A geldings embrace...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#3 of Gelding lovin's

Hooves meets a sexy Zebra stud colt... who wants to use the gelding for his pleasure... Gotta love horny younger studs just for their ability to rebound... Oh to be young again...

A geldings place

"I'm a frisky colt." The sexy young Zebra said needlessly, as he trotted coyly up to the older gelding. Flaunting that sexy young male body as the older former male watched with knowing eyes.

"A naughty... dirty colt... Heheh." Hooves noted with a wide inviting smile, knowing where this was going and as ever eager to please.

"Oh... of course... but then you sexy mature geldings don't help with your big sexy round asses." The young well hung Zebra stud snorted as he pranced around showing off for the gelding. "How are we suppose to stay flaccid... when your shaking it in front of us." Hooves pranced and danced, shaking his tail at the horny colt teasingly knowing what reaction he would get.

"Flattery will get you... just about anything you want... with me sweety." Hooves advised the sexy Zebra stud with a lewd grin, as the young stud stared at the Zebracorn's sexy swaying butt. Wanting to hold it badly... hold it still and stick something in it that is.

"Ohohoh... wow such a hot butt you have gelding." The horny colt nickers low and lustfully, moving up closer to the bigger gelding. Hooves pushed that big round ass back at the colt, teasingly lifting and swishing that short tail tauntingly.

"Well of course... us geldings gotta have something to make up for our loss... Kinda like a blind dog... who's hearing gets better... heh." Hooves explained with a leering smirk as he teasing the horny young stud unmercifully. The handsome colt grabs hold of that swaying rump and presses his bulge against it grunting lustfully.

"Damn its so soft to the touch... like a fillies." The young sexy Zebra stud moaned, as he ran his hot hands all over that soft rump. Clearly horny and eager to take full and total advantage of this submissive gelding.

"That's just the fur sweety... the muscles are like stone... and can grip and squeeze you in the most delightful ways." Hooves assured with a lewd smirk, enjoying those lustful looks and that throbbing bulge.

The young Zebra slides up behind that sexy ass, and drops onto his knees. Running hot fingers along that soft doughnut sharped rut hole, drool coming from his young mouth as his lustful nature takes control. Hooves looks back over that wide round equine rump at the colt, grinning lustfully as the Zebracorn spreads his sleek thigh's a bit wider. Bending over and thrusting that plush rump back on to the lusty colts velvety muzzle.

"You sluts make it so hard not to turn gay... damnit." The young Zebra moans licking along the soft rim of that hot hole, prodding his long slick tongue inside it. While gripping Hooves striped thighs tightly, keeping the slutty gelding under control.

"Yer not gay if yer mounting geldings sweety..." Hooves panted breathlessly as his quivering tail hole is licked and then tongue fucked. "Cuz us gelding are not really males anymore... that's why all the stallions love us." The silly Zebracorn grins sticking tongue out his at the sexy colt stud teasingly. Even as his breath deepens in growing excitement, from the sensations coming from that plundered tail hole.

The frustrated colt pulls that slick tongue out, and quickly strips off his pants. Pulling down his sexy undies, that long black cock springing out to hit Hooves backside. "Ohohoh I'm getting really turned on... as I bet you can tell." Hooves grunts as that mighty rut muscles slugs his plush rump cheeks hard... like a boxers fist. That tight tiny black equine anus winking open and closed invitingly as the gelding grunts.

"Really... I wonder why?" Hooves smirked as he reached back and grabbed the colts hot organ, rubbing that huge blunt cock head over his saliva coated rut hole. The sexy colt shuddered and moaned out a little, feeling his aching cock head touch the outer parts of that soft hole.

"Ohoh... you teasing geldie, I wanna be inside you so bad" The horny young stallion whinnies, biting that broad striped shoulder.

"Ummmm... I love that..." Hooves whickered loudly as his body trembled like a leaf, from that dominating bite. "Knowing that... you want me so much, but I also love giving myself up to you... letting you inside of my body." Hooves moans as he pushed back onto that huge cock head, his hot little tail hole stretching as it works to engulf that huge male hood. "Use me for your pleasure big stallion..." The submissive gelding whimpers, even as the lustful colt moans into that long pointed equine ear. Gripping those sleek sides, while forcing that might stallion stick inside of the slutty Zebracorn. With only the tiniest of moans into that ear, as he feels Hooves hot inside on that cock.

"Ohoho... now that feels just wonderful... your a perfect cock warmer geldie." The horny young stud moaned, biting that expressive lower lip sharply.

"WWWEEEHEHEEE." Hooves squealed as his quivering hole opens, just enough to allow that fat cock head inside. And then closed down tightly around that long black shaft, as it slides deeper and deeper within his slutty rut hole. "Ohohooo gods... yes that's what I Need... Errr... want... thank you... thank you so much stud." The gelded Zebracorn whimpered loudly, as those strong anal muscles grip and squeeze the young studs thick male organ; milking it lustfully.

"Don't worry nut-less I wouldn't of turn this down for the world." The excited young colt grunted, holding Hooves furry sides while thrusting in and out of that soft delicate fuck hole. Grunting lustfully with every thrust, even as little streams of pre-cum squirt inside that sweet ass. Hooves panting breath comes in deeper and deeper ragged gasps... that sleek black and white striped body growing a sheen of frothy equine sweat. As it pushes back into the young colts lusty rutting... clearly the gelding enjoying what the stud was doing.

"Ummmm gods yes big stud..." The sexy Zebracorn moans in delight, as those strong muscles do wonderful feeling things to that long black stud stick.

"Fuck... fuck I can't hold back much longer..." The horny young Zebra colt squealed, even as his driving hip's slammed hard against that soft rump. "I'm just a colt sweetie..." He moaned reminding the big gelding just how naughty this was, even while feeling his hard cock throbbing wildly. Even as those potent young balls pull up, ready for a huge release. While the sexy stud was trying his best to keep thrusting in a steady rhythm even as he peaked within those hot depths.

"I'm here for you pleasure sweet colt..." The Zebracorn moaned softly back to the sexy colt, assuring that as a gelding the only orgasm that mattered to a gelding was the stallions... Those powerful anal muscles squeezing that thick stud cock hard... milking it for all he was worth. "Give it to me lover... give it all to me." The sexy Zebracorn begged lustfully, completely wrapped up in pleasure of giving pleasure to a sexy male... That sexy stud slides all the way in to hilt that sweet hole, and squeals loudly in ecstasy. That thick black cock spasming and then filled that big round ass, with a thick hot load of very fertile stallion seed. "WWWEEEHEHEEE." Hooves squealing in delight... strong muscles milking that hard organ lustfully; as that hot creamy goo filled that quivering slut hole. "Ammmm... thank you sir... thank you so much." The sexy striped gelding moaning in lustful delight, feeling the you stallions pleasure surging through him.

"Ohoooooo yer welcomed sweety slut... In fact do you wanna be my fuck buddy?" The horny you stud colt asked breathlessly, while staying deep inside of Hooves warmth.

"Oho sweety... I'm every males fuck buddy." Hooves winks at the pretty Zebra colt, and kissed that round black nose lovingly.

"Ahah... well I wanna reserve you for all next week hehe..." The sexy stud colt chuckled, kissing the Zebracorn's soft velvety lips gently. "I loved that!"

"It brings me great pleasure knowing you did..." Hooves pants, parting those velvety equine lip's inviting the colts tongue inside. Instantly that tongue slides into the geldings mouth, and sucks on the Zebracorn's tongue. Feeling those soft lips makes the young Zebra blush, in shame and excitement.

"Gods your lips are like a mares..." The lustful young stallion moaned in delight, as he kiss's those soft lip's again.

"Ummmm..." Hooves moaned softly in delight, as the two of them share another long tongue kiss. "That's because they've had lots of training sweety... I'm always kissing some stud or some studs thing heh."

"Well then this young colt is ready to go again... How about you get on your back this time?" The horny stud asks, pulling out of that well fucked asshole gently.

"Ohooooo yes sir..." The sexy gelding moaned strolling slowly over to the bed, that big round equine ass swaying sexily as he does. Slowly the sexy Zebracorn stretched out and lay on his back, those long sleek bent legs lifted and spread out. Revealing the smooth velvety black fur of that ball-less crotch, the shrunken sheath looking decidedly inoffensive just above that. "Like this... sir?"

"Ammmm... Yes hun how far can that sheath stretch?" The horny young stallion asked in obvious excitement, as he studied the geldings ruined crotch with growing excitement.

"Big enough for a full sized stallion stick to enter sir..." The gelding grunts looking up at his young molester with a knowing smile, smeared across his handsome muzzle.

"Ohoooo ho then how about a sheath fucking then... I've never done that. The sexy stud explained unnecessarily, licking his full mobile equine lips.

"I live to please sir..." Hooves moaned in delight... licking a finger and then rubbing it around the rim of that opening to leave it glistening with moisture like a little fillies slit. "Feel free to have at it sir."

"Now wait a minute... I wanna suck on it first slut." The handsome young stud colt drooled as he looked over that ruined crotch. Hooves grins wickedly as he lets that limpy rut stick slip out into view.

"Its not easy to get a geldie going... sit so you'll have to work hard..." Hooves moaned as the young stallion looked confused for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

"No I mean the sheath skin silly... I wanna make it glistening and wet myself." The horny young stud laughed as he looked at that limp dick in obvious scorn.

"Heheh... well its a bit late... but feel free sir." The young stallion smiled as he sucked on the soft stretchy skin of that sheath, making slurp noises as he does so. "Yummy you taste so nice." The horny young stallion moans in delight as he rims those sheath lip's teasingly.

"Not as musky and hormone stimulated as a stallions... more sweet and salty huh..." Hooves grunted in pleasure, as he lay back draping long shapely equine one leg over the young stallions shoulder playfully.

"Ahaha... I just love the taste." That sexy stud colt moaned, feeling his hard cock bob up and down in lustful suspense.

"I... I'm glad you are enjoying me sir..." Hooves pants breathlessly as his strong hip's buck up and down against that licking tongue and soft lip's. Clearly the gelding was getting off on the young stallions teasing licks.

"Ummm I think your wet enough now..." That pretty young stallion grunted as he scrambled up into place between those long legs. Hooves tugged the sheath hole open, and gestures for the young stud to put it in... The sexy young stud holds his cock in position and puts it inside that hot sheath hole. "Ohoh... wow this is different."

"Ohoho... yes its not something you do every day..." The gelding smirked, as that thick blunt equine cock head pushes against his limpy gelding cock. As that hard organ speared deep inside of that hot sheath, which had not had a hard cock inside of it in a long time. The crowded orifice is super tight around his thick young stud hood, as it pushes against Hooves deflated cock. Showing who the stallion is quite plainly, and making the helpless gelding squeal.

"Oho... Ohooooo that feels wonderful... having a real cock inside my sheath again!" Hooves whinnied in delight, as the sexy stud inside of him slowly began bucking and humping. The lusty colt shuddering a little and holding that tiny sheath pulling it up and down along his rutting cock.

"Ahah yeah nice feeling here... better than a mare." He whinnied even thought it was obviously never been with one. Hooves wrapped those long sleek equine legs around that firm young waist, and pulled the stud down deeper into that tight hole. Begging for the stallion to drive inside of him deeper and harder...

"Then please enjoy me... my stud colt." Hooves begged loudly as that hard young cock slid balls deep within him. "Ohooo yes." Hooves moaned as that organ slid in further still, so that his hard cock is rubbing against the geldings soft one. Making the gelding moan a little louder, as pre-cum squirts onto that tight sheath hole. That deep sheath hole is hot and damp, with slick juices that only get slicker as the stud colts pre-cum mixes with the geldings juices... That limp organ firming up a little, throbbing and thickening as the sensations of that huge hard male organ rubs against it drives the gelding crazy with need. "Ummm... Ummm... please... rut me hard my stallion."

"Hahaha rut you how..."

"Rut me... harder and deeper please." The sexy Zebracorn begged lustfully, wrapping his long arms around that long equine neck. Kissing the pretty stud colts handsome muzzle again, clearly enthralled by the horny young stallion. The stud colt blushes and slides myself into those hot depths further, pushing that limp gelding cock back more. Leaking more slick slimy pre-cum against Hooves useless cock, the feeling of the hot dampness inside make him moan. "Hurr Hurr Hurr..." Hooves nickered in delight, as that huge hard stud stick is slammed balls deep within him... Feeling the colts hard young male orbs slapping against the bare spot where Hooves own balls once hung... As that horny stud fucks his gelding pussy, like the Zebracorn was his horny little mare. "WWWEEEHEHEEEE..."

"Ahahah... I'm already so close to cumming hun... Why does your body feel soooooooo good?" That lustful young stud panted as he rubbed the soft spot where those balls used to be and giggled lewdly. "So cute... all impotent and gelded."

"Because that's what its for sweet stud... to provide pleasure for intact males like you." Hooves squealed as his strong hips thrust up into those downward rut thrusts... shivering as those taunting fingers exploring his gelding scar drives Hooves crazy with delight. "Thank you handsome stud!" The rut happy gelding squeals happily, as his big soft body grinds and thrusts against the sexy stud colt.

"Ohoooo FFuc... Fuck I'm cumming..." The young stallion moans, even as his stiff young cock is filling that sheath hole up with thick greasy cum. "Ammm... oh yes sexy geldie... Heh is that spot really sensitive then hun?" That sexy colt teases, as he gasps getting his breath back. Hooves flops back down panting for breath as well, as that horny stallion explodes within him. Eye lids fluttering closed, as he drifted off into a world of blissful afterglow.

"Ohoooo yes sir very..." Hooves admited breathlessly, as he's laying there panting in sexual exhaustion. Hardly noticing as that hard young rut stick is slipped out of his sheath, which it wet with that stallions cum and his own seedless juices.

"Good to know..." Those smooth hot fingers teased that ragged gelding scar once again, making the Zebracorn tremble. "Now this young colt is ready to go again... How about you open that pretty muzzle wide this time?" The horny stud asked, as he climbed up that sexy striped Zebracorn body. Grabbing that long spirial horn in one fist, while dangling his long semi hard cum coated cock onto Hooves velvety lip's.

"Ammmm yes sir." The compliant gelding moaned, parting those lip's even as the sexy colt stud jammed it between those parted lip's...


Finding out...

A couple of gelding at play... help a young stud find out that he's not all that... The sexy young golden Palomino snuggled, flicking his long shiny tail around a bit, swishing it around behind that shapely ass. Hooves watching that sexy...

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Debts fully paid... 16

Ted calls that big black Bull and wants to deal... As always played out with sweety [![boinggoat](http://a.furaffinity.net/boinggoat.gif "boinggoat") boinggoat](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/boinggoat) Debts fully payed ...

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Paying Debts 15

Jordan finds a new interest and a new male college employee... As ever played out with [![boinggoat](http://a.furaffinity.net/boinggoat.gif "boinggoat") boinggoat](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/boinggoat) Paying debts ...

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