All About You

Story by Serratiger on SoFurry

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What is it that your heart desires the most?


Avery and Sean are a couple returning from a party. Avery seems to be jealous on how popular his mate is. Sean reassures his lover in the hottest way he knows.

"What a great party!" said Sean as he walked through the bedroom door. The tiger really looked to be enjoying himself, but then again, he always did. Tall, handsome, and always with a smile; Sean was nothing short of fun.

"You said it" said a voice behind him. Sean's boyfriend, Avery -although not as enthusiastic as his mate- sure loved to spend time with him, and that was enough to put a big smile on his face. The lion was slightly shorter than Sean, but he paid off in looks; with his dashing mane and a charming smile he could anyone to the floor... in more than one way; and still, that was not what Avery was best at.

"...but you know" Avery said "I'm kinda glad it's over."

"Really? How come? I thought you were having fun" asked Sean, slightly disconcerted.

"Well, for one, now that it's over I get to have you all for myself. I couldn't take any more of those guys hitting on you."

"Come on, my love! You know I have eyes for only one"

"And an ass for everyone else. Don't think I didn't see that hyena when he grabbed your rump." he said, scowling.

It was always like this. Sean was always so outgoing and nice with everyone, that other people often tried to go after him. Even so, Avery and Sean were big felines now, and loved each other too much to let those things get to them them, most of the time.

"Well, yeah, he did" Sean said "But he doesn't have your soft touch. It felt like chopsticks trying to grab a donut."

"Oh really? Well, I might as well reclaim my territory. Don't want anyone near this."

And as Avery replied, he quickly pulled Sean towards him holding his butt and kissing his lips. Sean responded passionately, closing his eyes as his paws traveled across Avery's back. Soon, he felt something pressing against him, making him split the kiss with a smirk and a mischievous look.

"Something tells me this kiss in not the marking you had in mind" he said, as he tapped his lover's crotch.

"Fortunately for you, it was not" he answered, grinning.

His hands slid inside Sean's shirt, taking it off as he pushed the tiger towards the bed.

"Well now I'm eager to know what had in mind" giggled Sean. "You'll see soon enough, my sexy tiger." He said while taking his own shirt off. He kissed him softly again, touching his bare chest, making him turn, laying against the bed as the lion massaged his back.

Reaching for the side of the bed, Avery took out a rope, promptly tying Sean's wrists to the borders of the bed. Carefully, lovingly, the lion tightened the grip and made sure the rope was tight, so Sean wouldn't be able to move.

"And what might this be for?" Sean asked. "Afraid I might slip away?" "Just a little something to make sure you don't move... too much" "Mrrr... I'm starting to like this"

"This is but the beginning, dearest one." said Avery as he unzipped his pants down, making the bulge in his pants even more evident under his boxers.

"You think you're up to this?"

"I'll show you how's it's done, babe"

Avery put a hand inside Sean's pants, satisfied to find no underwear to block him, feeling his warm sheath getting wet, swelling and stiffening. His other hand managed to pull down the tiger's pants, revealing his nice bubble butt.

"Ah, I've missed that sight. Never get enough of it"

"Then take a damm picture of it! I'm aching for you, don't make me wait any longer!"

"Enough talking, sugar. You know the longer I make you wait, the more your lust grows, and some other things among with it." said the lion, snickering.

He kicked his shoes off, removed his socks and laid on top of his lover. Slowly, he started to dry-hump him over his boxers, breathing heavily as Avery sighed, impatient and very aroused.

Finally, the lion pulled off his boxers, and his hard, fully unsheathed cock appeared.

"Here it is, your favorite love rod."

"Don't tease me, dammit!"

"But why? That is just what I plan on doing now." said Avery, spreading Sean's butt.

"You whorish bast---aaah!!"

Sean got cut off as Avery's tongue moved around his tailhole, biting on his ass and rimming him up. He let out a moan full of satisfaction as he felt his lover's tongue sliding around him, lifting his own tail in an inviting manner, trapped in a whole new level of pleasure.

Avery's hand wrapped around Sean's already hard dick, and as soon as the lion felt that he started humping his hand.

"I can tell you like this" said Avery

"Oh yeah! Please don't stop" he said the best he could, his breath being swept away by waves of pleasure.

The lion started poking his tongue inside, making Sean dig his claws into the bed, paralyzed in ecstasy. As his tongue twirled around, Sean couldn't help but to moan loudly, his whole body reacting to the pleasure. Suddenly, Avery took out his tongue and smirked, still holding his mate's ass between his paws. Sean tried to look back, surprised, though the ropes that tied him restrained him.

"Don't worry, love, this ain't over yet." answered Avery to his lion's quizzical look.

Sean licked his lips in anticipation as he saw him moving on top of him, pulling the bonds on his wrists to get a better grip. Avery rested against Sean, letting him feel his engorged maleness as he started pushing in slowly.

"Gargh!" he exclaimed "You're so tight!"

Sean didn't answer, or rather, he couldn't do so. He was way too distracted feeling his ass being plunged to notice anything else aside from the hand firmly gripping his cock, jacking him off softly.

Sean whimpered in pleasure as Avery finally broke through him, pushing his whole member inside, and thrusting him. He gasped as he got pawed off, and moaned when his hot boyfriend pushed him forward, taking full advantage of his restraints. He couldn't take anymore; he was full of passion, full of unrestrained libido.

"Fuck, I'm coming!" he exclaimed, his ass tightening against his lover's cock, and biting down the pillow. His dick throbbed and started to shoot inside Avery's paw, emptying his cream all over.

As the lion felt his mate's seed squirting over his hand, he smirked and slid his hand on his chest towards Sean's muzzle. "Good boy, now clean it!" he said; Sean obeyed eagerly, licking off his own cum from that lovely hand. He had become his mate's puppet, only made to please him, empty of energy and will. And he loved it so much.

Avery wasn't that far off either, starting to purr softly as he felt his body sending waves of pleasure around, preparing for what was to come. His body tensed up and his claws pinned down as his breath and moans hasted. He roared as his thick semen shot inside Sean's tight ass, making him squirm.

It still took three more shots and a whole minute until he finally took his cock out with a satisfied hum, and untied Sean.

"Here, clean this one up, too." he said, laying back. Sean didn't object, taking his member inside his mouth, sucking it clean. Although spent and tired, that sudden rush made Avery shoot a little more, emptying him completely, and making Sean snicker.

"What a great party" whispered Avery as he embraced Sean, cuddling by his side, kissing his lips with passion. "What a great party indeed."


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