War Hound Chapter 3

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#3 of War Hound

A couple months pass and Rebirth was really able to pull off being Tyria. After some of Tyria's friends commented how odd her skin felt rubbery. This distressed Rebirth so much that after feeling the skin of Tyria's friends that rebirth could finally mimic it. Rebirth also made sure that the inside her mouth was pink but was still rubbery in there where no one will touch so it didn't matter. For now though she was driving to a park outside of town at night. It was time to report to her parent Midnight. She parks the car and gets out and walks a ways before returning to War Hound form. Rebirth was much quicker in changing now and it races off into the deep woods.

An hour later Rebirth stops running and lifts its muzzle in the air. "ARROOO HOOT!" Rebirth howls the signature cry the War hounds set up ages ago.

"Aroo hoot!" Rebirth hears the answering call and head in that direction. Twenty minutes later Rebirth meets Midnight. "How are you child?" Midnight asks.

"Doing fine, No one suspects that I'm not Tyria."


"My other parent."

"Ah, well good what else can you report?" Rebirth gets going telling Midnight on how their kind is virtually forgotten and the advances the other races have made. When Rebirth is done Midnight nuzzles it. "I'm very proud of you my child. The Alpha wants you to keep scouting for at least a year before we move in. I'll see you in a few months."

"Wait parent."


"Have you had nightmares of your birth?"

"What do you mean?"

"For a couple times when I went to sleep I dreamed of my birth, but it was from the other parent's point of view and she was scared and I felt it with her. Have you ever felt that?"

"No never." Midnight walks over to its child. "This concerns me my child. Maybe you should come with me."

"No I have a duty and I can complete it but I wondered."

"Very well. I'll ask the alpha and elders if this has happened before. Take care of yourself my child. You are too precious to me to lose."

"I love you too parent." And they nuzzle again before separating and heading back.

The meant 2 more times as time went on. Rebirth continually had the birth nightmare. Midnight said the Alpha and elders never ran into such a problem and Midnight urged both the Alpha and Rebirth for Rebirth to come to the pack until it is solved. But was overruled by both, Rebirth not willing to leave and the Alpha felt that as long as Rebirth was capable it will remain. Midnight was not happy but helpless to do anything.

Today was 'Tyria's' day off so Rebirth decided to check out more of the city. They city was 53% human with the other sentient races. She feels a tug on her pants and Rebirth looks down and a five year old female fox holding on to her leg. "Hi little lady."

"Hi ya, you're pretty, as pretty as this flower." The little fox hold a beautiful flower in her paw.

"That is pretty but neither me nor the flower can compare to you." The little fox giggles and raises the paw with the flower.

"Then you should have the flower more than me." Rebirth takes the flower and says.

"Thank you." She smells the flower. This was the first gift she ever received.

"JACKIE GET OVER HERE!" A Vixen near a small car yells.

"COMING MA!" The girl smiles at Rebirth and runs over to the car. Rebirth smiles back and starts walking again. She suddenly hears a great crash of metal. From Tyria's memories she knew a pair of air cars collided. She looks over and sees the cars crash into the street. As one of the cars settles near Rebirth on it's side and she sees the little fox and her mother both dazed. A fire starts in the engine area. Unsure why but Rebirth felt she had to save them. Showing that she's not human anymore she leaps on side of the car and rips off the door. She goes in and grabs the girl first and jumps out and puts her twenty feet away then heads back for the mother. She manages to also get the mother out as well and was just letting her down when the car exploded. A large piece of car fly over and hits Rebirth and the War Hound new only darkness.

She awoke in a bed she wasn't familiar with. Looked like a hospital room. She tries to shift and found it easy to move, heck she felt fine. Than why was she here? Before that thought could go further a doctor comes in. "Hello Miss Dragon how do you feel?"

"Good but confused. Why am I here?"

"I'm not surprised. You were hit by a car rescuing a mother and a kid so amnesia isn't surprising, you may get your memory back."

"So what day is it then?"

"September 17, 2279."

"I've lost a year of memories then because I thought it was September 22, 2278." The last thing she remembers was that weird dog melting on her. That must have been a dream.

"Well we'll be keeping you for at least over night. There was something odd about your blood."

"Okay doc." The doctor leaves and Tyria gets up. She was wearing only a hospital gown. And she heads into the bathroom. She trips out of the gown and looks at her self. Her body seemed fine not a scratch on it. Not even a couple of scars she had were there. She looks at her face and is shock. Her hair was a darker red with black highlights. But what scared her the most was her eyes. They were luminous red instead of brown and she knew she wasn't wearing contacts and those eyes reminded her of her nightmare. She quickly gets her gown back on and races out of the bathroom not wanting to see her altered face. Feeling tired she heads back to the bed and she instantly falls asleep.

She wakes about nine o' clock the next morning and has breakfast. As she was finishing up a female fox in her late twenties with what was probably her daughter appear. The mother speaks "I wanted to thank you for saving us two days ago."

"You're welcome, I guess losing a years worth of memories was worth it then."

"Oh dear! I didn't realize that happened, you poor girl. Well I like to take you to dinner some time in thanks."

"Sure." They exchange cell numbers and addresses and the foxes leave having been released from the hospital. That afternoon the doctor returned and did some examinations. When done he comments.

"Well except for the blood thing you seemed to be fine which baffles me, but I guess you can go home but take it easy for the next week okay."

"What was with the blood?" Tyria asks.

"Well when we took it was black and the instruments said it was black latex. That could be right but you seemed to get better and your blood type is on file so it wasn't a major concern." From the recesses in her mind Tyria comes up with an explanation.

"I had a classified experimental operation for the military and it had some interesting side effects."

"Alright if it's classified I can't question any further. Your clothes will be brought out up." A few minutes later they were and she put it on. It felt like latex and was quite form fitting. She grabs her keys and wallet and heads home. She finally gets into her apartment and she collapses on her couch. Nothing her seems changed just her appearance. She was hiking in the woods when she had the weird nightmare of a dog attacking and melting on her. She decides to get up and get something to eat. As she was making her dinner she cuts herself with a knife. Strangely she didn't bleed from the cut but under her skin it was shiny black. In seconds the cut closes and it was like she was never cut. What the heck happened to her? She tries to ignore the strangeness and finishes making her dinner. Thankfully her taste buds didn't really change though the dinner much more of a taste than it used to. After dinner she decided to take a shower. After the shower and dries up. For some reason she can't explain she didn't put anything on afterwards. Walking around nude felt so good she decided to go with it. She tried to check up on things on the internet for a couple hours seeing her friends haven't changed in the gap. She finally head for bed and felt more comfortable feeling the familiar mattress again.

The next morning Tyria got up and as she moves her arm to check the time when she receives a surprise. <Who moved my arm?> I voice eerily like hers asks in her head.

"Who said that?" She asks.

<The owner of this body that's who.>

"Well I'm the owner of this body. I'm Tyria Dragon so who ever you are you can leave."

<Tyria Dragon? Impossible! The non War hound parent is sacrificed to a new War Hound is born. You can't be Tyria.>

"I AM TYRIA!" Then what the voice said sinks in. "War hound? You mean that nightmare of a dog attacking and melting onto me was real?"

<More like absorbing you to make me. If you know that then you must be Tyria but how baffles me. But nevermind that relinquish control.>

"What! Never this is my life not yours and I won't give it up!"

<But I have a duty to perform for my pack.>

"If it's doing to other people what you did to me forget it. I wish you would just go."

<Can't this is my body was well haven't you seen yourself in a mirror?>

"Yes. What is that all about?" Tyria hears a mental sigh.

<Tyria when my other parent Midnight absorbed you that made you cease to be human. Midnight used your raw materials to create me. You are a War Hound now. A sentient latex creature your government made long ago and fear so much you nearly destroyed us. I was created to observe and report how you have changed so we can grow. I took on the appearance of your form to better fit in with the beings here outwardly we look like what you used to be but underneath nothing but latex. It's taken me while to get it this good but I can't really change eye color or hair but your old friends have gotten used to it. So give me back my body.>

"No way, it was made from mine so it's mine. I may no longer be technically human thanks to you hounds but I am human in spirit and thus shall remain human that way so go away."

<I'm not leaving. I can't anyway.>

"Fine I'm heading for work so don't bug me." Thankfully the copy voice was silent. She heads for work and when she arrives Nicks sees her first.

"Tyria I just heard you were in that accident the other day are you all right?"

"I'm fine. Can't remember much of the past year but physically I'm fit."

"You're sure?"


"Alright. There's a Rocketeer that needs a new engine installed. Can you do that?"

"My memory may have trouble Nick but not my knowledge, Jeeze!" Nick chuckles a bit.

"Okay get to work then." She gets the same treatment by Leo.

"The next person that asks me that I'm going to throw something heavy at them!" What makes it worst the hound chuckles at the way she's reacting. Mentally she comments. <Oh you think this is funny Hound!>

<I think it's hilarious and my name is Rebirth for your information.> Her mental growl would make any War Hound proud. Tyria gets to work and removes the old engine. She is surprised by how light it is.

<You're a War hound now. We were design as weapons of war thus we have a lot of strength.>

<Well that's one perk being this way.> She soon gets the new engine in and gives it a drive. While doing so she notices a built in phone and calls the fox mother.


"Hey Samantha this is Tyria. I'm out of the hospital and I like to take you up on your offer."

"Sure thing Tyria, how does Olive Garden sound?"

"I'm already drooling, when do you want to meet?"

"How does six sound?"

"Sounds good meet you then." Tyria hangs up and returns to the garage. She goes to Nick's office. "Tell the Rocketeer owner their car is ready. Any new work?"

"Nope so you can work on your project car." Tyria nods and heads over. After work Tyria heads home to wash up. When she was about to change clothes Rebirth interjects.

<Hold on you don't need to grab any clothes.>

"Uh, yes I do the clothes are filthily."

<That's easy to fix. I technically didn't wear any I just gave the appearance of having some. My body can take any on any shape. Like yours, focus on what you want to look like.> Tyria decides to give it a try and closes her eyes to focus on an imaged of her in a nice casual sweater shirt and sweatpants she always enjoyed during the fall, and most especially on her real hair color and eye color. She feels shifting in her body and in a minute she opens her eyes. She looks down and she sees what she wanted to wear. Giddy she races into the bathroom to see her face and...she still has luminous red eyes and red and black hair.

"Crap." She hears Rebirth chuckle.

<Nice try, but don't worry people are used to the look.> Tyria growls causing Rebirth to chuckle again. <Nice growl very War Hound.> Tyria shakes her head in defeat and heads out.

Tyria lands outside of Samantha's apartment building and waited. The fox pair emerges and Tyria greets them. "Hey Tyria!" the vixen pup yips and she races to the former human with arms wide. Tyria smiles and picks up the young pup.

"Hey Jackie, you hungry?"

"I'M STARVING!" Tyria looks at Samantha and asks.

"You're not feeding her?" Samantha rolls her eyes.

"Her stomach is a black hole, thus she's always hungry." Tyria laughs as the put Jackie in the back of her car and Samantha sits up front. Once everyone was in Tyria launches for Olive Garden.

"Your car runs very well for a ten year old model." Samantha comments as the three of them sit at a table.

"I'm a mechanic so I should be able to keep an older car running otherwise I'm not a good mechanic. Well you get your car replaced and need some work on it come to Dependable Garage."

"I'll remember that. Hopefully we should have it replaced soon. The Jerk who ran into us was on company time in a company vehicle so there paying for the replacement."

"That's good." Tyria open's up the menu.

"Tyria did you get any of your memories back?" Samantha asks.

"Bits and pieces. Otherwise I'm fine so don't worry let's enjoy this meal." They made their orders and chatted about basic things until their meals arrive. Jackie and Tyria fought over the breadsticks to the amusement of Samantha. After a very filling meal Samantha pays the bill and Tyria drops them off before heading home herself. Inside her apartment she retracts the clothes she wore till she appeared to be naked again and she liked the look and feel for some reason and she when to bed nude. She was glad to be alive again. Even if it meant dealing with a parasite in her transformed body. To which Rebirth responded with. <HEY!>

War Hound Chapter 4

A couple months past and a real friendship form between Tyria and Samantha as the transformed human tries to rebuild her life dealing with Rebirth's presence. Rebirth itself has been trying to regain control but so far no success and reduces to a...

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Unia's Birth part 2

Chaka finally arrived into the town after a long journey. Chaka was a cougar female in her late twenties with a fit body. She looked a lot more feminine that her old mentor Lyndis and wore a more form fitting leather armor with metal plates and...

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Unia's Birth Part 1

Unia's Birth By Admiral Q Kelly sat on her throne thinking. Not that she actually had a kingdom to rule but she can't think of any other name for it. She did rule this tower and the woods around it so that will have to do. She was a great magic...

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