Debts fully paid... 16

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#16 of Hard Times

Ted calls that big black Bull and wants to deal...

As always played out with sweety boinggoat boinggoat

Debts fully payed

The old yellow dodge rolled up in front of the old two story house, parking on the street at the bottom of the small yard. And the side door opened, a huge young black Bull squeezed out of the passenger side door. While a even bigger Elephant climbed out of the drivers side door, the pair walking slowly up the old cracked and chipped walk. The burly Human stood up as they neared the front porch, looking much the worse for wear since they had last seen him. The flesh around his left eye was black and swollen, with a scab in the corner. Someone had landed one hell of a punch on the poor plumber's face, and judging from the tender way he was moving. They had landed a couple more punches like that to his ribs and kidneys.

"Hello Ray... Jordan." Ted stammered as he greeted the pair as they stepped up onto the front porch of his modest home. "Won't you come in?" The burly red headed Human inquired, as the two big furs stomped up onto the porch.

"I would be delighted." Jordan answered at once, while Ray hung back. And then grunted in a quite subdued voice that he would prefer to wait in the car, and stumbled back down the walk. Ted watching the big Pachyderm go uncomfortably... at being left alone with the Bull who wanted his balls.

"So this is him then?" A pretty auburn haired women asked, as she came out of the kitchen. Although the way she was dressed said she had not been cooking, the buxom Human female was wearing a sleek low cut black dress. "Our mysterious benefactor." She said looking the huge black Bull up and down with an obviously admiring eye.

"Oh... not so mysterious." The young Bull replied with a disarming smile, as he returned the females frank look. "My name is Jordan... Jordan Borden charmed." The hefty bovine introduced himself, stepping forward and offering a big heavy hand to the revealingly-dressed Human female. The Bull's black fur shone in the light, and his dark blue shirt had the shimmer of silk to it. He wore it open-collared, and with a gold Taurus symbol on a chain hanging down his chest. It was a bit of a 70's look... but somehow it worked on him. Even though he was easily the youngest person there, and even though he was a big, fat stud. The young rich bovine exuded an air of confidence and ease... not to mention an earthy masculine bovine musk. As he shook her hand, Tawny could feel his eyes following the curves of her sleek black dress.

"Oh... well hello Jordan." Tawny replied as took that massive hand, watching as her own almost disappeared within the Bull massive mitt. "Very pleased to meet you." The pretty tan Human woman purred in a low husky voice, that the Bull knew from past experience spoke of her excitement. Even as the two of them stood admiring each other a moment longer, until Ted cleared his throat uncomfortably. "So my husband tells me your going to help us out with our... with his gambling debts." She paused a moment, an Jordan's sensitive nose tingled with the scent of her arousal clearly she found him attractive. "Perhaps you should explain this deal to me personally... just so there is no misunderstanding."

Jordan smiled back... thinking she knew exactly what he wanted and what was happening. And she was if not loving the idea... at the very least enjoying it. Why else would she be almost trying to seduce him... she was obviously tired of her husband screwing up her life. And was happy to meet the Bull who was going to fix that... and him. He held her hand just a moment longer than necessary, starring deep into to her emerald green eyes. "Of course... I had hoped Ted here would have talked it over with you, but I'll be glad to set the record straight. But let's go inside... no need to let the neighborhood watch." He smiled over at Ted, who nodded quickly looking back over his shoulder at the other houses on his street. The stocky Human already flushed and nervous, but quickly led them in. Jordan went last, and made sure his hand brushed against Tawny's soft round rump when her back was turned. Ted watching the big Bull with his wife uncomfortably... at the way she seemed so intrigued with the Bull who wanted his balls. Slowly he led the young bovine into their comfortable well worn living room.

"Ummm would you like... something to drink?" Ted asked as the big Bull strolled in and took a seat on the sofa, Tawny sitting down very close to him. Jordan shaking his huge horned head, he wanted to be completely sober for the fun ahead.

"Oh we've talked it over... I'm just having trouble believing anyone would pay fifteen thousand dollars for... well for something so... common." Ted winced at her words, even as he poured himself three fingers of Vodka. Noticing that the big Bulls flabby hand had settle onto his beautiful wife's bare knee. Jordan laughed at that, and gave her knee a gently squeeze.

"Oh... well while it's true every male has a pair of his own, to their owner they're very valuable indeed. And to a collector like myself, every one is unique... special... kind of like a women. I could never have too many." He gave Ted's sexy wife a wide smile, letting his hot palm creep up from knee to thigh. "It is true... if I castrate your husband." He gestured towards Ted, talking like he big man wasn't even there. "I keep his testicles and scrotum, and I will pay you $15,000. It really is that simple." He explained simply, leaning back on that worn out old sofa. It was hard for Tawny not to notice the Bull-sized lump in his tight black slacks.

"Never have to many... trophies or women?" Tawny asked with a chuckle, as she leaned back on the sofa looking up at that massive bovine muzzle curiously.

"To be honest... both." Jordan replied with a wide grin, as he felt her leg slide through his hand. The Bull listened to her concerns, then nodded slowly, letting the woman study the shape and soft fur of his muzzle.

"We are talking cash... right? Ted's... friends won't take checks even from someone like yourself... and they have already been targeting me. I'm worried about out sons Fred and George... and of course Vera Ted's eighteen year old daughter from a former marriage." Tawny licked his full red lip's, as her eyes wandered down to the mighty bulge in Jordan's slacks, her own hand finding its way onto that hefty thigh. Even as Ted downed his drink and poured another quickly, the talk of castration making him even more uncomfortable. He damn well didn't want to loss his balls... but couldn't see another way out of the current situation.

"Cash is fine." Jordan shifted his fat thigh, rubbing it against her hand. "I brought a check, but a quick trip to the bank is all I need to change it. I can do that tonight if you'd prefer... I completely understand that you don't want to waste any time. Especially with your daughter... and boys at stake. One man's manhood almost seems a...small price to pay, for their safety, doesn't it?"

"Doesn't it though." Ted snarled as he looked up from his latest drink, then just as Jordan was looking over at him. The big Bull felt that small hot hand explore his bulge, the fuming Ted not noticing as Tawny fondled the Bull. "Yes we damn well want cash and we want it before you get anywhere near my balls." The obviously drunken Human growled loudly, as Jordan looked over at the picture of the sleek sexy sixteen year old wondering if he would get to meet her.

"I'm sure we can ask Ray to go get the cash..." Tawny pointed out, as her lush body pressed ever so slightly against the young Bulls side. Jordan's calm gaze drifted smoothly from Ted over to his wife, and he responded by smiling and putting an arm around the sleekly-dressed woman as she leaned on his big, soft body.

"Now that sounds like an excellent idea Tawny." He patted her on the shoulder and slid a sleek cell phone out of his pocket. "Hi Ray... could you do us a favor? Your friend's check is in my jacket pocket in the seat, could you run down to the bank and get it cashed for us? No it'll be fine, I'll call ahead and tell them to expect you. Thanks buddy." A few more button pushes and then big Bull smiled softly as his off hand groped Tawny's left breast. "Yes... Hello Mr. Hampton, sorry to bother you at home this is Jordan Bordan... could you do me a small favor? I need a check cashed for a purchase I'm making. I've sent one of my friends over to pick up the currency, could you make sure everything goes smoothly? No, its just $15,000. Oh, wonderful. Please give my best to Cheryl and the boys..." He hung up and slipped the phone back into his pocket, nodded at Ted. "No problem."

The pretty Human woman's eyes widen at the easy the big Bull handled these things, the scent of her arousal growing stronger. "Was that... James E. Hampton the bank president?"

"Yes he's and old friend of the family." The young black Bull answered honestly as his huge hot hand squeezed her breast again. Even as Ted frown at the arm that was draped over his wife's shoulder, and he stood up hands clenching slightly.

"Well then... when he gets back we can get started." Ted choked, clearly upset by the closeness between this strange male and his wife, but unsure what to do about it. Just then a door banged open loudly, and a sixteen year old boy came running in to the room.

"Fred... wha... what are you doing here?" Ted choked, looking slightly sick as he looked from his son to the big black Bull. "You... your supposed to be spending the night at Tony's."

"Forgot my Ipod." The teenager explained looking at his startled parents, and then the huge black Bull sitting with his mom. "Uhum so who... who's this?" He asked widen eyed, as Jordan smiled down at him and stuck out his huge hand the boy took it at once.

"This... this is Jordan and old... Ahem friend of ours." Tawny jumped in standing up and getting ready to shoo her teenage son out of the house.

"I ain never seen him..." The sixteen year old started to objected, even as his mother moved towards him.

"Well... I'm more a new friend... But You might be seeing me around from time to time." Jordan remarked as he gently shook the young athletes hand, looking over the young stud... clearly he was going to grow up with his father's build. "And I believed I see it over there by your fathers chair." He looked up and smiled at the distraught man as the teen ran over and grabbed his toy.

"K... got it." Fred exclaimed excitedly picking up the Ipod and running back out of the house, even as Tawny got up and followed him to the door locking it. Then came back into the room seeing Ted empty the last of that bottle into his glass and gulped it down.

"Anyway I agree Ted we should take care of things as soon as Ray gets back. If you're ready... you should have another drink, you look tense."

"Well now that is settled, I say we move into the bed room. Ray can use the key under the step when he gets back." The pretty middle aged woman said, as she glared at her husband who was making things more difficult than they should be. "Since Ted's agreed this is going to happen, there's no need to wait to get things set up. The sooner we do, the sooner this is all going to be over with." She argued sensing this line of reasoning would make her drunken husband agree.

"Yeah alright... but he doesn't touch my nuts until I'm holding the cash in my hand."

"You know... your friend Ray wouldn't have referred you to me if I'd had trouble getting him his money." Jordan observed casually more to Tawny, but also just to needle Ted a little bit. "But if it makes you more comfortable, than its fine with me." Ted looked over at the big black Bull with a kind of drunken awed expression on his now red face, clearly this logic was impressing him.

"Well... yeah... yeah it makes me comfortaabble." Ted slurred, as he allowed Tawny and Jordan to lead him towards the master bedroom at the back of the house, where he sat on the bed heavily.

"And Tawny... let's do make him comfortable." The young Bull said as he winked at her slyly, reaching behind her and Ted to fondle that sexy ass. "After all, this is his last night as a man... maybe you should help him relax..."

"Yes... yes indeed his last night as a whole man." Tawny agreed as she looked at the Bull curiously, unsure what he was getting at. Jordan walked with Tanya and while her drunken husband was distracted, he whispered in her ear.

"This is my way of getting you out of that sexy dress... and seeing what your husband can do with his balls, before they wind up on my wall. And after..." He nuzzled her neck behind Ted's back, giving her ass a firm squeeze. "I can take over the jobs... he won't be man enough for anymore..."

"So you plan to take care of my needs, once you've made my husband incapable of doing it?" She giggled soft, pressing back on those fingers for a moment. Before stepping forwards to help her burly Human husband undress. Ted's upper body was powerfully developed and his chest hairy, but as his shorts came off Jordan noticed that his crotch was shaved now. Making that nine inch cock look somewhat more impressive, as it jutted out semi hard above those heavy naked balls. Which seemed to look bigger, and the big black Bull couldn't help smiling as he watched Tawny do a slow striptease...

"Wow Ted, you shaved just for me? That's very thoughtful... it will make things easier and faster." He strolled over to the end of the bed, and watched Ted's wife strip along with him.

"Wha... hell No... Tawny made me." The drunken Human stammered as he watched the big Bull, not realizing Jordan was watching Tawny's slow sexy striptease.

"Ammmm, what a fine woman you have there Ted... Ohoh look at that, you know she wants what you've got. Ummm humm... she'll miss it when it's gone, that's for sure..."

"Course... course she does... look at me... I could be a fuckin' porn star." The Human boasted, even though his cock was only half as hard as it had been in the baths, Jordan smiled thinking Ted needed a bit of male musky to be his best. "Errr... wha... she'll miss it? Its not like... yer takin' my cock."

Jordan chuckled softly as he thought of his recent experience with the big Pachyderm. "Oh of course not... I'm not collecting cocks... right now. However without your balls, it'll be a lot more difficult to use... so pay attention. Enjoy this while you can."

"Humph... for you maybe... but my cock'll be just fine... just can't knock'er up anymore." Ted assured drunkenly, as he boasted about his size and sexual abilities once again. Clearly the Human was insecure around the big Bull, he was drunkenly overcompensating now.

Licking his full shiny black lip's, the big Bull firmly rubbed his pants. "You don't mind if I enjoy it too, do you Ted?"

"Watch... enjoy me showing you how a real man fucks? Heh No... No... you go right ahead and enjoy it BOY..." Ted snickered as he at last realized Tawny was stripping, looking around just in time to watch her take off her bra, and then shimmy out of her lacy panties to stand before them totally naked.

Jordan smirked at Ted's overcompensating... well this would be a laugh, he thought to himself, as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt... The young Bull licking his lips as Tawny stripped, taking in her creamy tits, her smooth hide... Ummm, and the dash of fur on her loins. His big belly shook as he peeled his shirt off, then dropped his slacks... and let his massive balls sway freely. He played with his bovine tool, showing Tanya what she was upgrading to...

The small bed room swiftly filled with the big Bull's masculine musky, and Teds weakly throbbing cock quickly hardened to full size. Tawny's eyes looking from that sizable Human organ over to the Bull organ which dwarfed it by double. The look on her pretty human face making Jordan snicker softly, as he watched her move up onto the bed. Ted grabbing her taking control at once, wanting to show off his masculine power. Sliding between her shapely legs, he slide into her with practiced ease. Burying his red drunken face in those hefty tits, as he grunted and strained humping and thrusting. Tawny's eyes however never left that long bovine stud stick, that jutted from between Jordan's thick thigh's... Even as her husband did his very best to fuck her as long and as hard as he was able...

Jordan grinned at Tawny, even as her soon-to-be neutered husband had her. He stroked his long Bull dick to stiffness and rubbed it against his fat, shiny black belly. He lifted his huge balls and massaged them for her, letting her see the source of that thick scent in the room... Naturally, before things got much farther along, Ray strolled in with a shiny black brief case. Ted was far to distracted by what he was now thoroughly enjoying, to realize that Ray had arrived. So Jordan had the Elephant counted out the cashed onto the bed beside the rutting pair. Grinning widely to the sexy female who maybe was being fucked by her husband... but was having an orgasm for the huge black Bull teasing her with his mighty male hood.

Softly the pretty auburn haired Tawny patted the bed beside them, inviting Jordan to join them. The big black Bull needed no further invitation, and slipped swiftly into place. The big king sized bed sagging significantly under the fat Bull's weight, obviously the Humans bed wasn't designed for someone so big.

Ted glanced over as the bed sank down beside them, but surprisingly the drunken red head didn't seem very alarmed. And went back to humping and thrusting into his lovely wife, even as Tawny reached out to run her hand through the smooth hot fur of Jordan's broad chest.

Jordan smiled broadly as those slender feminine hands caressed his broad, sagging chest, running through his well-groomed fur and seeming to delight in his bulk and presence. He slid a heavy hand around her back and slender shoulders as she rocked on her husband's shaft, and leaned to her, the young Bull nuzzling her ear hotly. His other hand sliding up to play with her bare breasts... his fat belly hung against her hips, and his stiff Bull hood jutted out over Ted's body. Ted's eyes flew open wider as he watched the big Bull's hands fondle his wife's sexy naked body, oddly he only felt intense sexual excitement watching it. And clearly Tawny was enjoying Jordan's attention, her body flushing and responding to it eagerly. The burly Human gasp for breath, as the big Bull's aroused sexual scent filled his senses; making him even harder and his thrusts speed up. Something hot and slimy dripped onto the rutting Human butt cheeks, glancing back Ted saw that massive bovine cock jutting up over his naked butt cheeks. And a powerful shiver raced down his spine, gulping the straight Human turned back to his sexy wife trying to push the image of that massive cock out of his mind.

Jordan couldn't help but notice the human's reaction to his Bull sex, he could hardly blame him, being only hung like a human was bound to leave him worshiping those males that naturally had a lot more. With a grin, the fat black Bull pressed closer to both of them, letting his shaft slide sideways over Ted's rump. His belly pressing against both the stocky human and his lithe wife, Jordan's fat balls rolling against their thighs as his musk hypnotized them both. He nuzzled Tawny and slid a fat hand over Ted's back, caressing him from shoulders to rump...

The big burly male let out a long shuddering sigh, as that huge hot hand caressed his naked body; his thrusts thrown out rhythm for a moment. As the Bulls soft furry body pressed against them both, the bovines a few degrees hotter naturally. So that it seemed to warm that already flush and blushing flesh, even as Tawny slid a arm around Jordan's thick neck. Pulling his handsome muzzle in closer, planting a soft slow kiss on those shiny bovine lip's. While that big hot hand slid down Teds back and up onto his round ass cheeks, that huge cock laying against one cheek throbbing faster. Jordan slid his thick tongue into Tawny's muzzle, knowing Ted was watching... paying close attention, he was sure. He squeezed the Human's buttocks firmly as he ground his hot, fat body against them, and then teasingly traced the cleft of Ted's ass down to his thighs... And then slid his hand between them, and teased the Human's plump, sweaty balls from behind. With his thumb he gently probed between Ted's cheeks, teasing that tightly puckered asshole...

"Ammmm." Tawny moaned as she opened her mouth, letting that huge tongue into explore the inside of her mouth. Gently she suckled on that rough thick organ like it was a cock in her mouth; even as they both felt Teds eyes watching them. Strangely he didn't protest this, in fact he was growing more and more excited by watching his wife interact with another male. And then he felt that big hot hand on his ass move lower, fondling and teasing his hefty dangling plums. And then as his hip's drew backwards he felt the Bulls thick thumb pressing against his virgin ass hole, his hip's froze at once his muscles tensing. And then Jordan's thumb tip spread his anal lip's thrusting inside of him slowly, Ted face growing as red as a fire engine eyes blinking very rapidly...

Jordan worked his thick thumb around in there, not knowing Human anatomy so well, but knowing men and asses like he owned them all. He prodded Ted's prostate, while his fingers tickled his balls, and he worked his hips back and forth. His long hot rod stroking over the Human's wide rump, reminding him it didn't have to be a thumb in there... All this while he strongly and lustfully kissed the Human's female...

"Uhuhu..." Ted moaned loudly as that thick thumb touch the taboo spot within him, that the straight Human had never knew existed. The burly red heads mouth hung open, and his eyes glazed as Jordan's prodding thump made his hip's go back to thrusting. Even as he felt that hot throbbing Bull cock rubbing against his naked skin, slick with pre-cum that hard cock felt shocking good. Smiled as she broke the kiss, Tawny looked up at her husbands stunned face. Even as her soft hand guided Jordan muzzle over to her mates face, those glazed eyes widening as Jordan Bullish lip's brush his own.

Jordan grinned into the human's face, and deftly curled an arm under Tawny's shoulders and around Ted's head. Tousling the Human's red hair with his thick fingers, he deeply kissed the burly, 'straight' Human like he was the Bull's next cow. As his tongue pushed into Ted's mouth he probed his prostate again, and his fingertips rolled the Human's sweaty balls around. Ted looked shocked as he was kissed passionately, that big tongue spearing inside of him like that big thumb was plumbing into his ass. A strong shiver of pleasure ran down his spine as that hidden gland was rubbed and prodded, his big cock twitching and oozing pre-cum harder. His fantasy's had been more towards cuckolding, watching the big Bull with his sexy wife. Now however the confused straight male started thinking about the pleasure he was getting from being penetrated... "Ummmm." He moaned involuntarily as Jordan broke the kiss and returned to Tawny licking and sucking her nipples lustily for a second before kissing her lustfully again...

Jordan enjoyed having his thick tongue almost filling Tawny's mouth as she moaned around it, both humans pressed together and against him, both writhing in his arms. He slid his tongue out of Tawny's mouth and nibbled on her ear, then nibbled on Ted's ear while that fat thumb prodded his prostate. "Fuck your wife." The big Bull whispered hotly into Ted's ear, as the big Human trembled. "And then, I will..." That big burly body shook like a leaf in the wind, as Jordan whispered those words into Teds ear big flat teeth nibbles in his lobe.

"You... you think I'm just going to watch you fuck MY wife." He whispered back as that big bovine mouth covered his again kissing deeply, before pulling back to grunt lustfully.

"I think you want to." Those words making the Human face twist up in guilty pleasure as he stared into Jordan's eyes, knowing the Bull knew his secret desires. His hip's speeding up in silent agreement as that thick thumb worked his prostate over quickly working him to the edge of orgasm. Jordan licked lewdly inside the Human's ear, and curled his fingers tightly around Ted's sweaty balls... balls that he had paid for. He made sure the burly Human felt the rough squeeze of ownership. "That's right, Ted. Ummm, you're handsome for a Human, you know that? That's why I'm spending so much money on your balls. You've got a nice pair... and a nice dick to go with it. And a nice wife to use them on. So go ahead and cum in her one last time, before I make you a man-steer and add you to my herd." He rubs his thumb in a circle around Ted's prostate, then starts pumping it as the Human thrusts. "That's right... cum... then move over. So I can take over."

"Ummm fuck..." Ted moaned breathlessly as he peaked within Tawny's hot tight sex, those words being whispered in his ear only making it sweeter. The Bulls lustful flattery driving him to pound all the harder, straining to hold back wanting to put on the best show. "Ummmm yeah baby... Oho fuck yeah... How ya like that?" Ted panted arching his back, thrusting his hip's forwards while throwing his head back and cumming hard into Tawny's lush body as that big hand smacked his as hard

Jordan Ammmed, and breathed hotly into Ted's ear. "Good boy, work up a sweat... I like it just fine." He kneaded those sweaty balls when he felt Ted cumming, and once the Human was finished, Jordan slid that thumb out of his ass. "That was a good last fuck, Ted. worthy of any Bull. You'll make a good Steer, Ummm...." Jordan smirked, stroking that pale naked Human ass in open appreciation. "Now slide over... let the new Bull take over here." The big thickly muscled Human's body sagged forwards over his wife's lush body, for a moment panting for breath as he spurted and spurted out that hot lust.

"I... I'm glad you liked it." Ted whispered to Jordan, as he trembled from that hot breath blowing in his ear. And then with a exhausted moan he rolled over off of Tawny, and lay beside her as that huge black body slid between her leg's. Forcing them to spread even wider, as the handsome young bovine positioned himself. Looking down at the husband and wife in lustful amusement. Jordan delighted in getting his thick hands on Tawny's soft thighs and gently easing them wide apart, and gazing down at that almost bare Human muff, ready for his huge Bull dick. He looked over at her stocky husband and grinned widely. "You can play with my balls, if you want." He snickered and then the fat young Bull lowered himself onto Tawny's body, his fat belly spreading over her plush frame as his thick arms slid under her. His long pole slid down over her belly and between her legs... and then after a few adjustments of his hips. That big black ass shifting, Jordan felt his tip kiss the entrance to her gooey sex, and he pushed inside. "Ammmm... Damn Ted, your wife's pussy feels great..."

Tawny's eye's were already wide, as the massive young bovine stud loomed over her small Human body. But then they went even wilder as his soft furry body seemed to engulf hers, and then she felt that huge organ sliding over her soft round bell and mound. Before the hot tip slipped easily within her, filling her as well as her husbands whole cock had. And still more and more cock kept coming, stretching her sexy lip's to the limits as his length plumbed her depths. "Oho Gods your SO BIG." She moaned in obvious delight, as Ted moved over behind Jordan sliding in between his thick legs. Trembling hands cupping and exploring those huge testicles that would make four of his own... "Oho God... Ohoooo gods fuck my wife... right in front of me..." Ted half moaned, half wailed as he both enjoyed the lewd sight and felt a rush of jealously. Quickly he buried his face between those hefty thighs kissing those huge male orb's, his fawning mouth slowly working their way up over that furry taint and up to Jordan tail hole.

The fat black Bull moved his huge hips slowly up and down, those huge furry buttocks rolling as his tail swayed in pleasure. "Ahahah... Ohoh, yeah, that feels good Tawny? Nice and big inside you... bigger than your husband, I know. And there's more... Ummm..." He swayed his hips, working his long stick around inside her, putting pressure on different parts of her pink. He snorted and smirked as Ted started fondling and kissing his huge, sweaty sac, and he started thrusting faster, making the Human woman moan loudly. "Yeah, worship my balls, Ted. The big Null is here to claim your wife, and then claim you... Ammm... yeah, you know what to do..." Tawny's lush body rubbed up against that huge hot furry bovine body, as her face twisted up in a look of undeniable pleasure. Clearly that huge rut stick was doing things to pleasure her, that she had never experienced before. Finding pleasure spots her Husbands cock couldn't, or had never bothered to look for. "Ohooo Yes... Fuck YES." She screamed loudly as her legs wrapped around the big Bull's thigh's, her tiny sex growing wetter and wetter as he thrust within her. "More? Give it to me please give it all to me?" The pretty auburn haired woman moaned in excitement, as she looked up at that bovine muzzle with adoration. Ted's ears burned as he listened, to how much Tawny was enjoying having another male fuck her. But damn it was turning him on enormously, he starred at that big black tail hole in fascination for a long moment before the Bull's lustful words egged him on. And so he leaned in and slowly ran his hot tongue around the rim of that hot bovine anus, finding it tasting mildly of soap and sweat.

Jordan glanced over his shoulder at what the Human was doing, and smirked gloatingly. "Oh, you like that Ted? Go right ahead... worship the Bull as you know you should. Yeah... nnf..." Jordan breathed deeply as he felt the Human rimming him, it was a pretty new sensation, at that. Not something he normally asked his Steers to do... his fat buttocks flexed around Ted's face as he humped his hot wife firmly. Being careful not to hurt her, but definitely enjoying himself even as she squeezed him with her thighs. "Yeah... worship my big male body, Ted... and get your balls ready to give to me. Ray... tie his balls up." The Bull commanded and Ray who'd been watching, quietly fondled his friend's sweaty sac and started to loop surgical tubing around those fat balls...

"Yes... Yes I like it." Ted moaned as his arms joined his wife's leg's wrapping around Jordan's hip's, his face hot against those furry butt cheeks. Spreading his naked thigh's as he felt Ray's thick, but amazingly nimble fingers tug his fat balls down in there sack. That strong stretchy surgical tubing around the neck of his low dangling sack. Up as close to that nine inch cock as it could get, one huge hand pausing to stroke that rock hard cock as Ray longed for what he himself no longer had. "Don't cum in my wife... please don't put yer baby in her belly." The cuckolded husband begged, clearly wanting the exact opposite of what he was begging for. Obviously getting off on watching a bigger younger male rutting his sexy wife, while she very much enjoyed having him do it...

The leering Bull looked behind him, and saw the flushed red head getting fondled and prepped by his new big eunuch, and he could see beyond those pleading words. "Oho you can't stop me Ted. Your wife is fine and fit; nice and healthy, fit for breeding. She'll be my newest cow; don't worry, and you'll be in my herd too, as a Steer. I'm claiming what you have, little male, I'm cutting off your balls, and cumming in your wife. Ray... hold him by the nuts until he's castrated." The young Bull ordered with a grunt, as he started thrusting even harder into the Human's stretched pussy. "Ummm, maybe I should cut your dick off too Ted, your wife seems to like mine a LOT more!"

"No... gods no please." Ted begged his tongue working even more feverishly, as his long Human cock was stroked and tugged by the passive looking Elephant. "You... you can't do... do that." The red head moaned, sounding all the more excited as his hands held those huge Bull nuts, so he could feel when they blasted their potent seed into Tawny. A almost crushing grip surrounded Teds low hanging nuggets as Ray did exactly as he was told, which only made the Human all the more aroused. "Wha... I... I'm not gunna be some dickless Steer... even... Even if you knock my wife up with your Calf." The horny Human moaned as his Wife bucked and screamed in pleasure, letting her husband hear just how much pleasure the big Bull was giving her. "Ohooo gods yes... cut it off to... I'll never feel it again anyway after this mighty fuck stick... its easily four times as big as yours Ted."

Jordan snorted, his tail whipping around in gleeful lust as those hefty hip's rolled. "Nnhhn... You heard the woman, Ray grab his cock, and get a knife ready. He won't be doing any fucking from now on." The black Bull snorted as he pumped that hot pussy, giving it to that Human cunt brutally hard now. He lifted Tawny's left leg up, and rolled her onto her side, so that Ted got a view of that long red pole plunging in and out of that angry red pussy flesh. "Ummmm, that's your WIFE I'm fucking Ted." The young Bull teased him, knowing the burly Human was getting off on it. "Ohoh, she's nice and TIGHT! She really wants me to cum in her... yeah, she wants Bull calves in her belly." The fat Bull grunted, getting a sweat worked up himself now... that snug Human snatch was really working on him, he was almost ready to give her his load. "Yeah... watch me... knock up your wife..."

Impassively the big Pachyderm whipped out his huge cold steel pocket knife, flicking it open and laying it on the bed, and then went back to stroked that hard human cock. But Ted hardly noticed that, as his face was suddenly exposed to the sight of a forearm thick Bull cock slamming balls deep into his sexy wife's oozing pussy. "Oho my God... Oh My God..." Ted panted weakly, as he watched entranced by the sight of his wife's sweet love tunnel being lustfully violated. "No... Nooooo please no... you... you can't!" But then the Human saw that thick urethra widen, surging and surging again and again and knew the Bull was cumming in Tawnys sweet sex. His own hard cock erupted, wetting the bed sheets with the Humans sticky creamy Human cum... while another male came hard inside his wife.

Jordan pulled Tawny into a deep, lustful bovine kiss as he emptied his meaty balls into her furless belly. The fat Bull bucking sharply, to make sure her husband watched his bollocks sway and roll. He let his thick load fill that Human cow, and nibbled on her neck as she moaned in ecstasy over that hot, powerful load. He let some of it ooze out her pussy, just so Ted could see with absolute proof that she was inseminated...

Ted moaned and sobbed as he watched that slimy Bull cum oozing out of his wife's red abused sex, his mouth hanging open widely. While Tawny's bright green eyes glazed as she looked up at the big Bull in raptured pleasure as he kissed and then nibbled her neck lustfully.

Jordan grinned, and nuzzled Tawny with his broad face. "So... want to watch your husband get castrated?"

"I... I guess I'd better..." She panted softly, but everyone even Ted could hear that the idea of it was exciting to her. "That way no one can say they were cheated."

Jordan laughed and gave the woman's breasts a playful squeeze, tweaking her hard little nipples. "Yes, just so. Alright Ted, it's time to get your balls cut of by a Bull... Maybe we'll saw off that Human excuse for a salami while we're at it." He smirked, and motioned to the Nulloed Elephant. "Ray, it's time to castrate Ted... hold him down please" The huge Pachyderm effortlessly grabbed Ted's arms, holding him in place. Calmly, Jordan reached out and picked up Ray's pocketknife... as he turned around on the bed.

"Just a sec..." Tawny moaned, as she slid down so that her gooey sex was just under Ted's face, and then grabbed his hair and shoved his face down. "I figure maybe he wants to try and lick your seed out... before it impregnates me." She snickered, as she watched Jordan move down between Ted's wide spread legs, even as Ray's huge body held him press into the soft mattress. "Ok take your due." She moaned picking up a bundle of cash, and thrusting it into Teds weakly opening and closing hands. Another that money seemed a hold lot less important to the big burly Human now. The Bull shifted, laying down on his side and lifting a leg up, making sure Ted could see his glistening, sweaty black balls. And that long, red cock that had just finished filling his wife with bovine cum, and showing her a new definition of sexual pleasure. With a smile he reached between the Human's pale thighs and grabbed his balls firmly, and brought the knife up to those pale, sweaty plums... "Ahah, here we come to it Ted. Your wife had a lovely cunt, but that's not all I want from you. Time to loose your balls... you'll never cum in your pretty wife again Ted; but don't worry... I'll take over that job from you." Teds spent cock jerked up slightly as the young Bull assured him that he'd take over fucking the nut-less Humans pretty wife... Clearly the idea still held a lot of sexual excitement for the burly red head. Even as his face was smeared in that big Bull's head cum and his tongue disappeared with no resistance within his wife's scalding hot pussy. As it was gaping open so wide he was able to get his chin inside of her as he lapping that hot bitter bovine spoo from her depths. Loud licking and lip smacking sounds raising from between Tawny's thigh's, even as she moaned softly in delight at the sensations Teds mouth were giving her.

Jordan slid that razor sharp blade across the Humans hairless sack neck, watching as that pale pink skin peeled back. Tawny jumped as the intensity of Ted's licking and suckling grew, as the big Bull worked furiously. More blood spurting out than the Bull was use to, but that razor edge quickly did it's work. The burly Human moaned loudly into his wife's hot sloppy hole. As that razor sharp cold steel blade castrated the husky Human in one swift cut... Tawny bucking hard onto Ted lapping tongue, as the sight of his fat jewels still in their floppy pink sack. Being held up completely detached in the young Bull's fat fist, sent yet another powerful wave of orgasms thundering through her. Her husband's powerful body sagged, and Ray stood up releasing him.

"AHAHAHA" Both Tawny and Ted moaned together as one felt, and the other watched as those fat swinging Human balls came off startlingly easily. "Ohooo my gods... Your a Steer honey!" Tawny squeal sounding far to excited, and pleased by that fact that a young stud had just neutered her husband.


The big Wolf counted out fifteen thousand dollars in five hundred dollar bills, and then smiled up at the pale bruised human. "That's it Ted... your all payed up. You know I was thinking of adding a surcharge for making me send out Pike and Derry. But since we're such old friends... and since you paid off in full. I'll wave that... so who do you like in the Pitt game. I'm giving greats odds on Buffalo." The big Wolf smirked, as he knew the poor fur-less monkey was going to be in the hole again in days.

"No..." Ted grunted, the burly red head seeming more passive and restrained than he ever had before.

"Don't like the Bill's huh... can't say I agree with you there... what with big Ben injured Pitt's going to have a hard time scoring." Mr. Briar snorted as he studied the Humans odd flat muzzle.

"I'm not gambling anymore..." Ted said softly as he rubbed his bruised face gently, his passive expression never changing.

"Awwww this isn't because Pike and Derry tickled that pretty wife of your's... is it? Because I've told them that your families off limits... from now on."

"Goodbye... I won't be seeing you again." Ted answered as he turned on his heel and marched out the officed door.

"He'll come back... his kind of loser always does." The short snubbed muzzled Bulldog growled as he watched Ted stroll away.

"Not this time I think..." The big Wolf growled, counting the money in his paw. Knowing it was the last he'd ever get from Ted Cogline. "Somethings different about him this time... I think that wife of his has got a shock collar on him."


Paying Debts 15

Jordan finds a new interest and a new male college employee... As ever played out with [![boinggoat]( "boinggoat") boinggoat]( Paying debts ...

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Rakhouse rendezvous 14

Jordan makes a deal with a big Elephant campus policeman... Rakhouse rendezvous Ray shifted in his seat uncomfortably, as he looked around the sitting room. It was full of so many antiques, that put together...

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Beat Down... A Halloween tale

This is a little story about Jake and Vera two furry kids living in the heartland... Trick or treat beat down Roan had just left his favorite gay bar just past Union Station, and was heading home for...

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