So hot

Story by Serratiger on SoFurry

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It was on a warm autumn night when two youngsters strolled down the leafy road. Their road was lighted only by the full moon, and as they walked by, they held each other's hands.

No words were spoken, no gestures were made. They shared a single thought, no need for words. The young lovers looked front, then to the other. Nothing would ruin their night.

As they came to a clearing, they stopped. They admired the beauty of the place they had come to, and one of them blushed.

"What's wrong, sweet?" asked the other one. "You're red, are you cold?"

The leopard looked at his beloved, as saw how the moonlight made his gorgeousness be even more. He turned redder, and smiled.

"I'm ok. This place is wonderful."

"I knew you'd like it. This place makes you look like a deity."

He smiled and held the feline close by, his large tail enveloping him.

"But your brown fur blends so nicely with the place, that it makes you the most beautiful one."

Dune smiled. Kitty sure knew how to make him smile, he though. It was true, though; the brownish fur of the squirrel was truly a perfect blend with the sight. His strong body contrasted with the slender of his mate only by complexion, as their young bodies were on a continued state of perfection. Whereas Dune had broad shoulders, and deep hazel eyes, Myru graciously delighted sight with his fragile-looking body, and his sweet blue eyes.

They sat under a tree, and Myru rested his head on Dune's chest. Hearing his slow breathing made him felt comforted and warm, making him remember how his best friend had become his lover.

They met on eight grade, when Dune's parents moved in, and quickly became best friends. After they became freshmen on highschool, there was no moment when you didn't see them together. They even slept over quite often, their family constantly out at night. It actually had been their mothers who first suggested the idea; the point being they'd feel safer knowing they weren't alone. They still saw their children as barely pups, but it had been thanks to this concern that Dune and Myru became more than friends.

Dune smiled. He liked feeling the warmth of Myru so close. As he started fondling his hair, he started to remember that one night when they found out how they felt about each other, and how he had loved him strongest ever since. A leaf fell the tree, and landed on Myru's chest, and Dune placed a paw on it, removing the leaf, but leaving the paw in there.

That night had been slightly different from each other sleepover they had had since they knew each other. Although Dune's parents were on a business outing, Myru's parents also had a night party to attend. They both thought the pups would do ok without them, so they left them alone at Dune's, not without giving them a lecture on safety and a long list of things not to do and phone numbers for emergencies.

As they finally left, both let a relieved sigh. Half an hour later, they were full of donuts and milk (Myru's mom brought some things for them to eat at night), and were comfortably laying down in front of the TV. As they watched some movie, Myru rested his head on Dune's chest, snuggling happily. Dune smiled and placed a hand on Myru's chest, on a distracted attempt of hug.

The wind usually was cold on these days, especially at night, on the park. But tonight was special. No wind blew as the young lovers laid on the soft grass. Dune grinned, and started nibbling Myru's ear softly. Myru mewed softly and purred, his hands slipping to Dune's sides, unnoticeably slipping to the line of his pants, sliding a finger or two inside the underwear.

The TV soon got boring, so Dune had put some CDs. As Myru saw Dune moving around the room, he couldn't help to stare. He hadn't noticed how good he looked, and a quick thought sparked inside him. Although it vanished as soon as it started, Myru noticed he was starting to get hard. He blushed and hid it as Dune came back and laid next to him, but not wanting to get discovered, Myru stood up and walked to the bathroom.

Dune looked at Myru walking away, biting his lower lip as the feline moved his tail graciously behind him. He found his friend inexplicably seducing, and he didn't hide to himself that he enjoyed that. He went back to his room, turning off all lights but the ones on his room. He sat on his bed and waited for Myru.

Dune soon found out of Myru's wandering on his pants and almost giggled. "You're so sweet", he said, and left a sweet kiss on his lips. Myru closed his eyes as he kissed back, rolling on top of him. His paws promptly slid inside Dune's shirt, pulling it off and he spilt the kiss. He started kissing his flat, strong chest, nuzzling lovingly as their bodies rubbed against each other's.

When Myru went back of the bathroom, he could see only the dim light from Dune's room. He walked towards it silently, unintentionally silent as every feline. He walked up to the door and thought of peeking through the almost closed door to surprise Dune. He moved closer to the open rift, and what he saw made him gasp and almost fall back. Dune was standing in the middle of his room, fully naked. He wasn't exactly facing the door, but Myru could see him clearly. Not noticing the raging boner he now was carrying, he opened the door with the intention of scaring Dune and having a good laugh at his expense. He pushed the door and walked in somewhat noisily.

Dune gasped, then moaned. Myru had gotten to get them both half-naked, their tails curled on each other's as Myru rubbed and caressed Dune's body. Dune, in exchange, had started to rub Myru's crotch through the thin cloth of his white briefs. Myru was now sitting on Dune's lap, teasingly rubbing his ass against Dune, making his hard-on to become almost stressing. As if it was begging to be freed, Dune's cock throbbed on every movement from Myru.

Myru's hands slid to Dune's chest as he placed himself wholly on top of him, their crotches rubbing against each other, almost grinding on their erotic pleasure. Myru smiled and looked for the spot that usually drove Dune crazy, and as he smirked mischievously, he started nibbling on his neck.

Dune yelped and fell back. Myru chuckled, noticing how Dune had turned red.

"Hey!" recriminated Dune "You're supposed to knock, you dumbass! How am I supposed to get changed?"

Myru's laugh subsided as he smiled playfully.

"Come on, is nothing you don't see in the showers." He gave him a consolatory smile and said "I think I'll get changed too."

Myru blushed, noticing what he was doing. He didn't want to stop, though, so he unzipped his pants and took his shirt off. He tossed his shoes and socks, and stopped on the pants, hesitantly; now he could notice clearly his boner, and surely Dune would too.

"Are you ok or you forgot how to take them off?" said Dune as he walked closer. He was now carelessly walking around, waiting for him again.

"I... uh..."

"What? You said it yourself. It's nothing we haven't seen in the showers."

Myru nodded. As he blushed deeper, he took his pants off, his cock bouncing free, fully hard.

"Oh man! So that's why!" Dune noticed the almost eager tone in his voice and tried to calm down. "Don't worry, I got one too" he said laughing. At this point, it had become true, his own cut meat pointing straight to Myru.

Myru wrapped his fingers on Dune's hard maleness and his own. He started rubbing them together as they tossed their underwear aside. They didn't have to worry at all about someone coming around at the park in the middle of the night, so they were safe. Myru smiled as he slid off him for a second, looking for something in his pants. He came back up and smiled, showing him a small tube of lube. Dune chuckled and nodded, licking his lips and kissing Myru passionately.

Myru blushed as Dune walked closer. He felt a tingling in his body, being alone, naked and hard in front of his best friend, examining his body as Dune did the same with him.

"I've never seen one this close, aside from mine" said Dune.

"Neither have I. Only when jerking" answered Myru shyly. They both had tell each other about their first time jerking, being so close friends, but they never had thought of that in depth.

Dune moved his left paw towards Myru, and left it at his side. Myru said with a surprised gasp "wha...what are you doing??" But he didn't resist, or even move. Dune lowered his voice and said "If you want me to stop I will..."

Myru looked at Dune, feeling his paw on his naked skin. He nodded, knowing what he wanted, and he placed his right paw on Dune's ass cheek.

Dune moaned. Myru had taken a drop of lube and was spreading it on Dune's pole, both lubricating it and teasing it. Dune jerked his head back, grunted in pleasure, then looked for the lube. He took two drops from it and moved his hands towards Myru's ass, spreading his legs as he opened the kitty's ass. His finger poked the pucker and Myru flinched for a second. As he retook the pleasure of waxing Dune, Dune did the same on Myru's open tailhole. His paw moved along his crack, moistening and preparing Myru's crack for the next step, and then he sunk it in. Dune started fingering Myru as he moaned, arching his back and moaning.

They had retreated to Dune's bed. Myru's innocent eyes followed Dune's, both of them shivering slightly in anticipation and nervousness. They fell on the soft cushions and looked at each other as they pressed their hands on their chests.

Dune was the first one to take a step, daringly lowering his head to Myru's crotch. The feline blushed as Dune kissed Myru's mushroom top, but could only gasp and pant when Dune swallowed his whole boyhood. Now they were acting purely on instinct, and their bottled feelings. Myru held Dune's head and got laid down as he took his first blowjob. He moaned and shuddered, intense pleasure making his whole body shiver.

Dune bobbed his head up and down as his tongue traveled along his hard shaft, his lips tightly against the length of his buddy. Myru didn't last long, and as an intense feeling started to build, Myru moaned "I... I... I'm cumming." As soon as he had said it, he started shooting sperm on Dune's mouth, making him almost choke, and spewing over the bed.

Myru panted as he fell back, exhausted. Panting heavily, he smiled as Dune licked his lips. "You taste good" he said, and kissed Myru. He shook his head and retracted "I'm sorry! That was too mu..." He never got to finish that, as Myru had pulled him back and frenched him, savoring his own cum mixed with Dune's saliva. They split a minute after, smiling.

"It's your turn now" said Myru, all red, but eager. Dune laid back and waited, harder than ever, but Myru pulled on top of him, making his cock jump as he felt Myru's body against it. Myru looked with pouty eyes towards Dune and blushed. "I wondered if you could... do something I've heard of..."

Dune nodded, confused. Myru jumped off him and laid on fours, spreading his legs, and said "I want to try this"

Dune moaned loudly, arching back as Myru's open hole took in his erection whole. His paws were firmly on Myru's hips, following his movements as Myru took full control of his body. Sitting on his cock and taking it in, Myru groaned in pleasure, his own cock throbbing and being stimulated by the poking of his prostate. His hands were on Dune's chest, and it wasn't long before Dune started to jerk him as his ass pounded on his cock. They could hear Dune's balls slapping against Myru's ass. Sweat formed on their bodies and dripped as Myru grunted and growled, the double stimulation pushing him to his limits.

Dune wasn't far either. Myru's long experience and preference for this had made him quick to burst the maximum pleasure out of him, and this was no exception. Dune yowled as an intense orgasm shot from deep inside him. Myru's ass started to make a squishy sound as he kept fucking against him. It wasn't long before Myru too roared. His whole body tensed and started to shoot warm cum all over Dune, splashing his chest and even his face. Panting, exhausted, Myru fell on him, and nibbled on his neck, not worrying about getting sticky. He thought about the first time he had taken him inside, and smiled.

Dune hesitated for a second, his cock poking Myru's pucker. He then took a decided plunge and thrusted forward. Myru screamed, a large pain on his ass, as if it burned. Dune backed scared and worried, but Myru whimpered. Dune understood and came back up, pushing himself inside again. This time Myru's pain was quickly replaced by a marvelous pleasure, and he asked for more. "Oh, yes! Please, faster! AH..."

Dune was amazed at this, but he did as Myru asked. He fucked his best friend the best he could, but he couldn't last long. Shortly after he was shooting, his throbbing boyhood filling Myru's feline ass.

They both laid on the bed, silent and spent. Dune cuddled back with Myru as they kissed again. Myru couldn't hold it any more, so he whispered "Dune... I love you" Dune blushed, feeling the happiest he ever had, and said "I love you too".

Dune and Myru sighed happily, laying under the oak tree. Dune looked at Myru and whispered in his ear "Happy anniversary, my love"

"Happy anniversary, sweetie."

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