Debbie Chapter 2

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#2 of Debbie

After burying Snowhunter the pack went on to its daily routine, well almost. Sarah tended to the feral wolf's wounds. After a couple of days of resting and as the pack could tell mourning its fallen pack it started seeming alert and responsive. And made Sarah his new alpha and she named him Rex. Why only she knows. Pup was hanging out with a wolf her age named Razor. Both she and Silverback gave Razor a stern warning. "Treat her well or you'll know pain." Jezeca herself was lounging on a small hill with Nadia lying next to her stroking Jezeca's belly. Most of the time she and Nadia do threesomes with Silverback but on occasion they still do a little one on one without him. Nadia has grown in much in her self confidence and hardly calls Jezeca mistress anymore, it's either Jezeca or alpha which made Jezeca glad that the wolfess has heal so much since she was saved from Lei Vu. They Stroking soon became more intimate as Nadia strokes Jezeca's breasts and soon the two wolves are kissing eachother till Nadia gets on top and goes into a 69 position and starts licking her lovers pussy. Jezeca returned the gesture and the two soon go full out licking and moaning. After a few minutes they both climax and Nadia collapses on Jezeca and the two rest.

"MAIL CALL!" A young female wolf yells. Both Jezeca and Nadia groan from the rude awakening.

"Why does Tersa have to do that?" Nadia asks.

"You're asking me!? She's your daughter not mine." Nadia groans again.

"Don't remind me." Nadia eventually roles off her alpha female as Tresa hands Jezeca the mail. She is the only one who gets mail in the pack and a few other wolves' chuckle at the 3 wolves, especially Pup which Jezeca glares at. She takes the mail from Tresa and gives the young wolf a warning.

"Do that again and I'll have you hog tied, gagged, and teased by Raceh for hours." Over the years Raceh has come to like sexually teasing anyone she can. She'll tease them but no matter what they can not cum. Jezeca has started using the wolfess as a form of punishment. Tresa bows and says.

"Understood Alpha." Tresa turns around and a smirk appears on her face as she walks away. With a hint of amusement in her voice Jezeca comments.

"Don't think I don't notice that smirk of yours." Jezeca opens the letter and starts to read. She doesn't get far when she says weakly. "No." She holds the letter to her chest and she closes her tear filled eyes. After a minute she goes back to reading and manages to finish.

"What's wrong?" Nadia asks.

"Debbie and Biff are dead, house fire." Nadia hugs her for her comfort.

"I'm so sorry Jezeca."

"I'm going into town tonight to pay my respects."

"I and Pup are going with you. We both meant her."

"So am I." Silverback joins in. "I meant her a few times and admired her so we'll all go." The rest of the day was more solemn then they were at the start of the day. When night finally came four werewolves left the den heading for the nearby town.

It was very dark when the four werewolves reach the town. They head for the remains of a house at the end of town. There was still wisps of smoke from the remains. Biff's body was found but not Debbie's; it was believed that her body burned up in the fire. Jezeca walks through the ruins with great sadness, not only was this her friend's home before her change it was hers. She steps around where the bedroom used to be when a pair of scents gets her attention. One is Debbie's and it was somewhat fresh and leads a bit away from the house. The other was a werecat scent. Could they have missed one? She crouches down and sniffs around the area. Debbie's and the werecat's scents continue for ten feet before she just smells the werecat but there's no blood. DEBBIE COULD STILL BE ALIVE! "A werecat did this and Debbie might still be alive."

"How do you know?" Silverback asks. Jezeca points to the direction she was getting the scent.

"I smell them going in that direction."

"Alright we'll go." Silverback doesn't sound happy about it. The four werewolves leap into the trees hoping to find a friend.

Debbie when in and out of consciousness for she doesn't know how long. Finally she wakes up and she sees it is day time. She's resting against a tree with her limbs bound and her stripped naked. She sees the werecat approach her and she snarls at him. "Good, you still have your spirit. You're gonna need it. He extends one claw and scratches her arm and she yelps in pain. "Most scream louder they one of us does that." He grunts and he cuts himself on his arm. After digging in to make sure he's got his blood on his claw he goes over to Debbie and presses his blood covered claw against her wound. She hisses from the pain and the werecat chuckles and comments. "That was almost worthy of a werecat." He then turns around and walks away and she asks.

"Why don't you just kill as you did my husband?"

"Because I have use for you that I didn't with him." He returns with a piece of meat. "Eat up you'll need your strength."

"Why did you attack us? I never meant a werecat before in my life." The werecat growled before responding.

"My pride was destroyed but someone I heard was a friend of yours. Since I can't kill her I'll settle on having my revenge by making you a werecat."

"A werecat! No no, it can't be true!" She shakes her head vigorously.

"Yes you are now one, if you don't believe me now you will soon. I didn't believe it myself when I was changed. Before that I helped out my brother when he went out merchant hunting." He looks up into the sky. "I wonder how my niece Veli is doing?"

"Veli? I know a Veli."

"What!? Tell me!"

"Jezeca came through town one day decades ago with a girl named Veli. She said she was taking care of the girl."

"Did Jezeca kill the parents?"

"No Jezeca would never do that. The girl's mother died of an illness and her father recently died from a bandit attack." Werecat looks up again with tears streaming from his face. When she finished the meat he gives her a drink and washes her face. Her face and body have been slowly changing as the time past. She when from being a 70 year woman to a mid twenty year old woman with brown hair and green eyes.

"My name is Jeff by the way and I am the Alpha of the new pride we will be making." Jeff gets up and walks away.

Jezeca and her packmates have been tree hoping for a day staying on the trail of the werecat. Finally they come to a clearing and see the werecat carrying a young woman over his shoulder. Her scent is Debbie's but its has been changed. "Halt right their cat!" The four wolves surround the werecat. He puts down Debbie and launches an attack on Silverback who was in front of him. Silverback grabs him and throws him back saying. "He's all yours mate." She smirks at him before engaging the werecat. She moves so fast he has no time to really defend himself as he his pummeled mercilessly. After ten minutes Jezeca has had enough. The werecat weakly says.

"It isn't fair." Before Jezeca rips his head off. She then walks over to Debbie who's shivering in fear.

"It's okay Debbie your safe." Jezeca cuts the ropes binding Debbie and Debbie gets up and starts running away. "Debbie! Debbie wait!" Jezeca looks alittle ahead of Debbie and yells. "DEBBIE WATCH OUT!" Debbie who was constantly looking behind her now looks ahead. Just in time to see the tree branch.

Jezeca watches as her friend hits the branch and falls to the ground. She races over and fines her friend unconscious but alive. Shaking her head she picks up her friend. "What are you doing mate!?" Silverback asks.

"What do you think I'm taking her home."

"Uh, her home is in ruins."

"Our HOME duh."

"But she's a cat."

"SHE'S MY FRIEND AND I WILL HELP HER!" Silverback sighs and shakes his head and mutters.

"This will be trouble." The four wolves leave with one carrying a future werecat leaving the other werecats remains to the animals of the woods.

Debbie Chapter 3

Debbie groans and rubs her head. What a weird dream I had, Biff being murdered, captured by a werecat, saved by a werewolf with Jezeca's voice. Must have eaten something bad last night. Surprisingly she doesn't feel the usual aches and pains that come...

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War Hound Chapter 2

Rebirth walks down a city street with a sense of nostalgia and for a minute doesn't know why. 'Ah yes Tyria's memories, she has been down this street many times in the past'. As the disguised war hound looks around the people around her don't notice...

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Samantha hunts for her breakfast the next morning and has a nice deer. After breakfast she heads back into the tower and looks for Glade. After an hour she has no luck, she stands in the grove roof scratching her head when a hand lands on her...

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