Meaningful Romance

Story by Serratiger on SoFurry

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How long must one wait? Call it Venus, Calypso, Aphrodite or Cupid; all names are useless when it comes to love. There are not enough words to describe what this feelings, yet three single words say it all: "I love you"

Touch me! Feel me! Run your fingers all over my body, on my neck, down my back, reach for my body, and stop there for a moment. Let time pause for us while we blend in the night. I miss you as the stars miss the moon when it hides once a month; I need you by my side, if only as a dream. Listen to me! Walk beside me! I am Love.

The night was warm, and the place was silent, and amidst the full moon two lovers meet. The moonshine illuminated them, and covered by the night, they embrace.

"Are you sure of this?" Asks one of them

"I was since the very first moment" answers the other, while he closes his eyes. He holds his mate tight, and for a moment, he shivers.

"Cavan, are you cold?" he asks

"Don't worry, Trey; it is not the chill that makes me shiver." His words are truthful, for the temperature is right, and the warmth of his mate's body keeps him covered. He, in fact, shivers for another reason; inside him dwell these deep, strong feelings, bursting and filling every inch of his body.

Trey softly slides his fingers on Cavan's face, and touches gently his neck; he knows that Cavan can't resist this, and enjoys watching his reaction. Cavan can't help but to let a soft moan slip from his throat. As he pulls his hands toward Trey, Cavan moves his lips close to him, seeing his deep silver eyes. A smile crosses his face, and then he kisses him passionately, but gently and caring. Trey pulls his hands toward Cavan's waist, feeling his tail coiling around his leg.

With slow movements Trey unbuttons Cavan's shirt, and slips his hand inside it; then, moving his hands towards his shoulders, he slips his shirt off. Cavan touches the uppermost button at Trey's shirt, and undoes it. Then, he slides his finger in the gap he had made, and undoes the next button, continuing down until he had taken off his shirt.

Cavan blushes as he looks at his mate's chest, that strong husky chest that invites him to go forward.

With a soft hand, Trey unbuttons Cavan's pants. They fell slowly, sliding down his legs, his boxers following promptly. Cavan blushes again, but then he put his arms around Trey, enjoying the warmth of his body. For a moment he pauses, doubting of what to do next, but then he too took Trey's pants off along with his underwear.

Cavan paused for a moment to admire him, and his breath became heavier. There was no need for words, they were absolutely ready for this, thought Cavan; he had waited so long, and no one would ever take it away. He pulled them both gently towards the bed, and laid himself on the velvety sheets, with him at his side.

"This..." Cavan whispered "This is the key to my heart, forged in flames of passion; made to open a single lock, meant to be used only once. Crafted by love, showered with bliss; made with the purest threads. This key is yours, to keep or throw. I give thee what was yours from the beginning." He closed his eyes, his heart beating harder than it had his while life.

Trey kissed Cavan softly, combing his hair with his fingers as he enjoyed so much. "You say the weirdest things" said Trey with a smirk. "You never grow tired of them, my sweet tiger?"

Cavan smiles, and puts himself on top of his mate, kissing his chest softly, and sliding his hands to his shoulders.

"Why would I?" He answers

Trey wraps his arms around Cavan, feeling every inch of his naked body. The slow movements of his legs, the soft tension in his ass, his warm member next to his, the pulsations in his chest and head; all his body was yelling for him to take it, and he wouldn't refuse it.

"I know what you like" said Trey, pulling Cavan back up, nuzzling his neck softly.

Cavan took a deep breath

"I know your every weakness" he continued, and started licking in between the nuzzling; Cavan felt he would explode from the pleasure, but he knew already what he wanted to do.

He slides back at his mate's chest, muzzling softly, enjoying the rhythm of his breath. Hs tongue slides around, touching every inch with it. Then, he turns to suckle his nipples, tasting his skin as a sweet candy.

His face slides lower, towards the middle part of his chest, licking softly, as Trey followed the movements with his hands, now placed on top of his head.

With a smirk, Cavan slides even more down, to the bellybutton area. His tongue slides around it over and over, feeling him repressing a giggle. -It's nothing, compared with what I'm planning- thinks Cavan, as he tickles with his tongue. His head goes slowly down, and finally gets there. When Trey feels Cavan's breath in that area, his mind begins to wander. Cavan licks his lips in anticipation, and his tongue begins to play with the tip of his mate's warm cock. Trey can't help but to squirm, his arousal increasing by the second. His hands play with Cavan's hair, but his mind can't focus but in the tiger's movements.

Cavan now is using his hands to rub Trey's legs, but his tongue moves along his penis, moving from its base to the top, wetting it with warm saliva. After a little more of this, he moves back to the tip, and starts sucking it, closing his eyes to feel the most he can. Trey gasps, feeling Cavan's lips in his member, and moans.

Finally, Cavan takes the whole dick inside, precum oozing in his mouth. His tongue inside makes every thing he can imagine, everything focused on drawing the best out of his lover's maleness. Once and again he moves, sucking and licking, until Trey's breath becomes more agitated. Cavan smiles, knowing he's almost done here, and sucks even harder. Trey lets out a loud moan, and his whole body stiffens. As a blast, cum shoots inside Cavan's mouth, as he notices with delight. A last suck and Cavan splits. He licks again trying to taste the most of his mate's juice, but cum drips from his lips, and falls in his hands.

Cavan falls in Trey's arms, and smiles, while Tray breathes to recover himself from the ecstasy. But the night is far from over, and this time Trey's got something for Cavan.

As Cavan cuddles in his arms, he kisses his lips once again, making Cavan aware that his actuation was just the entrée for tonight. Needing no heed, he turns around in an appealing manner, and Trey places himself on top of him. Breathing slowly, and feeling his body warm and inviting, he deepened into him.

Cavan groaned slightly as he felt Trey getting inside him, enjoying the soft and gentle sensation. He relaxed as his body went in forward motion, and gasped as it went back with the same rhythm.

Cavan's tail, still curled in Trey's leg, slid upwards, towards his ass, and as he pushed inside him, his tail pressed along the area. Trey felt this, but didn't stop, pushing himself faster, thrusting inside him, his hands holding his hips. Meanwhile, Cavan's tail had opened way into Trey in the same way he was doing onto himself. Both tail holes were kept in the agony of ecstasy, the pleasure binding them.

Cavan' tail seemed to be a whole different individual, as Cavan himself can't control his own movements, but his tail keeps on pushing itself into Trey. Cavan lets out a moaning roar, his claws ragging the bed sheets, and his ass being exhausted by the strong feeling that touched every fiber of his self. Trey, too, gets to the brink, and with a gasp, they both cum at the same time, squirting all over.

Trey, exhausted, lays back in bed, while Cavan purrs and slides back, his time being Trey who falls into his arms. But Trey wouldn't stay put for what was left of the night. His hands slide back towards Cavan's maleness, not being able to resist. Cavan notices that entertained, his body covered in sweat, his member stiffening back again. He is too tired to move, so he lets Trey place himself in his legs, and paw him off. His hands gently rubbed up, down, all around. Teasing the tip of it with the fingers, Trey places his own cock along Cavan's and starts masturbating them at the same time. His hands could barely hold both of them together, being their excitement too much, and their arousal too strong. His body, already tired, but eager to keep on, tenses as his paws shot precum again, soaking them, and lubing. Cavan bites his lips to avoid screaming of pleasure, and his claws clench to the bed, ripping it and cutting. The paws of Trey are handy, and it doesn't take them long to end it. With a final moan, they both cum in his hands, finally falling exhausted back to bed, ending the night in each other's arms.

Clean Fun

Reigt felt the water on the floor warming his chin, his hands sliding on the cold slabs as he moved to get comfortable. The warm water hit his back, falling on him as a summer rain. How did he get in this place, for starters? He wasn't the kind that...

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