Unia's Birth Part 1

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#1 of Unia's Birth

Unia's Birth By Admiral Q

Kelly sat on her throne thinking. Not that she actually had a kingdom to rule but she can't think of any other name for it. She did rule this tower and the woods around it so that will have to do. She was a great magic wielder, far more than the typical dragon. The tower was filled with powerful magical items and other trinkets. But she sat there alone and naked, why bother dressing if your the only one there. While the closest town respected her and her claim of the woods, no one visited her. They see her as not exactly evil but as something to tolerate. While there are pluses to that but also to big minuses. The first is the loneliness, her master died lone ago and she never had a good relationship with her parents, she was to dominate to suit them so she let them and never looked back. The second problem is fear. Though she is respected many also fear her and may try to be rid of her. While a powerful mage she's not very strong physically, average for a dragon. She tried making friends at the town but all politely refused and it's not a hot bed for any mercenaries but that does give and idea. She packs some things and heads out flying naked through the air. It takes her a couple days to get to a town where she can hopefully find a mercenary suitable. She drops into the outskirts of town and chants a spell making her look like a typical lizard female instead of a dragon female. She then takes out some clothes and further cover her so there's no way to mistake her for her real self. She then heads into town. She first heads into a bar and looks around after ordering a drink. While she saw some mercenaries none of them looked very strong to her opinion. She waited there for hours for leaving for another bar. Bar after bar was failure after failure. None of the mercs she found her just right. She sat on an outside table trying to think of what to do. When she saw someone walk by. It was a horse, mare though with the muscles she saw and those hidden by her armor she could easily handle male opponents. She had a Katana style blade on her back as well as a bow and quiver of arrows. Though she appeared in her forties she was the one Kelly thought. She gets up and approaches the mare. Lyndis was perplexed. She has had great success as a merc and was well repested. But the merc life has become dull to her. She thought of settling down but no stallion wanted a mare that could beat them. Nor did it appear males of other races either for that matter. Heck the only person who had the slightest interest was a young cougar female who she trained. Lyndis didn't swing that way and Chaka was more like a daughter to her anyway. Till she can figure out what to do she'll continue to be a merc. Maybe something will come along. "Excuse me ma'am." Lyndis stops and looks behind her. She sees a figure who only went up to her shoulders but that's not a surprise she's pretty tall even for a horse. "Yes?" Lyndis asks. "I need your help retrieving someone." Mentally sighing she figures she might as well, she has nothing better to do. "I'm Lyndis, let's head over to that table and discuss it." The figure (female by the voice) nods and follows. They both sit down and the other female starts her story. A dragon female has taken my lover and holds her in a tower. I need you to go a get her out." The female then puts a bag on the table. "Is this enough?" Lyndis looks into the bag and finds many gold coins. A lot for a rescue but not insanely so. If it was more she would have declined to fearing it a trap of some kind. "Yes it is." The female nods and pulls out a map. "Here's where the tower is, sadly I don't know much about the defense except that the dragon is alone in the tower minus my lover." Lyndis studies the map before answering. "It's a ways from here so it will take time." "No problem as long as my lover is brought to me. That's all that matters." "Well I'll try miss?" "I'm Nelly. Have a safe journey there." Nelly then gets up and walks away leaving Lyndis to grab the bag of gold and think what she might need. Kelly grinned as she left the town. Once she got far enough away she stripped reverted to her true form. And headed back home. She had a week or so to prepare for her guest. The first couple of days she work on the magic to trap Lyndis. Unsure on how the mare will come in she tried think of ever possible way she knew. Next she studied and work on the spell she need for what she planned. Finally after exhaustive work she was done, Now all she has to do is wait for Lyndis. Lyndis approached the tower at night. It was a large tower but had no outer wall a handful of windows spread though out the stone work and a pair of heavy doors marked the front. Lyndis cautiously approaches the side of the tower and takes out a grappling hook and rope. She swings it for a minute before letting it fly. Her first attempt missed but she gets the seconds and she starts climbing. Minutes later she reaches the window halfway up the tower where the grappling hook latched to and climbs into the room. Though dark she can see various items and rugs in the room. She aims for the rugs since her hooves will be louder than the feet of other races. She slowly heads towards the door when a statue of a lion leaps at her. She doges to the left and instinctively swings her blade at it. Sparks fly and it hits but nothing more. Cursing Lyndis takes out a magic talisman and chant a spell. A beam of light comes out of the talisman and hits the stone lion reverting it back into a normal statue. Sure that it was defeated she leaves the room. She cautiously walks down the hall listening and looking for signs of a trapped female. Seeing none she heads for the stairs and heads up. She doesn't encounter any traps on the stairs. The next floor had only three rooms on it. One was a library of some kind. Another seemed to be a lab. And the final one Storage of some kind. No sign of anyone here. So on the the next floor. The next two floors she fights off a plant of some kind followed by animated chains. She manage to defeat them but she was growing tired. Not as young as she used to be and she wish Nelley told her the dragon was a practicing mage but maybe she didn't know. The next floor looked like a throne room with a large stone dragon behind the throne. With the stairs ending here she knew there must be more stairs elsewhere since she not at the top yet. She starts to look when she hears a growl. She looks just in time to see a stone claw swinging at her. She dives the the ground as the claw swings by. She rolls to a crouch just as its tail swings at her. No time to move she tries to put her sword between her and the tail. The sword and tail connects and after a second the blade snaps and the tail hits her sending her flying. When she comes to she'd on the ground feeling hurt all over with the dragon walking towards her. She takes out another talisman, the last one ran out of juice and uses it against the dragon. She hope to save it for the real dragon in the tower but now she has no choice. An energy bolt emerges from the talisman and hits the stone dragon causing it to explode. Lyndis groans as she slowly gets up with bits of stone falling around her. Before she can do anything more she feels something hit her back and then she knew only darkness as her body hits the floor and Kelly comes out of a doorway smirking. When Lyndis came to again again she felt her arms suspended above her and her legs spread apart. Surprisingly she didn't feel any pain. She also didn't feel any clothes on her body either. She opened her eyes and looked down. Yup her breast were bare and the can see her lower waist was as well. Looking around she was in a room of some sort lighted by mage lights. She was held by energy ropes the floor was not flat but lead towards a grate in the center near her. She was not touching the ground at all. "Good to see you a wake my pet. You fought very well and I'm proud of you." Lyndis looks towards the surprisingly familiar voice and sees a gray and silver dragoness with teal eyes walk towards her naked. "Where's the girl you took?" Lyndis asks. "Right here." the dragonees replies pointing to Lyndis. Lyndis looks seriously at the dragoness. "You're Nelly." "Actually I'm Kelley but there's your smarts showing up. Once again you show why you were a good choice." "For what?" "To be my lover and bodyguard." "Kelley I don't swing that way and come on I'm forty so who be much use to you after a few years anyway." Lyndis did not like the smile she saw on Kelley's face. "Don't worry I'm going to fix that." Kelley begins chanting and a green aura surrounds Kelley then it races towards Lyndis. She didn't really feel any different. Kelley giggles at the confused look on Lyndis' face. She claps her hands and a mirror appears between them. It expands into a full length mirror and the image shocks Lyndis. Her body looked like it did when she was twenty though she didn't have the muscles she has now then. "You certainly aged well from what I see, but were not done yet." Putting the mirror down Kelley walks over to a table and grabs something. What ever the thing was it was gold she saw as Kelley walked back. Kelley then closes her eyes and chants again. Green and gold energy surrounds the dragoness. She stands and chants for minutes before the energy races towards Lyndis again. This time she does feel something. Tingling throughout her body and most thing growing out of her forehead. She grits her teeth as this happens. After a minute it is done and Lyndis with a very worried expression. A tired looking Kelley grins and points to the mirror. She looks and her jaw drops. If it could it would go all the way to the floor. She was a unicorn a FREAKING UNICORN! Her fur was a gleaming white, her mane and tail a shiny gold as well as her hooves. The only parts she recognizes is her muscled figure and her eyes. She was beautiful. "Aren't I nice. I made you into a Unicorn. I;m not done with you yet but.." A yawn interrupts her. "But I'm exhausted to that much so I'm done for tonight so just one more thing." Kelley grabs a large vial. "You heard of stims?' Kelley asks. "Yes. They allow a being to go for days with out food, water and even waste dumps." "That's what this is so open up." Lyndis sees no use in fighting that and opens her mouth and Kelley pours in down the mares throat. When done Kelley kisses her on the cheek and says. Goodnight my pet." As she leaves the mage light dims to where it's equal to moonlight. She looks at her new image in the mirror. Unicorns were ageless beings. She could now technically outlive the dragon holding her. Unicorns also have amazingly regenerative healing. Though generally peaceful they had dedicated army that was respected by all, even dragons. Lyndis always secretly wanted to be one and now she was thanks to a dragon. She still wasn't going to forgive her for all of this. Lyndis fell asleep with all of this going through her mind. When Lyndis woke up again nothing seemed different. She just hung there trying to think of a way to escape. Then at one point she felt energy pulsing to her. It was a steady rhythm like someone beating a drum every few seconds. Wait no she remembers. Unicorns can feel magic and work it to like dragons. Maybe she can use them to escape. No both Unicorns and Dragons needed train to make magic useful and she didn't know any. Talismans that she both was the limits of her knowledge. The pulsing continue for a long time. Probably hours Lyndis guessed when it suddenly stopped. Some time later Kelley appeared. "Now for the next phase." the dragoness said. She chants again and a pinkish blue light appears and focuses on Kelley's hand. Kelley then walks close to Lyndis and touches Lyndis' clit. Immediately a surge of pleasure zipped through her body. She never felt such pleasure before. While it was all of her body it really focused on her crotch and breasts. Then she felt incredibly horny and she felt her breasts get heavier and her clit grew out, then grew and grew and just as she felt like she was going to burst it all ended and she dropped her head and panted from exhaustion. Then she notice her image in the mirror. Correction, hir image, standing semi erect on her crotch was a cock. A nice size one to Lyndis was now a hermaphrodite, she dared lift hir head up further and sees what happened to hir breasts. She still maintained hir fitness she now had bigger more feminine looking breasts. Still trying to come to grips with hir change Kelley walks up and strokes the unicorns cock. "Nice huh, your balls are internal so you can father children for me." "I'm going to kill you for this. Very slowly." Kelley looks into Lyndis' eyes and sees the herm means every bit of it. "Tsk tsk tsk. I'd hope this won't be necessary, but I prepared for it. Kelley walks back to the table and and grabs a few items. She then walks behind Lyndis and flies up to be level with the unicorn. Then she shoved a butt plug up the unicorns butt causing Lyndis to yell which is cut short when a gag is shoved into her mouth and tied. "I'm sorry about that but you wouldn't open your mouth on your own. She then stuffs a fake cock in the herms pussy and then puts a ring on hir cock. She then uses rope to keep the plug and fake cock in place. Kelley then walks in front of Lyndis and claps her hands and snaps her fingers. Lyndis then feels vibrations in her lower areas and soon hir new cock is fully erect and throbbing. "I'll be back tomorrow bye." Kelley leaves and the mage lights dim again leaving Lyndis to the teasing pleasure. Lyndis moans and groans threw the gag and the pleasure builds in her. She tries humping the air and she is feeling that she will be near orgasm. Just when she is at the peak of cumming the ring around her cock tightens and the vibrations become less/ "Oh come on I was so close!" She thinks, and tries to endure the continuing teasing. In a few minutes she's the the near and this time the devices keep her there she is so close to cumming but the ring prevented from happening. She couldn't now think of killing Kelley because of the frustration. As the night went on her mind emptied of nearly everything except the need to cum. Surprisingly all her combat train was fine but she could remember who taught her what in it and soon she even forgot her name all she cared about was cumming the combat stuff could wait she needs to cum. Kelley when to down to check on Lyndis she saw what she expected. The unicorn herm sweaty and humping the air with a throbbing cock. With a word the ring around the herm's cock loosens and Lyndis came like an explosion. Hir sperm actually hits the wall in from of hir and the herm feels her past life leave through the sperm. After five minutes she stops cumming and passed out. Kelley cleans the unicorn and then the floor. When she is done two hours have past and she goes to wakes the herm up. Once she managed that she looks up at the unicorn and asks."Who are you?" "Your slave." the unicorn said tonelessly "Your name?" The unicorn pauses before replying. "I don't have one mistress." Kelley smiles at the answer. "Nevermind that now." with a chant she dissipates the chains for she no longer need them. She also removed the devices except for the cock ring which is really loose so the herms cock is hanging."Come I have a test for you." "Yes mistress." They head up 5 floors till they reach a large room with humanoid dummies. Kelley hangs the unicorn a sword. "Here show me what you can do with it." "Yes mistress." With that the unicorn when about destroying the dummies with chops, slices, and stabs. All with an expressionless face. In a minute the dummies were ruins. "GOOD JOB! Everything worked out well. Give me the sword." The unicorn wordlessly hands her the sword and Kelley hold up a very ornate Katana sword. "This sword has been in the treasure room for a century. It is magically infused to be diamond hard and even stone striking it will not break it. It is now your to use. Put in on." The unicorn puts on the thin but sturdy belt and scabbard and sword. Kelley looks at hir and clap snaps again. The ring tightens and vibrates till the cock is perfectly erect as the unicorn grunts. "Here's the facts my slave. Your name is Unia, you are my slave, bodyguard, and lover. You will obey my orders and protect me at all costs. You will always be naked and aroused. Your cock with always be erect unless I deem otherwise. You love being aroused and denied at all times. The ring around your cock will prevent injury during combat. You understand?" "Yes mistress." "Let's test it, come." They head to the throne room and Kelley pulls out a chair. "Sit." Unia sits down and Kelley continues. "Now suck your self but down not cum or stop until I say otherwise. Unia responds by taking hir own shaft in her mouth and starts licking and sucking it. Kelley meanwhile returns to her throne. She watches her pet tease hirself for two hours without cumming though it was seeming to be harder need the end. "Stop." Unia slowly lifts her head while her cock visibly throbbed. Kelley mentally tightens the ring and says. "Good girl not impale your cock in me." Kelley has gotten really wet from the show and had her own need. Unia walks over to hir mistress and thrust hir cock in the awaiting pussy. Unia grunts as Kelley gasps in pleasure. "Now pump slowly." Unia complies and slowly goes in and out of hir mistress causing pleasure tio surge through hir as well as pain caused by the rings blocked which only arouses hir more. For Kelley her pet's cock was indeed filling and she loved riding it. This was the best choice she ever made. After ten minutes she finally cums. She pets Unia's main. "Good girl now out." After doing so she notices how messy both of them are. "Let's go wash up." They shower together to was off all the cum and Kelley a couple of times strokes Unia's cock enticing groans from hir. Kelley takes them to the kitchen to make a meal but she fines out she's short some ingredients. "Well it looks like I'm going have to get dressed and the town will get to see you." It was late afternoon when the pair arrives into town. Kelley wearing a leather armor outfit with a short sword and her spells for protection while Unia only wore her blade and ring and her cock proudly erect making the townsfolk pay attention. Kelley walk over to the food stalls while Unia followed, her head constantly moving to find any threat to hir mistress. Kelley got what she wanted and headed to the farmer who grew it. The farmer asks her. "Was she one of us?" "Nope and it will stay that way unless you give me a reason. How much?" He tells her the price and she pays it and leaves town know her legend has just increased. She heads home and strips and has Unia watch her as she cooks so the unicorn could learn how to. She only retained her training from her previous life. After dinner Kelley decides to head for bed. She has Unia lied down first and she loosens the cock ring. She then rides Unia till they both cum and she falls asleep with Unia's cock still in her. She was happy for she was no longer alone.

Unia's Birth part 2

Chaka finally arrived into the town after a long journey. Chaka was a cougar female in her late twenties with a fit body. She looked a lot more feminine that her old mentor Lyndis and wore a more form fitting leather armor with metal plates and...

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The next day Samantha and Glade leave the tower and head back to Woodland. Samantha still trying to get over the fact she's pregnant. "Darn Malachor, raping me wasn't enough you just had to knock me up." The child in her belly is innocent of its...

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