
Story by Serratiger on SoFurry

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Sometimes forgetting last night lets you rediscover a whole new world.


Paul wasn't one to hold back on his desires, even if they sometimes got him in trouble. Leo comes in to give him the thrill of a lifetime.

When Paul woke up that morning, he knew he'd done it again. The infamous risk breaker fox had drunk too much AGAIN_._ Already familiar with the effects of a hangover in a never-sleeping city of gambling, drinking and fun, where day and night made no difference, he turned to his right to take a look at whatever chick he had slept with.

He turned his head slowly to the other side of the bed, preparing himself mentally to the upcoming face, trying to soften the blow. He thought of what excuse he'd make up, took a quick glance and gasped. What was sleeping next to him wasn't the regular hitchhiker girl he was used to see after a regular hangover. In fact, what slept next to him wasn't a girl at all.

The brown mane surrounding the stranger's face immediately told Paul he had gone way too far this time. He couldn't believe he had gotten so drunk that he hooked up with a lion; and a real young one. In fact, it was clear he was barely out of puberty. Fortunately for him, he was already an adult, but still it felt just plain wrong. Particularly the -male- part of the deal.

"What have I done this time?" he wondered while he tried to slip out of bed. He realized too late that his struggles disturbed his guest's sleep.

The lion opened his eyes and blinked twice "What the..?" he said as he took a look around the room. "Oh, it's just you"

Paul seemed confused, so the boy kept talking "Hi there, I guess you don't remember me -or what happened last night-" he said, reading the fox's expression. "So allow me to reintroduce myself: my name is Leonardo" and added with a smirk "but you can call me Leo."

Finally, Paul seemed to snap out of it, and hoped to regain some ground by acting aloof. "You're quite right in that, right now my head seems to be straight out of a blender, and I can't quite figure out what's up with me..."

It made him uncomfortable the fact that Leo was looking at him absorbed, smiling. It slowly dawned to Paul that he was wearing absolutely no clothes.

Leo stood up beside him, revealing his soft and tender naked body. As Paul pulled himself next to Leo, he started to remember how he ended up with him. He was an awesome guy, really handsome, and the way he moved made irresistible the impulse of making that body his own. It even crossed his mind that Leo was even more attractive than anyone he'd ever met -including girls-. His memory was still a little foggy but he remembered how last night he had been drinking. At some point he went to the bathroom, and while inside he saw someone leaning on the sink, apparently washing their face. He thought he might have gone into the ladies room by accident, because that butt sure looked good enough to grab. He pulled behind that person, and slapped that butt. That was when Leo stood up, clearly surprised by the spanking. Paul felt so embarrassed, and invited him a beer to make up for the confusion. They drank a bit and chatted a long time, and before he knew it they were both back in his room. Leo had offered to help him to bed -since Paul wasn't at his best at that moment-, and he would have left at the door, but the fox had insisted in him spending the night. Maybe the alcohol had clouded his thoughts but the fox thought it'd be hot to play with that sexy piece of ass. After that, everything was too blurry.

Leo got closer to Paul; close enough for Paul to see clearly his brown, enticing eyes. He felt like under a spell weaved by those charming eyes, that dazzling smile and the way he breathed as if saying: "take me now". His whole body tensed when he felt Leo's hand sliding up from his left leg and held his breath as it stopped near his ass.

"I do remember you from last night" Leo said with a wink. "We had a lot of fun, and I think I'm willing to do it again."

Paul could feel his muscles tensing as Leo's hand slid gently towards his maleness, and inhaled deeply as he felt Leo's groin pressing against his own. The fox held Leo from his rear, and moved his fingers along, exploring every part of his body, finding new emotions with every move. He never thought that he could feel that way, let alone for a male, but right then there was no other thing he would rather do.

Leo massaged him gently, letting him feel his own pleasure while Paul sat again in the bed, blinded by the ecstasy. His heart pounded inside his chest, and reacted with every single touch from him, making Leo even more excited; he rubbed Paul's body with his muzzle, softly bringing him to a new level of pleasure. They lost sense of time and space, feeling as they were the only ones in the world, expressing each other their inner passion. Paul messed Leo's mane, who was now kneeled to give his whole attention to what he was looking for while playing with own body; he was clearly enjoying it as much as Paul was, making Paul close his eyes as pleasure slid towards the tip of his sex, and for a moment time stopped for both of them.

Leo licked on the tip of Paul's dick, making him moan as he pushed his hips forward. The lion, still holding on his own shaft, started to run his tongue along the firm member, breathing warmly on it as he massaged Paul's chest. The fox breathed slowly, rubbing Leo's shoulders and back, running his fingers along his soft mane. He let out a groan of pleasure, and closed his eyes as Leo sucked firmly, nuzzling his lap lovingly.

Paul tensed up, feeling a rush of adrenaline as his whole body reacted to the intense pleasure. Suddenly, Leo stopped, smirking satisfied.

"How about we take this up a notch?" he said, moving on top of Paul. The fox stared curiously as Leo rubbed his butt against his pulsating cock. The fox aimed his member towards Leo's tailhole, and slowly pushed inside.

Leo let out a sigh, easing his way in. As his full member penetrated his body, the lion arched back, resting his hands on Paul's strong chest.

"God, that's good!" exclaimed the lion, and the fox agreed wholeheartedly. They both started picking up the pace, Leo riding him and Paul pushing forward in return. As their bodies pushed together, they held tightly on a warm embrace, their hot bodies locked in their passionate act. With an exhausted groan, Paul pushed in for the last time, filling up Leo. Just a couple thrusts afterwards, the lion pushed forward, and squirted a couple lines of warm semen on Paul's chest.

They finally split with a sigh, and laid themselves in bed, breathing heavily, and for a moment it occurred to Paul that maybe getting drunk wasn't such a bad idea after all.

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