Beat Down... A Halloween tale

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#1 of Charns tales...




This is a little story about Jake and Vera two furry kids living in the heartland...

Trick or treat beat down

Roan had just left his favorite gay bar just past Union Station, and was heading home for the night. The night air was cold and clammy, and the big sexy red stallion was far to lightly dressed. And so was shivering as he clip clopped along the deserted streets, it was almost four in the morning. And sometime while he was in the club it had rained, leaving everything looking shiny and damp. The big horse was drunk on both alcohol and sex, he'd blown dozen's of guys that night. And gotten sucked himself until his huge equine cock ached and his balls felt light and empty.

High above him thunder rolled and lightening flashed across the night sky, which looked like it was going to burst any second. The massive red stallion decided to take a short cut down a nearby alleyway, he'd been warned about doing it of course. But he'd gotten away with it thousands of times, all over the city. And he was so close to his apartment, beside this was mostly a safe neighborhood. Rounding a blind corner the big Stallion didn't see the hulking figure lurking in the shadows. Just a sudden explosion of movement in his peripheral vision, and than that huge fist slammed into the side of his head. Bright star's exploded in front of his eyes, and Roan staggered sideways into a rough brick wall. A loud grunt of pain escaping the drunken equine, as he staggered around to face his attack. The hulk dark furred Wolverine was grinning wickedly, as the Stallion brought his defenses up. But it was like he was moving in slow motion, the big pred flicked out a jab almost to fast to follow and smashed the stallion's lip. Roan grunted again rocking back on his hooves and he tasted blood, his grinning attacker chuckling cruelly now.

As Roan's long pointed equine ears caught a sound behind him, scurrying claws on the wet asphalt. But he didn't have time to look back, as a hard foot paw drove up between his leg's. Smashing into his huge free swinging colt makers with brutal force, the sound the stallion made this time was much more high pitched. Clutching his bruised male hood he staggered knee's half buckling, as the Wolverine stepped forth grabbing his collar in one huge paw. Loud gruff guffaws coming from his huge attacker now as he watched the horse clutch those smashed nuts. While slamming the other massive fist into the horses muzzle, over and over so fast Roan had no time to even try and defend himself. Charging forwards he tried to clench with his attacker, but that stiff arm held him away.

And his own movement left him open for another swift kick from behind, that buckled his knee's and send him falling to the ground gagging. Hot bile in his throat gushing out on to the rain wet pavement, as his big attacker grabs a paw full of mane. Yanking that long narrow equine head back, so he can stand over the kneeling stallion and drop pile drive like punches straight into that up turned muzzle. The horses eyes fill with tears blinding him as that huge fist pounded into his big soft equine nose. Star's swarming around his head like ting brass nits while more and more blood poured from his nose and mouth. A cut opened up over his left eye, sending hot rivers of blood streaming down the side of his muzzle. And then like a answered pray blackness washed over the big horses senses and he knew no more.


Roan awoke with cold searing agony running through his shoulders and upper body, it took him a few seconds to realize why. Cold greasy steel chains were wrapped around his long arms and barrel chest, holding him up right and helpless. A few feet away the big dark Wolverine sat smiling, with his girl friend a small sleek striped feline. They were watching him slowly awake up, looking around Roan realized they were inside one of the old abandon garages in his neighborhood. Blood was still dripping heavily from his battered nose, and onto the red fur of his chest. Looking down the big stallion realized that be was naked now, and his ankles with heavily bound to a steel bar. So were held spread out wide apart, those fat bruised ball's dangling very low as always.

"Come on... Jake I say we just do it." The sleek pretty feline purred as she nuzzled her boyfriends muzzle teasingly. "He's a faggot I can tell..."

"Oh how can you tell that?" The Wolverine asked in amusement as his girlfriend wrinkled up her nose.

"Can't you smell it on him? The scent of other males crotch's on his muzzle... and that tail hole of his has obviously had lots of stuff up it."

"Yeah... but lets test him... that's more fun than just doing it." The Wolverine countered, making the sexy little feline laugh.

"You like wanting it don't you... watching me trying to get these guys off."

"Heheh... yeah. Dunno which I like more... you teasing and acting all sexy as hell... or them not being able to get it up for you... even to save themselves." The Wolverine chuckled darkly as he looked over at Roan, noticing the stallion was awake now. As he dangling there, the tip's of his big hooves barely touching the grease stained concrete floor. "Well now here he is..." Jake snickered, as he stood up and strolled over to the dangling equine grabbing a nipple between his thick fingers. Twisting and tugging on it savagely until he got the big semi conscious equine to groan loudly. "So ma girl here thinks yer a Fag... sez I should just neuter you." Jake smirked as he moved that big paw up to grasp the stallion's soft blood crusted chin. "But me... I'm fer giving a guy a chance." The big Wolverine laughed, as he slammed a brutal back hand into the horses soft mouth, splitting his lip's in a new place and reopening old cuts. Roans long narrow head swung to the side, a spray of blood splashing crimson stains on the dirty concrete floor. Roan groaned and shook his head as the ringing in his ear from the blow fades slowly. He look up at the Wolverine spitting some blood out of his muzzle onto the greasy floor to clear it out of his soft mouth. Roan glanced over at the feline a little worriedly, as she had him pegged to a T he was gay as it was possible to be. Now that didn't mean he didn't want to sire some foals... he just didn't want to have to do anything with fillies.

"Wha... I don't understand... Why would you want to neuter someone just because they were ga... a faggot?" Roan asked weakly, sounding dazed and making himself use that offensive word, hoping to maybe convince them that he wasn't gay. He really did want to keep his colt makers... they provided him with a lot of pleasure.

"Why... why would we wanta take a fags balls?" The big Wolverine snickered, looking back at his sexy girlfriend with a big sneering grin; clearly they were getting off on all of this. "To keep'em from corruptin' straight guys of course... sticking their cocks up those poor straight boy's ass's makin' em gay." The big Wolverine growled, throwing a half dozen brutal punches into the big equines flat taut belly. Before stepping back and flashing a grin at his sexy Tigress lover, who strolled up to the big stud and began rubbing the silky fur of her body against the horse. Opening her vest to rub those naked teats against him in away that was sure to give any straight male a chubby... Roan grunted and shuddered as he was unable to do anything but take the punches, the wind getting knocked out of him for a bit. Before he manage to spit out in a ragged breathless voice.

"Tha... that's not how you be... become gay." The big stallion watches as the Tigress approaches him shivering in disgust, as he caught a glimpse of her naked breasts. But tries desperately to disguise it as a shiver of lust, as the pair is watching him intensely. The big Stallion knowing the fate of his bruised and dangling package was on the line, he forced himself to look at her body and think of things that would arouse him. Roan thought of how just a short time ago he had been sucking on a another stallions mighty stud hood while offering his tail hole up to a sexy Buck. Roan tried to use those pleasant memories to stoke the fires of his own lust, but it is difficult as he knew a straight stallion wouldn't look away from this female baring herself in front him.

"Sure it is..." The Tigress snarled, stepping back so that she can slam a hard knee up into the dangling equines big low hanging balls with shocking force. Clearly she's not enjoying her sexual teasing of the stallion, knowing that it was a pointless exercise. She was just doing it for her big rough boy friend's entertainment. whinnied shrilly as his fat balls were kneed hard, gasping out loud as his world goes black for a few moments.

"Oh ya know all about gay boys do ya?" The Wolverine smirked, moving around behind the stallion leering at that sexy round equine ass. "I seen it all fer my self... hell they tried doin' that to me..." Sweeping in he smashed his huge fists into the horses kidneys, punching each side fast and hard like a boxer working over a heavy bad. While the tall lean Tigress shimmied out of her short leather skirt, and then shoving her lacy black panties down to expose her wet sex. When Roan lift's his head back up, gasping from the pain opening that battered muzzle to retort. When he saw the Wolverine move around and strike at his kidneys, bringing another loud screaming whinny of pain. The helpless Stallion cries out and shakes that long narrow head wildly, and whimpers a bit.

"And it looks like they succeeded... you can't seem to keep your hands off me." Roan spits defiantly, figuring that it didn't matter if he proved myself or not, they were going to hurt him either way. Blushing a bit at seeing the female feline expose her sex and the gay stallion inwardly frown, unable to understand what other males see in fucking something so... strange.

"NO!" The big burly Wolverine snarled in rage, throwing himself against the stallion's naked back; the horse feeling that hard male organ pressing against him. Huge paws grabbing his neck from behind, choking so hard the horse thought his attacker was going to kill him. "No they lost their ball's... I'm a male a real MALE!" The heavily muscled Wolverine snarled, as his girl friend pressed against the choking horse's front. Pumping her rock hard knee up into those bruised male jewels, until the big screaming equine's struggling body went limp from pain over load...

"You better be-careful..." She purred as the groggy Stallion slowly regained his senses, his guts feeling like a thousand angry bees were sting the insides. "He might just take more than your junk if you piss him off enough." She chuckled making a slashing motion across her sleek white furred throat.

Roan looked at the feline with wide eyes, as his air supply is choked off. The big equine thrashing against the bonds holding him, trying to free myself, even as he whinnied shrilly. As yet again as those precious orbs are brutalized, bringing tremendous pain shooting up from his mighty loins. After coughing hard for a few minutes, Roan sputter and said weakly. "If... if your such a male, then surely your not afraid of The Test?" The gay Stallion groaned out, not fully knowing what he is saying, but coming up with something to try and delay his own death or dismemberment. Those huge powerful hands release and the dangerous wild eyed Wolverine stomps back around in from of him, suddenly smiling again as he looks at the hanging horse.

"The test... Hahaha I get plenty hard and excited when Vera teases me!" He assured with a lustful grin as he hugs the tall Tigress, fondling her naked teats with a bloody paw. While fingering her wet slit with the other, and then smearing her juices on the horses big round nose. The strong scent of female feline arousal so strong, it even over rides the scent of blood heavy in the horses big round nose. Roan shakes his head gagging as his throat is released, watching with veiled disgust as Jake fondles his feline girlfriend. Shaking his head as his muzzle is coated with those strong smelling juices, and can't help but retch a little in disgust looking at the pair and saying.

"That is not The Test... if you really are a male, then you should be able to fuck a faggot in the tail hole and come out unscathed. But if you don't think your male enough for that, then its ok."

"Fuck a faggot in the tail hole..." Jake choked as he looked at the dangling stallion... a slightly sick look on his muzzle even as he licks his lip's. "I don't fuck males... only females... and neuters." The big Wolverine snarled as his smile comes back, as a sudden thought occurs to him. "Besides... there aint no faggots here right? Unless your admiring yer one."

"He is... you know he is." Vera snarled, as she pressed against his side fondling that hard cock in the Wolverines jeans. "Lets just nut him..."

While Roan glares at the big Wolverine and goads him farther. "It is alright then, your not a real male at least you can admit it to your girlfriends face." The bloody equine chuckled a bit, and shakes his head a bit before adding. "You have already decided I'm a faggot, it doesn't matter what I say. Your not gay either way for proving to your girlfriend that your a real male. Unless..." Roan look at the feline and smile his best smirking grin the effect ruined only slightly by his blood stained teeth. "Ohohoh, you have a thing for sissies bois huh."

"I'm a REAL MALE." Jake growled taking three quick steps, and driving his foot paw up into the dangling stallions crotch... _ 'THWACK!' _ And then leaps back and does it again and again, as the big equine bucks and struggles to curl up and protect himself. But can not, and so is forced to take the unrelenting assault, until with white foam dripping from the corners of his mouth the Wolverine staggers back panting for breath. While the horse begins to feel the damages done to his huge junk, oddly his thick cock dropped and swiftly hardens in the attack. Roan thrashed against the straps holding him, as the world goes white with pain. He tries to protect those sensitive balls, but can do nothing as the near rabid Wolverine pounds them again and again, wounding them severely. Against his better judgment the Stallion looks down as his throbbing stud stick grows and some pre-cum oozes out of that big blunt tip.

"He's no sissy..." Vera purred loving the show of her lover brutalizing the helpless horse, and not really caring about the sexual aspects. "He can fuck a slut hole like you all day... and still love my cunty." She assured with a almost orgasmic moan, flashing her lover a big smile before moaning. "Go on Jake fuck this sluts ass..." Roan watches in shock and amusement, as the big Wolverine is told to fuck him. Wondering if Jake would protest, this managing to move into his plan rather well so far the gay Stallion think to myself.

"After...afterwords..." Jake pants... wiping the foam from his mouth with one big bloody paw, as the Tigress moves up to snuggle against him, her sexy scent making him even hornier.

"No do it now... and when he cum from being pumped like a bitch I'll take his balls off..." Vera insisted fiercely, as she looks at the helpless horse in disdain. "You said I could do one anytime I wanted... well I want to do this one."

"Hahaha ok... ok my little predator." Jake laughed as he swiftly stripped out of his jean, and strolled up to the dangling horse. Grabbing a sensitive nipple between his sharp claws, he stabbed them through it savagely. Looking up with a dark smile, as the groggy Stallion's eyes widen the pain fully waking him. "Yer lucky nite Faggot... gunna get ma dick up yer pussy rut hole." Roan smiles a little, as the Tiger girl makes her boyfriend go through with it. Slowly he lifts that long flowing tail up and groaned as Jake pinches that fat nipple fiercely, bringing a fresh stab of pain to the equines body.

"We will see who is the faggot is... after we've cum." Roan sputtered and squirmed about against his bindings, wondering how painful or pleasurable this might feel.

"Yer the Faggot... always was always will be." Jake growled, as he twisted his claws free half ripping the nipple off. Before he circles around the dangling Stallion, sneering at that upraised tail. At last Jake stopped behind him, and spits into his palm smearing it on the tip of his thick but short fucker. And then throws himself against that big equines hot sweaty back roughly. Jabbing and thrusting his short fat fuck muscle like its a weapon, spearing that unready tail hole savagely. As cruel smile splayed across his lip's as he feels and hears that tail hole rip, hot thick equine blood helping to lube the way. Even as he pushed his muzzle against the horses broad back, biting hard on the ridge of that long equine neck. In front of them Vera kneels down, taking the horse's bruised swollen jewels into her paws kneading them and rolling them around in that velvety sac. Happily noting their swollen over stuffed condition, these orbs were on the verge of rupturing from all the abuse already inflicted upon them.

Roan blushes and groans, crying out hoarsely as his nipple is almost removed. Groaning and panting softly as he waited for the Wolverine to get into position. The Stallion squealing loudly as that Wolverine cock slammed into him, ripping into his tail hole tears streaming down the horses cheeks. The intense pain making that equine erection sag and Roan clenched myself as best he can. Whimpering and sobbing as he can feel those mighty balls moved around in their protective sack. He nickers nervously as he tries to keep the Tigress interested, even while biting back the pain of tail rape. Roan was startled when the Wolverine's head ducked under his up raised arm, to watch his Tigress girlfriend playing roughly with those fat balls. It just so happened that Roan's big drooling equine cock was dangling towards that side. That huge blunt equine cock head almost touching Jake's furry cheek, the scent of it heavy in his sensitive nose. The strong heady scent of equine pre-cum, and sweaty masculine musk almost overwhelming. The big Wolverine had never had to face this kinda thing before, their previous victims had either never gotten erect. Or had lost their erections after Jake had ripped, bitten or cut his testes off. But now here was this big hard cock, rubbing against Jake's nose. Filling his sense with powerful scents of male musk, and sweet salty equine pre-cum that left the big predator lost in a turbulent sea of male lust.

The big trapped stallion began bucking his hip's back and forth, that hard mushroom sharped cock head suddenly slapping against the Wolverines muzzle. Smearing his slick slimy equine pre-cum over those twisted lip's, Jake looked shocked and disgust at first. With the silvery stud milk smeared all over his lip's and cheeks, but as that big blunt cock head oozed and smacked up against his muzzle again. The big Wolverine at last gave up and opened his mouth, letting it thrust into him. That big hot cock head pulsing as it slid smoothly over his tongue, giving the big Predator a taste of creamy stud milk. And unlike what he told his girlfriend it was not his first taste of another males fliuds.

"WWWEEEHEHEHEEE." The big stallion squealed, more to draw the Tigress's attention away from his orbs and up to her boyfriend who now had a cock in his mouth. Enjoying the startled look that splayed across the feline's muzzle, as she watched her big straight boyfriend. Let that big hard horse cock fuck his muzzle eye's closed a look of intense pleasure on his muzzle. Even as he forcefully slammed his own hard cock balls deep into that tight equine tail hole. As he rolled his hip's back and forth, Roan watched that startled looking melt into shock. And then anger and growing outrage as she watched the two males enjoying each other... Her big deadly paws dipping lower between the big stallion's wide spread leg's. Roan watched it all with growing delight, as things unfolded just like he was wanting.

Vera's startling green eye's burned with a emerald fire, as he watched her boyfriends mouth begin to actively suck that huge horse cock. Anger and jealousy filling the very core of her being, this faggot was taking her boyfriend away. Turning him into a passive little cock sucker, the look of ecstasy splayed all over Jake muzzle mocking her. Even as the big Wolverine fucked the helpless stallion hard and more passionately than he ever had her. Those big deadly striped paws unsheathe their long wicked needle sharp claws. Slipped back catching those big flopping low dangling balls, feeling them tensing and straining. Soon very very soon indeed they would release spurt thick creamy streams of stud milk...

Jake's glaze eyes half closed, as that hot throbbing cock fucked deeper and deeper into his throat. The pleasure that hot clenching tail hole was providing his needy cock making his mouth all the more fawning. His ragged breath whistling through his flaring nostrils, as his big body slammed more and more lustfully against that hot equine body. "Ummmm... Uhuuuu Ummmm..." Jake moaned loudly around that big surging horse cock in his mouth, as his fat dangling nuts suddenly drew up. Short thick cock tensing as hard as steel within the stallion winking clenching rut hole. As it resisted for a second longer, and then began blasting the Wolverines thick spunk like a fire hose. _ 'RRRIIIPPP!' _ Needle sharp claws ripped through the soft but tough skin of that dangling jewel sack. Jake's beady dark eyes flew open wide and he looked down in horror, even as that huge cock in his muzzle force fed him about a gallon of horse cum.

Vera's pretty muzzle was twisted up into a vicious grimace of cruel delight and vengeful pleasure. As she held up those two big naked orb's pale and oozing blood and cum. Showing Jake her prizes in triumph, before popping them into her muzzle. Chewing them up slowly, as the big Wolverine gagged and choked on that powerful rush of horse cum. Jake's knee's gave out then and his big powerful body sagged to the greasy shop floor. His short fat cock sliding out of the horse's ass, still dribbling his last load.

"Wha... wha..." The neutered Wolverine gasped, as he looked down at the ragged wound where his big potent balls had once hung. Looking up as his former girlfriend from between the horses wide spread legs, as Vera's paws swiftly skinned off Roan's hefty balls. "Why... Vera why..."

"Shut up cock sucker." The sleek little Tigress snarled, as she popped one of those big equine ball's into her mouth. Gobbling it up hungrily, as Jake watched in awe and horror. The big dangling horse's body beginning to change, sleek red fur brightening to a glistening bloody crimson. The Tigress to wrapped up in savoring those fat male treats to realize something odd was happening. Popping that second big orb into her mouth Vera crunched down, but instead of sweet fatty organ meat. The bitter foul taste of sulfur choked her, leaping to her feet paws the Tigress spat and gagged stumbling backwards. Looking up in horror at the bloody crimson apparition, that now floated above her. Free of those chains the Night Stallion whinnied loudly, flames flickering from his nostrils death in his eyes. "Wha... What are you?" Vera stammered still gagging and retching on the horror that burned within her muzzle and belly...

"I am HELL..." The bloody Night Stallion neighed as he swooped down at her, lifting the sexy feline into the air. Even as flames erupted out of her nose, mouth, eyes, ear's, anus and dripping sex. "And I'm here for you..." He whinnied loudly as a pit of black flames opening in the floor he swooped down caring her to Hell...

The broken neutered Wolverine crawled away, only to be found by passersby and taken to a nearby hospital. Where he made a full recovery, and was forced to live the rest of his life a gay bottom boi to big horny tops...


Charn sat back and watched the young furs cringe and shiver in fear for a second, as the campfire crackled and blazed. Smirking at the effect his tale of terror had on all the Wolves, Cheetahs, Coyotes, Hyenas and others. "Ok... now eat your treats..." The big Tiger chuckled holding out a heavily laden tray, pale and shiny male orb's stacked high. The group erupted in delighted giggles, paws scrambling to each get as many treats as possible...

Happy Halloween...


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