't mind if she;d join us?"

"No but your the mistress your will be done." Kelley smiles and strokes Unia's cock causing the unicorn to groan.

"Don't you forget it." And both return to the room to an unchanged cougar. "Tell me your name cougar."


"Nice, well Chaka I'm going to present choices to you and you can accept or deny any of them. Understood?"


"You can stay with us and become another lover of mine. Would you be interested in that?" Chaka actually looks at the dragoness.

"Both you and hir?"

"Yes both of us."

"I might."

"Well if you do, you will agreeing to become my slave your body to be used as I see fit."

"Can you be more specific?"

"I want to turn you into a herm like hir and make your breasts a little bigger and have aroused and denied like hir. Now can you handle that being done to you or will you let me make a new persona to replace if not?" Chaka looks down then she looks at Unia. Unia looks back at her and Chaka can sees ghost of Lyndis in hir features. Maybe her mentor isn't completely gone just rearranged.

"Do it but I want to be me."

"Very well." Kelley began chanting and a familiar aura emerge around her. When her hand touched Chaka she saw the cougar tense as the pleasure and horniness flowed through the cougar. Chaka starts panting and sweat starts to show on her fur. Her clit grew and transforms into a fairly large cock and her breasts grew a size. Chaka orgasmed as the transformation was complete. Like Lyndis before hir she panted and hir new cock was semi erect. Kelley used her magic to create a ring and she puts in on Chaka's new cock. Kelley then released Chaka and Unia carried hir back to their bedroom. "Now let's have a round of fun, Unia impale hir and she'll impale me."

"NO! Mistress NO! No cock please!" Chaka wails.

"You're disobeying me Chaka." Kelley says coolly.

"I'm not trying mistress but please no cock. Please!" Keelley looks hard at the cougar herm and sees hir trembling in fear.

"All right no sex for you tonight but you will explain tomorrow. Unia in me." Unia entered her pussy and she mentally gave a command for the cock ring to tighten and vibrate heavily. Kelley has gotten into a mood and Unia will have to suffer heavy denial tonight which she will love every minute of. She was already groaning and all three fell asleep.

The next morning the three of them get up and head down to the kitchen and dinning room. Unia made breakfast as Chaka and Kelley waited. Unia brought out bacon and eggs for the Chaka and Kelley while she had some fruit and veggies for hirself. They ate in silence till the meal was done. After it was over Chaka helped Unia with the dishes. During this Chaka asks Unia a question. "Unia how to you stand having your cock constantly hard? I can barely take it myself. It's taking all my will not to try to stroke the thing to orgasm."

"Well one the mistress wouldn't mind if you did for it would be useless anyway for unless she commands it neither of us will ever reach orgasm so your just frustrate yourself more."


"Never and the reason I can stand it is because she made me to love it. In fact the more denied I am the more I love it. That will be your greatest problem besides whatever triggered last night." Chaka thought hard while she dried the dish Unia handed hir. "Having seconds thoughts about not being mentally altered?" Unia asks.

"Maybe a little but a never ran away from a challenge so it's some I'll have to get use to."

"Good." They finish the dishes in silence.

They returned to the dinning room and Kelley waited there until she finally said. "Okay Chaka what was with last nights panic attack?" Chaka sighs and walks towards the window looking out ans the sun glowed on her glorious naked body causing Unia's cock to twitch.

"When I was 18 my boyfriend took me to a lovely spot in the woods and raped me. I told him I wasn't ready for sex but he didn't want to hear it. He used me for two hours before he was done. Afterwards I told my parents and my father killed him but I couldn't be in his presence with out fear. Thankfully a female mind healer got that under control and I could stand to be near males again but after that. After that I was only interested in females. I had a couple of lovers in the past but with Lyndis I felt safe and cared for. The thought of a cock entering me again terrifies me. I can barely stand my own cock as well as Unia's."

"I understand your fear Chaka. What was done to you is horrible. Let me see what I can do to heal that." Kelley races down to her lab. The herms her the door shut from the dinning room and Unia comments.

"She may be in there for a while."


"When she needs to solve a problem she head to her lab and never comes out except to eat. I wouldn't recommend interrupting her unless you really want an orgasm denial you'll never forget." Chaka smirks at Unia and replies.

"Learned from experience huh?"

"Yup, nearly went beyond my love of denial so I'm being nice to warn you on that."

"What's with her that?"

"Dragon's are control freaks and the mistress has got it in spades and what greater control can she exert than to deny us the ability to orgasm. Oh expect when you ever go into town to do so naked."

"I had a feeling about the nudity thing and I don't mind that. So what should we do now?"

"Well are duties are to protect her and mate with her. When she is like this I either train, read from the library or pleasure myself."

"But you can't orgasm?"

"Remember I love being denied."

"Well I guess I could be trained to get used to that." Unia nods and gets on hir knees and was about to take Chaka's cock in hir mouth when Chaka's hand.

"The pussy please." Unia looks up at hir face and nods.

"Okay this time the pussy but next time it will be the cock."

"Yes ma'am." Unia moves hir muzzle lower and finds Chaka's pussy and starts licking. Chaka gasps in pleasure at the feeling of the broad smooth tongue in hir. Even the feeling of hir cock getting harder and throbbing wasn't enough to bother hir from the feeling. Unia could get that tongue deep in hir pussy and the pleasure was unbelievable. It kept building and building till nearly mindless pleasure Chaka says. "Oh Lyndis." The tongue stroking stops and Chaka realizes hir mistake. Unia gets up and goes to the window. Chaka follows and rest against the unicorns back. "Oh, Unia I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Chaka hears Unia sigh.

"I guess we both have to work that out don't we?"

"I guess so. You smell a lot like her and I can see her in your features."

"Well she is gone Chaka except for the training and the remnants of her feeling for you."

"Her feelings?"

"She cared about you. While she could not embrace the style of love you wanted she did love you. I However can love you that way."

"Let's try that again then."

It was two hours later when Kelley emerged from the lab and she found her two pest yiffing eachother in the dinning room. Unia licking Chaka's pussy. "Unia you're going to pay for leaving me out." With a command Unia's ring really tightens and vibrates hard causing a yelp from the unicorn. "Stop you two I need Chaka." reluctantly the two separate. Unia's cock visibly shaking from the vibrations of the ring. "Now Chaka I think I have a way to help with your panic attacks. It may seem cruel at fist but it can help you. Will you trust me enough to try?" Chaka looks down at the floor for a minute in deep thought before looking into Kelley's eyes.

"I'll give it a try."

"Good let's go into another room."

Later there in a special room and Chaka is sitting bound in a chair wait for what Kelley has planned. Kelley chants and and a red aura appears and focus on her hand. She then touches Chaka's cock. Immediately Chaka feels insane pleasure through hir cock. She strains against the chair to no avale and she feels hir cock grow. It grew and grew till it was nearly level with hir muzzle. The level of pleasure she feels through hir cock has not faded but she can turn to Kelley with a confused expression on hir face. "As you can feel your only receiving pleasure through your cock. To be free of your fear you must face it so you must suck on your own cock and do so for until I say otherwise. You will be allowed to orgasm through out this and your cum will proved you with nourishment. So you must suck to feed if you don't you will force me to intervene to save you and I will make sure the next attempt will be more torturous. See you later." Chaka's scream could be well heard as she closes the door behind her. "Now for you Unia." With a clap of her hands a device appeared. It looked like leather panties with two fake dragon cocks and a long strip of leather ending with a metal ring. Kelley put it on Unia shoving the cocks in and fitted the ring over Unia's cock. With everything in place she activates it and the ring and cocks vibrate hard. "You will wear that for a week and drink stims." Unia knew this was going to be a long week of denial, all the more to make it enjoyable.

For Chaka the pleasure was unbelievable, hir cock was throbbing need to be relieved, but there was only one way to do that. Suck hirself. But she hates cocks, with a passion they were pain and humiliation to hir. She only agreed to the change so she could be with what..I guess Unia could be Lyndis' successor. But know Kelley has done this to hir, Ooohhh! The pleasure drowns out hir thinking. For three LONG hours Chaka resisted touching hir cock, hir teeth gritting as she strain against the chair. The straining was useless for it was strong enough to hold a feral dragon with ease. Finally the mounting need was too much for the cougar and she lowered hir head and took the tip of hir cock into hir muzzle. It felt hot and surprising smooth, and it felt soooo good. She takes more of hir cock in and does an experimental lick. The pleasure was too much and she cums into hir open mouth. Unprepared for the force of it Chaka lifts hir head up and cum sprays all over for a couple of minutes. As she rests for a minute she notices that hir cock is still very hard. A minute later the vibrations and pleasure start all over again and she tries to resist again.

A week later

Chaka has buried as much of hir cock that can fit in hir mouth and she licks the cock with hir tongue like crazy. Until 3 days ago she tried to resist the wonderful pleasure playing with hir cock to give. What a silly notion. She cums again and she doesn't stop pleasuring hir cock as she swallows hir cum. She stop to swallow in the past but now she wanted to try to while doing so and boy did it feel good. With hir ministrations the orgasm lasted ten minutes before it finally petered out but she did not stop hir teasing keeping the level of pleasure high. In two minutes she's cumming again and she swallows it again. Hir stomach started getting bigger throughout all of this. How she could have think cocks where bad was now beyond hir.

A month has past since Kelley put Chaka in the room to help hir get over hir fear of cocks so it was time to see if it worked. Unia followed behind her groan as Kelley's tail teases Unia's cock. Kelley belly has really grown and she was clearly pregnant. Kelley opens the door and sees Chaka's cock buried as deep as it can go in its current size and the cougar moans as she orgasms again clearly enjoying it. Kelley chants and she breaks the spell. Chaka's cock returns to normal size. Chaka moans in disappointment. "Please I need more...more.." And the cougar herm passes out. Unia shakes hir head and comments. "It looks like it worked." The unicorn works on freeing the cougar from the chair. Kelley replies.

"We'll find out when she wakes up, whenever that is. A month of doing that would exhaust anyone."

"Can I try it?"

"Never I won't be without you for a month."


Chaka slept for a whole day though hir cock was erect the whole time thanks to the ring. Finally she woke up and was treated to a nice meal to restore hir strength. Afterwards Kelley asks hir. "So how do you feel about cock now?" Chaka responds by launching hir self at Unia and puts the unicorns cock completely in hir mouth and she started to move hir head up and down while sucking and licking it. Both herms groan though Chaka's was muffled by the cock in hir mouth. Kelley allowed them to do that to eachother before letting Unia cum and she sees Chaka swallow every bit of cum. Chaka. "I guess it did work." Chaka stand up and licks hir lips of any remaining cum and says.

"Yes mistress I love cocks now that you so much. But mistress can I have that cock back I loved sucking on it."

"But it's to big for me to take."

"Please mistress." 'Who ever thought a cat could do the cute puppy dog eye trick' Kelley thinks. She looks up at the ceiling thinking for a minute before a mage light lights up in her head. She puts her hands together and does a small chant. When she opens them up a silver and red ring is there. She places the ring on Chaka's cock. When it gets behind the cocks head it tightens. Then Chaka's cock grows till it once again just below Chaka's muzzle. "Thank you mistress. AAAAHHH!" A very powerful vibration comes from both rings and Kelley states.

"The new ring allows me control over your cock it's default setting is what you wanted. That size cock but I addded a few things. One I can change it back when I want you in me. Two You will be teased much more than Unia is and no matter how much you lick and suck you will not cum. Understand?"

Chaka nods, though she doesn't love denial like Unia deas..yet it's well worth it to have that cock again. She immediately starts sucking and licking hir cock standing there to the chuckles of hir lovers.

A few months later

Kelley has finally laid her eggs in a nest made in her bedroom and now was the time for what she's been waiting to do for months. Unia and Chaka stand in from of her and for once Chaka's cock isn't in hir mouth. She has allowed Chaka to be a cum factory for a week in the intern time and she was locked away so Unia and Kelley could watch. Chaka always brings stares when she goes into town. Kelley was in such a good mood that when she saw a starving pair of kids. She gave them a bag of gold bring even more shock stares than even Chaka's cock. With a command Chaka's cock returns to it's original size and a look of sadness appears on the cougars face. "Chaka enter my pussy." Know a command when she hears it slowly thrusts hir cock in hir mistress's pussy. Kelley moaned in pleasure. "Now Unia my rear." Unia smiles and enters hir mistress's tailhole which she used a lot during the pregnancy. Both herms start to slowly thrust in and out of the dragoness with all three of them moaning in pleasure. Soon the herms pick up the pace and much grunting and moaning followed. In five minutes it was too much fro all of them and all three orgasm. Kelley feels completely filled by them and they collapse onto the bed. They star playing with each others breasts taking turn milking each other. They cum again and all three fall asleep while Kelley keeps their hard cocks in her she smiles. Yes her plan couldn't have gone better. She had a family that was HERS now.

Unia's Birth Part 1

Unia's Birth By Admiral Q Kelly sat on her throne thinking. Not that she actually had a kingdom to rule but she can't think of any other name for it. She did rule this tower and the woods around it so that will have to do. She was a great magic...

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The next day Samantha and Glade leave the tower and head back to Woodland. Samantha still trying to get over the fact she's pregnant. "Darn Malachor, raping me wasn't enough you just had to knock me up." The child in her belly is innocent of its...

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