War Hound Chapter 2

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#2 of War Hound

Rebirth walks down a city street with a sense of nostalgia and for a minute doesn't know why. 'Ah yes Tyria's memories, she has been down this street many times in the past'. As the disguised war hound looks around the people around her don't notice anything wrong with her, good. Rebirth observes the city and its activities while on the way to Tyria's old home which will serve as Rebirth's base. She finally gets to the apartment build that houses her place. Her place was on the third floor she tries to open the outer door only to find it locked. 'Oh yes I need a key', Rebirth starts looking through the backpack looking for it. After five minutes of looking she couldn't find it. 'Where are those keys?' Then the preverbal light bulb comes on. 'Tyria was wearing it when Midnight absorbed her.' She closes her eyes and focus on an image of the key from Tyria's memories and in a minute one of her fingers looked like the key. She puts in the lock and turns it. The door opens for her and takes the elevator to her floor. She walks to her apartment and tries the key again but the key doesn't fit. 'duh, need a second key for this one' and she changes the key and the door unlocks. She looks around the living room of her parent's home. She spends time looking over the various items in the apartment. She also checks out Tyria's computer and what her parent did on there. She even checked out the bathroom and saw herself in the mirror. She looked GOOD, She opens her mouth to view her teeth. She notices that the back of her mouth was black. 'Hmm, well hopefully no one will notice.' She suddenly yawns big time. Well she has done a lot for her first day alive. She heads to the bead room and focuses again and 20 minutes later a war hound is standing there instead of a human woman. Rebirth then jumps on the bed, curls around it self and falls to sleep.

Rebirth spends the next two days exploring the city with a familiar fascination. While when she is at home she is either a nude human or a War Hound. Sadly She had to go to Tyria's work for she needs the apartment to live and that requires money thus she has to use Tyria's job. So when assuming Tyria's form in the morning, Rebirth usually sleeps in War Hound form she forms a mechanic outfit and takes Tyria's car to work. Thankfully she got replacements for all the keys lost when she was born. Tyria worked at an independent garage called Dependable Garage with two other people. Nick was a white bulky guy and a wiz at money and investments. As such he usually worked in the office but he can help repair cars in a pinch. Leo was a skinny black guy but great with cars. He can get a car most would say could only be scrap metal in to a purring decent car in a couple weeks. Tyria was not quite as good as Leo but she was good at getting parts and usually works on restoration projects. A restoration project was one of two things for Tyria. The first is a car a customer brings in and wants it either restored a modified while the second is a car Tyria finds and slowly restores or customizes when she has time and then sells it. She walks in and Nick sees her first. "Hey Tyria how was the hike?"

"Enlightening and transforming experience. Maybe you should try it some time."

"I'll say you changed your hair...and your eyes." Nick's eyes narrowed.

"Well I did run into some trouble. A reaction to something out there and the only way to recover was some genetic modification. The result is what you see with my hair and eyes."

"You okay?"

"Yah I'll be fine just need to make some adjustments. Getting back to work should help."

"Okay then Tyria." Rebirth heads into the actual garage area and sees Leo head first in a car. Rebirth seeks up to Leo and when she's close she yell out. "HEY LEO!" Leo jumps and bangs his head on the hood of the car.

"OOWWW, DARN IT TYRIA DON'T DO THAT!" Rebirth just smiles at him. "Hey what did you do to your hair and eyes?" Rebirth gave the same excuse that she used for Nick. When she was done she asks.

"What needs doing?" Leo points to the stall next to him.

"The Skyline over there needs a new turbine in the engine." Rebirth nods and heads over. The Skyline had an old 1950's look with the fins on the rear and the coloring but then the company making the air car was in bad shape and the retro look saved it. It wasn't a bad air car to have despite its looks. Except for paneling where the tires would be it did look like an old ground hugging car of the last century. Rebirth opens up the hood and starts to work on the turbine. Air cars work by having a main turbine generating power for thrusters to lift and propel the car. The turbine in this one was off centered and missing blades. For the next couple hours Rebirth replaced the turbine and tested it. After letting Nick know the Skyline was done and with no new cars to work on Rebirth goes over to Tyria's project, a first generation Air Rider air car. A decent vehicle in its day that Tyria found in a junk yard. To Tyria it looked rebuildable so she bought and has been working on restoring it so she can sell it and get a little extra cash. Since she's supposed to be Tyria when around these humans she acts like her and gets started on the project. She replaced some of the bad paneling and replaced a bad wheel axel. The first generation aircars still had wheels for the option of riding the ground. At one point she just finished replacing another panel when someone taps her shoulder. Rebirth looks behind her and sees Leo. "Hey Tyria we're going out for lunch, wanna come?" As a War Hound Rebirth doesn't need food but if she's going to play Tyria she have to endure it.

"Alright let me wash up." In minutes the head down to a local McDonald's. Rebirth got Tyria's usual order, Chicken McNuggets with large fries and large Chocolate shake. She takes a bite and she is surprised to the taste of it. She scarfs down the Mcnuggets quickly then she tries the shake. She takes a sip and thinks. "OOOHHH! So creamy!" She finishes half the shake before moving on to the fries. She ate one and it tastes good but she felt something was missing. She looks into Tyria's memories and yup she missed something, salt. She when got some and tried a fry again and "oh so good." She chatted with Nick and Leo as they finish up their lunch and then head back. AS they get back and Mail truck lands and a Fed Ex man comes out with a large box.

"Tyria Dragon?" He asks.

"That's me." Rebirth replies.

"Sign hear please." Using his head to point to the tablet on top of the box. Rebirth signs it and takes it in. She opens the box and in it was an engine part.

"Ah yes the part Tyria ordered before she when hiking." She takes the part over to where pieces of an engine lay. This engine is meant for the Air Rider and she gets to work on it. Throughout the day she pauses in the projects work to work on costumer cars till finally it was closing time. She actually yawns a bit and Leo notices and asks.

"Are you sure your all right the inside of your mouth is all black."

"I'm fine, just need to take my meds." She waves goodbye to Nick and Leo think to herself, "Can't wait to make more War Hounds with them." She drives home in a Skyman coupe, an old but dependable aircar. A mechanic should have the right car. If they have a brand new car then the mechanic is over charging or isn't as good as a mechanic as the person should be. She goes home and becomes nude again while she watched TV and surf the web. Eventually she reverts to War Hound and heads to bed.

She was in the woods enjoying the feel of the breeze on her skin. She loved being out in the woods. Wait there was movement in the woods. She takes out her gun and aims at where the movement was coming from. A black shiny dog with almost luminous red eyes emerges. The dog starts making friendly and playful moves and she lowers her guard and beckoned the dog to her. It approaches giddily and when five feet away the dog jumps on top of her. She tries to push it off but she feels in melting on her. She tries to scream for help but the dog melts into her mouth muffling her. Filled with intense fear she watches the world go dark around her.

And Rebirth wakes up panting. It looks around and sees Tyria's bedroom. Its chest heaving as it breathes in an unconscious reaction. War Hou8nds don't need to breathe but playing as Tyria made a reflex Rebirth is usually unaware of it. It stops breathing to calm itself down. That was weird, being born should be a joyous thing yet it felt fear from its other parent. It will have to ask Midnight about it. It collapses back into the bed and falls asleep again.

War Hound Chapter 3

A couple months pass and Rebirth was really able to pull off being Tyria. After some of Tyria's friends commented how odd her skin felt rubbery. This distressed Rebirth so much that after feeling the skin of Tyria's friends that rebirth could finally...

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