The new herd stallion...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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Toby the young stallion goes looking for a chance to breed in a new herd...

The New herd stallion

The big roan herd stallion looked the younger stallion over critically, this young stud had came looking to join the herd as a breeding stallion. "Humph... you look kinda runty and submissive to me." The big herd stallion snorted taking out a riding crop and smacks the young studs rump... making him trot around in circles. The young stud whinnies at the smack to his shapely rear, and he started trotting around in circles fast. Lifting his knees high, that long flowing palomino tail swishing around behind him.

"Ummmm hahah damn that's sexy to watch..." The big older herd stallion snickered watching that sexy young equine body as it trotted around. While the young stallion continued to clip clop around in circles, blushing a bit at the older males lewd comment. Keeping his head bowed a bit in respect, focusing on his trotting around and around. While his manhood swung limply between those long sexy equine legs, the older stallion not missing that.

"Ohooo Mr. floppy has escaped... how did that happen?" The older stallion demanded, taunting the young stud wickedly. As he smacked that swaying rump again, forcing the young stud colt to run faster.

The pretty young Palomino stallion blushed hard at the name the older stud gave his small penis, and whinnied as that crop smacked his ass again. Forcing the sexy young stud to pick up the pace, prancing around for the herd stallions lewd amusement.

"B... but Sir, that's not its name." The colt whimpered in humiliation, of course it didn't really have a name. However he certainly didn't want his dick as small as it was being called Mr Floppy!

"Oho really? And just what do you call it colt?" Cameron snorts, obviously amused at the young equines embarrassment and indignation.

Toby cursed silently as he was asked what he call his young dick. "Ummm... well... Errr... I call it... uhum... Mighty Stallion." The young stud colt grunted, making up a name on the spot. And then winced self consciously at how bad it sounded, slowing down a little as he snickered nervously. The big roan herd stallion's eyes bulged out, and he looked like he was choking on something for a second. Before bursting out in a long loud braying laugh at what the young stallion had said.

"Hahaha... That limp little donkey dick." He chortles, whipping that sexy little ass harder, as the stud colt's trotting slowed down. Toby blushed hard, looking extremely embarrassed. Almost tripping up at the level of laughter, that this statement brings from the older stud. He opened those soft lip's to protest, when the whip hit that plush little rump hard. And he leaped forwards, whinnying in pain as that riding crop smacked his naked ass.

Cameron spun in place smacking and slashing that long whippy riding crop over those sleek round ass cheeks wildly. "What... What do you have to say?" He demanded as he saw those pretty lip's working as if trying to speak. Toby whinnied loudly again and again, as the whip cracked down on that sexy rear. "I'm n... not a dd... donkey!"

"Hahaha... No you've not even got than much..." The mighty roan stallion laughed and staggered to a stop as the stud colt circled around him at a brisk trot.

Toby panted softly as he trot around, blushing in indignation at the herd stallions laughter.

"Wh... what?" The young palomino stud colt grunted in confusion and humiliation. As the mighty herd stallion's teasing words sank in on the young stud. All he'd wanted to do was come to a new herd and breed some mare that wasn't his half sister.

"Hah... you can't guess." The massive roan stallion smirked, gesturing to the colt's small dangling organ with derision. Toby's embarrassment deepened at that and he reached his hands down to cover it up.

"It... it gets bigger!" The sleek young golden stallion protested excitedly, as he looked up into the older stud smirking muzzle.

"Ohoooooo really... Then show me colt." The herd stallion snorted derisively in obvious disbelief, and leering amusement. Even as he grabs Toby's long flowing tail, and tugs him to a stop. Toby squealed a bit as his tail was roughly grabbed, shivering a little at the lewd order.

"Al... alright, But I... I'll need a filly." Toby grunted plucking up his courage, to demand a female for the herd stallion.

"Hahah... you need a filly. What... can't get it up without hormone stimulation?" The massive stud swats those covering hands hard with his riding crop.

Toby squeals loudly again, putting his hands behind his back looking ashamed.

"So... what if I need hormones?" He snorted defensively, as his little cock begins to bounce up just thinking about a sexy filly.

"You aint much of a stallion then... maybe I should just put you in the lopper. Cameron snickered gesturing to the miniature guillotine not far away, but calls for one of his new fillies anyway. Deciding this might prove amusing, and knowing he could always make the sex little stud a gelding later. A sexy young black and white paint filly trotted out between them, her tail flagged and her sex drooling and dripping everywhere. Toby watched the sexy filly come trotting out, and smiles as he saw how aroused she was. The scent wafting into his nose, and the young stud colt quickly became aroused. "Ok show us what ya got... maybe if your big enough... I'll let you use it." Cameron smirked although that was highly doubtful, still things were proving to be amusing so far.

"What a beautiful filly." Toby say with a wide lust smile as he approach her, his little manhood quickly growing fully hard for her. It quickly reaching its full ten inches of length, with pearly stream of pre-cum oozing out the big blunt tip. The older stallion's nose twitched as the scent was getting to him as well, making that long black fuck stick drop out. And thicken up into a powerful massive twenty eight inch erection... as he watched the two young equines together.

"Hahah... that's all you got... hell you couldn't even satisfy this virgin filly with THAT!" Cameron shook his long narrow equine head as he watched the young stud colt moving up closer to the pretty filly. "Hahaha... I should treat you to the lopper, just out of mercy." The mighty herd stallion laughed as he watched the horny filly prancing in place obviously wanting a mounting badly.

"No please... just let me..." Toby begged running a big three fingered hands over the fillies sleek rear, his other hand moving to stroke his own small manhood, blushing at the insults and threats. "I bet... bet I can satisfy her." The young stud colt said hotly, eager to either prove himself or experience a fillies sex.

"Hah I don't think so... I should just put you in the lopper and make a gelding out of you right now." The herd stallion snorted, feeling the fillies need and greedily wanting to satisfy it himself with her.

"Ohooo please give him a chance please sir." The sexy young filly begged, fearing the older stallion's huge aggressive stud stick.

"Well... maybe it would be amusing." Cameron snorts, his loins tingling with sexual excitement. The sweet scent of heat making the big horny male very excited and highly suggestible for the needy female.

Toby winced in horror at the thought of being made a gelding, and then sighed in relief at the offer from the filly. With a lustful grin the horny young stud colt lined himself up with that hot oozing slit and said softly.

"Here you go baby." As he gently slid his small dick into her, knowing that she is a virgin. The young female nickered and took a step forwards, prancing away from that hard little dick teasingly. But then whinnies as she backs up, lustfully wanting that hard organ inside of her.

"Go on boy... mount up and take what you want like a real stallion." Cameron urges, clearly extremely excited as he watched to two of them together. Toby smiled at the young filly nervousness as he slipped inside of her, carefully sliding in until he felt her maiden head against his blunt cock head. "Here it comes..." The young stud colt warned, as his hips suddenly thrust into her hard.

"WWWEHEHEHEEE!" The young filly screamed as her virginity was taken in that instant, Toby pushing deeper inside until his hip's touched her soft cushy rump. And then he began to thrust slowly in and out , feeling her wetness increase as he picked up the pace. Grinning over at the older herd stallion, who was playing with himself like a naughty colt.

"Ohooo... Oho fuck yes that feels so good." The sexy young filly squealed, as her big sexy equine rump thrusts backwards into that stiff little cock obviously enjoying her first breeding. Even as the herd stallion watched the two of them with growing excitement, fondling himself slowly as the two of sexy youths rutted.

"Enjoying yourself... huh boy?" Cameron snorted stroking his long stud muscle with more and more vigorous strokes.

Toby whinnied in excitement, nodding to the older stallion with a wide gloating grin. Clearly he was pleasing her just fine, despite his smaller sized organ. "Oh Yes... very much." He answered honestly enough, as his strong young body pumped that dripping sex harder and faster. And then turned all of his attention back to the sex young filly under him. "Your such a tight filly." Toby babbled out to her softly, and give her rump a playful smack as he thrust balls deep into her.

"Oho..." The sexy little female moaned, jumping and looking around at at her rider lustfully. Even as her body responded to that lustful rutting... clearly she was enjoying it.

"I knew I should have just put you in the lopper." The big older stallion snorted, as the young filly moved over to take his huge cock into her soft hands. Slowly stroking it, as she watched the two males interact, sharing a look with Toby.

"Thank you..." The pretty young female moaned, as her tight sex gripped and squeezed that hard little rut stick lovingly. Toby winked to her as she looked back at him with that lustful look, and he reached his hands forwards to rub at her pert breasts.

Even while he thrust into her faster and harder, nearing the first orgasm he'd ever had inside of someone. "Your quite welcome my little filly." He moaned out breathlessly, bucking and plunging in pleasure.

"Ummm the lopper... is that it?" The sexy little filly asked, as she looked around confused. sAnd then spotting it nearby... slowly she teased the two horny males over to it. The Palomino stud colt shivered a little, as they neared the lopper. But whinnies loudly in pleasure as he thrust into those hot wet folds lustfully.

"Yeah this is how I turn little stallions like him into geldings." The big old herd stallion laughed, as the lusty filly teasingly rubbed and stroked his massive junk.

"Ohooo wow... so how does this work..." The sexy little filly asked, as the horny stallion opened the collar and explained that the gelding to Be's junk was laid in there. Even as the fillies teasing fingers worked his huge low hanging organs through that hole, and then clamped the collar down over them. "Ohooo you mean like this?" She asked, locked his huge stud nuggets inside that deadly machine, even as her body quivered and trembled nearing orgasm. While she slammed her big soft round rump back into Toby's hard little stallion cock. Toby watched the sexy little filly lock the collar around the big roan herd stallion's nice large colt makers. With a wicked grin at Cameron, Toby reached his hand forwards to grasp the fillies and wraps it around the guillotines trigger.

"Lets find out how it feels to make a gelding." He purred into his sexy little filly, as he tug on her hand activating the trigger. To turn the herd stallion and his mighty cock into a limp impotent gelding.

"Wha... Hey NO!" Cameron screamed suddenly realizing where his huge potent junk was... but it was far... far to late. As the young colt he'd been tormenting, and the young filly he'd never got to breed both came together. The young stud colt squirting his cum deep into her needy heat inflamed sex. While the two of them squeezed the trigger together, that heavy blade dropping instantly... And the mighty herd stallion screamed, like a little filly losing her virginity. As his huge balls where lopped off just like that, dropping with a dull sounding 'Bong' into the catch pail. "IEIEIEHEHEHEEEE..." Cameron screamed, as a flash of pain past through his aroused groin.

Toby whinnied loudly himself as that hard cock spurted his huge load into the filly, as the orgasm washed over his young body. He grinned at Cameron as he saw the look of horror on that handsome roan muzzle, and then the stud colt asked teasingly. "How does it feel to lose your balls to someone with a cock less then a third the size of yours?"

"Ohooo... Ohoo gods you... you little bastard... you gelded me..." The big gelding asked breathlessly, as he staggered back. Slumping to the floor into all fours, even as the young pair rut and cum just inches from his nose. "You know it really isn't the size that matters..." The sexy young filly observes smirkingly, as she picks up those fat nuts. "Balls however do... especially having them!" The young filly laughed, as she thought about all her brothers the herd stallion had cut. Tossing those huge stud nuggets on to the ground in front of him, she stomped them flat grinding the mush into the dirt.

"Ammm... that was nice." Toby whimpered in delighted pleasure, before sliding out of the filly and patting her sloppy rear gently.

"Anytime stud... you make me feel sooooo good." The sexy young filly snickered, as his clung to him for a moment; before trotting back off to his herd.

"Ohoooo my heh..." He chuckled, before looking down at the herds newest gelding and horse laughing long and loud. "I guess I'm the herd leader now." He smirked, as he wrap a hand around the hip of the filly and guided her away.

"Wha... but you don't... SHE tricked me..." Cameron sputtered weakly, as his long cock sagged limply under him. The gloating looks on the two young equines muzzles making him feel ashamed, and embarrassed. Toby laughed at the big roan gelding and moved over to wipe his small cock on that handsome muzzle. "I want to thank you for my first chance to mount..." The stud colt snickered as he moved around behind the kneeling gelding, yanking that long flowing tail up and to the side. "And my second." Toby laughed, as he drove that hard young organ into the former herd stallion's clenched tail hole.

"Awwww... GODS!" Cameron screamed, as that hard little cock was brutally slammed deep into his unprepared anus.

"I guess you feel that... huh." The horny little stud colt laughed tauntingly as the big gelding tried to crawl away... "Yeah... yeah trot gelding!" Toby snickered, picking up that riding crop and lashing Cameron big roan rump savagely even as he fucked it lustfully.


A geldings embrace...

Hooves meets a sexy Zebra stud colt... who wants to use the gelding for his pleasure... Gotta love horny younger studs just for their ability to rebound... Oh to be young again... A geldings place "I'm a frisky...

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Finding out...

A couple of gelding at play... help a young stud find out that he's not all that... The sexy young golden Palomino snuggled, flicking his long shiny tail around a bit, swishing it around behind that shapely ass. Hooves watching that sexy...

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Debts fully paid... 16

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