Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body Chapter 4

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#4 of Chakat Universe

Luke gets to meet some of Medallion's family as well as deal with a physical need.

Note I know this was a bit long, got carried away a bit

The next day Luke woke up and stretched and yawned. He felt a little more in tuned with this body and the therapy help. While defiantly not graceful yet at least he didn't have to use the walk as a crutch...much anyway. Walking into the dining room he spots his roommates eating breakfast.

"Sorry for disappearing like that. The sessions took a lot out of me."

"That's okay Luke we understand. You hungry?" Coaldust replies. Luke nods and Coaldust gets up. "I'll make another serving go have a seat." Luke does as shi asked and Medallion asks.

"So did you sleep well?"

"As can be expected. At least no real nightmares anyway." Their conversation is interrupted when Commander Antilles called and ask Luke for his parents names. He gives them along with his mothers maiden name. Bidding them a good day he ends the call just ask Coaldust finishes Luke breakfast and the trio eat with some small talk.

Over the next couple of weeks a routine forms. Everyday Breaks-A-Leg arrives for Luke physical therapy as Medallion shows him how to use modern technology. Once a week Dr. Whitetail came to help Luke adjust mentally to his change. They did have a meet where Luke went over to what happened on his end to the incident in the lab and general history of the time. A week later Antilles came to the house for a meeting. "Well Mr. Harter we have come to the conclusion that you aren't from our history rather from a parallel Earth. We found your mother through her maiden name. She was killed in Operation Desert Storm when she through herself on a grenade. She received the Medal of Honor for that. We did find mentions of your father's family but they were killed during the Gene Wars."

"So I have no family at all?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Harter that I don't have better news on that front. The scientists are still trying to find a way to get your body back and send you home. I thought you deserve to hear that in person."

"Thank you commander." He nods and leaves and the chakats sense Luke's deep sadness and use their talents to soothe him.

"Luke I can call Dr. Whitetail if you need me to." Medallion states. Luke shakes his head and replies. "I just need to be alone right now."

"Well call us if you need anything." He nods wordlessly and retreats to his room and sobs for the lost of his family. His mother was an only child so both sides don't exist anymore.

The chakats feel his mourning and felt helpless to fix it.

The next week Luke had to deal with his first rut. Thankfully in his mind this made him only really horny and managed to take care of it himself. Coaldust meanwhile search around for an item shi thought might cheer Luke up. After a week of looking shi found it and ordered it. When it arrived shi wrapped it up and presented it to him that evening. "What's this?" He asked. Coal grinned and replied.

"Open it and find out." He started unwrapping it and found a blue cloth like material with a white star on it held together with a white rope. Untying the rope he unravels it more to reveal the old Stars and Stripes. Luke looks at Coal with and unsaid question. "it took me some time to find someone who makes and sells old flags and luckily he had one in storage. I though with the news you got recently that you needed a tie to your past."

"Thank you Coaldust."

"You're welcome now lets get this up in your room." The old American flag took up one wall but it looked great there and the chakats felt some happiness from the transformed human.

A few days later Luke was in a session with Whitetail and Medallion was going over the stores inventories. While still on leave shi tries to stay up to date for shi will eventually return to hir job. Hir studies are interrupted by the comm. Shi walks over to the vid screen and answers. Shi sees hir older sister Crisscross, named for hir unusual patterned stripes.

"Hey sis, hope your ready for Friday?"

"Hey cross but what's on for Friday?" Cross snorts and replies.

"Why the birthing party of course!" Medallion puts hir hand on hir forehead and leans back.

"Drat I completely forgot."

"HOW CAN YOU FORGET MY BIRTHTHING PARTY!" Medallion then explains Luke's situation. Crisscross is normally on a cargoship as hir career and has been out of contact range for hir to know about it. "The poor dear!" Cross finally says after hearing everything. "No wonder you would be pre occupied, but now we have a new issue then. The party can't be changed this late."

"I'll talk with Luke on it and let you know." The two sisters then had some small talk to catch up a bit before ending the call.

A couple of hours later Whitetail and Luke emerge from his room and see the deer out. Medallion noted he was getting better at walking and he has full control of his tail now. "Hey Luke we have something to discuss."

"What's up?"

"Your situation made me forget something important and sadly will leave you ill prepared. My sister is coming here to have her birthing party because shi's usually on a freighter which isn't a proper place and my parent's place is being renovated so my place was the only one available for it."

"What does this all entail?"

"Well my sister will be here soon to be followed by family and friends invite to witness the birth of hir daughter."

"What! You mean you know then a child will be born and you don't do it in a hospital?"

"Yes we were design to have a good idea when our children will be born give or take a few days and we were design to have an easy birth so we prefer doing it at a home with a midwife and family."

"So there's going to be tons of people here?"

"Yes, is that going to be a problem?"

"Not sure, I'm going to try but please explain our situation and I may need to hide if it gets too much."

"Of course, you can retreat to your room. However while some won't be staying the night a lot will so you will need to share."

"Only if it's you and Coaldust I don't think I can handle anyone else right now."


The next day Crisscross arrived with hir mate a male cattaur named Max Swatcat. Shi hugs hir sister and Coaldust before looking at Luke. "My you are a dead ringer for my sister. My name's Crisscross child of Fireblaze and Sunspot." Shi holds out hir hand. Luke Gladly shakes it.

"Luke Harter." Cross then moves to let hir mate see Luke.

"Luke this is my mate Max Swatcat."

"Swatcat? I remember my mom talking about an old cartoon with that name."

"My family has a long line of cartoon fanatics." Max rolls his eyes and Luke chuckles. They spent most of the day talking and Luke got to know his roommates sister and brother-in-law as they got to know him. Luke also called Breaks-A-Leg to cancel their session the next couple of days. When shi asked why he explained. "Congrats for hir sister, well see you later." Later that day Luke asks Coaldust.

"Why do you refer to siblings as sisters considering your...um gender?"

"Well since outwardly we look female we took those titles for siblings and children."

"Ah, makes sense."

Eventually Friday came around and the first to arrive was Fireblaze and Sunspot. Fireblaze had orange fur on hir front going steadily darker until it goes dark red on her hindquarters and shi had blond hair to top it all off. Sunspot meanwhile was all tan except for hir breast area where shi had a black spot with an orange outline around it and red hair. The two parents quickly hug their daughters then look at Luke. "So this is our new daughter." Sunspot opens hir arms for a hug and Luke backs off. Sunspot frowns and Medallion whispers into hir ear. Sunspot nods and drops the hug pose and extends hir hand for a shake. "My apology Luke, As far as me and Fire are concerned you are our daughter and we want to support you." He takes hir hand and replies.

"Apology excepted though pleased don't call me your daughter. I appreciate the gesture but I'm not ready for that."

"Okay but I hope one day you might."

"I do have a question though. Crisscross is your daughter yet she looks nothing like the two of you?"

"That's the wackiness of our kind, the fur pattern can be completely random. While some can look related to their parents like Medallion, others can be completely different."

"Weird but fascinating Sunspot."

As the day wore on Luke got to meet Medallion's friends and relatives. And they being feline in nature were curious about him as well. Eventually he felt overwhelmed and started heading for his room. Coaldust sees him and intercepts him. "Too much?" He nods. "Okay, you want me to get you when shi gets contractions?"

"Yeah, I'm still interested in that." Coal let continue on to his room. The party continued until Cross yelped as shi experienced hir first contraction. Everybody starts heading to the room designated for the birthing and Coal grabs Luke.

"Oh Luke there's one thing you have to do."

"And what's that?" Instead of answering verbally Coaldust instead grabs the bottom of his shirt and before he could act lift it off leaving him topless. "WHAT was that for!?" Coaldust smirks at him admiring the view those she sees it regularly with Medallion there was something different with Luke's. Shi didn't know what since they Medallion's but there was something.

"We have a custom to be naked when a child is born to value the innocents shi has and the security of milk."

"Do I have to?" Coaldust gets up right to him nose to nose.


"You're enjoying this aren't you?" Coaldust just grins. Sigh Luke continues on but with his arms crossed to cover his breasts and they walk into the room. Crisscross laid on a large cushion with Max supporting hir. A black and white patterned chakat was by Crisscross nether region.

"That's Chessboard the clans midwife." Luke nods in understanding. Now while Crisscrosses labor wasn't a simple pop out baby it did seem much easier then when his niece was born. Max proudly displayed his daughter to everyone then he drank from Crisscrosses breasts then another chakat with black fur with a crescent moon in bright yellow caressing hir left breast. "That's Yellowmoon a shipmate of theirs and has agreed to help feed the daughter since Max is a male." Luke gave Coaldust a confused look. "Chakat babies need a certain chemical that's only in chakat milk. While Crisscross can handle that alone but with the freighter schedule it would be easier to have another chakat nursing as well." The group was breaking up to resume the party and Luke grabs his shirt and puts it back on and returns to his room. He spent some time on the internet learning a bit more about this new Earth before deciding to head for bed. About a half an hour Luke was still trying to sleep when Medallion and Coaldust entered the room. Now normally they would have a little sex but they didn't think Luke would be comfortable with that yet. So they just cuddled with him and falling asleep right away. Luke quickly joins them in dreamland.

The next morning Luke woke up sandwiched between two chakats. He slowly disentangles himself from the two of them who actually have smiles on their face. He stretched and felt more rested today then he has since he arrived. He then sneaks out of the room and heads to the kitchen and starts making a breakfast for everyone. In a half an hour the smells of cook food wakes a handful of the guests and of course Medallion and Coaldust. Coaldust gets to him first and gives him a questioning look. "May be still going through therapy but my hands work fine, and I may not be a restaurant cook but I can do eggs bacon and french toast well."

"Well need a hand for you are feeding a few guests and your now use to taurs appetites?"

"Sure I just thought I'd help a bit." Coaldust gets close to him and lick kisses his muzzle and replies.

"I appreciate it. It's nice to have help every one and a while." Luke blushes and Coaldust heads over to get started. Breakfast was soon served as some of the guest waked those still sleeping for breakfast. Luke sat down with a plate full of blueberry French toast. Licking his lips he pours syrup on it and takes a bite. His look immediately turned sour and he did a hard swallow and had a drink of chocolate milk.

"What's wrong Luke?" Medallion asks.

"The blueberry tasted awful, but it made as I always did."

"I never liked blueberry Luke. You've got my taste buds remember." Luke sighs and his features droop. He then lifts his plate and asks.

"Anyone want some blueberry french toast?"

"I'll take them." Max replies. As the plate is passed down another plate carried by Coaldust hands him a plate of plain french toast.

"I know Dallie loves these so have a bite." Shi says as shi rubs his back. He takes a bite and a smile soon appears on his muzzle as the fork hasn't even left his mouth. The rest of the breakfast went well with them complementing Luke's cooking then they headed back to their homes or work. Max, Cross, Yellowmoon, and crosses baby were the last to leave as their freighter was due to leave late afternoon. Shi surprises Luke by hugging him and says.

"Welcome to the family." Then hir family leaves, leaving a perplexed Luke behind. Looking at Medallion and Coaldust he asks.

"Why do they think I'm family? I'm nothing but a human stuck in a clone of your body. I'm a fraud." Medallion takes his hand as Coaldust hugs him.

"That's not true! You're a genuine caring being going through a lot. And when you get your body back you would still be considered family. To a chakat, the bigger the family the better and it doesn't matter where that member came from or looks like." Shi then joins Coaldust in hir hug and the three stayed that way for a while.

The next week Luke gets a change of routine. Coaldust walks up to him. "We're going out to get you some new shirts."

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Coaldust rolls hir eyes.

"You've been wearing it for weeks and I can see your fur through it in some areas." Coaldust grabs his arm and starts dragging him to the garage. "We're going shopping and you're going to like it!" Luke gives Medallion the universal 'help me!' look. Medallion just grins and waves.

"Have a good time you to!" Shi says as the pair head out the door still grinning.

Coaldust took them to a nearby mall. Getting out of the PTV Luke does ask. "I'll only get a couple of things since you're paying." Coaldust grins and shakes hir head.

"Nope you are."

"How!? I don't even have the clothes on my back." Coaldust can't help grinning as shi hands him a package. He opens it up to see a card with his name and Medallions image a card that looked like a credit card and a letter saying the card is his new account so he can live and the amount. Luke looks up to Coaldust with the 'deer in the headlights look' cause Coaldust to start laughing. After five minutes Coaldust calms down enough for them to get started. Shi starts directing them to an obviously female oriented shop. Stopping them Luke shakes his head.

"No way, I'm not stepping in there!"

"Why? They have great stuff."


"Well you're half a girl."

"DON'T GO THERE COALDUST!" Coaldust relents and instead head for a Target store. There Luke bought many T-shirts for him to wear as well as A light and heavy jackets for fall and winter. As the head over to the electronic section Luke pauses when he notices the most tricked out keyboard he's ever seen. Stopping he looks it over with a sense of awe. Coaldust stops and heads over.

"I take it you have a thing for keyboards?" Luke nods and replies.

"It's a hobby of mind when I'm not working."

"Well then get it. You have the money." Needing no further encouragement he does and they leave the store. "So where to next?" Coaldust asks.

"Well I like to do something to my hair so I'm less like Medallion."

"I've got just the place." Walking further down the mall till the stop in front of a hairstylist store called 'Fur Artist'. Luke sighs seeing the styling which showed this was another female oriented store. "Come on, she's the best in the business." Luke relents and is dragged into the store. A pink and purple dyed poodle morph greets them at the door.

"Coaldust Medallion, good to see you both."

"Thanks Pinky but this isn't Dallie this is hir twin sister and shi needs a hair cut."

"I'll right well get to work on it." Leading Luke to one of the stalls the poodle asks. "Now honey what would you like?"

"Well I like the color red so no dying it. I was thinking a buzz like cut."

"And you came HERE!" Pinky asks in surprise.

"It was hir idea. Shi said you were the best and I need some difference between me and my sister."

"Sorry Pinky, my fault shi has a very strong male bias."

"Well we shall make it the very best buzz cut you can ever get." Pinky went right to work and she and Coaldust engage in girl talk as Luke silently sits there. In an hour Luke looks back in the mirror and sees his hair much shorter. While not quite the buzz cut it was a spiky look and certainly a male look. With a smile he finally speaks.

"Nice work I like it." He pays her the bill and he and Coaldust leave.

"Got anywhere else you want to go Luke?"

"Back to your place I want to try this keyboard out." They head back and Luke heads to his room and opens the package. He reads the manual and it tells him this keyboard could mimic any instrument and combined them into a band with a simple AI to assist. In minutes the house was filled with the sound of music causing both of the other chakats to smile hearing their roommate truly working on something.

Sadly this didn't last as when Coal went to check on Luke to find him gripping his pillow groaning. He manages to open his eyes and look at Coal. "What's happening to me?" He weakly asks. Coal gets a good sniff and shi smells the problem.

"You're in heat Luke."

"WHAT!? BUT I'M A MALE A MALE!" Dallie shows up and sees Coal trying to comfort Luke. Looking up shi sees hir friend and mate.

"He's gone into heat."

"I'd figured since I am. I'll go mix the formula up." Coal sits there with Luke as he struggles to deal with his heat. Finally Medallion arrives with a mug. "Here Luke, drink this it will help." He gratefully takes it and chugs it down and in minutes the itch lessens but doesn't go away. Coal and Dallie look at each other seriously then Dallie walks up to address hir twin. "Luke I know this will be uncomfortable for you but for the next two days you will need to be mounted for your own health."

"BUT I'M A MALE!" Medallion touches his head.

"Up here yes you are but your body is a herm and part female thus it has needs of a female as well as male."

"Is there no other way?" Luke pleads desperately.

"No there isn't Luke. I can help you with it Luke."

"NO, NO! That be incest and that's wrong."

"Okay okay, what about Coal? Would she be okay for you?"

"But you're mates?"

"We don't feel jealousy Luke and it's common for us to have and share multiple mates." Luke looks at Coal with an unsaid question. Shi understands the question and replies.

"Luke I like you a lot and I would be honored to help you." Luke slowly nods his head. Coal looks over to Dallie and Dallie nods hir head and leaves the room understanding that Luke need this to be done privately. Coal then grabs a condom knowing the last thing Luke needs o deal with was being pregnant right now. Coal starts by kissing him and start to grope his breasts. Luke does nothing at first but then the pleasant feeling start and he quickly returns the groping and starts stroking hir silvery hair. Coal breaks the kiss and lowers hir head to one of Luke's breasts. Shi licks the breast before shi starts sucking. Luke just stands their unable to move from the pleasure he gets from the action. Emptying one breast of milk water Coal moves to the other breast and gives it the same treatment. Meanwhile Luke was in bliss, can't believe how good this feels. He felt heat pooling near his rear.

Coal stops sucking Luke's breast, lick kisses him and move in behind him. "You ready Luke?"

"No but it needs to be done." Coal climbs on his lower torso and with hir erect cock. Shi puts on the condom and enters him slowly and shi can't help but hear in crying and feel his despair. Shi hugs him and tries to project calm and good feelings as shi slowly pumps in and out. Shi keeps that pace for as long as shi can but the need in both of them eats away at that and the moans and groans increase. Soon Coal releases hir sperm as Luke instinctively clenches as he experiences his first female orgasm. Coal then hugs him as he resumes crying whispering. "It's okay. It's okay. You did great." Coal's cock leaves Luke and shi tosses the used condom in the trash and holds him for a couple of hours. He eventually falls asleep and Coal leaves him to get a bite to eat. Shi was in the middle of making a sandwich when Dallie appeared.

"How is he?"

"Very shaken, I think we should call Whitetail over." Dallie puts hir hand on top of Coal's.

"It had to be done and you did the best you could."

"But it's hard seeing him hurting like this. He's not adjusting well to being part female." Coal called Whitetail to tell her what happened.

"That is a problem Coal. Don't feel too bad you did what you could the problem is mainly with his mind trying to accept the physical change. Sadly I don't I can help him out with that part but I know someone who might. Let me contact hir. Till then just be supportive as you can with this." The call ends and the chakat pair go about their household chores until supper time. Medallion gather's hir courage and opens the door to find Luke lying on the bed.

"Suppertime Luke if you're interested." Luke gets up and looks at hir with eyes filled with great sadness but it does light up a bit.

"Yes I am." The two of them head to the table with Luke mainly looking at the floor until he raises his head up and looks at Coaldust. "Thank you Coaldust for helping me through my problem."

"You're welcome Luke, we both want to help you." Luke nods at the three of them eat in silence while both chakats project calm to their roommate.

Coaldust helps Luke through the rest of his heat. Sadly he still cried through most of it and Coaldust did hir best to comfort him and even slept with him hoping to calm in at least in sleep. Shi dreams of hope that they can get him to adjust easier as time goes on.

Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body Chapter 5

Commander Antilles called a meeting and Luke and medallion meet up with the scientist working on his case. "Thanks for meeting us Luke, Medallion. This is Dr. Grey." The bunny morph with glasses and a white coat adjusts his glasses. "Thank you...


Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body Chapter 4

The next day Luke woke up and stretched and yawned. He felt a little more in tuned with this body and the therapy help. While defiantly not graceful yet at least he didn't have to use the walk as a crutch...much anyway. Walking into the dining room he...

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Samantha's Third Chance Chapter 11

The next day there was a knock on the door and Tona goes to answer it. She opens it to fine a human male with Brown hair and brown eyes wearing a simple but well made tunic, pants and boots with a cape hiding a very shiny blade. With a smile on his...

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