Finding out...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#2 of Gelding lovin's

A couple of gelding at play... help a young stud find out that he's not all that...

The sexy young golden Palomino snuggled, flicking his long shiny tail around a bit, swishing it around behind that shapely ass. Hooves watching that sexy tail, with more interest that most geldings would have. "So what's on yer mind sweety?" The Zebracorn gelding asked as the pretty young gelding flaunted himself.

Marcus smiled as he looked back over his broad shoulder, clearly the younger gelding practicing his teasing skills. "Not too much Sir, just in the mood to serve a stallion like a good gelding."

"Hahah so us geldings need to find a stallion who wants to play then huh..." The handsome striped myth grunted, knowing that it was breeding season and their chances were slim. Marcus nodded and blushed, reaching a paw down to where his colt makers used to hang. Running nimble fingers over that rough red scar, as his felt a pang of loss.

"Yup." The shiny young gelded Palomino affirmed, while moving up closer to the older male.

"Oh dear... looks like I've corrupted you sweety." Those soft velvety black lip's curled up into a soft smirking smile as he rubbed his muzzle against Marcus.

"Hehe, how so Sir?" The young new gelding asked as he pressed that sexy equine body up against the Zebracorn teasingly.

"I got ya going gelding... now look at you... but damn you wear it well." The big Zebracorn praised as he admired that sexy young neutered body.

Marcus blushed and answered that in the only way he could.

"It feels more right... then being a stallion Sir." The young Palomino gelding moaned softly as he rubbed his nut-less crotch against the Zebracorn's own.

"Ummm Hmmmm... Ssssssuuuuuurrrrrreeeeee..." Hooves nuzzles and kiss's that long equine neck teasingly, as the two of them embrace more closely.

"What?" Marcus asked confused by the words and the myth's teasing tone, even as he smiled and kissed back gently.

"Every little gelding wants to be a stallion, and mount everything that moves..." Hooves taunted knowing that wasn't really the case, but also knowing it was for this young gelding.

"Hehe, well yes that's very true, the problem is geldings don't get to mount anything... Sir." Marcus moaned, his young body still hormone fueled enough to desire the pleasure he could no longer experience.

"That's right... its not their place to mount... Their the ones who get mounted, not the mounters..." The flashy Zebracorn snickered as he'd long ago gotten use to the limitations of his gelding hood.

"Yes we are for real Stallions to practice on." The younger equine blushed and nodded as he looked up at the older Zebracorn.

"Or just to enjoy..." Hooves pointed out with a lustful look on his long handsome muzzle.

Marcus nods his pretty head eagerly, his long mane shaking in the cool breeze.

"Very true Sir." He grunted softly, as Hooves teasingly rubs those big hot hands all over that sleek equine body. Marcus shivered in arousal as he felt those big hot hands move over his furry body, that sexy tail swishing around more. Even though his long equine cock remains limp and dangling down between his long shapely equine legs. "Ammm..."

"And of course... now we live to please them don't we... Those lustful young studs... wanting nothing more that to use us for their own pleasures..." Hooves moans clearly excited by the idea of servicing horny young stallions. Marcus blushed brightly and nods his long narrow head emphatically, as he cranes his neck up to kiss the bigger gelding.

"Our bodies are for their pleasure... and their desires. Meanwhile we are no competition for the fillies, so those potent young stud can breed.

"Oh no... we are no competition for them, and they'll run off when the fillies are agreeable... Leaving us all alone... while they seduce the females and rut... Even as the fillies will taunt us, try to get us to try mounting so they can laugh at our inabilities..." The sleek Zebracorn smiled knowingly, as he'd saw the females taunting the younger gelding earlier. Marcus blushed hard, shivering violently all over at the memory.

"I can't help but try... even though I never get hard for them anymore." Marcus sobbed softly, the need and shame making his voice quiver.

"Whats the matter geldie can't get it in... that's because yer trying to shoot pool we a rope... Hahahah" The amused Zebracorn repeated in a mocking falsetto, as he imitated a horny naughty young filly.

"Awwww, look at his blush! It must be frustrating, rubbing that stud stick, unable to get hard, isnt it? I guess I'll have to go to your friends for some sex since you cant do it." Hooves blushes in shame as the young gelding tops his own mocking even while fondle both of their limp organs. Marcus shivered a little and blushed harder, looking down in shame as he imagined the fillies laugh at them both. Hooves cuddles and holds the young frustrated gelding gently as he sobs and shivers in both humiliation and need.

Marcus nuzzled against that striped cheek as the older gelding cuddle him gently. "Sometimes its best just to hid in the barn... heh." Marcus nodded his long narrow equine head in complete understanding, as he looks around at the horny studs and fillies in season.

"Would you like to head there?" He asked as the girls giggle at them both, as they strolled by with the lustful studs following them.

"Sure... maybe we can hid in the hay loft." Hooves grunted as he turned the young pretty gelding around and guided him towards the barn. Marcus nodded and let the striped gelding lead the way, towards the quite sanctuary of the hay loft. Hooves leads Marcus around to the barn, and up the ladder into the dark warm hay loft. Marcus smiled and kept his eyes on that sexy striped butt as Hooves lead him on. As they climb into the loft, Marcus snuggled close and reach a hand down to rub at that limp stud stick. Hooves flopped back onto the rough hay, and let the younger male touch and stroke as much as he liked. Marcus smiled a little sadly and leaned his head down to lick the length of that limp cock. Before taking the big blunt end into his soft hot mouth, suckling on it gently.

Hooves whimpers as that limp organ tingles with taunting pleasure... his long leg's stretching and kicking on either side of the pretty young gelding.

Marcus smirked a little, and tried to take more of the limp organ into his mouth. Having some difficulty because of its floppy semi hard status, enjoying the sounds the Zebracorn was make. Hooves ran his huge three fingered hands over that broad equine head, rubbing those silky ears and running through that long mane... As the pretty geldings hot mouth becomes more and more frustratingly pleasurable on his weakly throbbing cock.

Marcus shivered a little as he tasted that limp cock, his tongue running all over it. Even while he blushed a little as he look up into Hooves eyes, a year ago he would never have imagined himself sucking another males organ. Watches the sexy young male suckling that limp organ, and wishing it was he himself sucking... Wishing some big hard stallion was holding that striped head and raping his soft muzzle... And then they both heared an amused snicker, and look up at the ladder. Standing there watching was a silvery white colt, too young to have a chance at the fillies. But obviously old enough to want sexual pleasure, and knowing where he could find it.

"Pitiful..." The horny young stud snorted in derisive amusement, as he looked them over. "Slutty geldings trying to get each other off... when you know you got NO THING!" He laughed at them then, obviously feeling powerful and far superior to the nut-less neuters. Marcus yelped in surprise and pulled his muzzle off that limp useless cock, and looked up at the colt in humiliation. As aroused as he was, his cock still hung limply between his legs.

"Ummmm well..." The pretty Palomino gelding stammered in embarrassment as he stared at the colt.

"Well what?" The young stud snorted derisively, as he climbed up into the loft and stood there looking at them in lustful amusement... And then slowly undress's to show off his sleek young equine body, those hefty black plums up tight against his sheath... While that small cock jutted out stiffly... in front of him. "You MARES need a breeding?" He demanded as aggressively as a youth like him could manage with his cracking voice. Marcus hang his head in shame as he begins undressing, his eyes roving over that body with a tinge of lust. Even as he blushes harder in shame at his own desires for a younger males cock.

"BB... but we are not mares..." The slightly naive young Palomino point out with a small shiver of disgust and humiliation.

"Well your certainly NOT stallions!" The young stud snorted as he trots over and lifts their limp useless organs, and then toss's them aside carelessly. "And I'm in the mood for Mares... older ones like my mothers friends... So you are Mare!" He smirked looking down at the helpless geldings with a derisive smirk, as he flops down on a pile of hay and spreads his legs. "Ok... Mares you can start my sucklin' me off." Marcus gasps as he feels the young stud grab his limp member, and can't resist thrusting his hips towards that hand. Feeling his blush deepen, wishing he had never lost his colt makers as he makes eye contact with Hooves. Before reluctantly moving forwards, to begin licking at the sexy colt studs jutting rock hard young cock. "Ummmm yeah lick... lick everything..." The horny colt whinnies... loudly as that hot mouth touches his hard young cock... While Hooves mouth nuzzles and licks his fat young ball's kissing and worshiping them lustfully. Marcus looked up at the colt in humiliation, as his lust grows into need. One of those hands moving down to fondle his own limp cock, as he begins bouncing that handsome head up and down on that nice hard cock.

Hooves gently pushes Marcus out from between the colts slender leg's... and around until his hip's are by that handsome young head. Even as the Zebracorn watched his young muzzle express the pleasure he is feeling, those eyes glazing over as he slips farther and farther into his lusty fantasies. "Why don't you lick the mares hot hole while she sucks you off..." The naughty Zebracorn whispers, guiding his hands up to Marcus's hip's watching as he pulls the gelding over his muzzle... That hot young tongue licking up the palomino's gelding scar slowly.

"Ummm Ummm yeah." The horny colt moans, as that hot mouth goes back to licking his balls, before moving lower still. Sliding around the quivering rim of that tiny virgin tail hole, licking and lubing it with slimy saliva. Marcus shivered and blushed harder, as he felt that tongue lick up the scar that had formerly been his pride and joy. That limp cock resting against the young stallion's chin, as Marcus continued to suck him off. Taking him deeper as the pretty gelding look into Hooves eyes dreamily, the two gelding lost in the joy of pleasing a real male. Hooves smiled up at the Palomino and winked as he watched the horny colt licking slowly up that scar to the geldings sweet tail hole. And then as his hands spread those golden cheeks, the licks around the rim of that hot hole. So lost in his fantasies the young stud doesn't realize what he's licking no doubt...

"Ummmm yeah you like that my mare?" The pretty colt panted breathlessly, as Marcus licked and suckled on him harder and faster... While the Zebracorn's mouth pleasures him in the same way... until he's humping back and forth from Marcus's mouth to Hooves. Marcus shivered as that tongue runs up his scar to that winking tail hole, he lifted that flowing tail submissively. Shivering in pleasure, even as he imagine himself in place of the colt, with his colt makers still hanging between his legs. "Ohoo... Ohooo... WHINNNY!" The young stallion squealed with pleasure, as his fat balls draw up and he feeds Marcus a hot gooey load of fresh stud milk... To young to have any self control, or staying power he cums hard even while pumping his tongue in and out of that clenching tail hole... Marcus choked as he feels his mouth fill with that hot stud seed, and swallows down gulp after gulp of it.

And then the young stud colt pushed Marcus off of him, and swiftly climbs up behind him... For altho' he had no staying power... he was horny and quick to recover his lusts. "Really to have me in yer sweet pussy... Mare?" The Palomino gelding whimpering a little bit, as he prepared to take it up the rear. But he softly nod that handsome head, and grunted excitedly. "Y... Yes Sir." He moaned, not disputing the stallion calling him a mare this time. Hooves watched it all in amusement... seeing that shiny young tail up he looked around. Spotting the handle of a hay fork, the rounded tip shiny and smooth from uses... Moving over the Zebracorn picked it up and slather some saliva over it. And then pressed it against that young virgin tail hole... the young colt's eyes widen in shock as that hard round tool is pushed against his anus! Even as he rutting hip's, thrust back onto it... and suddenly he's impaled bucking and whinnying wildly as he ruts.


Marcus blushes hard as he offered himself up, feeling the heat of the colt's erection near his hot fuck hole. Before looking up in surprise at his whinnying, Marcus looked around and saw the stick in the colts butt. And then had to grin as he looked at the smirking Zebracorn.

"Oh my... it looks like someones really a mare." He chuckled, as the handsome young stallion trembled and jerked on that hard wooden shaft.

"Yes... I think someone will be joining us very soon... Especially if the older studs hear him squealing like that, and come looking to see whats going on... heh." The wicked Zebracorn snickered, thrusting that wooden dildo in and out of the young studs tight ass harder and faster. Making the young colt buck and struggle on that hard tool... even while his hard little cock slides in and out of the Palomino's slick tail hole.

Marcus whinnied loudly, as he felt that colt hood ram into his quivering tail hole. Blushing hard, feeling himself thrust back to meet those rut thrusts, his pleasure rising quickly in response.

"Ooohohoh..." The sexy Palomino gelding moan loudly, swooning happily onto the hay.

"Uuuuu huh uhuuuuu?" The horny young colt whimpered in shock, as he tried to pull away from that invading handle. But can't as Marcus's soft round ass blocks his escape with its hot delightful pleasure. The pleasure of that tight tail hole on his aroused organ, and that hard dildo pounding his prostate bringing the young stud off.... But his proud young erection never flags, and he begins building to another orgasm almost at once. His whinnies and squeals of passion growing louder and louder... drowning out the sounds of heavy hoof beats coming closer and closer. Even as Hooves straddles the hay forks handle using it like it was his own erection...

Marcus squealed and whinnied loudly as he felt his tail hole filled with the young colts hot seed. He looked back at Hooves, his muzzle flushed in humiliation and arousal all at once. As he feels his own gelding orgasm building up, his heartbeat throbbing in those pointed equine ears. The sound of it drowning out the sound of hoof beats, on the wooden rungs of that ladder. The young handsome colt collapsed over the golden geldings back, as his body sweaty with exhaustion builds to a third orgasm. Even as a big equine head appears, coming up that loft ladder. The big older stud watching the action for a long moment, puzzling out what was happening for a moment. Before a big lewd smile spreads over his lustful equine features... his excitement obvious.

"Well... well... well... what do we got here? Three geldings at play." He laughed in lewd amusement, as the young white stud colt looked back over his shoulder in shock and horror. Suddenly realizing that word of this would be spread thoughout the herd by morning! Marcus whimpered as the colt collapsed just before he manage to have his own orgasm. The pretty golden Palomino reached back to stroke at his limp member, even as he looks over at the young stallion blushing hard.

"Looks like someone just bred their last 'Mare'... I hope it was worth it." He taunts the helpless young stud colt, as the massive older stallion climbs on up into the loft with them.

"Wha... Wha... what... but I... I love mares... I... I'm Not a dick loving gelding..." The pretty young colt moaned weakly in denial, as the big stallion shoves Hooves and his hay fork away. And quickly takes the Zebracorn's place behind the young stud... giving both geldings a gloating smile. As he takes out his enormous stud stick, grabbing that shiny white horse tail he yanks it up. "Nnn Noooooo... can't do this... I'm No gelding!" The pretty young white colt moaned more forcefully in denial, as that huge blunt cock head is slammed hard against his tail hole. Normally that hole would have been tightly clenched, but having already been violated by a wooden tool handle. It was gaping partly open, and that big blunt cock head punched right into it. "WWWEEHEHEHEEE!" The stud colt screamed in shock and horror, as he realized a stallion was balls deep in his ass. His hip's bucking driving his suddenly rock hard erection deeper into Marcus's tight tail hole. A big smile spreading across the golden geldings handsome muzzle, as the moment began building his pleasure again.

"Don't worry... you will be when I'm done with you." The big Stallion laughed as he slipped a gelding knife out of his pocket, and a couple of thick rubber bands. Marcus chuckled loudly as he thrust his rump back trapping the white colt between a cock and a hot place. Slamming that soft round gelding ass back onto the colt had cock, Marcus using the soon to be gelded equine to get as much pleasure for himself as possible. Even while looking back between both their legs, watching as the colts firm young nuts are wrapped in those rubber bands.

"Better enjoy my tail hole... it's going to be your last pleasure as a true male." The golden gelding teased, as he clamped those strong anal muscles down hard on that young cock. Drawing loud whinnies of pleasure along with the grunts of pain from that thick cock raping his tail hole.

"Reach back here gelding..." The big stallion snorted, at Marcus over the pretty white colts shoulder. Grab those firm unripe plums, and pull down on them for me. Yeah that's it hold on tight... their squirmy little buggers." The lustful older stallion moaned, as his powerful hip's slammed his thick rut stick into that hot tight asshole savagely. Watching as the golden gelding and soon to be white gelding bucked and humps wildly beneath him. Until Marcus screamed in delight as his seedless Eunuch orgasm swept over him. As the white colt bucked and rutted that sweet Palomino ass for all he was worth. Those tight little nuts struggling to draw up as the young stud neared his own peak. "Say bye bye BALLS." The older stallion snickered as he ran the razor sharp edge of that gelding knife across the neck of those trapped orbs. And suddenly they popped free in Marcus's trembling hand, as the new gelding screamed. His young body jerking and shaking, as his last orgasm exploding into Marcus's hot ass. While the big stallion atop him chuckled lewdly as his own hot load blasted the inside of that abused ass. "Ahahah Yeah... new geldings better than a filly any day! Hahaha..."


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